Beginning October 19, 2011
Starfire Tor is the discoverer and chief researcher of Time
Shifts, The Core Matrix, and Co-Existing Time Lines. These are terms
she coined to describe astounding interconnected phenomenon in which
our reality and dominant current time line is constantly being edited
and restructured.
ancient origin of the Core Matrix, Time Shifts, and Co-Existing time
lines involves a black hole, matter, anti-matter, and other exotic
elements. Despite the immense, and symbiotic cosmic powers that
brought the Time Shift mechanism into being, the continuation of this
mechanism's function requires a source of power capable of triggering
the Core Matrix's prime directive. The sun is one of those power

is why some Time Shifts are triggered by certain types of solar
activity impacting and interacting with the Earth's
magnetosphere. Whether from the Earth's magnetic field being
hit with solar winds, solar flares, or CMEs the effect sets into motion
the Time Shift mechanism which involves the altering of
frequencies which are the foundation of all Core Matrix
Co-Existing time line programs. The above graphic illustrates the flow of energy between the Sun and the Earth.
To learn more about this ground breaking work
please listen to Starfire Tor's many interviews, including the ones with Whitley
Strieber on Dreamland and her many appearances on Coast to Coast AM with
Art Bell, George Noory and Whitley Strieber.

The Time Shift Alerts
presented by Starfire Tor do not represent all Time Shifts or Time
Shift Alerts. Nor does this Time Shift information present all Time
Shift science or scientific results. The purpose of sharing this
sampling is to educate
people about the science of Time Shifts. Part of this Time Shift
Alert education involves historical events including the September 11,
2001 attacks in the U.S., the December 26, 2004 earthquake and tsunami
in the Sumatra-Indonesia region, and the March 11, 2011 earthquake and
tsunami in Japan.

TIME SHIFT ALERT October 19, 2011: Today the sun is strangely quiet despite there
currently being eight earth facing sunspots. On October 16, 2011 there
were nine earth facing sunspots. Not one of these sunspots is producing
earth facing flares. Even the x-ray output is near zero. Also there are
no earth facing coronal holes. It's the energy from erupting solar
flares and/or coronal hole solar winds that can trigger time line
editing Time Shifts when that solar energy hits Earth's magnetic field.
October has always been a stellar Time Shift time including incidents of
time looping where a chunk of time seems to repeat itself. I expect
Time Shift action. So I wait.
UPDATE Saturday, Oct 22, 2011, from TIME SHIFT UPDATE ALERT October 19, 2011:
I've previously shared information on one way that Time Shifts and time
line edits are triggered. It's by solar charged particles hitting
Earth's magnetosphere. The solar energy originates from a solar flare
and/or CME solar wind. Many times I've showed the cause and effect of
Time Shifts. But the nature of Time Shifts, which edits the dominant
timeline and creates co-existing timelines, means that part of the Time
Shift trigger is sometimes edited out of the new dominant timeline. It
happened this week, but people did retain many Time Shift symptoms
including global shifts in power, large earthquakes, volcano blows, odd
HAARP readings, and a rise in synchronicity, precognition, psychic
experiences, paranormal events, and the Time Shift Living Dead enigma.
- TIME SHIFT ALERT & UPDATE from October 19, 2011: As I've
taught Time Shift triggered time line edits can involve changes in
global power. This Time shift window includes the capture & death of
Libya dictator Gaddafi, as well as other major & minor changes.
This one gives you a documented idea of what TS can bring to a new
dominant time line. NOTE: Time Shifts are not & cannot be created or
controlled by any of the people or groups mentioned in these time line
there was a flurry of earthquakes registering around the world. I
suspected that those quakes, some of which were called 'historical' even
though not large, were evidence that we were experiencing a Time Shift
What was missing was the type of earth directed solar activity that is a
trigger and power source for most Time Shifts. I could see that the sun
was loaded up with sunspots - at one time 9 of them earth facing, but
none of them were sending CME our way. Yet there had been 2 M Class
eruptions on the far side of the sun, with one heading to Venus and the
other one to Mars.
Here on Earth I was being inundated with reports of The Time Shift
Living Dead, synchronicity experiences, and earthquakes. At the same
time our planet was going through major changes in global power: The
Lebanese dictator Muammar Gaddafi was caught and killed, and US
President Barack Obama announcing that all US military was leaving Iraq
by the end of the year. There were more TS markers than this, but the
ones I'm mentioning are enough to demonstrate what we are dealing with.
The nature of a Time Shift involves the editing of time lines, and this
means that sometimes conscious awareness of the solar Time Shift trigger
can be edited out of the new dominant time line. Amid reports by
astro-scientists, that they found the lack of solar activity in the face
of so many sunspots to be odd, I suspected that there had been earth
directed solar activity in the dominant time line that preceded this
post Time Shift dominant time line.
Besides all that I mentioned, to support my theory, I made a very rare
discovery concerning HAARP and how their magnetometers record
geomagnetic activity on Earth. When the Earth's magnetosphere is hit
with solar charged particles, like that which happens from CME solar
winds and/or geomagnetic storms from sunspot eruptions, HAARP records
the changes to Earth's magnetic field.
When a Time Shift happens, and the time line is edited, the dominant
time line - in effect - goes off line. Although our brains remain
interfaced with the Core Matrix, which is the source of all streaming
co-existing time line programs, our consciousness of the dominant time
line is also off line for that specific time line being edited. I found,
on HAARP charts during this time, a marker of time in the chart were
everything has gone to black. This is so rare to catch, because of the
way HAARP magnetic recordings are made, that I was very pleased.
I will be creating a special web page for this Time Shift, where I will present the HAARP charts and much more.
Back to the New Zealand 7.6 earthquake, which is a Time Shift triggered
earthquake. This isn't the first time that a NZ quake has been a TS
quake. It happened with the Christ Church NZ earthquake not too long
ago. At the time of both of these NZ quakes, I had been researching
cetacean strandings in and around NZ waters. This time there were also
cetacean strandings in Australia waters and elsewhere across the world.
TS quakes were associated with these as well.
Here's news about the recent Time Shift triggered earthquake in New Zealand.
Strong quake hits off New Zealand's Kermadec Islands
Published: 22/10/2011 at 02:32 AM [21/10/11 elsewhere]
A powerful 7.6-magnitude earthquake jolted New Zealand's Kermadec
Islands region in the South Pacific early Saturday, the US Geological
Survey said. USGS said the quake was centered 180 kilometers (112
miles) east of Raoul Island at a depth of about 24 miles. The islands
lie about 800 miles (1,200 kilometers) north of the North Island.
Gaddafi killed in hometown, Libya eyes future
By Rania El Gamal and Tim Gaynor
SIRTE, Libya | Thu Oct 20, 2011 7:15pm EDT
(Reuters) - Muammar Gaddafi was killed after being captured by the
Libyan fighters he once scorned as "rats," cornered and shot in the head
after they overrun his last bastion of resistance in his hometown of
His body, bloodied, half naked, Gaddafi's trademark long curls hanging
limp around a rarely seen bald spot, was delivered, a prize of war, to
Misrata, the city west of Sirte whose siege and months of suffering at
the hands of Gaddafi's artillery and sniper made it a symbol of the
rebel cause.
A quick and secret burial was due later on Friday.
"It's time to start a new Libya, a united Libya," Prime Minister Mahmoud Jibril declared. "One people, one future." [snip]
U.S. Troops to Leave Iraq by Year’s End, Obama Says
Published: October 21, 2011
WASHINGTON — President Obama announced on Friday that the last American
soldier would leave Iraq by the end of this year, drawing to a close a
divisive eight-year war that cost the lives of more than 4,400 troops,
defined the presidency of George W. Bush, and helped ignite his own
political rise.
The decision leaves only a vestigial presence of Marine embassy guards
and liaison officers staying on where more than a million troops, in
all, have served.
The president’s statement, coming a day after a NATO air campaign
hastened the death of Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi in Libya, was laden with
symbolism, marking the ebb tide of a decade of American military
engagement that began after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. It also
capped a remarkable period of foreign-policy accomplishments for a
president who is hindered by a poor economy at home. [snip]
RELATED - TIME SHIFT ALERT & Update from 10-19-11: This just in. A
7.2 Time Shift triggered earthquake has struck Turkey. At least 45
buildings are down, people & animals are trapped in the rubble, and
many are dead. Info for you cat lovers - the quake hit 10 miles from
Van, the place of origin for the Turkish Van cat.
See previous TS quake update about the 7.6 New Zealand quake & much more.
Magnitude 7.2 - EASTERN TURKEY
2011 October 23 10:41:21 UTC
- TIME SHIFT ALERT and Update from 10-19-11: The 10/22/11 stranding of a
pygmy sperm whale on Ohope Beach New Zealand documents what I wrote
about the connection between Time Shifts, earthquakes, & cetacean
stranding & wrong way travel. This NZ whale stranding coincides with
both the Time Shift Alert & the recently reported Time Shift
triggered earthquake in New Zealand. The whale was rescued with hopes it
won't re-strand.
A Hundred Helpers Teturn Stranded Whale To Sea
By Sonya Bateson, sonya.bateson@dailypost.co.nz | Saturday, October 22, 2011 8:53
Five hours of hard work paid off for a crowd of volunteers who helped rescue a stranded whale in Ohope yesterday.
A big cheer went out from the crowd of 100 bystanders and helpers as the
whale swam back out to sea and out of sight about 12.30pm.
Volunteers carried the whale on a tarpaulin about 30m out into the water
to refloat it and a karakia was performed by Ngati Awa kaumatua Pouroto
Ngaropo just before the whale was refloated.
The 3m long pygmy sperm whale was discovered stranded on the Port Ohope
beach around 7am yesterday morning and as the word spread, a crowd of
people turned up and joined the bucket line, helping any way they
could. [snip]
TIME SHIFT ALERT 10-19-11 EXPANDED: If you've kept up with my October
Time Shift related posts then you know that something extraordinary is
going on. I've gathered physical evidence regarding October 2011 Time
Shifts and today the clincher evidence I've been waiting for has
manifested. I'm compiling this evidence for my website and will announce
when the material is ready to view. I told you all that I had a big
surprise to share and you won't be disappointed. I'm elated.
Learn more about Time Shifts: