


© Researched And Written By
Starfire Tor

This report may be circulated on mailing lists, boards, news groups, and web sites, providing it is credited with the author's name and web site where the report originates.


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Out of 9 main claims, made by Shelley Yates, only 1 of the main claims was proven to be true. This was a confirmation that the claimed car accident did happen, although extended extraordinary claims made about the car accident proved to be false. Shelly Yates used all 9 main claims to invent and promote her 'Fire The Grid' movement. This means that the legitimacy, of 'Fire The Grid' and Shelley Yates, were dependent on the authenticity of all 9 main claims. Based on these objective investigative results, it is clear that Shelley Yates took a real event - that of a dramatic car accident and survival of she and her son - and later added fictional paranormal elements for the express purpose of creating and marketing Shelley Yates, 'Fire The Grid', and 'Project Cause'.

Uncovering Shelley Yates's deception was a matter of doing the background fact checking, and putting the pieces together by using my own brain power, my extensive background in researching extraordinary paranormal claims and enigmas, some old fashioned detective work, and a whole lot of time and effort. I poured over everything I could find, that Shelley Yates was putting before the public to advertise her 'Fire The Grid' movement. An evaluation of this material revealed that Yates's entire marketing plan depended on the public acceptance of her 9 main claims. But the claims that were the most influential, in getting the public on board the 'Fire The Grid' movement, were the claimed NDE and ongoing relationship with the beings of light and their omnipotent and divine plan to heal the planet.

While proving the legitimacy of a NDE, and meeting beings of light, may seem impossible to confirm or disprove ... that's not necessarily so. At the very core of the NDE claim was the very physical event of a car accident. This meant that if there was no car accident, then there was no NDE and no beings of light. Even if the car accident could be verified, which it eventually was during the course of this investigation, the car accident verification alone wouldn't automatically confirm that Yates had a NDE as a result. What the verification would do, was provide a foundation for the possibility that the NDE had happened. Based on research into genuine NDE cases, the car accident scenario - as described by Yates - was the type of circumstance in which a NDE might occur. So, proving the existence of the car accident, including the details of the car accident, became a logical priority focus of the investigation. This investigative course proved to be a bonanza of vital information, and provided the evidence that proved that Yates had built a house of lies from a grain of truth.

The most logical place, where one would expect to find documentation of the car accident, would be on Yates's own 'Fire The Grid' web site. The marketing of 'Fire The Grid' involved the planned release of controlled promotional information, all of which was designed to persuade people to participate in the 'Fire The Grid' event and related master plan called 'Project Cause'. It would seem logical that Yates should and would provide proof, of the claimed car accident, on her web site. Providing that proof would go a long way to pulling in believers. Yet no corroborating evidence, of a car accident, was anywhere to be found on the 'Fire The Grid' web site. In fact, it was conspicuous by its absence.

The absence of the claimed car accident documentation meant one of three things:

1. There had never been a car accident, therefore there was no documentation to support the claim.

2. There had been a car accident, but there were no supporting documents because there were no police reports, no insurance papers, and no news reports.

3. There had been a car accident and there were supporting documents, but those documents contained critical information that Shelley Yates did not want the public to know about.

The investigation revealed that the correct answer was #3. I found the original news reports, confirming Shelley Yates's car accident in 2002. Aside from the basic foundational existence of the car accident, these news reports revealed significant details that conflict with the claims Yates makes today. And the truth is in the details, and not in the spin Yates puts out to promote her "Fire The Grid' and 'Project Cause' movement.

The news reports, of Yates's car accident, were published in Canadian newspapers. These news reports document that Shelley Yates, and her 4 year old son Evan Robert Grace, survived a single car accident and near drowning on November 14, 2002 in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Yates's car hydroplaned on a water soaked road, and the car left the road and landed up-ended in a marsh pond. The amount of time the mother and son were submerged is different, because Yates was rescued and revived before her son was rescued and revived. The actual number of minutes, that Yates and her son were totally submerged, can only be based on eyewitness guestimates. According to newspaper reports, Shelley Yates was totally submerged for possibly 10 minutes, give or take a few minutes more or less. Evan Grace was totally submerged for possibly 20 minutes, give or take a few minutes more or less.

Whatever the actual number of minutes, Yates and her son were submerged long enough for most people to have drowned and died ... unless other life saving conditions are present. These other life saving conditions were present, as is discussed in more detail elsewhere in this report. Suffice it to say, because these other life saving conditions were present ... conditions that were scientific and not supernatural ... neither Shelley Yates, nor her son Evan Grace, drowned or died as a result of that car accident. They were both rescued, unconscious and suffering from hypothermia, and resuscitated on scene. Both were taken to the hospital, where Yates was released in short order. The son was listed in critical condition for a few days, and slowly but surely made a good recovery.

Here are the relevant snips, taken from a 2002 Canadian newspaper article and a 2007 'Fire The Grid' document, confirming that Shelley Yates and her son Evan Grace were in a dramatic car accident in which they were both submerged in water and survived. This is Yates's one and only true claim, as outlined in the 9 claims and conclusions found in the "Overview Of The Investigation" section.

On her 2007 'Fire The Grid' web site Shelley Yates describes her car accident:


" I will tell you the truth of what happened to me, after a car accident that occurred in Nov. 2002. My son and I were travelling to a friend’s house for an afternoon of play, when disaster hit. My car was swept into a flooded marsh after hydroplaning. The car landed upside down in this boggy marsh, and sank to the bottom. I tried to open the car's windows, but the power windows failed and we were trapped inside ..."

A 2002 Canadian newspaper reports on the car accident involving Shelley Yates and her son Evan Grace:
Boy critical after rescue from marsh
The Chronicle-Herald - Provincial - 16/11/2002

"... A little boy is clinging to life after he and his mother were rescued from their submerged car on Thursday. Four-year-old Evan Robert Grace and his mother Shelly Yates ..."

I was initially encouraged, by the verification of the claimed car accident. I poured over every newspaper article I could find about that car accident, checking for any other facts that might confirm or disprove Shelley Yates's other main claims relating to the car accident and its tie-in to her 'Fire The Grid' movement. My perseverance paid off. Besides finding a number of news reports about the car accident, which updated the story for a short time, I found that Canadian newspapers had published Shelley Yates's first person detailed account of the car accident. Yates's published account was loaded with much needed information, which made it incredibly valuable for the purposes of the investigation.

With the discovery of Yates's first person account of the 2002 car accident, it was possible to compare her 2002 version with her 2007 version of the same event. The ability to compare versions was extremely helpful in determining that Shelley Yates had fabricated 8 of the 9 main claims, as outlined in the "Overview Of The Investigation" section. In effect, Yates had provided some of the best evidence disproving 8 of her 9 main claims. Shelley Yates had provided the evidence that her NDE, the meeting with and guidance by beings of light, 'Fire The Grid', and 'Project Cause' were fabricated by Shelley Yates. This is the information that Shelley Yates did not want the public to know, which was why she did not put any of these accident news reports on her web site. The public would have had easy access to two different versions of the same event, and only Yates's current version was the one that contained the manipulating and deceptive spin upon which 'Fire The Grid' and 'Project Cause' depended. The ability to compare versions was a major key to exposing Shelley Yates, and the new age deception and mass manipulation agenda in which she's ensnared a trusting public.

Here are relevant snips from the 2002 Canadian news reports, the 2007 'Fire The Grid' web site, and other appropriate sources that provide definitive evidence that Shelley Yates took a real event - that of a car accident and the amazing and dramatic survival of she and her son - and added paranormal and mystical elements for the express purpose of creating and marketing herself, 'Fire The Grid', and 'Project Cause'. The complete text of these news articles, plus other resources used in this investigation, can be found in the "News And Sources" section at the end of this report. Aside from relevant portions of documents found on Yates's 'Fire The grid' web site, those complete documents can be read at that sight. Should something on the 'Fire The Grid' web site alter, and I feel it's necessary to provide a public record of what was there when this investigation was undertaken, those original documents have been preserved and can be made available for public viewing.

The most challenging part of this investigation, because such claims are usually anecdotal, was Shelley Yates's assertion that she had a NDE as a result of this now confirmed car accident. Furthermore, she claimed that during this NDE - and continuing to present times - she met beings of light who communicated many messages regarding the planet. These messages including instructions on how not to die in the car accident, that she would be divinely directed, how to heal the world, and everything about the background knowledge and promotional strategy and directives for the 'Fire The Grid' and 'Project Cause' movement.

It was obvious that the NDE story, complete with beings of light, were the key sales tools devised to persuade the public to participate in Yates's 'Fire The Grid' and 'Project Cause' movement. It was also obvious, that if the claimed NDE was proven to be a fabrication, then the beings of light were also a fabrication. Yates and her movement would be exposed as a deception with designs on mass manipulation of the public. Thanks to Shelley Yates, and her 2002 first hand account of the confirmed car accident, there is evidence that proves that Shelley Yates never had a NDE or met beings of light as claimed.

Here are the relevant snips from news articles and documents, proving that Shelley Yates never had - and knew she never had - a NDE per "Claim 3 " found in the "Overview Of The Investigation" section. Reading all of the complete news articles, especially the first hand account written by Yates, brought a fuller understanding of how significant and air tight this evidence was. In writing about 1 week after the accident, Yates clearly showed herself to be someone who had the ability to describe the car accident in detail, moment by moment. The article included what Yates experienced physically, emotionally, and spiritually. This included -word for word - any thoughts that came into her head before, during, and after the car went into the water and she and her son were revived on the bank. Yates credited the double rescue to the human rescuers she dubbed "wingless angels".

Nowhere in her first person report, or in any other news report, did Yates makes any claims or references to a NDE and/or communicating with beings of light. If Yates had truly had A NDE, as claimed for her 'Fire The Grid' promotion, she would have mentioned something about that incredible experience in her published 2002 account. She might not have called the experience a NDE, or called the entities she was communicating with beings of light. But she surely would have said something, or indicated something, that would be a hint that her current claims were based in fact. But there is nothing ... because Shelley Yates did not have a NDE, nor did she meet beings of light in connection with that car accident. This is why such a remarkable event does not appear in her first person published report in 2002.

Not only is there a complete absence of the NDE and beings of light experience, in Yates's 2002 personal published report, no comment about this appears in any of the news articles written by various reporters ... despite the fact that Yates is quoted and isn't shy about expressing herself. That's her personality, and it's evident in the detailed way in which she wrote her own article - only a week after the car accident - and it's evident in the fact that she felt such a need to tell her story that she wrote it herself. This was an indicator that Shelley Yates liked the attention she was getting, and that she liked the spotlight. At this point there's nothing wrong with that, because Yates didn't appear to have an angle beyond chronicling her first hand factual story out to interested readers. So while it was unusual for a newspaper to publish a victim's self written account, the paper probably saw it as something their readers would be interested in.

Fast forward from November 2002, to her 'Fire The Grid' July 17, 2007 event and promotional tour, and the spotlight is still on Shelley Yates ... except that the reason for the spotlight has altered from something genuinely amazing and fact based - the unmodified car accident, into something fabricated, deceptive, and mass manipulating.

Here are more relevant snips from that comparison, between Yates's 2002 and 2007 car accident versions, proving that the original version does not contain any references to either a NDE or beings of light. In the place where the voices and NDE were supposed to have taken place, in the 2007 version, in the 2002 version Yates writes that she can't attest to anything more.

On her 2007 'Fire The Grid' web site, Shelley Yates described her first meeting with the fabricated beings of light:

"... The car was filling up quickly with the cold murky water and I held my son's coat tightly in my hand, while I waited to be fully submerged. I hoped that I could open the door after the car equalized with water and we would swim out. My final words to my little boy as the water came over his head was "hold your breath honey; mommy will have us out soon". I watched him take a large gulp of the remaining air, and the water took him. When I felt the last air pocket escape the car I tried the door. It wouldn’t budge! The other door was equally stuck. I struggled with the doors several times, to no avail. We were trapped and going to die.

... As I drank the deep breath of water into my lungs, the fiery feeling added panic to the moment. ... That is when I heard a voice, a calm majestic voice, directing me to relax. This voice cooed in my ear, reassuring me that all would be well. I was infused with the knowledge that if I fought the water, my rescuers would not be able to revive me when they arrived. The voice said that if I fought the water I would drown …no shit I thought, I get a wise ass ghost on my deathbed. The voice continued to give me instructions about what was to happen, and that all would be well if I just followed the instructions. I relinquished myself to this voice from beyond, and passed quietly into the other side.

While on the other side I saw beings of light, who once again assured me that my son and I would not only get out of this car, but we would both be fine. They were definite in explaining that I must follow instructions implicitly and not lose faith in their words. I was told to have faith that I would be divinely directed, and I was. ..."

In a personally written and detailed account of her 2002 car accident, published in 2 Canadian newspapers in 2002, Shelley Yates does not include a NDE or beings of light:

'Not all angels have wings'
The Chronicle Herald 20-11-2002

"... The cold water took me fast and I felt myself slipping away. I knew there was no hope of opening the door for I was too weak. My last thoughts were to miraculously find my sweet baby so we could at least die together. His small body eluded me, and I gave myself over to the murky water.

I guess this is the part where my wingless angels descended on us and pulled us from death's clutches. These first angels were Paddy, Jeff and Mark. They were not only big, strong guys, they were prepared, with cellphones, intelligence and ingenuity, not to mention unquestionable bravery.

As words cannot describe the terror I felt that day, words also fail me now to express my gratitude to these selfless men. They went above and beyond anything and everything that makes us human, therefore all my love and gratitude to those wingless angels.

I cannot attest to anything from that time till they brought me back. I can, however, tell you my first words were: "Do you have my baby? Get my baby out!" ..."

Here are relevant snips from Shelley Yates 'Fire The Grid' web site, where she promotes her fabricated story on the information and instructions that she received from her fictitious beings of light. Notice how Yates's weaves in the survival of her son, and attributes that to these same fictitious beings of light and the god force she wants the public to believe they are part of. Yates also claims that these alleged beings of light told her that the music of 'Bradfield' was recommended to enhance the ;Fire The Grid' event. Since the evidence proves that Yates never had a NDE, this also proves that Yates never met these beings of light. Therefore, anything Yates claims were told to her by these beings of light is a fabrication. That makes everything about her "Fire The Grid' and 'Project Cause' claims to be a fabrication. The source for the material would be Yates herself.

There is still a question mark attached to the musicians Bradfield and Anael, who are deeply involved in facilitating and promoting Shelley Yates and 'Fire The Grid'. Did either of them have knowledge of Yates's deception? Or did they believe her story without any reservations or investigation, perhaps being drawn in when Yates told them that Bradfield's music had been chosen by beings of light ... beings of light who are the fabrication of Shelley Yates. Here is a snip of how Bradfield and Anael promote Shelley Yates and 'Fire The Grid'. The investigation rakes a deeper look into the relationship between Shelley Yates, Bradfield, Anael, and 'Fire The grid' in the "Anatomy Of The Deception" section.

On her 'Fire The Grid' web site in 2007, Shelley Yates wrote about her fictitious beings of light and the fabricated information she claimed sourced from them, including details about 'Fire The Grid' and using the music of Bradfield as a connection prayer:


"... I continued to hear the voices and be directed with both visions and seeing auras. Needless to say, I was more than a little freaked out. As time passed I would ask "What do you want of me?" ... They want desperately for me to give the humans of this world a message from "beyond," that we have inside of us the power to unite this planet as one race with peace and prosperity for all. This power lies inside us all, and when combined with the loving energy of other humans, we can do for this planet what we did for my son. We can revive this Earth and catapult it into healing. With this healing will come a new phase of humanity. We will have a time of peace and harmony. All it will take is our intention, as a united group, and one hour of our time.

So as the voices and visions unravelled I was given the guidance of how to make this all happen. However it will take many of us on this planet to see to the success of the project. As they told me to rotate the humans through my son’s room, they have told me to unite humanity from every corner of the globe. ... We need to unite enough people to fire the divine energy system of this planet and jump start it like we did with my boy. ...

First the light beings said that Bradfield has provided a connection prayer in his lyrics "Be Still Thy Soul" from the Spiritual Beings on a Human Journey album. They said to inform people to listen as if the angelic voice was being directed specifically to them. ... this is a connection prayer. It gives their permission for the other realm to connect in agreeing to the connection. ..."

In her 2007 version of the car accident, Yates claimed that her son was brain dead - and then was healed thanks to the beings of light and their advise. Yates used this extraordinary story element to promote her 'Fire The Grid' event. But in the original 2002 version, Yates writes that her son was not brain dead. This is another example of how Yates took a real car accident, and then revised the story to support her fabricated NDE, beings of light, 'Fire The grid', and 'Project Cause'. The complete news article can be read in the "Documents And Resources" section.

On her 'Fire The Grid' web site in 2007 Shelley Yates claimed that her son was brain dead:


"... The team of emergency doctors and neurologists were waiting for me. They
assured me that my sweet little boy was indeed brain dead. ..."

In a personally written and detailed account of her 2002 car accident, published in 2 Canadian newspapers in 2002, Shelley Yates wrote that her son was not brain dead:

'Not all angels have wings'
The Chronicle Herald 20-11-2002

"... The doctors held out little hope. They said he was almost brain-dead. "Almost," I said. "Well, almost is not definitely. ..."

Here are the relevant snips, from news articles and documents, proving that Shelley Yates and her son Evan Grace did not drown or die during the confirmed 2002 car accident. Despite the fictitious spin, that Shelley Yates added to an already dramatic car accident, medical science recognizes that people who survive being submerged in water - regardless of how many minutes they were submerged, and even if their pulses are not detectable, - have not drowned if they are revived and recover. They are called near drowning victims.

This may seem like a minor technicality, but there is a huge scientific difference when someone revives and recovers from a near drowning event, as opposed to someone recovering after being drowned and dead. Yates wants the public to believe that her son was drowned and dead ... and then came back to life. Yates's son was a near drowning victim, as was she, and not a drowning victim. A person can either be categorized as being a near drowning victim or a drowning victim. The near drowning victim has survived a harrowing and life threatening event, where they almost died from drowning but didn't. In that event, such a person steps into the ranks of the truly lucky and possibly blessed. People who have drowned are those who have died from drowning, and they don't come back to life. Should an actual drowning victim come back to life, and science can't explain it, than that is a miracle in the grandest sense of the word.

Science can explain why Yates and her son didn't die from drowning, regardless of how many minutes eyewitnesses says they were submerged. While the double rescue and recovery were amazing in their own right, their survival did not involve the miracle that Yates wants the public to believe. This is another reason why Yates didn't want the public to read news reports of her car accident, and therefore didn't provide them on her web site. Enough people would have recognized what I recognized right away. Both Yates and her son survived because of three main interweaving elements:

1. the aggressive and competent action of their heroic rescuers
2. they were in very cold water that induced hypothermia
3. their submersion activated the diver's reflex.

There is no doubt that Shelley Yates, and her son Evan Grace, experienced a hypothermia related cold water near drowning event. Such events are well documented. The cold water, and the diver reflex, cause the body to go into a primitive hibernation-type suspension where the vital organs are preserved awaiting rescue and resuscitation.. There are many cases on record for this type of seemingly miraculous survival, with victims having been submerged from a few minutes to over an hour. Surgeons use a form of induced hypothermia during certain surgeries, to keep their patients from dying during surgery.

I find it very difficult to believe that the doctors didn't brief Yates about the life saving effects of cold water near drowning. This phenomena is well known in the medical and rescue community, and such knowledge would have been incorporated into the medical treatment. And in her personal published account of the car accident, Yates claimed to be a certified life guard in Canada ... a country with cold water.

In reading the news reports of the car accident, one of Yates's rescuers described her as being lifeless, blue, and with no pulse. This is exactly what a rescuer would encounter with a hypothermia cold water near drowning victim. It was certainly fortuitous, that one of the rescuers was a Halifax police officer and paramedic who happened to be on the road that day. He never gave up trying to revive her or her son, and that is what someone is supposed to do with cold water near drowning victims ... no matter how many minutes they've been submerged. Even the rescuers had to be treated for hypothermia. They were later awarded for their heroism, which you can read about in the "Documents And Resources" section. And despite how humble these rescuers were, as I read in the news reports, I found their actions to be as heroic as heroes can get. These were truly an amazing group of men. The complete news reports, of these heroic rescuers, can be found in the "Documents And Resources" section.

I found something else of interest, when going through Canadian news articles searching for news of Shelley Yates and her car accident. I discovered a news article about another 4 year old Canadian boy who, a year after Yates and her son's cold water near death drowning, also survived a cold water near death drowning. This boy fell through the ice into a pond, and was pulled out by his mom. Of interest, besides the obvious, is that the articles mentions that Shelley Yates paid the family of that other boy a visit. So besides all of the other information, common sense tell you she received about hypothermia and cold water near drowning ... she now absolutely knew that the survival of her son was not unique, particularly in the way that she was promoting it to market the 'Fire The Grid' event. And as for Yates's bogus claims, that beings of light instructed her on how to get a small army of people to pray in order to miraculously heal her son ... it appears that all this other boy needed was for his father to mention 'Santa Claus' to help rouse his son. I've included this complete news article in the "Documents And Resources" section. I've included a relevant snip below.

For someone who is a cold water near drowning survivor, regardless of their being told the science of the matter, the survival part can seem like a personal miracle to them. At the very least, such a survival would be incredibly amazing. But Shelley Yates excluded all mention of the actual facts of event, in an effort to hide these facts from the public, which are that the survival of her and her son was largely due to the science of hypothermia related cold water near drowning. Instead, Yates revised the event and claimed that a miracle happened, when she and her son were brought back from the dead by beings of light that she met in a NDE related to the car accident. The investigation proved that Yates never had the claimed NDE, and therefore never met the claimed beings of light. The revised version is nothing more than a scheme to market herself, 'Fire The Grid', and 'Project Cause'.

Here are relevant snips from sources showing Yates's miracle claims of coming back from the dead, with the help of beings of light met in a NDE, and then the actual reality of hypothermia related cold water near drowning survival and the intervention of heroic and competent rescuers on scene.

On her 'Fire The Grid' web site in 2007, Shelley Yates wrote about the instructions her fictitious beings of light gave her about surviving the car accident and being divinely directed:


"... I needed to breathe again. That is when I heard a voice, a calm majestic voice, directing me to relax. This voice cooed in my ear, reassuring me that all would be well. I was infused with the knowledge that if I fought the water, my rescuers would not be able to revive me when they arrived. The voice said that if I fought the water I would drown…no shit I thought, I get a wise ass ghost on my deathbed. The voice continued to give me instructions about what was to happen, and that all would be well if I just followed the instructions. I relinquished myself to this voice from beyond, and passed quietly into the other side.

While on the other side I saw beings of light, who once again assured me that my son and I would not only get out of this car, but we would both be fine. They were definite in explaining that I must follow instructions implicitly and not lose faith in their words. I was told to have faith that I would be divinely directed, and I was. ..."

A news reporter wrote about the cold water rescue of Shelley Yates and Evan Grace in 2002:

Rescuers plunge into water, pull little boy, mom from car
Canadian Press 15-11-2002
By Patricia Brooks

"... Mr. Hilchie and Mr. Hoadley jumped into the water to look for the car's occupants.
'"When we were underwater and came up for air, we couldn't breathe - it was so cold," said Mr. Hilchie ... They pulled the unconscious woman out of the sunken car and dragged her to the bank. Mr. Winters began performing CPR. "She was awfully blue," Mr. Hilchie said. "She had no pulse whatsoever." ... When the 37-year-old woman came to, she told the rescuers that her son was still inside the car. ... Mr. Winters started CPR on the child, who Mr. Hilchie said was four years old. "He brought her baby back, too ..."

A news reporter wrote about the heroes in the cold water rescue of Shelley Yates and Evan Grace in 2002:

Mother thanks 'wingless angels' for brave rescue
National Post 11-29-2002

By Richard Foot

"... As Mrs. Yates prepared to die, Mr. Hoadley sped past in his pickup. The co-owner of a construction business, he spotted two friends -- Paddy Hilchie, his business partner, and Jeff Winters, a Halifax police officer -- driving in the other direction. He called Mr. Hilchie on his cell phone to say hello.

Their conversation had barely started when Mr. Hoadley noticed the sinking car, told his buddies what he had seen, and hung up to call for help on the 911 emergency line. Mr. Hilchie and Mr. Winters turned around and met Mr. Hoadley on the roadside overlooking the accident.

Mr. Winters, a paramedic, stayed on shore while his friends, who are in their 40s, swam into almost three metres of frigid water ..."

Information about hypothermia and cold water near drowning survival:

Hypothermia Prevention, Recognition and Treatment.
Articles, Protocols and Research on Life-saving skills.

"... Hypothermia provides some temporary protection from the effects of cardiopulmonary arrest and prolongs the possibility of normal recovery with or without the use of BLS/ALS treatment procedures.

Even if a pulse is not palpable in the field, functional cardiac activity is always considered to be present in the severely hypothermic patient if any of the following clinical signs of life are present: a. spontaneous ventilation; b. response to positive pressure ventilation; c. any spontaneous movement or sound; d. organized rhythm on cardiac monitor; or e. audible heartbeat on auscultation.

The "metabolic icebox" effect of severe hypothermia can be temporarily protective and can result in normal recovery with or without other field treatment, if aggressive controlled rewarming is initiated soon enough. The time of protection is unknown. ..."

Recovery from apparently hopeless fresh-water drowning

"... Report of 3 cases of drowning (children). 2 patients survived without severe injury, 1 patient died after 13 days. The protective action of hypothermia to the brain and heart in hypothermic drowning is emphasized. Even in apparently hopeless cases resuscitation should be started immediately and should not be discontinued too early. Especially in hypothermic drowning efforts can be successful after more than 60 min. of resuscitation. ..."

A news reporter wrote about another 4 year old boy who survived a cold water near drowning, in 2003, and a visit by Shelley Yates:

Four-year-old N.S. boy who fell through ice into pond sent home for Christmas
Canadian Press Dec. 24, 2003

MINEVILLE, N.S. (CP) - A four-year-old boy who was given little chance of recovering from a fall into an ice-covered pond early this month made it home in time for Christmas. ... was in the water for some time ... his father encouraged him to fight by telling him that Santa would be coming soon. When he said Santa's name, the boy's heart rate leapt. ... It's the second year in a row a four-year-old Nova Scotia boy has defied his doctors' expectations under similar circumstances. Evan Grace made a full recovery after rescuers pulled the boy from a submerged car on a Halifax-area road last November. His mother, Shelley Yates, visited the Fraser family in hospital and told them not to give up hope. ..."

When the truth of the car accident is revealed, it becomes very clear that Shelley Yates omitted the huge role that hypothermia played, reduced the role that the heroic human rescuers played, and fabricated a NDE and fictitious beings of light ... all to manipulate the masses through a New Age deception and marketing scheme.

Here is another cause of concern, being that Shelley Yates announced plans to up the stakes in her marketing scheme. Considering what this report reveals about the true motives behind Yates's fabrication of her NDE, beings of light, "Fire The Grid", and "Project Cause", alarms bells should be going off as her marketing scheme escalates.

Shelley Yates wrote on her 2007 'Fire The Grid' web site:


" ... I will use the Fire the Grid site as a launching point to introduce Project Cause in a few short weeks, by early September if all goes according to plan. I am also in the process of writing a book about my life experience ..."

Go To Page 3 "Anatomy Of The Deception"

Go To Page 1 "Overview of The Investigation"

Go To Page 2 "Analyzing The Evidence"

Go To Page 3 "Anatomy Of The Deception"

Go To Page 4 "Protection Against Deception"

Go To Page 5 "Documents And Resources"

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