

Asteroid Hit/Time Travel

© Researched and Written By Starfire Tor

Experienced Sunday, June 23, 2002
Published Thursday, June 27, 2002

I've had a very strange OBE, and not just because it involves new subject matter for me, but also in the way I experienced the OBE. This was an OBE which was the result of a 'global search' OBE, which I sometimes do to scan the planet to psi see what I might see.

The OBE started out in the usual way, with the launch from a waking state with a goal to see what might attract my attention. I didn't have any particular subject matter in mind. But from that ordinary beginning nothing else about the OBE unfolded like any other OBE I've ever had. This is because parts of the OBE were moving backwards and forwards in time, and with some parts being in slow motion, other in fast motion, and other in regular motion.

The center event of the OBE was a large chunk of space rock that was headed for a splashdown in a body of water. I got some very good and sustained looks at this flying rock because in the OBE it was moving in slow motion. I was able to move around in time, backwards and forwards, and as I did this the asteroid seemed to be almost suspended in the lower atmosphere of the planet. Within the OBE, to me, it seemed to move a few feet every hour or so. I was taking advantage of this 'new' OBE power and working to find ways to evacuate people to the safest place possible.

Let me describe this flying rock as it appeared to me, in that almost frozen frame view: The rock itself was tan, seemed large, but the exact size is hard to gauge because of perspective. At one point it moved over the water near buildings, and from that view I'd say it was rectangular to oblong shaped with a very uneven surface. It was longer than it was wide, but not by much from my perspective which was a side view. I never saw it from above and I did not see it enter the atmosphere from space. I came upon it when it was already in our atmosphere and near a splashdown. I assumed it was an asteroid only because that seemed logical to my lucid mind. However, I never saw a trail of debris that I'd think an asteroid would make. I suppose the rock could have been unearthed and flung by a volcano, but I didn't see a volcano or the aftermath of one. The skies were bright and blue. So for now, it's a rock that came from space.

In one series of time travel movement, I would look at the slowly descending rock and then move people to various locations that I thought might be safe. The biggest threats, because it was hitting water, was this huge concussive/explosive effect and walls of water that would smash everything in its path. I'd move people to high ground, watch the big rock hit, watch what would happen, see the people weren't in the best place, go back in time to before it hit, move the same people again to a safer place. In effect I could replay the disaster again and again, using what I learned to go back in time to do it better.

I also spent the moving in time to find experts who would help me get people to safety. I learned a lot about building construction and natural land features, which can be used to save lives. But there were also people - very stubborn - who wrongly thought that they could remain safe in their homes and taller buildings. I knew that I might have to leave them to their fate if they didn't smarten up. With all the people that needed to be moved, the ones that didn't smarten up and needed extra time spent on them meant taking time away from others who hadn't yet been alerted. I didn't know how long I could keep up this "try and try again" style of OBE rescue.

Not only have I never had an OBE with these time travel features, but I never had an OBE - or even a dream - about an asteroid hitting the earth. When I came back to the waking world, this OBE weighed on my mind. What had I witnessed? WHEN in time had I witnessed it. As I was interacting with people, I didn't notice anything that indicated I was in the far future or the past. It seemed like the modern world I knew, which I suppose means it's from now until ... when? How long will buildings look the same, people dress similarly, as they are today? 1 year? 5 years? 25 years? 50 years?



2011 Information Index

Disturbing Dreams & OBE Cluster Of Death, Doom, And Destruction
Initial Precognition Event Report

Precognition Event Confirmed

Asteroid Strike 6-23-2002 Report

Asteroid Strike 6-23-2002 Results

Initial 2010 Prediction Report

2010 Prediction Results Index


Starfire Tor encourages the sharing of her material, found on her http://www.starfiretor.com website, in free sharing zones. Starfire Tor's material is copyrighted, and if shared with others must include the full title of the material, Starfire Tor's name as author and researcher, and the Starfire Tor web page of origin from this web site. Sharing Starfire Tor's material, without proper acknowledgement as stated, is an act of plagiarism. Please report any infractions, with URL, to Webmaster - Sharri Lorraine









