

Precognition Event Conf

© Researched and Written By Starfire Tor


Every once in a while I have an OBE that repeats the same future event, and this was one of them. Two realizations, which you won't find in the news reports that detail the accuracy of my OBEs, regards the African American male who spoke to me during the OBE and the fate of my adopted Mother. When I was watching the news coverage of the bombing there was an on-going feed, from either an Oklahoma City TV station or a CNN newsman, giving updates on the weather. The face of this man was the one I saw in my OBE. I don't know why, except to bolster my theory that I pick up some future events by tuning into broadcast frequencies which may cross time and space. The other mystery was why I saw my adopted Mother sitting in an astral caravan of the bombed dead. She had no connection to the bombing, and never visited Oklahoma. Sadly, five months after I OBE saw this, she was unexpectedly dead from a cancer diagnosed three months after the Oklahoma City bombing. While I do OBE the future deaths of people I know, I can't ever remember having this type of OBE cross-purpose with another type of OBE. It remains a mystery, to me, to this day. One more thing to note was the bombers' OBE conversation I heard regarding a movie the actor Lloyd Bridges had been it. In researching this, I discovered that the actor was in a movie in which a building is targeted to be bombed by terrorists. It's my opinion that the Oklahoma City bombers had seen this film.

Starfire Tor


Bomb Kills Dozens in Oklahoma Federal Building

By Sue Anne Pressley
Washington Post Staff Writer

An apparent terrorist car bomb exploded outside a federal office building here today, collapsing the north face of the nine-story concrete building, injuring hundreds of workers, and killing at least 31, including 12 children who attended a day-care center on the second floor. Local officials said they feared that the toll would rise quickly because by early evening more than half of the estimated 550 people who worked in the building were still unaccounted for.

Assistant Fire Chief John Hansen said rescue workers had seen "many more fatalities in the building that we are working around" while searching for survivors. He added, "The death toll could really skyrocket" when they begin removing corpses.

The bombing, described by authorities as the deadliest terrorist attack ever on U.S. soil, occurred in the most unlikely of targets -- this heartland capital city of 440,000 that residents once jokingly described as "the town where nothing much ever happens." It occurred shortly after 9 a.m. Central time, when employees were settling down to their work day at the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building and when the maximum number of people were going in and out of the structure.

The explosion quickly turned the placid, tree-shaded downtown into a scene more reminiscent of the aftermath of bombings in Beirut or Tel Aviv. Workers staggered out of stairwells, blood dripping into their eyes. A woman moaned on the ground, part of her leg apparently missing from the blast. Employees at buildings blocks away reported being thrown from their chairs, windows were shattered, and residents who live 30 miles from downtown reported feeling the powerful vibrations of the blast. "Obviously, no amateur did this," said Gov. Frank A. Keating (R). "Whoever did this was an animal."

The building itself was so damaged that simply searching for survivors became a long, perilous task that stretched throughout the day and into the night. The entire front portion appeared to be excavated, as if it had been hit with a wrecking ball many times -- cables stringing down over the sides, steel reinforcements visible, portions of offices still recognizable. Debris from the blast formed a pile two stories high in front of the building, cascading all the way across the street and into a parking lot. The explosion itself blasted a crater eight feet deep and 20 feet in diameter that was filled with rubble.

Tonight, the First Christian Church on 36th Street also doubled as the Family Assistance Center, the sad place where relatives came to bring pictures of their missing loved ones, to tell about birthmarks and scars and other things that might help to identify them. At 11 p.m., 100 people still waited here, holding a quiet prayer vigil and listening to television reports that told them nothing.

The horror of the event was multiplied by the fact that so many of its first known victims were children. They were at play on the second floor of the building when the bomb exploded beneath their day-care center. The Murrah Building housed a variety of federal agencies, including the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms; the Social Security Administration; the Housing and Urban Development, Veterans Affairs and Agriculture departments; and the Secret Service.

Within moments of the blast, the walking wounded began pouring out of the federal building and nearby structures. Some were screaming hysterically, some were so bloodied that it seemed impossible they were still standing. Many said nothing at all; they looked disoriented as they stumbled toward the triage center that had been set up on the street. An hour after the blast, automobiles across the street were still on fire, producing plumes of thick, black smoke. The floors of the Murrah Building were "pancaked," rescue workers said, collapsed one on top of the other.

Staff writer Rene Sanchez and special correspondent Elizabeth Hudson contributed to this report.
© Copyright 1997 The Washington Post Co.

One Arraigned, Two Undergo Questioning

By Edward Walsh
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, April 22, 1995; Page A01

OKLAHOMA CITY, APRIL 21 -- Federal authorities said today they had arrested one of the men being sought in a nationwide manhunt as a suspect in the massive car bombing of the federal office building here, and were questioning two other men.

The arrested man was identified by the Justice Department as Timothy James McVeigh, 27, a former Army mechanic. The two being questioned were Terry Lynn Nichols, 39, and his brother James Douglas Nichols, described by law enforcement officials as associates of McVeigh who may be tied to the Michigan Militia, a right-wing paramilitary organization.

In a day of stunningly swift developments, Attorney General Janet Reno told a mid-afternoon news conference that McVeigh had been held since Wednesday by police in the small town of Perry, Okla., 60 miles north of here, where he was stopped for speeding just 80 minutes after the bombing. It was not until Thursday night that local officers recognized him from composite drawings of two bombing suspects distributed by the FBI. McVeigh had been identified only as "John Doe 1" in the arrest warrant issued yesterday.

The Deadliest Act

It happened just minutes after 9 a.m. on April 19, 1995. Many of the 550 people who worked in Oklahoma City's Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building were heading to their offices when a truck bomb tore down the north face of the building. The explosion killed 168 people — the deadliest mass murder on U.S. soil. Our interactive time line traces the events of the last 2½ years.

Terry L. Nichols: Life in Prison Calling him "an enemy of the Constitution," a federal judge on June 4, 1998 sentenced Terry L. Nichols to life in prison without parole for conspiring to use a weapon of mass destruction. Nichols also will serve eight six-year terms concurrently for his conviction on eight counts of involuntary manslaughter.

McVeigh: Death Sentence Appeal. A federal jury in June 1997 convicted Timothy J. McVeigh on all counts connected with the bombing and sentenced him to death. McVeigh and his attorneys angrily parted ways in August, forcing the court to appoint him a new attorney for the appeals process.

Updated Spring 1998
© Copyright 1997 The Washington Post Company

Warrant For Car Driven By McVeigh




I, Henry C Gibbons, being duly sworn depose and say I am a Special Agent. Federal Bureau of Investigation, and have reason to believe that on the premises known as,

AUTOMOBILE: Yellow 1977 Mercury Marquis, currently located at 1009 N W. 4th Street, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, in the Western District of Oklahoma, there is now contained certain property, namely yellow 1977 Mercury Marquis, and for which a comprehensive forensic examination of its contents could reveal items.


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