The Official Web Site Of Starfire Tor



When this crash manifested in real time, the answer to my question regarding
the fate of the pilot was answered - he had died and it was his spirit that I was
communicating with in my OBE of the crash. So as you read the news reports
on this crash, keep in mind that this pilot - Captain Richard Buschman - did
understand that he was responsible for the crash, and helped to save some of
the lives of his passengers ... after he himself had died. Why the pilot attempted to land at all, considering the conditions, is something he never passed on to me.

Starfire Tor


Crash Probe Focuses On Landing In Storm

(Rueters) American Airlines Flight 1420 crashed on landing in Little Rock, Arkansas during a thunderstorm. Winds just before the accident were reported from 40 to 76 knots. The aircraft overran the runway, and collided with an approach light tier, breaking the fuselage into three pieces.

The pilot, who died, was Capt. Richard Buschman Tuesday's motion argues that the testimony of Ewell, Origel and Nelson "reveals overwhelming evidence of many violations of American Airlines' policy and procedure, Federal Airlines regulations and safe operating procedure of an MD-82." It says that includes:

Attempting to land on a wet runway in winds that were known to exceed the airline's crosswind limitations. Failing to execute a missed approach after learning of the excessive crosswinds. Descending below the minimum descent altitude allowed for an Instrument Landing System approach while the pilot could not see the runway. Failing to execute a missed approach when the runway was not in sight at the minimum descent altitude. Operating the airplane in an area of known thunderstorms and violating the airlines' thunderstorm-avoidance policy. Failing to activate the spoilers before landing. The motion quotes from previously released transcripts of cockpit and control-tower recordings and from testimony taken during the National Transportation Safety Board's three-day public hearing into the crash in January. One of those it quotes is truck driver James Heward, who was headed for Hot Springs on Interstate 440 about 11:45 or 11:50 that night. Heward told the safety board that he was in torrential rain, with golf ball-sized hail and almost continuous lightning when the airplane, its wings tilted to the right, passed in front of him, just 10 to 20 feet away.

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