


© Researched And Written By
Starfire Tor

This report may be circulated on mailing lists, boards, news groups, and web sites, providing it is credited with the author's name and web site where the report originates.


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Shelley Yates was able to run her deception for so long, because she customized her marketing scheme to appeal to a target group of trusting and idealistic people who believe in miracles, divine influence, angels, beings of light, psychic power, communication with the spirit realm, and NDE. This same target group of people, to varying degrees, believe that the power of the mind and the soul can collectively unite and contribute something positive to healing the planet. Most of all, Yates expected that enough members of this target group would be gullible enough to become her word-of-mouth global promoters, without investigating her claims, or asking the critical core questions needed to uncover her deception.

There is always a starting point to deception. For the purposes of this investigation, it appears that Yates's starting point sprang from the Canadian news media attention she received, after the 2002 car accident and double cold water near drowning. But that type of attention is fleeting, as the news media moves on to the next story and the next. By her own proclivity for self promotion, starting back with her first person published account of her 2002 car accident, it appears that Yates liked the attention that the car accident brought her. As a stand alone event, Yates's self written account has no special meaning, beyond giving her a format to share more of her story with interested readers. But when analyzed as a document in this investigation, keeping in mind the uncovered deception, Yates's self written account becomes a window into her personality. And given her 'Fire The Grid' plan to gather people and energy, in a promotional scheme devised by her, it's logical to assume that she views public attention and mass human energy as a source of sustenance. The bigger the plan, and the more people giving her lots of attention at the center of the plan, the more sustenance Yates can exploit to feed her energy needs.

One of the many truths, that Shelley Yates didn't want the public to know about, was a 2003 visit she made to the family of another 4 year old Canadian boy who survived a cold water near drowning event. This one happened a little more than a year after she and her 4 year old son survived a cold water near drowning event. This investigation uncovered the news report where this true story was told. From the day of Yates's car accident, she knew that she and her son's survival was amazing in its own right, but not miraculous, and not unique ... as she currently claims, in her revised telling of the accident. If she had any doubts about this truth, the truth was driven home by the latest cold water near drowning survivor. The other 4 year old Canadian boy survived a plunge into icy pond water, and long time submersion, before being rescued and revived. This other boy's survival, which the news compared to the survival of Yates's son, was the type of event that generally pushes people like Yates out of the public eye. Where she and her son were once media darlings, she and her son were now relegated to the back of the news line and into obscurity. That was yesteryear's news, and that's the news biz. Even award ceremonies that she attended, for her brave rescuers, could not re-ignite the public's sustained interest in her and her son's true story of survival. News articles, about the survival of both 4 year old Canadian boys, can be found in the "Documents And Resources" section.

Like most unsupported yet accepted beliefs, such as those that involve manipulators like Shelley Yates and her fabricated 'Fire The Grid' scheme, this type of gullible acceptance comes at a high price. Such an uncontested belief takes a position of dominance, over the desire to question the authenticity of who and what is being trusted. Yates isn't someone who has proven her worthiness and integrity, over time, thereby earning the right to make extraordinary claims that people can trust that the truth is being told. When the public stops asking questions of people like Yates, and just accepts what they are being told - and does what they are told, the public gives away their power to a 'merchant of deception' aka 'the trickster'. This is true everywhere, and not just for those interested in metaphysics, the paranormal, spirituality, UFOs, ETs, and planetary and otherworldly enigmas. For the merchant of deception, the game is about the art of manipulating individual and mass behavior through the control of information and disinformation.

Shelley Yates is a classic example of how a group's behavior can be manipulated through the control and dissemination of disinformation. Yates's disinformation includes a limited amount of real information, in which much of the real information's vital truths are removed and replaced with false information. As this report documents, Yates's 'Fire The Grid' web site is designed to only give the public the information that Yates has determined is needed to mass manipulate the public. Yates excluded all information that would disprove her extraordinary claims, which meant that she had to sacrifice all documents that supported the existence of her 2002 car accident ... a real event upon which the disinformation and 'Fire The Grid' deception is based.

Had Yates been dealing in truth, then she would have had evidence of her 2002 car accident on her web site. She would have had nothing to hide, the news reports would have confirmed her sincerity, and the beginnings of her public trust would have had a solid foundation. But Yates was dealing in disinformation. Had she provided the many news reports of her 2002 car accident, as well as her first person published account of that accident in 2002, the public would have seen that there were huge problems with Yates's claims of a NDE and beings of light. The public would have seen that Yates took a real car accident, involving she and her son and a true and amazing story of heroic rescuers and survival from a double cold water near drowning, and revised that story to include a fabricated miracle resurrection, a NDE, and a meeting with beings of light who are the directing force behind 'Fire The Grid' and 'Project Cause'.

Prior to this investigation, people where forming opinions about Yates and 'Fire The Grid', based on exactly what Yates wanted them to rely on ... trust, without any physical evidence to back up her claims. But why would anyone trust a stranger like Yates, who came onto the scene with extraordinary claims and a promotion heavy, unproven, and
nebulous metaphysical plan to heal the planet? Yates had that manipulation problem thought through, and it figured prominently into her marketing scheme. She knew that most people wouldn't give her the kind of attention she desired, at the very least, to stay in the spotlight and be the center of attention. She needed a gimmick, and she concocted a whopper.

This is why Yates fabricated that NDE and those beings of light. She believed that she had found a target group who, armed with the right cause, would keep her in the center ring. So she crafted a story that incorporated many of the target group's beliefs, would be accepted without proof, would insure that the public viewed her as special, and could be used as an opportunity to market herself and her schemes. She overcame the newbie-trust issue by inventing the NDE and beings of light. Yates knew that the attention she had already gotten, for the car accident survival as originally told, was waning. Under the original truthful version of the story, found in the 2002 news reports, Yates knew that this version would not garner much attention from the target group. The original truthful version no longer satisfied her needs. So she created a version that would satisfy her needs, and went public with it.

Even with the creation of the 'Fire The Grid' idea, including all fabricated ideas leading up to that creation, Yates realized that she alone didn't have the kind of trust factor or draw to get the desired attention and support of that target group. If Yates claimed ownership of the 'Fire The Grid' idea, then the chances were high that it would be seen for what it obviously was ... a hodge podge remix of typical New Age ideas, slapped together with a liberal dosing of Science Fiction, and driven by a transparent and blatant marketing scheme. To overcome this problem, Yates's gimmick had to convince the target group that she had become one of them, and that she offered a valid manifestation of their own beliefs. She had to convince the target group, that endorsing her was the same as endorsing and empowering their own beliefs.

With the logistics of her promotional gimmick worked out, Yates went forward with the alteration of her true car accident story. Yates's revision incorporated limited truths about the real car accident, removed any truths that conflicted with the revised story, fabricated a version of the car accident story that now included Yates having a NDE, Yates meeting powerful and knowledgeable beings of light who helped her and her son return from the dead, and Yates having an ongoing relationship with beings of light who gave her the knowledge for 'Fire The Grid' and 'Project Cause'.

Once Yates began promoting her revised story to the target group, she soon realized how effective her gimmick and scheme was. Her lies were embraced as truth, by enough people, that her 'Fire The Grid' deception became an event spread mainly via the internet. How many people participated, in the July 17, 2007 event can not be determined - despite the fact that Yates tried to collect participants personal information through her web site. Due to her proven ability to fabricate, Yates cannot be considered a reliable source for numbers of participants in the 'Fire The Grid' event. Regardless of how many hits her web site may have had, hits alone only denote a visitor's curiosity and not the number of people who were fooled by Yates into participating.

Some may view the evidence in this investigation, and conclude that no real harm was done by Shelley Yates's deception - even if a person participated with 1 hour of their time as instructed by Yates. I beg to differ. You should not be giving your energy and good will away to anyone without just discernment. When a person of unproven motive and sincerity, claims that they can heal the planet ... if only the citizens of earth do exactly as they say with their energy and time ... you don't just do it, without a whole lot of global dialogue and proof. Yates isn't just someone telling you a tall tale or two. She's using those tall tales to set up a marketing scheme, that only works for her if you invest what she tells you to invest. - be it your money, your devotion, your energy, or whatever.

Yes, damage has indeed been done, as happens when truth and faith is sacrificed to the schemes of a "merchant of deception". At the very least, Yates abused those people who have had genuine paranormal and spiritual experiences ... especially those people who have had genuine NDE, or who at some time have met genuine beings of light. Not only was Yates's scheme abusive to these genuine experiencers, but she has muddied the research pool and given ammunition to skeptics.

I'm also concerned that some respected NDE researchers and scholars may have been fooled, by Shelley Yates and her fabricated NDE claims. Prior to this investigation, they wouldn't have had access to the evidence that disproves Yates's claims. Therefore, they would have made their determinations on Yates's NDE verbal claims - which is how most NDE are reported - without any hard evidence to back up those claims. Since NDE hard evidence is a rarity, with notable exceptions, Yates may have been believed based on how close her NDE story came to other NDE stories. In Yates's case, the true conditions of her car accident were the type of conditions that can spawn a genuine NDE. However, that doesn't mean that such a condition will automatically spawn a NDE. As has been proven, in Yates's case and claimed NDE, the conditions of her car accident did not spawn a NDE.

I've investigated my share of NDE claims, including those that apply to my research into Time Shifts and The Core Matrix, OBE, Astral Travel, Dreams, and Future Event Precognition. I want to make it perfectly clear, that there are people who have had genuine NDE. There are numerous authenticated cases of NDE, with the most common being similar to an out-of-body [OBE] experience. In the NDE/OBE, the person's body is in a state of trauma - even to the point of being in a state of controlled or uncontrolled physical death. During this time, the person's soul or consciousness floats above the scene, and is able to note details unavailable by any other means. When the person's soul or consciousness returns to their body, and they awaken, the person is able to accurately describe the scene. Other types of NDE involve the soul or consciousness entering a tunnel, where they observe or interact with many different types of entities including deceased loved ones, religious figures, angels, and unidentified otherworldly entities. While many NDE cases involve joy, wonder, and enlightenment there are also cases of NDE that are more like torturous journeys to the pits of hell. A favorite NDE study of mine, involve cases where people experience future events, report the event, and it's later authenticated when the event comes to pass.

When I first encountered the 'Fire The Grid' material, I of course hadn't uncovered the evidence that revealed Yates's deception. However, I did have some serious concerns about who and what those beings of light were. Maybe I have very high standards, when I think of what beings of light should be, but what Yates's beings of light were saying did not meet my expectations for what beings of light should say or do. I have written extensively about lower astral entities, who pose as other beings to attach themselves to. Many people have been fooled by them, particularly into thinking that they are in communication with angels, extraterrestrials, spirit guardians, gurus, spirit masters, a deceased loved one, and an assortment of famous and unknown dead people. Lower astral entities, posing as something they are not, are concerned about one thing ... feeding off of a human. They will do anything, say anything, be anything just to get their fix of human and keep their human hooked into the game.

When I read the information, Yates claimed came from beings of light, I found the information to be less than brilliant. In fact, I found the information to be superficial and questionable as to the accuracy of it's content. This has to do with my own knowledge and experience, and I wasn't really expecting too many people to notice that these beings of light were throwing around a lot of phrases and concepts ... but not really taking you anywhere real. I mused, that if these entities of Yates's are really beings of light, then maybe they weren't the brightest beings of light on the block. And what's with that orobouros snake tattoo on her arm tattoo [a snake forming a circle by biting its own tail end], supposedly something the beings of light forced her to get by wearing her down until she gave in. What beings of light treat people that way, or are into snake tattoos? That alone sent up red warning flags. I wondered whether Yates was either making the whole thing up, whether she was in contact with lower astral entities posing as beings of light, or whether something else was going on entirely. There were too many questions, with not an answer in sight. This investigation has uncovered the answers.

Shelley Yates had help promoting her 'Fire The Grid' deception, and two of the visible people involved in that promotion are the Canadian 'New Age' musicians Bradfield and Anael. As I stated in the "Analyzing The Evidence" section, there is currently no evidence that either Bradfield or Anael knew that Shelley Yates had fabricated her claimed NDE and meetings with beings of light ,,, and therefore the entire 'Fire The Grid' scheme. For the musicians, this means that beings of light - as Shelley Yates claimed - did not recommend Bradfield's music for 'Fire The Grid' because these beings of light were invented by Shelley Yates. Therefore, it was Shelley Yates who had the idea of using the celebrity of Bradfield or Anael, to put some promotional muscle behind her scheme.

While there are others, actively involved in promoting Shelley Yates and her schemes, it is unknown whether any of them knew what this investigation uncovered about Yates's fabrications of her NDE, meeting beings of light, and 'Fire The Grid', and 'Project Cause'. What is known, is that Yates tried to ensnare high profile people including Oprah Winfrey. Fortunately, Winfrey avoided being ensnared into endorsing a dishonest scheme.

Here is a relevant snip from the letter that Yates wanted Winfrey to read, which Yates has posted on her 'Fire The Grid' web site. Yates wanted people to believe that the idea, of getting Oprah Winfrey on board 'Fire The Grid', came from beings of light. Since this investigation has proven that Yates never met any beings of light, her Winfrey claim becomes another one of her manipulating lies. Note Yates's reference to "The Secret", a "law of attraction type - positive thoughts can manifest" New Age self help fad that Winfrey did present on her TV show. It's not hard to deduce that Yates saw this show, and thought that Winfrey should be promoting her as well.

In reading the style and wording of this letter, there is a sense that Yates may have had someone else helping her write it. There is a similarity in phrasing, that matches the topics of discussion in the interview that host Barry Goldstein did with Anael, Bradfield, and Shelley Yates. In brings into question again, just how much influence did Bradfield and Anael have on shaping 'Fire The Grid'. More on this Goldstein interview can be found below, in this section. The entire Winfrey letter can be read in the "Documents And Resources" section.

If Bradfield and Anael had no knowledge of Shelley Yates's deception, and they were fooled by her into endorsing her 'Fire The Grid' scheme to the public, then how and why did this happen? The most logical answer would be that neither of them asked the core questions, meaning that they didn't pursue the core answers found in this investigation. As this investigation proved, this was the effort needed too verify Yates's claims. After reviewing Bradfield and Anael's promotional material, it's clear that they are both part of that primary niche group that Shelley Yates targeted in her 'Fire The Grid' scheme. More so, they both have a fan base through the products and philosophies that they marketed. Yates, like others, have access to Bradfield and Anael's music and philosophies. And Yates being Canadian, and Bradfield and Anael being Canadian, made the two musicians an easy and familiar target for Yates.

Besides their endorsement of Shelley Yates and 'Fire The Grid', I found it troubling that some of their own material claims that they are the musical creators of Fire The Grid'. What does this mean, exactly? Does it mean that Bradfield only allowed his music to be used for 'Fire The Grid', because Yates claimed that beings of light told her that this should happen, and Bradfield really didn't create elements of 'Fire The Grid? Or does this participation go far deeper, such as Bradfield and/or Anael having created aspects of 'Fire The Grid' that Yates attributed to beings of light ... now known to be fictitious?

Here is some of the information, put out to the public by Bradfield and Anael, regarding their music and involvement with Shelley Yates and her 'Fire The Grid' event.

http://www.bbsradio.com/cgibin/late_night/randadmin.pl?Option=PreviewTOD&Day=Saturday&RecNumb=169&filename=shows.dat as retrieved on Jul 19, 2007 08:41:08 GMT.

"Hello I'm Juliyanna and This Is Straight From The Heart.
My very Special Guests for this Saturday night's show (June 23rd 2007) are the internationally renoun musical visionaries & artists as well as musical creators of "Fire The Grid" ... ANAEL & BRADFIELD...

... Together, the music of Anael and Bradfield is evidence of how they are being brought together to create synergistic spiritual teams that are assisting in shifting the consciousness of this planet! They Break sonic boundaries with each note they share, they will take you on a musical journey and tonight will share their vision and stories from Fire The Grid and beyond!

Tonight Anael and Bradford will share with us their music and communicate with us about Their purity of intention in the creative process, Their unique creative process, Fire the Grid and how they are involved, The healing aspects of their music and the embedded tones within, Music for the Human Spirit and Their breathtaking bodies of work! ..."

From Anael's web site:

"... Anael's last album "Once Upon a Dream" attained the Top 10 at iTunes and has spent over 52 weeks among their top sellers. ... Along with Shelley Yates and Bradfield, Anael is one of the founders and a major contributor to Fire the Grid ... an unprecedented worldwide meditation that will occur on July 17, 2007 at 11:11 GMT. ..."

From Bradfield's web site:

"... Writing in a variety of musical genres from symphonic composition to modern day popular music and perhaps best known as the creator and producer of spiritual songstress Anael, Bradfield's melodic lyrical compositions have been attributed by Shelley Yates (Fire the Grid) "as holding embedded tones to aid in the ascension of humanity to the next paradigm".

... Bradfield is a devoted advocate of the purity of intention, relying predominately on his intuition to steer him and his listeners ever so gently toward the Light. ..."

Here is a relevant snip of lyrics found on Anael's web site, from a song written by Bradfield. Note how words and phrases that he uses, such as "critical mass" and "plan" are topic headings on Shelley Yates's 'Fire The Grid' web site. Also note how the concept of "healing" is invoked, similar to healing as the central theme of the beings of light in the 'Fire The Grid' event. Just something to ponder.

Anael Music
Take the High Road

"... Healing is tranmitted through our feelings
Balancing the energies with prayer
Consciousness has overtaken physics in our land
And with a critical mass:
We can change the plan

©2005 Nurtured Spontaneity Publishing (SOCAN)

Here's a radio show where Bradfield, Anael, and Shelley Yates join for the interview to promote 'Fire The Grid'. The show's subject roster is an eye opener, and indicates how much of the musicians themes - such as beings of light, and the importance of Bradfield's music in 'Fire The Grid'. Just something more to ponder.

Now Vibrations. Music, Sound Healings, and Interviews Hosted by Grammy Award Winning Producer and Sound Healer Barry Goldstein
Friday, July 6th : Now Vibrations ...

Join Host Barry Goldstein in this groundbreaking interview as Anael, Bradfield and Shelley Yates share the amazing story of how they were brought together to create this beautifully trinity of "Light and Love" together. As Fire the Grid comes closer, Anael, Bradfield and Shelley Yates will explain the important role of their new CD "Light and Love" in the process and the healing tones within the music! A powerful evening as this trinity joins together on the airwaves for the first time!!!

Tonight We Will Talk About:
* The creation of " Light and Love" and the role of the Light beings
* The healing tones within "Light and Love"
* Listening to music from your soul
* The important role of music in " Fire the Grid"
* Using Light and Love in fire the grid.
* The specifics of the song order and attunement in each song
* The healing stories of Anael and Bradfields music


While there are others, actively involved in promoting Shelley Yates and her schemes, it is unknown whether any of them knew what this investigation uncovered about Yates's fabrications of her NDE, meeting beings of light, and 'Fire The Grid', and 'Project Cause'. What is known, is that Yates tried to ensnare high profile people including Oprah Winfrey. Fortunately, Winfrey avoided being ensnared into endorsing a dishonest scheme.

Here is a relevant snip from the letter that Yates wanted Winfrey to read, which Yates has posted on her 'Fire The Grid' web site. Yates wanted people to believe that the idea, of getting Oprah Winfrey on board 'Fire The Grid', came from beings of light. Since this investigation has proven that Yates never met any beings of light, her Winfrey claim becomes another one of her manipulating lies. Note Yates's reference to "The Secret", a "law of attraction type - positive thoughts can manifest" New Age self help fad that Winfrey did present on her TV show. It's not hard to deduce that Yates saw this show, and thought that Winfrey should be promoting her as well.

In reading the style and wording of this letter, there is a sense that Yates may have had someone else helping her write it - and I don't mean those fictitious beings of light. There is a similarity in phrasing that matches the topics of discussion, in the interview that Barry Goldstein did with Anael, Bradfield, and Shelley Yates. It brings into question, again, just how much influence Bradfield and Anael had in shaping 'Fire The Grid'. The entire Winfrey letter can be read in the "Documents And Resources" section.

The letter to Oprah Winfrey, from Shelley Yates's 'Fire The Grid' web site, trying to get Winfrey to join and promote her 'Fire The Grid' event on July 17, 2007:


“Dear Oprah Winfrey,

We are the Light of the Light and we bring you a message of Love and Joy from the Universe, a method to achieve the highest frequency of human vibration. A message so powerful it has the potential to change the world as we know it. We know your heart, dear one, and we offer for your guidance and direction a chance to manifest the power of intention on a global scale. This is a distinct opportunity to apply the principles of “The Secret,” not for one's own personal desires, but for all humanity, to create a wondrous world which is your destiny.

... On July 17, 2007 at 11:11 GMT, there will be a cosmic opening which will rain down incredible creative energy upon the earth. We wish to share this event with you and humbly request your assistance in sharing our message with the world ..."

Go To Page 4 "Protection Against Deception"

Go To Page 1 "Overview of The Investigation"

Go To Page 2 "Analyzing The Evidence"

Go To Page 3 "Anatomy Of The Deception"

Go To Page 4 "Protection Against Deception"

Go To Page 5 "Documents And Resources"



Starfire Tor encourages the sharing of her material, found on her http://www.starfiretor.com website, in free sharing zones. Starfire Tor's material is copyrighted, and if shared with others must include the full title of the material, Starfire Tor's name as author and researcher, and the Starfire Tor web page of origin from this web site. Sharing Starfire Tor's material, without proper acknowledgement as stated, is an act of plagiarism. Please report any infractions, with URL, to Webmaster - Sharri Lorraine