

Precognition Event Confirmed

© Researched and Written By Starfire Tor


This OBE was one of those rare instances where I didn't actually psi-view the future event, but rather learned about an exact date of two future plane crashes. This crash happened on one of those dates, with EgyptAir being the other crash foretold by date. Owing to the information I picked up, about what would happen on this date and why, I've focused attention on the behavior and actions of these pilots. What was going on in their minds that compelled them to make decisions and perform actions that were contrary to the safety and well-being of their plane and passengers?

Starfire Tor


EgyptAir Plane Crashes Off U.S. Coast, 217 Aboard
Reuters 10/31/99

BOSTON (Reuters) - A Cairo-bound EgyptAir plane with 217 people aboard crashed off the coast of Massachusetts early Sunday, and the U.S. Coast Guard said it had found one body and some wreckage in a massive search for survivors.

The Boeing 767 plane vanished from radar screens and crashed into the Atlantic less than an hour after its 1:20 a.m. EST departure from New York's John F. Kennedy airport, officials said.

The USS Grapple was expected to reach the search area 60 miles off the coast of the Massachusetts island of Nantucket late Monday. The U.S. National Transportation Safety Board said Egypt asked it to lead the investigation of the crash that scattered debris over a 36-square-mile area.

NTSB Chairman Jim Hall foreshadowed a long investigation by cautioning against speculation of the cause of the airliner's rapid plunge to the sea. ``We do not know at this point what caused the crash,'' Hall said at a news conference. Preliminary radar data showed EgyptAir Flight 990 was at 33,000 feet at about 1:50 a.m. EST but 36 seconds later the plane was recorded at 19,100 feet. ``A very rapid descent,'' Hall said, about 23,200 feet per minute.

The FBI said there was no indication that any criminal act took place, but said two FBI agents were aboard search ships to properly secure any debris in case evidence of a crime was uncovered.

Coast Guard officials said they were searching a 36-square-mile area of the Atlantic for a total of 217 people. There were 199 passengers, including infants, and 18 crewmembers, airline officials said. Three of the crew were nonpaying EgyptAir employees flying aboard.

The plane took off from John F. Kennedy airport at 1:20 a.m. EST, according to airport officials. It had arrived from Los Angeles International Airport just before 1 a.m. EDT. While at Kennedy, the twin-engine, wide-body Boeing 767 took on fuel and remained on the ground for about one hour. During the time it was on the ground, clocks in the United States were turned back an hour to Eastern Standard time from Eastern Daylight Time.

Both the Federal Aviation Administration and Coast Guard said they had received no distress calls from the plane.

EgyptAir Says Suicide Impossible
AP News

CAIRO, Egypt - As the EgyptAir 990 crash investigation turned into a more complicated mystery Tuesday, Egyptian officials rejected the possibility that any of the eight pilots aboard could have purposely pointed the Boeing 767 toward the sea and taken 216 others to their deaths.

All the pilots "were religious men, and none of them could have attempted suicide," said an EgyptAir spokesman. "Periodic medical tests are conducted . . . and these showed they were well physically and psychologically." Attention focused on the pilots after reports that the flight voice recorder had picked up someone in the co-pilot's seat possibly uttering a prayer shortly before the plunge. One co-pilot, Adel Anwar, two weeks shy of his 37th birthday, was said to be returning to Egypt for his wedding five days later. The other, Gameel El Batouty, was described as the devoted father of a 10-year-old daughter with a rare medical disorder who dedicated his financial resources to her periodic treatment in the United States.

Two teams of a pilot and a co-pilot each were actively involved in the New York-Cairo flight, according to Mr. Sidqi. The other four off-duty pilots were either returning to Egypt or observing the flight, officials said. Capt. Ahmed Mahmoud Habashi, 58, and his co-pilot, Mr. Anwar, boarded the plane in New York and were in charge for the first phase of the flight, Mr. Sidqi said. Capt. Sayed Raof Noureddin, 52, and his co-pilot, Mr. El Batouty, 59, were in reserve for later segments of the 11-hour trip, the spokesman said. All four pilots had seats in the cockpit, although it would have been acceptable for the reserve team to leave after the plane had reached cruising altitude, Mr. Sidqi said. Rules call for two pilots at the controls at all times, he said.

Investigators had been puzzled by Flight 990's plunge from 33,000 feet into the Atlantic about 40 minutes after takeoff, unable to develop a scenario based on mechanical failure. Suggestions of a human role in the crash emerged from analysis of the cockpit conversation. A transcript was not released, but investigators reportedly believe that the prayer was offered before the jet's autopilot was manually turned off. The sound of a door opening and closing was also detected, indicating that the pilot might have left the cockpit.

Initial Precognition Event Report

Precognition Event Confirmed
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