


© Researched And Written By
Starfire Tor

This report may be circulated on mailing lists, boards, news groups, and web sites, providing it is credited with the author's name and web site where the report originates.

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The Chronicle-Herald - Provincial archive

Rescuers pull woman, little boy from car
The Chronicle-Herald - Provincial - 15/11/2002 - 387 words
Patricia Brooks ;Randy Jones - Heroic passersby dived into a flooded Waverley marsh Thursday to pull an unconscious woman from her submerged car and used a boom truck to rescue her toddler. Both mother and ...

Boy critical after rescue from marsh
The Chronicle-Herald - Provincial - 16/11/2002 - 131 words
A little boy is clinging to life after he and his mother were rescued from their submerged car on Thursday. Four-year-old Evan Robert Grace and his mother Shelly Yates ...

Four-year-old still in critical condition
The Chronicle-Herald - Metropolitan - 19/11/2002 - 103 words
A child trapped inside a submerged car with his mother is still in critical condition. Four-year-old Evan Robert Grace and his mother Shelly Yates, 37, both of Bedford ...

'Not all angels have wings'; A mother writes to thank the men who ...
The Chronicle-Herald - 20/11/2002 - 1231 words
Shelly Yates - IT WAS A BLUSTERY day when I awoke on Thursday morning, the kind of day everyone likes to stay inside, a wonderful opportunity to keep my four-year-old son ...

Hats off to humble heroes; Trio credited with saving life of woman...
The Chronicle-Herald - Provincial - 21/11/2002 - 626 words
Lois Legge - They've been hailed as heroes since the dramatic rescue of a mother and son from a flooded Bedford marsh a week ago. The mother, Shelly Yates, has even called ...

Rescued boy asks to go home; Four-year-old walking, playing as mir...

The Chronicle-Herald - 28/11/2002 - 319 words
Our Staff - The mother of a little boy rescued from a submerged car two weeks ago hopes they will celebrate Christmas at home. Shelly Yates told television news reporters that her son ...

Rescuers plunge into water, pull little boy, mom from car
Canadian Press
By Patricia Brooks

Heroic passersby dove into a flooded Waverley marsh Thursday to pull an unconscious woman from her submerged car and used a boom truck to rescue her little boy.

Both mother and her son were in hospital Thursday evening, with the child in critical condition. One rescuer said the child was about four years old, while the RCMP said he was a toddler.

The car was apparently travelling outbound on Rocky Lake Road from Bedford to Waverley shortly before 1:20 p.m.

The car hit a stream of water rushing across the pavement just metres past Rocky Lake Quarry Ltd. The car then hydroplaned, flipped onto its roof and started sinking into the marsh.

Paddy Hilchie of Waverley was driving on Rocky Lake Road toward his Waverley home with his friend Jeff Winters, a Halifax Regional Police officer.

Mr. Hilchie was talking on the cellphone to Mark Hoadley of Dartmouth, who was going the other way.

"Mark said, 'Did you see a car upside down in the lake?' And I said no, and he hollered he was calling 911," Mr. Hilchie said.

They drove back to the site and Mr. Hilchie and Mr. Hoadley jumped into the water to look for the car's occupants.

"When we were underwater and came up for air, we couldn't breathe - it was so cold," said Mr. Hilchie, a diabetic who had heart bypass surgery two years ago. "There was panic going on then. We're not professionals, you know."

They pulled the unconscious woman out of the sunken car and dragged her to the bank. Mr. Winters began performing CPR.

"She was awfully blue," Mr. Hilchie said. "She had no pulse whatsoever."

When the 37-year-old woman came to, she told the rescuers that her son was still inside the car.

"She said, 'My baby! Where's my baby boy?' " Mr. Hilchie said.

He and Mr. Hoadley and a fourth man dove back into the murky water and reached into the car but couldn't find the child.

Then a fifth man, whom Mr. Hilchie also didn't know, went to the quarry and got a truck equipped with a log boom.

The boom truck hooked onto the car's back wheels and lifted the car out of the water with the child still inside.

With emergency crews on the way, Mr. Winters started CPR on the child, who Mr. Hilchie said was four years old.

"He brought her baby back, too," Mr. Hilchie said of his friend.

Paramedics rushed both victims to hospital in Halifax, Health Department spokesman Morris Green said.

The child, taken to the IWK Health Centre, was in critical condition at 7 p.m., Const. Marshall said.

The woman's condition worsened en route to hospital, Mr. Green said, but she was later listed in good condition at the Queen Elizabeth II Health Sciences Centre.

Despite their efforts, Mr. Hilchie felt guilty that they couldn't find the boy, and worried that the mother would be upset with them for not doing more.

"I'm not a religious person but I will pray for that boy," he said.

Steve Comeau, deputy chief of the Waverley Fire Department, described it as a horrific scene.

"I knew it was a bad situation," he said.

While paramedics helped the two victims, his firefighters tended to those who saved them.

The deputy chief was shaken when he realized the woman driving the car was a friend of his who lives in Waverley.

He described her as a nice person but when asked for more details, he said: "I'm not going to talk about her at all."

Mr. Hilchie and Mr. Hoadley were taken to the Cobequid Multi-Service Centre in Lower Sackville for treatment.

Another man was treated at the scene for slight hypothermia, Mr. Green said.

The accident happened about three kilometres down the road from the Bedford Highway. The speed limit on that stretch is 80 kilometres an hour.

The road frequently floods during heavy rains, Deputy Chief Comeau said.

RCMP are still investigating.

Deputy Chief Comeau said the actions of all the rescuers were impressive and deserved praise.

"You think about it - you're driving by and see a lady and her child in the water. I guess people will do (heroic) things without thinking," he said.

But Mr. Hilchie was adamant that they were not heroes. They were doing what anybody else would've done.

"This is scary," he said. "That could be anybody - that could be my wife and daughter. That makes you think."

'Not all angels have wings'
The Chronicle Herald

A mother writes to thank the men who saved her and her son from certain death in a submerged car, the medical personnel who helped heal him and everyone who prayed for his recovery.

By Shelly Yates

IT WAS A BLUSTERY day when I awoke on Thursday morning, the kind of day everyone likes to stay inside, a wonderful opportunity to keep my four-year-old son Evan home from day care to spend the day with him and have play dates with his little friends. We had spent the morning at a friend's house with the intention of having the afternoon with baby Aaron, Evan's other little friend in Porters Lake.

The weather was not exceptionally bad and I felt no fear heading toward the highway. I did, however, miss the turnoff for the highway to Dartmouth and fatefully decided to take Rocky Lake Road.

Moments after turning onto Rocky Lake Road, I hit what appeared to be a large puddle, but within seconds I realized I could not recover from the hydroplane the car had taken toward the guardrail. I was shaken but not panicking while the car slid up the guardrail like a roller-coaster.

How it happened I'll never know, but as the two side wheels reached the top of the guardrail, the car spun itself over and landed roof-first into what appeared to be some sort of marsh. We had been driving quite slow and there was no impact on myself or Evan.

"Are you all right, sweetie?" I asked. "Stay calm, Mommy just has to get the window open so we can crawl out."

Evan was calm, not crying. He was still strapped in the seatbelt and I felt confident I could put down the window and crawl out with no injuries. As I opened the driver's side window, gallons of water rushed in and I realized we weren't in a boggy ditch but in a lake. Now panic set in.

Going with my initial thought, I continued to roll down the window. I was a certified national lifeguard and I figured it would just mean swimming out with Evan instead of crawling. This is where the second tragedy hit.

The electric windows of my car fried out and the window was only opened four inches. I couldn't possibly get us out through there. I tried the other windows. They were all shorted out as well. The open window caused a vacuum in the car. I couldn't open it and I couldn't close it to stop the water from streaming in. The vacuum pulled the car over on its side and we sank into the murky water. I still had my wits about me and decided once the car was full of water I could open the door.

It was at this point I decided to let Evan out of his seatbelt. He had been quiet all this time, I'm sure having faith that good old Mom could fix anything.

The water rushed up over our faces and the last words I said to Evan were, "Stay calm, honey, we'll be out soon."

I was unprepared for the coldness of the water or the darkness and when I reached out for Evan he was gone. I panicked, searching around inside the dark car for some piece of my small boy to haul out of this sinking car. I frantically waved my arms about, grabbing for anything in the darkness; I couldn't even attempt to open the door because I couldn't find Evan.

The cold water took me fast and I felt myself slipping away. I knew there was no hope of opening the door for I was too weak. My last thoughts were to miraculously find my sweet baby so we could at least die together. His small body eluded me, and I gave myself over to the murky water.

I guess this is the part where my wingless angels descended on us and pulled us from death's clutches. These first angels were Paddy, Jeff and Mark. They were not only big, strong guys, they were prepared, with cellphones, intelligence and ingenuity, not to mention unquestionable bravery.

As words cannot describe the terror I felt that day, words also fail me now to express my gratitude to these selfless men. They went above and beyond anything and everything that makes us human, therefore all my love and gratitude to those wingless angels.

I cannot attest to anything from that time till they brought me back. I can, however, tell you my first words were: "Do you have my baby? Get my baby out!" The rest you will have to get from the wingless angels about what happened to Evan.

The trip to the hospital was agonizing. I kept screaming for Evan. It was then that I found three more wingless angels pulling at me and encouraging me to stay because Evan would be here soon and he would need me. Ritchie Angel held my hand and reassured me, while my other two angels had no faces at this time.

The searing pain while I was at the QEII was equally bad.

"Where's my baby, I need to see my baby!"

Reluctantly, the angel in the white lab coat, still nameless at this time, discharged me against his advice and I was rushed to the IWK.

Meanwhile, I had three more wingless angels whose names I can tell: Margo Coughlan, Jody Bucci and James McCubbin kept me focused, warm and encouraged to find Evan and help bring him back to me. To all the beautiful faces from the roadside to the hospital, I apologize for not knowing your names and maybe not remembering your faces, but I will always remember your eyes. Loving tender eyes of wingless angels who spoke to me of hope and the power of love.

I hope to seek out each and every angel to bestow upon them my gratitude, but should I never find you, please never think you have not touched my heart forever.

I find my sweet Evan in pediatric ICU. He resembled an experiment from an alien movie. The emotions were overwhelming.

"Surely to God, this could not be my child."

How could I be walking and talking and he not be there at all.

"Please wake me up, I'm in the Twilight Zone and I can't get out. This must be a sign of things to come if I don't improve my mommy skills."

No, this was true!

The doctors held out little hope. They said he was almost brain-dead. "Almost," I said. "Well, almost is not definitely."

So from this point forward, Evan will be referred to only in a positive light, no maybes, no negativity. That was the standing order for everyone who was to put their hands on my baby. He managed the night, and the next night his bowels began bleeding. Again I was told not to hold out much hope. I said, "Until you say the boy is dead, everything is possible."

Mind you, between my bursts of "I have it all together," I fell apart so many, many times.

We began a chain of wingless angels and rotated throughout the days and nights. Wingless angels who were to touch Evan, sing to him, hold his hand and encourage him with their powerful healing energies. This chain of loving friends and family ran continuously, night and day, for 3 1/2 days and I can ecstatically tell you that this evening Evan's first real signs of getting well were apparent.

His reflexes are good and he has opened his eyes. He can push away an irritating hand and squeeze a loving finger. This loving chain of human energy has nurtured and facilitated Evan's battle to get well. Between "It doesn't look good, you should prepare yourself," to "Good, good, I'm very pleased," there are a lot of wingless angels.

Paul, Monica, Paulette, Jody, Margo, Heather, Syble, Nana, Poppy, Aunt Liann, big sister Emma, Uncle Bruce, James, Donna, Dan, Suzanne, Trisha, Catherine, the fabulous hospital staff, the paramedics, the Waverley Fire Department. Each hand that touched my baby left its healing energies of love and they have not only healed his sweet, injured body but I know will heal his little mind and his soul.

Thank you, thank you, to all the hundreds of people who prayed for my sweet angel; you are faceless, nameless angels whom I may never know, but I guarantee I never look in anyone's eyes now without saying a silent thank-you because I never know where or when I may encounter a wingless angel.

Boy submerged 20 minutes in sunken car unexpectedly regains consciousness
Canadian Press
Thursday, November 21, 2002 – Print Edition, Page A16

HALIFAX -- A four-year-old boy who was submerged in a sunken car for 20 minutes before being rescued has regained consciousness and is recovering.

Evan Grace's condition has been upgraded to fair from critical, a spokesman for the IWK Health Centre in Halifax said yesterday.

That means he is conscious and his prognosis is favourable, but such patients "may be uncomfortable or have minor complications," said the spokesman, who would give no further details.

RCMP spokesman Peter Marshall said he had received word from the investigator that the little boy "is doing much better."

"There's no brain damage. . . . He's up and around."

The boy ended up in a Halifax-area marsh after his mother's car hydroplaned in heavy rain, flipped over a guardrail and landed upside down in the water last week.

The mother, Shelly Yates, was pulled unconscious from the car by three men who jumped into the water and swam to the sunken vehicle. They did not know the boy was inside it until Ms. Yates was revived and began screaming for him.

The men then tried to reach the boy but could not find him in the murky water. Eventually a boom truck was used to pull the car from the marsh and the unconscious boy was rushed to hospital, where officials told his mother he probably wouldn't live.

Ms. Yates, in a letter this week in two Halifax newspapers, recounted the harrowing details of her ordeal and thanked the three rescuers -- Paddy Hilchie, Jeff Winters and Mark Hoadley.

"They were not only big strong guys, they were prepared with cellphones, intelligence and ingenuity, not to mention unquestionable bravery," she wrote of the men.

"They went above and beyond anything and everything that makes us human, therefore all my love and gratitude to those wingless angels."

Mr. Hilchie, who jumped into the water despite having diabetes and a heart ailment, said he felt racked by guilt when they were unable to reach the boy as quickly as they did his mother.

"I've felt very guilty and it was a whole week ... a constant thing, what if, what if, what if," he said yesterday.

"Mine, personally, was what if I'd just tried harder or gone in deeper or held my breath longer, withstood the cold longer."

Mr. Winters, a police officer who revived the mother at the accident scene, had similar feelings.

"We all had guilt, thinking, 'Why didn't we do more?' " he said.

But all that changed when Mr. Hoadley and Mr. Hilchie, who were both treated for hypothermia, saw a conscious Evan and received personal thanks from his mother at the hospital Tuesday night.

"She just thanked us from the bottom of her heart," Mr. Hilchie said. "It was so warm and meaningful and so touching for somebody we didn't know."

Mother thanks 'wingless angels' for brave rescue
National Post

By Richard Foot

Thursday, November 21, 2002

HALIFAX - It seems extraordinary that four-year-old Evan Grace is alive. Yet today he lies in a Halifax hospital -- breathing on his own, his eyes wide open -- with Shelley Yates, his mother, sitting at his side.

Mrs. Yates and her son owe their lives to good fortune and the courage of strangers who launched a daring rescue after their car flipped off a Nova Scotia highway last week and sank nose-first into a flooded, roadside swamp.

"The cold water took me fast," she said. "I felt myself slipping away ... My last thoughts were to miraculously find my sweet baby so we could at least die together."

Yesterday, Mrs. Yates made her first public comments about the rescue.

In a letter published in two Halifax newspapers, she thanked the dozens of city residents who helped bring her son back to life -- in particular the "wingless angels," as she called them, who found the sinking car and "pulled us from death's clutches."

Mark Hoadley is one of those "angels." Yesterday, he said in an interview that he and his friends are not heroes, just ordinary people who reacted, "one hopes, like anyone else would," after stumbling upon calamity.

Mrs. Yates, 37, was driving with her son last Thursday on a two-lane highway on the outskirts of Halifax. Days of torrential rains had soaked the city and flooded the large ponds on each side of the highway, one of which was pouring across the road. When Mrs. Yates' Ford Taurus hit the shallow flood, it hydroplaned into the guardrail and off the highway, landing upside down on the surface of the pond.

The mother began to panic, however, when she realized her car was sinking in the pond. Water was rushing in and neither her doors nor her windows would open because the electrical accessories had short- circuited.

As Mrs. Yates prepared to die, Mr. Hoadley sped past in his pickup. The co-owner of a construction business, he spotted two friends -- Paddy Hilchie, his business partner, and Jeff Winters, a Halifax police officer -- driving in the other direction. He called Mr. Hilchie on his cell phone to say hello.

Their conversation had barely started when Mr. Hoadley noticed the sinking car, told his buddies what he had seen, and hung up to call for help on the 911 emergency line. Mr. Hilchie and Mr. Winters turned around and met Mr. Hoadley on the roadside overlooking the accident.

Mr. Winters, a paramedic, stayed on shore while his friends, who are in their 40s, swam into almost three metres of frigid water. With Mr. Hilchie helping his buddy from the surface, Mr. Hoadley dove to see what he could find. After several attempts he managed to open the driver's door and came face to face with an unconscious Mrs. Yates, strapped into her seat with the seat belt jammed.

A crowd was gathering on shore. One man threw Mr. Hoadley a pocketknife to cut the seat belt. Taking a deep breath, Mr. Hoadley dove back down, his feet hooked into the seat belt for purchase. Before he began cutting, the belt somehow popped open.

"So I went back up for air and went down again and basically grabbed her by the hair and jacket and pulled her up and gave her to Paddy," Mr. Hoadley said.

The men carried a lifeless Mrs. Yates to shore, where Mr. Winters began resuscitation efforts. Mr. Hoadley and another man returned to the water to search for others in the submerged car. They found no one, but before they could climb out of the pond, Mrs. Yates came to life.

"Do you have my baby," she asked.

"Jeff hollered out, 'There's a baby in the car'," Mr. Hoadley said. "At that point, all hell broke loose for us. We tried everything we could to find him but the water was so murky we just couldn't see anything."

Someone on shore had summoned a boom truck from a nearby industrial yard. The truck arrived, hooked on to the car and raised it from the pond. Little Evan, whose mother had released him from his car seat, had become wedged in the shelf between the rear seats and the rear window. As the water rushed out of the vehicle, he came flying out.

He and his mother were taken to hospital as were Mr. Hoadley and Mr. Hilchie, both suffering from hypothermia.

Mr. Hoadley said he cannot understand how Evan survived. He believes the little boy was under water for 15 to 20 minutes before being rescued.

"We did everything we could to help and I'm proud of that. But we're not heroes," Mr. Hoadley said. "That little fella, coming back from what he's been through -- he's the hero."

Evan's condition was upgraded to fair from critical yesterday. "There's no brain damage.... He's up and around," RCMP spokesman Peter Marshall said.

Police Determine Speed Not To Blame For Crash Into Lake
Canadian Press

Police have determined that speed was not a factor in the crash that sent a woman and her son into a marsh pond. The car hydroplaned on a curve with the water flowing out of the marsh onto the roadway. When the car hit the gravel shoulder sideways, it flipped onto its roof and skidded into the lake.

The three strangers who initially stopped to dive into the cold water, returned to the scene of the crash where they detailed the events of the rescue. Throughout it all, they maintained they only did what anyone else would do in the same situation. Recalling the rescue, the three men were overcome with emotion when they got to the part where the mother was revived and they realized with horror that there was a child in the car they didn't see.

The water was murky and very cold. When the car was pulled out of the water, the child had been underwater for at least 20 minutes and was not breathing when the paramedics got to him. The boy was listed in critical condition at hospital. The mother, Shelley Yates, was treated and released after a short hospital stay.

Tonight, the 4 year old boy was moved out of ICU and into a recovery room at the hospital. His condition is still serious, but improving, and he is expected to make a full recovery. His mother said that today they watched Disney's "Dinosaurs" together.

A teary-eyed and grateful mother presented each of them with a small token of her appreciation as a local tv network awarded them a citation for their bravery.

Rescued boy asks to go home
Four-year-old walking, playing as miraculous recovery continues

Canadian Press
Staff Report

The mother of a little boy rescued from a submerged car two weeks ago hopes they will celebrate Christmas at home.

Shelly Yates told television news reporters that her son, four-year-old Evan Robert Grace, is walking, talking and playing.

Doctors said the Bedford boy would die or suffer brain damage. His miraculous recovery is proving them wrong.

"Today he said, 'Are we go home yet? Are we go home yet?' " Ms. Yates cheerfully told a reporter Wednesday.

In the early afternoon of Nov. 14, Evan and his mother were driving toward Waverley on Rocky Lake Road when their car hit a patch of flooded pavement. The car hydroplaned, flipped and landed in a flooded marsh.

Ms. Yates was pulled unconscious from the car by passersby Paddy Hilchie and Mark Hoadley.

Jeff Winters, an off-duty Halifax Regional Police officer, performed CPR on her until she came to, screaming.

Ms. Yates was "freezing, shaking and screaming at the top of my lungs, 'Get the baby, get the baby, get the baby,' " she told CBC-TV on Wednesday.

Mr. Hilchie, Mr. Hoadley and a fourth man dived back into the water but couldn't find the child.

A fifth man got a boom truck from a nearby quarry and pulled out the car with Evan still inside. He had been underwater for at least 20 minutes.

Mr. Winters performed CPR on the child until paramedics arrived and rushed him to the IWK Health Centre in Halifax.

Despite the gloomy prognosis, Ms. Yates never gave up.

And after two weeks, little Evan is feeling better.

"You know the love that you feel for your children - never give up on them," she said. "Coo in their ear forever but you don't have to give up on them."

Ms. Yates said she hopes Evan will leave the hospital and go home sometime next week. She also said that this would be a very special Christmas, thanks to those who helped save her little boy.

In a moving letter, published in this newspaper Nov. 20, Ms. Yates recounted her and Evan's brush with death and their daring rescue. She also thanked her rescuers and supporters, calling them her "wingless angels."

One of those heroes, Mr. Hilchie, called the recovery a miracle.

[This news article is about a little boy named Roman Fraser, who survived a cold water near drowning about a year after Shelley Yates's son survived a cold water near drowning event. Shelley Yates paid a visit to the Fraser family.]

Four-year-old N.S. boy who fell through ice into pond sent home for Christmas
Canadian Press
Dec. 24, 2003

MINEVILLE, N.S. (CP) - A four-year-old boy who was given little chance of recovering from a fall into an ice-covered pond early this month made it home in time for Christmas.

was sent home last Thursday from a children's hospital in Halifax. "I don't think too many people can comprehend how special this is," Paul Fraser, the boy's father, said from his home Wednesday.

"No doubt about it."

The boy crawled through a fence surrounding a pond behind his Mineville home on Dec. 3 and went onto the thin ice.

He eventually fell through and was in the water for some time before being pulled out by his mother Angela, who didn't realize her son had gone outside.

The boy was barely clinging to life when he was airlifted to hospital.

Roman, the middle boy in the Fraser household, has been unable to talk since the accident but understands everything and is recovering at a good pace.

"He's walking on his own now," the father said, as his son sat on the couch watching Sesame Street with his younger brother.

"There are some motor skills that need to be worked on, but it's quite amazing to see the progress he's making each and every day.

"We're certainly pleased his status is where it is. We couldn't ask for anything more."

The boy, who is out of hospital for good, will have follow-up care at home from doctors and a physiotherapist.

When he woke up in the hospital, his father encouraged him to fight by telling him that Santa would be coming soon. When he said Santa's name, the boy's heart rate leapt.

It's the second year in a row a four-year-old Nova Scotia boy has defied his doctors' expectations under similar circumstances.

Evan Grace made a full recovery after rescuers pulled the boy from a submerged car on a Halifax-area road last November. His mother, Shelley Yates, visited the Fraser family in hospital and told them not to give up hope.

Fraser said doctors haven't given a prognosis on a full recovery "but we're pretty optimistic things are going to happen."

"He gains a reasonable amount of strength every day and it's some pleasing to have happen," he said.

The Governor General's Certificate of Commendation
Resolution Number 1309

Speaker: Honourable Murray Scott
Published by Order of the Legislature by Hansard Reporting Services and printed by the Queen's Printer.

First Session
MONDAY, MAY 3, 2004

MR. GARY HINES: Mr. Speaker, I hereby give notice that on a future day I shall move the adoption of the following resolution:

Whereas as a result of a dramatic rescue less that two years ago, Don Burgess, Jeff Winters, Paddy Hilchie, Mark Hoadley and David Hill have all received the Governor General's Certificate of Commendation; and Whereas the dramatic rescue took place near Waverley where Shelley Yates and her four-year-old son Evan hydroplaned in their car and landed in a flooded marsh; and Whereas Winters, Hoadley, Hilchie and Hill immediately pulled over upon seeing the car and dove into the water, but after rescuing Evan's mother but not being able to find Evan anywhere, Mr. Burgess got a boom truck to pull the car up from the water.

Therefore be it resolved that all MLAs of this House recognize the heroic and selfless efforts demonstrated by Jeff Winters, Paddy Hilchie, Mark Hoadley, David Hill and Don Burgess, and congratulate them on receiving their honour from the Governor-General of Canada.

Mr. Speaker, I request waiver of notice.
MR. SPEAKER: There has been a request for waiver.
Is it agreed?
It is agreed.
Would all those in favour of the motion please say Aye. Contrary minded, Nay.
The motion is carried.
The honourable member for Cole Harbour-Eastern Passage.

Letter To Oprah Winfrey

“Dear Oprah Winfrey,

We are the Light of the Light and we bring you a message of Love and Joy from the Universe, a method to achieve the highest frequency of human vibration. A message so powerful it has the potential to change the world as we know it. We know your heart, dear one, and we offer for your guidance and direction a chance to manifest the power of intention on a global scale. This is a distinct opportunity to apply the principles of “The Secret,” not for one's own personal desires, but for all humanity, to create a wondrous world which is your destiny.

You are presently in a position to assist your planet during this time of change and transformation. We bring to your attention a worldwide project that will facilitate the lifting of your personal vibrational field all while lifting the earth's own energy field; catapulting you collectively into a state of healing . Take care of the “I” and the “We” which you seek for these earth changes will follow. When you maintain a pure, joyful expression of gratitude, you allow the Divine Love of the universe to radiate out to all.

You are a carrier of this Divine Love energy, as are all humans. This is your greatest tool for manifesting the earth you so desire. The key is to remember your true creative potential while living in this physical body, then maintain an open heart for this Love to flow through. This powerful truth will assist you in bringing a wonderful metamorphasis to your world; providing peace, prosperity and unlimited future potential for all human beings.

On July 17, 2007 at 11:11 GMT, there will be a cosmic opening which will rain down incredible creative energy upon the earth. We wish to share this event with you and humbly request your assistance in sharing our message with the world. This will take but one hour of your time but will affect the rest of your life. It is easy to participate. Simply discover that which brings you your greatest joy then meditate, pray, sing, love or dance with appreciation and a grateful heart. Embrace the moment and be truly thankful for that experience. This event will act as a catalyst to begin a worldwide healing and then together we will create a global movement toward change.

One hour of your time can heal the earth. Learn how at the website below. Thank you for considering our truth and sharing it with others.”

Fire The Grid

Royal Life Saving Society Of Canada
In Canada, all lifeguards are certified by the Life Saving Society (incorporated in Ontario as the Royal Life Saving Society of Canada), a nonprofit organization. The lifeguarding certification is the National Lifeguard Service, known as NLS, which is the only nationally recognized lifeguarding certification in Canada.

The Canadian NLS program is split off into 4 separate specializations, or "options"; Pool, Waterpark, Waterfront and Surf. All candidates must complete the Core elements (which are basic lifeguarding skills and essential knowledge for lifeguarding any aquatic facility) in addition to the option-specific items. Because it is so easily found, the Pool option is the first option most lifeguards are certified in. The Waterpark option is the certification recommended to work at facilities with such things as wave pools and water slides. The waterfront option trains lifeguards for situations which can arise at beaches with calm water, on lakes or calm oceans, whereas the surf option trains lifeguards with techniques for locations which experience surf conditions quite regularly.

Go To Page 1 "Overview of The Investigation"

Go To Page 2 "Analyzing The Evidence"

Go To Page 3 "Anatomy Of The Deception"

Go To Page 4 "Protection Against Deception"

Go To Page 5 "Documents And Resources"



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