


Submarine Kursk Disaster
Precognition Event Confirmed

© Researched and Written By Starfire Tor



It took over two months, until the bodies and messages of the Kursk crew were found, for the world to know what I learned from the OBE the day before the disaster happened. You can read the other accurate OBE observations, now confirmed, for yourself.

Starfire Tor


MOSCOW (CNN) August 14 2000

Situation grim for Russian nuclear sub crew trapped on sea floor


Hopes of rescuing the crew of a mammoth Russian nuclear submarine from the floor of the Barents Sea worsened on Monday after a top Navy admiral said the vessel had been in a "serious collision." Earlier, the Russian Ministry of Defense had said the crew of the Kursk was in no immediate danger. But Admiral Vladimir Kuroyedov, the head of the Russian Navy, disclosed that the chances to rescue the crew -- from 107 to 130 people -- were "not very good." CNN's Steve Harrigan said: "We are looking at a possible ... catastrophe with all the seamen on board facing death in the Arctic waters."

A task force of eight warships -- including five surface vessels and three submarines -- was sent to the area off Russia's northwest coast in the Arctic Ocean. A rescue ship lowered a "bell" onto the deck of the submarine and began supplying the vessel with oxygen, the Defense Ministry said. The Kursk, which lies trapped 107 meters (350 feet) beneath the surface, is an Oscar II-class vessel, 154 meters (508 feet) long and nine meters (30 feet) wide.

Initial reports from the Defense Ministry said the submarine took on water on Sunday April 12 when the front torpedo tubes flooded after torpedoes were fired in a training exercise. There are no nuclear weapons on the submarine, the ministry reported, and radiation levels from the submarine's nuclear reactor were said to be at normal levels. The submarine was in radio contact with the surface vessels. The ministry had said the crew was in no immediate danger because the submarine can remain submerged for up to four months.

Standard rescue procedures call for the crew to be rescued using the "bell" or "capsule" which is lowered onto the hatch of the submarine. An alternative, considered extremely difficult, would be for the crewmembers to swim out of the torpedo tubes into the deep, Arctic waters. Admiral Vyacheslav Popov, commander of the Northern Fleet, was directing the rescue operation, the Interfax news agency reported. The submarine had been taking part in a major exercise.

The Defense Ministry of Norway, which also borders the Barents, said the submarine was in international waters northeast of Murmansk at a depth of around 500 feet. The independent AVN military news agency, which has good sources in defense circles, said it was told by the Northern Fleet the submarine was listing some 60 degrees to the port side and was 85 miles from Severomorsk, the fleet's base.

Tight deadline

The ship can normally stay underwater for about 100 days but Paul Beaver, a spokesman for Jane's military information group, says rescuers may have a much tighter deadline to save the 107 crew on board. Beaver said that with the torpedo compartments flooded, the crew will be unable to use them to evacuate the submarine.

CNN's Harrigan says there have been a number of recent accidents in the nuclear submarine fleet, which is among the most under- funded sectors in the Russian military. The Kursk was built in 1994 and went into service in 1995, making it one of the newest vessels in the Russian navy. It is a nuclear powered submarine that can carry up to 24 missiles.

Wednesday October 25 2000

Russian Divers Find Bodies of Three Kursk Crew
By Andrei Shukshin

MOSCOW (Reuters) - Divers trying to recover the remains of 118 sailors from the wreck of the Russian submarine Kursk (news - web sites) found the first three bodies Wednesday, dispelling fears the dangerous operation might end without any result.

"The bodies of three sailors have been found and lifted onto the hull, " Mikhail Motsak, the Northern Fleet Chief of Staff, told Russia's RTR state television. RIA news agency later quoted the fleet spokesman, Vladimir Navrotsky, as saying the bodies had been brought to the surface. Motsak said all the divers had also been brought up for checks on their condition.

The divers were inspecting the eighth and ninth compartments at the stern which suffered least from two explosions which wrecked the nuclear-powered Kursk. Seven sailors were believed to be posted in the eighth compartment at the time. Earlier, a diver moving down the submarine's narrow corridor had to stop after his oxygen cable turned out to be too short. A difficult operating environment and worsening weather gave rise earlier to speculation that the divers might be forced to leave before being able to recover any bodies at all.

The Kursk plunged to the floor of the Barents Sea on August 12, killing all on board, in Russia's worst naval disaster. Russia Still Believes Another Sub Sank The Kursk Moscow has not said what caused the explosions, but navy commander Vladimir Kuroyedov has said he was pretty sure the Kursk collided with another submarine. "I am 80 percent sure it was a collision with another submarine. In two months, I will make up the other 20 percent and will announce to the world who it was," he said Tuesday.

Amid public outrage over a poorly organized rescue mission, President Vladimir Putin promised relatives of the crew that the sailors' bodies would be recovered. Experts said a salvage operation would be extremely risky. Relatives later urged the government to call off the attempt, but officials insisted it would go ahead.

The operation is being conducted by the Norwegian arm of U.S. oil services firm Halliburton which sent its offshore platform, Regalia, to the disaster site. Its contract stipulates that only Russian divers go inside the submarine.

RTR showed footage from an underwater camera, probing the murky waters where divers had hacked through the Kursk's three-layer metal and toughened rubber hull, designed to withstand torpedo attacks. The divers must cut a total of seven holes to reach all parts of the craft where crew remains might be found.

Interfax quoted Deputy Prime Minister Ilya Klebanov, head of a government commission on the accident, as saying it was too early to know for sure, but that his group considered a collision as one of three possible causes of the accident. The United States and Britain have denied that any of their craft were involved in a collision with the Kursk.

Thursday October 26 2000

Russian Divers Find Letter From Dead Kursk Crew

MOSCOW (Reuters) - A letter has been found in the pocket of a dead sailor retrieved from the sunken Russian submarine Kursk which indicated that at least 23 crew members did not die instantly, Itar-Tass news agency said on Thursday. Russian officials have so far insisted that most of the 118 crew members died in a minute or two after disastrous blasts on board the nuclear-powered submarine in August. Divers are now trying to retrieve the bodies from the Kursk, lying under the Barents Sea. Tass quoted navy commander Vladimir Kuroyedov as saying that the letter had been found in the pocket of one of four bodies retrieved on Wednesday.

"It's 13:15. All personnel from sections six, seven and eight have moved to section nine. There are 23 people here. We have made the decision because none of us can escape," said the letter, apparently written by an officer identified as Lieutenant-Captain Kolesnikov. Tass said the letter also contained the words "I am writing blind."

Wednesday November 8 10:44 AM ET

Another Note Found in Kursk Sub

By JIM HEINTZ, Associated Press Writer

MOSCOW (AP) - The mission to recover remains from a sunken Russian nuclear submarine has turned up a second note on a sailor's body, Deputy Prime Minister Ilya Klebanov said Wednesday, according to the Interfax news agency.

The note was written shortly after the submarine Kursk sank to the bottom of the Barents Sea on Aug. 12, crippled by explosions, with 118 men aboard, Klebanov told the commission investigating the sinking, the report said. It was not clear if the note contained information that would help determine the cause of the accident. But, like a previous note found on a sailor's body, it gives a terse description of the trapped sailors' desperation.

"The general feeling is bad ... the pressure is increasing ... we can't last more than a day," the note says in part, according to Interfax. The note was found on the body of a sailor in the submarine's stern compartment, where the other note also was recovered. That note told of how 23 sailors had crowded into the compartment but were unable to get out the compartment's escape hatch.

Both Britain and the United States had submarines in the Barents Sea, but deny their vessels were in the area of the Kursk. Other observers have said the sinking most likely was caused by a torpedo exploding in a tube.

The sinking was a trauma for Russia, both because the demise of one of its most modern vessels underlined the cash-strapped Navy's troubles and because of the government's slow and apparently confused response. Russia held off for days on accepting foreign offers of help even as its own divers struggled ineffectually to open the Kursk's escape hatch. Norwegian divers eventually opened it within hours of arriving on the scene, but found the submarine filled with water.


Initial Precognition Event Report

Precognition Event Confirmed
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