



The Whale And Dolphin People Project is a game changer campaign to stop the killing of whales & dolphins by changing their status from animal to non-human person.

To transform my plan, from a well researched concept to a realistic victory for the whales and dolphins, I need to get your undivided attention and unwavering support. In this I intend to shock, dazzle, amaze, inspire, and empower you.

SHOCK you with images of carnage.

DAZZLE you with enlightened science.

AMAZE you with an ingenious plan.

INSPIRE you to rise to the occasion.

EMPOWER you to save the whales and dolphins.

Taking in the material on this website is very important, because being informed is the first best step toward understanding the purpose and power of my plan. The Whale And Dolphin People Project has the potential to unite people planet-wide regardless of country, culture, economics, borders, governments, gender, skin color, or religions. Therefore, it’s of utmost importance that my plan be energized by a visible and monumental show of global support.

Although this is the main website for The Whale And Dolphin People Project, the campaign has a cause page on both FaceBook and MySpace. The goal is to get one million people to friend the cause in a show of strength and solidarity. Joining is free and immediate, and when you do you can post your thoughts, share information, upload photos and videos, and create or join a discussion group.

Starfire Tor
The Whale And Dolphin People Project




Starfire Tor encourages the sharing of her material, found on her http://www.starfiretor.com website, in free sharing zones. Starfire Tor's material is copyrighted, and if shared with others must include the full title of the material, Starfire Tor's name as author and researcher, and the Starfire Tor web page of origin from this web site. Sharing Starfire Tor's material, without proper acknowledgement as stated, is an act of plagiarism. Please report any infractions, with URL, to  Webmaster - Sharri Lorraine

If you would like to contact the founder of The Whale And Dolphin People Project please address all comments and interview requests to Starfire Tor here: info@thewhaleanddolphinpeopleproject.org