The Official Web Site Of Starfire Tor

An Inter-Dimension List Mission

October 31, 2006

Totally Envisioned, Realized,
Written, and Copyrighted
© Starfire Tor


I am an aware and living Soul and Body Of Light requesting an all encompassing energy connection to all that I am in all dimensions, all co-existing time lines, and all worlds that I span. I am an aware and living link to the Core Matrix of all existence, and through me flows all that was, all that is, and all that will be. All knowledge flows through me. All truth flows through me. All awareness flows through me. All enlightenment flows through me. All destiny flows through me. I am linked with the Core Matrix, and the Source that is the Core Matrix, and the multiverse of co-existing time lines which flows from the Core Matrix through that which I am.

With all that I am, and all that I am connected to, I envision and realize a true, sensible, powerful, indestructible, and ever-lasting peace that is initiated through me, is seeded into the very heart and soul of the Core Matrix, and spreads through every co-existing time line, every world, and every dimension. This is The Vortex Peace Prayer, which combines my desire for peace with my natural ability to Reality Shift 8 Key Peace Elements necessary for peace to thrive in all time lines.

THE FIRST KEY PEACE ELEMENT creates a dominant world and time line where both men and women live in mutual harmony and respect for one another. Regardless of one's gender, age, race, or color, each person is honored as a precious life-force and is encouraged to become the best person that they can be.

THE SECOND KEY PEACE ELEMENT creates a dominant world and time line where all people respect and embrace the life force and well being of all animals and creatures of the earth. People treat the animals and creatures of the earth with a compassion and affection born of desire, knowledge, consideration, awareness, and wisdom.

THE THIRD KEY PEACE ELEMENT creates a dominant world and time line where people treat the earth with respect, and with a wisdom that supports the planet's health and longevity. The air and the water are kept clean and pure, and the forests, fields, beaches, and mountains are cherished, embraced, and protected as an all important life supporting life force.

THE FOURTH KEY PEACE ELEMENT creates a dominant world and time line where Justice and Fairness permeates every aspect of our lives, both individually and as a global community. Our world is a place of personal and global truth, honor, and inborn common sense that is free from self interest, ignorance, and prejudice. It is a harmonious world where the shared established wisdom teaches that to be Just and Fair is preferred and equal to being physically, emotionally, and spiritually powerful.

THE FIFTH KEY PEACE ELEMENT creates a dominant world and time line where kindness, good deeds, compassionate hearts, wise souls, and service to others is desired, valued, appreciated, respected, and nurtured as the standard of excellence upon which our world survives and thrives.

THE SIXTH KEY PEACE ELEMENT creates a dominant world and time line where truthful knowledge of our physical, spiritual, and virtual origins - as well as our history on planet earth and elsewhere - is known, understood, embraced, and forever integrated into the core of our being. Should any of this truthful knowledge be suppressed information, whether by deliberate intent or ignorance, set this knowledge free to become forever part of our core being. Should any of this truthful knowledge be information not yet known, bring this knowledge into the light where it becomes forever part our core being. If truthful knowledge, of our origins and history, is suppressed and in the hands of an elite few, set the information free to become forever part of our core being. If truthful knowledge, of our origins and history, is suppressed by any government or group or belief system, set the information free to become forever part of our core being. If truthful knowledge was destroyed, by whatever means and for whatever reason, set the information free to become forever part of our core being. If truthful knowledge was used to promote untruths, separate truth from lie and set the information free to become forever part of our core being. Whatever truthful Hall Of Records there may be, set the information free to become forever part of our core being.

THE SEVENTH KEY PEACE ELEMENT creates a dominant world and time line where truthful knowledge of our core being is known, understood, embraced, and forever integrated into our awareness of all existence in all worlds, all dimensions, all realms, all realities, and all time lines. Make this a dominant world and time line in which our core being is aware of the existence and interaction between our soul, mind, body, and virtual self. Make this a dominant world and time line in which our core being is aware of the existence of, and interaction with, other beings, entities, and energies. Make this a dominant world and time line in which we can discern between those entities, beings, and energies who have and share truthful knowledge, and those beings, entities, and energies who suppress truthful knowledge and promote untruths. Make this a dominant world and time line in which truthful knowledge, revealing the existence and importance of the Core Matrix, Time Shifts, Reality Shifts, co-existing time lines, and the Cosmos beyond is no longer suppressed information - but is information that our core being and collective consciousness acknowledge, understand, and embrace.

THE EIGHTH KEY PEACE ELEMENT creates a dominant world and time line where The Vortex Peace Prayer, and those who participate in the Vortex Peace Prayer, are respected, encouraged, and protected in the past, the present, the future, in all dimensions and co-existing time lines now and forever. Also protected, respected, and encouraged are the seekers and revealers of the truthful knowledge of our physical, spiritual, and virtual origins - as well as our history on planet earth and elsewhere - whether in the past, the present, the future, in all co-existing time lines, and in all dimensions now and forever.

These 8 Key Peace Elements are a great and lasting contributor toward manifesting a true, sensible, powerful, indestructible, and ever-lasting peace. When these 8 Key Peace Elements are in short supply in a world and timeline, the deficiency allows conflict and war to dominate. When these 8 Key Peace Elements are in great supply in a world and timeline, conflict and war cannot thrive. It is so that a world where these 8 Key Peace Elements abound, is a world where a true, sensible, powerful, indestructible, and ever-lasting peace thrives.

I connect with the co-existing time lines where the 8 Key Peace Elements thrive, and where these time lines and worlds have a true, sensible, powerful, indestructible, and ever-lasting peace. Linking to these co-existing time lines and 8 Key Peace Elements, I fill my very being with the energy of these 8 Key Peace Elements. Anchoring the energy within my being, I copy the energy and hold it within my being. Anchoring an exact copy of the energy within my being, I allow the copied energy of the 8 Key Peace Elements to travel through all my connections to the Core Matrix and all co-existing time lines. The 8 Key Peace Elements are anchored in my being, are anchored in the Core Matrix, and are anchored in every co-existing time line. The effect of Reality Shifting the 8 Key Peace Elements is immediate, powerful, and incorruptible.

I now link my Vortex Peace Prayer activation with all others who are participating in the Vortex Peace Prayer. Together, we form a Vortex Peace Prayer coalition that amplifies the Reality Shifting of the 8 Key Peace Elements. The Vortex Peace prayer collective is a power and a gateway to an effective, helpful, and lasting transformation of the Destiny of all co-existing time lines through the 8 Key Peace Elements.

No person, creature, spirit, being, entity, thoughtform, or energy can remove or corrupt these 8 Key Peace Elements of The Vortex Peace Prayer. No person, creature, spirit, being, entity, thoughtform, or energy can harm anyone or any energy that supports and participates in The Vortex Peace Prayer. Those who even dare to try and disrupt, corrupt, or harm the Vortex Peace Prayer will meet with absolute defeat. Those who attempt to disrupt and corrupt the Vortex Peace Prayer will be automatically Astral Tagged as negative energy disrupters and terrorists, and this will follow them into all dimensions and in all co-existing time lines and worlds.

The Vortex Peace Prayer Reality Shifting of the 8 Key Peace Elements is a rightful deed for a rightful need. The Vortex Peace Prayer will always prevail.

We are the future and we are the past,
We are the champions whom fortune has cast,
To carry the message of spiritual might,
We are the warriors who fight for the light.

Make it so.

Vortex Peace Prayer Index
Vortex Peace Prayer History, Application, Psience
Reality Shift Manifestation Research, Protocols, and Psi Missions Part I
Identifying Key War Elements
Creating The 10-31-06 Vortex Peace Prayer
Original Peace Dream 10-28-2000/One Tin Soldier
Vortex Peace Prayer Annular Solar Eclipse
Vortex Peace Prayer Reality Shift
Starfire Tor Main Table Of Contents


Inter-Dimension List Owner: Starfire Tor


Note: Posts from the Inter-Dimension list, appearing on this web site, may be edited to protect the identity of the poster, and/or to remove unnecessary elements. All posts are documented in the archives of the Inter-Dimension List, and other sources.

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