

Initial Precognition Event Report
4-15-1995 and 4-18-1995

© Researched and Written By Starfire Tor


This was one of those intense OBEs that continue for more than one session. Because the information repeated itself, in both OBE sessions, I won't be separating the information into individual dates. Just remember, when you read this, that the images and messages were vividly shown on both April 15, 1995 and April 18, 1995. I find myself in some part of rural America that I'm not familiar with. From my vantage point, which is about tree top level, the land looks flat. I have no idea where I am. Below me is a small convenience store that's being robbed by two men. Using guns, they take the money and hurriedly leave the store and move toward a yellow boxy clunker of an old car. I can't tell what make it is and I can't even see a license plate. But for some odd reason I see the words "Ft. Lauderdale" written on the car. I wonder if this flat land is somewhere in Florida, because that's where Ft. Lauderdale is. But I don't see any palm trees. The two men get in this car, being driven by a third man with a beard. They all seem to be in their late twenties or thirties. One of the robbers has a very long face with a long jaw. The other one has brown hair but no other distinguishing features. One of the men calls him by name. To me, it sounds like Tracy or Terry. The only thing I can be sure about is that his name had a 'TR-Y' in it and was one of those names that either a male or female might have. The driver is nervous and driving erratically, which causes the robber in back to yell at him to drive normally and not suspiciously. I follow them, as they are discussing the actor Lloyd Bridges and a movie, they liked, that they saw him in. They didn't say the movie's name, but the actor was in a scene where he was tied up. I then find myself traveling over the flat land and then approach a city. I don't recognize it. In the distance there's a sudden huge explosion with black smoke billowing up so high that it obscures everything around it. I watch this same explosion from many angles, and each time witness the explosion all over again. At one point, I'm in a church right across the street from the building that's going to blow up. I see words on signs. One reads "Broadway" and another "Robinson". I wonder if this building is a mall, because where I live there are department stores, by that name, that anchor malls. If so, it's a mall I don't know. The building itself is large and rectangular, but I can't catch a name. The explosion happens while I'm watching from the church.

Then I watch the explosion again, this time from another building across the street. Instead of watching, I try to get people to see and hear me as I warn them about the explosion. It doesn't work and the building blows up with that black smoke enveloping it. I can see demolished cars.

I am briefly joined by a spirit, who has the look of an African American male. He talks about the weather, and that the poor weather will hamper the rescue of survivors. He then tells me that if I could use my gifts to their fullest, as they were intended, disasters like this wouldn't happen - because I could prevent them. He made me feel very badly, like the fault was mine. I truly think he believed that. I started to make a legitimate excuse, and then felt him fading away. I shouted to him to tell me what city this was and what building was going to explode. I never got that answer.

Then I begin to see the souls of the dead, as they wait together to be transported somewhere. It almost has the look of a train or bus convoy. Some of these souls still carry the physical images of their fatally damaged bodies - which is a terrible sight of dismemberments, burns, and gaping wounds. Others simply look dusty. They are of all ages, and a mix of colors and genders. And there, waiting with them, is my adopted Mother. I move over to her and ask her what she's doing here? But she either can't see or hear me, or just doesn't want to answer. I'm more confused than ever, because she's out of place with this group of souls. She's alive and not anywhere near this bombing. Then the OBE ends.

After both OBE sessions, I wake up very upset. As I write this, only minutes after the last OBE ends, I still feel the devastation. The first upset goes with this massive explosion. How can I prevent it? The second upset goes with encountering my adopted Mother among the dead. I'll call her right now.

I call her, just to touch base, and tell her about these OBEs - leaving out the part about seeing her among the dead. When I describe the scene and the building, she assures me that she doesn't recognize the building or any of the robbers and their car. Now I have to figure out where this explosion, in an unknown city, is going to be.

Starfire Tor


Initial Precognition Event Report

Precognition Event Confirmed
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