


Initial Precognition Event Report
Experienced and Reported on 7/15/89

© Researched and Written By Starfire Tor


I find myself floating above unfamiliar flat land, where I can see an airport. I watch the approach of a large passenger jet, which is in trouble. It can't fly straight, and I try to help it stay the course so it can land at the airport. I have no idea what the problem is, but every time it starts to drift I give it a little shove in the opposite direction to compensate. As it approaches the runway for a landing, I'm feeling good about the effort. That good feeling is replaced with horror as the jet lands awkwardly, rolls on its side, and starts to skid down the runway in a horrible tangle of plane pieces, flames, and people. In one instant, there was a whole plane making a hard landing. In the next instant it was carnage. I felt devastated and helpless. The wreckage finally comes to rest in a corn field. Survivors were flung into this cornfield, onto the runway, and left dangling inside the plane. I flew over the cornfield, where dazed survivors were confused as to where they were and which way was safety. The corn was so tall that they couldn't see over it to get oriented, even though this was daytime. With a great psi effort, I tried to speak to some of these people. I told them to follow my voice and I would lead them out of the cornfield and to safety. Some did follow me. After, I spotted an injured child and made sure that he was found and carried to safety. I helped to lift him into a man's arms. Then I heard a baby crying from inside the plane. I made sure that someone knew about that and got the baby out. Help was on the scene almost immediately, and I withdrew to a higher altitude to watch more of the rescue. I see many bodies, but I also see people who have literally walked away with little more than scratches.

Starfire Tor


Initial Precognition Event Report

Precognition Event Confirmed
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Starfire Tor encourages the sharing of her material, found on her http://www.starfiretor.com website, in free sharing zones. Starfire Tor's material is copyrighted, and if shared with others must include the full title of the material, Starfire Tor's name as author and researcher, and the Starfire Tor web page of origin from this web site. Sharing Starfire Tor's material, without proper acknowledgement as stated, is an act of plagiarism. Please report any infractions, with URL, to Webmaster - Sharri Lorraine










