


Precognition Event Confirmed

© Researched and Written By Starfire Tor


Of all the OBE experiences I've ever had, this one changed everything I ever believed these experiences to be. Prior to this future event experience, I always thought that there was a separation between myself and the event. I was only a time traveling voyeur who could see the future, as if watching it on an inter - dimensional screen that picked up some very interesting time travel channels. In fact, I have a personal joke that I'm not really psychic but am an astral time traveler who watches a lot of news shows in the future, and remembers them when I re-enter the present time zone. To all intents and purposes, this OBE was no different than hundreds of other future events I've witnessed. Hardly a day goes by that I look in to the future - and the past.

But when the news reports came in about what I OBE saw, four days earlier, I was stunned. I saw a news bite where one survivor talked about hearing a voice, from above, helping to guide that disoriented plane crash survivor out of the cornfield. I was in shock, because this person repeated the exact words that I spoke in my OBE experience. This person had heard me, and identified me as an Angel! It continued with survivor stories about the rescued children - just as I had participated in the rescue. Could it be that I was doing more than just be a viewer? Was it possible that some aspect of me could actually cross dimensional time zone and interact with living people in the future? After wrapping my brain around the facts and realizations, I concluded that I had indeed interacted with another future place and space in time. This singular revelation changed my whole OBE knowledge base and mission objectives. I now knew it was possible to time travel, at least in the OBE format, and to communicate with people in that future time. The possibilities were now limitless.

There are two other worthy things to mention, about the crash of UA Flight 232. One of them is the synchronicity of the rescue practice recently enacted by Sioux City, Iowa fire and rescue. It would seem that there was an unseen guiding hand there. The other was the synchronous 1989 release of a movie called "Field Of Dreams", which featured a miracle happening in a corn field in Iowa. That movie became one of my all time favorites.

Starfire Tor


United Airlines Flight 232 Crashes

(AP - July 19, 1989) A United Air Lines DC-10 crasheS in Sioux City, Iowa after an engine explosion caused the total loss of all hydraulics. One-hundred-eleven out of 298 aboard are killed. The aircraft crashed while attempting an emergency landing with no hydraulics after an uncontained engine failure
severed all hydraulic fluid lines.

JULY 19, 1989 A day Siouxlanders won't forget

By Marcia Poole
Journal staff writer

Just before 4 p.m. on July 19, 1989, pilots of United Flight 232 faced the
unimaginable. With 296 people on board, they would try to land a DC-10 that had lost all hydraulics. Aviators have likened the crisis to driving a car
without steering. No training had prepared the experienced crew for such an emergency -- there were no procedures. According to flight manuals, it wasn't supposed to happen. But slightly more one hour into the flight from Denver to Philadelphia via Chicago, at 37,000 feet over Alta, Iowa, it happened.

Part of the No. 2, tail-mounted, engine assembly blew apart. Shrapnel from the explosion severed all three of the DC-10's hydraulic lines which powered the jumbo jet's flight controls. As the pilots wrestled for some control it became apparent that they had to put down the plane at nearby Sioux Gateway Airport, a facility not meant to accommodate such a large aircraft. But Sioux Gateway offered the best -- perhaps the only -- chance for a safe landing.

As Sioux Gateway air traffic controllers assisted the flight crew, Siouxland marshalled its emergency resources to respond. To the amazement of much larger U.S. communities, Siouxland was ready for the unimaginable -- a major commercial airline crash, one of the worst in the nation's history.

Meticulous planning, practice and cooperation had primed emergency services for immediate and effective response. More than 40 agencies from area fire departments, rescue units and ambulances rushed to the scene. Some 300 personnel from the 185th Fighter Wing of the Iowa National Guard were poised for the extraordinary Alert III Emergency. A 24-minute warning before the crash and clear weather were in the responders' favor.

As Flight 232's pilots headed toward Sioux City they used engine thrust from the plane's remaining two engines to exert some control over the aircraft. At 4 p.m., 44 minutes after the No. 2 engine failed, the plane was about to touch down on runway 22. Observers on the ground said it looked as if Flight 232 would safely land.

But the first thing to touch was the right wing tip. After it scraped the earth, the right main landing gear buckled against the runway. Flight 232 burst into flames, cartwheeled off the runway and broke into three parts. Ultimately, 112 people would die.

In less than an hour, rescue personnel triaged, stabilized and transported the injured to Marian Health Center and St. Luke's Regional Medical Center. Miraculously 184 people survived. Some walked away from the fiery wreckage without a scratch.

Captain Al Haynes report
xcerpt from a speech given to pilots)


The passengers ended up upside down because the fuselage was on its back, with smoke, fire and debris all around. When they finally got out of the aircraft, they found themselves standing in a corn field, surrounded by corn eight feet high. I cannot imagine what they must have felt like. But they stayed calm and they helped each other. One of the survivors started climbing out of the aircraft and heard a baby crying; he went back inside, found the baby in an overhead bin where she had been tossed, took her out of the aircraft and brought her to her family that had been driven out by the thick smoke. This type of thing occurred in a number of instances - passengers were helping each other and the flight attendants were continuing to carry out their duties even though they were victims as well.

Brownell Bailey won't let crash
alter the co
urse of children's lives

By Lynn Zerschling
Journal staff writer

For Spencer Bailey, the toddler who became a symbol of survival of Flight 232, that July day 10 years ago isn't the defining moment of his life. "I've treated this as one very bad day," his father, Brownell Bailey, said. " And, I have asked the boys, "Are you going to let one bad day ruin the rest of your life?" They say,"No." As a result, Spencer, his twin brother, Trent, and older brother, Brandon, have become active, involved teen-agers in Englewood, Colo. Brandon will be a high school junior this fall. Spencer and Trent, will be in eighth grade.

Spencer, then 3, and Brandon, then 6, were seriously injured when Flight 232 crashed at Sioux Gateway Airport. Their mother, Frances, 35, was one of the 112 people killed. Their father and Trent were not on board. Spencer became internationally known because of the photograph showing Lt. Col. Dennis Nielsen of the 185th Air National Guard carrying him away from the burning wreckage on July 19, 1989. That picture, taken by Journal photographer Gary Anderson, was published in newspapers and magazines and shown on television broadcasts around the world. Because of the resultant publicity, Bailey emphasized, "I want to make sure that Spencer knows that his most famous moment will not be connected with his mom's death; that it will be what he does in the future. Otherwise, that would be pretty awful."

Both Brandon and Spencer were thrown out of the plane. Brandon was more seriously injured, suffering multiple fractures, abrasions and lacerations.

Jerry Schemmel still flies all the time, though it took him awhile to feel
comfortable with it. He doesn't stay in touch with other survivors as much now as he used to. "That has kind of lingered, too, which I think is probably healthy," he said.

He is still in contact with the parents of Sabrina Michaelson, an 11-month-old girl whose life he saved when he pulled her from the burning plane.


Initial Precognition Event Report

Precognition Event Confirmed
News Reports and Personal Comments

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