

A 'Meteor' Strike In Australia
An Underground Military Base In Australia
Precognition Event Confirmed

© Researched and Written By Starfire Tor


This was a spur-of-the-moment OBE attempt of opportunity. For me, it worked out as more of an astral-OBE than an OBE. But it also took some unexpected turns, as I viewed something flying through space and crash landing in a lake in Australia - which actually occured two days after I Astral-OBE saw the event happen. And like I Astral-OBE saw, this turned out to be a well publicized 'meteor' that received heavy news coverage. According to Dr Bevan, an authority on meteor strikes who commented on the 'mystery object' that crashed into an Australian lake, "Out of 28,000 meteors which fall to the planet's surface each year, only about six are actually seen and recovered. So if this turns out to be a meteorite then it certainly would be an exciting event." The reason why Dr. Brevan was hesitant to call it a meteor strike, at the time of this comment, was because there were many rumors going around that what had crashed was a UFO.

As for the military activity I saw underground, in Australia, the following was sent to me by a reliable source:

There are three underground military bases,
collectively known as Pine Gap. These are US
military installations, completely underground,
and part of the Joint Defense Space Research
Facility. The construction of this involved
the deepest drilled hole ever in Australia
(about 5 miles deep - 8,000 meters). This
series of installations is involved in ELF
broadcasting transceivers, electromagnetic
propulsion, plasmo dynamic cells, and spy
satellites. Here are the locations.

1. South Australia - Nurranger, near Woomera.
2. New South Wales
3. Alice Springs (Northern Territory) 23 klm
(143 miles) of the geophysical center of the
continent, at the foothills of the MacDonnell
Range. (largest base)

So what began as a simple OBE attempt to view what happened to the lost Mars Polar Lander, turned into a three for one:

1. Viewing the fate of the Mars Polar Lander.
2. Viewing a future event of a meteor strike in Australia.
3. Viewing an underground military base in Australia.

Starfire Tor



KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, FLA. -- A Boeing Delta II expendable launch vehicle lifted off, with NASA's Mars Polar Lander, into a cloud-covered sky at 3:21:10 p.m. EST from Launch Complex 17B, Cape Canaveral Air Station. The lander is a solar-powered spacecraft designed to touch down on the Martian surface near the northern-most boundary of the south polar cap, which consists of carbon dioxide ice. The lander will study the polar water cycle, frosts, water vapor, condensates and dust in the Martian atmosphere. It is equipped with a robotic arm to dig beneath the layered terrain at the polar cap. In addition, Deep Space 2 microprobes, developed by NASA's New Millennium Program, are installed on the lander's cruise stage. After crashing into the planet's surface, they will conduct two days of soil and water experiments up to 1 meter (3 feet) below the Martian surface, testing new technologies for future planetary descent probes. The lander is the second spacecraft to be launched in a pair of Mars Surveyor '98 missions. The first is the Mars Climate Orbiter, which was launched aboard a Delta II rocket from Launch Complex 17A on Dec. 11, 1998.

The Mars Polar Lander will travel 10 months from Earth to Mars to land near the southern polar cap in December 1999 and carry out a three-month mission to search for traces of subsurface water in this frozen, layered terrain. The lander carries three scientific packages: the Mars descent imager, furnished by Malin Space Science Systems, Inc., which will view the landing site at increasingly higher resolution; the atmospheric lidar experiment, provided by Russia's Space Research Institute, which will measure the presence and height of atmospheric hazes, along with a miniature microphone provided by The Planetary Society, to record the sounds of Mars; and the Mars Volatile and Climate Surveyor science package. The mission is part of NASA's Mars Surveyor program, a sustained program of robotic exploration of the red planet, managed by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory for NASA's Office of Space Science, Washington, DC. Lockheed Martin

Astronautics is NASA's industrial partner in the mission.

Mars Polar Lander Mission Status
February 11, 2000

Initial analysis of data taken on Tuesday by radio telescopes in the Netherlands and Italy has shown no obvious signal from Mars Polar Lander, but exhaustive review of the data is continuing with a final report due next week.

Analysis of data taken at Stanford University in California is ongoing with no signal detected so far. A telescope at Jodrell Bank in the United Kingdom was not able to collect any data due to high winds at that facility.

"Our plan for the next week is to temporarily end active efforts to listen for a signal," said Richard Cook, project manager for Mars Polar Lander at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif. "We are evaluating several scenarios for future listening attempts that could take place at the end of this month." Mission managers are also reviewing information about the Mars relay link between Mars Global Surveyor and the lander.

Mars Polar Lander is managed by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory for NASA's Office of Space Science, Washington, D.C. Lockheed Martin Astronautics Inc., Denver, Colo., is the agency's industrial partner for development and operation of the spacecraft. JPL is a division of the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, Calif.



A new office devoted to management of future Mars missions is being formed at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, along with another new office that will oversee the implementation of space science flight projects, JPL Director Dr. Edward C. Stone announced today.

Stone said the changes are being made to provide strengthened institutional support for implementing JPL's space science missions, and to bring added focus to the Laboratory's management of exploratory missions to Mars planned for coming years.

"The formation of these offices is directly responsive to the recommendationsof the Young investigation report," said Stone, referring to the newly released findings of the Mars Program Independent Assessment Team, led by Thomas Young. The heads of both new offices will report directly to the director of JPL.

A new manager for the Mars Program Office is expected to be named in about a week, Stone said.

A new JPL Space Science Flight Projects Directorate, to be headed by Thomas R. Gavin, will manage the implementation of space science projects, including those of the Mars Program. Gavin, currently deputy director of JPL's Spaceand Earth Sciences Programs Directorate, was previously spacecraft system manager for the Cassini mission, now en route to Saturn. Gavin's other experience at JPL includes management responsibility for the qualityassurance and mission reliability of the Galileo mission, currently orbiting Jupiter. His newly formed directorate will be responsible for all non-Earth orbiting flight missions. Under the Laboratory's previous management structure, these projects were carried out under the Space and Earth Sciences Program Directorate.

Mission operations management for space science missions will be the responsibility of JPL's Telecommunications and Mission Operations Directorate, headed by Gael Squibb. Previously, operations for Mars missions and a few others were managed by the Space and Earth Sciences Directorate. Now, the Telecommunications and Mission Operations Directorate, which also manages NASA's Deep Space Network, will be responsible for all deep space missions in flight, Stone said.

JPL is managed for NASA by the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena.

Tuesday, December 7, 1999

On Wednesday, December 8, 1999, radio stations in Australia broadcasted the startling news that "a UFO had crashed into a water supply dam" in Guyra, NewSouth Wales, Australia.

The incident took place sometime after dark on Tuesday, December 7. "Witnesses reported the object skipped across the (reservoir's) surface and left a gouge of flattened reeds and mud measuring 15 metres (50 feet) by 8 metres (24 feet). Media people were being turned away from the site by the hazardous material officers."

According to Australian press reports, "a township innorthern New South Wales is having severe waterrestrictions after an unidentified object crashed intothe local dam."

"The projectile slammed into the Guyra water supply dam at the outskirts of the town, north of Armidale," or about 236 miles (377 kilometers) north of Sydney."Police said it was first noticed by an employee carrying on routine maintenance tasks at the dam" on Wednesday. "Fire brigade spokesman John Hobar said an area of reed beds measuring four by ten metres had been flattened, fuelling suspicion that the object may have fallen from the sky."

But he had said that he had checked with a number of space agencies, meteorological experts and officials in Canberra (Australia's capital--J.T.) and there had been no sighting of an unidentified object falling from the sky. There's a township of about 5,000 people and they're on severe water restrictions,' Mr. Hobar said.

On Thursday, December 9, 1999, divers entered the lake behind the Guyra damto test for toxins or radioactive material. On Friday, December 10, 1999, authorities lifted the restrictions after tests showed the water is safe to drink. Police divers have found a 12-metre (39.6 feet) cavern in the floor of the dam. The object has not been found, and the divers are going to continue the searchtoday. The object came from the south on a 45 degree" angle of approach.Speculations seem to be fixed on either a meteorite or a piece of space junk.One scientist has suggested it was approximately one and a half inches (3.3 centimeters) in diameter.

USA Today reported that some people were speculating that the object was one of the two mini-probes, Scott or Amundsen, which disappeared with the Mars Polar Lander last week. (See USA Today for December 11, 1999, "UFO," page 4A.)

Over the weekend, authorities announced that the divers had indeed found the "meteorite" lodged in the cavern. (Many thanks to Peter Van Komen, UFORoundup correspondent in Australia, and to Trevor Griffett, and to Diane Harrison of Australian UFO Research Network for the many Guyra reports.)
(Editor's Comment Totally forgotten are the original witness reports of a large object and the mysterious 120-square-foot "gouge" in the reed beds.)

Note also that according to local reporter Lou Danieli, the media and everyone else were rapidly cleared out to a distance of two and a half kilometers away.

Tony Craddock
ABC News Australia reports

Australian Mystery Object Identified as Meteorite

10 December 1999

SYDNEY, Australia (Reuters) - Even for an alien it was a poor shot -- an intergalactic out-of-bounds in the water, irretrievably embedded in the earth, for a one stroke penalty. The mysterious object which slammed into an Australian dam, leaving a large crater and attracting nationwide attention,has turned out to be a meteorite -- but only the size of a golf ball.

Police divers on Friday recovered sediment and fragments from the dam at Guyra, 400 km (250 miles) north of Sydney, which geologists believe came froma 'golf-ball' size meteorite which landed sometime between Monday and Wednesday.

Despite its small size, the force of the impact left a 15-meter (50 ft) long and 6-meter (20 ft) wide crater in the dam and the meteorite penetrated the bottom of the dam. "The meteorite has penetrated the mud at the bottom of the dam and is now embedded in about four meters (13 ft) into granite and unable to be removed,'' said a police spokeswoman.


Initial Precognition Event Report

Precognition Event Confirmed
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