Submarine Kursk Disaster
Initial Precognition Event Report
Experienced and Reported on 8-11-2000

© Researched and Written By Starfire Tor

I just had a very vivid OBE about a submarine disaster. I came upon the submarine as it’s disabled on the sea floor and listing. There’s a gaping hole in the bow portion. I move inside the sub, where I can see carnage. I am sick over what I see, because there are body parts and shredded body parts. It is very dark here, yet I can see with my psi eyes. I move through the interior of the sub, where I can see light farther back toward the stern. At the back I see about 25 (more or less as I couldn’t accurately count them) sailors still alive. I’m trying to determine what submarine this is, but the only thing I can guess wood be it’s either Russian or Norwegian. I get the feeling that there’s some sort of mixture of Norwegian and Russian energy. I was picking up the thoughts and feelings of this group of survivors, and this is a summary of all thoughts combined. They do not think they will survive. Some of those thoughts come from failed attempts to escape, and other thoughts say that there’s something about this submarine disaster that is a secret, and that the secret will be kept even if it means that these sailors have to die. They all seem to know that the cause of the disaster came from within. By using the word within, I mean both within the submarine and within the secret of what the sub was doing. This sub was involved in something secret, beyond the fact that the very nature of a submarine is to be stealthy. I have the sense that I don’t like what this secret is, as it seems to combine the elements of cheating and telling lies, to the great detriment of many. But I’m not going to let this impression stop me from helping them, if I can help them at all.

The survivors are all depressed and their energy is low. They have a desire to get messages out about their plight. Sailors are writing farewell notes and other messaging. I want to save them and let rescuers know that they are still alive. Their desperation has gotten to me. I leave them and try to find someone I can tell about the survivors. The best thing I can do, in this state, is psychically scream and hope I can penetrate through the veil of OBE and waking worlds to get people’s attention. I also try and let the sailors know that I am there, in my psi form. Maybe that can bring them some comfort.

Then I came back into my body, wrote this report, and informed some military friends in case they could get the info to the appropriate people. Now I’ll watch the news for this future event to come into the now.

In my last reported OBE of a future event (see Concorde plane crash) I was right on top of the event with less than an hour between my report and the crash. I usually have a few days between the future sight and the event unfolding, but this has been getting shorter and shorter. Prior to the Concorde crash, I reported the future vision of yet another plane crash. My report preceded the crash by less than twelve hours. It’s disturbing enough, seeing so much death and destruction, but I at least used to have time to make attempts at saving lives through event intervention. But with these shortened times, between the OBE future sight and the waking event, it’s almost impossible to make any saves. This depresses me greatly. One day I hope to work with others, like myself, who accurately see future events and have the intelligence and experience to know what to do with the information. Sometimes I just don’t have enough OBE info to stop a tragedy from happening. But if there were others who also saw the same future event, maybe enough info could be gathered to effect event interventions with more precision. I’ve done these interventions before, so I know that it is possible to do. The future does not appear to be completely fixed, if my documented experiences are any indication.

Starfire Tor


Initial Precognition Event Report

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