


Precognition Event Confirmed

© Researched and Written By Starfire Tor


This OBE was one of those rare instances where I didn't actually psi-view the future event, but rather learned about an exact date of two future plane crashes. This crash happened on one of those dates, with EgyptAir being the other crash foretold by date. Owing to the information I picked up, about what would happen on this date and why, I've focused attention on the behavior and actions of these pilots. What was going on in their minds that compelled them to make decisions and perform actions that were contrary to the safety and well-being of their plane and passengers?

Starfire Tor


Taipei, Taiwan October 31, 2000
Singapore Airlines Boeing B-747-412
Taipei - Los Angeles
179 Passengers, 82 Fatalities

The aircraft began its takeoff roll in heavy rain and high winds. The pilot mistakenly tried to take off on a closed runway and the aircraft struck construction equipment, broke in three and burst into flames. The pilot missed some key warnings, including a routine preflight briefing report that warned of the hazard on the runway under construction and two signs indicating the number of the runway he mistakenly went down. The L.A.-bound plane crashes on the runway and breaks apart in flames after reportedly hitting an object on the runway in a storm.

By CHING-CHING NI, Times Staff Writer

SHANGHAI--A Singapore Airlines jumbo jet bound for Los Angeles crashed in Taiwan during takeoff Tuesday night, killing 79 people as it burst into flames and broke apart. Singapore Flight 006, with 159 passengers and 20 crew members on board, reportedly struck an object on the runway in Taipei just before taking off in a storm. It was not immediately clear what the plane hit. More than a dozen people walked away from the crash after prying open emergency exits and crawling out of the burning Boeing 747-400. A Taiwanese civil aviation official said 79 people died, 56 were hospitalized and 44 had minor or no injuries. Among the survivors were 24 of the 47 American passengers on board. "It felt like we'd hit something [coming down] . . . . Then, all hell broke loose," passenger John Diaz of Santa Monica, an executive with the San Diego firm MP3.com, said in a telephone interview from a hospital in Taipei, the Taiwanese capital.

Throughout the tempestuous night, smoke and flames billowed from the wreckage. The front section was ripped from the rest of the fuselage. The tail and underbelly were lying on the tarmac, eerily intact. Officials said many of the victims were seated toward the front of the plane. "I felt two hits, and we twisted around twice," Tonya Joy, 37, of New Zealand told Associated Press at Chang Gung Memorial Hospital near the airport. "I jumped out of the top and landed on the ground. The weather was just awful. Flames came so fast on both sides of the plane."

During the attempted takeoff at 11:18 p.m., Typhoon Xangsane was approaching Taiwan with winds of 90 mph and heavy rains, prompting officials to set up disaster relief centers on the island and close schools. Winds at Chiang Kai-shek International Airport shortly before takeoff had reached 41 mph, according to WeatherData Inc., a forecasting service. Billy K. C. Chang, a Taiwanese aviation official, said it is up to pilots to decide if weather conditions are safe for landing and takeoff. Tuesday's crash was the second in two years at the airport. In 1998, a China Airlines Airbus crashed shortly after liftoff, killing all 203 on board. Taiwanese officials denied reports that Flight 006 had struck another aircraft on the runway. The cause of the disaster was under investigation.

Airline spokesman Rick Clements said in Singapore that the pilot "saw an object on the runway and he tried to take off to avoid the object, and he hit the object." The 747 jumbo jet usually is configured to carry between 416 and 524 passengers and crew, so Flight 006 was less than half full. The plane would have been going about 180 mph when it reportedly struck the object on the runway. On flights as long as the Taipei-Los Angeles run, 747-400s take off with more than 55,000 gallons of kerosene fuel, much of which apparently burned in the fire that followed the crash. "It felt like we bumped into something huge," passenger Doug Villermin, 33, of New Iberia, La., told Associated Press. "It looked like the front end just fell off. From there, it just started to fall apart. I ran to the escape hatch with the stewardess, but we couldn't get it open. Two feet away from me, I saw flames."

Times staff writers Eric Malnic, Gina Piccalo and Louis Sahagun contributed in Los Angeles.

Initial Precognition Event Report

Precognition Event Confirmed
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