


Initial Precognition Event Report
Experienced and Reported 1-19-1996

© Researched and Written By Starfire Tor

I found I found myself flying, during daylight hours, over unfamiliar countryside. Below me was a railroad track, and as I briefly followed it, a sign that read "Nashville". Now I knew I was in Nashville, Tennessee where some newly married friends had recently moved. I had no idea where they were, but I thought I'd see if I could find them through my psi senses. Flying higher for a better view, I could see an airport on my left and houses to my right. My concentration was almost immediately interrupted by the close roar of engines as a military jet flew past me. It had just taken off from that airport and I followed, as best I could, keeping to the right of the plane. It had double tail fins and double engines. Looking at the engines, I could see that something was wrong. In fact, I was receiving some info that something was wrong with this type of jet across the board. Something, concerning these engines, needed to be fixed. There was a safety problem with this jet. I couldn't keep up with the jet, as it gained some speed and altitude. I caught up with it after it had crashed into some houses. It happened so fast, in time and speed. I'm sure that people have died in this crash, including the jet's crew and people on the ground.

Starfire Tor


Initial Precognition Event Report

Precognition Event Confirmed
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Starfire Tor encourages the sharing of her material, found on her http://www.starfiretor.com website, in free sharing zones. Starfire Tor's material is copyrighted, and if shared with others must include the full title of the material, Starfire Tor's name as author and researcher, and the Starfire Tor web page of origin from this web site. Sharing Starfire Tor's material, without proper acknowledgement as stated, is an act of plagiarism. Please report any infractions, with URL, to Webmaster - Sharri Lorraine









