


Initial Precognition Event Report
Experienced and Reported 7-13-1996

© Researched and Written By Starfire Tor

I found myself flying over New York City. I flew slowly, so that I could look at all the activity - especially Manhattan where I was looking for a special hotel that I only see when I OBE. In the course of this adventure I found myself flying over the water, and from there viewed the airport. Using my psi vision, I was watching the planes take off and land, which was interesting from the height I was floating from. In the latter part of the day, one particular plane caught my attention. It was a 747 jumbo jet, mostly white with a red stripe. It was partly hidden by some sort of building columns. I went back to search for the astral hotel, and then returned to the airport, and saw that the same plane was still there. I psi listened and picked up parts of conversations about Paris and Greece. I figured that's where the the plane was going. Then the plane takes off and flies out over the sea. It's dark up there, and I can't see what airline it is. Actually, at this point, I don't care. It's just nice to watch the big plane climbing. Below, in the water, are boats and ships. But there's something else up here flying toward the 747. It's another plane that is above the 747 but below me. I can see it very clearly. In fact, I can look right through the clear canopy and at the pilot. He looks like a jet pilot, with full flight gear and mask on. But the plane is another thing altogether. It doesn't have wings, per se. It's silvery white in color, and it's shape is more wedge- shaped than anything. The cockpit is center front.

As I'm staring at this interesting plane, I begin to pick up psi information on the craft. It's almost as if I'm being given it's aviation history. Without a doubt, the info was that the craft was an 'X-Plane'. I looked for a number, but could only pick an 'X', a '1', and a '5', but they were superimposed and not really painted on the plane itself. It did reinforce the impression that this plane was called the 'X-something". This plane, besides being very fast, seems to have the ability to hover in one place. I watch it do this. Just when the jumbo jet gets below it, a white beam emanates from the X-Plane. This beam goes straight down and hits the 747. Upon being hit by this beam, the 747 becomes instantly super heated. In a second the 747 explodes at its mid-point just over the wings. This beam, which has left no mark, has caused this passenger plane to explode.

I am trying to do two things at the same time: keep an eye on the X-Plane; and watch the horror unfolding beneath me. The front part of the 747 breaks away from the rest of the plane and begins to fall to the sea. The rest of the headless plane flies on, ripped to shreds, parts breaking off, and the whole thing looking like a macabre death flight. It was raining fire, 747, and people. There was nothing I could do. Nothing. I glanced over at the X-Plane, which was still around but had climbed much higher and was above me now. The message from the pilot, that I was picking up, was that this whole thing had been a terrible accident. He never meant to hit the passenger jet. The pilot was devastated. And then he gained more altitude and flew away. I was left looking at the ocean on fire, and all of those lives snuffed out.

Starfire Tor


Initial Precognition Event Report

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Starfire Tor encourages the sharing of her material, found on her http://www.starfiretor.com website, in free sharing zones. Starfire Tor's material is copyrighted, and if shared with others must include the full title of the material, Starfire Tor's name as author and researcher, and the Starfire Tor web page of origin from this web site. Sharing Starfire Tor's material, without proper acknowledgement as stated, is an act of plagiarism. Please report any infractions, with URL, to Webmaster - Sharri Lorraine










