Initial Precognition Event Report
Experienced and Reported 8-27-1998

© Researched and Written By Starfire Tor

I am OBE flying, and see a plane heading toward a quaint seaside village that looks like a New England picture post card. Oddly, the plane seems to have another plane superimposed over it. Am I looking at one plane or two planes? I then find myself inside the plane, which is filling with smoke. The cockpit is affected, and there's an announcement about preparing for a hard landing or a crash landing. I don't hear all of the words, but I think it's the pilot's voice. The passengers are preparing for this. I try to look around for the cause of the smoke, but can't find it in time. The plane crashes into the ocean. Everyone dies, and all I can see are small pieces of plane and passengers floating in a debris field. Then I see the people from the village taking their boats out in a rescue effort, but all they see is what I see. I'm aware that parts of this debris field will wash up on shore, and that the people of the village will be forever changed with a shock and sadness that will take generations to lift. At least the plane missed the village, which would have been a worse tragedy than what I already OBE saw. There was an expectation from the crew and passengers, right up to the end, that they would survive the ordeal. From what I could glean, the crew never truly knew what brought their plane down.

Starfire Tor


Initial Precognition Event Report

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