


.© Researched and Written By Starfire Tor

Thanks for visiting the Starfire Tor 2011 Predictions, Precognitions, And Psi Data Downloads section. Some of the information you heard when Starfire Tor was on Coast to Coast AM hosted by Whitley Strieber, and Whitley Strieber's Dreamland radio can be found in this section. But some of the information is still being compiled to be uploaded as soon as possible.

Asteroid Strike 6/23/2002, Results


Initial Report

Then something else and unexpected happened. I saw something big and bright streaking toward the earth from space and entering the earth's atmosphere. I followed it in astral flight and found myself back in Australia where I had another astral a week or so before. I saw something crash into a lake in Australia, and then lots of people looking for it. I didn't stay long enough to see what it was, but in the astral I knew that it was connected to the deep line of energy that I saw in Australia in that earthquake astral. One was attracting the other, somehow. There was something like a tunnel system under there. A helicopter comes and the impact sight is video taped, so I think this will be seen on the news.

A 'Meteor' Strike In Australia




On Sunday, June 23, 2002 I experienced one of the most unusual OBEs I’ve ever had. It was like being in a “Ground Hog Day” movie starring an earth threatening asteroid. Interestingly, on July 9, 2002 asteroid 2002 NT7 was discovered. This was only 16 days after my OBE. Scientists said it may make a near earth flyby in 2019, and it caused quite a lot of public interest because it topped the list of NASA’s near earth orbit asteroid threats. Then on July 14, 2002 – only 21 days after my asteroid OBE - asteroid 2002 NY 40 was also discovered. It made a near earth flyby in August 2002, and created a lot of interest. It got the world talking about the danger of asteroids impacting Earth.

Having these near earth orbit asteroids discovered, only days and weeks after my OBE, represents the type of synchronicity tied into multiple co-existing time lines calibration activity. Because the brain is the interface to the Core Matrix, and the Core Matrix acts as a hard drive that operates and transmits the streaming data programs that make up the various co-existing time lines, the synchronicity is a marker of multiple time line edits involving the asteroids. Are either of these asteroids the one I encountered in my OBE? It could very well be.

There’s more to this precog OBE, because I continue to encounter the asteroid “Ground Hog Day” movie experience to this day. It’s a recurring OBE, which to me means that the earth is still in danger of an asteroid strike – or a comet strike – or a meteor strike. This is because the later OBE scenes are not always an asteroid. Whether someone in the OBE is misidentifying the object from space, I thought it best not to only put my concern with an asteroid and nothing else that’s out there beyond our atmosphere.

And there’s another thing. In 1999 I had a precog hit with a meteor that fell into a lake in Australia. It happened only days after I had the precog, and has been in my Future Event Precognition section for years.

Since I have a very high precog hit rate, including the hits I had with my predictions for 2010, I believe that the world should take my concerns very seriously. I also call upon all countries to get together, share brains and technology, and keep all of those organic space travelers away from planet earth.

All countries and people should use the earth strike danger as a way to embrace a common cause that binds us as one people living on planet Earth, and not the warring world that we have today. If you don’t band together, in genuine concern, your person beliefs and agendas won’t mean anything. The asteroid, or comet, or meteor strike will end us all. Game over.


News Reports



Asteroid 2002 nt7 was discovered by the LINEAR team on July 9, 2002. The asteroid orbit is highly inclined when compared to the Earth’s orbit around the Sun. It nearly intersects the orbit of the Earth. While the orbits of Earth and asteroid 2002 NT7 are close to one another at one point in their respective orbits, that does not mean that the asteroid and Earth themselves will get close to each other. After an object like NT7 is discovered the limited number of observations make it difficult to figure a trajectory and it is given a score of 1 on the Torino scale. A 1 only means that the object requires further study. More observations will be made and an accurate trajectory will be made then the Torino score will be lowered to0 as the object is determined to be of no threat to the Earth.

Asteroid 2002 NT7 still tops the list of NASA/JPL NEO Impact Risks because of the low-probability Earth impact prediction for 2019.



Look at that Asteroid

A big space rock will soon come so close to Earth that sky watchers can see it through binoculars.

July 30, 2002: Relax, there's no danger of a collision, but it will be close enough to see through binoculars: a big space rock, not far from Earth.

Astronomers discovered the nearby asteroid, named 2002 NY40--not to be confused with better-known 2002 NT7--on July 14th. It measures about 800 meters across, and follows an orbit that ranges from the asteroid belt to the inner solar system. On August 18th, the asteroid will glide past our planet only 1.3 times farther away than the Moon.

"Flybys like this happen every 50 years or so," says Don Yeomans, the manager of NASA's Near-Earth Object Program office at JPL. The last time (that we know of) was August 31, 1925, when another 800-meter asteroid passed by just outside the Moon's orbit. In those days there were no dedicated asteroid hunters--the object, 2001 CU11, wasn't discovered until 77 years later. At the time of the flyby, no one even knew it was happening.

2002 NY40 is different. We know the asteroid is coming, and astronomers have time to prepare.

One team of observers led by Mike Nolan at the giant Arecibo radar in Puerto Rico will "ping" 2002 NY40 with radio waves as it approaches Earth. Such data result in impressive 3D maps of asteroids, which have often surprised astronomers with their weird shapes. Some prove to be binary systems (one space rock orbiting another) and one even looks like a dog bone.

"Radar data will also improve our knowledge of the asteroid's orbit," adds Jon Giorgini, a member of the radar team from JPL. "At present, we know there's little risk of a collision with 2002 NY40 for decades. When the Arecibo radar measurements are done, the orbit uncertainties should shrink by more than a factor of 200. We'll be able to extrapolate the asteroid's motion hundreds of years into the past and into the future, too."

2002 NY40 is faint now. It shines by reflected sunlight like a 17th magnitude star. As it nears Earth, however, the space rock will brighten, soaring to 9th magnitude on August 18th. That's about 16 times dimmer than the dimmest star you can see without a telescope. But as asteroids go, it's very bright.

"Asteroids are hard to see," explains Yeomans, "because they're mostly black like charcoal. The most common ones--carbon-rich C-type asteroids--reflect only 3% to 5% of the light that hits them. Metallic asteroids, which are somewhat rare, reflect more: 10% to 15%."

"We don't know yet what this asteroid is made of," he continued, "but we'll have a much better idea by the end of August." Astronomers using ground-based telescopes will have little trouble recording the asteroid's spectrum and thus its composition.

On the date of closest approach, the asteroid will sail past Vega, the brightest star in the evening summer sky. Sky watchers with powerful binoculars or small telescopes can see it--a speck of light moving 8 degrees per hour. (Note: The flyby will be visible mostly from Earth's northern hemisphere; this is not a good opportunity for southern sky watchers. North Americans can see it best after sunset on Aug. 17th; Europeans should look during the hours before dawn on Aug. 18th.)

Something extraordinary will happen hours after 2002 NY40 passes Earth: the space rock will quickly fade.

Asteroids, like moons and planets, have phases. The sunlit side of 2002 NY40 is facing Earth now. It's full, like a full Moon. On August 18th, the asteroid will cross Earth's orbit on its way toward the Sun. Then the phase of the asteroid will change--from full to gibbous to half.... finally the night side will turn to face Earth. The asteroid will grow dark, like a new Moon.

It's not every day you can peer through binoculars and see a near-Earth asteroid--and then see it disappear. But 2002 NY40 has a lot to offer.

"Mother Nature is making it very easy for us to study this one," says Yeomans. That's good because "we need to know more about near-Earth asteroids in case we ever need to destroy or deflect one." What are they made of? How are asteroids put together? These are key questions that 2002 NY40 will help answer.

"Don't forget," adds Yeomans, "most asteroids pose no threat to Earth. But they do contain valuable metals, minerals and even water that we might tap in the future." When such asteroids come close (but not too close!) we have relatively easy access to them--both to study and, one day perhaps, to visit.

Or, to paraphrase Nietzsche, asteroids (like 2002 NY40) that do not hit us, make us stronger.


2011 Information Index

Disturbing Dreams & OBE Cluster Of Death, Doom, And Destruction
Initial Precognition Event Report

Precognition Event Confirmed

Asteroid Strike 6-23-2002 Report

Asteroid Strike 6-23-2002 Results

Initial 2010 Prediction Report

2010 Prediction Results Index



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