

Initial Precognition Event Report

 Experienced and Reported 2/1/2003

© Researched and Written By Starfire Tor

Subject: Precognition Dream/Fiery Meteor-Like Streaking Fragments/Space Shuttle Columbia?

Date: February 1, 2003

From: Starfire Tor

I just woke up from what may be a terrible dream, that I believe is a precognition dream. It seemed very real, as all of my precognition dreams do. The dream starts out where I am hearing what seems like a pilot talking to ground control. There doesn’t seem to be anything unusual happening in the bits of conversation I can make out. Just checking this and that. Then nothing. In the dream I walk out of my house and look up. There in the sky is a beautiful sight. There are many fiery glowing fragments of what look like a meteor breaking up in the atmosphere. These fragments are racing across the sky away from me.

I suddenly have a thought that this is not a meteor. I wonder if I am looking at the re-entry of the Space Shuttle Columbia. I wake up and write this report. If this is the Space Shuttle, maybe we can do something to save it before whatever this is happens. Did anyone else have any dreams that featured this event?

Starfire Tor

Subject: UPDATE re: Precognition Dream/Fiery Meteor-Like Streaking Fragments/Space Shuttle Columbia?

Date: February 1, 2003

From: Starfire Tor

It is now 53 minutes after I posted this dream precog, What I psi saw is now on the news. The Space Shuttle Columbia broke up on re-entry. There was even a photo of the meteor looking flyover that I psi saw. That was the Space Shuttle Columbia breaking up in the atmosphere. It is assumed that all of the 7 astronauts aboard were killed. There just wasn’t enough time, between when I had the precog dream and the disaster happened, to even attempt to save the astronauts. I’m just sick over this.

Starfire Tor 

 Initial Precognition Event Report

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