

The Mind Control Program Series
Danger Alert
The Mind Control Program Agenda
Recognizing The Mind Control Program At Work
More About The Dark Matter Aberration & It's Need To Feed

Starfire Tor is the discoverer and chief researcher of Time Shifts, The Core Matrix, and Co-Existing Time Lines.  These are terms she coined to describe astounding interconnected phenomenon in which our reality and dominant current time line is constantly being edited and restructured.

The ancient origin of the Core Matrix, Time Shifts, and Co-Existing time lines involves a black hole, matter, anti-matter, and other exotic elements.  Despite the immense, and symbiotic cosmic powers that brought the Time Shift mechanism into being, the continuation of this mechanism's function requires a source of power capable of triggering the Core Matrix's prime directive. 

To learn more about this ground breaking work please listen to Starfire Tor's many interviews, including the ones with Whitley Strieber on Dreamland and her many appearances on Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell, George Noory and Whitley Strieber.



The Core Matrix Stops Another Nuclear Disaster
How To Permanently Stop The N Korean Nuclear Threat
Explaining More About How The Core Matrix Works
More About The Deadly Mind Control Program
April 19, 2017 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

The purpose, of this special report, is to point out the workings of The Core Matrix – and its Prime Directive - and how it deals with planet ending, and other nuclear events. In this case, it is how a new nuclear disaster was recently stopped before it could manifest into any co-existing time line. This is not the same event, as the now vanquished time looping planet ending nuclear catastrophe dealt with in 2016. As usual: Please stick to the topic at hand, which is how and why The Core Matrix – and The Astral Tagging Truth Reveal – are dealing with new nuclear disaster threats. This includes, why and how this nuclear threat is tied into the dark side of US and world politics. Do not use any of my reports to express your political leanings or opinions. You can include political information, in your comments, if it directly relates to the topic. Make sure that you deal in confirmed facts and not in disinformation, propaganda, or fake news. They are part of the mind control program, that I have been reporting about. Check your sources. Irrelevant, rude, or sheer opinion posts will be deleted.

This special Time Shift report contains information about current nuclear threats, as well as information that relates to the vanquished 2016 time looping planet ending nuclear catastrophe. As I reported at the time, the defunct 2016 time looping nuclear disaster actually began it’s time line looping journey on September 11, 2001. Its ability, to ultimately end us, was finally thwarted when Donald Trump became the US President. Stopping the planet ending event had a great deal to do with the US Presidential election, which in turn had everything to do with stopping those who would cause the nuclear nightmare. While neither Hilary Clinton nor Donald Trump were ever the ones to launch a nuclear strike, according to my future co-existing time line information, only Donald Trump had the security minded where-with-all that would and could deter nuclear annihilation.

While Barack Obama - during his 8 years as President - did not start the time looping nuclear event, his actions and behavior as President made the nuclear situation - and the world - a much more dangerous place. Barack Obama unknowingly kept the time looping nuclear problem in place. This, however, does not excuse the global and US harm that he knowingly caused. He intentionally minimized the nuclear threat, while falsely claiming that the threat had been successfully dealt with. He wasn’t the only President who did this. So did Bill Clinton. However, what Barack Obama did was far worse than any President had done before him. Had Barack Obama acted from a position of truth and strength, instead of from a position of lies and weakness, he would have been the one to have stopped the time looping planet ending nuclear disaster. He would have been the one to have brought a real peace effort to the world, instead of simply receiving the Nobel Peace prize for doing nothing more than getting elected.

If elected, Hilary Clinton would have continued Barack Obama’s weak, to nonexistent, security policies. These policies acted to hide the real level of danger facing the US and the world. The Core Matrix recognized, that a strong US security policy was the key element that would stop the time looping nuclear catastrophe. It didn’t matter what person held the key – only that they held it. Donald Trump held the key and Hilary Clinton did not. This is how The Core Matrix, through many time line edits, was able to manifest a series of improved versions of Donald Trump from various co-existing time lines. The version of Donald Trump, who began the campaign for the Presidency, is not the same version of Donald Trump who won the election. There was no improved co-existing time line version of Hilary Clinton, for The Core Matrix to work with. The Core Matrix did not choose Donald Trump over Hilary Clinton. The Core Matrix, helped the one, who held the key security element that would stop the time looping nuclear disaster. It’s really that simple. Hilary Clinton’s Presidency would have doomed us all. In fact, if she had won in 2016, then none of us would still be around to bemoan the deadly mistake. But since Donald Trump won, the planet gets to continue onward – and hopefully upward. With life there is hope.

Pay special attention, to the continuing organized attempts to harm Donald Trump and his presidency. I will address this further, in a different report on the mind control program that is playing out through these funded anti-Donald Trump activities. For now, just understand that Donald Trump – and his security policies – are what stands between life and nuclear devastation. This is a clear and present danger. Even if someone doesn’t know what you all now know, because of what I have shared, it is still completely obvious that Donald Trump is having to deal with very real and very dangerous nuclear threats that affect us all. The mind control program does not allow the manipulated to see or understand this reality. The mind control program keeps its programmed population in a fantasy state of mind and purpose. Instead of participating, in funded and organized mind controlled activities that divide and harm people, all US citizens, US politicians, and people in the free world should be working to help Donald Trump be the best President that he can be. Being obstructive is not helpful. It is harmful to all of us. Instead, break free of the mind control program and allow your honest voice to be heard – which should include outing the mind control program. Be a part of the policy making, even if your honest input opposes Donald Trump’s initial ideas. This is called brainstorming, and it is an important part of the process of manifesting great ideas – as well as disposing of not so great ideas. Otherwise, he’s going to make mistakes – and this world, because of the nuclear threat, cannot afford mistakes.

Those, who are behind the mind control program, feed off of and profit from human discord, hatred, emotional angst, inner rage, bottomless self pity, and self righteous mind-sets. Although I’m talking about humans doing this evil to other humans, the same words can be used to describe demonic influence. I am not saying, that the mind controllers are one and the same as demons – but I’ll let you think about that. Because of the way the mind control program is set up, Donald Trump has been fabricated into an object of hate, ridicule, and disrespect. Millions of people, who want to hurt and oust Donald Trump from office, have no idea that their thoughts and feelings and actions are being manipulated by people with no morals, no ethics, and an agenda that serves only them. One of their agendas - not surprisingly - is to take control of the world after a nuclear disaster. It is called a forced opportunity. This entire organized and funded hate Donald Trump campaign, is just a convenient means to an end for these high stakes manipulators. If you have given your energy, to an anti-Donald Trump enterprise, then your mind has been hacked and reprogrammed. Don’t be an actor in their play for power. Free your mind, and you free yourself.

It is okay, not to like Donald Trump - but it should be for the right reasons, and not because of a mind control program. Not liking him, and wishing that he weren’t the President, does not mean that you are one of the millions who are under the anti-Trump mind control program. However, it is quite possible that you formed your opinion based on the propaganda, fake news, and information manipulation used to activate and manage targeted victims of the mind control program. Therefore, everyone needs to be aware that their thinking and opinions may have been compromised.

BTW: There is no mind control program, that is manipulating people to support Donald Trump. US citizens, who do support him, do so with a free mind. However, because the mind control program is partly run through the Democratic Party, a Donald Trump Republican supporter may find themselves having to deal with those who are contaminated by the mind control program. This, in turn, can alter how an uncontaminated person behaves. This does not mean, that all Donald Trump supporters are innocent of bad behavior. There is plenty of bad behavior to go around, regardless of the political party.

Keep this in mind, above all: Just because the time looping planet ending nuclear disaster was stopped in 2016, and just because a recent North Korean nuclear disaster was thwarted in 2017, does not mean that the threat of a nuclear disaster has been permanently eliminated. It has not been. The nuclear threat, as a continuing theme, is still active. The reason is, the major nuclear offenders are still active and endangering the world with nuclear threats. They have not gone away. True, that their plans of nuclear destruction and global dominance have been negatively impacted through time line editing. But this life saving time line editing has not eliminated their evil agendas. That is not how The Core Matrix works.

The Core Matrix does not target people, countries, kingdoms, groups, religions, or belief systems. It only targets co-existing time line events and time line elements. It is important to understand these factors, because this information is essential to understanding the basic workings and application of my discoveries and research It will help you to better understand how The Core Matrix does and does not affect you personally. The Core Matrix is only concerned with its Prime Directive program, which is to return the cosmos to its original form, and to keep our planet alive and intact. It has zero concern for who lives, who dies, or who rules what kingdom.

While Core Matrix time line edits – and even time line reboots – can remove and transfer a planet ending event from one co-existing time line to another, it cannot cause people to change their way of thinking and acting. Only life circumstances, self will, and an ill conceived mind control program can do that. Most especially, neither The Core Matrix – nor any form of Reality Shift Manifestation – can heal a damaged mind. Nor can it change someone from pursuing a corrupt or dangerous agenda or belief system. A Time Shift time line edit cannot give an illogically thinking person common sense, it cannot make the mentally ill mentally well, and it cannot change the thinking processes of someone dedicated to harming the innocent or enslaving humanity. It cannot stop self generating human sourced evil. The Core Matrix can inadvertently heal illnesses and injuries of the body, can inadvertently lift a person’s depression, can inadvertently open doors to many new and fulfilling experiences, can inadvertently enlighten a soul and illuminate a mind with spiritual and physical knowledge, and can inadvertently create a cause and effect situation that triggers a Time Shift Living Dead event.

During the recent waves of Time Shift and time line edit activity, which began on March 27, 2017, The Core Matrix stopped a new nuclear disaster before it was able to manifest into any co-existing time line. If it doesn’t manifest, then it cannot time loop into other co-existing time lines. Had this nuclear disaster manifested, it would not initially have been a planet ending event. However, it would have killed millions of people and animals. The impact on the ecosystem would have been devastating, and the impact on the world would have been planet changing. The instigator, of this particular newly thwarted nuclear disaster, was North Korea and its current leader. North Korea was one of a handful of nuclear aggressors, from the 2016 time looping nuclear disaster. Iran was also in the mix, as were certain sponsored terrorist groups. Neither the US, nor Russia, was the instigator of – nor a participant in – the previous time looping planet ending nuclear disaster. Neither the US, nor Russia, played any instigating roles in the recently Core Matrix ended North Korea nuclear threat. Nor does the US or Russia play an instigating role in the current nuclear threat from North Korea. Because of Donald Trump, the US is the main – and only - current deterrent to North Korea’s nuclear threats. This will soon change.

North Korea continues to be a nuclear threat, because of the behavior of its leader – who came to power in 2011. He is fixated on being a major player, on the world political stage, by threatening nuclear strikes against his neighbors and his perceived enemies far, far away. His obsession, which partly defines his mental state, makes him incapable of self motivated change in the name of peace. His aggressive behavior, which includes an escalating nuclear bomb program, went unchecked when Barack Obama was in office. No Core Matrix time line edit can change the North Korean leader, nor could it ever change Barack Obama for the better. If the North Korean nuclear threat is ever going to permanently stop, then another force of will and action must create that change. It would be best, if the change came from within North Korea and was peaceful. Such a change has the ability to bring a better life to the people of North Korea, as well as to the countries and people that it threatens. The change can come from a force outside of North Korea, but this action would come with severe problems of its own. There will come a time, very soon, when the change must happen one way or the other. Millions of lives depend on the change being the right one, and happening ASAP.

Prior to this report, I reported about an unusual set of geomagnetic storms, a series of solar wind hits, and a record setting 7 M flares that fired from Earth facing sunspot 2644. My review, of Time Shift markers, indicated that a series of time line edits had occurred in connection with this activity. The Sun and the Earth were positioned, so that none of the Sun’s explosive energy would give Earth a direct hit. Therefore, most of that potentially harmful solar energy missed Earth completely. This positioning saved Earth, from an onslaught of potentially damaging solar hits. This became even more important, because of the Time Shift markers that cropped up at the same time. These Time Shift markers all pointed to the stopping of a new nuclear disaster, before the disaster could manifest in any co-existing time line. Besides the oddities, with how the Sun was behaving, the most noticeable Time Shift marker was the transferred explosive energy being manifested into our dominant co-existing time line.

BTW: Sunspot 2644 rotated back onto the Earth facing side of the Sun on April 18, 2017. Upon doing so, it fired off a C flare and coronal mass ejection. Per scientific custom, upon its Earth facing return, the sunspot was renumbered 2651.

As I explained, in many previous reports, including many in 2016, energy cannot be destroyed. But energy can be time line edited, transformed, and then transferred into a different co-existing time line. The force of a nuclear explosion, in one co-existing time line, can be transformed and manifested into another co-existing time line as an earthquake, an asteroid collision, a hurricane, a tsunami, or even a non nuclear explosion. This is what The Core Matrix did, in order to save us by editing out the time looping planet ending nuclear disaster. Unfortunately, the planet ending nuclear event became so ingrained into the Core Matrix time line program, that it kept reasserting itself into new co-existing time lines. In 2016, The Core Matrix was quickly running out of ways to keep the disaster from manifesting into our ever changing dominant time line. This problem was permanently fixed, when Donald Trump was elected and took office as the 45th US President.

Because of the nuclear threat situation, with North Korea, The Core Matrix is again having to deal with a potentially planet ending event. It is something that could evolve into the same type of time looping nuclear disaster, that began in 2001. FTR: North Korea had nothing to do, with the initial 2001 nuclear disaster - which was first edited out of our dominant co-existing time line that same year. Nuclear aggressors – like North Korea - got added to the problem, as the time looping continued into modern times. Whereas, The Core Matrix kept us alive by enacting a series of whole world time line reboots – as opposed to just time line edits – the current North Korean nuclear threat only required a series of time line edits to prevent a disaster from happening. This accounts for the many Time Shift markers, including the recent mega bombing activities of the US military, and the recent failure of North Korea to perform another nuclear test or launch another missile.

If you would like to learn more about, what I reported in 2016 and 2017, or know about it but would like to refresh your memory of it, you can read it through my social media sites or go to my website. Some of the 2017 material is not yet uploaded to my website.

2016 Time Looping Nuclear Disaster Reports, in this venue, or on my website

The Astral Tagging Truth Reveal Energy Working

Here are some, of the relevant Time Shift markers, that heralded The Core Matrix activity that stopped the new nuclear disaster threat from North Korea before it was able to manifest. Some of these Time Shift markers involved the transformation and transfer of nuclear energy from one energy form and co-existing time line to another energy form and co-existing time line

1. March 27, 2017 to April 16, 2017: Sets of geomagnetic storm waves occurred, that were Time Shift markers connected to The Core Matrix prime Directive effort that averted the new nuclear disaster threat.

2. March 27, 2017: 6.1 magnitude earthquake Alaska

3. March 29, 2017: 6.6 magnitude earthquake Russia.

4. April 1, 2017 through April 3, 2017: Sunspot 2644 fires off a record breaking 7 M solar flares.

5. April 3, 2017: 6.5 magnitude earthquake in Botswana South Africa

6. April 5, 2017: 6.1 magnitude earthquake in Iran.

7. April 6, 2017: Don Rickles Time Shift Living Dead event. There were other TSLD events, throughout this Time Shift cycle.

8. April 7, 2017: 59 US Tomahawk missiles took out part of a Syrian airfield, where a lethal gas attack originated from. The toxic gas killed Syrian men, woman, children, and babies.

9. April 14, 2017 A MOAB [mother of all bombs] destroyed an underground terrorist cave complex in Afghanistan. The MOAB took out 1 square mile of territory. It is the largest publically known non nuclear bomb in the US arsenal.

10. April 15, 2017: A 6.2 earthquake rocks Chile.

11. April 15, 2017: North Korea abandons nuclear test.

12. April 15, 2017: North Korea missile launch fails on launch pad.

Geomagnetic Storm Day 6
DANGER: Nuclear Threats and Mind Control Program
The Core Matrix Prime Directive Takes Notice
Time Shift and Time Line Edit Activity Continue
May 20, 2017 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

As you can see, by this NOAA k-index chart, we are in day 6 of a geomagnetic storm. If you have been paying attention, to my posts, you'll notice that I have not reported the 1st 5 days of this geomagnetic storm wave. In fact, the last thing that I posted - other than replies to comments - was this message on May 15, 2017. I wrote: "There is a great deal going on. I'm collecting and analyzing the data, but until I get a handle on it I can't post anything of value. It involves Time Shift activity, time line edits, the recent N. Korean missile test - and so much more. As soon as is possible, I'll let you all in on what's going on at multiple levels."

This report, by necessity, includes political events and behaviors connected to a mind control program and the current nuclear threat. Do not reply with your political opinions, any form of propaganda, fake narratives, or fake news. That only serves as a corruption of the important information that I need to convey. However, if you have real information that enhances the information I'm sharing - even if that information includes political information - then go ahead and share it as a reply to this post.

My only objective is the new nuclear threat, that I've been talking about for awhile, and how the mind control program agenda is moving us closer and closer to a new nuclear disaster. Remember what I've said before: this is not the old time looping nuclear catastrophe, which was successfully stopped in 2016. This is a new nuclear danger, with the same bad actors, that has not as yet manifested in any co-existing time line. While The Core Matrix Prime Directive managed to stop the time looping nuclear disaster in 2016, it does not have the means to change the minds and agendas of the people whose own agendas are to dominate the world through nuclear devastation. This is what I want to stop from happening, and there is only one sure fire way that it can get done: stop and dismantle the mind control program, as well as trying to heal those who are currently under the spell of the mind control program and carrying out its agenda.

I was hoping that some of you would notice what was going on. The mind control program is crazy obvious to spot - if you are outside of its influence. If you are within its influence, then all you see and know is what you are programmed to see and know. The goal of that mind control program is to protect the elite programmers and information controllers at ANY cost. The current goal of the mind control program, which was launched in 2015 [or earlier] is to reclaim the power that they lost when Donald Trump won the presidential election on November 8, 2016. They fear him, which is why the entire mind control agenda depends so heavily on fear - a made up fear of Donald Trump. The cost, if this mind control agenda is not stopped, will lead to nuclear devastation. Why? Because the mind control agenda is to remove Trump from office. Remove him and there will be no one in place to stop the nuclear disaster from happening anew.

Because President Trump has literally taken away much of their power, the mind controllers - through self preservation - need to get rid of President Trump. They are setting him up for impeachment. BTW, I psi-saw this long ago and reported this agenda months ago. I said that the mind controllers were setting up a nasty game to impeach Trump - even though there are no grounds for impeachment. I'm watching it play out, and it frustrates me because I know it can be stopped - if good and aware people do the right thing. A main ingredient, of this mind control program, involves making the US safe - and by extension other parts of the world too. As has been made evident, in 2016, The Core Matrix Prime Directive determined that Donald Trump was the candidate who - unknowingly, through his strong security policies - could and would stop the time looping nuclear disaster. This saved the planet - which means everyone benefited. The Core Matrix Prime Directive determined that Hilary Clinton's weak security policies opened the door to the nuclear devastation to happen. That whole opposition and resistance, to this, comes directly from the mind control program.

I have much more to reveal, about this mind control program and its affects on us all, but that will be for another more dedicated report.

Time Shift activity has been active for a very long time. The situation, n planet Earth, is dire. It can be corrected, but to do so good people have to wake up and break the spell of the mind control problem.

Here is a brief summary of what to watch for in Time Shift markers. Due to frequency and time line edit changes associated with Time Shifts there may be Time Shift triggered earthquake, volcano, tornado, weather, and geophysical events. Tech communications may be disrupted, cetaceans may strand or swim wrong way. Auroras will form. Time Shifts create an amplification of paranormal activity, ghost activity, haunting activity, poltergeist activity, apports, synchronicity, psi abilities, time/word/object prompts, deja vu, psychic dreaming, precognition events, awareness of Time Shift Living Dead persons, altered time line events, time line looping, altered terrain, altered structures, altered world events and more.

Learn more about my Time Shift Alerts

Starfire Tor

May 23, 2017
Do Not Engage In Energy Workings, Magical Bindings, Magic Spells, or Dark Magic Curses That Target Donald Trump Or His Presidency

As part of my years long research, into the mind control program that has overtaken the world - and that is making a last deadly stand on Earth, I have occasionally come across people and groups who thought that they could impose their will on people and events that are part of the mind control program's agenda. None of them had any idea that the mind control program existed - and there is the danger. Regardless of your beliefs, intent, or directed energy manifestation abilities, there is nothing that energy workings, magical bindings, magic spells of any kind, or dark magic curses can do to interfere with the mind control program's agenda. It doesn't matter, whether you are ignorant of having stumbled into the energy of a cloaked agenda. The power, behind the mind control program, only recognizes that its energy is the alpha energy - and that's not you. This puts you in danger, because this power will not tolerate any attempted interference - even if the attempted interference doesn't have the ability to actually interfere.

The power source, that fuels the mind control program's agenda, is very ancient. It is also multi-dimensional, and is seeded into every co-existing time line. Yet, is not anything that The Core Matrix intentionally streams or uses. It's an aberration. It's the same power used to create and control evil, in its many forms. This insidious power source behaves similar to a computer virus, malware, spyware, trojan, remote access app, and vampiric energy drainer combined. As far as planet Earth is concerned, it exists through a symbiotic relationship with humans. The humans feed the power source, with their life force, and in turn the power force grants humans the things that they think they want and need - but are actually things that feed the power source aka evil.

It has come to my attention, that there are some people and/or groups who believe that they can either magically stop President Donald Trump's presidency, or help advance and protect President Donald Trump's presidency. Regardless of what you believe to be true and just, regardless of how informed you think you are, and regardless of how powerful you may actually be, under no circumstances should you undertake any sort of energy or magical working that involves Donald Trump - or any other element that the mind control program agenda encompasses. If you thought about doing it, but haven't as yet, then don't. Abandon the idea. If you already have, then try and find a way to undo what you did and untangle yourself from that energy. Otherwise, you will find yourself identified and targeted as a threat by the same force that crafted and launched the mind control program. It's not just, that the energy you summon is useless against this force - and it is useless, it's that your summoning effort triggers a defense mechanism that will impact your life in a very unhealthy way. It is a way that you cannot protect yourself against.

Then there is The Core Matrix and The Prime Directive. The goal, of The Prime Directive, is to keep planet Earth - and life upon it - alive and functioning as it advances through the stages of ignorance through to enlightenment. Enlightenment is only the first step, in ridding the co-existing time lines of evil. It will take an enlightened and united planet to get the job done. The aberrant power source knows this, which is a big reason why it's agenda is to stop peace and harmony at all costs. As I have explained and proven at length, Donald Trump - because of his strong and logical security policies - represents a real step toward taking on and defeating evil at its core. His security policies, alone,, have - unknown to him or most of the world - stopped a time looping nuclear disaster from destroying our planet without the possibility of a planetary reboot. This is why, a part of the mind control program agenda, is to attack Donald Trump, stop his policies, and remove him as President.

The Core Matrix, by design, cannot edit the time line so as to alter human will. This is a challenge, because controlling human will is what the aberrant mind control program does and excels at. In this battle, between good and evil, evil has a very unfair advantage. However, this does not mean it can't be defeater - it can be defeated. I'll talk about this soon.

June 5, 2017
All of my research and documentation, for the report, has been completed. Now I am literally writing the report. This is going to be BIG, because this report includes information about how the mind control program works - and who and what is behind the mind control program. And yes, the good news is in this report too. I'm really happy about the way this report is shaping up. It's a lot of hard work and long hours, but I believe the information that I provide is worth the effort. Thanks for your patience.


PART I: Astral Tagging Truth Reveal 2017 Update
The Secret Ancient Mind Control Program And Agenda
Its Dark Force Origins And Weapons of Deception
The War For Planet Earth, Your Life, And Your Soul
June 7, 2017 Report

This report is part of a series of reports, in which I have illuminated – and sometimes accurately predicted –the powers and agendas that have been controlling and interfering with the well being and enlightenment of life on planet Earth. Much of the information in this report series is unique to me, because it necessarily delves into the topics of The Core Matrix, The Prime Directive, Time Shifts, time line edits, co-existing time lines, and the origin and restoration of our original cosmos.

As usual: Please stick to the topic at hand, which is how and why The Core Matrix – and The Astral Tagging Truth Reveal – are dealing with current planet ending nuclear threats. This includes, why and how, this nuclear threat is tied into an ancient dark force mind control program that is manifesting its agenda through the mechanism of world politics, the media, social networks, religions, and various conspiracies and belief systems. Do not use any of my information, to express your political leanings or biased opinions. You can include political information in your comments, as well as other data, if it directly relates to the topic and is truthful. Make sure that you deal in confirmed facts, and not in any form of disinformation, propaganda, fake news, or unsubstantiated conspiracies – all of which are part of the mind control program. Check your sources. Inaccurate, Irrelevant, rude, or sheer opinion posts will be deleted.

If you would like to learn more about, what I reported in 2016 and 2017, or know about it but would like to refresh your memory of it, you can read it through my social media sites or go to my website. It will help you understand this new report series. The 2016 Astral Tagging Truth Reveal Energy Working instructions can only be found on my website. Excluding the instructions, all Astral Tagging Truth Reveal posts can be read here. Some of the 2017 material is not yet uploaded to my website, but you will find it here. If you are reading directly from Facebook, the added bonus is your being able to read my replies in the comments section. Be sure to adjust your settings to include all of my posts, and not just Facebook highlight posts.

2016 Time Looping Nuclear Disaster Reports, in this venue, or on my website

The 2016 Astral Tagging Truth Reveal Energy Working instructions

In previous reports, I have talked about the existence of an ancient and secret global mind control program. It impacts everything and everyone on our planet, and impacts the planet itself. Over time, and through countless numbers of co-existing time lines, billions upon billions of people have been influenced by this ancient global mind control program. Millions of people are under its direct influence right now, mindlessly carrying out the dangerous and life threatening global agenda, that sources from a powerful and hidden primal dark force energy. People, who are not under the direct influence of the mind control program, are non-the-less negatively impacted by it. No one can escape it. Ignorance of the mind control program, and/or not being under its direct influence, is not an escape clause. Since its inception, this mind control program has functioned almost unchanged, and continues to successfully function because of its origins, design, stealth operations, and an unintended self perpetuating glitch in The Core Matrix system.

In the history of its existence, this ancient mind control program has never been stopped. The reason is simple: it has never been unveiled before – until now. In order, to have any chance of stopping it, one must first know that it exists. Once that is done, one must be able to understand its origins and mechanism. Short of achieving this, simply knowing that it exists is not enough to stop its influence. People have, now and then, touched upon aspects of the existence and mechanism of this ancient global mind control program. But each time that they have, they have fallen victim to a secondary mind control program designed to take them down a false path - and away from the truth. This secondary mind control program is so successful in guarding the truth, by making people believe that they have found the truth, that those who have fallen for the disinformation stop their search for truth because they believe they have already found the truth. Once this happens, the original global mind control program takes over to insure that this secondary wayward lot succumbs to the original mind control agenda. The whole thing is quite ingenious – and completely sinister.

In this report series: you will learn about the existence of this ancient global mind control program, learn about its origins and architects, learn how it works, learn about its impact on the planet, learn about its impact on you, learn how this all ties into The Core Matrix, and learn about how this ancient global mind control program gave rise to evil in our midst. Finally, you will learn that this ancient global mind control program can be broken, and its influence greatly diminished. You will learn, that it is possible for humanity to wake up and ‘break the dark force spell’ – if the conditions that I’ve outlined are met, and the will to be free is strong enough and dedicated enough. Although The Core Matrix can act as an assist, as does The Astral Tagging Truth Reveal energy, it is up to humans to choose working from their strengths instead of succumbing to their weaknesses. The ancient global mind control program takes full advantage of human weaknesses, which it tricks people into believing are their strengths at work.

In order to break free, of this ancient global mind control program, it is absolutely necessary to know and understand the existence, origins, and mechanism of The Core Matrix and its many elements. Because of my discoveries and research, which I have been teaching for years, millions of people – around the world – have been enlightened by this information. But in order to take on this ancient global mind control program, millions of more people need to get informed. Otherwise, there will not be enough people to negatively affect the ancient global mind control program – which is what breaks its control and influence. There is a way to do this, and I am on board if the necessary support is in place. More about this later.

As I said: There are elements, of this ancient global mind control program, that have been detected by some people and groups who think that they are onto the truth. They think they know, who or what, is controlling the game. Because of this, many of you will have come across these beliefs in your own life journey. Many of you have been drawn to some of these beliefs, including those with the moniker of ‘conspiracy’. You are drawn to them, because the ideas are very compelling and ring true to you – and that’s the danger. You’re being misdirected away from the truth. As it stands, not a single one of these beliefs or theories is accurate, as to who and what is pulling the strings of the ancient global mind control program. Some of these beliefs and theories are sincere, because they are based on a collection of decent evidence – evidence, that unfortunately, leads the researcher and seeker to wrong conclusions. Some of these beliefs and theories are nothing more than intentional disinformation, created to either mask a secondary mind control program, or created for the purpose of financially benefiting the dishonest promoter.

Either way, if you believe any of this inaccurate information, then you have taken yourself off the path of truth and unwittingly into the path of the ancient global mind control program. This doesn’t mean, that you are intellectually or spiritually dumb, although some may be just that. But it does mean, that you have fallen victim to a very powerful and stealthy dark force mind control program that knows how to play you. It knows how to play everybody, and has been doing it for eons.

The ancient global mind control program’s originating architects are masked, in many ways, by the existence of people and beings who are secondary mind control manipulators. It is these secondary mind control manipulators, that people misidentify as the primary architects and controllers of the ancient global mind control program. The originating architects are the real master controllers, and all secondary manipulators - are themselves - subject to being influenced by the originating ancient global mind control program. This has been going on for so long, so it’s no wonder that some people mistake the secondary manipulators for the primary originating controllers.

Before I tell you, who and/or what originated and controls the ancient global mind control program, here is who and/or what are not the primary originators, nor the primary controllers, of the ancient global mind control program. The following list doesn’t identify them all, but it will give you a very good idea of the line-up of disinformation and disinformationists attached to the mind control topic. Although they are not the primary mind control originators and controllers, all of them manipulate people – most in very sinister and selfish ways, that feed the master mind control program.

• human individuals including power driven elitists and energy vampires

• human groups including governments, spy agencies, military, and cabals

• religious institutions including leaders and secret sects

• aliens including reptilians, grays, and Nordics

• malevolent supernatural beings including demons and shadow entities

• time travelers including physical and psychic activity

• dark sorcerers including dark magic spell casters and mesmerizers

Now that you know, what is not the primary force involved, here is the primary force that is involved. The originating energy, behind the ancient global mind control program, is an all encroaching mega powerful force that you have never heard of - and are therefore unaware of its existence. And yet, markers of its existence aren’t just hiding in plain sight, these identifier markers are manifesting right in front of you at a conscious level. The originating energy, behind the ancient global mind control program, is an unintended aberration of The Core Matrix Prime Directive. This aberration was born, not by design, but despite the fact that it was unsuitable for use in the restoration and rebirthing of our original cosmos through The Core Matrix Prime Directive spark of life program.

As I have explained in previous reports, our original souls and selves lived in a cosmos that no longer exists, thanks to being consumed and mostly destroyed by a massive black hole. Around that devouring black hole was and is a rotating ergosphere, where some of the elements of our original cosmos was captured and spared the fate of the black hole. The ergosphere captured, enough viable cosmic life elements, to eventually trigger what I call a ‘spark of life’ reaction or SOL reaction. SOL energy, may also be viewed as, divine energy. Over time, the advancement of the SOL reaction created the need, for a more organized and purposeful way to take the maturing life to its next level of creation. Meeting this need, was how The Core Matrix was created. Just as it functions now, The Core Matrix was originally a hard drive like system that housed and organized, the SOL energy, into streams of viable co-existing time lines. Core Matrix activity included – as it does today – Time Shift and time line edit activity that created new co-existing time lines with new or altered elements.

The driving need, of The Core Matrix Prime Directive, is to reproduce our cosmos to its original state. This is an impossible task, since The Core Matrix only has limited cosmic remnants to work with. It can only work with, the viable cosmic elements, that it initially recovered from what the ergosphere captured of our destroyed cosmos. Despite this, The Core Matrix continues to try to achieve the impossible through time line edits. This is because of the SOL reaction. This is why there will always be Time Shifts and time line edits, as well as an untold number of co-existing time lines.

I explained, how The Core Matrix, created a reproduction cosmos using viable building block elements captured by the ergosphere. Among the viable elements where non-viable elements, such as partial or substandard elements that could not be incorporated as is. The Core Matrix, used these non-viable elements, as something other than they originally were when they were whole and viable in the original cosmos. These non-viable elements became the building blocks of dark matter, which is the essential ‘invisible’ glue that holds everything in our reconstituted cosmos together.

Dark matter is everywhere, existing alongside every viable element and particle that makes up every co-existing time line. But even though, this non-viable matter was re-purposed as dark matter, it was still susceptible to the influence of the spark of life aka SOL reaction. In time, some of this dark matter advanced beyond its Core Matrix re-design. Although it could never again become the life force that it used to be, dark matter had enough SOL energy to desire the life that it could not have. Because of this, the aberration was born – and gained a purpose, that eventually led to the creation of the ancient global mind control program, and rise of evil in our midst

In Part II, I will explain how the SOL tinged dark matter insinuated itself into a state of sinister paranormal existence – and in doing so generated the existence of paranormal and supernatural beings and events that serve their desires. This includes demonic and spirit possessions, and the creation and execution of the ancient global mind control program. The primary originators and controllers, of the ancient global mind control program, are not human - or even beings. The energy simply wants to exist in a living state, because of its exposure to the SOL energy. As the mind control report series continues, I will explain how the ancient global mind control program has put us all in grave danger of nuclear devastation. I will also share some very good news, that has recently emerged – as well as how you can help the world break free from the global mind control program.

Starfire Tor

PART II: Astral Tagging Truth Reveal 2017 Update
The Secret Ancient Mind Control Program And Agenda
Its Dark Force Origins And Weapons of Deception
The War For Planet Earth, Your Life, And Your Soul
June 13, 2017 Report

This report is part of a series of reports, in which I have illuminated – and sometimes accurately predicted –the powers and agendas that have been controlling and interfering with the well being and enlightenment of life on planet Earth. Much of the information in this report series is unique to me, because it necessarily delves into the topics of The Core Matrix, The Prime Directive, Time Shifts, time line edits, co-existing time lines, dark matter, the dark matter aberration, and the origin and restoration of our original cosmos.

As usual: Please stick to the topic at hand, which is how and why The Core Matrix – and The Astral Tagging Truth Reveal – are dealing with current planet ending nuclear threats. This includes, why and how, this nuclear threat is tied into an ancient dark force mind control program that is manifesting its agenda through the mechanism of world politics, the media, social networks, religions, and various conspiracies and belief systems. Do not use any of my information, to express your political leanings or biased opinions. You can include political information in your comments, as well as other data, if it directly relates to the topic and is truthful. Make sure that you deal in confirmed facts, and not in any form of disinformation, propaganda, fake news, or unsubstantiated conspiracies – all of which are part of the mind control program. Check your sources. Inaccurate, Irrelevant, rude, or sheer opinion posts will be deleted.

If you would like to learn more, about what I reported in 2016 and 2017, or know about it but would like to refresh your memory of it, you can read it through my social media sites or go to my website. It will help you understand this new report series. The 2016 Astral Tagging Truth Reveal Energy Working instructions can only be found on my website. Excluding the instructions, all Astral Tagging Truth Reveal posts can be read here. Some of the 2017 material is not yet uploaded to my website, but you will find it here. If you are reading directly from Facebook, the added bonus is your being able to read my replies in the comments section. There are also bonus information posts, such as my June 10, 2017 NASA post on dark matter. Be sure to adjust your settings to include all of my posts, and not just Facebook highlight posts.

2016 Time Looping Nuclear Disaster Reports, in this venue, or on my website…

The 2016 Astral Tagging Truth Reveal Energy Working…/2016-TSAs/08_August_TSAs.html

Part I can be read here. Part II picks up where Part ! left off.

When I first publicly introduced it, in 2016, I explained how and why an Astral Tagging Truth Reveal Mission lasts forever. When any Astral Tagging Truth Reveal Mission has completed its initial assignment, and is no longer needed, it goes dormant. However, in its dormant state, the Astral Tag remains aware of any conditions that meet the criteria of its truth reveal program. When events dictate so, it will become active again. In the case of the 2016 Astral Tagging Truth Reveal Mission, its job was to seek out and expose the truth as it related to the US Presidency and the time looping planet ending nuclear disaster. According to The Core Matrix, it was possible to stop the time looping nuclear disaster through the actions of the next US President. In 2016, the original Astral Tagging Truth Reveal Mission helped determine which candidate – Trump or Clinton – was the candidate who would end the time looping planet ending nuclear catastrophe. Nothing else, about these two candidates’ personalities or histories, mattered beyond this. Political experience, politics in general, and personal and political popularity was irrelevant. None of that meant anything, if the wrong person was elected, and there was no more world to speak of. It turned out to be Trump, based on his strong security policies. Clinton failed to make the grade, because of her weak or nonexistent security policies. Because this situation affected the entire world, and not just the US, the 2016 Presidential election outcome affected everyone. Read my reports to learn how I picked up on multiple co-existing time lines, which is how I knew that either Trump won or the Earth would lose everything.

I dislike politics quite a bit. My motivation was in saving the world. I psi saw clearly, and I acted. Now I am acting again, because the same systems are creating the same planet ending dangers. I believe that this mind control agenda will again be defeated. It’s all about knowledge and knowhow, and I’m providing both.

The results, of the Astral Tagging Truth Reveal Mission, helped to sort through fake candidate information vs. genuine candidate information. There was good and bad real news – along with fake news, not associated with the Astral Tag - for both Clinton and Trump. Neither The Astral Tagging mechanism, nor The Core Matrix mechanism, care anything about politics – or the wants and needs of people in general. These systems, only care, about saving the world from planet ending events. But even then, neither system can or would manipulate humans into any particular activity or way of thinking. The mind control does manipulate human will, but The Core Matrix and Astral Tagging Truth Reveal system do not. Humans have to make up their own minds, based on the truthful information presented. Based on this real world candidate information – significantly helped along by the Astral Tagging Truth Reveal Mission, and The Core Matrix Prime Directive need to save the planet - Donald Trump won the election on November 8, 2016. He was sworn in, as US President, on January 20, 2017.

President Trump’s win was a huge blow to the dark matter aberration mind control program. In fact, Trump was such a wild card character, that he blew right through the mind control program set up to elect Clinton. The dark matter aberration, and its elitist human puppets, have been waging war against Trump ever since. It fears him, because it doesn’t understand how he defeated their every effort to maintain the status quo. That status quo is their food. Even now, as I write this, there is some good news. The mind control program has currently suffered some serious blows, and part of it has crumbled. More needs to crumble, before we are safe. More on this later.

The dark matter aberration, which I described in Part I, has a vested interest in keeping the world in a state of fear, hate, warfare, segregation, prejudice, and high negative emotions. The dark matter aberration feeds on this negative energy, and the fuel it derives helps it get closer to its ultimate agenda – an agenda that it can never achieve, and yet never stops trying to achieve. The dark matter aberration, came into being, because it was stimulated by the same ancient and original spark of life [SOL] that has allowed our nearly destroyed cosmos to be partially reformed – based on saved remnants, of the destroyed cosmos. Dark matter is made up of non-viable cosmic remnants, but only some dark matter was stimulated by SOL activity. Most dark matter remains as it was repurposed – to be the glue that holds the new cosmos together. The dark matter aberration arose from this cosmic restructuring misfire, and because all dark matter is energy in its own right, the aberration – and its agenda to evolve into the physical, cannot be destroyed. Its agenda, and methods, can be countered - but only if its existence and purpose is recognized and understood.

This dark matter aberration is the source of evil in our world, with most of that evil being carried out by humans through an ancient dark matter aberration mind control program.

Mind control, aka brainwashing, is an unethical and powerfully manipulative and life altering process. In this process, people are tricked into engaging in false beliefs, and dangerous activities, that are designed to ultimately benefit only the dark matter aberration – the mind programmers and controllers. Dark matter aberration mind control involves various levels and methods of coercive persuasion, re-education, thought control, emotion control, the discarding of truth and justice, an inability to understand right from wrong, and ultimately an inability to think independently of the hive mind programming of the mind control program. That hive mind programming works best, when the mind control targets are convinced that their mind control program is the only right way to think and behave. They are rewarded, for their manufactured emotions and behavior, which keeps the mind control program going. Everyone and everything else, who is not part of the brainwashed hive mind, is wrong and identified as an enemy of truth and the right way of life. Such others are considered undesirable, deplorable, less than human, and to hurt them is a sport cheered on by those who have succumbed to the mind control program.

Once this ‘us vs. them’ state of mind control is achieved, individual people – as well as groups of people - are pitted against one another. This conflict triggers the negative energy, upon which the dark matter aberration feeds. While the dark matter aberration, is the source of this mind control program, it works through humans and demonics to perpetuate their agenda. Throughout history – regardless of the co-existing time line - the dark matter aberration has created and used religions, politics, beliefs, finances, skin color, intelligence, social standing, countries of origin, and life survival needs to support its evil agenda. This is how it gains strength and maintains its power, which is through a never ending energy diet of hate, prejudice, fear, violence, cruelty, greed, selfishness, power, and death.

Parts, of the dark matter aberration mind control program, are hiding in plain sight. It’s obvious, if one isn’t under its control or secondary influence. Even so, what is actually going on has eluded detection. But other parts, of the dark matter aberration mind control program, have remained hidden. Both have now been revealed, due to the Astral Tagging Truth Reveal Mission and my Core Matrix related research. I have known about, the dark matter aberration and agenda, for many years. I have written articles about, and lectured on, the dangers of dark energy manifestations in supernatural and other settings. It was the time looping planet ending nuclear disaster, and how the dark energy aberration was causing it to feed its agenda, that got me to go public with what I knew – and what we could all do.

The dark matter aberration doesn’t care about you – except as a food source, and a way to possess your life force as its own. That is as close as it can get to the SOL action. The dark matter aberration knows, that it can use up a planet, without putting a dent in its agenda - even though its ultimate SOL agenda is doomed to failure. Because of how The Core Matrix Prime Directive program, and the divine SOL action, interact, the platform is there for the dark matter aberration to continue enacting its agenda. However, it cannot sustain itself in physical form, nor can it sustain the life of the body that it possesses. It is a vicious circle, where humans are the prey of a force that is not sentient and is not alive. When it causes the destruction, of life on a planet like Earth, it merely feeds on the death. Then it repeats, the same agenda, in the new rebooted co-existing time line. It is a virus, and a cancer, in the extreme.

The dark matter aberration knows how to play humans, for its own benefit. It knows how to hide behind the elitist humans, through which its mind control program is executed. Right now, the most dangerous dark matter aberration mind control program is playing out through world politics. Next to religions, politics is the easiest way to trick humans into believing whatever the dark matter aberration needs them to believe. When politics intersects with religions, even worse feeding frenzies manifest. As powerful and destructive as the George Soros machine is [see my previous reports on this], that machine – and the man – is programmed by the dark matter aberration. The Soros machine is negatively effective in many ways, for reasons which are obvious to some and not obvious to others. But what people don’t understand, is that the Soros machine is not the top of the mind control tier. The dark matter aberration is at the top. But, because people think Soros is at the top, people don’t look beyond him. People do not understand, that the man who believes himself to be a god, is himself a puppet. Soros was partly chosen, and partly created, as the servant of the dark matter aberration. At his now advanced age, the Soros machine will continue with or without him – unless The Astral Tagging Truth Reveal Mission is focused on outing his network of political manipulation. This is possible, if the evidence is acted upon by brave and aware people.

In 2016, I filled you all in on what I knew. Part of that was explaining why Donald Trump would be the 45th President of the US. In this, I stood alone in what I knew. Only one friend – whose name I will not reveal at this time - shunned me because I would not join in and throw hate at Trump. The reason why didn’t matter to this person, who was and remains trapped in the mind control program. I am still disappointed, by this turn of events, and hope that one day this person will wake up from the mind control spell. All of my other close friends understand who I am, and what I am capable of. So even those, who hated Trump and backed Clinton, stuck with me and read everything that I reported. They asked questions and considered my answers. Not one of those, close friends, shunned me. They eventually woke up, from the mind control program. It is possible, to break the mind control program.

Even on the day of voting, when it looked like Trump would lose in a big way, I told you all to wait and watch. Things were not what they appeared to be. It turned out that I had called it all along. Of course, I was using information only available to me – which I shared with you, as well as showing you how to mine that information in some cases. When Trump won, the time looping nuclear disaster was ended. We all won – even though millions of people still do not understand that. I also wrote, back in 2016, that Trump was in danger. I also reported, that the Soros machine, was already planning on ways to upend his presidency and getting him impeached. I was right. There is a reason, that this was happening, and the dark matter aberration mind control program is behind it all – with an assist from the Soros machine and others. Trump, as President, threatens the agenda of the dark matter aberration – as well as the agendas of the elitist humans who are puppets of the dark matter aberration. Besides Soros, this band of elitist manipulators includes Hilary Clinton and crew, Barack Obama and crew, most political leaders and members of the Democratic Party, some leaders and members of the Republican party, certain political operatives, and the left leaning media.

In Part III, of my mind control series, I will further explain the difference between dark matter, the dark matter aberration, and dark energy. I will explain, how the dark matter aberration mind control program, is being worked through the political and personal attacks on President Trump, his cabinet, his associates, and his security and other policies. I will explain, why and how, this mind control program has – once again – put the world in danger of a planet ending nuclear disaster. I will explain, why and how, the dark matter aberration mind control program has put Trump in grave danger. Without Trump in position, as the US President, the entire planet is in grave planet ending danger. This - and more - is what you need to know and understand. This is the real deal that matters. Everything else, politically speaking, is an illusion born from the dark matter aberration mind control program and agenda.

The Astral Tagging Truth Reveal Mission is awake and active again, and has been for months.

Starfire Tor

Geomagnetic Storm
Time Shift and Time Line Edits Continue
Global Changes Are Time Shift Markers
Part Of Mind Control Program has Crumbled
June 25, 2017 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

A new geomagnetic storm arrived, along with the expected solar wind that triggered it. You can see this recorded, in the NOAA k-index chart.

Although, Time Shift and time line edit activity has been ongoing - with nary a rest, new solar wind hit always re-invigorates whatever Time Shift activity is already in progress. That's what is happening now. Changes, in world, are Time Shift markers that indicate what exactly those time line edits have been about. Part, of the dark matter aberration mind control program has crumbled. I'll be giving details, about this, as my mind control series continues. So, watch for it.   [.........]

Starfire Tor

Geomagnetic Storm Day 2
Time Shift and Time Line Edits Continue
Good News: More Of The Mind Control Program Has Crumbled
The Core Matrix Prime Directive Made Us Safer Today
June 26, 2017 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

The geomagnetic storm is in day 2. You can see this recorded, in the NOAA k-index chart. Time Shift and time line edit activity is still ongoing. As I wrote yesterday "... new solar wind hit always re-invigorates whatever Time Shift activity is already in progress. That's what is happening now. Changes, in world, are Time Shift markers that indicate what exactly those time line edits have been about. Part, of the dark matter aberration mind control program has crumbled. I'll be giving details, about this, as my mind control series continues..."

Although I will cover in depth, the good news and how and why parts of the mind control program is crumbling, I will say this. The crumbling involves The Core Matrix Prime Directive at work, as it relates to keeping us all safe from the current nuclear disaster threat. This is not about politics This is about saving the world. Today, the Supreme Court lifted key components of an injunction against President Trump's proposed ban on travel from six nations, reinstating much of the policy - while tweaking the policy, so as to be fair to those who have already passed vetting. The Supreme Court vote was unanimous. It also stated what was legally obviously from the start: The President of the US has the authority to impose travel restrictions, based on national security. Claiming, that the presidential directive was anything else was a game that brought us all closer to nuclear doom. Then why, one might ask, were Democrats so invested in stopping the temporary travel ban. If you have been following my dark matter aberration mind control reports, then you know why. But now, that dangerous part of the mind control program is crumbling.

More on this in my next mind control report.    [.........]

Starfire Tor


Astral Tagging Truth Reveal 2017 Update
The Secret Ancient Mind Control Program And Agenda
Its Dark Force Origins And Weapons of Deception
The War For Planet Earth, Your Life, And Your Soul
June 28, 2017 Report

I am still compiling and writing Part III of this report series. However, so many things are happening, that relate to what I have been talking about, that sometimes I need you to see information as it rolls out. In this case, Project Veritas has caught a CNN producer admitting that the news head of CNN is the one telling reporters to keep pushing the Trump-Russia stories ... even though it is well known that such claims have been debunked. The CNN producer said that CNN continues to pursue the false Russia collusion story because it gets CNN good ratings.

Of course, there is a lot more to why any news outlet - including CNN - continues push fake news over truthful information. It is part of the dark matter aberration mind control program, which is how it is trying to protect its food source. See Part I and Part II to catch up on what I'm talking about.
American Pravda: CNN Part 1, Russia narrative is all about “ratings”
June 27, 2017…/american-pravda-cnn-part-1-rus…/

Part I

Part II

Starfire Tor

June 29, 2017

I'm still working on the mind control Part III report, which is going to advance the information - that I've already given to you - considerably. Even as I work on this, I must tell you again, that a large part of the dark matter aberration mind control program is crumbling. What I said would happen is happening. It's happening right before your eyes. Roles have reversed, and some of the mind control perpetrators are now the focus of investigation. The truth - helped greatly by The Astral Tagging Truth Reveal mission - is coming out for all to know and see. Because of these amazing good news events, I'm having to do re-write after re-write on Part III, just to be inclusive. It's totally worth the effort and time. Expect more from The Core Matrix Prime Directive, and The Astral Tagging Truth Reveal Mission.

Geomagnetic Storm
Time Shift and Time Line Edits Resume
Global Changes Involving The Mind Control Program
July 2, 2017 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

The expected Coronal mass ejection [CME] has arrived, which has triggered a new geomagnetic storm. You can see the event recorded, in the NOAA k-index chart.

As I mentioned, in my previous report, Time Shift and time line edit activity had taken a brief pause. That pause is over, as the Sun's energy - via the CME hit - has triggered new Time Shift and time line edit activity. I expect, that these time line edits, will be mainly focused on Prime Directive business - which is keeping our planet safe from a new round of planet ending events. In this case, that threat is nuclear. To remind you, Donald Trump was elected President because he has the security policies that will deter the nuclear holocaust threat. Clinton lost, because her weak security policies would have opened the door for the nuclear disaster to happen.

While The Core Matrix Prime Directive does not tamper with free will, it did help clear out and expose false information so that free will could thrive. Under the dark matter mind control program, free will does not exist. Considering, that the mind controlled performers - aka democrats and their hidden backers - have come up with yet another lame scheme to try and remove Trump as President. This is a response, to the continued crumbling, of the mind control program. They are trying to remove him, on the grounds of being mentally unfit for the job. It will not work, but it will waste time and effort that the USA needs to focus elsewhere. Every time and energy wasting attempt, to derail and remove Trump, is time and energy spent in which the nuclear threat grows more dangerous. This is what the dark matter aberration wants. Trump does not help matters, when he gives the mind controllers - and their performers - unnecessary and preventable tweeting ammunition. He must - without fail - recognize how dangerous some of his tweets can be - regardless of how truthful, justified, or clever they may be. Yes, he should keep in touch with the people via tweeting. No, he should not tweet knee jerk reactions to insults and disinformation about him. This is not something, that a time line edit can fix. He must rise to the need, and fix the problem himself.   [.......]

Learn more about my Time Shift Alerts

Starfire Tor

Geomagnetic Storm Ends/Time Line Edits Continue
Time Shift Marker: Altered and Apported Objects
Time Shift Marker: OBE, Precogs, Psychic Dreaming
Time Shift Marker: Synchronicity Words and Images
Global Changes Involving The Mind Control Program
July 3, 2017 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

The expected geomagnetic storm only lasted one day - yesterday. You can see the event recorded, in the NOAA k-index chart. However, the end of the geomagnetic storm does not mean that Time Shift and time line edit activity has ended. It has not. Geomagnetic storms may sometimes occur, in concert with Time Shift activity, but that is only because the same energy source - the Sun's energy - has triggered both events. Geomagnetic storms do not trigger, nor do they control, Time Shift activity. Once a Time Shift is triggered, it will run its course according to whatever time line editing mission that The Core Matrix has determined is needed. No force on Earth can trigger or control Time Shift activity.

The current Time Shift activity has generated some very important Time Shift markers. They involve altered and apported objects; OBE, precognition, and psychic dreaming; and word and image synchronicity. It is the altered and apported objects, which are so important, because of what they mean and why so many people are suddenly experiencing them. The other Time Shift markers are more the usual - important - but more common place. Your altered object experience can be, as small as the sudden change of buttons on your shirt, or as big as a one story building becoming a three story building in the blink of an eye. An apport experience, where an object either appears or disappears, can also be big or small.

While one Time Shift marker event is obviously more dramatic than the other, when it comes to why the incident happened - which is a Core Matrix Time line edit, and brain assimilation glitch - the meaning is the same. The Core Matrix engaged in some sort of time line edit, that was possibly so rushed, that its own brain assimilation program was not thoroughly in place. It is that brain assimilation program which tricks the brain. into not noticing or remembering that the time line have has been altered aka edited.

I suspect, that this altered or apported object Time Shift marker memory glitch, is connected to a planet ending nuclear threat. I do not believe that the threat  [planet ending nuclear disaster, comet or asteroid strike, or solar catastrophe]  ever played out in any time line.  I believe, based on the data that I've looked over and the personal reports that I've received, that The Core Matrix did something to end things before the planet ending event could manifest.   [.......]

Starfire Tor

🔴BREAKING NEWS - My M Flare Prediction Comes True
2665 Fires Off Powerful M2.4 Flare and Earth Directed CME
Time Shifts and Time Line Edits Resume
Time Loop Activity
Core Matrix Focus On Nuclear Threat and Mind Control Program
July 14, 2017 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

This report is a continuation of previous reports - as well as touching upon the information in my mind control reports. For the best understanding, of this material, please read my previous related reports.   

Yesterday, July 13, 2017 PDT [July 14, 2017 UT time], sunspot 2665 fired off an M2.4 solar flare. That solar flare developed into a very powerful and wide coronal mass ejection [CME]. The CME is expected to hit Earth as early as July 16, 2017. This is exactly what I predicted would happen. This SOHO photo shows the CME in action. This M flare was so powerful, that it peaked for over 2 hours, and lasted for hours more. When I reported yesterday, that I believed 2665 was revving up to trigger Time Shift activity - which had been on pause for a while - that first flare ended up being a C8.4. In fact, 2665 fired off 5 C flares before firing off the powerful M2.4 CME. Since then, it has fired off another C flare.

Of special note: The new companion sunspot - numbered 2666 - all but vanished after the M flare and CME fored off. It appears, to have been used up, by 2665's explosive activity. That is very unusual, but perhaps that was its purpose. Please take note of the numbers in play. They have meaning. Part of those numbers reveals the 11 time prompt numbers, which is a synchronicity solely explained by the existence of The Core Matrix, as it calibrates with other co-existing time lines. Then, of course, there is the obvious 666. For many, that number combo is easily linked to an Earth ending event. That, BTW, is what this nuclear threat is all about. Quite interesting.

My reports, concerning 2665 and The Core Matrix Time Shift plan, began on July 7, 2017. I consider that report to be very important. It contains information, regarding the appearance of new Earth facing sunspot 2665, as it is coupled with the Core Matrix Prime Directive battle to save Earth from current nuclear threats. Based on my own information, which includes Core Matrix and Time Shift data - as well as my own psi abilities, I explained that The Core Matrix was maneuvering to use 2665 as a needed Time Shift trigger, so that it could enact certain time line edits that would strengthen the battle against nuclear threats and elements of the mind control program.

Even when NASA and NOAA had downgraded 2665, and reported yesterday that there was only a 15% chance of it firing off an M flare - no less an Earth facing M flare - I disagreed with that analysis. I understood how The Core Matrix works, and by extension how Time Shifts and time line edits work. I understand the gravity of the nuclear threat, as well as the mechanism of how it came to exist. I was also able to use my psi skills, to review a number of co-existing time lines and their available Time Shift triggers aka Earth directed solar energy. I reported, that I had discovered how The Core Matrix was going to pull off a powerful Earth directed M flare. Through a time lined edit copy paste technique, The Core Matrix had found another sunspot in time to link up with. This is where 2665 came from. This is where the fainter companion sunspot 2666 came from. The technoique, is akin, to a Reality Shift Manifestation on the part of The Core Matrix.

It is that mind control program, which is creating conditions that and promoting and sustain the nuclear threat. This is why, waking people up from the mind control agenda, is one of the major keys to saving the planet. If it weren't that serious, the Core Matrix Prime Directive would not have kicked in - which it has.

While the most obvious current nuclear threat is North Korea, in no way is that the only nuclear threat that the planet faces. What is happening, in North Korea, is not a stand alone situation. It is actually a set-up, by other countries and bad actors, to create a diversion aimed at the USA. This diversion has the USA focusing its attention on North Korea, and away from the even more dangerous behavior of malicious others with nuclear capabilities and triggers - and aspirations of world domination. All of these problems must be taken care of, and revealing this connection publicly is a big part of the battle won.

Time Shift activity has resumed, even though the CME is not expected to hit until July 16-17, 2017. This means, that whatever the Core Matrix was doing, it had already done it prior to this M flare's upcoming CME Earth hit. In other words, we are experiencing a time loop.   [.......]

Learn more about my Time Shift Alerts

Starfire Tor

🔴Powerful G2-G5 Worldwide Geomagnetic Storm In Progress
Time Shifts and Time Line Edits In Progress
Core Matrix Focus On Nuclear Threat and Mind Control Program
2665 Still Firing Off C Flares and CMEs
Large Earth Facing Coronal Hole Opens
July 16, 2017 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

This report is a continuation of previous reports - as well as touching upon the information in my mind control reports. For the best understanding, of this material, please read my previous related reports.


As you know, I predicted that this M flare would happen - as well as why it would happen. I did this, at a time when NASA and NOAA reported that 2665 was a decaying sunspot that only had a 15% chance of producing an M flare. I have great respect for the scientists who put out their information, but they don't have the same level of data that I have. I work with the same data that they do, but also the data that I get from my Core Matrix, Time Shift, and psi-data download information.

Based on my years of pioneering research, and my understanding of that research, I had deduced how The Core Matrix Prime Directive would respond to the very serious nuclear threats in the dominant time line. I reported about this. I knew that this included the elements that created, supported, and promoted those nuclear threats. I knew, that of the many elements, a big one was the problem posed by the mind control program - of which I've been reporting on. I deduced, based on my unique knowledge, that The Core Matrix would have to engage in time line edits. Time line edits have limitations, and a big one is that a time line edit can only alter the placement and outcome of event elements. Time line edits cannot alter human will, intelligence, common sense, or anything having to do with the workings of a person's mind or leanings toward good or evil. Time line edits do not specifically target people, although of course all people are impacted in some way. Time line edits target anything that The Prime Directive tags as a planet ending threat.


Starfire Tor

Powerful G2-G4 Worldwide Geomagnetic Storm Still In Progress
Time Shifts and Time Line Edits Still In Progress
Core Matrix Focus On Nuclear Threat and Mind Control Program
2665 Rotates Off Earth Facing Solar Side/Fires Off C Flare-CME
Earth Facing Coronal Hole Grows Larger
July 17, 2017 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

This report is a continuation of previous reports - as well as touching upon the information in my mind control reports. For the best understanding, of this material, please read my previous related reports.

Yesterday's powerful worldwide geomagnetic storm is still in progress. Intensity levels have remained high, in the G2-G4 range. Yesterday, part of the geomagnetic storm hit a G5 level - which is at the very top of the NOAA k-index chart. Time Shift, and time line edit activity is still in progress. That makes this geomagnetic storm a Time Shift marker, because the same solar energy that triggers a geomagnetic storm is the same solar energy that can trigger Time Shift and time line edit activity. Expect there to be many personal and global Time Shift markers.

As you know, I predicted that this M flare would happen - as well as why it would happen. I was able to make this prediction, because of my understanding of how The Core Matrix and its Prime Directive work. I understand, that The Core Matrix Prime Directive would want to handle the current nuclear threats, as well as the mind control program that created and supports those threats. This particularly Time Shift activity required a generator, and that generator was the M flare from now departing powerhouse sunspot 2665.    [........]

Starfire Tor

Geomagnetic Storm Calms
Coronal Hole's Solar Wind Due To Hit July 20-21, 2017
Time Shifts and Time Line Edits Continue
Powerful Time Shift Triggered Quakes: Russia 7.7/Peru 6.3
Core Matrix Focus On Nuclear Threat and Mind Control Program
July 18, 2017 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

This report is a continuation of previous reports - as well as touching upon the information in my mind control reports. For the best understanding, of this material, please read my previous related reports.

The powerful worldwide geomagnetic storm has calmed. Regardless, Time Shift and time line edit activity continues. Remember what I have taught. Geomagnetic storms do not trigger Time Shift activity, nor do they trigger earthquakes - as I have proven many times. Geomagnetic storms are merely Time Shift markers, because the same solar energy that triggers a geomagnetic storm is the same solar energy that can trigger Time Shift and time line edit activity. I have already reported on certain Time Shift markers, in separate reports, including two recent Time Shift Living Dead people: the actor Martin Landau, and the writer-director George Romero.

There were other important global Time Shift markers, among many, that revealed themselves in the form of earthquakes. While not all quakes, are obviously or directly related to Time Shift time line edit activity, some are. In this case, 2 quakes definitely are. They both struck, in different parts of the world, on July 17, 2018, only hours apart. The first was a 7.7 magnitude quake in Russia. The second was a 6.4 magnitude quake in Peru. While Peru is often the scene of Time Shift triggered quakes, because it is part of the earthquake prone ring of fire in the Pacific, the part of Russia that was struck is not as often struck - even though it too is in an earthquake prone zone.

As I write, in my Time Shift marker list, a Time Shift can trigger earthquakes because of the time line edits and changes in frequencies that the planet undergoes. Such earthquakes are unintended collateral damage, and are not intentional on the part of The Core Matrix. In the case of these earthquakes, they are undoubtedly part of The Core Matrix prime Directive's dealing with the nuclear threat. This tells me - as I have reported at length in many other reports - that there had be some sort of nuclear threat that was dealt with. A nuclear event was removed from the time line, and re-introduced by way of a transformation and transferring of the energy contained in a nuclear explosion. Earthquakes contain the energy of many nuclear bombs, which is why post time line edit earthquakes are often seen seen as nuclear explosion dispersal. Remember: energy cannot be destroyed. It can only be moved and/or transformed.   [.......]

Starfire Tor

Geomagnetic Storm Day 6 Extended By Partial X Flare CME Hit
Time Shift and Time Line Edit Activity Continues
Core Matrix Arranged Time Shift Battles Mind Control Program
More Of My Psi-Data Downloads On Trump & The Nuclear Threat
July 26, 2017 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

These are crazy and dangerous times. Please avail yourself, of the unique and enlightening information that I share. And please consider donating to my fundraiser, which I would greatly appreciate and consider a blessing.

This report is a continuation of previous reports, as well as touching upon the information in my mind control and Astral Tagging Truth Reveal series reports. For the best understanding, of this material, please read my previous related reports. This is where you will find essential background material.   [........]  

We are in Day 6 of the geomagnetic storm. This, when mainstream science predicted that the geomagnetic storm would fade out after day 2. But the solar wind hit, the began this 6 day geomagnetic storm event, is long gone. This leaves but one thing, to keep it going, and that is a glancing blow from the X flare CME from July 23, 2017. In a previous report, I explained why Earth might receive a glancing blow from some of that solar energy - even though the X and M flare solar halo originated with sunspot 2665 on the non-Earth facing side of the Sun.

It is absolutely extraordinary, how The Core Matrix arranged for the non-Earth facing X flare CME to give Earth a glancing blow. If this has ever happened before, it is not in the record books. This glancing blow - which has kept the geomagnetic storm going - has triggered more Time Shifts, which in turn have triggered time line edit opportunities. Once again, the Core Matrix strategy is to use the Sun to create Time Shift triggers, and then use the time line edit feature as a way to best battle the dark matter aberration and the mind control program that has the planet in in its grip. Only, by loosening that grip, can we put a reasonable end to the planet ending nuclear threat.

Recently, the news has reported that both North Korea and Iran are going to test missiles. These are both countries that should never have the ability to cause damage anywhere in any way. And yet, North Korea is still advancing - again - with its murderous nuclear ambitions, and Obama gave Iran the means to carry on with its nuclear program. As a reminder, The Core Matrix Prime Directive identified Trump, as the candidate who could and would stop the nuclear insanity. This was based on his security policies. Clinton -the other candidate -had security policies that were either too weak or non existent. Had Clinton been elected, we would not be around to have this conversation. While Trump is still the person aka President who will get the job done, his inability to understand the dangers of Washington plotting and scheming - and his propensity to harm his own Presidency with some of the things that he says and does - are beyond frustrating.

Let me make this perfectly clear: The Core Matrix, via time line edits, has made great strides against the mind control program. The advances are documented on a daily basis. But as I've explained before, The Core Matrix cannot create time line edits that can change free will, give someone common sense who doesn't have it, raise or lower someone's IQ, or alter or fix a personality or character 'flaw'. As I pointed out, during the campaign, The Core Matrix was using time line edits to upgrade Trump to the best Trump that exists in the many co-existing time lines in which he exists. The time line version of Trump, that won the election, is the best version of Trump available. That's saying something. But this also means, that he himself must learn to be a smarter thinker and communicator, so as to stop creating problems and controversies that do not need to exist. He must learn to stop giving the mind control manipulators ammunition.

Trump understands, that some of the people around him have let him and his Presidency down in dangerous ways. He is not used to this. He is not used to the organized attacks to end his Presidency and his life. He doesn't understand why there are high and low level forms of leaks. He doesn't understand, how his own actions and words, are used against him as part of the mind control program. He doesn't understand the rules, that he must follow as President, or suffer the consequences. The Core Matrix can only present him with the opportunities to self learn and self change for the better. He must get this done now, without delay.

Example of how Trump can self heal his self inflicted wounds. Right now, Trump has started an unnecessary public complaining about his Attorney General Jeff Sessions. He didn't like, that Sessions recused himself from the Russia investigations - thereby leaving the Presidency unprotected from the organized attackers, who are the 'swamp' he vowed to drain. Truth is, Sessions did not have to recuse himself, and should have been smart enough to find away to stop that line of thinking and action. He should have understood, what the negative outcome would be. And then, once he did that, there was nothing stopping him from going after the leakers as well as the alleged crimes committed by Hillary Clinton. There is ample evidence to launch an investigation. Doing these 2 important things, would have put the mind control manipulators on the defensive instead of always being on the offensive. But apparently Sessions stays clear of doing this correct action as AG, and so Trump made public points of this. Why, one would ask, did Trump do this publicly and not privately. There are 2 reasons: 1. He didn't want to get into a Comey type of situation again - which provided the ammunition for the deadly manufactured Mueller investigation, and 2. he wants Sessions to quit without having to outright fire him. Trump believes that he needs a stronger, more aggressive AG, who will act upon the obvious and put an end to the double justice standard that Trump has been attacked with. However, Trump has made a huge mistake in attacking Sessions in this public way. This could have and should have been fixed behind the scenes.

I believe that The Core Matrix will provide Trump a single opportunity, to correct this mistake about the way he is handling his Sessions concerns. We'll know in the next 24 hours how this plays out. I believe, this has to happen within the cycle of this current Time Shift wave. Sure, there will be other Time Shifts and time line edits, but this is when the correction must be made. The nuclear threat will advance, and Trump needs the support - from those around him - to do what he must do to keep the world safe. Other people, in his administration, may leave him if he doesn't shake hands with Sessions and make things right - they both have to make things right: Trump, in how he handles things and people, and Sessions in his inaction to legally go after those who have been - thus far - protected by the 'swamp'.

You can see, how much this has been bothering me. I psi see so much, and this is just part of it. Trump just doesn't understand how in danger his life is. The mind control program, put out that message, quite a while back. I've talked about it for a long time. While I know what the end product will be, and that it works out - eventually for the world - this in between stuff, that I can't un-see and can't un-know - is torture. At least, you now know some of what I know. I hope that it helped, in these crazy and dangerous times.

Starfire Tor

Solar Wind Arrives and Triggers Geomagnetic Storm
Time Shift and Time Line Edits In Progress
Core Matrix Battle Against Mind Control Agenda Revs Up
More Psi-Data Downloads On Breaking The Mind Control Program
August 4, 2017 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

This report is a continuation of previous reports - as well as touching upon the information in my mind control series reports. For the best understanding, of this material, please read my previous related reports.

The second expected solar wind, in one week, has actually arrived and has triggered a geomagnetic storm. Check out the NOAA k-index chart to see how it is developing. I expect things to get even more intense than this. The same solar wind energy, that hit Earth and triggered the geomagnetic storm, has also triggered a new round of Time Shift and time line edits. This is why this geomagnetic storm is a Time Shift marker. As I wrote in my last reports, when Time Shift activity was in pause mode for days, The Core Matrix needs time line edits to effectively battle the dark matter aberration agenda and its mind control program.

During the brief Time Shift pause, the mind control program agenda did take advantage of that by way of moving its agenda forward in a very disturbing way. As I explained in 2016, and continue to explain, the dark matter aberration uses negative human energy as a food source. Its mind control program acts, mostly through human manipulators and minions, to insure that the planet is kept in a state of war, conflict, anger, hatred, all manner of prejudice, and more. There is a demonic aspect to this, but like the involved humans such demonics are minions of the same mind control program. Both the affected human manipulators and minions, and the demonics, use a form of possession as a form of control. One reason, why demonics are so hard to remove from a person, house, building, or outdoor location is because they are all connected to a sprawling network that sources to the dark matter aberration.

Here is what I have recently psi data downloaded. It does involve some politics, but it is through the politics of governing that the mind control program is most effective and most deadly. So please remember my simple rules. Do not respond with your personal political beliefs. That's worthless to this information and will be deleted. Do not comment back with propaganda or fake news. That will be deleted. However, if you have some authentic political information that is relevant to this report - go ahead and share it in the comment section. I just can't allow my social media to be used to forward the mind control program agenda.

This report is about saving Earth from another planet ending nuclear disaster. Politics just happens to be part of the delivery system. I myself cannot stand politics. But, as I have proven and predicted, Trump became the US President because The Core Matrix Prime Directive determined that his security policies would stop the nuclear threat. Hillary Clinton's security policies were either too weak or non existent. Had she become President, the nuclear disaster would have already happened. As I explained in detail, starting last year, it is doubtful that The Core Matrix could have saved us with the same type of reboot that it has done - many times - in the past. The dark matter aberration would still be able to feed on the atomic destruction, but that which is us would not return in a new co-existing time line. Earth might but we won't. So the stakes are very high.

It is important to understand, that there have always been huge problems with Clinton becoming President. Right now, there are a number of secret investigations underway concerning her activities while she was the Secretary of State under Obama - as well as after that time. Unlike what has been reported by the FBI, her incriminating 33,000 destroyed e-mails - from an illegal server - are in storage. Perhaps they are duplicates of the ones destroyed. They either will be found soon, or they have been found already. Whichever, their existence will be made public. She will soon be a big liability to the dark matter aberration's mind control program agenda. This is why its controllers and minions are trying so hard to get rid of Trump. It is, among other dangerous things, a huge distraction from the real crimes that have been committed by those working the mind control program. Some have already been outed, and yet the public sees no justice department going after them. Oh, but they are. They are collecting evidence, and that evidence is the real deal - unlike the fake Trump Russian collusion mind control agenda play to remove Trump from office - or see him dead.

Today, Attorney General Sessions announced a rigorous pursuit against the leakers of classified information. While he did not mention the names of anyone, they already have a hot list that they are working with. This list includes people who are high up, and those that are in the middle and lower tiers. While the ones in the lower tiers, are not knowingly part of an organized mind control group to destroy Trump - the elitest ones are plotters and planners of a treasonous conspiracy. I have psi seen, many times, the trail of evidence that this conspiracy has left. Try as they might, there is no way for them to destroy all of the evidence that will convict them. Why? Because all of them expected Clinton to become President, and when that happened she would protect everyone and everything used to get her elected. Yes, this included collusion with other countries - including Russia. What Trump has been accused of is something that Clinton and her people actually did. Collectively, as a force of energy, mind control program manipulators are sociopaths and psychopaths.

The dangerous thing that happened, while the Time Shift activity was on pause, was that chief council Mueller - an elite minion of the mind control program - has involved a grand jury in the fakes Russia collusion probe. While the mind controlled Democratic representatives support this investigation - because it serves the dark matter aberration's agenda - there are also Republican representatives who want the same thing. All of them have been tricked into hating and fearing Trump, which is why they want him gone. While Trump has both big and little flaws, to be sure - not least of which is saying and tweeting things which are incredibly dumb, and giving ammunition to the mind control program that is trying to kill him. Still, he is sincere in wanting to help America and Americans rise up from the burdens and losses of the Obama years. Clinton doesn't have a sincere bone in her body. She is a puppet, while Trump at least is free from mind control program control. However, he is not free of its dangerous attacks. It is these attacks - and that phoney investigation - which need to stop.

Yes, any one or any country messing with US elections must be revealed and justice served. But from what I have psi seen, the greatest election rigging and interference has come from inside of the US. It is the bias mind controlled new media, Clinton, elites in the Democratic party, and sadly even people in our intelligence and justice departments. They all get their marching orders, and in 2016 it was to get Clinton elected - no matter what. They failed to see, that the mind control program did not have a grip on Trump. He was a rogue element, and he still is. This is another big reason why Trump must remain as the US President. While he is not the ideal President, in a fantasy world of what a US President is supposed to be, he is the President who can save the planet from a planet ending nuclear disaster. No other world leader can or will. He is the man who successfully resisted the mind control program, and became the dark matter aberration's worst enemy. Without him in office, there would be no world leader standing between the mind control program agenda and us. I hope that you can all understand this. He needs help to govern well and wisely. He needs the attackers to be exposed, and the tables turned.

Above and beyond this, the mind control program agenda must be shattered, and the people of the Earth awakened from their dark matter aberration possession and control. There is a way to do this. As I have said before, part of the mind control program agenda has already crumbled. So, the way to shatter it has been proven - and I have observed how it was done. Along with The Core Matrix, creating opportunities through time line edits, the shattering and awakening is something that humans can do individually and as a group.

Here is a brief summary of what to watch for in Time Shift markers. Due to frequency and time line edit changes associated with Time Shifts there may be Time Shift triggered earthquake, volcano, tornado, weather, and geophysical events. Tech communications may be disrupted, cetaceans may strand or swim wrong way. Auroras will form. Time Shifts create an amplification of paranormal activity, ghost activity, haunting activity, poltergeist activity, apports, synchronicity, psi abilities, time/word/object prompts, deja vu, psychic dreaming, precognition events, awareness of Time Shift Living Dead persons, altered time line events, time line looping, altered terrain, altered structures, altered world events and more.

Learn more about my Time Shift Alerts

Starfire Tor

Key FBI Clinton Evidence Released As Time Shifts Return
Core Matrix Battle Against Mind Control Gains Ground
More About The Mind Control Program Victims & Controllers
Time Shift and Time Line Edits In Progress
Geomagnetic Storm Day 2
August 5, 2017 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

This report is a continuation of previous reports - as well as touching upon the information in my mind control series reports. For the best understanding, of this material, please read my previous related reports. As for my comments, dealing with political matters, everything that I talk about it related to the forces behind the current planet ending nuclear threat, an entrenched deep state conspiracy to destroy the only man or woman that can stop that nuclear threat aka Trump, and the dark matter aberration's mind control program behind the conspiracy. Therefore, this is not an open forum for your political opinions, So don't give them, or reply with mind control propaganda. It will be deleted. However, you can post political news if it is in line with the topic and is documented as being true. Watch out for fake news. It is being used to implement the mind control program, as it keeps people misinformed, hateful, fearful, and in the dark about anything truthful.

Onward with this very special breaking news report: We are in day 2 of the geomagnetic storm, as you can see by this NOAA k-index chart. We are also in day 2 of the Time Shift activity return. There have been many Time Shift markers, including another well known Time Shift Living Dead person, which I will talk about in a separate report. There is another type of Time Shift marker, and it has to do with information that I've advised was coming.

I've been telling you, in many reports, that when new Time Shift activity is triggered - after a many day pause in time line edit activity - The Core Matrix, would once again, be in a position to use time line edits in its battle to save us from a planet ending nuclear disaster. This means, that The Core Matrix is battling the dark matter aberration mind control program agenda. I have explained, as well as proven, how this mind control program agenda has targeted President and his administration. The reason is simple. Trump is the one who can and will stop the nuclear disaster - again. But the dark matter aberration feeds off of negative energy including war, destruction, pain, hate, prejudice, strife, and all manner of conflict and suffering. The humans, who carry out the dark matter aberration's feeding agenda, do so through the mind control program that i have illuminated in many reports. Only a handful, up upper tier human controllers, know that they are serving a dark energy. But they have no idea what it really is. Because of my reports, you do know what it is. You know about the dark matter aberration.

In return, these upper tier soulless humans are rewarded with near unlimited power, wealth, and protection. Under them are their puppets - the soulless ones who will do anything for money and power, believe they are protected - but are really not. Under the puppets are the minions, who have no idea that their minds, beliefs, and actions are being manipulated by the mind control program. Some minions work directly for the puppets, while most minions are every day citizens. Most minions can be rescued, by shattering what binds them to the mind control program. But neither the puppets, nor the elite controllers, can be rescued. The dark matter aberration did not make them the way that they are. This is the way their brains are wired. The dark matter aberration merely found them and used them, because it interfaced well with those who have ambition without a conscience, without morals, and without ethics. Most minions, once rescued, would be horrified to know what was done to them - and how they were tricked into feeding the dark matter aberration. Those minions, who cannot be rescued, do not have a conscience or ethics with which to discern right from wrong.

I explained how the Core Matrix uses time line edits, to battle the mind control program. It is not done through a mind control program of its own, or tricking a person out of their true free will - which is how the dark matter aberration mind control program works. Instead, The Core Matrix uses time line edits to create revealing information opportunities. Key hidden information, will be exposed, for what it is. From that point, it is up to people to use that truthful information to take honest and useful action. That's free will. This is what happened, yesterday August 4, 2017. This is the same date, as is documented, that Time Shift and time line edit activity returned. These events are connected. My psi data download was accurate.

There was more than one piece of breaking news, which came out when the solar wind hit on August 4, 2017. It's been a tsunami of reveals. And yes, my 2016 Astral Tagging Truth Mission - as I have explained many times before - is still active and doing its job. Information reveal is its job. For the purposes of this report, I'm letting you know that there was a huge FBI e-mail dump on August 4, 2017. The e-mails contained key evidence regarding the Hillary Clinton Presidential campaign. The e-mails show, that a number of people and agencies conspired to get Clinton elected in 2016. The collusion included - but is not limited to - the fired ex-FBI head Comey, the now ex Obama DOJ head Lynch, and members of the biased news media. As it relates to a DOJ Lynch meeting, with ex President Bill Clinton on a tarmac - when Hillary Clinton was under investigation by the DOJ and FBI. They all conspired, to either alter the facts of the meeting, alter information about the investigation, or to control information about it by the biased news media squashing the story.

Will honest people, most likely the ones not directly under the control of the mind control program - use this key evidence reveal to get a special council to investigate this? This is what needs to happen, as part of the shattering of the mind control program. Go here to read the e-mails, and learn more about this very important evidence.

DOJ Document Dump to ACLJ on Clinton Lynch Meeting: Comey FBI Lied, Media Collusion, Spin, and Illegality


Starfire Tor

🔴MIND CONTROL BREAKTHROUGH Retro Timeline Fill July 27, 2017
GOP Wants 2nd Counsel To Probe Clinton, Lynch, Comey, More
Core Matrix Battle Against Mind Control Program Gains Ground
Time Shift and Time Line Edits Continue
Geomagnetic Storm Day 3
August 6, 2017 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

This report is a continuation of previous reports - as well as touching upon the information in my mind control series reports. For the best understanding, of this material, please read my previous related reports. [.......]

Something quite fascinating has happened. It is actually quite a normal thing to happen, when there are time line edits and the creation of a new co-existing time line. However, it is very rare to capture evidence that this particular time line edit mechanism exists. But I caught it, and what I caught goes hand in hand with my many Time Shift reports that I posted starting July 21, 2017. This date began an 8 day run of geomagnetic storms, which were also accompanied by a powerful wave of Time Shifts and time line edits. The evidence, of what happened, only popped up in this co-existing time line yesterday August 5, 2017 - even though the event took place on July 27, 2017.

I call this Time Shift phenomena a retro time line fill. When The Core Matrix does a time line edit, especially one as complex as battling the mind control program and the planet ending nuclear threat, it takes awhile for the entire new co-existing time line to flesh out. Pieces and parts, of the new co-existing time line, will be missing or out of proper order, until The Core Matrix attends to the smoothing out of the time line edit process. It is also, during this situation, that The Core Matrix assimilation program contains glitches. The human brain, which is interfaced with The Core Matrix, retains a memory - or memory confusion - during these glitchy moments. If all goes well, The Core Matrix will eventually get the new time line properly sequenced. This is when all manner of appearing and disappearing things happen and are remembered to have happened.

What got retro filled, into the time line, is an extremely important event that constitutes a major whack at the mind control program - and all that it entails. Although this breakthrough is now documented as having happened on July 27, 2017, its existence was not evident until August 5, 2017. Look it up now, and you will find information about it anchored in its proper sequence in the time line. But prior to August 5, 2017 it did not exist - for all intents and purposes. In effect: On that retro date, members of the Republican Party officially called for a special counsel to investigate Clinton, Comey, Lynch, and a list of others for what are believed to be crimes. Before this came to light, and the deed was seated properly in the time line, nobody had done anything to move this anti-mind control initiative forward officially. Now it is done.

Here is a FOX news article about the GOP calling for the second special counsel, dated July 28, 2017. This is huge news. I would have included it in my mind control updates, had it existed in the time line. Obviously, this latest round of time line edits allowed The Core Matrix to compete these retro fills. After all, what good are the time line edits if they don't register. So here is the link to that article, which covers the 14 points - people and events - that need to be investigated by a special counsel. Unlike the current Mueller special counsel, which is investigating a made up situation that is part of a conspiracy to steal the election away from Trump - who is the only person that can remove the planet ending nuclear threat. If Trump goes, we all go - literally. This 2nd counsel will be investigating real crimes against the US and its citizens during the Obama administration and afterwards.

Following the news link, you'll find a link to my July 27, Time Shift report. As a reminder, this was the one where I reported about 3 days in July becoming mixed up and confused. One of those days corresponds to this time line retro fill. It's always nice, when the pieces of the puzzle begin to fit so nicely. After that is a bit of geomagnetic storm and Time Shift news.

This happened Thursday July 27, 2017 - retro time line filled. The article is dated July 28, 2017. It only came into being on August 5, 2017.

Republicans call for second special counsel to probe Clinton, Lynch and more
"Nearly two-dozen Republicans are calling on the Trump Justice Department to appoint a second special counsel to investigate the raft of 2016 campaign controversies involving Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration, warning these questions cannot “be allowed to die on the vine” amid the Russia probe firestorm. ... The American public has a right to know the facts – all of them ... the crimes of the prior administration, of Hillary Clinton, the collusion with James Comey and Loretta Lynch should be forgotten just because Hillary Clinton lost the election ... 14-point request for what a second special counsel should cover ... snip"

Here is my related July 27, 2017 report.

BREAKING TIME SHIFT NEWS - What Did You Experience?
Time Shift Activity Causes Multiple Date/Day Confusion
For Tues, Wed, & Thurs July 25-26-27, 2017 PDT
Due To Time Shift Activity Battling Nuclear Threats Plus
... July 27, 2017 Time Shift Report

We are in day 3 of the geomagnetic storm, as you can see by this NOAA k-index chart. Time Shift, and time line edit activity continues. There have been many Time Shift markers, besides those which I have already shared. There are just too many to fit into a single daily report.

I've been telling you, in many reports, that when new Time Shift activity is triggered - after a many day pause in time line edit activity - The Core Matrix, would once again, be in a position to use time line edits in its battle to save us from a planet ending nuclear disaster. This means, that The Core Matrix is battling the dark matter aberration mind control program agenda. I have explained, as well as proven, how this mind control program agenda has targeted President and his administration. The reason is simple. Trump is the one who can and will stop the nuclear disaster - again. But the dark matter aberration feeds off of negative energy including war, destruction, pain, hate, prejudice, strife, and all manner of conflict and suffering. The humans, who carry out the dark matter aberration's feeding agenda, do so through the mind control program that i have illuminated in many reports. Only a handful, up upper tier human controllers, know that they are serving a dark energy. But they have no idea what it really is. Because of my reports, you do know what it is. You know about the dark matter aberration.

The Core Matrix, continues to use time line edits, to battle the mind control program. As a reminder: It is not done through a mind control program of its own, or tricking a person out of their true free will - which is how the dark matter aberration mind control program works. Instead, The Core Matrix uses time line edits to create revealing information opportunities. Key hidden information, will be exposed, for what it is. From that point, it is up to people to use that truthful information to take honest and useful action. That's free will.


Starfire Tor

1111TimePrompt+TheAugust12,2017VirginiaRiots1 1111TimePrompt+TheAugust12,2017VirginiaRiots1a 1111TimePrompt+TheAugust12,2017VirginiaRiots2 1111TimePrompt+TheAugust12,2017VirginiaRiots2b 1111TimePrompt+TheAugust12,2017VirginiaRiots3

🔴1111 Time Prompt & The August 12, 2017 Virginia Riots
Core Matrix Battles The Mind Control Program Agenda
Riot Was Dark Matter Aberration Planned Attack On Trump
August 13, 2017 Report

This report is about the dark matter aberration mind control program agenda, and its involvement in the deadly August 12, 2017 Charlottesville, Virginia riots. I am the only person who has the information contained in this report. The information is shocking and enlightening, all at once. Once you see, what my unique research has uncovered, you will better understand how The Core Matrix is battling the mind control program through Time Shift triggered time line edits.

This report contains political information, as associated with The Core Matrix and its battle to save the planet from the dark matter aberration’s mind control program. As usual: Do not reply with your political opinions, propaganda, or fake news. It will be deleted. However, you can reply with documented information – even if it involves politics – if it supports the subject matter in this report. Read my previous mind control related reports, for clarity of information – very detailed information.

Take a look at the photos that I’ve uploaded. They are from the August 12, 2017 Charlottesville, Virginia riots. Before I tell you anything, about the truth concerning those riots, I want to bring your attention to the information relayed in those photos. It involves the 1111 time prompt.

Photo 1: The Dodge Charger, owned and driven by white supremacist nazi wannabe James Fields, was intentionally used to hit a group of anti-white supremacist nazi invoking protesters. Heather Hyer was killed, and 19 were injured. Note the license plate of the killer car. It’s GVF1111. It contains the time prompt numbers 1111. All time prompts, regardless of the numbers, are synchronicities created by The Core Matrix as it is calibrates – syncs up – its many co-existing time lines. This is needed after time line editing, and the creation of new co-existing time lines. Ones and zeros are the main time prompt numbers, because these are the numbers used as a computer coding language. The 1111 time prompt is a synchronicity, that not only acts as a Time Shift marker, but it also informs as to the computer-like nature of The Core Matrix. It tells you that something was altered in the time line.

Photo 2: The Dodge Charger and driver James Fields hit 2 cars, along with opposition protesters in the street. One of the damaged cars was a Toyota with a license plate that reads :GODKPME. This stands for God Keep Me. Because of the positioning of this Toyota, and the Honda in front of it, the killer car and driver was not able to run down any more of the crowd. Many lives were saved. This license plate add to the story being told, via the Core Matrix time line edits.

Photo 3. The Dodge Charger hit 2 cars, along with opposition protesters in the street. See my comments from photos 1 and 2. This photo shows how the positioning of the Honda and the Toyota stopped the forward movement of the killer Dodge Charger. James Fields, who marched as a white supremacist nazi wannabe, was behind the wheel of the dodge charger. The Honda’s license plate reads VEP6635. I don’t yet know how these numbers and letters fit in – but they do.

What I have showed you, is just the tip of the iceberg of the information that my research has unearthed. For now, I want you to focus on the content of this report – because it is mind blowing enough to wrap your heads around. I am presenting, the information and images, in as easy to understand way as possible.

Here is the other related information. This riot was pre-planned, by the mind control program controllers and manipulators. The protesters on both sides, of the riot, already know that they each planned this conflict ahead of time. There was nothing spontaneous about it. Both sides came ready to rumble, each believing that they were right and the other group was wrong. As it happens, they are both wrong. Both groups are products of mind control programming and indoctrination into what they believe. In the US, both groups are allowed to protest within the boundaries of the law of freedom of speech, which is a loophole that allows the mind control manipulators to craft events that further the divide among groups.

The Virginia mind control agenda set-up was simple. Cause a violent clash of groups, and do it so that people are hurt and possibly killed. Create violence, as well as news headlines that will somehow involve and blame Trump. Try to get police violence involved is possible. Then create the Trump trap. What is that? It’s how the mind control manipulators, create a situation, where no matter what Trump does or says, they have destructive criticism at the ready. It’s about creating a false impression, that Trump is a racist – which he is not. They are going here again, because their fake Trump Russian collusion gambit is failing. As for Trump, he does not support any white supremacist agenda, and cannot control who gloms onto his political agenda because they distort his agenda for their own benefit. Nor does he support, those who stop the free speech of others – which for a long time has been the goal of those who hate Trump. The protesters, who butted heads and bats with the nazi wannabes in Virginia, are part of the same group mentality that rises up to stop the speech of anyone who supports Trump.

BTW, Trump’s response to the riots and deaths was very purposeful and guarded. I could tell, by his near generic response, that he was aware of the trap. He understood, that both sides were not only involved in the violence – which was the plan of both groups – but that the anti-white-supremacist protesters were of the same ilk that engaged in violent protests during the Presidential campaign. The 2016 Astral Tagging Truth Reveal helped to uncover the truth about that violence, which was blamed on Trump – by design. It had nothing to do with Trump, as the violence was a set-up using people with the same mindset as those fighting with the nazi wannabes in Virginia. This is why Trump was careful to make a sweeping condemnation of the violence on both sides, without making either side right and the other wrong. This is why he wouldn’t attach a name to either of them. He nailed them as both participating in the violence, without taking sides. Taking sides would have made matters worse. He nipped that part, of the dark plan, in the bud. Besides the obvious murder by car that took place, both parties should be investigated and prosecuted for breaking the law - as well as the constitutional rights that both parties tried to deny the other. Freedom of speech means exactly what it says … free to speak one’s beliefs, even when those beliefs are either absurd or as ignorantly harmful as some beliefs are.

It was created for one express purpose: to stimulate more hate and distrust toward Donald Trump. The purpose, as their agenda has been all along, is to create fake news and false scenarios in the hopes that some of it will get Trump removed from office. Remember, Trump is the President who can and will stop the current nuclear crisis from becoming a planet ending event. The dark matter aberration, which feeds off of the energy produced by war, conflict, hate, and anything negative, has targeted Trump as an enemy trying to deprive it of its food source. Without Trump understanding this, that is exactly what he is unintentionally doing.

Through the use of mostly unsuspecting humans - namely mind control manipulators, puppets, and minions – the dark matter aberration has brain washed people into doing its bidding. The mind control program, creates conditions and events, where people divide into warring self-righteous groups. These groups, whether political, religious, gender, or skin color etc, are kept in an ongoing state of conflict.

BTW, there is a conspiracy going around, that the Virginia riots were staged to create a false flag event, and that this in turn would keep conservatives and Trump supporters from gathering etc. This is false. I have showed you the truth, and I am as correct about this as history has always proven me to be. So, please do not reply with that false conspiracy narrative.

Peace, love, and harmony do not feed the dark matter aberration. Neither can peace, love, and harmony shatter its mind control program. It takes a form of truth, justice, and collective action to wake up the world from this nightmare. It can be done, and you can be part of the shattering of the mind control program – just as I have been – when I revealed the truth about the existence of The Core Matrix, Time Shifts, and co-existing time lines.

Starfire Tor

August 15, 2017  at 2:56pm 🚨Coming soon: How to recognize a person, or group, enslaved by the dark matter aberration mind control program - and what you can and cannot do to help free them.

Destroying History Is A Mind Control Tactic To Control Humans
American History, Egyptian History, German History & More Gone
August 16, 2017 Report

Please read all of my reports, concerning the dark matter aberration and the mind control program.

Part of the dark matter aberration [DMA] mind control program agenda, is to destroy everything and everyone that represents truth. The DMA fears truth, because through truth the DMA agenda will become obvious to most everybody. That, alone, will shatter its mind control program. Just remember that.

All of you, should be aware, of the current trend - pushed by the progressive left, and conceived and organized by related Soros and Obama teams - to remove any and all historical statues that offend the scheming of the progressive left. These people have been profoundly brainwashed into forming two camps of thinking. They see their camp as righteous and accepting of all freedoms, including the right to free speech. But what they say, and what they do, are two different things. They are incapable of seeing - because of the way the mind control program works - that their beliefs are a fraud. By their violent and obstructive actions, they prove that the only people's speech that they approve of, are those who think like them. If they don't approve of the person's speech and thinking, like a conservative Republican, they will riot and commit violence in order to stop that free speech. Absurd right? But they can't see that, and that's the problem.

An extension, of this mind controlled behavior, is the action to revise and destroy history - true history. The actions by this group, these days, is to target and destroy statues of historical people that they don't approve of. It is this planned action, which created the ground zero violence and death that happened over the weekend in Virginia. The right way to deal with a possibly inappropriate statue is to have them officially reviewed. If the review deems it so, the statue should be removed and placed in something like a museum - with the history of that figure intact. A Civil War leader's statue, in and of itself, does not belong on US government property. It belongs in a museum or private educational setting. But these mind controlled people don't want it done the right and peaceful way. Peace and logic would not create the cause for violence, which was the goal of the weekend march. It was the goal of many who went there, and they represented more than one side of the march. That is quite clear. If there was no cause for violence, then there would be nothing with which to blame Trump - which was the ultimate goal of the whole riot. They would have nothing with which to stop free speech, something that they are pursuing as I write this.

And so, American history is being destroyed by mind controlled people. Whether good or bad, American history - all history in fact - must be preserved and taught to current and later generations. Otherwise, humans will only repeat the terrible errors of the past. If this destruction continues, humans will only be taught a revised history that serves only the DMA, and some of the elite mind controllers.

I've uploaded a photo of a statue of the great Queen Hatshepsut of Egypt. The things that she achieved were no less than amazing. Check it out for yourself. Knowing about her is worth your time. Yet, her existence was almost nearly wiped out by an Egyptian ruler who came after her. This type of destruction was ordinary in Egypt, and to this day we don't know the whole truth about ancient Egypt because of this mentality. The existence and rule of Nefertiti and Akhenaten - and their one god beliefs - were likewise nearly wiped out

In our age, we've witnessed the similar destruction of history. What happened with the US statues - and is continuing to happen - is no different than when the Taliban destroyed an ancient Buddha statue in Afghanistan. Check out the photo. I could go on and on with these examples, including the destruction of museums by people who wanted to destroy any history that they find offensive.

Then there is the Nazi burning of books - and of course the murder of millions of people that they deemed inferior. Check the photo of burning books. In order for evil to control humans, said humans must be denied truth and knowledge. They must be tricked and herded into group think. Basically, humans must be conditioned to behave as they are programmed to behave - all the while believing that they are in the right. They are made to believe that they are superior and smarter in every way, than those who they are brainwashed to hate and attack. Those, deemed to be not like them, are made to seem inferior and less than human. Once the mind control program achieves this level of less than human mind control thinking, such people feel free to treat the perceived inferiors with contempt, ridicule, prejudice, hate, violence, and death. They are tricked into thinking, that there is no difference between an evil doing Nazi or Nazi wannabe and someone who thinks differently than them. They lump these wrongly perceived inferiors into the same category of racist, bigot, hater, despicable, and so forth. This emboldens them, through the praise of group think, to do and say terrible things. Over time, millions and millions of people have died because of this type of group think.

These mind controlled minions have no way of realizing how asleep at the wheel they are, and that they are doing the bidding of an evil that thinks nothing of using, abusing, and ultimately destroying them. As for the US, and the planned attack on Trump based on the Virginia riot and death, don't believe for a second that only the Democratic progressive left are mind controlled, and that none of the GOP are spared. Many of the leaders, of the GOP party, are as mind controlled as the more active progressive left - and others. The mind controlled GOP are just as destructive and lethal as the mind controlled progressive Democratic left.

I will soon - as I promised - be reporting on how you can tell who is and is not mind controlled, and who you can and cannot free from the mind control program. What I have written here is only a deeper look at the insidious historical mind control problem.

Starfire Tor

🔴Worldwide Geomagnetic Storm In Progress
Time Shift & Time Line Edit Activity Increases
N. Korea Backs Off Nuclear Threats/Does Underground Tests
Astral Tag Reveals A Dark Energy Trump Adviser: He Must Go
More Psi Data Download Info On Mind Control Agenda Plus
August 17, 2017 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

This report is a continuation of previous reports, including my Time Shift, Core Matrix, mind control, nuclear threat, and dark matter aberration [DMA] reports. For the best understanding, of this vast material, please read my previous related reports. Information related to US politics and world events appear in this report. Do not include your political opinions in your reply. They are not helpful and will be deleted. However, if you have political or global information that is relevant to the material in this report, then that's OK as long as the info is not fake news or propaganda. That is one way that the mind control program is spread.

Earth has been hit with an expected solar wind, that sourced from a coronal hole. The hit has triggered a worldwide geomagnetic storm, which you can see recorded in this NOAA k-index chart. The same solar wind energy, that has triggered the geomagnetic storm, has also triggered an intensification of Time Shift and time line edit activity. The Core Matrix, as it has done before, is using this Time Shift intensification to engage in more powerful time line edits aimed at stopping planet ending nuclear threats.

I have already reported on a lot of information, concerning how The Core Matrix has been using time line edits in an effort to stop the planet ending nuclear threats. I've reported about the dark matter aberration and the mind control program. I reported on the August 2017 weekend riots in Virginia, and how the whole thing was a set up to further damage and destroy President Trump. Now I can tell you more, and what I discovered may very well help Trump help all of us survive the nuclear threat.

First of all, while the Virginia riots were in motion, N Korea backed down its threat to bomb Guam.There is only one reason why this happened, and that is because of Trump's posturing. This posturing was attacked by the usual mind control attackers, but as I have told you so many times - it is Trump's policies that The Core Matrix determined could and would stop the nuclear threat. What happened, only days ago, is but a glimpse of the effect that he has on the minds of those who threaten the US and the world with nuclear devastation. Mind you, the threats will pick up again. In fact, during this time of backing down, there were 2 small quakes that happened in N Korea. They happened in the same region that they do underground explosive testing. This was indeed the testing of bombs. But was it a nuclear test? The last nuclear test caused a quake much larger than that. These may have been the testing of smaller nuclear devices.

Here's the thing: N Korea, backing down because of Trump, was a really big deal. But the anti-Trump news ignored it, or if they ran anything it was only for a few seconds and gave no cudos to Trump. Instead, they attacked Trump about his comments on the violence in Virginia. It was a set-up. No matter what he said, his attackers had a script on how to attack him. These attacks, and the frustration that it caused him - which led him to say further things which were not helpful to him - caused him to shut down his special CEO committee on jobs. Many of the CEOs had pulled out over his comments - which were accurate BTW. Like I said, it was a set-up. See my previous post that includes more about this.

I have to tell you, I became - and still am - quite alarmed at the way Trump was and wasn't handling the situation. He stepped right into the trap. My alarm had nothing to do, with the words that he chose. They were generic, accurate, and appropriate for that stage of any investigation into the riots. Here's the real problem: The DMA mind controllers have spent millions on creating ways to destroy Trump. I warned about this in 2016, and many times since. Everything that I warned about has happened. I got my info from a combination of the information revealed from the 2016 Astral Tagging Truth Reveal [still active], psi data downloads that I got from The Core Matrix, and my own experience and intelligence.

My biggest frustration is that Trump - nor apparently any of his advisers - understand the true deadly nature and source of the attacks against him and his agenda. No one in the White House has to know about the DMA, to be able to understand that the threat is a grand and well funded mind control plan to remove him from office. Because of this Intel failure, neither Trump nor his advisers are ever ahead of the game. They are always behind thew game, and having to be on the defensive. Even Trump's calling out the fake news is not really effective, in battling the real nature of the attacks. As I already reported, the violence in Virginia was obvious to see in advance. You don't have to be psychic to see it. You do, however, have to understand the strategy of evil. I do. Add my psychic abilities to that, and I'm always ahead of evil's game to destroy the human ability to survive and thrive.

I'd had enough of this dangerous White House ignorance, and determined to get to the bottom of who or what was the cause. I'm quite aware of what the attackers want and say, but out of hand their words and wants must be dismissed as intentionally 99.99% wrong. That's their game, as they are promoters of the mind control agenda and Trump is not enslaved by the mind control program. That is his value. I've already spoken about Trump's strengths and weaknesses. It is his strengths, which will save us, and it is his weaknesses which allow the mind control program to destroy many advancements through Trump's strengths. His 2 main weaknesses are this: 1. He does not have the gift of using the right words in the right situation. Because of this, he often says things that give his attackers much ammunition. The solution is to stop him from saying or tweeting anything he wants to, and having a word smith on hand to better craft his thoughts. This does not stop him from speaking or tweeting, but it does stop him from giving his attackers ammunition. Of course, he has to be checked for factual errors - like any President would. 2. He relies too heavily, on his own sense of superior common sense, on his own sense of superior personal knowledge, and in the belief that what got him into the White House can also get his agendas done. Despite the fact that he is a genius, in many areas, there is a serious limit to what regions his genius functions well. Because of this inability to recognize a self problem, he is relying on a part of himself that is not up to par as a revolutionary President. The solution is to have advisers who have these things at a superior level, and let them help him get his job done successfully.

How could a man, who is destined to save the world from a planet ending event, allow himself to be dumbed-down about the true nature of the destroy-Trump-tactics waged against him? Yes, he has a mild case of narcissism. Almost every world leader does - including Obama. At least, with Trump, his narcissism is out there for all to see. He is not a total narcissist - which would be very bad - because he genuinely cares what happens to America and Americans. He has made himself a punching bag, of the mind control program attacks, because he cares more about the life of others than he does about his own. I want you all to understand this about him.

By the viciousness and success of the Virginia riot attacks, I just knew that something was terribly wrong in Trump's world. But what? Who? So I decided to find out ... and I did. I re-engaged the still active 2016 Astral Tagging Truth Reveal system. As a reminder, I have a way, working with an Angel crew dedicated to truth and justice, of using a special astral tagging energy that can find and reveal the truth about almost anything. I proved, throughout the campaign, how successful it could be. This is why I launched an addition to the original Astral Tagging Truth Reveal mission. I astral tagged the Virginia riots, and I astral tagged the speech that Trump gave in response to the violence and death of a protester who was hit by a hate driven weaponized car.

What I discovered, about the origins and purpose of the Virginia violence, was unchanged from what I have already reported. It was just confirmed for me, with some extra puppets and minions thrown in. The mind control attack strategy has not yet fully played out. The danger is still,active, and more is coming. As for the words he spoke, after the riots, it quickly became obvious what had happened. I psi saw it all. It was his adviser Steve Bannon, of which there is no doubt. I told you, that with an astral tag, it often happens that the perpetrator usually outs themselves. That is exactly what Bannon did on August 15, 2017. What he said made the news on August 16, 2017. Prior to Bannon outing himself, as the adviser that has to leave the White House employ - and Trump - immediately I psi saw Bannon and Trump in a heated argument. They differed on how Trump was going to handle N Korea, the Virginia riots, and a host of other topics. IMO, Bannon's advise was wrong and dangerous in every way, and Trump was countering it with a good deal of common sense. This argument caused Trump to end up saying words that were not what he originally was going to say. He had the original words scripted, to account for the strategy needed to crush his attackers. He had planned to say - point blank - that he condemned anything having to do with Nazis, racism etc. Bannon's opinions, which were demeaning and which ignored the clear and present danger that Trump was facing, seeped their way into Trump's decision.

You really have to read what Bannon said to a reporter - on purpose. He did it as a public message to Trump, which was that he knew best and was in control, and that Trump had no power to change anything.  He continued with demeaning, buffoonish, and clueless claims. When Bannon did this, I knew it was the Astral Tagging at work. It became obvious, from his own words, that Bannon was more than just an egotistical and manipulating buffoon. He was a very negative force, through which the mind control program agenda was working to get to Trump. Bannon is an agent of evil, and that evil has been advising Trump. Yes, I know that the mind control agenda's progressive left has been attacking Bannon. But as I said, they have a habit of crying wolf when there is no wolf.  It also shows you how mind control minions are clueless to the big plans. Bannon has always been, a secret weapon of the DMA, even if Bannon himself has no idea of the role he is playing. What Bannon knows about his motives - which Trump is unaware of - is bad enough. The bottom line is this: Bannon must leave the White House, and President Trump, alone. This must happen now. If Bannon doesn't remove himself, by Monday, then Trump needs to step up and fire him. Like the dismissal of Scaramucci, Bannon can be fired based on what he said to the reporter. Anyone should be fired, for going over the President's head, and claiming superiority. If he does not leave immediately, then I do not see how Trump can be protected. But if Bannon leaves ASAP, then this ship can be righted and the mind control program can be shattered. Here's what Bannon said:

I'm sure that most of you are aware of the attack in Spain today. Many died, and many more were injured. You should also be aware of what the terrorists did not get to do - because their multiple truck bomb plan literally blew up their bomb making houses. Because of the old vetting system problems, which Trump has been trying to fix, this same Spain terrorist cell could have gotten on a plane and done the same attack in the US. It could have happened, due to a loop hole in the visa system. It needs fixing, but not if the mind control agenda has its way.


Starfire Tor

August 18, 2017
As many of you know, my prediction about Steve Bannon's going - by the end of the weekend - has come true. Watch for my updated report, later today, where I will discuss it - as well as share further important information about taking back truth and sanity from the mind control program. I won't be making any other comments until that report posts. So, please hold your Bannon and related comments and research for that updated report. Thanks.

Mark P. wrote:  .... I think you're missing what Starfire did. It was way more than a prediction. She explained what was going on with that Bannon dude and his dark energy influencing Trump. Yesterday Thursday she drew a line in the sand with a specific timeline. Bannon needed to be out of the White House by this Monday latest. If this deadline wasn't met this planet and all of us were up a creek without a paddle. If Bannon was gone by this Monday then we all had a good chance of making it. It's a fact that Bannon pulled out today Friday. That beats the Monday deadline. When Starfire gave the Monday deadline on the Thursday before, that was only a 4 day window for it to happen. It happened less than a day after her post. Some reporters and opinion heads lay bets on whether Bannon would stay or go. None of them put their money where their mouth is. Only Starfire lay down a hard deadline. She was right about when he would walk ... if he walked. She was also obviously saying that if he walked it would not be after this Monday. It would be by this Monday. She was dealing with many co-existing time line and she laid out what she psi saw. She got it right.

Starfire wrote:  
I've read Mark's reply, and he has properly explained the nature of my prediction. I hope it helps.

I'll be discussing the Bannon info, which I psi saw before hand and said so, as an updated report later today. There is a lot more I need to tell you all, so it's best I get that info out in the new report before I respond further.

Core Matrix Rebooted Co-Existing Time Lines Multiple Times
Solar Eclipse Is A Rebooted Time Line After N Korea Disaster
US/S Korea Solar Eclipse War Games Rebooted Transfer Of Energy
Energy From Sunspots 2671 & 2672 Used To Trigger Time Line Edits
Linked To Core Matrix Battle Against Mind Control Program
Many Time Shift Markers Including Time Shift Living Dead Events

Geomagnetic Storm Day 4/Time Shift & Time Line Edit activity Continues
August 20, 2017 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

On August 18, 2017, I posed a report about tomorrow's August 21, 2017 total solar eclipse of the Sun. That report, and the many previous reports that are linked to it through my mind control and dark matter aberration Core Matrix information - as well as the nuclear threat, are a background for this report. In order to have the best chance at understanding what is going on, which is a life and death matter concerning the entire planet, it's important that you read everything. Binge read, so that you can be up to date about everything that I share.

As usual, with any of my reports involving this subject matter, bringing in political information is unavoidable. The mind control program is using politics to spread its control over the unaware humans masses. Because the mind control agenda, leads to the planet ending nuclear destruction of our planet,the Core Matrix has been fighting to save us and the planet. It's acting on it Core Matrix Prime Directive program. Everyone, who is promoting and controlling the mind control agenda, is actually serving the desires of an insidious cosmic energy called the dark matter aberration [DMA]. The DMA is not a life form, it is not a god, and it is not sentient. It is literally an aberration [something not normal], of the good and useful dark matter energy that the Core Matrix uses as the glue that holds all streaming co-existing time lines together. It makes time line edits possible, and it makes our existence possible. But the dark matter aberration developed a different mission. This vast chunk of energy is dedicated to creating a physical life force and environment of its own. Because of its make-up, that artificial goal is impossible to achieve - and yet that is what it wants. In my previous reports, I explain more about this - including how it works, how and why it is connected to the mind control program, how it creates negative events and experiences so that it can feed off of the amplified energy, and why and how it is the literal root of all evil. I explain this in Part 1 and Part II of my mind control series, and have expanded on this in many reports - including some of my Time Shift reports.

The bottom line is this: The dark matter aberration feeds off of life force energy, and the strongest life force energy comes from war, conflict, violence, fighting, discord, and anything that promotes hate, prejudice, and a separation based on anything and everything. This is why the mind control program was created, in the long ago. It creates false thinking patterns, that lead to the continued hostilities and violence that feed it. War provides a constant source of fuel. Peace and harmony provides almost no fuel for the DMA. A planet ending event, such as that coming from a nuclear disaster, is a top fuel generator. The DMA pursues this type of end game, because it knows that The Core Matrix will reboot the time line system all over again. But the Core Matrix has just so many reboots that it can do, before it runs out of viable time line edit combinations. We are near to that point of no return, and this has caused the Prime Directive to awaken and get involved. That's were we are right now.

Take a look at this SDO Sun photo from today. Before you are 2 powerful and active Earth facing sunspots. The sprawling one, at solar center disk, is 2671. The sprawling one, that has just rotated into view, is 2672. As I have reported many times, both of these sunspots were created through time line edits. The purpose was to cause them to erupt, and in doing so to provide solar events that trigger Time Shift and time line edit triggers. Right now, these 2 sunspots are in a dueling war of solar flares and coronal mass ejections [CMEs]. While most of them have been C flares, some of them have risen to M flare status. You can see this duel in this solar flare magnitude chart. I can not show you the actual CMEs firing off, because the controlling scientific enterprises have not allowed that information to be shared with the public. Quite unacceptable and suspicious. Now take a look at the NOAA k-index chart. It shows, that we are experiencing the 4th day of geomagnetic storming. More should be on the way, to further create Time Shift triggering energy. Lastly, take a look at this solar flare chart from yesterday and today. You can see the activity, as i described.

I can tell you now, after putting together all of my research data - as well as tuning into my psi data download abilities - that we have experienced a series of co-existing time line reboots this month. Remember my report about people being confused about what day it was? That was the beginning of these particular reboots. Why did we have to get rebooted? Because N Korea - and possibly some other bad actors with nuclear capability - attacked other countries. Sometimes the attacks were nuclear, sometimes the attacks involved EMP weaponry, and most of the time the attacks used conventional weapons. Hold that thought.

Now we are in our latest reboot version of us, which means that the attacks - mainly by N Korea - have not happened as yet. Now pay close attention to this: In an effort to show N Korea who is the military boss of the world, the US and S Korea are engaging in a week of war games in S Korean waters. When is this war game event going to start? That would be tomorrow Monday August 21, 2017 - the same day as the total solar eclipse of the Sun. This is no coincidence, on so many levels. First and foremost, it is time line editing that created this window of time war games opportunity. The explosive energy, being put off through the war games, serves several purposes: 1. It's meant to keep N Korea in its place, by showing what will happen to it if it dares to continue with nuclear and other life taking threats. 2. The energy, generated, is actually the transformed and transferred energy of whatever destructive energy was used during the now rebooted time line. and 3. This war game energy, which is meant to be harmless to human life - not marine life [sad, sad, sad] - is creating energy to feed the DMA.

Let me be very clear about this, the removal of Steve Bannon from the White House is connected to this moment in time. See mt recent report about Steve Bannon and The Core Matrix. Bannon was giving wrong advice to President Trump, as he was constantly doing during his time in the White House. He was in the White House during previous co-existing time lines when the planet damaging events occurred. His influence must be blocked from touching Trump in any way, and that includes how he chooses to 'help' Trump deal with anyone who is harming Trump unfairly. More on this, in a later report.

Right now, I psi see different co-existing time lines involving what N Korea will and won't due related to the US/S Korea war games. Forget all of the warnings of doom from the mind control set, which includes most US media, the leaders of the Democratic party, and some Republicans in Congress. It is all meant to prevent Trump from doing his job properly. Remember, the dark matter aberration wants deaths. It feeds on death and suffering. The Core Matrix Prime Directive does not want death, but often as not it can only create time line edits that protect the majority of the people of the world. It is not possible to protect everyone. This is what makes tomorrow's war games such a nail biting event. N Korea may do something incredibly stupid. But whatever happens - and I mean whatever happens - it will be the better case scenario of what the DMA wanted to happen.

Check out my Time Shift marker Time Shift Living Dead [TSLD] reports on Dick Gregory and Jerry Lewis, then go back and read my other time frame TSLD reports such as the recent one on Tommy Hawkins and more. Keep a watch for what happens with the war games, as well as the solar eclipse. Energy from the Sun will continue to interact, and more time shift and time line activity will happen. Along with that, watch out for your own and global Time Shift markers. What will happen tomorrow, and through the week, are events meant to help us.

There is so much more going on, but what I have shared should prepare you for it - and make you aware of the many time line edits that we are experiencing.   [.......]

Starfire Tor


Eclipse Does Not Interfere With Core Matrix Time Line Edits
Active Sunspots 2671 & 2672 Used To Trigger Time Line Edits
Linked To Core Matrix Battle Against Mind Control Program
Geomagnetic Storm Day 5/Time Shift & Time Line Edits Continue
US/S Korea Solar Eclipse War Games Rebooted Transfer Of Energy
August 21, 2017 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

This report is a continuation of my report from yesterday, which in turn is a continuation of my many other reports concerning stopping the nuclear threat, shattering the mind control program, and exposing the existence of the dark matter aberration [DMA]. Are you behind on your Starfire Tor reports? Just scroll down the wall and start binge reading. Make sure you click to see everything, and not just random FB highlights.

As usual, with any of my reports involving this type of Core Matrix subject matter, bringing in political information is unavoidable. The mind control program is using politics - and the media - to spread its mind control agenda over the unaware humans masses. If you comment, do not reply with your political opinions, and do not reply with fake news or propaganda. That's mind control material, and it'll be deleted. However, it's OK to post something political or newsworthy if it is honest and is in line with the subject matter of this post.

Today Monday August 21, 2017 the total eclipse of the Sun dazzled as expected. As my previous reports noted, my focus had nothing to do with being dazzled by the astronomical event. My focus, was on whether the total solar eclipse would somehow interfere with the life saving time line edits that The Core Matrix has been engaged in. It is these time line edits, fueled by energy from the Sun, that has been creating the opportunities with which truth and justice can shatter the DMA mind control program agenda. That agenda, which was designed to feed the DMA through the negative energy provided from war, conflict, hate, pain, suffering, and ultimately nuclear destruction. In order to keep it's food coming, the DMA uses a small elite group of humans, such as the Soros group, who launch and maintain the mind control program that keeps humans in conflict and war with each other. In turn, these elite mind controllers engage a large number of puppets, such as Obama, to infect the masses with the mind control program. When the mind control agenda infects the masses, the masses then become minions who mindlessly carry out the mind control agenda. Once infected, a minion cannot tell the difference between truth and lie. They think they can, but that is the way brainwashing works. The plan - the hope - is that the mind control program can be shattered enough so as to free the minions. Without the minions, carrying out the mind control agenda, the elite controllers and their puppets lose their power over the masses.

Because The Core Matrix uses extreme solar energy to trigger the conditions needed to engage in time line edits, The Core Matrix has created conditions that saw the appearance of very active sunspots. This is quite a feat, since it's happening during solar minimum - when sunspots are hard to come by. I've reported about The Core Matrix creation of the current active sunspots 2671 and 2672. They've each been firing off solar flares, as if they are in a ping pong game. These Earth facing flares have been M and C flares, with some developing into coronal mass ejections [CME] that are headed to Earth.

My concern, about the eclipse - caused when the moon comes between the Earth and the Sun - was that this act would interfere with the delivery of solar energy that The Core Matrix needed to continue with these time line edits. I already reported, that on the eclipse day - today - the US and South Korea were starting a week of war games. I explained, how the explosive energy from these war games would act to transfer and transform the pre co-existing time line nuclear explosions from causing a disaster to not causing a disaster. In some of our most recent co-existing time line versions, N Korea did explode both nuclear and conventional explosives above ground. In one case they exploded an EMP. In some cases it all backfired on them, doing the most damage to themselves. But this did not spare its neighbors. Because of this, The Core Matrix was forced to engage in Time Line edits that involved time line reboots.

I am pleased to report, that the solar eclipse had no negative impact on The Core Matrix time line edit work. I am pleased to report, that further opportunities have been created for the mind control program to be shattered enough that millions of minions can be freed. I am reporting, via my psi data download abilities, that part of this shattering will come in the way justice being served to many of the mind control puppets. Acts of treason have been committed, as have criminal activity on many levels. The biggest challenge here, is not whether this becomes known - because since the 2016 Astral Tagging Truth Reveal mission it has been known. What has been missing is the will, of the justice department and those in Congress who are innocent of this behavior, to go after and make the evidence known to the masses. This also means, that the mind control programmed attacks on Trump - except when actually warranted - will stop being a fad carried out by puppets and minions. The infected group think will get a much needed antibiotic. Whether politician puppets and minions, or media puppets and minions, the DMA group think will lose much of its appeal.

But it's not enough to just free people from the mind control program, because the freed will need a lot of care and nurturing to regain their free will. They will need to be educated about the truth that they fought and did not believe in, and learn how to protect themselves from being infected by group think again. Remember, these minions have been brainwashed. If they have not committed a crime, then they must be welcomed to form a united people. Those, who committed crimes, are most likely minions that cannot be freed because they already come with a brain that is either sociopathic or psychopathic. No time line edit can alter that condition, and of all the infected minions, these are the ones most likely to hurt the innocent. BTW, at the end of the day President Trump took back command of his Presidency with his speech on Afghanistan. The mind control puppets and minions will lash out and decry his speech - but it was the right speech at the right time. Like everything else, this eclipse day, this too was a Core Matrix opportunity.

Meanwhile, the geomagnetic storm is in day 5 - and is already showing signs of calming. Interesting, that the geomagnetic storm stayed active for the eclipse. Also, sunspots 2672 and 2671 have been - and still are - in a solar flare duel. Time Shift and time line edit activity is still in progress. I've uploaded 4 photos: 1. The NOAA k-index showing the 5 days of geomagnetic storming, 2. Today's solar eclipse from NASA, 3. the solar flare chart from today, and 4. The positioning and look of sunspots 2671 and 2672 during the eclipse.   [.......] 

Starfire Tor

Geomagnetic Storm Day 6 Surprises Other Scientists
Time Shift & Time Line Edits Continue
Core Matrix Battle With Mind Control Program Gains Ground
August 22, 2017 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report


The geomagnetic storm is in day 6. This, by itself, is what was expected due to the way The Core Matrix has been using the Sun's energy to trigger Time Shifts and time line edit. This is how it is battling the mind control program, and as a result is really battling to stop the nuclear threat. The mind control program agenda has created the conditions, which have lead to the nuclear threat. This, in turn, is the violence that feeds the mind control ultimate source - the dark matter aberration [DMA]. I've been explaining this all along. The same solar energy, that triggered this wave of geomagnetic storms, is the same solar energy that triggered the usable Time Shifts. This NOAA k-index chart shows the situation.

What is really interesting, is that NASA and NOAA space weather and other scientists were caught off guard by today's continued geomagnetic storm situation. While they were focused on the eclipse, and eclipse data, this unexpected geomagnetic storm event happened. They believe that it happened, because Earth's magnetic field tipped South and allowed more solar wind in which triggered the geomagnetic storm. While it's true, that Earth's magnetic field is pointed South - which is conducive to the promotion of geomagnetic storms, all through these 6 days Earth's magnetic field has mostly been pointed south. Even several days ago, when the magnetic field was pointing north for a short while, the geomagnetic storm was still active.

The bottom line is this: If you were following my reports, then the current geomagnetic storm condition is not a surprise. It was to be expected. If you were looking only at conventional scientific data, then you were surprised.

Time Shift and time line edits are continuing, which is very good news for the work that The Core Matrix is doing. As I reported yesterday, the solar eclipse did not interfere with the solar energy Time Shift triggers. Subsequently, as I reported yesterday, President Trump was able to take back the power of his Presidency after a week of mind control fed and promoted withering attacks about nothing real. These verbal attacks did some serious damage, at the time. This take back happened shortly after the eclipse, during an important televised speech that he made. Bannon being gone - which I reported on earlier - made a big difference in this recovery.

This was a Core Matrix recovery opportunity. This alone won't free the minions from the grip that the mind control program has on them, but it did cause another piece of the mind control program to crumble. I expect for a new round of attacks to proceed. While they attack, I am waiting for the big surprises to be revealed. These elements are the ones that I psi saw, and that I reported about in past reports. Justice - real justice - is at work behind the scenes. Many mind control puppets, and their minions, have treason evidence and other crimes against them. It is not enough to know that treason and crimes have been committed. Iron clad evidence must be presented, and then prosecuted fairly. There must be equal justice under the law, and someone's elite status should not mean that they can get off scot-free.   [.......]

Starfire Tor

Geomagnetic Storm Day 7
Time Shift & Time Line Edits Continue
Core Matrix Battle With Mind Control Program Continues
August 23, 2017 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

This report is a continuation of my previous report including those concerning stopping the nuclear threat, The Core Matrix time line edit battle to shatter the mind control program, and exposing the existence of the dark matter aberration [DMA]

Please consider donating to my fundraiser, for my book "THE TIME SHIFT EFFECT". No amount is too big or too small, and your support would mean the world to me.

As you can see, by this NOAA k-index chart, Earth is experiencing day 7 of the geomagnetic storm wave. This is good news for us, because it means that The Core Matrix continues to get Time Shift triggers with which to work with. The geomagnetic storms are not the Time Shift triggers. They are only Time Shift markers. It's the solar wind hit that is the Time Shift trigger, and the same solar wind hit triggers both a geomagnetic storm and a Time Shift. Therefore, Time Shift and time line edit activity continue - as does The Core Matrix battle to protect us from a planet ending nuclear disaster.

It's also good news, that there have been no further time line reboots since the last cluster. This means that there have been no further need to restore any co-existing time line due to nuclear blasts. I'm not saying that this can't change, only that whatever The Core Matrix has been doing is working so far. It's up to the human race, to do what it can, to shatter the mind control program. The Core Matrix, along with The 2016 Astral Tagging Truth Reveal mission, can only provide the opportunity and truth to shatter the big bad mind control program. I'm still thinking about the best way to try and do it, as a collective group - yes, I'm talking to you. Meanwhile, I'll keep on teaching you the information you need to know about these problems. Understanding, what the real problem is and how it works, is the key to shattering its hold on those it has brainwashed.


Starfire Tor


August 23, 2017
Just to let you all know: Today, I'll be posting info about the next mind control attack - before it launches big time. This is the latest that The Core Matrix has caught in the works, and I want you to see it as it unfolds in our co-existing time line. This way, you'll have a better understanding of how it works - and through what people and groups it is promoted and infects the vulnerable masses. Consider this a way to up your learning curve, about the strategies needed to help shatter the mind control program. So stay tuned. I can't depend on your seeing the report in your news feed. The best thing to do is always check in with my wall every day to see what I'm reporting.


The Mind Control Program Series PART III
Danger Alert
The Mind Control Program Agenda: The Next Attack Strategy
Recognizing The Mind Control Program At Work: The Latest
More About The Dark Matter Aberration & It's Need To Feed
2016 Astral Tagging Truth Reveal Operation Media Truth
August 23, 2017 Report

❤️If you would like to be my research angel, and donate to my book fundraiser for "THE TIME SHIFT EFFECT", please go here: No amount is too big or too small. I also need a team of dedicated supporters, who will personally help raise the funding for my book. Anyone with the desire to do it, and is on social media, has all the tools needed to succeed. Let me know, and I’ll help get you started.❤️

Earlier today I posted the following, in part: "Today, I'll be posting info about the next mind control attack - before it launches big time. This is the latest that The Core Matrix has caught in the works, and I want you to see it as it unfolds in our co-existing time line. This way, you'll have a better understanding of how it works - and through what people and groups it is promoted and infects the vulnerable masses."

This report is a continuation, of my series on the dark matter aberration [DMA] mind control program and its agenda. Not only is there a Part I and Part II, but there are update reports contained in many of my Time Shift and other reports. The information, that I have delivered – including my psi data download material - is massive. Read the report series, starting with the first two parts, and you'll learn all about what the DMA is and how it interacts with us. The DMA, which is not s sentient being or life form, is the source of all evil on our planet, and in all of our co-existing time lines that stream from The Core Matrix. Reading those reports, which are posted here, is important to the understanding of everything that I am writing about in Part III. This includes how The Core Matrix works, and how it has been using Time Shift events to engage in planet saving time line edits.

Please refrain from commenting with your political opinions, or fake news and propaganda. That is mind control material and it doesn't belong here. If you have information to share, that is real and relevant - even if it contains political material, that's okay.

The ultimate goal, of the dark matter aberration mind control program, is to provide the DMA the type of energy that makes up its fuel. In order to have a constant supply of this fuel, which is derived from the way the brain experiences negative emotions and violent experiences, the DMA must create a food supply. Peace. Love, and harmony do not create DMA food. The energy frequency of the brain is very different, depending on what state of emotion it is in. Hate, fear, and violence do create DMA food. The negative and dark emotions trigger a brain frequency that releases DMA fuel. Simply put, I have just described evil’s top most agenda. While dark matter is a useful and benign element, essential to the creation of all co-existing time lines, the dark matter aberration developed an agenda of its own.

Dark matter, regardless of the version, is made up of the remnant energy from a now destroyed universe that was almost entirely swallowed by a mega black hole. That universe was our original home. But an ergosphere, positioned on the rim of the black hole, caught remnants of our original universe and spared them from being swallowed. Over time, something that I call the spark of life [SOL] took hold of those remnants. Slowly, something amazing happened. A new universe began to form, made from the remnants of our previous universe, world, and lives. The SOL nurtured the remnants into forming something that could store and organize the new life that was birthing. This necessitated the creation of The Core Matrix, which was formed in the ergosphere and acts as a sort of hard drive that both stores and streams all co-existing time lines and their elements. The dark matter, which was formed from those elements that could not be reformed into something whole, were repurposed as the material that held the co-existing time line elements together. It holds everything in our cosmos together – even life, including us.

But something happened to some of the dark matter. It was caught in between qualifying to be reformed into a time line element, and remaining in a repurposed state of cosmic glue. But this dark matter, which was in design limbo, was being influenced by the SOL energy. Because of this, it wanted to be something that it could never be, but that didn’t stop it from trying. It wanted what it couldn’t have, which was to be a life force. In its aberrated state, the dark matter started to consume energy as a way to become what it had been denied. Despite the fact, that this would never transform the aberration into a state of normal, the drive of the SOL effect could not be stopped. The dark matter aberration became a virus in the Core Matrix system. That virus became the source of evil, due to what the dark matter aberration did to pursue the life force. What it could not have it would either control, use up, or destroy. This took energy to do, and that means it needed an alternate source of fuel. It found that fuel, through the Core Matrix interface to the brain. It learned what type of brain energy fed it well, and which did not. It then learned how to get more, which was to manipulate people into negative acts and thinking, which then produced the fuel. It branched out from there, in its need to feed off of human emotion and negative actions. Its mind control technique was developed, to produce more food.

The easiest way, for the DMA to insure this food supply, is to insure that the people of the planet are in a constant state of conflict and distress. Once under the mind control program, the infected person becomes part of a group think mentality – but in different conflicting groups. There cannot just be one group. There always has to be an enemy to hate, fear, and conquer. The mind control agenda pits these groups against each other. The object is to create a false profile that makes ‘the enemy’ less than human. Once the ‘enemy’ is thoroughly hated and dehumanized, they can then be treated as less than deserving to have human rights. When group think is set into motion, through the use of repeated propaganda and lies, the mind controlled haters enter a group think where any action or words that harm the ‘enemy’ is good and right. It is praised, in the group, and not punished as it should be. Different strategies are tried, to amass the greatest hate

The planet ending nuclear event, itself, is not DMA fuel. It such energy were fuel, then it would get it from the Sun which has an abundance of nuclear and greater energy. It’s the fear hate, violence, death, and destruction – caused by the devastation – that the DMA feeds on. It also knows, that when such a devastation happens The Core Matrix will reboot the time line and the DMA food source is back in business. But what the DMA does not understand – because it is not able to understand – is that not all planet ending events allow for time line reboots. In our case, The Core Matrix is straining to continue with reboots necessitated by the actions of the DMA. There is a little, and The Core Matrix has all but reached it. This is why there is an urgency to shattering the mind control program. Without humans doing its bidding, there will be less of a chance that some idiot will start a nuclear war that ends us.

In order for the mind control program to work well for the DMA, it has worked out a way to control civilizations through a rewards based tier program. Different tiers involve different types of people, and that in turns requires different types of rewards. The whole set up is ancient, and as sinister as it gets. The elite upper tier, which is filled with a handful of people like G Soros, are rewarded with power and anything material that they desire. This elite tier are what would be considered soulless. They are the masterminds, who know how to create vehicles for the mind control program to infect the masses. Like Soros, the mind control program hides behind many groups and organizations that appear to be in support of political freedom and people’s rights. They are not. Instead, they cause their victims to believe in things that are not true, not fair, not legal, and harmful to themselves and others. They use these business fronts to manipulate the rise of fear, hate, and conflict that is meant to divide towns, cities, and countries. These people who are brainwashed, thinking that they are standing up for an important cause, are the lower level minions who are the grunts who will do what they are told – and believe that they are right. They are wrong, but their brainwashing keeps them from thinking clearly.

You can tell if a person is mind controlled, because they will be unable to have a quiet and intellectual conversation about the topic that their brainwashing includes. All they will be able to do is repeat the talking point script that they have been brainwashed with. They will maintain an attitude of superiority, while anyone who disagrees is a faulty and stupid person not worthy of respect. The more you try to reason with them, and even provide actual evidence that refutes their stance, the angrier they will become. The infected brainwashed person will resort to calling ‘an unbeliever’ every negative label known, including racist, bigot, and the whole gamut of identity politics. In fact, this is exactly how the left leaning Democratic party was brainwashed into attacking Trump, and anyone associated with him. Do not engage a mind controlled person on your own, armed only with the truth. It won’t change anything, and everything could turn violent. That’s part of the brainwashing trigger, to protect the brainwashing program. Freeing someone, from the brainwashing, requires a form of deprogramming.

The left leaning media are in bed with this part of the Democratic party. Unless you know where to go for unfiltered real news – FOX among the few – you have been receiving mind control input all the while. Even if you don’t watch or read the brainwashing news media, you are subjected to it just by being on social media or talking with friends and family. This left leaning media is actively creating a deadly division in the US, and through this the rest of the world. They are supporting and enacting the mind control program, and their baseless attacks on Trump have given N Korea the idea that the US is ripe for attack.

Through political mind control puppets, their elite manipulating enablers, various kinds of puppets, and the horde of brain washed minions, you are in danger of being infected mith the mind control program. Fake news, false information, and fake warnings about Trump are the main road that leads to getting false perceptions about what is and isn’t going on. Get out of there. These news outlets, like CNN and MSNBC, act as a fix or drug that feeds the Trump hate addiction. It’s okay to know what these mind control news outlets are saying and doing, but for the sake of truth and the freedom of your mind, do not believe the drama that these outlets are putting on. And watch out for the mind control agenda to smash FOX as an honest news outlet. They have to do that, because they don’t want you to discover how you are being manipulated and indoctrinated into their mind control fake news programs. BTW, yes FOX has had some big problems with execs and the behavior of some reporters. But they are gone. This has nothing to do with FOX’s news reporting integrity, so watch out for that wrong angle. And just so you know, every single news organization has the same problems that FOX.

The next tier down, below the elite mind control planners and puppet masters, are the puppet leaders. The mind control program looks for men and women to pose as leaders in all walks of life. Politicians are at the top of that list, because of how much control and power they wield over entire countries. Of course, they aren’t really wielding their power for the good of anyone. Everything that they do follows the mind control script. I’m talking about all political parties, although the Democratic party has historically been the worst of the lot. The KKK sprang from them.

Some puppet political leaders are more valuable than others. Obama is a high ranking puppet leader. Everything that he did in office was a set up, that would lead to feeding the DMA – even though he has no idea that it exists. Like other puppets, his actions are rewarded with whatever he wants. For the DMA, he was the perfect choice for President. But for America and her people – a disaster. He weakened the US in every way that he could, and because he thought that another puppet – H Clinton - would be the next President, he didn’t make the effort to thoroughly cover the wrongs that he engaged in. Clinton, by the way, is a lower ranking puppet than Obama. Regardless, they work off of the same mind control script. It’s all talk and none of the action that really helps people, or makes the US safe and strong. Clinton could not make enough people believe in her leadership, or her policies, or that she was anything but an elitist crook who thought that half of America were despicable people. Obama was as slick a snake oil salesman as they come. But where Clinton knew her place, which she believed was the queen of DC, Obama thought that he was the smartest guy in the room. He wasn’t, and that evidence is cropping up. In fact, there are some Obama people who have engaged in high treason and high crimes. Because of the way that they’ve been protected, justice has not visited them - yet. But, their day of justice is coming. I have psi-seen it. It is part of the mind control program shattering. Leakers, of classified information, are already known.

Then there are the lower tier political puppets, like Nancy Pelosi [D], Chuck Shumer [D], Maxine Waters [D], Paul Ryan [R], John McCain[R] and many, many others too numerous to name. All of them follow a script dictated by the mind control agenda. They are easy to recognize, if you know the truth. When you do, you can spot the liars in a nanosecond. The Democrats are especially following a script to destroy Trump and remove him from office. None of them believe a word of the garbage they say about him. But they do it anyway, because that’s how they stay in power and money. They are playing important roles in creating a terrible division in the US – while endangering us via N Korea and Iran. Every negative thing, that they have said about trump, is a lie. They then amp up the lie by adding more lies to it. Their goal is to accuse Trump of so many terrible and unacceptable things, that he will either be impeached or assassinated. This has been the set up since he won the election in November 2016. I reported on this then, and all of my warnings have proven to be true.

Whether it’s the lies about the Russia collusion, the lies about his being a racist, or the fake disapproval over his response to the Virginia riots and deaths, these mind control puppets are desperate to get rid of Trump. It’s not because he’s any of the things they claim. It’s because – unknown to them – he is taking away the DMA food. Trump is the one destined to stop N Korea from using nuclear bombs. Remember, the DMA wants and needs a nuclear disaster. Obama is scare to death, at what Trump will find now that he’s President. Obama – as did the elite mind controllers and puppets – believed that Clinton would win and his nefarious activities would remain a secret. He left the White House without doing a complete scrub. Now he’s desperate to save his neck, and that means getting Trump outed as President. Obama is also angry, and wants revenge, because Trump is undoing the many harmful laws and policies that Obama put into place – which serves the needs of the DMA. Obama has openly started an organization to resist Trump, and to take it to the streets. He cares nothing for the great harm that he has done, not only to the US and her people, but to other countries like Syria.

The elite mind controllers have a number of plans to take down Trump, and the latest one has – unknown to you – been launched. I’m going to tell you about it. The next round of attacks is the claim that Trump is unfit to be President, and that he’s mentally incapable of holding the office. Furthermore, they are trying to do something more than just cause the worst stress that any President has ever had to endure. They are trying to infect him with a mind control program. That’s right. He has been invulnerable to their mind control programs all of his life. This is a big reason why they fear him and want him gone. They can’t control him. This is another reason why we must keep him, despite his flaws. BTW, these flaws do not include racism, bigotry, or any other thing that he has been called.

But now they think they have a mind control program that will work on him – and I’m worried. This makes the danger level – for all of us – very high, Here it is: They want to twist his brain, into thinking that he can do something that would lead to his own resigning as President. They know that they can’t force him out, through their campaign of group think mind controlled lies and left leaning media fake news. Their investigations came up empty. So now they are changing tactics, and going to mount an attack to give Trump the idea that he can be free of the attacks by finding a way to walk away from his Presidency. I’m worried, because of how well they know how to push Trump’s buttons. They know that he will never yield to force, but he will leave if he takes it into his own hands as if he’s the boss of the deed.

Does everybody understand this clear and present danger? The only way to counter it is to accelerate the mind control program shattering – even partially may do. But how this can be done requires another report where I will lay out the rules, and then open the floor for discussion.

All of the other attack threats, on Trump, are still there. This includes the Russia collusion nonsense and the more serious attempt to get some mind controlled minion to assassinate him. All attacks on Trump are set-ups to belittle him to the American public. The minions, in their safe state of group think, don’t even think of him as a human with equal rights under the law. This is a very dangerous way of thinking, but the mind controlled see themselves as righteous and superior. Those with true reason and knowledge are considered to be the same as Trump.

Regardless, Trump is still the guy who is destined to rescue the nation and the world from a nuclear devastation that ends the world. He's doing it right now, despite the withering and destructive attacks that he’s making matters with N Korea worse. He is not. Because of Trump’s aggressive words, which the mind control elements mocked, N Korean backed down its threat to bomb Guam.

Trump has many weaknesses, that leave him vulnerable to his attackers. Trump's greatest weakness is actually a number of weaknesses, and they are understood by the mind controllers. Because of this, they have been ahead of him the entire time. This is why their attacks - which are based on fantasy - have gotten so far. As I've said before, Trump is just not capable of seeing what is really behind the attacks. It is not necessary to know about the DMA to see the bigger plan. Because of this, he is never able to get ahead of them or develop and execute the right strategies to stop the attacks before the damage is done. That is one of his weaknesses, which is further made weak because he thinks that he understands more than he actually does. His second weakness ties into the first one. Because he has failed to recognize the first weakness, he has not properly surrounded himself with the type of advisors who can and do see the nature of the attacks and can get effectively in front of them. His third weakness is tied to the first two. It's that inartful word usage, that can damage him, because he won't stick to a pre-planned written script. While he's so busy defending the truth that he spoke after the Virginia riots, as he did last night at an Arizona rally of his supporters, he set himself up for further attacks by the biased media and other biased politicians. In fact, you can tell which politicians are mind controlled because the ones that attacked him are. They were following a script, and they were of both political parties.

Had Trump understood the true nature of the attacks, and if he would have had the kind of advisors that he really needed, in no way would he have stepped into the 'comment' trap that he did with the Virginia riots. The mind controllers had worked out, how to tear him down, regardless of what he said. Had he been ahead of the attack game, he would have done something very different that would have shut his attackers up and shut them down. Since that didn't happen, he once again opened himself up to being called a racist - which he is not. His attempt to set the record straight, at a later Arizona rally of his supporters, only led to the next attack plan – which I laid out above. He could have shut the next attack down, before it even began, if only he would bring in the right advisors and strategists.

At this point, I don’t know what The Core Matrix is going to do. However, I do know that it is doing something proactive -because we are in day 8 of the geomagnetic storming. Since geomagnetic storms are markers, that Time Shift activity is happening, it means that The Core Matrix has the available solar energy to engage in more opportunistic time line edits. This is where the dark matter aberration cannot do anything. Stay tuned. Something is going to give, and I hope it’s the mind control shattering elements I’ve been waiting for. If not, we may have to give them a little psi push.

Starfire Tor

Geomagnetic Storm Day 8 - Other Scientists Surprised Again
Good News: Time Shift & Time Line Edits Continue
Core Matrix Battle With Mind Control Program Continues
August 24, 2017 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

This report is a continuation of my previous report including those concerning stopping the nuclear threat, The Core Matrix time line edit battle to shatter the mind control program, and exposing the existence of the dark matter aberration [DMA]. Don't miss reading yesterday's Part III report of my mind control series. The information is unique and essential.

❤️If you would like to be my research angel, and donate to my book fundraiser for "THE TIME SHIFT EFFECT", please go here: No amount is too big or too small. I also need a team of dedicated supporters, who will personally help raise the funding for my book. Anyone with the desire to do it, and is on social media, has all the tools needed to succeed. Let me know, and I’ll help get you started.

As you can see, by this NOAA k-index chart, Earth is experiencing day 8 of the geomagnetic storm wave. And once again, other scientists have been caught off guard. But you haven't, if you've been reading my Time Shift reports. This geomagnetic storm extension is good news for us, because it means that The Core Matrix continues to get Time Shift triggers with which to work. The geomagnetic storms are not the Time Shift triggers. They are only Time Shift markers. It's the solar wind hit that is the Time Shift trigger, and the same solar wind hit triggers both a geomagnetic storm and a Time Shift. Therefore, Time Shift and time line edit activity continue - as does The Core Matrix battle to protect us from a planet ending nuclear disaster.

I'm watching and waiting to see what opportunities, The Core Matrix has created with its continued time line edits, so as to help us all break the dark matter aberration [DMA] mind control program. I can only hope, that part of The Core Matrix opportunity -impresses upon President Trump and his people - that he and they must better understand the plan behind the attacks on him so that they can get ahead of them. Only then can he, and his advisers, formulate a useful plan to counter the plan to destroy him and our chance to avoid nuclear devastation. Even though, The Core Matrix cannot change a person's personality or character, it can change a situation where the right people needed get hired - and that Trump follows the plan without fail. If he continues to fight the attacks, by re-litigating them with only the truth, all he is doing is giving his attackers more ammunition. Being on the defense will not and cannot work. But being on the offense, using the right material, can help shatter the mind control program. This also means, that he must immediately stop waging a public war against the politicians that he needs on his side. This only gives his attackers yet more ammunition. Let's watch for any of these Time Shift markers - which IMO would have to include the new adviser that I described.


Starfire Tor

N-KoreaMissileLaunch_08262017  HurricaneHarveyCat4_08262017 JohnSMcCainShip_08262017

Core Matrix Battle To Save Earth From Nuke Disaster Rages On
N. Korea Nuclear Disaster Causes Co-Existing Time Line Reboot
Nuclear Disaster Reduced To 3 Missile Launches
N. Korea Nuke Attack Energy Transformed Into Hurricane Harvey
Time Shift Synchronicity: USS John McCain Destroyer Collision
Gorka: Another Trump Adviser Exits In White House Shake Up
Geomagnetic Storm Calms After 8 Days/Time Shifts Continues
August 26, 2017 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

This report is a continuation of many previous reports that deal with the subject matter below. Some of my information contains political material, due to its being entwined with the Core Matrix battle to save us from another planet ending nuclear disaster. If you comment on this report, do not include your personal political opinions, fake news, or mind control propaganda. It will be deleted. However, it's OK to comment with political or other related information if it is relevant and documented from an unbiased source.

Do you want to know what is in my "THE TIME SHIFT EFFECT BOOK"? Go here:

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On August 25, 2017 we experienced another time line reboot. It was, again, due to the nuclear activities of N Korea. This dangerous nuclear nonsense, is continuing, because of the effect that the mind control program is having on blocking solutions to the problem. Read my previous reports on this for the details on why this mind control program agenda exists. In brief, it is all about providing food for the dark matter aberration [DMA]. To get that food - which comes from the energy created from human fear, pain, war, violence, hate and the like - the stimulus to create the food must be created. Using powerful but soulless humans to do its bidding, a mind control program was enacted in order to manipulate humans into creating and maintaining the conditions that generate DMA food. There is no food source greater, for the DMA, then a planet ending event. Although the DMA is not sentient, it understands the working of The Core Matrix - and therefore knows that planet ending events lead to time line reboots. What the DMA is unable to grasp, due to its own limitations as a dark matter element, is that The Core Matrix has reached a point where it is running out of reboot options. One of these times, that the DMA gets its ultimate meal via a planet ending event, and we do not get rebooted. That is unacceptable, and a reason why shattering the mind control program is so urgent and necessary.

I want to remind everyone, of what i taught you about The Core Matrix Prime Directive. Its main purpose is to protect the planet - including us collectively - from a planet ending event. It doesn't matter what the threat event it, or whether it comes from off world or right here on Earth. It just matters that the planet ending event has been detected. When that happens, The Core Matrix triggers a time line edit program that creates a new co-existing time line - but without the planet ending event. If the planet has already been destroyed in any co-existing time line, instead of having experienced only the threat that leads up to it, then a time line edit is not enough. The situation calls for a time line restoring reboot.

Earth has gone through many reboots, from the ancient past right up to current times. The causes have been space object strikes such as meteors and asteroids, ancient ET wars using destructive technology, and modern nuclear disasters. Since the 20th century, Earth has been rebooted a number of times because of planet ending nuclear catastrophes. Now in the 21st century, we are still experiencing reboots because of human stupidity combined with nuclear aggression.

On August 21, 2017 there arose a synchronicity that was nothing short of astonishing. As a reminder, all synchronicity is caused by functions of The Core Matrix, as part of its calibration of co-existing time lines. Synchronicity can be experienced because of either time line edits or full blown time line reboots. The event was the deadly collision, of the USS John McCain, with a merchant ship. The reason why, this event has my attention - besides the terrible loss of life and the number of similar incidents happening - is because of the name of the ship. I had recently, in a previous report on the mind control program, identified McCain as a mind control puppet. It is well know, that only recently, he got up out of his sick bed - shortly after being diagnosed with brain cancer - and was the deciding vote that destroyed the chance Trump's chance getting rid of the failed Obamacare. Although called a hero, from his years of being a prisoner of war and then becoming a US senator, McCain is still a mind controlled puppet that has been working toward the destruction of Trump and his policies. I'm not going to go further into the politics, of what McCain did. All you need to know is that he did it, it was part of the mind control agenda, and shortly thereafter the ship baring his name is damaged with loss of life. Although I know, that there is a connection between the 2 events - McCain's "No" vote and the collision - I'm not prepared to nail down what the exact mechanism was. I know that a time line edit was involved, and that the time line edit did not create the collision or McCain's behavior. In theory, it may be that a Core Matrix time line edit did something that put into motion a counter to McCain's damaging vote. It may also be, that McCain is a Time Shift Living Dead person who died before he could cast that fateful vote. Whatever is going on, as a Time Shift marker, the boat collision could well be a transference of energy - concerning McCain - that is offsetting what has happened to the man himself in another co-existing time line. It's a puzzler, and should be investigated further.

On August 25, 2017 Earth went through another time line reboot. The evidence shows that the reason was N Korea - once again - causing a planet ending nuclear act of stupidity. I have documented other reboots, and time line edits, associated with N Korean nuclear acts - some of which hit unintended targets, and some of which blew up N Korea and its neighbors. The Time Shift markers, left in the current dominant co-existing time line, should be familiar to those following my educational reports. In this case, there are many Time Shift markers that tell the story. Here are the 3 main connecting Time Shift markers:

1. On August 25, 2017 N Korea fired off 3 short distance conventional missiles.

2. On August 25, 2017 Hurricane Harvey suddenly and unexpectedly became a powerful category 4 hurricane aimed at Texas.

3. US information, about the 3 missiles, changed from their failing to their not failing.

On to Core Matrix time line edits, and it's battle to help us to shatter the mind control program. In a recent report, I told you that Trump was not being advised properly, or else he would have people around him who could recognize the real danger, and then plan to get ahead of that attack plan in order to neutralize it. Practically, no sooner said than done, and another of Trump's advisers - Sebastian Gorka - was either fired or resigned from his post on Friday August 25, 2017. Totally ignore, any calls for his removal coming from the Democratic party mind control puppets and their minions. None of what they claim is true. The most important thing to determine is whether his leaving is good for us or bad for us, as it pertains to Trump being able to stop the nuclear threat once and for all. Gorka is a very smart man, and is a master strategist on identifying and fighting terrorism. He is a huge Trump supporter. But this does not mean that he was advising and protecting the Presidency properly. I have read his departure letter, and what he claims can be viewed in a number of ways. I have had to psi-see more of the situation, and what I picked up was that Chief of Staff General Kelly wanted him out because he wasn't pulling his weight as far as protecting the President and his agenda. When I went to psi see Gorka, I came across a wall of arrogance. It left me thinking that his resignation letter left out a lot of information about his behavior. When I psi see General Kelly, I see a straight forward man looking for an organized and well run administration free from game playing. Here's my question: Does Gorka's departure mean that he was one of the advisers that wasn't giving Trump the strategy that he needed, as I laid out - meaning that his departure is a good thing toward rescuing the planet? Or does his removal mean that an important adviser was lost to the mind control agenda?

Meanwhile, the geomagnetic storm calmed after an 8 day run in which The Core Matrix had plenty of Time Shift triggers to work with. Time Shifts continue, as do time line edits. I expect, that we are going to see some events and changes regarding the nuclear threat. What that is, will tell us what time line edits worked and which didn't.   [.......] 

Starfire Tor


UPDATE N Korea Fires Missile Over Japan
The Dark Matter Aberration Mind Control Program At Work
Explanation Of Hurricane Harvey's Extended Destruction
The Core Matrix and More Time Line Edits Keep Us Nuke Safe
August 28, 2017 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

This report is a continuation, of today's earlier report. The usual comment rules apply. Keep your replies relevant to the subject matter. Do not offer your personal political opinions, and do not reply with fake news or biases propaganda. Such replies are mind control material and therefore not useful. Such will be deleted.

When I posted today's report, I didn't realize that N Korea had launched a missile over Japan. This is an escalation on N. Korea's part, and an event which should not have been permitted to occur. The missile should have been intercepted before it flew over Japan's air space. This was, technically, an act of war against Japan. Please remember history, and how everything connects. Japan is the only country - in the conscious memory of humans - who took the full wrath of 2 atomic bomb strikes during WWII. This ended their warring aggression. It must also be remembered, that Japan started the war that led to the bombs eventually being dropped. Japan wanted to conquer parts of Asia, not being satisfied with the power and land that they had, and decided to destroy America's ability to stop their scheme of domination. N Korea has a slightly different nefarious scheme of acquiring power, and it too involves harming the US - as well as its neighbors just like Japan back then. Yet today, the US and Japan are allies. This is all you need to understand on this count, for purposes of this report.

What you do need to understand, is that the dark matter aberration mind control program is active everywhere in the world. But regardless of the country, the mind control program works exactly the same. The mind control program runs N Korea. In the US, the left leaning media promotes the mind control program by controlling what news - as well as fake news - it puts into their audience's heads. It's exactly the same in N Korea, with one exception. The US has a handful of media outlets that have not succumbed to the mind control program, such as FOX news and their associates. N Korea has no such free thinking in country media. Along with the media acting as an indoctrination station, a country's politics works in tandem with the media to infect the minds of their people. This goes for all countries, including the US and N Korea - and yes, Japan then and now.

I now understand, more about, why Hurricane Harvey continues to produce destructive energy. The way that this hurricane is behaving is unusual and historical, which is a hallmark of the time line reboot marker. While the hurricane itself reached an unusually fast and unexpected [to hurricane experts] category 4 status, which I explained was due to The Core Matrix time line reboot. This was in response to a devastating nuclear event caused by N Korea - again. Today's N Korean missile launch, over Japan, was another part of that now neutered salvo of nuclear bombs that exploded in a previous co-existing time line. However, this particular missile was connected to a time line edit and not a time line reboot.

Here in the US, where the mind control program controls most of the media, all high ranking Democratic politician, and more than half of Republican politicians, a simple but effective series of attack plans were put in place. They are easy to spot, if you understand the strategy. I do, and I've been sharing it with you through many posts. This is an extension of that information. Learn to spot it, and you'll have an immunity against the mind controllers. It's very simple. As you already know, the dark matter aberration [DMA] wants Trump gone because Trump's policies are denying it of its food source. Think of a vampire being denied blood. In turn, the DMA uses humans to do its bidding so as to get rid of Trump. These DMA elite puppets - unknowingly - do the DMA bidding through the use of their positions and mind control. The elite puppets get rewarded with power and money. They happen to be the swamp that Trump campaigned to get rid of.

But the DMA depends on humans to dispose of its enemy Trump. So the elite puppets, working with the mind control program, know that to do this they will have to trick millions of people into wanting Trump gone too. To do this, they launched a mind control program attack plan geared to getting the needed millions to hate Trump, dehumanize him, reduce him to every negative stereotype they can think of, and to blame him for every bad thing the elite puppets can come up with. When one attack plan fails, such as the Russia collusion disinformation, they switch to another. It's whatever works, that gets enough people to hate him. But it's always a set up to plant false information in people's heads. No matter what Trump does or says, the elite puppets always have a script at the ready to tear him down in ways that actually make no sense. But to those who are mind controlled, it makes perfect sense. Not only that, but the mind controlled become addicted to the fake news. Not only will they come back to get their fix, but they will spread the hate through social media.

Mind controlled people - aka brainwashed brains - are not able to tell truth from lie, when the lie is fed to them by the elite puppets. Only a shattering, of the mind control program, can free their minds and give them their free will back. But right now, they think they are on the right side of truth and justice. They are not. They have become destructive minions, who are helping the DMA feed at our expense.

Therefore, it is best to ignore the claims that N Korea is being so aggressive because Trump talked tough and threatened N. Korea with fire and fury consequences. Truth: It would not have mattered, whether Trump said those words or nothing at all. This is still what N Korea would have done - and will continue doing - until they physically lose their ability to fire off anything. I have psi seen this happen. There are a number of ways that this can happen, but for the sake of security this is information that I will not share at this time. It would be nice, if we didn't have to go through any more reboots to get to this place, but time will tell. What I will say, is that there is a faction in N Korea who wants their leader out and sanity to return. But fear rules their political and personal world. Can they overcome their fear, get their act together, and save their own country and people? It's very hard, especially in a country that has its people in the grip of the mind control program.

Expect more time line edits to come, as The Core Matrix continues to help save us from a planet ending nuclear disaster. A new solar wind, which is a Time Shift and time line edit trigger, is expected to hit Earth sometime around September 1, 2017.

Starfire Tor

August 31, 2017

🚨Very soon I will open a discussion on shattering the mind control program.


DMA Mind Control Program Is Crumbling
Senators Report that ex-FBI head Comey began drafting Clinton 'exoneration statement' before he even interviewed Clinton and other witnesses.
August 31, 2017 Report

Please note, that this news was revealed, just after I just reported that Time Shift and time line edit activity has resumed - and that The Core Matrix was using it in its battle to reveal the dark matter aberration mind control program.

This report is a prelude, to the in depth report that I am preparing, that will open the global discussion on ways to shatter the mind control program. I had to post this news now, because it is breaking news that you all need to know about now. This is proof of what I told you was going on behind the scenes, that parts of the mind control program were crumbling, and that The Core Matrix - with a bit of an assist from the 2016 Astral Tagging Truth Reveal mission - was using time line edits to create opportunities to expose the mind control game. But it's not just about exposing the mind control game, because it has already been exposed. That happened in 2016. But exposing truth, and having that truth lead to justice that unravels the mind control puppets at work, is a whole other thing.

I reported, time and time again, how The Core Matrix was using time line edits to create opportunities for things just like this to happen. That means be revealed publicly, and not just stay behind closed doors and then go nowhere useful. I reported, based on my psi data download psi seeing, that investigations just like this one were happening behind the scenes and that very soon they would begin surfacing. This is only one of many, except that this one is the door that can lead to the crumbling of the mind control puppet regime in US politics and justice. Long ago, before anyone even dared to suggest that he wasn't the upright by the book guy that he was being touted as, I revealed that Comey was a game player who was manipulating the system in the worst of ways.

NOTE: The FBI is, on the whole, an extremely important and trustworthy group of dedicated patriots who would never condone or participate in this sort of a rigged system of injustice. The question now becomes, will the new FBI head prove that he has the right stuff - or the wrong stuff. That will become obvious very quickly.

You can read the article yourself. This one is from FOX news, but I checked and CNN and other problem biased media outlets are also running the story. Do you know how rare that is?

Remember: Do not reply with your personal political opinions, fake news, biased news, or propaganda. It will be deleted for being irrelevant, and for promoting mind control material. However, you can comment with political content if it is relevant, and doesn't break the "no propaganda" rule.

Starfire Tor


DMA Mind Control Program Continues To Crumble
FBI Must Release Clinton E-Mail Investigation Info
Follows Rigging Reveal Of Comey's Fake Clinton Investigation
Sept 1, 2017 Report

This bombshell report is connected to yesterday's bombshell report "Senators Report that ex-FBI head Comey began drafting Clinton 'exoneration statement' before he even interviewed Clinton and other witnesses." And like yesterday;s report, this one is a prelude to the in depth report that I am preparing, that will open the global discussion on ways to shatter the mind control program. I had to post this news now, because it is breaking news that you all need to know about now. This is proof of what I told you was going on behind the scenes, that parts of the mind control program were crumbling, and that The Core Matrix - with a bit of an assist from the 2016 Astral Tagging Truth Reveal mission - was using time line edits to create opportunities to expose the mind control game. But it's not just about exposing the mind control game, because it has already been exposed. That happened in 2016. But exposing truth, and having that truth lead to justice that unravels the mind control puppets at work, is a whole other thing.

Make sure that you read yesterday's bombshell report. What happened next, which I'm reporting here, only happened because the other event happened. It all happened - as I have been documenting - because of the time line edits and reboots enacted by The Core Matrix. This action was triggered by The Core Matrix Prime Directive program, which is dedicated to saving Earth from planet ending events. In this case, the event was a nuclear disaster caused by N Korea.

Yesterday, it was announced, that 3 Senators reported that ex-FBI Director Comey was involved in a corruption of the highest order. He faked and rigged his investigation into the illegal Clinton e-mail server, so that she would not be charged. She should have been charged, under a fair and just legal system. She should have never been running for the US presidency.

As I told you all, things are going on behind the scenes that are causing the crumbling of the mind control program. But until this moment, because of the previous time line edit, these investigations were not getting out to the public. But once the door was opened, and the corruption became a congressional matter that was shared with the public, a cascade effect is to be expected. That cascade effect was made public today.

Many of you may not know this, but members of Congress had requested that the FBI turn over their files on the Clinton e-mail investigation. In a jaw dropping statement, the FBI refused the request. Why? They claimed that Clinton was no longer a person of public interest. Really? Besides that ridiculous statement, there is no legal rule that says the FBI can only hand over files to Congress based on who is and who isn't trending. All of that changed, when a judge ruled that the FBI had to turn over the information - and they better not redact anything either. That means, that the FBI cannot release blacked out pages and think that they've met the judges ruling. This also, puts into question, whether the new FBI Director is just a Comey clone. Certainly, an ethical FBI Director would not have denied the Congressional request.

Here's where this leads - at the very least. It was Comey, who set Trump up to be invested by a special council for the fake claim of colluding with Russia. It's known, that Comey did this, because he said he did it in front of Congress. It's already known, that Mueller - whose heading this bogus Russia collusion investigation, and is close friends of Comey's - is actually running a fishing expedition to find anything that will force Trump from power. Mueller already knows, that after 2 years of various investigations into Trump, there is not one speck of evidence that he ever colluded with Russia. Already, members of Congress are calling for the special council investigation to be terminated.

NOTE: The FBI is, on the whole, an extremely important and trustworthy group of dedicated patriots who would never condone or participate in this sort of a rigged system of injustice. The question now becomes, what is going on with the new FBI Director.

Remember: Do not reply with your personal political opinions, fake news, biased news, or propaganda. It will be deleted for being irrelevant, and for promoting mind control material. However, you can comment with political content if it is relevant, and doesn't break the "no propaganda" rule.

Starfire Tor

K-index_2017-09-Sept-01 CurrentInfo_TropicalStormLidia_09012017 HurricaneIrmaProjection_09-01-2017

Geomagnetic Storm Day 2
Time Shift and Time Line Edit Activity Continues
Core Matrix Battle Against DMA Mind Control Program Gaining
More Hurricanes & Tropical Storms: Not Nuke Energy Transfer Yet
September 1, 2017 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

This report is a continuation of my previous report including those concerning stopping the nuclear threat, The Core Matrix time line edit battle to shatter the mind control program, and exposing the existence of the dark matter aberration [DMA]. Aren't up to date on the information? Start binge reading. Any political themed information is related to the Core Matrix battle to help free Earth of the DMA mind control program. Do not respond with your political opinion, propaganda, or fake news.

Please read my previous comments, about the effects that the Core Matrix time line reboot - of the latest N Korean nuclear disaster - continues to have in our dominant co-existing time line. This includes the historical and deadly on-going Hurricane Harvey disaster in Texas, the historical and deadly ongoing heatwave in California, and more to be found in this current report.

Also, read my "Bombshell Breaking News" reports from yesterday and today. They are about events, showing that The Core Matrix is gaining ground in helping to shatter the dark matter aberration's [DMA] mind control program. One report features evidence, showing that Comey had rigged the FBI investigation into Clinton's illegal e-mail server - a crime - that he exonerated on. The second came about because of the first, which is a judge has order the FBI to release unredacted information into their Clinton investigation. This should lead to the bogus Mueller special council investigation, into Trumps zero evidence collusion with Russia. Why? Because you are watching parts of the mind control program crumble, and exposing Comey - as I have said many times - has always been one of the keys to shattering part of that mind control program. As it happens - and is known - Comey set Trump up to be investigated by his close friend Mueller. He said it himself, in front of Congress. The whole thing was rigged, and stopping the evil game will go a long way to helping free people from their brainwashing.

Meanwhile, we are in day 2 of the geomagnetic storm. We are also experiencing amped up Time Shift activity and time line edits, which The Core Matrix has been using to create these anti-mind control reveals.

Also, Hurricane Irma is in the Atlantic, has grown very powerful, and its heading can curve this way or that.…/hurricane-irma-expected-to-strengt…

Then there is tropical storm Lidia, which has hit Mexico and already caused deaths.…/tropical-storm-lidia-lashes-mexicos…

At this time, neither of these weather systems is being used by The Core Matrix for any sort of time line edit energy transfer. This might change, if N Korea engages in another round of dangerous missile behavior that nukes a co-existing time line. If that happens, watch for the related Time Shift markers.

Here is a brief summary of what to watch for in Time Shift markers. Due to frequency and time line edit changes associated with Time Shifts there may be Time Shift triggered earthquake, volcano, tornado, weather, and geophysical events. Tech communications may be disrupted, cetaceans may strand or swim wrong way. Auroras will form. Time Shifts create an amplification of paranormal activity, ghost activity, haunting activity, poltergeist activity, apports, synchronicity, psi abilities, time/word/object prompts, deja vu, psychic dreaming, precognition events, awareness of Time Shift Living Dead persons, altered time line events, time line looping, altered terrain, altered structures, altered world events and more.

Learn more about my Time Shift Alerts

Starfire Tor

CME_red_2017-09-02_16-36 K-index_2017-09-Sept-03 SunSpots_2672+2674_20170901_174600

UPDATE: N Korea Explodes Another Nuclear Bomb/DMA Mind Control
Geomagnetic Storm Day 4/Time Shifts & Time Line Edits Continue
Core Matrix Enacts Another Timeline Reboot & Energy Transfer
Continuous N Korea Nuclear Disasters Leads To Time Looping
Energy Transfer: Odd & Dangerous Weather & Geophysical Events
Hurricanes, Storms, Floods, Fires, Quakes, Volcanoes, Heat, More
September 3, 2017 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

By necessity, this report includes political information. This is only because the dark matter aberration's [DMA] mind control program is using politics - as a weapon - to manipulate the masses. Therefore, stick to the theme of the report. Do not reply with your personal political opinions. They are irrelevant and will be deleted. Also deleted will be propaganda, false narratives, and any conspiracy theory that promotes the mind control program agenda.

This report is the updated in-depth report, to my earlier announcement that N Korea had again tested a powerful nuclear bomb. This happened on either September 2 or 3, 2017 depending on your global time zone. The nuclear explosion, which happened underground, caused an initial 6.3 earthquake followed by a 4.1 aftershock. In my many previous reports I have educated you about the existence of the dark matter aberration [DMA] - the source of all evil. I have educated you about its need to feed, what it feeds on, and how it uses a mind control program to manipulate the masses into manufacturing it's food source. I've explained how the mind control program is the key to controlling the masses, and the many tiered level of human controllers, puppets, promoters, mindless minions, and innocent victims.

I've explained how the mind control program hooks and indoctrinates the masses through a variety of methods. Most notably this is done through the media, politics, social media, and smaller pressure groups including work, friends, family, religion, and belief systems. With the media, politicians, and social media the mind control indoctrination begins and is spread by the control and withholding of real information - while creating and spreading weaponized false information. This false information, sometimes called fake news or false narrative, is meant to attack and destroy any threats to the DMA food source. Reminder: The DMA food source is generated by the negative energy creative by humans. This includes anything that causes extreme pain, suffering, conflict, war, hate, prejudice, and the like. The DMA absorbs this food source through the interface between the brain and The Core Matrix. While the interface, between the brain and The Core matrix is natural, what the DMA is doing is not.

It's important to understand, that when the DMA is denied its food source, it no longer has the power to maintain its grip in our world. Anything, that creates a planet ending event - like what N Korea continues to do with its nuclear madness - provides the DMA with a huge meal that can last for eons. It's not the nuclear energy that feeds it. It's the conflict and suffering, cause by the nuclear event, that feeds it. This is why N Korea continues to destroy the planet with its nuclear power plans, in co-existing time line after co-existing time line. It all sources back to feeding the DMA. Most people, who are inflicted with the mind control program, have no idea that they are serving the dark matter aberration. Mind control puppets, like the leader of N Korea, have no idea that the DMA exists or is controlling him. That N Korean leader thinks, that what he is doing is feeding his own power trip. He, like other mind controlled war and peace gatekeepers, have no idea that they are expendable puppets serving the source of all evil.

Again and again, I have showed you the correlation between world events - be they natural or mad made - that were markers pointing to The Core Matrix having enacted either co-existing time line edits or whole co-existing time line reboots. This Core Matrix activity was caused by a nuclear planet ending event. Over the past year - as we perceive a year - this devastation was caused by N Korea and its mad scheme for power on the world stage. When this activity first began, and even up to recently, I reported that none of the N Korean nuclear blasts had caused a whole reboot of our existence. Then recently this changed, and I reported that the Core Matrix had indeed needed to perform a reboot. Now I must report - sadly - that we have gone from reboots into having a full blown case of nuclear planet ending time looping. This is why the threatening N Korea situation keeps returning. Like the last nuclear time looping threat, which ended when Trump became US President [see past reports], Trump is once again going to be the President who puts an end to the nuclear time looping problem. Only he can do it, as The Core Matrix already proved. because he is not infected with the mind control program agenda. This is why most of the media, all Democratic political leaders, many Republican political leaders, and many other mind controlled puppets and minions want Trump out of office. With Trump in office, one way or the other, the N Korean time looping nuclear threat will end.

As part of a co-existing time line reboot, the energy expended by the nuclear disaster cannot be destroyed. It can only be transferred and transformed in the new co-existing time line. This is most often done through the energy of natural events such as earthquakes, volcanoes, and the like. This is because, these natural weather and geophysical events, contain the energy of nuclear explosions. Before Hurricane Harvey every made landfall and created the wide disaster that is known today, I warned that the hurricane was a nuclear energy transfer - and that everything about it was going to be odd and historical. But as I also explained, Hurricane Harvey wasn't the only energy transfer event. Another one were the South Asian monsoon floods that affected millions and killed over 1,200 people and countless animals. This was going on at the same time as Hurricane Harvey, and like other reboots, even before. And yet, I'm sure that the news you got mainly - or only - featured Hurricane Harvey information and no information about the mega Asian floods. Just change up the clothes that people are wearing, and what their towns look like architect wise, and the flooding looks the same. It is the same, except for one all important factor. Only Hurricane Harvey was poised to help stop the time looping N Korean nuclear disaster.

You read me right. The Core Matrix, not only transferred a previous co-existing time line nuclear energy disaster into Hurricane Harvey, but in Harvey The Core Matrix created a unique opportunity for good to triumph over evil - the DMA and its mind control program agenda that is empowering the nuclear disaster.

What am I talking about? You already know - except you just haven't connected the dots yet. I'm doing that for you.

As I've explained many times, The Core Matrix - regardless of how many time line edits or reboots it performs - cannot alter a person's brain or their free will. The mind control program can do this to a person's brain, but not The Core Matrix. It is part of The Core Matrix Prime Directive program. In order to help this planet stay alive - and hopefully thrive collectively and individually - The Core Matrix uses co-existing time line edits to change events and create opportunities for positive change. So, we all know how devastating Harvey was. We all know how much loss and suffering Harvey caused. That alone is a serious feed for the DMA. But wait. The DMA did not get that food out of Harvey devastation and suffering. Why? Simple, and yet as profound as a Core Matrix opportunity can get. You all know about it. Some of you were even there. Take a look at all of the good people, many strangers, who got involved and rescued people and animals. Citizen rescuers, first responders, critically positioned politicians, and a variety of outreach groups both civilian and government all joined as a united team that converged on Texas. The civilian effort was spontaneous, and the government involvement was both ahead of the needs and right there doing the helpful job it was designed to do. President Trump, the main object of the mind control attacks, was given the opportunity to show the world how his leadership skills are geared toward helping the masses in a time of need. What he did was so right and so effective, that the mind controlling media were reduced to attacks on the First Lady's shows and other twisted opinion nonsense.

Do you all get it? The N Korean nuclear test went off just after this united goodness knocked the DMA food source off line. The N Korean nuclear test, in our previous co-existing time line, wasn't a test. It was the real thing, and it started the planet ending chain reaction that lead to this latest whole reboot of our existence. While that disaster was removed from the new co-existing time line, and the energy transfer caused natural disasters, the winner was good. All of that Texas united good triumphed over that nuclear evil. The war, for the planet, waged a battle in Texas and we won. That's the good news.

There is more good news. The Core Matrix has, once again, performed certain edits that have created sunspots to appear and fire off the energy needed to trigger Time Shifts and time line edit opportunities. This is how The Core Matrix was able to turn a planet ending nuclear disaster - from only hours ago - to a co-existing time line were a nuclear disaster became a nuclear test, a 6.3 earthquake, and a grouping of hurricanes and tropical storms and more. Only days ago, I said that Hurricane Irma and tropical storm Lidia were not being used for nuclear energy transferring. Now they are.

To that effect: We are in day 4 of the geomagnetic storm wave. In relation, the solar wind that triggered the geomagnetic storm has also triggered more Time Shift activity. Note the September 2, 2017 coronal mass ejection from sunspot 2672. It's a near M flare. That's the same day as the N Korean nuclear test and quake. Now look at giant sunspot island chain 2674. It's near center solar disk, and is capable of firing off extremely powerful solar flares. From the moment it was formed it was firing off C flares. There is a lot of stored energy there. Now look at the lot of sunspots on the Sun. They aren't supposed to be there, because the Sun is supposed to be in solar minimum. This Sun looks like solar maximum. This is due to how The Core Matrix is doing its co-existing time line edit.

You will need to know all of this, when I open our discussion on shattering the mind control program.

Here is a brief summary of what to watch for in Time Shift markers. Due to frequency and time line edit changes associated with Time Shifts there may be Time Shift triggered earthquake, volcano, tornado, weather, and geophysical events. Tech communications may be disrupted, cetaceans may strand or swim wrong way. Auroras will form. Time Shifts create an amplification of paranormal activity, ghost activity, haunting activity, poltergeist activity, apports, synchronicity, psi abilities, time/word/object prompts, deja vu, psychic dreaming, precognition events, awareness of Time Shift Living Dead persons, altered time line events, time line looping, altered terrain, altered structures, altered world events and more.

Learn more about my Time Shift Alerts

Starfire Tor

CME_blue_SDO-AIA-0335A_2017-09-04_T22-02-00-630 CME_blue_2017-09-04_23-06 K-index_2017-09-Sept-04 CurrentInfo_HurricaneIrma_09042017  FloodRavageSouthAsia_09-04-2017 Forcast_TropicalStormLidia_09-04-2917 

17 Earth Facing Flares: 7 M, 9 C, CME, R1-R2 Radio Blackouts
Geomagnetic Storm Day 5/Time Shifts & Time Line Edits Continue
Core Matrix Causes Many Timeline Edits In Battle To Save Earth
Time Looping N Korea Nuclear Disaster Gets More Dangerous
Time Line Edit Nuclear Energy Transfers Continue
September 4, 2017 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report


By necessity, this report includes political information. This is only because the dark matter aberration's [DMA] mind control program is using politics - as a weapon - to manipulate the masses. Therefore, when you reply please stick to the theme of the report. Do not reply with your personal political opinions. They are irrelevant, and will be deleted. Also deleted will be propaganda, false narratives, and any conspiracy theory that promotes the mind control program agenda.

As I reported yesterday: The N Korean nuclear threat has become elevated to a time looping nuclear catastrophic event. This means, that N Korea's planet ending nuclear event has become a permanent co-existing time line element. Therefore, just editing it out of a co-existing time line cannot stop the event from reappearing in other co-existing time lines. Before this, there was a chance that editing the event out of the affected co-existing time line, and then transferring and transforming the nuclear energy into a less lethal format in a new co-existing time line, might stop it from reoccurring. Now, this no longer a possibility. The N Korean leader is so infected and manipulated by the DMA's mind control program - as are those who do his bidding, and those who have enabled the nuclear and missile technology and scheme - that it cannot be shattered. This leaves only a handful of realistic operational plans, which must weigh the cost in lives vs the greater cost in lives if nothing is done to stop the evil. I previously told you, that at the top choices, involve 2 plans A, B, and C. But I will not reveal what I have psi-seen them to be exactly. Loose lips sink ships.

As I have also previously said, in outlining why the N Korean leader is being manipulated by the DMA mind control program, I must also repeat that President Trump is NOT infected by the mind control program. His brain has a natural barrier to being controlled by anything or anyone. Combine this with his genuine love of America, his stubborn 'my way' personality, his businessman thinking, his sometimes inartful or ignorant tweets and comments, and his realistic for-the-times security policies. Going back to the 2016 presidential campaign, I explained why a Trump presidency insured that a time looping nuclear disaster would be properly dealt with and ended. I explained why Clinton could never protect us from any serious threat. I explained, even up to the day of the election on November 8, 2016 - when early in the count, Trump was losing. I told you all that he would win. I found it impossible to believe that The Core Matrix, and its Prime Directive, would or could let a cog in the nuclear destruction wheel get elected. Of course, Trump won. And with his win came a target on his back. The target was put there by the DMA, and its human mind control master planners, elite manipulators, puppets, and their millions of minions. I explain more about this in previous reports - I suggest you read it, if you want to help try and shatter the mind control program.

I've previously told you how The Core Matrix fights the DMA, when the DMA's actions lead to a planet ending event. This is true with the N Korea nuclear situation. I explained why, new and huge Earth facing sunspots were likely positioned by The Core Matrix - through time line edits - so as to use any solar flare and coronal mass ejection [CME] energy to activate Time Shifts and time line edits. I felt that this would happen, but I did not realize how big this action would be. Now I know, and what it reveals is stunning.

Today - as of this writing - the Sun has fired off 17 Earth facing solar flares from sunspots 2673 and 2674. There will be more to come. Sunspot 2673 fired off 8 M flares and 8 C flares. It's M5.5 solar flare threw off a powerful and wide partial halo CME. Sunspot 2674 has fired off 1 C flare today, but more yesterday. Both sunspots are at center solar disk, which means that any coronal mass ejections [CME] will be Earth directed. All M flares triggered R1 and R2 radio blackouts. In this case, because The Core Matrix is working with time line edits, it doesn't matter whether a solar flare develops into a CME or not. It only matters, whether any of the solar flares developed into a CME in any co-existing time line. All of these powerful solar flares, which are allowing The Core Matrix to activate life changing time line edits, are directly related to the seriousness of N Korea's time looping nuclear death scheme. An epic battle is raging, and these are the battle markers.

Meanwhile, Earth is in day 5 of the geomagnetic storm. These too, are Time Shift markers. The same solar energy, that can create a geomagnetic storm, is the same solar energy that can trigger Time Shift activity. The nuclear energy co-existing time line transfer and transformation markers - such as the recent hurricanes, tropical storms, floods, heat waves, earthquakes, nuclear testing by N Korea, and more - have already been discussed in past reports. As reported, before Hurricane Harvey made landfall and devastated Texas while killing many, I warned that the hurricane was a nuclear energy transfer event. The terrible South Asia killer monsoon floods, came at the same time window as the Texas and Louisiana floods. Then came tropical storm Lidia, and the destruction and deaths that it caused. Now there is powerful Hurricane Irma, which seems to be heading toward the US - before mauling a number of island locales. The list goes on and on. All of these, and more, are energy transfer and transformation events that exist as an offset to the time looping N Korean nuclear disaster.

You will need to know all of this, when I open our discussion on shattering the mind control program.

Here is a brief summary of what to watch for in Time Shift markers. Due to frequency and time line edit changes associated with Time Shifts there may be Time Shift triggered earthquake, volcano, tornado, weather, and geophysical events. Tech communications may be disrupted, cetaceans may strand or swim wrong way. Auroras will form. Time Shifts create an amplification of paranormal activity, ghost activity, haunting activity, poltergeist activity, apports, synchronicity, psi abilities, time/word/object prompts, deja vu, psychic dreaming, precognition events, awareness of Time Shift Living Dead persons, altered time line events, time line looping, altered terrain, altered structures, altered world events and more.

Starfire Tor

Learn more about my Time Shift Alerts

HurricaneHarveyCat4_09052017 TropicalTracker_09052017

The Truth About Hurricanes Harvey and Irma
They Are Not Human Engineered Weather Modified Events
Disinformation And The The DMA Mind Control Program
September 5, 2017

Many people have asked me, whether Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma, have been amplified and steered through human engineered weather modification. Anyone, following my reports on these hurricanes, understands that the answer is NO. I have already explained, in many reports - including before Hurricane Harvey made landfall in Texas - that these hurricanes became what they are because of Core Matrix co-existing time line reboots and time line edits. These particular, co-existing time line edits and reboots, were the result of The Core Matrix removing the nuclear disaster from the co-existing time line in which it manifested. But because energy cannot be destroyed, the energy from that time looping N Korean nuclear disaster has to manifest - in some equivalent energy form -in the newly created co-existing time line.

On this planet, there are already natural weather and geophysical events with energy that equals that of many nuclear bombs. Some of these events are earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis, tornadoes, and volcanic eruptions. The Core Matrix, usually uses these natural events, as the place to manifest and dissipate the nuclear blasts from the previous damaged or destroyed co-existing time line. It just happens to be hurricane season, so using them is easy for The Core Matrix to do. In this current co-existing time line, both hurricanes match up to the non-planet ending N Korean nuclear activities - such as their latest nuclear blast test, and the missile flight over Japan. Because of The Core Matrix's ability, to edit out the worst of what N Korea has done to other co-existing time lines, this current co-existing time line is left with nuclear threats and amped up natural events - two of which where these hurricanes.

Just to remind you: Every time, that The Core Matrix performs a co-existing time line edit or reboot, the result is the creation of a new co-existing time line. I call this the dominant co-existing time line. This is the one, that we are all consciously aware of - by Core Matrix design, as carried out through the Core Matrix/brain interface. The dominant co-existing time line, is the time line, that our collective consciousness is aware of and interacting with. The dominant co-existing time line can last anywhere from seconds to years, depending on when co-existing time lines are altered by The Core Matrix. Having a sometimes awareness of, or sometimes interaction with, other co-existing time lines is natural. But we are all on the same Core Matrix co-existing time line ride together.

Be wary, of anyone promoting the hurricane weather modification conspiracy as a fact. Although such a disinformation promoter doesn't know it, they are really promoting an aspect of the dark matter aberration's mind control program agenda. The purpose, of disinformation, is to stop the search for truth. After all, if you think that you know the truth to something, you are not going to continue searching for a truth that you believe you already have. In the case of these hurricanes, the truth links back to revealing how The Core Matrix and co-existing time lines work - as well as exposing the existence of the dark matter aberration and its mind control program. Remember: In order to shatter the mind control program, one has to know that it exists. To know that it exists, means that one has to be able to recognize and discard disinformation.

Starfire Tor

CME_blue_SDO-AIA-0335A_2017-09-07_T15-16-00-640 K-index_2017-09-Sept-07_2130  CMX-Chart_0906-07

BREAKING NEWS: Another X Flare, R3 Radio Blackout, S2 Radiation Storm
Earth Facing Sunspot 2673 Fired Off X1.3 Solar Flare, 3rd X Flare, No CME
Core Matrix X Flare Triggered Timeline Edits Help Shatter Mind Control
Trump Unites Congress, News Media Bias Ends, Hollywood Bashes Clinton
Geomagnetic Storm Continues, G4 Intensify Expected, Time Shifts Active
Core Matrix Energy Infused Category 5 Hurricane Irma Aims At Florida
September 7, 2017 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

This report is a continuation of my previous reports, many of which include detailed explanations of my research discoveries and how they impact you and our planet. My job is to share my unique ground breaking knowledge with you. It's up to you to stay informed of what I share. My knowledge includes information about The Core Matrix, and what it is doing to help us stop the time looping N Korean planet ending nuclear disaster. In relation, this also includes helping Earth to shatter the global mind control program, and to expose the existence of the dark matter aberration [DMA] - the source of all evil. By necessity, some of the information may include politics. This is because, the DMA mind control program is partly run through puppet politicians. Do not respond with your political opinions, propaganda, conspiracies, or fake news. However, you can post political information, if it is honest and backs up or furthers the information that I am sharing.

Yesterday September 6, 2017 super active Earth facing sunspot 2673 fired off 2 X flares. They were an X9.3 and an X2.2. The sunspot also fired of many M and C flares. The X flares triggered coronal mass ejections [CME], an R3 radio blackout on Earth, and a serious radiation storm. Today, suncpot 2673 fired off an X1.3 solar flare. That is 3 X flares, in a little over 24 hours. This latest X flare did not produce a CME, nor did any of the other M and C flares that 2673 produced today. The energy fell back to the Sun, which keeps the sunspot going. This SDO photo shows today's X1.3 flare firing off. Note that 2673 has noe rotated away from center solar disc, and is now position to the right of center solar disc. In days it will have rotated off of the Earth facing side of The Sun, although it will keep firing off solar flares. Since 2674 trails it, this giant sprawling sunspot - which has remained quiet during 2673's X flare moments, will be on the Earth facing side of the Sun for a longer time. It may again start firing off powerful solar flares. The Core Matrix can and will use the solar energy to work with time line edits that deal with destructive planet ending Earth events.

As I have laid out, in many previous reports, The Core Matrix has been using co-existing time line edits and reboots to perform planet saving actions that can scrub our current time line of N Korea's time looping nuclear disasters. When it does this, the energy, from the nuclear blasts and devastation, cannot be destroyed. Instead, it is reincorporated into the edited time line through energy transfers and transformations. Such energy is spread out through various natural events such as earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis, weather, and such. Both Hurricanes Harvey and Irma carry that transformed and incorporated planet ending N Korean nuclear energy. They are not the only events that are doing this.

I have explained, how these Core Matrix time line edits do not and cannot dictate how a human will think, feel, or behave. That is what the dark matter aberration does through its mind control program. The Core Matrix creates event opportunities, through which humans can make the kind of choices that lead to a better more secure planet. The double X flares, from yesterday, did not disappoint. In fact, the energy provided allowed The Core Matrix to perform some of the most amazing and consciously realized time line edits to date. They are so amazing and planet changing, that it comes across as the planet experiencing "opposite day".

Here's what the world experienced, and was stunned by:

On September 6, 2017 - the day of the double X flares and major Core Matrix time line edits - President Trump united Congress. Yes, you read that right. Trump did an important deal with the Democratic party. while rejecting the Republican party's stance. Trump got a deal that helped the victims of Hurricane Harvey, and set the stage for the positives of lowering taxes. In Trump's 8 months in office, nothing like this had ever happened. The mind control program agenda is to resist, attack, and remove Trump as President. This has been playing out through anti Trump fake news and media bias, anti-Trump mind controlled driven protests and violence, anti-Trump political bad behavior, and more. Suddenly, this anti-Trump behavior ended - at least as of yesterday. It may pick up again, but never again as it did. With the help of Core Matrix timeline edits, Trump has helped shatter part of the dark matter aberration's [DMA] mind control program.

This single act of deal making, made possible by a Core Matrix time line edit, created the opportunity for Trump to make a beneficial deal. It benefits the US, and by extension of our collective relationship, the world. This mind control shattering event, although only partial, had some very obvious markers besides Trump's deal with the Democrats. Here are some of the more amazing markers:

1. After Trump's deal with the Democrats [which was brilliant and helpful - the usually anti Trump biased news media changed their behavior. Reviewing the lot of them, I could not find one that covered the congressional event as an anti Trump moment. To demonstrate, here is the headline from The New York Times, which is the most biased news organization when it comes to promoting fake Trump news. They even used a photo of Trump that showed him smiling and pleasant, instead of using one that creates a negative impression.

Trump Reaches Out to Make More Deals With Congressional Democrats

2. I was channel flipping last night, and came across late night show host Jimmy Kimmel's monologue. This was the same day as the X flares and The Core Matrix time line edits. I usually don't watch such shows. But I stopped to watch because of what I saw. Kimmel wasn't bashing Trump. He was making fun of Hilary Clinton. Hollywood has been severely affected by the mind control program, and many in that biz have made a point of bashing Trump. Many of them do it, because they fear being shut out of getting jobs in the biz. Have a look for yourself.

Hillary Clinton Blames Bernie Sanders for Election Loss

Meanwhile, yesterday's X flare CMEs have already started to impact the Earth, with their radio blackouts, solar storms, and geomagnetic storms. In fact, the power of the X flares caused an earlier CME to travel faster to Earth. Geomagnetic storms happened earlier, and that triggered more Time Shift activity. This NOAA k-index chart shows the last 7 days of activity. This SDO photo shows today's X1.3 flare when it fired off, and this chart shows all X, M, and C flares for September 6&7, 2017.

Time Shifts and timeline edits continue. Here is a brief summary of what to watch for in Time Shift markers. Due to frequency and time line edit changes associated with Time Shifts there may be Time Shift triggered earthquake, volcano, tornado, hurricane, weather, and geophysical events. Tech communications may be disrupted, cetaceans may strand or swim wrong way. Auroras will form. Time Shifts create an amplification of paranormal activity, ghost activity, haunting activity, poltergeist activity, apports, synchronicity, psi abilities, time/word/object prompts, deja vu, psychic dreaming, precognition events, awareness of Time Shift Living Dead persons, altered time line events, time line looping, altered terrain, altered structures, altered world events and more.

Learn more about my Time Shift Alerts

Starfire Tor

The Core Matrix and Hurricanes Irma and Harvey

This is an addition to today's September 7, 2017 report, that I want you to have. Everyone should watch what happens with Hurricane Irma. For all of the positive and partial shatterings, of the dark matter aberration [dma] mind control program - as I sighted in my earlier report - Hurricanes Irma and Harvey are the price to be paid for editing out N Korea's time looping nuclear disaster madness.

What has happened from Hurricane Harvey, and what you will see unfold with Hurricane Irma, are the lesser of 2 terrible events. This type, of planetary devastation, will not end until the N Korean nuclear danger is completely ended. The longer the time looping goes on, and destroys various co-existing time lines that The Core Matrix has to repair, the more likely it becomes that the final solution involves a show of force that stops the N Korea nuclear threat forever.

There is a limit, to how many co-existing time line edits and reboots The Core Matrix can do before the integrity of all co-existing time lines cannot be saved. That is what happened in 2016. The threat, of total time line annihilation, ended when Trump was elected as US President in November 2016. This is documented in my many 2016 reports.

I also want you to know, that even at this late date, Hurricane Irma can be turned away from making any more direct hits. The damage, and loss of life, can be lessened. Right now, this hurricane is poised to hit Florida - starting from the Keys - and travel up the middle of the state as a historically powerful category 5 hurricane. This turn, which would lessen damages and loss of life, cannot be achieved through well meaning human prayer power or technical devices. If that was possible, then Hurricane Harvey would have been turned. It was not turned because neither human prayer, nor any ineffective and hyped weather modification tech, can do anything to affect the power exerted by The Core Matrix. On top of that, Hurricane Irma - by default - is positioned to feed the dma via the suffering that the devastation causes. It's not as much food as a planet ending nuclear event would provide, but it is still a feeding frenzy.

Whether The Core Matrix, turns this hurricane, depends solely on how the N Korean planet ending nuclear energy needs to be manifested in our co-existing time line. If enough nuclear energy transfer and transformation has been achieved, then nothing further need be done. The great power, of the hurricane, can expend it's life in solitude until it is spent. If the hurricane turns - which will amaze and stun every weather expert - then you'll know what they don't. But if the hurricane continues as it is going, and hits Florida head on, then you'll understand why that devastation was carried out.

Starfire Tor

K-index_2017-09-Sept-17_0030 SunSpot_2680_20170916_023000

Geomagnetic Storm Day 5/Solar Wind & X Flare Hits Combine
Solar Energy Hit Triggers More Time Shifts and Time Line Edits
Core Matrix Time Line Edits Continue To Expose Mind Control Game
September 16, 2017 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

This report is a continuation of my previous reports. This includes those concerning how to stop the time looping North Korean planet ending nuclear disaster, The Core Matrix time line edit battle to shatter the mind control program, and exposing the existence of the dark matter aberration [DMA] and its grip on the planet. Aren't up to date on the information? Start binge reading my reports. Any political themed information, is related, to the Core Matrix information found in my reports. Your replies should remain focused on that topic, should not contain your political opinions, and should not promote disinformation, propaganda, or fake news. However, you can reply with something political, if it is documented and supports the information that I am sharing.

Earth is experiencing day 5 of geomagnetic storming. Check out this NOAA k-index chart to see how it's recorded. Because of the combined X flare and solar wind hits, the same solar energy that triggered the geomagnetic storms also triggered more Time Shift activity. FYI, during these 5 days of geomagnetic storming there have been no large or destructive quakes. Why? Because geomagnetic storms do not cause earthquakes. Those, who wrongly make that claim, are doing so by cherry picking their data and hiding the whole of the data from the gullible. You'll get the real information from me. If, tomorrow - or later if the geomagnetic storm continues - a large earthquake happens, you can look to Time Shift activity as the possible culprit. I warn about this in my Time Shift marker section. It's a time line edit frequency thing.

There is a lot going on, behind the scenes. It's happening with what The Core Matrix is doing. It's happening with the continuing 2016 Astral Tagging Truth Reveal mission - where more corruption is being outed. It's happening with the North Korean nuclear end game solution. Where it is still not happening, at the speed and content that it needs to, is with the Government Justice system. This is what needs to be kicked into high gear. The Core Matrix, and the 2016 Astral Tagging Truth Reveal have already done their jobs and created the information and the opportunities. Humans must fight the mind control program - which can be done - and do the rest.

Justice must be fearless, true of heart, clear of mind, ethically sound, morally grounded, and standing firm in the knowledge that right makes might.

Meanwhile, back on the Sun, lone little sunspot 2680 is quietly sitting at solar center disk. Nary of peep in days, except for a few A flares that went nowhere. Poor little 2680. It's the sad tale, of a sunspot that was not needed by The Core Matrix for anything - as of now. Perhaps things will liven up for it - stay tuned. Photo by SDO.

Here is a brief summary of what to watch for in Time Shift markers. Due to frequency and time line edit changes associated with Time Shifts there may be Time Shift triggered earthquake, volcano, tornado, weather, and geophysical events. Tech communications may be disrupted, cetaceans may strand or swim wrong way. Auroras will form. Time Shifts create an amplification of paranormal activity, ghost activity, haunting activity, poltergeist activity, apports, synchronicity, psi abilities, time/word/object prompts, deja vu, psychic dreaming, precognition events, awareness of Time Shift Living Dead persons, altered time line events, time line looping, altered terrain, altered structures, altered world events and more.

Starfire Tor

Learn more about my Time Shift Alerts

K-index_2017-09-Sept-18_0020 CurrentInfo_TropicalStormMaria_09172017 CurrentInfo_HurricaneJose_09172017

Geomagnetic Storm Day 6
Solar Energy Hit Triggers More Time Shifts and Time Line Edits
Core Matrix Time Line Edits Continue To Expose Mind Control Game
Hurricanes Jose & Maria Aren't Core Matrix Nuke Energy Transfers Yet
Understanding The Threat of Disinformation
September 17, 2017 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

This report is a continuation of my previous reports. This includes those concerning how to stop the time looping North Korean planet ending nuclear disaster, The Core Matrix time line edit battle to shatter the mind control program, and exposing the existence of the dark matter aberration [DMA] and its grip on the planet. Aren't up to date on the information? Start binge reading my reports. Any political themed information, is related, to the Core Matrix information found in my reports. Your replies should remain focused on that topic, should not contain your political opinions, and should not promote disinformation, propaganda, or fake news. However, you can reply with something political, if it is documented and supports the information that I am sharing.

Earth is experiencing day 6 of geomagnetic storming. Check out this NOAA k-index chart to see how it's recorded. Because of the combined X flare and solar wind hits, the same solar energy that triggered the geomagnetic storms also triggered more Time Shift activity. FYI, during these 6 days of geomagnetic storming there have been no large or destructive quakes. Why? Because geomagnetic storms do not cause earthquakes. Those, who wrongly make that claim, are doing so by cherry picking their data and hiding the whole of the data from the gullible. You'll get the real information from me. If, tomorrow - or later if the geomagnetic storm continues - a large earthquake happens, you can look to Time Shift activity as the possible culprit. I warn about this Time Shift/earthquake connection in my Time Shift marker section. It's a time line edit frequency thing.

There is a lot going on, behind the scenes. Whatever time line edits, The Core Matrix is engaged in recently, it does not include having to reboot the co-existing time line because a planet ending North Korean nuclear disaster. Because of this pause in North Korean evil deeds, The Core Matrix has not had to currently transfer and transform any planet ending nuclear energy from other co-existing time lines into our co-existing time line. The Core Matrix has to do this, through time line edits and/reboots because the actual energy from the nuclear disaster cannot be destroyed. It can only be retooled into a less damaging form or forms of energy. As I explained in past reports, this nuclear transfer and transformation of energy was pumped into Hurricane Harvey, Hurricane Irma, the 8.1 Mexico earthquake and other weather and geophysical events.

At this time, because there is no need to do so, The Core Matrix is not using current Hurricanes Jose and Maria nuclear energy transfer and transformation work. This is why you see such a radical difference between these 4 hurricanes. Should North Korea, destroy this co-existing time line, then the Core Matrix co-existing time line will be obvious. If it happens, while Hurricanes Jose and Maria are still viable storms, we will see one or both go from their current category 1 status to something much more powerful. Also know this: Even if either of these hurricanes should hit land, that still does not mean that they are being used by The Core Matrix as nuclear energy transfers and transformation vehicles. It is hurricane season and that is what hurricanes sometimes do. And of course, neither would such an event be due to bogus weather modification. If things change, with North Korea's nuclear activities, you will recognize the markers of an energy transfer and transformation. What markers? Watch for either of these hurricanes suddenly jumping from a mild category 1 to a deadly category 4 or 5. That is what is needed, to contain the equivalent of the type of nuclear blasts that were planet ending in another co-existing time line. The same with earthquakes etc.

Always remember what I have taught you, and shared in past reports: There is no human based weather modification going on with these hurricanes or the 8.1 earthquake. Any claims, that promote the weather modification angle, are based on nonsense mixed with a complete inability to understand any real data that the disinformation is using to fool the gullible. Disinformation is the enemy of truth, not just because the information is a lie, but because the goal of disinformation is to replace the truth with lies. When that deceit happens, those tricked into believing the disinformation have effectively stopped looking for the truth. Why? Because they think that they have already found the truth. Therefore, such tricked people are not only effectively neutralized as a threat to the dark matter aberration [DMA] mind control program, but they are usually incapable of listening to or understanding the truth. Such tricked people, have invested so much into believing in disinformation, that to give up the lie is akin to giving up a part of who they are. This is the insidious way that the DMA mind control program works across the board.

Meanwhile, back on the Sun, lone little sunspot 2680 is still alone and not doing much of anything. Like Hurricanes Jose and Maria, solar flares from 2680 are not currently needed to trigger energy that the Core Matrix can use to battle the time looping nuclear disaster or the DMA mind control program. The Core Matrix already has what it needs, from 6 days of solar energy Earth hits via the solar wind and an X flare's CME from powerhouse sunspot 2673 - which is now on the non Earth facing side of the Sun, where it is still firing off solar flares.

Time Shifts and time line edits are still in effect. Here is a brief summary of what to watch for in Time Shift markers. Due to frequency and time line edit changes associated with Time Shifts there may be Time Shift triggered earthquake, volcano, tornado, weather, and geophysical events. Tech communications may be disrupted, cetaceans may strand or swim wrong way. Auroras will form. Time Shifts create an amplification of paranormal activity, ghost activity, haunting activity, poltergeist activity, apports, synchronicity, psi abilities, time/word/object prompts, deja vu, psychic dreaming, precognition events, awareness of Time Shift Living Dead persons, altered time line events, time line looping, altered terrain, altered structures, altered world events and more.

Starfire Tor

Learn more about my Time Shift Alerts

September 18, 2017
A key to shattering the dark matter aberration's mind control program. You can share this if you like.
Absolutely embrace the words of Justice, but also focus on the cobalt blue color behind the words. Cobalt blue, in the Angelic world of Astral Tagging, is the color used for Justice. As a reminder, the 2016 Astral Tagging Truth Reveal mission used a neon green color for seeking and revealing Truth.

Earthquake_Puebla,Mexico_09192017 TropicalWeatherOutlook_09192017_Two-DayGraphic K-index_2017-09-Sept-19_2130

BREAKING NEWS: 7.1 Mexico Earthquake/Cat 5 Hurricane Maria
Core Matrix Enacts Co-Existing Time Line Nuke Energy Transfer
Battle To Break Dark Matter Aberration's Mind Control Program
My Psi Data Download On Stopping N Korea's Nuke Madness
7 Day Geomagnetic Storm Calms On Day 8
California Hit By Hard 3.6 Quake Hours Before Mexico 7.1 Quake
September 19, 2017 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

Please donate to my book research fund for "THE TIME SHIFT EFFECT"

This report is a continuation of my previous reports. This includes those concerning how to stop the time looping North Korean planet ending nuclear disaster, The Core Matrix time line edit battle to shatter the mind control program, and exposing the existence of the dark matter aberration [DMA] and its grip on the planet. Aren't up to date on the information? Start binge reading my reports. Any political themed information, is related, to the Core Matrix information found in my reports. Your replies should remain focused on that topic, should not contain your political opinions, and should not promote disinformation, propaganda, or fake news. However, you can reply with something political, if it is documented and supports the information that I am sharing. Always read, previous reports, to fully understand the material that I share.

Today, Mexico was again hit with a large and deadly 7.1 earthquake. This quake was fully expected, because it is part of the time looping North Korean nuclear disaster events that continue to manifest in multiple co-existing time lines. I warned about this quake possibility in yesterday's report. I wrote, in part "I told you what to expect, beforehand, because I want you to be able to recognize these time line edit markers and what they mean. I don't want anyone here to fall for the human weather modification nonsense ... While the nuclear event itself was edited out of our co-existing time line, energy from the destructive nuclear devastation cannot be destroyed. Therefore, it must end up in the post co-existing time line's new time line in the form of energy transformation. With the last time looping planet ending nuclear disaster, the nuclear energy was transferred and transformed into Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, an 8.1 earthquake in Mexico, heat waves, floods, and more. The pattern is repeating, because the same event and Core Matrix science is at work. So far, there have been no earthquakes out of the norm as far as position and magnitude. This could change, if the pattern is proven to be a near time looping duplicate."

This time looping event does indeed present proof, that my information is solid. This is what I present, time and time again in my reports. You are all witnessing how our existence really works. Having this knowledge is the Holy Grail of all knowledge. This is true reality. The more information gathered and understood, the more of the time looping you can see. All time looping works this way, but it is very rare to be able to consciously experience it. This is the beauty of Time Shift and time line edit markers. Even rarer, because I'm sharing my knowledge with you, is to know in advance what is about to happen - and why. Once you understand and experience, the true basics of how The Core Matrix works, you will never again be left in the dark about the many mysteries in our world - be they paranormal, scientific, or spiritual.

True knowledge will help you to personally steer clear of - and even personally shatter for yourself, if you are infected with it - any dark matter aberration mind control program. The moment, that your brain acknowledges the truth about what I'm sharing, is the moment that you develop a rejection of the mind control program in many of its forms. This especially means being able to discern and reject disinformation and propaganda, in whatever form it takes.

Today's 7.1 Mexico quake hasn't just time looped from that previous 8.1 quake that shook Mexico September 8, 2017. As as is documented, that quake struck in conjunction with Hurricanes Harvey and Irma. Just as that was shown to be The Core Matrix transferring and transforming the North Korean planet ending nuclear energy from a destroyed co-existing time line existence, we have a repeat with 2 Hurricanes and a Large Mexico quake. Go back farther into history, and you'll discover that today is the anniversary of the 1985 killer Mexico 8 magnitude quake. The Core Matrix can only provide opportunities for us to carry forward. The Core Matrix is not a sentient being. It is not a god, although it is often mistaken as a god force. The Divine is something apart and different from The Core Matrix. The Core Matrix is the life mechanism, by which we exist. When The Core Matrix performs a time line edit or reboot, whether as a matter of maintenance or to save the planet, it has untold number of co-existing time line elements to choose from. The number of elements is so massive, that we cannot possibly see or understand even a fraction of it. So, to be able to see the time looping markers, that I have pointed out, is incredible.

As a personal note, last night a strong earthquake shook Los Angeles. While it was only a magnitude of 3.6, that was a rather deceiving number. The quake was quite violent, but it only lasted for about 5-6 seconds. Had this quake lasted, for even 10 seconds more, the magnitude would have gone up considerably. Even tho I was nowhere near the epicenter, the quake shook my house in a way that caused instant fear. Usually small quakes come and go, and the adrenaline doesn't kick in. It kicked in with this one. I talked to friends and neighbors about it, and we all agreed that we all reacted to the 3.6 quake as if it were much larger. It put me, on alert, that last night's quake may have been the lesser event of this current time line edit involving the nuclear disaster. It is possible, that the fear that so many of us felt was actually a tie-in to a larger quake that no longer exists in this co-existing time line. I can't be sure. But that's my theory.

As for today's Mexico 7.1 quake - it's bad. Highrise and other buildings have collapsed. People are dead and in need of rescue. The Cat 5 Hurricane Maria is also deadly, hitting resgions that were just hit by the previous hurricanes. Expect more than this.

Meanwhile, as of this report, the 7 day of geomagnetic storm has now been reduced to mostly calm with a dash of raised magnetic fields. This means, that when the 7.1 Mexico quake struck, there was no geomagnetic storming. Again, this proves what I have always taught: geomagnetic storms do not trigger earthquakes. Please reject the disinformation, of those who claim that they do.

Back on the Sun, lonely little sunspot 2680 has rotated farther to the right of center solar disk. It is still quiet and alone. There are no other sunspots in sight. The Core Matrix, has what it needs, to do its work.

Time Shifts and time line edits are still in effect. Here is a brief summary of what to watch for in Time Shift markers. Due to frequency and time line edit changes associated with Time Shifts there may be Time Shift triggered earthquake, volcano, tornado, weather, and geophysical events. Tech communications may be disrupted, cetaceans may strand or swim wrong way. Auroras will form. Time Shifts create an amplification of paranormal activity, ghost activity, haunting activity, poltergeist activity, apports, synchronicity, psi abilities, time/word/object prompts, deja vu, psychic dreaming, precognition events, awareness of Time Shift Living Dead persons, altered time line events, time line looping, altered terrain, altered structures, altered world events and more.

Starfire Tor

Learn more about my Time Shift Alerts

September 20, 2017
🌏There is a great deal going on. Watch for my report.
I listened to the speech when he [Pres. Trump]  made it. It was strong and truthful and a bit shocking to the mind control program people. Most important was Clinton's response, and how she went on the air to bad talk the speech. That shows you the fear that Trump engenders in the dark matter aberration.

September 21, 2017
Preparing To Shatter The Mind Control Program
Question: How Big Should I Go?

There are several essential steps, to being able to effectively and lastingly shatter the dark matter aberration's [DMA] mind control program and agenda. I have already showed you, how the work of The Core Matrix - with an assist from the 2016 Astral Tagging Truth Reveal mission - has been chipping away at the mind control agenda. The truth reveals have been amazing, extremely helpful in weeding through lies and corruption, and enlightening for those not directly infected with the mind control program.

Just as I originally explained, about the workings of Astral Tagging Truth Reveals, truth alone cannot shatter the mind control program. Since the DMA itself cannot be destroyed or altered, the best that can be done is to disconnect the DMA from its human brain connection. Shutting down this interface is the ultimate goal. How to do this is not a mystery to me. I know the formula, because it is an extension of my research knowledge into The Core Matrix and the DMA. Time and time again, I have demonstrated the accuracy and worth of my knowledge.

The harder part, for me, has been developing a system by which I can properly teach and implement the mind control shattering protocols. Even before, any of you understood this, I was already sowing the seeds of solving the logistics problem that I faced. Before I could even consider teaching you the shattering formula itself, I needed to teach you all about the workings of The Core Matrix, Time Shifts, co-existing time lines, time line edits and reboots, time looping events, co-existing time line energy transfers and transformations, the DMA history and mission, the mind control program and agenda, and the workings of the brain interface.

The formula can only work, through a brain that has been properly educated on these topics. A brain, that is lacking in this information, is vulnerable to disinformation and the mind control program. It is this education which insures that the brain is either purged of the mind control program, and/or is protected against the mind control program. Once done, that person can then express literal and true free will. Because the mind control program controls the world, even uninfected people are controlled through their association with living on Earth. Therefore, the free will of uninfected people is limited. Once properly educated, such a person has the ability to pursue and understand actual Truth, pursue and understand actual Justice, and to be able to recognize the mind control program whenever encountered. Such a person can participate in shattering the mind control program.

The mind control program, will be shattered, when Truth and Justice combine to globally and publicly reveal how the mind control program's lies, illusions, and manipulations have been controlling the world's thinking and actions. The shattering cannot happen, simply by telling someone the Truth. That rarely to never works on a mind control infected person or minion. The Truth must be demonstrated through the accountability of Justice. Even with Truth and Justice at work, it will do no good if the mind controlled part of the media - which is most of it - continues to block the truth and promote the mind control agenda. This is why, the only successful mind control shattering effort, must cause the mind controlled biased media to alter and abandon its unacceptable behavior. This may cause some news outlets to completely revamp how they present the news - and who they pay to deliver the news, as well as news opinions.

My question to you is this: How big should I take this mind control shattering thing? Do I just keep it here, as I've been doing, and hope that enough people will take part to make a difference? Or do I take this big, like mounting a global campaign? If I go big, what do you envision will be needed to amass and educate as many people as possible?

Starfire Tor
"The Time Shift Effect" Book


September 23, 2017
Co-existing time line edits, involving nuclear related energy transfers and transformations, have happened today. I'm still collecting and analyzing the information, of which there is a lot. Watch for my important report on this matter.

The Return Of Mega X Flare Sunspot 2673 Renamed 2682
Co-Existing Time Line Nuke Disaster Energy Transfers Are Maintained
Truth About Trump & Kim Jong-un's Nuclear Related Counter Threats
Trump, Clinton, Security Policies And The DMA Mind Control Program
Geomagnetic Storm Delayed / Time Shift Activity Continues
September 24, 2017 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

Please act now, and support my research and my book "THE TIME SHIFT EFFECT"

This report is a continuation of my previous reports. This includes those concerning how to stop the time looping North Korean planet ending nuclear disaster, The Core Matrix time line edit battle to shatter the mind control program, and exposing the existence of the dark matter aberration [DMA] and its grip on the planet. Aren't up to date on the information? Start binge reading my reports. Any political themed information, is related, to the Core Matrix information found in my reports. Your replies should remain focused on that topic, should not contain your political opinions, and should not promote disinformation, propaganda, or fake news. However, you can reply with something political, if it is documented and is tied to the information that I am sharing.

Here is a brief review, of what co-existing time line energy transfers and transformations are, and how they relate to the planet ending time looping North Korean nuclear disaster. I've been talking to you, about how and why The Core Matrix, has been performing a series of co-existing time line edits and reboots. I've been pointing out the obvious - and not so obvious, markers. It's all about the time looping North Korean planet ending nuclear disaster. The Core Matrix edits out, the North Korean nuclear disaster, from whatever co-existing time lines the nuclear disaster happens in - so far. This leaves our co-existing time line, which is always the consciously dominant co-existing time line, without experiencing that planet ending event. However, the expended nuclear energy - and energy expended from the planetary destruction - cannot be destroyed or edited away. The Core Matrix solves this conundrum by transferring and transforming, the destructive energy, to a new or newly edited co-existing time line. Instead of this terrible energy, destroying the next co-existing time line - which is always our time line, it manifests through naturally forming geophysical and weather events. The difference is, the infusion of this transferred nuclear and other destructive energy amps up these natural events. This is why, when this happens, we get a spate of historic hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, and so forth. As terrible and deadly as these events can be, they are really the lesser of two bad situations. The planet ending version is the worst of the two.

There are so many levels of activity going on, with the added problem that the dark matter aberration's [DMA] mind control program brings. The problem is global, it is ancient, and shattering that control is the goal. The shattering is directly related to stopping the time looping nuclear disaster. As I continually proved, starting with the 2016 Presidential campaign and election, The Core Matrix prime Directive had determined that Trump was the candidate to stop the nuclear planet ending nuclear event. It was based on 2 things: His robust and realistic security policies, and the fact that he was not infected with the DMA mind control program. Any world leader, not being infected by the mind control program, is a really big deal. When that President is the leader of the most powerful country in the world - it's a bigger deal. In contrast, Clinton had weak and ineffective security policies that served only the elite mind control puppet masters.

Even when it looked like Trump was going to lose, early on election day November 8, 2016, I told you all not to give up hope. Trump was going to win. I reported that I psi-saw Clinton's Presidency, which only existed in a few co-existing time lines, fade away the day of the election. Early exit polls showed her as winning - but I knew better. Trump won, as the world knows, and Clinton had a tantrum. The mind control puppet masters not only had a tantrum, through the mind control program they were able to channel their tantrum through millions of infected humans. This tantrum was capitalized on by the mind control program, in an effort to remove Trump from office any way that it could. The DMA, and likewise the human elite puppet masters that manage and manipulate the mind control program, fear Trump because he is not under their control. As I have explained before, in greater detail, Trump's Presidency is inadvertently reducing the DMA's food supply. The DMA feeds on the worst human energy, such as fear, hate, war, conflict, prejudice, and so forth. The purpose, of the mind control program, is to create and sustain planetary conditions that keep this type of negative energy going. The dark matter aberration is the source of all evil.

The DMA absorbs the food through the interface between the human brain and The Core Matrix. The DMA cannot be destroyed, because it is an energy that is part of the regular and essential dark matter [DM] energy that holds everything in the cosmos together. This includes every co-existing time line and time line element. In a previous report, I detailed how part of our essential DM branched off to become the DMA. I explained how the DMA became the source of all evil. Even though the DMA cannot be destroyed, it can be weakened enough to free us from its grip. This is the shattering mission, that I've been talking about.

So Trump won and Clinton didn't. Had she won, all co-existing time lines - in which she was the US President - would have already ended by now. The world would have ended, without further chances of a time line reboot, for the reasons highlighted by The Core Matrix Prime Directive. When Trump won the election, we entered a co-existing time line where that particular time looping planet ending nuclear disaster no longer existed. The culprits included North Korea, but also included other countries and groups. Neither the US, nor Russia, fired off nuclear devices at that time. Iran was one of the problem countries - but not the only. Radical elements also had acquired nuclear capabilities.

And then it happened again, with a slight difference. North Korea was the lone rogue element that started the planet ending nuclear catastrophe. Other countries propped it up. As I chronicled: The action, of the elite mind control puppet masters to destroy Trump and the threat that he poses to them and the DMA food source, is the catalyst that created the conditions that have brought us to the brink of disaster again. The entire "hate and destroy Trump" movement is wholly manufactured through the mind control program. As I have explained in detail, you can tell if someone is mind control infected by their inability to intellectually discuss actual facts regarding Trump. The mind controlled believe whatever fake information that they are fed, much of it through fake and biased news and social media. An infected person is programmed to reject any reasoning or truthful correction of their programmed beliefs, and in turn will believe themselves to be of superior character and intellect. They view, any person, who doesn't think like them, to be less than human and totally unworthy of respect. This, then, is their mind controlled justification to deny the uninfected an opposing voice - as well as giving them permission to commit violence against the uninfected.

I know how to shatter great parts of the mind control program. I've been teaching it to you over time, and soon the actual mind control shattering mission will launch. But I must say again, that I dislike politics and politicians. Nowhere, is the mind control program more front and center than in politics. And while I recognize other extremely serious corruption and dishonesty problems with Clinton, and her inability to take responsibility for her own actions and behavior, I am continually frustrated by Trump's behavior. When he's sticking to a script written for him, he's just fine. His UN speech, the other day, was nearly perfect as to what jives with what The Core Matrix is doing to help us shatter the mind control program. I say nearly perfect, because he through in words and personal descriptives that had no place coming out of his mouth or in a tweet. This was his giving the North Korean leader Kim Jong-un the nickname 'Rocket Man'. This penchant, to insult his rivals through childish nicknames, should have been left behind with his campaign.

Now to the matter at hand, which will separate truth from the disinformation being put out through the mind control program. Regardless of how childish Trump's rhetoric can get, as he matches threats with Kim Jong-un, Trump's words are NOT the cause of North Korea's aggressive behavior. North Korea is following an activities script. They are merely using what Trump says as a fake excuse for their plans. Yes, their script calls for sending nuclear laden missiles to the US. Their plan, as mad as it is, involves being a big shot leader on the world stage. This is why North Korea invented enemies, that it did not originally have, and why counting coup on the US is something that they always planned to do. Here's the part, where trump creates problems that should not exist. His UN speech, minus the Rocket Man part - as well as the sanctions against North Korea, are exactly what he needed to do. It wasn't personal. It was about protecting the US, its allies, and the world from a clear and present danger. Had trump stuck to that there would have been few problems in that area. But the minute he made his remarks personal, whether by word or by tweet, he stepped into a trap - again - that he obviously cannot see. Apparently no one around him can see this trap, and that must change immediately.

The trap is simple to see, once you know what to look for and what the outcome is. When Trump got into name calling, he changed the level of communications from a responsible President to a child daring another child to cross a line. Even though North Korea is following a script, they were able to use Trump's behavior to blame Trump for North Korea's decision to hit the US with nuclear bombs. This is a false narrative, but the destroy Trump media snapped it up, and pushed the false narrative that any North Korean bad behavior is Trump's fault. It is not Trump's fault, but Trump's bad judgement opened the door this false narrative to be activated. The mind control program, through its usual channels, embedded this false 'blame Trump' narrative into the brains of the infected. Now, should the US have to use deadly force against North Korea - because of North Korea's plan to destroy the world with its nuclear weapons - any and all deaths will be blamed on Trump. Because of Trump's wrong communication choices, with the North Korean leader and minion of evil, it is even more important that the US use technological means to stop North Korea's nuclear plans. As I reported before, I have psi seen co-existing time lines where the US can shut down North Korea's ability to control the devices that control the missiles and the nuclear bombs. They can even take out North Korea's ability to have 21st century power sources.

Likewise, Trump he should have kept his mouth shut about the million dollar pro sports players disrespecting US symbols before games. The players have a right to be wrong, and Trump has the right to be wrong. But because the entire 'take a knee' thing is a mind control ploy to create racial and US patriotic division - something that feeds the DMA - Trump needed to have the intelligence to steer clear of it. But if he couldn't have steered clear, the best thing for him to have said is something like this:

"I respect every American citizen's right to express themselves freely, as long as it doesn't harm others. While I will defend the right of any American citizen, to 'take a knee', I am also disappointed that these fine athletes chose this method to express their discontent. I believe there is a better way. My door is open to them, should they wish to express their concerns and solutions in person. I hope that they take me up on the invitation to sit down and talk."

Instead of expressing himself, in this type of helpful and honest way, he once again stepped into a mind control trap. He himself has created a news blow-up, when the attention should be on North Korea, taxes, jobs, med insurance and so forth. Worse, his 'fire them' comment actually flies in the face of the first amendment. He stepped into it, and the only way out is another more serious situation that he needs to attend to on a Presidential level.

When Trump fails to recognize mind control traps, and therefore steps right into them, it makes shattering the mind control program all that much harder. The solution is the same, but his in-artful and un-insightful personal comments might lesson the number of people that a shattering can free from the mind control program. Why? Because the shattering is based on replacing mind control disinformation with actual truth and justice, and in such a way that millions of people are forced to wake up and reject the disinformation. But the shattering cannot cause people to disregard an inconvenient truth, such as Trump's constitutionally inappropriate words about those 'taking a knee'. The best thing, for Trump to do, is to apologize and express his feelings more in the line of what I wrote out. What may seem unpatriotic to him is actually a protected right. He has to admit that he was speaking honestly about his feelings, but that he was wrong in ever other way. Trump, being able to say that he was wrong, would be a miracle. But it would go a long way to fouling up the mind control program, as far as this particular gaff goes.

Onward to other matters. Look what I found. Power house X flare firing sunspot 2673 has just rotated back onto the Earth facing side of the Sun. Check out this SDO photo, and you'll see it just inside of the Sun's left rim. The other sunspot is 2681. The question, about old reliable 2673, is whether it still has power - or whether it has decayed to the point of being a shadow of its former glory. This photo only shows, what should be, only a part of the large island chain that makes up 2673. Or it may be all that is left. As a reminder, 2673 was created by The Core Matrix to enact a series of time line edits. These time line edits helped to battle the mind control program. Will 2673 be useful again? As the sun rotates, the truth will come out. BTW, expect 2673 to get a new number - probably 2682. Mainstream science has a very bad and useless tradition, of renaming sunspots that come back around from the non Earth facing side of the Sun. This causes a loss of all scientific continuity, which is a pet peeve of mine.

Meanwhile, the expected solar wind hit has not yet materialized. Why? It's already been delayed by 2 days. Will it show up tomorrow? Or has it disappeared from our co-existing time line? Previous time line edit markers are being maintained. This includes earthquakes, hurricanes, volcanoes, and all other energy transfer and transformation elements. Tomorrow is another day - or another co-existing time line.

Time Shifts and time line edits are still in effect. Here is a brief summary of what to watch for in Time Shift markers. Due to frequency and time line edit changes associated with Time Shifts there may be Time Shift triggered earthquake, volcano, tornado, weather, and geophysical events. Tech communications may be disrupted, cetaceans may strand or swim wrong way. Auroras will form. Time Shifts create an amplification of paranormal activity, ghost activity, haunting activity, poltergeist activity, apports, synchronicity, psi abilities, time/word/object prompts, deja vu, psychic dreaming, precognition events, awareness of Time Shift Living Dead persons, altered time line events, time line looping, altered terrain, altered structures, altered world events and more.

Starfire Tor

Learn more about my Time Shift Alerts


North Korean Time Looping Nuclear Disaster To Be Stopped By Trump
Core Matrix Linked Earth Facing Sunspots 2682, 2683 aka 2673, 2684
Co-Existing Time Line Nuke Disaster Energy Transfers Are Maintained
Time Shift And Time Line Edit Activity In Brief Pause
September 25, 2017 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

Please act now, and support my research and my book "THE TIME SHIFT EFFECT"

This report is a continuation of my previous reports. This includes those concerning how to stop the time looping North Korean planet ending nuclear disaster, The Core Matrix time line edit battle to shatter the mind control program, and exposing the existence of the dark matter aberration [DMA] and its grip on the planet. Aren't up to date on the information? Start binge reading my reports. Any political themed information, is related, to the Core Matrix information found in my reports. Your replies should remain focused on that topic, should not contain your political opinions, and should not promote disinformation, propaganda, or fake news. However, you can reply with something political, if it is documented and is tied to the information that I am sharing.

All Core Matrix triggered, co-existing time line nuclear energy transfers and transformations, are being maintained. There are no significant new events at this time. Time Shift, and time line edit activity, is in a brief pause. Based on my analysis, which includes all related physical data and my psi data download capabilities, the North Korean caused time looping nuclear disaster will soon be stopped in our co-existing time line. Yes, it is still Trump's leadership that makes this planet saving event happen. The fixes remain the same, as I've previously described. Some are physical, while other options are technological - or a combination of both. All methods are ready to go. To get a background on this material, start with yesterday's report and keep reading all of the reports.

To understand more, about what is really going on with all the threats going back and forth between Trump and Kim Jong-un and his people, read yesterday's report. I explain how and why nothing that trump says matters, because North Korea is following a script. Even North Korea's recent threat, to shoot down US military planes that are flying in international air space near North Korea - as part of North Korea's claim that the US has declared war, is part of the script. However - and this is a really big however - North Korea didn't write in one story element in their script of world domination. The missing element is President Trump. The North Korean script was written, as if the US would be the same old do nothing world power that has let North Korean bad behavior slide for decades. Now, North Korea is in adlib mode, as it works Trump into it's own plot line. If the situation weren't so deadly serious and life threatening, I'd look at this newly revised North Korean world domination script as a badly written comedy.

Because of Trump, North Korea's script adlibs have only put the US in a strategically good position to strike North Korea's nuclear and other violent ambitions. Pay no attention, to those who claim that Trump has made the situation with North Korea worse. Besides, what I have already explained about the script - which was written long before Trump was elected as President - North Korea's latest adlibbed threats have only set up North Korea to get the US off the hook as the aggressor. Why is that? North Korea is threatening to shoot down US military jets that are flying in protected international airspace. If North Korea fires on any of those planes, the US then has a right to protect itself by taking out the threat. You're not going to get this spelled out on biased news stations, because it shows how strategically clever the US military is being. That reflects well on Trump, who has done his bit by pulling North Korea into making this huge strategical mistake. Understand? North Korea has already made its threats public, and they have every intention of attacking a US military plane. That, BTW, is not in their world domination script.

The North Koreans have backed themselves into a political and military corner. They just lost creative control of their script. What will happen next? Will the US keep the planes flying where they are, and force North Korea to attack? Will the US recall that mission for now, and let North Korea think about the mess they are in? Will the North Koreans realize their mistake, and instead of attacking those US planes decide to show their 'might' in other ways - tantrum ways? There is more to this strategy, but at least now you know what's really happening. Don't be fooled, by the mind control program agenda, that wants you to believe that North Korea's nuclear aggression and threats are Trump's fault. Do you see how easy it is, to deflect brainwashing, when you know the truth? This is why Truth, is one of the main keys, in shattering the mind control program. It's not the only key. But it's a big one.

Yesterday, I told you that multiple X flare powerhouse sunspot 2673 had rotated back onto the Earth facing side of the Sun. In the SDO photo, it was not yet possible to see what of 2673 was left. Look at today's SDO photo. A number of things pop out. There are now 3 Earth facing sunspots, where yesterday there were 2. 2673 has been re-numbered as 2682. To its right is 2681, and to its left is new sunspot 2683. Wow! 3 Earth facing sunspots during the time of solar minimum. Pulling together, all of the data that I have, there is no doubt that these 3 sunspots are linked to the Core Matrix need to trigger more Time Shifts and time line edits. One way, that this can happen, is through solar energy and the Sun-Earth magnetic connection. As I said above, we are in a brief Time Shift and time line edit cause, and things are about to heat up with North Korea and its mad scheme for world domination. The Core Matrix has work to do, and we're going to witness - at the very least - Time Shift and time line edit markers.

Starfire Tor

Learn more about my Time Shift Alerts

September 26, 2017

Mark P. wrote:
Another excellent contribution to the coming mind control program mission. I assume this one goes with the blue Justice meme?

Starfire Tor wrote:    Yes

Mark P. wrote:
I'd like to add something that's been on my mind. I'm sure many here face the same thing I'm bringing up. There are days i have a hard time holding back my opinion, when reading the mind control group think of people that I otherwise like. This can be at work or on social media. I know there's no point in confronting them or informing them of how misguided and mind controlled their thinking is. It does tax my willpower. Least-ways I know that we can all do something to help shatter the mind control program. Personally I'd like to get my friends' sanity back. I'd like to go on FB and not come across the mind control garbage. I have to remind myself it's not the people who are garbage. It's the disinformation their blowing off with. Today was a particularly hard day for me at work because of the NFL take a knee debacle. Most at work have vowed to stop watching the games until the disrespect on the field stops. Most cable news shows, except FOX, are using the President's opinionated words to double down on the racist and impeach crap. It's like Starfire said right off, what Trump said would be used as a weapon against him because it's how the mind control game works. Trump and his people need to be smarter and see the traps ahead. Can the mind control shattering psi mission make Trump and his people smarter in this regard?

Starfire Tor wrote:
Folks - Is anyone else having the same problem that Mark is? He is having to muster extra control, to stay out of verbal or posted conflicts, based on friends mind controlled talking points and group think? Just remember, when you reply, do not use yo
ur reply to give your political opinions. That doesn't matter. I just want to know if you are encountering the problem and how you're handling it. Have you lost friends and family over it?

Truth, can only be a force of light and transformation, if it can pair up with Justice. Although the mind control program, is designed to divide and conquer, it can only survive if it can keep Truth from bringing about acts of Justice. This is why and how there is a two-tiered justice system in the world. One is for the elite, who are part of the mind control program, and the other is for those who are in the way of the mind control program. The mind control shattering mission is designed to reveal the Truth, empower Justice, and join the two as part of the mind control shattering psi mission. There is more to it than this, but Truth and Justice are absolute essentials.

September 26, 2017

Folks - The mind control program shattering psi mission will launch sometime in October 2017. Between now and then I'm working on the psi protocols, as well as working with my webmaster and friend Sharri to create a section on my web page to organize all of the information. When in place, you'll find all of the relevant information from reports, to a glossary of terms and definitions, as well as psi mission instructions.

The mind control program shattering psi mission is designed to launch in three parts, on three separate days. The parts are named TRUTH, JUSTICE, and HEALING THE PLANET. You have already seen my poster for TRUTH and JUSTICE. HEALING THE PLANET will follow soon. Participants, in this mission, will be known as WARRIORS OF LIGHT.

In addition, I am creating the psi protocols so that many different types of energy beliefs and disciplines can work with it in harmony.

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All contents copyright ©2017  by Starfire Tor