

October, 2016    TIME SHIFT  ALERT

Starfire Tor is the discoverer and chief researcher of Time Shifts, The Core Matrix, and Co-Existing Time Lines.  These are terms she coined to describe astounding interconnected phenomenon in which our reality and dominant current time line is constantly being edited and restructured.

The ancient origin of the Core Matrix, Time Shifts, and Co-Existing time lines involves a black hole, matter, anti-matter, and other exotic elements.  Despite the immense, and symbiotic cosmic powers that brought the Time Shift mechanism into being, the continuation of this mechanism's function requires a source of power capable of triggering the Core Matrix's prime directive.  The sun is one of those power sources.
This is why some Time Shifts are triggered by certain types of solar activity impacting and interacting with the Earth's magnetosphere.   Whether from the Earth's magnetic field being hit with solar winds, solar flares, or CMEs the effect sets into motion the Time Shift mechanism which involves the altering of  frequencies which are the foundation of all  Core Matrix Co-Existing time line programs. The above graphic illustrates the flow of energy between the Sun and the Earth. 

To learn more about this ground breaking work please listen to Starfire Tor's many interviews, including the ones with Whitley Strieber on Dreamland and her many appearances on Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell, George Noory and Whitley Strieber.


The Time Shift Alerts presented by Starfire Tor do not represent all Time Shifts or Time Shift Alerts.  Nor does this Time Shift information present all Time Shift science or scientific results.  The purpose of sharing this sampling is to educate people about the science of Time Shifts.  Part of this Time Shift Alert education involves historical events including the September 11, 2001 attacks in the U.S., the December 26, 2004 earthquake and tsunami in the Sumatra-Indonesia region, and the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan.



Geomagnetic Storm Day 7
Time Shift and Time Line Edits Continue
Astral Tagging Truth Reveal Mission Still Working
October 1, 2016 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

The geomagnetic storm is now in day 7. While it looked like it was beginning to diminish, yesterday, the geomagnetic storm picked up again and is going strong. Check out the NOAA k-index chart to see the geomagnetic storms look.

Time Shift time line edits continue. As I write this, I have still not documented any Time Shift markers which would indicate that a new time line reboot has happened. I still suspect, that a time line reboot will happen, before the next presidential debate on October 9, 2016.


Astral Tagging Truth Reveal Energy Working
Clinton Reveals Her True Beliefs About Bernie Sanders Fans
October 1, 2016

In explaining how the Astral Tagging Truth Reveal works, one of the things that I said talked about how many truth reveals will actually come directly from the target. I also wrote, a number of times, that Astral Tagging is unbiased and does not favor either Trump or Clinton. Astral Tagging is only about the truth.

In my report about the truth reveal and the presidential debate, I pointed out how the debate had been set up to attack Trump and support Clinton. I used the debate transcript to back up my analysis. I also noted, that while it seemed that the truth reveal was targeting only Trump since the debate, that there was much more that will be revealed about Clinton - and that some of these reveals would come from previously unknown sources.

As I predicted, it is being reported that Clinton has revealed - in her own words - what she really thinks about Bernie Sanders supporters. This is the real Hillary Clinton talking, in a hacked audio from a donor fundraiser she was at. She does not think much of the status or intelligence of his fans, and seriously puts them down. In one of her descriptions, she refers to his fans as ""children of the Great Recession who are living in their parents’ basement." Of course, Sander's fans already know that during the campaign he called Clinton out as being corrupt and that no one should ever vote for her. But once he lost the campaign - in part due to a revealed Democratic convention staff conspiracy - he was suddenly all in for Clinton and telling his fans to vote for her. In fact, he is stumping for her right now. Sanders pulled an ethics and morals switch on his fans, and now it is revealed that all Clinton cares about is getting the votes from his fans. She could care less about their lives or needs. For Clinton, the game is to trick Sander's fans into voting for her. Her thoughts and beliefs are now revealed, in her own words.

Here is the actual audio clip:

Here is the secondary news article. It is all over the net now. Check to see which news outlets are reporting this important truth about Clinton and which news outlets have remained silent. Let that be your truth in news guide. It is an eye opener.

ALERT October 2, 2016: There has been a Core Matrix Prime Directive reboot. I am writing the report, and will post it as soon as it is finished. BTW, Earth is in day 8 of geomagnetic storms. So, stay tuned.


Geomagnetic Storm Day 8
Core Matrix Prime Directive Reboot Confirmed
Time Shift and Time Line Edits Continue
Astral Tagging Truth Reveal Mission Still Working
October 2, 2016 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

The geomagnetic storm has continued into day 8. As I look at this current NOAA k-index chart, it looks like the magnetic fields are beginning to calm. Will the calm last, meaning that this double geomagnetic storm wave is ending?

In a previous brief alert, I let you know that I now know that Earth has experienced a Core Matrix Prime Directive reboot. The reboot is associated with the time looping nuclear catastrophe, that it at the center of my report series " CHANGING CATASTROPHIC EVENTS IN TIME", as well as the Astral Tagging Truth Reveal Mission tied into the 2016 US presidential election. I am still putting together the reboot report. There is a lot of information to share, and that and my research take time. I expect to get this report to you tomorrow October 3, 2016.

Meanwhile, Time Shifts and time line edits continue. This includes Time Shift markers. Here is a brief summary of what to watch for in Time Shift markers. Due to frequency and time line edit changes associated with Time Shifts there may be Time Shift triggered earthquake, volcano, tornado, weather, and geophysical events. Tech communications may be disrupted, cetaceans may strand or swim wrong way. Auroras will form. Time Shifts create an amplification of paranormal activity, ghost activity, haunting activity, poltergeist activity, apports, synchronicity, psi abilities, time/word/object prompts, deja vu, psychic dreaming, precognition events, awareness of Time Shift Living Dead persons, altered time line events, time line looping, altered terrain, altered structures, altered world events and more.  

EarthquakeAlertSanAndreasFaultSoCal_09-26-to-10-04-2016  Volcano_Colima,Mexico_09-30Hurricane_10-02_Matthew_160mph-Cat5

Time Shift Prime Directive Reboot Confirmed
San Andreas Quakes, Hurricane Mathew, Colima Volcano, GeoMag Storm
October 3, 2016 Report

In early reports, relating to the 8 day wave of geomagnetic storms, I said that I wasn't sure if there was any evidence that we had experienced another Core Matrix Prime Directive time line reboot - as associated with the time looping nuclear catastrophe. On day 7, I finally had the evidence that I needed to confirm that a reboot had taken place. Yesterday, on the 8th day of the geomagnetic storm wave, I announced that a reboot had indeed taken place. Here is the evidence, of a Core Matrix Prime Directive time line reboot manifested in our dominant co-existing time line. There is not just one piece of reboot evidence - there are multiple pieces of reboot evidence. All of the reboot evidence is connected to the time looping nuclear catastrophe as found in my report series "CHANGING CATASTROPHIC EVENTS IN TIME".

I previously explained what a Core Matrix Prime Directive time line edit reboot is, how reboots are related to the time looping nuclear catastrophe, and how The Core Matrix Prime Directive program has been repeatedly editing out the nuclear disaster before it can manifest into our dominant co-existing time line. However, this is just a temporary stop gap measure. The Core Matrix cannot continue to perform this service indefinitely. This is, in part, because energy cannot be destroyed. Therefore, the editing action involves transferring and transforming the nuclear disaster’s energy into a form that will dissipate the nuclear disaster in as least harmful a way as possible. Even then, because this nuclear disaster is a fixed element in co-existing time lines, it continues to re-instate itself in other co-existing time lines.

As I’ve previously explained: The only way, to prevent this nuclear catastrophe from becoming a fixed element in our dominant co-existing time line, is by editing in a dominant time line where the disaster cannot take root. There are two main dominant co-existing time lines, that involve this catastrophe and who becomes the next President of the US. In the co-existing time lines, where Hillary Clinton is the President, the nuclear disaster is never prevented. Her lax security policies insure that there is never a deterrent to the nuclear disaster happening. But in the co-existing time lines where Donald Trump is President, his strong security policies insure that the nuclear disaster never has the opportunity to manifest. This is what stops the nuclear catastrophe from time looping. This is why Trump must become the next President of the US. There are no other life preserving options. This is not just about the US. This nuclear disaster impacts the entire planet.

This brings me to the reboot evidence. I previously said, that I felt that there would be another reboot before the next Presidential debate on October 9, 2016. Read my report, about the 1st Presidential debate on September 26, 2016, and the Astral Tagging Truth Reveal mission. This will explain why I felt that the Core Matrix Prime Directive would need to engage in another reboot. First of all, the reboot means that the nuclear disaster already happened in yet another co-existing time line. Secondly, another reboot means that our dominant co-existing time line receives another next generation evolution of Donald Trump. This version should be the version that became the US President. For Clinton, there is no next generation evolved version.

In editing out the nuclear disaster, reboot evidence can often be found in natural events that can release energy that is the equivalent of nuclear bombs. This would include certain earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, and tornadoes.  I first suspected, that a reboot was in the works, when the unexpected geomagnetic storm hit Earth back on September 25, 2016. That was one day before the Presidential debate. Read my report. This geomagnetic storm event, alone, was only evidence that time line editing was taking place. That is not the same as a time line reboot.

Something else happened, that was absolutely an event able to act as a reboot dispersion of a nuclear disaster. The event involved the beginning of a swarm of earthquakes happening near the notorious San Andreas earthquake fault. This began on September 25, 2016 and is still ongoing, with more than 200 earthquakes having occurred. In fact, this event was enough to cause The California Office of Emergency Services and the California Earthquake Prediction Evaluation Council to declare that Southern California is under an emergency earthquake advisory through October 4, 2016. This swarm, of 200 plus earthquakes, is the force equivalency of scores of atomic bomb blasts. Even more alarming, it is very possible that other co-existing time line nuclear disaster did cause the San Andreas Fault to rupture. These nuclear disasters do not just destroy the planet through nuclear blasts and radiation. These nuclear blasts set off mega earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanoes that finish the job that the nuclear blasts started. The San Andreas Fault has not erupted in over 300 years. Scientists say that eruption is overdue.

As if the San Andreas earthquake swarm wasn’t enough, during the 8 day geomagnetic storming, there were two other energy releasing natural events that also acted as a transfer and transformation of nuclear energy. These came in the form of Hurricane Matthew, and the eruption of Mexico’s Colima volcano. Hurricane Mathew reached the highest category that a hurricane can reach – category 5. It then reduced slightly to being a category 4. This is the state that the hurricane is in right now, as it heads for land, people, and animals. This hurricane is such a monster, that the likes of it has not been seen since Hurricane Hazel in 1954. The Colima volcano erupted September 30, 2016, which caused a massive evacuation.

There are more reboot markers than this, but these four simultaneous events are the biggest and the most obvious. They include 1. an unexpected and powerful geomagnetic storm; 2. a swarm of more than 200 earthquakes on the notorious San Andreas Fault; 3. a monstrous hurricane; and 4. an erupting volcano. 


Another Unexpected Geomagnetic Storm Day 10

Core Matrix Post Reboot Time Line Edits
Astral Tagging Truth Reveal Mission Still Working
October 4, 2016 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

The geomagnetic storm had continued into day 8, and then began to calm as the Earth moved out of the solar wind stream that had triggered the 2nd half of this extended geomagnetic storm event. I pointed this out on October 4, 2016. October 5 saw that Earth's magnetic field had lowered to a place below being a geomagnetic storm. The next thing should have been everything going into the green from the green and yellow records. But that is not what has happened. Instead, geomagnetic storm conditions have revved back up worldwide.

There is no visible reason for this geomagnetic storm to be here except for one reason, and that is a Time Shift time line edit. In fact, it was an unexpected geomagnetic storm that started off this 10 day geomagnetic storm wave to begin with. Mid way through the 10 days the expected solar wind arrived. The 2 geomagnetic storms, the 1st being unexpected and the 2nd being expected, melded seamlessly. Now it has gone back to the arrival of an unexpected geomagnetic storm. Look at this current NOAA k-index chart to see what I mean, as well as reading my previous related geomagnetic storm reports.

There is so much more going on here. I have no doubt that this latest geomagnetic storm is a very important Time Shift marker associated with The Core Matrix Prime Directive reboot that happened from the start of this extensive geomagnetic storm condition. Read my recent report about the reboot evidence, and how the energy from the time looping nuclear catastrophe has been dissipated by transforming it into a less lethal form of energy equivalent to nuclear explosions going off worldwide.. The less lethal form is found in the earthquake swarm at the San Andreas Fault, 2 category 5 hurricanes [I had previously only presented 1 at the time of my report], and the eruption of a volcano.

Do you want to know what I am talking about, in detail? Do you want to know why this time looping nuclear disaster is tied to the next US Presidential election? Get informed by reading my August and September reports and related posts from August and September 2016. Many include the title "CHANGING CATASTROPHIC EVENTS IN TIME". Only reading some of the information won't get your knowledge where it needs to be..

Meanwhile, Time Shifts and time line edits continue. This includes Time Shift markers.  

AT4_DonaldTrumpMikePence  AT8_HillaryClintonTimKaine

Astral Tagging Truth Reveal Energy Working
Core Matrix Prime Directive Reboot
2016 Presidential Election - Vice President Debate
October 4, 2016 Report

If you have been keeping up with events, concerning the time looping nuclear catastrophe and the Presidential election, then you know why these events are tied together. You know why Trump, as President, prevents and stops the nuclear disaster. You know why Clinton, as President, does not prevent or stop the nuclear disaster. You know that it comes down to their personal politics and policies on national and global security. You know that Trump's security is strong and Clinton's is weak. You know that this is not just about the US. You know It is about all of us everywhere. You know how these reboots continue to edit in better and evolved versions as Trump, as an important reboot element in stopping the nuclear disaster. You know that there is no better or evolved version of Clinton. You know about The Core Matrix Prime Directive co-existing time line reboots, and how this effort has been temporarily keeping the world safe from this disaster. You know that these time line reboot efforts can not keep the disaster at bay forever. You know that a global Astral Tagging Truth Reveal mission has launched involving thousands of people from around the world. You know that the Astral Tagging Truth Reveal mission is all about finding and exposing the unbiased truth about Trump and Clinton. You know that the truth is intended to save the world. Don't know all of this? Read my reports and related posts.

Tonight is the Vice Presidential Debate between Trump's Mike Pence and Clinton's Tim Kaine. These photos are the frontloading images from the Astral Tagging mission. This debate is just as important as any of the three Presidential debates. I suggest watching them from start to finish, and not just watching a clip put out by either the media or either of the campaigns. The Astral Tagging Truth Reveal will be at work. Remember, Astral Tagging truth reveals are unbiased, meaning it doesn't act to favor one or the other. However, it is important that the truth about security issues is front and center so that US voters can clearly see the security differences between Trump and Clinton.

I suggest launching another round of Astral Tagging Truth Reveals. The mission has an open window through to November 9, 2016. I encourage participants to continue being involved up and through the November 8, 2016 election. Go here for the instructions, which explains everything that you need to know. BTW, as you read the instructions you'll note that an Astral Tagging can be corrupted, stopped, or hijacked. Learn why, by reading the instructions. Not everyone wants truth to impact the world. Truth upsets dishonest and prejudicial agendas. This is why Truth Matters.


Geomagnetic Storm Day 11
More Core Matrix Post Reboot Time Line Edits
Astral Tagging Truth Reveal Mission Still Working
October 5, 2016 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

The geomagnetic storm wave is now in day 11, although it is not as strong as it was yesterday - yesterday being an unexpected revving up of the previous geomagnetic storm wave. You can see what is happening from this NOAA k-index chart.

This additional, unexpected geomagnetic storm event, may well be yet another time line edit related to the previous Core Matrix Prime Directive reboot involving the time looping nuclear catastrophe. Read my many reports and posts on this situation.

Meanwhile, Time Shifts and time line edits continue. This includes Time Shift markers.  


Western Journalism added a new video: Judge Napolitano: FBI Was Told To Exonerate Hillary ‘At All Cost'
 September 27 at 1:51pm

Judge Andrew Napolitano just dropped a bombshell about Hillary that could be devastating for her...

Starfire Tor  -  When I report, that Hillary Clinton is so weak on security that her policies and behavior allow the nuclear disaster to unfold ... this is part of that truth reveal evidence. This is the source video. This is only one of the many truth reveals that have happened regarding Clinton and a cover-up. It also includes immunity for people who are actually involved in the cover-up of her e-mails, including a deal that says the evidence can and will be destroyed. That evidence is the laptops containing the illegally sent and stored classified information. And it is not just that the information is classified. It is what is in those classified and other e-mails that Clinton and her cronies do not want Americans to see.
Judge Nap: It Appears FBI Was Told to Exonerate Hillary 'at All Costs'

  · October 5 at 11:20pm

Gary Levitan  -  Starfire, there is a lot of drum beating for war with Russia right now. As in NOW. The Russians are not backing down in Syria. Do you see any chance of hell breaking loose before the election, or is this just posturing for whatever reason?
  · October 6 at 11:53am

Starfire Tor Gary - Based on the various Trump vs Clinton co-existing time lines, which I have shared through my many time looping nuclear disaster reports, it would seem that Russia is engaged in an aggressive strategy that has been enabled due to Obama's weak US and global security and ideology. This is what happens when a President is weak and not respected by other world heads. This is the same - and will be worse - situation if Clinton gets into office. You are all seeing part of what I warned about with a lax and weak security. Now, the next President has a more difficult job in dealing with Russia's aggression and agenda. Clinton has already failed with Russia, when she was Secretary of State, with her 'reset' button. Russia will never respect her, especially as an extension of Obama's terms - . That leaves on Trump, as a President, that has a chance to be strong and respected on the world stage. His policies are lined up to convey that strength and security. Because of the recent reboot, I doubt that Earth will experience the time looping nuclear catastrophe before a Clinton presidency, if that happens, and not at all if Trump takes office. Obama has created a much more dangerous world than the one he inherited, when he took office almost 8 years ago. This condition is heavily documented.
  · October 6 at 3:15pm


Core Matrix Prime Directive Reboot Nuclear Energy Dispersing
Hurricane Mathew Equals Energy Of 10,000 Nuclear Bombs
October 6, 2016 Report

In an earlier report, I explained more about how a Core Matrix Prime Directive reboot edits out the time looping nuclear disaster from various co-existing time lines. I explained that energy cannot be destroyed, which means that the energy from that time looping nuclear disaster does not actually go away. The Core Matrix transfers and transforms it in a way where it can disperses the energy of the time looping nuclear disaster when it re-instates itself into our dominant co-existing time line. I explained, that a main way, that this energy dispersing is done, is through nature. This includes hurricanes, earthquakes, volcanoes, tornadoes, tsunamis, and other natural forces individually and combined.

I earlier reported about category 4-5 Hurricane Mathew, as well as an earthquake swarm on the San Andreas Fault and an eruption from the Colima volcano. Powerful Hurricane Mathrew is a dispersing tool of the latest time looping nuclear disaster reboot. According to scientific energy comparisons, a category 4 hurricane can release as much energy as 10,000 nuclear bombs.

As I watch the danger, that Hurricane Mathew poses to life and property, I am also aware that this historically positioned and powerful hurricane is the lesser danger when compared to an extinction event nuclear catastrophe. Of course the loss of life and destruction is horrible for all those who are impacted, by Hurricane Mathew, but at least now you understand more about the Core Matrix science that I share with you.

This should get you thinking about other natural disasters, that are actually connected to either time line edits or Core Matrix Prime Directive reboots. This is why some weather and natural events are Time Shift markers. Hurricane Matthew photo from NOAA. 

Excerpts from Hillary Clinton’s closed-door paid speeches, including to financial firms, appeared to be made public for the first time on Friday when WikiLeaks published hundreds of hacked emails from her campaign chairman.

Astral Tagging Truth Reveal At Work
My Warning About Clinton's Dangerous Lax Security Confirmed
Clinton's Alarming Financial Institute Speech Transcripts Revealed
Trump's 2005 Private Words About Fame and Women Revealed
The Art Of Political Misdirection
October 9, 2016 Report

Something happened today, as it regards truth reveals regarding Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. These truth reveals are good examples, of what I explained about how the Astral Tagging Truth Reveal energy works, in that the truth reveals are unbiased and work on both candidates.

The reveals about Clinton prove that her campaign positions and claims are the opposite of what she tells the financial institutions that pay for her speeches and donate to the Clinton Foundation. This reveal alone - there are other truth reveals as well - proves that her campaign is based on lies, in that she says whatever she thinks will get presidential election votes.

The reveal about Trump is the release of a 2005 private banter he had with Billy Bush, which was captured on a hot mic. The banter, which sounds a lot like men's locker room talk, has Trump boasting that he can do whatever he wants with women because of his fame. The other men, who were around him, were giving him the equivalent of high fives. BTW, Trump immediately apologized for his banter. I believe it is the first time he has ever apologized for anything. That is the evolved Trump.   Trump on Hot Mic: 'When You're a Star ... You Can Do Anything' to Women

Naturally, the Clinton machine came out - feigning shock - that Trump should never become President because of his private R rated raunchy banter. But they conveniently leave out what really counts: Documented evidence came out today about Clinton , and it proves that Clinton is running a campaign based on lies. Of course there is her history of lying, corruption, breaching national security and so many more real negatives that no US president should have as baggage. But Clinton and her surrogates want you to ignore the truth about her, and instead they want you to view Trump as unfit because of politically incorrect things that he has said that in no way compare to her level of presidential unfitness.

Welcome to the art of political misdirection. Clinton uses misdirection, as a major strategy of her campaign. Here is how it works: In the world of stage magicians, the magician’s job is to trick or fool people into thinking that one thing is happening when in reality another thing entirely is happening. The stage magician does this, by misdirecting the audience’s attention away from the place where the trick is going down. In short, if the magician is hiding something in his left hand, then he gets the audience to focus their attention on his right hand. The audience has been effectively misdirected, and the stage magic works because they never saw how the magician accomplished the trick. Of course, the audience knows that the stage magician is engaged in the art of fooling them. So the trickery is applauded and marveled at.

However, when a politician engages in misdirection, the misdirection is done to an audience that is expecting that the politician is dealing in truth. The audience is not supposed to catch on, that the politician is lying to them, tricking them, and manipulating information so as to control the audience’s thinking and beliefs. That is what political misdirection does. The Astral Tagging Truth Reveal shows that this is what the Clinton campaign does. Trump’s campaign does not engage in political misdirection. He may have sidestepped some issues – mainly issues that are part of Clinton’s misdirection strategy – but this does not rise to the level of political misdirection.

This misdirection is what the Clinton campaign does. Clinton has so much unacceptable and dangerous baggage [habitual liar, corruption, breaches in national security etc] that she has to get the focus off of her and onto Trump. That is what she did in the first debate - which eventually sent Trump down a rabbit hole of defending himself on things that do not matter. That is what her running mate Tim Kaine tried to do in the Vice Presidential debate - and failed, because Mike Pence swatted away the obvious misdirection and stayed on policy. BTW, almost all of the mainstream media engages in Clinton's misdirection playbook. It is really quite disturbing to witness - and the truth reveal there is on solid footing as previously reported.

The second presidential debate is happening this Sunday October 9, 2016. If the evolved Trump is present and accountable - based on the latest Core Matrix Prime Directive reboot - then he is going to win this debate by swatting away the misdirection and sticking to his policies. Just remember that this next debate - which is more like a town hall meeting - will more than likely be biased against him. In an earlier truth reveal, it was discovered that Clinton conspires with some interviewers as to questions and answers in advance. Therefore, expect this next Trump-Clinton go around to be trap after trap for Trump. Expect Clinton’s supporters to spin this as a reason not to vote for him, while ignoring the fact that Clinton’s husband ex President Clinton was impeached due to his White House activities involving affairs with women. Also ignored is how Hillary Clinton trashed the women that then President Bill Clinton either had affairs with or assaulted. Then there is how attorney Hillary Clinton trashed the 12 year old victim of rape. Don't forget that the Clinton Foundation has taken in millions of dollars from countries who suppress women's freedoms. Trump's verbal misbehavior pales in comparison to how Hillary Clinton treats women - and little girls.

But if the truth prevails, and the reboots have edited in the evolved Trump that became the US President, he will do well. He will get the votes needed to win, and in doing so stop the time looping nuclear catastrophe from manifesting into our dominant time line. This is what matters. BTW, read Clinton’s financial institute transcripts and you will see that she is 100% for open borders. There is no vetting at all, and she could not care less how dangerous that policy is. This is what I warned you all about - her weak security polices open the door for the nuclear catastrophe to unfold. Trumps’ strong security policies prevent the nuclear disaster from manifesting into the dominant time line.

The evolved Trump has a lot of work to do, if he wants to pull off a win. He has to leave his ego behind, and put his policies and security minded vision for the US front and center. As I’ve already reported, there is no evolved Clinton. This is it for her. Therefore, the evolved Trump has a chance to rise to the occasion and save the day from an extinction event. 

  - October 8 at 10:36am ·

This article claims "Two of the technology world's most powerful billionaires are concerned we are living in a Matrix-style simulated world and are working with scientists to break us out." I have to marvel at how anyone could think that some scientists could break anybody out of a computer simulation - even if that is what is going on, which it is not. For the record: My discoveries and language were only used as some of the inspiration for the "Matrix" movies. The "Matrix" movies themselves do not reflect the actual science of The Core Matrix and how it functions. Although I tend to describe the Core Matrix as a hard drive, I do so because that is a way that people can best relate to the existence of The Core Matrix and co-existing time lines. After the "Matrix" movie came out in 1999, I changed my use of the word 'matrix' to 'core matrix' simply to create a separation between the movie's science fiction plot line and the actual science behind the way The Core Matrix works.

K-index_2016-10-Oct-09_0005.png  CME_2016-10-08_144042UT_SDO-AIA-193_Brown

Mystery Geomagnetic Storm Appears
Time Shift and Time Line Edits Return
Synchronicity Main Time Shift Marker
Possible Connection To Core Matrix Prime Directive Reboot
October 8, 2016 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

Please stick to the topic at hand, which is how and why the time looping nuclear disaster is tied into the 2016 US Presidential elections. Do not use any of my reports to express your political leanings. You can include political information, if it directly relates to the topic. Make sure that you deal in fact and not disinformation. Check your sources. Irrelevant and rude posts will be deleted.

I wanted to get this information to you today, so that you can think about it after a day of very strange truth reveals involving the US presidential candidates. To learn more about this, read my earlier report on the fallout from Trump's 2005 raunchy audio - as well as the more important but less covered news stories about the multiple document dumps that reveal very important information about Clinton's speech to big financial institutions. Her speeches, which she had refused to share with the American public, prove that what she tells her supporters is very different than what she tells the bankers who donate millions of dollars to her Clinton Foundation. Then there are the FBI files made available, and what they show. There is also information that at least one of Clinton's interviews was completely staged. Don't know about these Clinton reveals, but are on news overload with the words Trump spoke in 2005? Welcome to the world of media bias, information misdirection, and information and perception manipulation.

Have a look at this NOAA k-index chart. You can see the end of the 11 day geomagnetic storm wave on October 5, 2016. Then everything goes calm for 2 days. But then, with absolutely no source of solar energy, something triggers a brief but obvious geomagnetic storm. Then check out this SDO solar image, which shows that there are no coronal holes on the Sun. Without a coronal hole there are no solar winds. Yet the solar wind is needed - in one form or another - to trigger a geomagnetic storm. There is no visible or physical trigger of any kind. Yet there it is. This mystery geomagnetic storm can only be one thing: It is a Time Shift Marker. A Time Shift occurred, as did a time line edit. But in this case - as sometimes happens - the source of the trigger has been edited out of the current dominant time line, but the end result has been physically retained..

This mystery geomagnetic storm event appears to be connected to the previous Core Matrix Prime Directive reboot involving the time looping nuclear catastrophe. In this case, the question is: Does this time line edit have anything to do with what is going on with the US presidential election - as it relates to the extinction event? In many earlier reports, I explained why The Core Matrix Prime Directive recognizes Trump as the element which prevents ,and stops, the nuclear catastrophe from time looping and manifesting into our dominant time line. The Core Matrix Prime Directive recognizes Clinton as the element which does not stop the time looping nuclear catastrophe from manifesting into our dominant time line. Are we going to see a turnaround, from the lopsided news coverage, at tomorrow's town hall debate? This is really a war between the raunchy and inappropriate words that Trump spoke privately - and the unacceptable and dangerous actions that Clinton has already engaged in. Read my many reports and posts on this situation.

Expect more sensationalist attacks from the Clinton machine

The main personal Time Shift marker, which has been reported to me, is synchronicity of words followed by images. Here is a brief summary of what to watch for in Time Shift markers. Due to frequency and time line edit changes associated with Time Shifts there may be Time Shift triggered earthquake, volcano, tornado, weather, and geophysical events. Tech communications may be disrupted, cetaceans may strand or swim wrong way. Auroras will form. Time Shifts create an amplification of paranormal activity, ghost activity, haunting activity, poltergeist activity, apports, synchronicity, psi abilities, time/word/object prompts, deja vu, psychic dreaming, precognition events, awareness of Time Shift Living Dead persons, altered time line events, time line looping, altered terrain, altered structures, altered world events and more.

October 9, 2016

I am working hard, on a focus power upgrade, to the original Astral Tagging Truth Reveal mission. I call it "OPERATION MEDIA TRUTH". Later today is the second presidential debate. It is in the form of a town hall meeting, which has been designed to favor Clinton and destroy Trump. This media and Clinton machine manipulation must not be allowed to stand. Trump must be allowed to use documented truth to effectively reveal the real Hillary Clinton – which means her real and dangerous agenda. The raunchy and unacceptable language, that Donald Trump used in that 2005 private conversation – which has been so destructive by design, pales in comparison to the actions and words of Hillary Clinton. Yet the biased media have attacked Trump, while leaving Clinton’s worse behavior alone. That’s just a fact, and this fact needs to be front and center without interference from the media or the Clinton machine.

The goal, of this Astral Tagging Truth Reveal upgrade, is to break through - and make as irrelevant as possible - the dark energy media bias that has been manipulating and controlling the current US Presidential election. Putting a major dent, in this media election information manipulation, is the best chance the world has to prevent and stop the deadly time looping nuclear catastrophe. It is an extinction level event. I will be posting the upgraded instructions before the debate begins.

Please stick to the topic at hand, which is how and why the time looping nuclear disaster is tied into the 2016 US Presidential elections. Do not use any of my reports to express your political leanings. You can include political information, if it directly relates to the topic. Make sure that you deal in fact and not disinformation. Check your sources. Irrelevant and rude posts will be deleted.

Starfire Tor  --  Please stick to the topic at hand, which is how and why the time looping nuclear disaster is tied into the 2016 US Presidential elections. Do not use any of my reports to express your political leanings. You can include political information, if it directly relates to the topic. Make sure that you deal in fact and not disinformation. Check your sources. Irrelevant and rude posts will be deleted.
  · October 9 at 11:33am

  ·  October 9 at 10:56am · 

I am getting ready to post the OPERATION MEDIA TRUTH Astral Tagging Truth Reveal information and instructions. I have been working non stop to make this happen before tonight's second Presidential debate. You are going to discover a lot of new information, including information about the involvement of a controlling dark energy. You'll also find some solid and documented information that puts the differences between Trump and Clinton into honest perspective. Of course, this is all related to stopping the time looping nuclear disaster. Stay tuned.


Astral Tagging Truth Reveal Mission Continued
Media Bias And The Manipulation Of The US Presidential Election
Revealing The Dark Energy Agenda
Changing Catastrophic Events In Time... 
October 9, 2016 

Continue Reading

K-index_2016-10-Oct-11_0030  CME_10-07_2118_Blue

Another Mystery Geomagnetic Storm Appears
Mystery Coronal Mass Ejection Appears
Time Shift Time Line Edits & Synchronicity TS Markers
Day After 2nd Presidential Debate & AT Truth Reveal
October 10, 2016 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

It is now one day after the second presidential debate, and one day after the launch of the successful extended Astral Tagging Truth Reveal psi mission. After I posted my after mission results report I saw that some unusual things were going on between the Sun and the Earth. So, I wanted to get this information to you before the end of the day my time.

As you can see, with this NOAA k-index chart, yet another mystery geomagnetic storm briefly hit the Earth today. In an earlier report, on October 8, 2016, I reported about a similar event that happened. Both of these geomagnetic storms have no discernible source. There was no solar wind, no coronal mass ejection [CME], and no solar energy or fold encounter in space to explain it. Besides the fact, that they both exist in this dominant co-existing time line, there are other clues that might shed some light on their origins.

Generally, when this type of geomagnetic sudden appearance happens, the culprit is a time line edit. The source of the trigger has been edited out, of the current dominant time line, but the end result has been physically retained. Therefore, this type of geomagnetic storm becomes a Time Shift marker.

But wait. There's more. Take a look at this SOHO photo of the Sun from October 7, 2016. You can clearly see that a CME has been fired from the left rim. In fact, this happened to have been a slow release CME that lasted into the next day October 8, 2016. And yet, there is zero scientific mention of this CME anywhere - except here. I would have mentioned it sooner, except for one thing: That CME was not there when I reviewed these same photos on those dates. Now they are there, as of this afternoon. BTW, because of the position of this CME, it would not have hit Earth - at least as it is positioned in this dominant time line. The CME may be the solar energy that caused at least one of the mystery geomagnetic storms, and if it was then that CME would have been in a pre-Time Shift Earth directed position in a previous co-existing time line.

But wait. There's still more. On October 8, 2016 a magnetic filament lifted off from the Sun. It was Earth directed, and should get here possibly around October 13, 2016. This one I knew about. 


Astral Tagging Truth Reveal: Operation Media Truth
October 11, 2016 Update

Let the people’s minds, hearts, spirits, and intellects awaken to this national breach of security truth, on the part of Hillary Clinton, so that the people are extremely concerned and outraged at how little Hillary Clinton thinks of American security and American lives. 

Let this breach in national security truth finally remove the wall of deceit, bias, and dark energy manipulation that has supported and protected Hillary Clinton, so as to elevate Hillary Clinton to a level that is dangerous for America and the world.

Let the fall of Hillary Clinton’s deceit wall free the minds, hearts, spirits, and intellects of the innocent Hillary Clinton supporters who have been fooled and manipulated by the dangerous wall of deceit.

Let the news, of this breach in national security, be the out that the bias media needs to remove its protection and support of Hillary Clinton right now.

Within the latest Wikileaks reveal there are thousands of e-mails by and related to Hillary Clinton. Many of them reveal information that proves that Hillary Clinton is unfit to be the President of US. There is one communication, in particular, that directly relates to the danger she poses to the time looping nuclear disaster. It is the further reveal that proves that Hillary Clinton cannot be trusted with the security of the US or its people. 

Remember, if she becomes President, she opens the door to the nuclear disaster because of her extremely weak security policies and behavior. A Donald Trump presidency has a strong security policy, and because of this the nuclear disaster is prevented and the time looping activity stopped.

Here is what the information reveals: In a private paid speech, to a foreign financial group, Hillary Clinton divulged classified information. The classified information revealed details of how US intelligence and special forces took down Bin Laden. That raid was done in secret, during the time that Clinton was Secretary of State. Even though the raid itself was later revealed, to the American public and the world by President Obama, much of it was classified and could not be shared under penalty of law. But Hillary Clinton shared the classified part, of the information, and this was a huge breach in national security. Not only was this a breach in national security, which is a criminal offense, but a special forces team member who crossed that line was fined million dollars for divulging classified details of the raid.

This is just more evidence of what I've been saying, as to why the Core Matrix always shows Hillary Clinton’s co-existing time lines as President, as being the ones where the time looping nuclear catastrophe always manifests in an extinction event. It is due to her extremely weak security policies and personal habits. How can the public, and even the biased media, trash Donald Trump for using raunchy language and not revile and prosecute Clinton for her many national security breaches - especially this one. Yes, Trump's leaked 2005 raunchy language audio was unacceptable. But it does not rise to the level of destroying his run for President, while Clinton gets a pass of actions that are directs threats to national security.


Media Bias Confirmed Through E-Mail Documents
Conspiracy To Destroy Trump In Debates Proven
Conspiracy To Help Hillary Clinton In Interviews Proven
Hillary Clinton Campaign Religious Bigotry Uncovered
Operation Media Truth Astral Tagging Truth Reveal Results
October 12, 2016 Report

Be advised: The following information was obtained from recently released e-mails from inside Hillary Clinton's campaign. The many truth bombshells are actively being discussed on FOX news. Because these e-mail documents prove, a direct conspiracy connection between some news media reporters and the Clinton campaign, you may not see this truth revealed by the media people and outlets engaging in media bias that is unethically slanted to get Hillary Clinton elected as the next US President.

This leaves it up to Trump, fair news outlets like FOX news, and independent news people, to do the job that the whole media world should be doing. This is why it is important to keep your Astral Tagging Truth Reveal going strong.

The Clinton campaign will be trying to counter these truths by going after Trump again with something raunchy. Maybe it’s real. Maybe it’s not real. Whatever, compared to the corruption with Clinton and her campaign, Trump’s pre political life just isn’t comparatively relevant.

Please stick to the topic at hand, which is how and why the time looping nuclear disaster is tied into the 2016 US Presidential elections. Do not use any of my reports to express your political leanings. You can include political information, if it directly relates to the topic. Make sure that you deal in fact and not disinformation. Check your sources. Irrelevant and rude posts will be deleted.

On October 9, 2016 thousands of people participated in an extended Astral Tagging Truth Reveal psi mission named “OPERATION MEDIA TRUTH”. In my October 9, 2016 instructions I wrote, in part:

“As I previously explained, the Astral Tagging Truth Reveal for the 2016 Presidential Election is unbiased. This means that it will reveal the truth about both Trump and Clinton without prejudice. But I also explained about something else. This was the need for the truth reveal to overcome the manipulation and control of election information, by those in the media who are biased against Trump and in support of Clinton. … Aiding and abetting them is Clinton and the biased media, who work to get Clinton elected by any means available to them – regardless of whether those means are ethical or moral. This includes information and disinformation manipulation, which is an intentional interference with the US Presidential election process. The biased media is actively and openly working to get Clinton elected. The media should be reporting the truth, without taking sides.”

The truth is now confirmed. The media bias is not only real, it is worse than many even suspected. Here are some of the highlights that these many documents reveal.

“The ongoing WikiLeaks dump of a top Hillary Clinton lieutenant’s emails is shining a light on the cozy and often improper relationship key members of the press had with the Democratic presidential nominee’s campaign. Advance notice of debate questions, the promise of positive coverage, and even editorial control over stories are among the eyebrow-raising revelations in emails to and from campaign chairman John Podesta.”

“We have had her tee up stories for us before and have never been disappointed,” a January 2015 memo said of former Politico and current New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman.”

“Donna Brazile, then a CNN contributor but now acting head of the Democratic National Committee, emailed members of the Clinton campaign to tip them off about a question that would be asked at Clinton’s debate with Bernie Sanders, her rival for the Democratic presidential nomination.”

“CNBC correspondent and New York Times contributor John Harwood, who served as a moderator in one of the Republican primary debates, emailed Podesta numerous times, on some occasions to request an interview and other times to offer advice. >>Ben Carson could give you real trouble in a general [election],” Harwood wrote in a May 8, 2015, email, before linking to video clips of an interview Harwood did with the former pediatric neurosurgeon.<<“

“Another New York Times reporter, Mark Leibovich, emailed Clinton communications director Jennifer Palmieri several chunks of an interview he did with Clinton, and seemingly asked permission for the >>option to use the following” portions<<. Palmieri offered extensive editing suggestions, including that he cut a reference Clinton made to Sarah Palin and remove Clinton’s quote, >>And gay rights has moved much faster than women’s rights or civil rights, which is an interesting phenomenon.<< Palmieri ended one email: >>Pleasure doing business!<<”

“In one email thread, Clinton traveling press secretary Nick Merrill joked that CNN Politics Producer Dan Merica and Clinton were "basically courting each other at this point.”

“A top staffer at The Boston Globe appeared to be conspiring with Clinton’s campaign to maximize her “presence” during her primary race against Sanders in one of the alleged emails. In the email from Marjorie Pritchard, the Globe’s op-ed editor, Podesta is asked if the Clinton campaign was still set to submit an op-ed. Pritchard went on to offer advice about how the campaign could get maximum benefit by syncing up with the Globe’s regular reporting.”

“Clinton aide Christina Reynolds is congratulated in a 2008 email for “single handedly” convincing a Washington Post reporter to pursue a story about Cindy McCain, Arizona Sen. John McCain’s wife. Democratic operative Paul Begala wrote back, >>This is truly outstanding! Great work!<<”

“New revelations from the latest WikiLeaks dump has key Hillary Clinton aides and allies taking heat after they are caught attacking two major faith groups--evangelicals and Catholics-- in email correspondence. The 2011 email chains are between Communications Director Jennifer Palmieri, Campaign Chairman John Podesta and John Halpin from the Center for American Progress.”


Worldwide Geomagnetic Storm In Progress
Time Shift Time Line Edits In Progress
May Be Connected To 3rd Presidential Debate
October 13, 2016 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

Days ago, I reported that a magnetic filament had lifted off of the Sun and was heading for Earth. It got here yesterday, but it took until today for the geomagnetic storm to show up. Check out this NOAA k-index chart to see what it looks like. This geomagnetic storm may be followed by another one, triggered by a solar wind.

This geomagnetic storm activity is a marker that Time Shift time line edits are in progress. Remember, geomagnetic storms do not cause Time Shifts. They can be Time Shift markers, because they are caused by the same solar energy that triggers Time Shifts.

It is also interesting that this intense geomagnetic storm us coming right before the 3rd and most important of the Presidential debates. So far, as this geomagnetic storm is concerned, I have no evidence that a Prime Directive reboot is involved. This could change. Stay tuned. 

Trump's Accusers Fail Astral Tagging Truth Reveal
Conspiracy To Destroy Trump Continues In Media
Wikileaks Reveal Clinton's Disdain For All People Except Donors
More Core Matrix Prime Directive Reboots
October 15, 2016 Report

I have a lot to share, and will be doing so in more than one report before tomorrow's last presidential debate. In this report, I am addressing the latest sexual misconduct accusations against Trump. In doing so, I'm going to show you how the Astral Tagging Truth Reveal energy helps to separate truth from lie.

As usual: Please stick to the topic at hand, which is how and why the time looping nuclear disaster is tied into the 2016 US Presidential elections. Do not use any of my reports to express your political leanings. You can include political information, if it directly relates to the topic. Make sure that you deal in fact and not disinformation. Check your sources. Irrelevant and rude posts will be deleted.

In earlier Astral Tagging Truth Reveal reports, I documented how the Clinton campaign will say anything, do anything, and be anything to get people's votes. This includes lying to the American people, that she will be tough on vetting the half a million Syrian refugees she plans to bring into the US. Yet, in a private speech to elite donors, she admitted that there is no way to safely vet any of the Syrian refugees. In yet another private speech, Clinton said that she wants to open America's borders to everyone - which means without vetting anyone. Many, many times over Clinton has proven that what I originally psi-saw and reported had a basis in fact. I psi saw that her weak security policies allow the time looping nuclear disaster to happen. She is a very, very dangerous person. Trump's security policies remain strong, and that is how and why the time looping nuclear disaster is prevented and stopped from repeating. It is really so simple to understand. Everything else, in this presidential campaign, is a distraction for this life saving information.

Truth is not on Clinton's table. For her and her campaign people, it is all about the use of trickery and the starting of rumors meant to harm their rivals and enemies. Wikileaks has showed us how her campaign thinks and schemes. We have seen her go after Trump's flaws, so that she does not have to talk about her failures as Secretary of State, or her breach in national security over the classified emails on her illegal private server. That is to be expected. However, the collusion between 80% of the media - who do her bidding in order to get her elected - is not legal, moral, or ethical. Clinton and the media have been outed. Unfortunately, the bias media still has control of what most people see and hear regarding the campaign. As I've explained many times, just revealing the truth is not enough. It is only a step in the right direction. The truth needs to get around the truth roadblock, and get the truth to the people. That still remains the challenge.

In earlier reports, I wrote about political misdirection. I likened it to a stage magician doing tricks, intended to fool the audience. The magician is doing something with his right hand, that he doesn’t want the audience to see. So he distracts their attention to his left hand. This is called misdirection. Then he brings the audience’s attention back to his right hand, to reveal some incredible fete of magic. The audience knows that the magician is tricking them, and that is part of the fun. The magician does not pretend that the magic is real.

But misdirection can be used in sinister ways, mainly by dishonest people and con artists who aim to fool people into doing something that the dishonest person wants. Clinton, her campaign, and the bias media are engaged in the dishonest use of misdirection. They desperately do not want America to know about, or pay attention to, the damaging revelations being revealed by wikileaks and others such as Judicial Watch. Those wikileaks documents, which number in the thousands, show America why Hillary Clinton should never be in the oval office. The outcome would be a disaster. This goes well beyond the time looping nuclear catastrophe, which involves a narrow scope of her behavior and policies. The Clinton machine devised a strategy to win the election, which is by attacking Trump in a way that people will find disgusting. It would give an excuse for people, most who already do not like his personality, to choose not to vote for him.

In earlier reports, I explained that we should expect more of this misdirection after Trump’s raunchy 2005 private conversation were aired. Trump admitted that it was him on the recording, and he apologized for what he said. But any strategist could have told you what was coming next. Cue the assault accusers. This is what Trump is dealing with now, and it has the ability to take him down the rabbit hole as he takes time to deal with the accusations.

About those accusations, A number of women have now accused Trump of sexual misconduct. While I understand, how a woman can be afraid to speak up publicly about a sexual assault, it is not wise to automatically accept a story without a fair investigation. A fair investigation is needed to support whoever is telling the truth. In Trump’s case, these women accusers came forward only days before the election. There is no time for his team to prove what Trump claims – that all of the women have lied. The bias media are pushing these women’s claims, even though they have no evidence. That might be a news story, if these news outlets put things in a fair perspective. Of course they did not. Their intent was to smear Trump, so that he loses the election. It is typical Clinton campaign behavior.

Despite a conspiracy, to destroy Trump’s bid for the presidency, is there any truth in those claims? If you have not figured that out already, the answer is no. Those claims are false. How do I know this, besides using my personal psi skills to glean information? Simple. Their claims do not pass the Astral Tagging Truth Reveal smell test. Remember, there is an Astral Tagging Truth Reveal working in motion, and it has performed wonderfully. That is documented. This means, that all of Trump’s accusers are likewise subject to a truth reveal. Every single one of those accusers failed the truth reveal test. Like all Astral Tagging Truth Reveals, the truth is located and made public – many times in the subject’s own words or writings. This means, that these many accusations should also have evidence to go with them. None of their claims produced evidence. Evidence means telling others of the assault, way before the election, even if it was not witnessed by anyone else. In fact, in truth reveal style, people have already come forward and debunked the claims of three of the women. These women came forward, without any evidence at all, and the Clinton bias newspapers promoted the accusations. At the same time, these biased newspapers ignored the wikileaks and Judicial Watch information. Those that mentioned it misrepresented the information, so as to make it seem as if the information meant nothing. This is how else, you know that the accusations are fake. I expect that the Astral Tagging Truth Reveal will reveal the fakery in more defined ways. This is because their intent is to do great harm to the safety and security of the US and the world. The conspirators do not see it that way. They are only capable of seeing their own narrow and dangerous goals

The Clinton machine has more in store for Trump. But the Astral Tagging Truth Reveal has more in store for Clinton. So does wikileaks. If my observations are correct, wikileaks has been releasing information in a very specific way. They started with lesser bombshells, as they work up to larger bombshells. The question is: Does wikileaks have information that is so revealing and devastating to Clinton, that even her bias news outlets will be forced to cover it? If yes, then this is a way that the news media bias wall is torn down – and the truth is allowed to be accessed, by the people, without information blocking or filters.

The point is: if the time looping nuclear catastrophe is to be rendered null and void, then Trump must be elected as the next President. There are no substitutes. There are only co-existing time lines where Trump is President, and co-existing time lines where Clinton is President. This condition has not changed, since I first reported it in my many posts about this disaster. Trump’s co-existing timelines are always nuclear disaster free. Clinton’s co-existing timelines always carry the time looping nuclear catastrophe.

In a separate post I will be talking about the latest reboots. Yes, they happened. Meanwhile, digest what I’ve written. Tomorrow October 16, 2016 is the last of the presidential debates. Chris Wallace is the moderator. He works at FOX news, where you can get information about the wikileaks and Judicial Watch material.. Wallace is known, in the news business, as the toughest and fairest reporter around. I do not expect him to be bias, and I do not expect him to step away from the hard questions for either candidate. As for past debates, where the moderator bias has been proven to be part of the Clinton conspiracy, there will be none of that with Wallace. Trump will rise or fall, based on his handling of the debate. The same goes for Clinton. Everyone should watch this debate from start to finish. 

   October 17, 2016 
Stargate Aurora. The latest geomagnetic storms have triggered some beautiful auroras, many of which have attained a bursting rainbow of greens and purples. But I decided to share this less colorful one for a simple reason. It reminds me of a stargate. The October 16, 2016 photo was taken in Norway by Helge Mortensen.


Geomagnetic Storm Day 5
Time Shift Time Line Edits and Reboots
May Be Connected To 3rd Presidential Debate
October 17, 2016 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

Earth is in day 5 of geomagnetic storms. This has given us 5 days of Time Shift and time line edit activity. During part of this, there have also been Core Matrix Prime Directive time line reboots. I'll be talking about these reboots in a later report. I'm still collecting data, which is constantly growing.

With the third and last presidential debate coming October 19, 2016, and with these time line edits and time line reboots happening only days beforehand, I think it is safe to say that something interesting is going to take place.

Keep a watch out for Time Shift markers, as well as reboot markers. These reboots are connected to the time looping nuclear disaster. If you want to learn more about these markers - and time line edits and reboots, please read my changing time line series posted right here, as well as found on my website.

October 17,  2016

Please forgive the following bit of fantasy thinking.  You might find it amusing - or something more.  I have been giving a lot of thought to the upcoming presidential election - obviously. To date, all of my posts on the matter have been factual and documented - as well as unique in content.  But I am also a writer, and as a writer I began to look at the situation as a movie with a plot line and main character that has been written into a corner.  When that happens, there is no where for the script or the character to go.  They are stuck in a corner.  If that happens, it is up to the writer to cleverly figure out a way to get the plot line and the character out of the corner and on with the story.  The more sensational the save, the more sensational the story.

Right now, I see Donald Trump and his campaign backed into a bit of a corner. For all of his good intentions, he simply does not see the dangers of going up against the Clinton machine. He does not see the dangers of alienating some of the GOP staples, and he does not see the full danger that the bias media really pose to his winning the election. The Clinton machine almost always seems to be 10 steps ahead of him in plotting how to bring him down. They know how to play dirty, which is to put him on the defensive and take him off message.  He overcame this in the second debate.  But the third and last debate in only two days away. The election is less than three weeks away - and the time looping nuclear catastrophe depends on who gets elected as the next President. Trump prevents the disaster and Clinton does not. It's a security policy issue, as I have said so many times in my many reports.

The biggest corner, that Trump is in, is the one that the Clinton machine had planned ages ago.  It was to release the 2005 tape, where he talked raunchy about women, and then open the door for any woman to come forward and claim that Trump assaulted them.  It doesn't matter, that none of the women's claims can be verified.  It doesn't matter that several of them have already been proven to be false accusations.  It doesn't matter that Trump has denied them.  The Clinton plan was to cause this problem, just before the elections, so that Trump would lose.

This Clinton machine scheme would not have been a problem, had 80% of the news media not been protecting Clinton while piling on against Trump.  This bias news media simply will not let their audience know about the massive amount of negative and highly disturbing information about Clinton and her campaign.  This includes the evidence that her campaign conspired with reporters in interviews and presidential debates.  This includes the evidence that she has no tolerance or care for minorities, the middle class, Muslims, Christians, and basically anymore that isn't a donor or potential donor.  The evidence also shows how dangerous she is to our national and global security. There is more evidence than I can put in this piece.

Thinking as a script writer, I do not see a way for Trump to get out of this corner without some sort of spectacular intervention.  As writer, I saw his main problem being the bias media.  If not for them, Clinton would not be the power that she currently is.  I know you are all thinking that the intervention should be an indictment on any of her illegal activities.   Nope.  That would only take her out of the election, and it is important that she lose the election.  Then what?  Simple.  The truth needs to find a way to defeat the bias media.  After all, the bias media are not going to change - even in the face of showing the world what they are.  The truth alone was not enough to stop their interference with the presidential election.  Then what?  Here's what this writer would do:

I would have the intervention come in the form of pirate broadcasters, using satellites and such, who would take over all news broadcasts for 30 minutes.  These pirate broadcasters would come from everywhere with one goal:  Get the truth to the people, and then let them decide who to vote for.  During this time they would tell the people that they have been intentionally kept from the truth, and have only been given information that helps Clinton and hurts Trump.  It would be very important to keep any personal opinions or unfounded conspiracies out of the pirate broadcast.  Get the truth to them, and then a way for them to verify the truth for themselves.  Then release control of the broadcast, and repeat again a short time later. Do this until it cannot be done anymore.  Do the same pirating of the same news outlet's net pages.   Insert true articles in place of their bias ones.  Then release the site back and repeat as many times as is possible. 

The audience cheers as the feel good scene gets the plot and the character out of the corner, and absolutely turns the tables on the dirty politics that built that corner.  Truth wins the day - especially with a character as flawed as the one being rescued by truth.  But as flawed as the character is, his heart and intentions are in the right place.  And just like a Core Matrix Prime Directive reboot can do, the Trump character evolves into a man who is wiser and - with the help of his able consultants - leads the country into economic growth, useful healthcare, security, and who begins to mend the rifts caused by others - and himself.  The end. 

BTW, the same rules apply to this post.  I do not want to hear your political opinions, and I do not want any rudeness about either candidate.  Even though I have shared something fictional - at least as the pirate broadcasting goes - the rest of the information reflects what is really going on.  Just remember, my concern is the time looping nuclear disaster, and the fact that it is tied into who becomes the next president.  This is the only reason why I am discussing the election.

October 18, 2016
I'm working on my reboot report. Watch for it.  Tomorrow night is the last presidential debate, with only weeks left until election day November 8, 2016.  My report will be posted before then.  Watch for it.


Project Veritas Action Exposes Truth Through Video Proof
Clinton Camp & DNC Incite Violence At Trump Rallies & Blame Trump
Clinton Camp & DNC Rig Mass Voter Fraud Favoring Clinton
October 19, 2016 Report

As usual: Please stick to the topic at hand, which is how and why the time looping nuclear disaster is tied into the 2016 US Presidential elections. Do not use any of my reports to express your political leanings or opinions. You can include political information, if it directly relates to the topic. Make sure that you deal in fact, and not in disinformation or propaganda. Check your sources. Irrelevant and rude posts will be deleted. 

To understand the importance of this report, please read my entire series “Changing Catastrophic Events In Time”. By extension it also involves reports that include “The Astral Tagging Truth Reveal Mission” and “Operation Media Truth”. You can find this series right here on FB, starting in August 2016, or you can find the reports and related posts on my website here:

On September 23, 2016 I launched a public Astral Tagging Truth Reveal mission. Thousands of people joined in, and the results have been successful and amazing. When this psi project began, the goal was to reveal the truth about both candidates without bias aka prejudice. This great truth reveal, which is still ongoing, has helped to expose documentation of the deep and systemic corruption, lies, manipulation, greed, and destructive dark energy of Hillary Clinton and her Clinton machine. While the truth reveal also exposed more of Donald trump’s flaws, his flaws in no way rise to the level of the evil that Clinton both perpetrates and is involved in.

The Astral Tagging Truth Reveal Instructions are here:

When this mission began, the goal was to reveal the truth about both candidates – most especially as it involves why The Core Matrix Prime Directive identifies Trump as the President who prevents a time looping nuclear catastrophe, and why it identifies Clinton as the President who paves the way for the nuclear disaster to happen. As I’ve reported many times – and which has been confirmed through documentation – the reason for this can be found in each candidate’s security policies. Trump’s security policies are strong. They show that he truly cares about the safety of America. Clinton’s security policies are weak or non-existent, and show that she couldn’t care less about what happens to America. Proof of this has come by way of FBI documents, Judicial Watch documents, Congressional documents, wikileaks documents, Project Veritas Action undercover videos, and more. There is yet more to come.

Because of these results, the truth reveal – as it regards the time looping nuclear disaster - is no longer just about the Trump and Clinton’s security policies. The truth reveal has exposed why Clinton must never be President. Period. This is true, regardless of the time looping nuclear catastrophe. The evidence shows that she intends to use her presidency as an even greater and more powerful continuation of her corruption and destruction of America and world peace. America will be for sale to the highest bidder, including foreign countries and any person or group who can pay her price. Everything that Clinton does will be to give her elite donors whatever they want – and the biggest thing that they want is for America to have open borders and unrestricted open trade. Why? Because this is how her donors plan to make their money and increase their power, all at the expense of American safety, prosperity, and sovereignty. While no sane and intelligent US President would want open borders, this truth reveal explains why Clinton wants a US with open borders. This is why Clinton does not care what happens to America, which in turn creates the opening for the time looping nuclear disaster to manifest in our dominant time line. 

I am reporting these truth reveal successes, by putting them into separate reports. This should make the information easier to absorb. This one involves Hillary Clinton revelations, from a group of undercover journalists called “Project Veritas Action Exposing The Truth”. Their recent videos, which expose the corruption within the DNC and the Clinton campaign, were released recently. The evidence revealed includes how Donald Trump’s rallies were spiked with paid agitators, so that the planned violence could be blamed on Trump. As planned, the bias media did indeed blame Trump, and made an issue of it. With this reveal, it can now be seen that the bias media was following the Clinton script on how to destroy Trump and his campaign. How do we know, that the bias media was following a script and wasn’t just fooled? Because the source of the violence was questioned by the unbiased media – and many citizens in general. Because it is the media’s job to check out news stories like that, which is something the bias media never did. And because Project Veritas proved what can happen when a real journalist pursues the truth.

Also revealed is how the DNC and the Clinton machine rig the election process. Trump has been talking about that for days. This was before the Project Veritas video proof. How did Trump know? Because the evidence already existed, in other places. He was speaking the truth. Of course the bias media – and even Obama – made fun of what Trump was claiming. Trump has been vindicated. Here are the links to these videos:

Project Veritas Action Exposing The Truth
Project Veritas Action was founded by James O’Keefe to investigate and expose corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud and other misconduct.

Rigging the Election: Video I: Clinton Campaign and DNC Incite Violence at Trump Rallies
Published on Oct 17, 2016
In this explosive new video from Project Veritas Action, a Democratic dirty tricks operative unwittingly provides a dark money trail to the DNC and Clinton campaign. The video documents violence at Trump rallies that is traced to the Clinton campaign and the DNC through a process called birddogging.

Rigging the Election: Video II: Mass Voter Fraud
Published on Oct 18, 2016
In the second video of James O'Keefe's new explosive series on the DNC and Hillary Clinton campaign, Democratic party operatives tell us how to successfully commit voter fraud on a massive scale. Scott Foval, who has since been fired, admits that the Democrats have been rigging elections for fifty years. 

Wikileaks Releases E-Mail Evidence Of Hillary Clinton’s True Agenda
Includes Corruption, Lies, Dishonest Schemes, Illegal Activities
October 19, 2016 Report

As usual: Please stick to the topic at hand, which is how and why the time looping nuclear disaster is tied into the 2016 US Presidential elections. Do not use any of my reports to express your political leanings or opinions. You can include political information, if it directly relates to the topic. Make sure that you deal in fact, and not in disinformation or propaganda. Check your sources. Irrelevant and rude posts will be deleted.

To understand the importance of this report, please read my entire series “Changing Catastrophic Events In Time”. By extension it also involves reports that include “The Astral Tagging Truth Reveal Mission” and “Operation Media Truth”. You can find this series right here on FB, starting in August 2016, or you can find the reports and related posts on my website here:

On September 23, 2016 I launched a public Astral Tagging Truth Reveal mission. Thousands of people joined in, and the results have been successful and amazing. When this psi project began, the goal was to reveal the truth about both candidates without bias aka prejudice. This great truth reveal, which is still ongoing, has helped to expose documentation of the deep and systemic corruption, lies, manipulation, greed, and destructive dark energy of Hillary Clinton and her Clinton machine. While the truth reveal also exposed more of Donald trump’s flaws, his flaws in no way rise to the level of the evil that Clinton both perpetrates and is involved in.

The Astral Tagging Truth Reveal Instructions are here:

When this mission began, the goal was to reveal the truth about both candidates – most especially as it involves why The Core Matrix Prime Directive identifies Trump as the President who prevents a time looping nuclear catastrophe, and why it identifies Clinton as the President who paves the way for the nuclear disaster to happen. As I’ve reported many times – and which has been confirmed through documentation – the reason for this can be found in each candidate’s security policies. Trump’s security policies are strong. They show that he truly cares about the safety of America. Clinton’s security policies are weak or non-existent, and show that she couldn’t care less about what happens to America. Proof of this has come by way of FBI documents, Judicial Watch documents, Congressional documents, wikileaks documents, Project Veritas Action undercover videos, and more. There is yet more to come.

Because of these results, the truth reveal – as it regards the time looping nuclear disaster - is no longer just about the Trump and Clinton’s security policies. The truth reveal has exposed why Clinton must never be President. Period. This is true, regardless of the time looping nuclear catastrophe. The evidence shows that she intends to use her presidency as an even greater and more powerful continuation of her corruption and destruction of America and world peace. America will be for sale to the highest bidder, including foreign countries and any person or group who can pay her price. Everything that Clinton does will be to give her elite donors whatever they want – and the biggest thing that they want is for America to have open borders and unrestricted open trade. Why? Because this is how her donors plan to make their money and increase their power, all at the expense of American safety, prosperity, and sovereignty. While no sane and intelligent US President would want open borders, this truth reveal explains why Clinton wants a US with open borders. This is why Clinton does not care what happens to America, which in turn creates the opening for the time looping nuclear disaster to manifest in our dominant time line.

I am reporting these truth reveal successes, by putting them into separate reports. This should make the information easier to absorb. This one involves Hillary Clinton revelations, from the leaked Clinton Campaign e-mails released by wikileaks. Thousands of documents have been released, but thankfully honest media people have sifted through them to find the ones that reveal the real Hillary Clinton. What it revealed proves how dangerous Clinton is for America and for the world. The private e-mails show, that not only can her public persona and claims not be trusted, but she actually holds great disdain for all people – except her wealthy elite donors. If anyone thought that Hillary Clinton cared about Latinos, African Americans, Muslims, Religious freedom, women’s and children’s right and welfare, health, and any other topic she claimed to champion – the private e-mails prove that it is all a hoax, intended to get the vote of unsuspecting Americans. Her real goal is to use the presidency as her own personal business, where any donor – with the right amount of money – can dictate the policies and laws in the US. This includes countries that support terrorism, including ISIS. The information releases prove that Clinton has no morals, no ethics, and no concern about the American people. She is a dark force acting as a Trojan Horse candidate.

Here is the wikileaks searchable archive on Hillary Clinton:

Here are some of the bombshells that wikileaks has provided.

1. The Clinton Campaign believed that Obama committed voter fraud, when he won the election in 2008. And yet, their political scheme is to ridicule Trump for claiming that there is voter fraud – which has since been proven by the Project Veritas videos.

2. Transcripts of Hillary's Paid speeches to financial giant Goldman Sachs and others revealed. She did not want to release them, and now we know why. What she tells these elite donors is the opposite of what she tells the American people. Clinton talks down about the American people – calling 50% of Americans deplorable, admits she gives different political opinions and promises in private to her donors than to the public, claims she wants open borders – while admitting that the Syrian refugees cannot be properly vetted, and tells these donors that they are the ones that she is siding with.

3. Clinton’s campaign is coordinating with SuperPACs, which is illegal.

4. Clinton’s campaign, when running against Obama, schemed to attack Obama through his family association with the Muslim religion. This, and other underhanded political schemes, reveals the pattern of attacks on Trump

5. Clinton was provided with questions before a major Interview. This proves collusion with certain media.

6. John Podesta, chairman of Clinton’s campaign, wished that the San Bernardino shooter had been a white man with a white sounding name, instead of being a Muslim with a Muslim sounding name.

7. Clinton admitted that she knows terrorists will enter the US with the Syrian refugees that she wants to bring into the US.

8. Clinton’s campaign team bases Catholics and other religions, including children of those religions.

9. Clinton’s campaign team calls Latinos needy, and whose votes are easy to get.

10. Clinton was provided Town Hall question in advance of the event. This proves collusion with certain media.

11. Clinton’s staff talk about what excuses could be used for not turning over the e-mails, thousands of which were destroyed or otherwise disappeared.

12. Democrats schemed to create fake Craigslist ads involving Trump. This is only one of many e-mails, showing how the Clinton machine intended to hurt Trump and his campaign by creating disinformation. The ads were geared to show Trump being sexist towards women. This speaks to the many fake groping accusers of Trump, which came out of the woodwork only weeks before the election.

13. A top Clinton aide claims that Hillary Clinton doesn’t know what planet she is living on, meaning that she is totally out of touch with the American people and their real needs.

14. Obaba knew about Clinton’s secret and illegal server – even thou he denied that to the American people.

FBI Exposes Hillary Clinton’s Shadow Government
FBI: Hillary Clinton Sent & Received Classified Info On Illegal Server
FBI: Hillary Clinton Can’t Reminder Classified Security Protocols
October 19, 2016 Report

As usual: Please stick to the topic at hand, which is how and why the time looping nuclear disaster is tied into the 2016 US Presidential elections. Do not use any of my reports to express your political leanings or opinions. You can include political information, if it directly relates to the topic. Make sure that you deal in fact, and not in disinformation or propaganda. Check your sources. Irrelevant and rude posts will be deleted.

To understand the importance of this report, please read my entire series “Changing Catastrophic Events In Time”. By extension it also involves reports that include “The Astral Tagging Truth Reveal Mission” and “Operation Media Truth”. You can find this series right here on FB, starting in August 2016, or you can find the reports and related posts on my website here:

On September 23, 2016 I launched a public Astral Tagging Truth Reveal mission. Thousands of people joined in, and the results have been successful and amazing. When this psi project began, the goal was to reveal the truth about both candidates without bias aka prejudice. This great truth reveal, which is still ongoing, has helped to expose documentation of the deep and systemic corruption, lies, manipulation, greed, and destructive dark energy of Hillary Clinton and her Clinton machine. While the truth reveal also exposed more of Donald trump’s flaws, his flaws in no way rise to the level of the evil that Clinton both perpetrates and is involved in.

The Astral Tagging Truth Reveal Instructions are here:

When this mission began, the goal was to reveal the truth about both candidates – most especially as it involves why The Core Matrix Prime Directive identifies Trump as the President who prevents a time looping nuclear catastrophe, and why it identifies Clinton as the President who paves the way for the nuclear disaster to happen. As I’ve reported many times – and which has been confirmed through documentation – the reason for this can be found in each candidate’s security policies. Trump’s security policies are strong. They show that he truly cares about the safety of America. Clinton’s security policies are weak or non-existent, and show that she couldn’t care less about what happens to America. Proof of this has come by way of FBI documents, Judicial Watch documents, Congressional documents, wikileaks documents, Project Veritas Action undercover videos, and more. There is yet more to come.

Because of these results, the truth reveal – as it regards the time looping nuclear disaster - is no longer just about the Trump and Clinton’s security policies. The truth reveal has exposed why Clinton must never be President. Period. This is true, regardless of the time looping nuclear catastrophe. The evidence shows that she intends to use her presidency as an even greater and more powerful continuation of her corruption and destruction of America and world peace. America will be for sale to the highest bidder, including foreign countries and any person or group who can pay her price. Everything that Clinton does will be to give her elite donors whatever they want – and the biggest thing that they want is for America to have open borders and unrestricted open trade. Why? Because this is how her donors plan to make their money and increase their power, all at the expense of American safety, prosperity, and sovereignty. While no sane and intelligent US President would want open borders, this truth reveal explains why Clinton wants a US with open borders. This is why Clinton does not care what happens to America, which in turn creates the opening for the time looping nuclear disaster to manifest in our dominant time line.

I am reporting these truth reveal successes, by putting them into separate reports. This should make the information easier to absorb. This one involves Hillary Clinton revelations, from the FBI. Although the FBI refused to recommend indicting Hillary Clinton, despite a wealth of evidence to do so, they have provided some very important information about the true working and agenda of Hillary Clinton and her team. None of it is good. All of it reveals a woman who couldn’t care less about national security, couldn’t care less about following the rules, and couldn’t care less about the other people that she was supposed to work with – people who were not part of her inner circle.

The FBI discovered that Clinton did indeed have an illegal secret server, and that despite her claims to the contrary, she did send and receive classified information on that poorly protected server. When questioned about it, Clinton claimed that she could not remember important facts of the time. She claimed her memory loss was due to a concussion that she received in a fall. This alone is a crime. It is a breach of national security. It goes hand in hand with why The Core Matrix Prime Directive identified her security policies as being too weak to prevent the time looping nuclear disaster from manifesting in our dominant time line. She lied about this security breach to Congress and the American people. Worst of all, the FBI revealed that there is a shadow government that exists to cater to any and all of Hillary Clinton’s needs. Specifically, they exist to do whatever is necessary to shield her corrupt activities.

The following are excerpts from an article about the reveal of the Shadow Government, as well as some of the other FBI reveals about Hillary Clinton’s behavior and actions. This is her dark energy agenda at work. This is why she must never become the US President – regardless of the time looping nuclear disaster problem that she facilitates.

“New FBI release on Clinton email probe refers to 'Shadow Government”
Everett Rosenfeld CNBC
NBC News and Reuters contributed to this report
Monday, 17 Oct 2016

A new trove of interview summaries and notes from the FBI's investigation into Hillary Clinton's emails lays out a series of allegations that could prove fodder for future attacks on the Democratic presidential nominee.

The 100 pages, released Monday morning, include claims that Clinton "blatantly" disregarded protocol. Other claims include that a group of powerful State Department employees attempted to coordinate a document release, and that a department official asked for a "quid pro quo" related to the former secretary of state's emails.

One revelation in the documents came from an interview with an unidentified person who suggested that Freedom of Information Act requests related to Clinton went through a group sometimes called "the Shadow Government."

"There was a powerful group of very high-ranking STATE officials that some referred to as 'The 7th Floor Group' or 'The Shadow Government.' This group met every Wednesday afternoon to discuss the FOIA process, Congressional records, and everything CLINTON-related to FOIA/Congressional inquiries," the FBI's interview summary said.

That group, according to the summary, argued for a Clinton document release to be conducted all at once "for coordination purposes" instead of on a rolling basis as would normally be the case. But the "Shadow Government" did not get its way, and the agency in charge decided for a rolling release, the FBI summary said.

Separately, one claim from the FBI documents that was receiving attention online was that one interviewee said there was a "stark difference" between Clinton's "obedience to security and diplomatic protocols" and that of former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. Clinton, the interviewee said, "blatantly" disregarded such protocols, including her frequent refusal to attend foreign diplomatic functions with the local ambassador.

"This frequently resulted in complaints by ambassadors who were insulted and embarrassed by this breach of protocol," the interview summary said, adding that the subject claimed that "Clinton's protocol breaches were well known throughout Diplomatic Security and were 'abundant.’


Operation Media Truth Results
NewsGate 2016 Outs Media Bias For Clinton & Against Trump
October 19, 2016 Report

As usual: Please stick to the topic at hand, which is how and why the time looping nuclear disaster is tied into the 2016 US Presidential elections. Do not use any of my reports to express your political leanings or opinions. You can include political information, if it directly relates to the topic. Make sure that you deal in fact, and not in disinformation or propaganda. Check your sources. Irrelevant and rude posts will be deleted. 

To understand the importance of this report, please read my entire series “Changing Catastrophic Events In Time”. By extension it also involves reports that include “The Astral Tagging Truth Reveal Mission” and “Operation Media Truth”. You can find this series right here on FB, starting in August 2016, or you can find the reports and related posts on my website here:

On October 10, 2016, as part of an Astral Tagging Truth Reveal extension, I launched “Operation Media Truth”. The Astral Tagging Truth Reveal Instructions, as well as the operation Media Truth instructions, are here:

The goal was to expose and reveal any media bias or prejudice that might exist, and that is exactly what has happened. Some of the proof can be found in my results report featuring wikileaks information. Just yesterday, investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson wrote an article that shows how and why that media bias works. This is important to understand, because the bias new media have been helping to manipulate and interfere with this presidential election. The people cannot possibly make an informed vote, when most of the damaging information about Hillary Clinton is swept under the rug. This is why, it is extremely important, that the truth about this bias is made available to the masses. Most importantly, there must be a way for the real news, to get to all of the people, regardless of the bias media’s blocking of the truth.

“NewsGate 2016”
By Sharyl Attkisson
October 18, 2016

Sharyl Attkisson
October 18, 2018

Regardless of who is your chosen – or least favorite – presidential candidate, independent minds should be concerned about the latest revelations in the news media’s unseemly relationships with government and political actors. While there are many responsible journalists working today, inside documents and leaks have exposed serious lapses constituting the most far-reaching scandal our industry has known. It’s our very own Newsgate.

Compromised reporting has always existed as a result of covert collaborations between reporters and political officials—Democrats and Republicans alike. For example, in my new book out next year, The Smear, I’ll report on instances of improper collusion that surfaced during the Bush administration. The most recent available evidence is heavy on Democrat-ties due to the nature of the available documents and leaks.

It can be argued that some individual accounts can be rationalized and are not serious breaches of ethics. But taken as a whole, it’s easy to see how we as journalists have done a poor job protecting ourselves from being co-opted by organized interests, often ones that are paid and politically-motivated. Whether we realize it or not, they’ve figured out how to exploit the media and use us to publish their propaganda. It implies a broad and growing trend that has seriously undermined the credibility of the news industry.

Opinion reporters and those who work for obviously ideological news groups are entitled to publish party propaganda. It’s one matter to provide viewpoint journalism. But it’s quite another for us to act as a tool of any interest, publishing narratives or talking points upon suggestion or demand, without disclosing we’ve done just that.

The Players

The following accounts come from human sources, Freedom of Information Act documents and Wikileaks emails. Obviously, this is just a small sampling of the behind the scenes dealings going on between reporters and their sources. Those mentioned below, to the extent they’ve offered comment, have denied doing anything improper or unethical. Some of the reporters have explained that the reason they provided advance drafts of stories to their news subjects, or allowed the subjects to make editorial choices—moves that are generally considered unethical—was to be responsible, as part of a fact check. Some have commented their actions reflect common practice.

The Associated Press (AP)

The State Department considered AP reporters Matt Lee and Bradley Klapper “friendlies,” and planned to “place” Hillary Clinton email stories with them and dictate the timing of their release. The goal was to blunt the June 2015 news that Clinton had failed to provide Congress certain required emails. Clinton campaign press officer Nick Merrill coordinated directly with the State Department on the plan to use AP to “lay this out before the [Republican] majority on the [Benghazi] committee has a chance to realize what they have and distort it.” Merrill posited, “It would be good to frame this a little and frankly to have it break tomorrow when we’ll likely be close or in the midst of a [Supreme Court] decision taking over the news hyenas.” AP published a story the following day.

The pro-Hillary Clinton super PAC American Bridge claimed it “placed” negative stories about Jeb Bush with AP and other news outlets.

(Also, see Dilanian below under LA Times)

The Atlantic

Marc Ambinder from The Atlantic, asked a Hillary Clinton aide for advance text of a speech. The aide dictated “conditions,” including “1) You in your own voice describe [Hillary’s words] as ‘muscular’,” to which Ambinder agreed. Ambinder formerly worked for ABC, CBS and National Journal.


CNBC anchor John Harwood, who moderated a presidential debate between Trump and Clinton, appears to have offered helpful thoughts and analyses to the Clinton campaign.


The Clinton campaign emailed that CNN politics producer Dan Merica and Clinton were “basically courting each other.”

In an email, Democratic National Committee chair Donna Brazile (then a CNN contributor) said she obtained an advance presidential debate question and passed it on to the Hillary campaign. The question was later asked in a March 13 Democratic presidential town hall including Democrat Bernie Sanders and co-hosted by CNN. Brazile says she didn’t do what she allegedly said she did in the email.

CNN political commentator Maria Cardona emailed Democratic National Committee officials a draft of her opinion piece that attacked Bernie Sanders prior to the upcoming Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia. She invited the DNC’s editorial input and made changes accordingly, asking the DNC, “Is this better?”

The pro-Hillary Clinton super PAC American Bridge claimed it “placed” negative stories about Jeb Bush with CNN and other news outlets.

American Bridge also claimed that a report it produced against the conservative Koch Brothers (billionaire donors) resulted in “a high-profile CNN story.”

(See also Stelter under New York Times)

Daily Kos

A source for the pro-Hillary Clinton smear group Media Matters named Daily Kos as one of several news outlets that are helpful in getting out the Media Matters agenda, according to Daily Caller.

Huffington Post

“The [Huffington Post] guys were good, Sam and Nico,” said a Media Matters source to Daily Caller, speaking of reporters who will report what Media Matters puts out. The comment apparently refers to Nico Pitney and Sam Stein.

Los Angeles Times

Ken Dilanian, who covered the CIA for the LA Times, explicitly promised positive news coverage and sometimes sent the CIA press office entire story drafts for review prior to publication, according to the Intercept, which obtained internal CIA emails and called Dilanian “the CIA’s mop-up man.” Dilanian now works for AP.

Jim Rainey of the LA Times “took a lot of our stuff,” a Media Matters source told Daily Caller.


“Media Matters staff had the direct line of MSNBC president Phil Griffin, and used it,” a Media Matters source told Daily Caller. “If we published something [negative] about Fox in the morning, [MSNBC would] have it on the air that night verbatim. We were pretty much writing their prime time. But then, virtually all the mainstream media was using our stuff.”

New York Times

“Brian Stelter at the New York Times [now at CNN] was helpful,” in publishing the Media Matters narrative, a source told Daily Caller.

New York Times reporter Mark Leibovich gave Hillary Clinton the opportunity to approve or veto her quotes. He later explained that was because he agreed to make the original interview on-the-record and required her approval to use selected pieces of it.

The pro-Hillary Clinton super PAC American Bridge claimed it placed negative stories about Jeb Bush with the New York Times and other news outlets.

(See also Haberman under Politico)


Staffers at Media Matters say they “knew they could dump stuff to Ben Smith [formerly of Politico now editor-in-chief at],” according to Daily Caller. “Ben Smith will take stories and write what you want him to write.”

Politico chief investigative reporter Ken Vogel emailed soon-to-be-published story to Democratic National Committee official Mark Paustenbach “per agreement” and invited his “thoughts.” Paustenbach gave the draft to the DNC’s head of communications, Luis Miranda. “Vogel gave me his story ahead of time/before it goes to his editors as long as I didn’t share it,” Paustenbach told Miranda.

In his effort to get an interview with Chelsea Clinton, Mike Allen, Politico’s chief political reporter offered to provide questions in advance, “precisely” agreed upon with a Hillary Clinton aide. “The interview would be ‘no-surprises’: I would work with you on topics, and would start with anything she wants to cover or make news on. Quicker than a network hit, and reaching an audience you care about with no risk,” Allen wrote the aide. After the email became public, Allen apologized and said he would never do what he offered to do in his email.

Hillary Clinton staffers described Maggie Haberman, then of Politico, as an ideal “friendly journalist” with whom to place stories. “We have had her tee up stories for us before and have never been disappointed,” writes one staffer in an email. Haberman now works for the New York Times. The emails were first reported in The Intercept.

Read the Intercept article by Glenn Greenwald and Lee Fang


A Media Matters source told Daily Caller that Salon proved to be a “helpful” news outlet for getting its message across.

San Francisco Chronicle

A Media Matters source told Daily Caller that Joe Garofoli at the Chronicle “took a lot of our stuff.”

The Wall Street Journal

The pro-Hillary Clinton super PAC American Bridge claimed it placed negative stories about Jeb Bush with the Wall Street Journal and other news outlets.

The Washington Post

Democratic National Committee officials discussed “placing” a story with the Washington Post’s Greg Sargent to put a positive spin on some bad news for Hillary Clinton. The goal was “to make sure the first story out of the gate is as helpful as possible,” according to a DNC official. “But, the specific reporter is not as important as getting it to an outlet before the news breaks so we can help control the narrative on the front end. Otherwise this may likely get spun in a not-so-helpful way. We should also get Rep. [Elijah] Cummings on the phone with that reporter.” The email continues, “…can we please consider giving Sargent the first bite to get a good first story out there? Can I have him call you? We had been working him for weeks in general on writing up something positive, we think he’d play ball.”

Staffers at Media Matters counted on the liberal Plum Line, Sargent’s Washington Post blog, according to a source who spoke to Daily Caller. “Greg Sargent will write anything you give him. He was the go-to guy to leak stuff,” claimed the source. “If you can’t get it anywhere else, Greg Sargent’s always game.”

“We’ve pushed stories to Eugene Robinson and E.J. Dionne [at the Washington Post],” the Media Matters source told Daily Caller.

The pro-Hillary Clinton super PAC American Bridge claimed it placed negative stories about Jeb Bush with the Washington Post and other news outlets.

The Strategy

A window into how political interests, including super PACs, work to influence and manipulate the news is found in an internal Clinton campaign memo published on Wikileaks this month. In it, the Hillary Clinton super PAC “Correct The Record” boasts it had placed 21 “strategic memos” with the media that “led to stories in a number of news outlets including National Journal, Politico, USA Today, MSNBC and The Hill.” Correct The Record has joined other pro-Hillary Clinton groups founded by Clinton surrogate David Brock, including Media Matters and the American Bridge super PAC, in attacking Clinton’s opponents. Correct The Record’s targets have included Democrat Bernie Sanders and Republican Donald Trump.

Correct The Record president Brad Woodhouse has repeatedly appeared in news interviews without the disclosure that he operates a Hillary Clinton super PAC that coordinates openly with the campaign, unlike any other super PAC.

Among other functions, the Correct The Record memo says it “arms more than 300 surrogates with facts and talking points to spread the message and the facts on cable and other news” and “deploy products targeted to specific audiences.”

One of the “products” is “pushback documents” distributed to “members of the media, key surrogates, pundits, opinion leaders” to refute “false information” about Clinton. The documents include “research analyses,” “talking points” and “blog-style posts made specifically for the web.” Other products are “media statements” and “positive media relations with Clinton beat reporters, producers and editors…Our communications team is constantly in touch with the media and provide, whether in our own voices or in the voices of surrogates, a constant stream of statements to the press on all things Clinton related. And because media relations isn’t just going on the record, some of our team’s most important work is killing bad stories before they ever get written.”

Under “Metrics,” the Correct The Record memo cites its mailing list of 960 members of the national media and 10,756 regional reporters in 28 states. It sends talking points and memos regularly to 369 televisions producers and bookers. It says its work has “impacted the framework for dialogue about 2016, Clinton, and her competitors.” The group says it has “engaged trusted names” to write opinion editorials for newspapers across the country.

“Correct The Record has placed 132 op-eds nationally and in strategic local markets” and, since May 15, “helped write and place 36 op-eds across the country in a number of publications including Politico, Times Union, Huffington Post, CNN, Washington Blade, and New Jersey’s Bergen Record.”–Correct The Record internal memo

Correct The Record also says it’s conducted “over 900 on-the-record and off-the-record media interviews” and “identified 372 surrogates including influential and frequent pundits on broadcast and cable news for Presidential 2016 politics and provided them around 80 sets of talking points, background materials and briefings on topical issues” to defend Clinton and her record.

American Bridge

More information on how super PACs manipulate the news media is found in an internal memo written by Brock’s pro-Hillary American Bridge super PAC. It was also published by Wikileaks.

The opposition research group set up “war rooms” for the first time on site in states where its trackers were monitoring Republican candidates to “interact with reporters on site, and to cut and move footage more efficiently so we can break news before anyone else.” In other words, American Bridge uses its formidable resources to do one-sided investigative work and then peddles the product as “news” to reporters.

Apparently, it works. The American Bridge memo said its on-site war room in Wisconsin collected negative clips about Senator Ron Johnson and got them covered by Talking Points Memo, the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, The Capital Times, The Hill, and Roll Call.

In the memo, American Bridge also bragged that CNN was receptive to its outreach. “CNN recently ran a feature story on our use of livestream technology.” Examples of the group’s rapid response efforts getting picked up by the press included “Jeb Bush’s comments on privatizing Social Security (June 2015), his comment that “all lives matter” (July 2015), Chris Christie jumping on Jeb Bush’s ‘work longer hours’ bandwagon (July 2015), and Rick Perry slamming Jeb’s economic growth record in Florida (July 2015).”

“Several of these were clipped, cut, and shared on social media and/or by press release while the candidates were still delivering the same speech,” read the American Bridge memo.

American Bridge said it “placed” negative stories about Bush with CNN, Washington Post, the Associated Press, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and several key Florida outlets. “Our tracking operation has also been key in undermining Jeb through a constant barrage of rapid response attacks.”

One month after the 2014 midterm elections, American Bridge released a “primer” to “define the field before the prospective candidates could define themselves for the electorate.” The group took credit for successfully marketing a negative media narrative on Scott Walker, leading to his downfall. “We developed a powerful narrative of cronyism, outsourcing, and looking out for the interests of big business over middle class families, which undercut his economic message,” said the group’s memo. It also took credit for “forcing the Kochs [conservative billionaire donors]…out of the shadows” and said an American Bridge report against the Kochs resulted in “a high-profile CNN story.”

These activities appear to be within the law. But these are just two of many groups working to influence the news. The breadth and scope of their operations confirms how important it is for news organizations to set up policies and systems to retain their independence.


Another Psychic Call To Arms To Save The Planet
Astral Tagging Truth Reveal & Operation Media Truth Launches Again
Tonight’s Third Presidential Debate
October 19, 2016 Report

As usual: Please stick to the topic at hand, which is how and why the time looping nuclear disaster is tied into the 2016 US Presidential elections. Do not use any of my reports to express your political leanings or opinions. You can include political information, if it directly relates to the topic. Make sure that you deal in fact, and not in disinformation or propaganda. Check your sources. Irrelevant and rude posts will be deleted.

I launched the first public “Astral Tagging Truth Reveal” mission on September 23, 2016. I followed it, weeks later, with the extended “Operation Media Truth” mission. Thousands of people participated in both, and the success of the missions has been tremendous. Read all of my results reports, from today and earlier, and you will understand just how successful the mission has been. Per my instructions, the psi mission is open until the day after the presidential election on November 8, 2016. The ultimate goal, of these psi missions, was to insure that the truth was known about both candidates without any bias aka prejudice.

Now the results are in, and they support what I originally shared about Trump being the President who will prevent the time looping nuclear catastrophe from manifesting in our dominant time line. Clinton is the one who will create the opening for the time looping nuclear catastrophe to manifest in our dominant time line. The Core Matrix Prime Directive determined this, based on the security policies that Trump and Clinton will put into action. Trump’s security policies are strong, and his caring about the safety of America is genuine. Clinton’s security policies are weak or non-existent, and she couldn’t care less about the safety of America. The truth reveals have been very clear about both candidates. Despite the attacks on Trump, which were planned by the Clinton campaign – including the fake groping accusations – none of that compares to the dangers that Clinton poses if she becomes the US President.

Even if the time looping nuclear disaster were not an issue, the truth reveals have showed that Clinton would use the office as a platform to enrich herself and her elite donors. Her corruption would be worse than ever. She wants open borders, and no one who cares about the security of the US would want or do that. We now know why she wants these open borders. This is what her donors want, because it allows them to make a fortune and to gain global power. Who are these donors? Anyone, any group, or any country with millions of dollars. And just like she has done before, Clinton will take money from the very countries that fund terrorism – including ISIS. 

Because our very planet and lives are on the line, I am calling for another round of Astral Tagging Truth Reveal manifestations. Here are the instructions. Please follow them to the letter. Go ahead and read them out loud. That is the best way to maintain the integrity of your participation.

Here are the related reports and posts, which explains everything:

Tonight is the third and last presidential debate. Hillary Clinton won the first won, and Trump won the second one. Trump must not only win tonight’s debate, but he must do it in a way that uses the truth to his advantage. He must resist falling into one of Clinton’s traps, where she wastes his debate time by tricking him into a defense mode. He must do what he did in the second debate, and that is to dispense of her trick immediately and then pivot to a real topic that America needs to hear. Trump must be as Presidential as he can be. Because of the continuing Core Matrix Prime Directive time line reboots, which I discuss in a separate report, Trump has every chance in the world to pull this off. This includes his tweeting behavior after the debate. He must stay the course, and not fall back on old habits which do nothing but hurt his campaign. Failure is not an option, because the fate of the planet depends on his becoming the next US President. It can happen, because both Clinton’s and Trump’s presidential co-existing time lines are still active. The truth must determine the outcome, and not a manipulation of the election in Clinton’s favor. 


Changing Catastrophic Events In Time
How The Core Matrix Prime Directive Time Line Edit Reboots
Nuclear Reboot Time Shift Markers
October 19, 2016 Report

To fully understand, the information contained in this extended report, you must read all of my previous reports and related material in my series “CHANGING CATASTROPHIC EVENTS IN TIME”. The reports begin on August 18, 2016. My information is unique, complex, and involves The Core Matrix Prime Directive time line edit reboots concerning a time looping nuclear catastrophe. Here are the related reports and posts, which explains everything:

On September 8, 2016, I reported about an 8 day wave of geomagnetic storms on Earth. The same solar energy, that triggers geomagnetic storms, also triggered Time Shift time line edits. During this time, there were Prime Directive markers that time line reboots had occurred. These time line reboots, which were initiated by The Core Matrix Prime Directive time line reboot protocol, were associated with the time looping nuclear catastrophe that I’ve been teaching you about.

Now there has been another series of reboots, which are associated with The Core Matrix Prime Directive time line reboot protocol and the time looping nuclear catastrophe. The evidence went beyond the five days of geomagnetic storms, which began on October 13, 2016 and continued through October 17, 2016. Unsettled magnetic fields lasted through October 18, 2016. That type of Time Shift marker only relates to the editing of co-existing time lines, and not to a Core Matrix Prime Directive restructure and reboot of the entire dominant time line. A Core Matrix Prime Directive reboot only occurs when the Earth has been devastated by an extinction level event. That event can be anything from a comet strike to a nuclear holocaust. These current reboots are dealing with a time looping nuclear catastrophe. When one of these reboots occurs, it means that Earth was fatally damaged due to this nuclear catastrophe happening in a co-existing time line.

Because the Core Matrix has managed to create a reset and reboot of our planet and life, the nuclear catastrophe is edited out of the co-existing time line in which it occurred. We are in that co-existing time line, and so we experience the disaster and the extinction event. Then we and the planet are resurrected - like the Phoenix rising from the ashes. Unfortunately, this reboot effort is not permanent. The nuclear disaster re-instates itself in yet another dominant co-existing time line, which is the definition of time looping. As I have explained before, the energy from the nuclear disaster cannot be destroyed. That energy can only be temporarily transformed and relocated. This involves an extremely complex series of time line edits. This reboot ability cannot last forever. This nuclear disaster, which is a fixed event, must at some time return – unless something happens to deter the disaster from ever happening in the first place.

The Core Matrix, thus far, has been able to transform and transfer the energy from the nuclear disaster into a less lethal but just as powerful energy source. In this case, the energy load is carried by natural forces such as hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, and volcanoes which are all happening during the 5 day geomagnetic storm wave. No, geomagnetic storms do not cause any of these weather and geophysical events. The Core Matrix is making that happen. In the past week, the Earth has experienced 33 erupting volcanoes, a hurricane named Nicole, 2 rare tornadoes in Oregon, and 4 earthquakes above magnitude 6.. Each one of these natural Earth forces represents hundreds to thousands of times the energy of a single nuclear explosion. In the time looping nuclear disaster, what happens involves more than one nuclear incident. The extinction event includes more than just a nuclear blast. Also, every co-existing time line has a slightly different way that the nuclear disaster happens. It is not always the same cause, or even the same country or group of people that sets things off. The only constant, is that Trump stops the nuclear disaster from time looping and Clinton does not.

I previously revealed, that Core Matrix Prime Directive reboots don’t just edit time lines. They can edit people as well. The Core Matrix cannot create a person, or a person’s personality or soul identity. Nor does The Core Matrix promote one Earth agenda, group, or person over another agenda, group, or person. The only time, that the Core Matrix might get involved with an Earth agenda, is if The Prime Directive kicks in, and determines that one of these groups, people, or agendas is an element that can stop whatever caused the time line reboot. The Core Matrix does not care about politics, or who rules what country. But in Trump, it recognizes a unique reboot element. Because of this, The Core Matrix searches its co-existing time line database, in a search for the version of Trump that is a successful nuclear disaster stopping element.

In the past, we have been witness to the various revised versions of Trump aka the evolving Trump. The version of Trump, that began the presidential campaign, is not the same version of Trump that exists in this dominant time line. It can’t be, because that earlier version did not have the ability to battle and win over the Clinton machine. Remember, Trump is battling to save all of us from Clinton’s presidency – and in doing so is stopping the time looping nuclear catastrophe. As it happens, there is no revised and evolved version of Clinton. She remains the same. BTW, this revision is something that most of us personally experience. We are never quite the same person from co-existing time line to co-existing time line. What is happening to Trump is not unique, per se. What is unique is the event that is attached to his many evolved revisions.

Tonight is the third and last presidential debate. Trump has been up against the devious and dark energy Clinton machine, her band of biased media [80% of the media] that is interfering with the election, certain members of the Republican party that care more about themselves than banding together as a party that can beat Clinton, a bevy of fake but harmful accusations, and his own tendency to slip back into old harmful habits. Tonight Trump must win the debate, and he must do it by having the best version of Trump on stage. This would have to be the equivalent of President Trump, from one of the co-existing time lines in which he actually is the President. That version of Trump would know how to beat Clinton, because he has already done it and won the election. Also, because of the bias media’s editing out Clinton information – such as Wikileaks information – the debate is the only place that Trump can let all of America in on the truth. Of course, Clinton has memorized answers and attacks for all occasions. However, the evolved Trump can throw her off her game – like he did in the second debate. It will take President Trump to pull it off. It will take President Trump to maintain his win through to winning the election. There cannot be one single slip into the older Trump version. That could doom us all.

The Core Matrix cannot do a time line edit that creates a world where Trump or Clinton is President. The Core Matrix time line editing program cannot and does not alter the will of people – even in the face of planet-wide destruction. What the Core Matrix can do, is engage in time line edit reboots that can temporarily solve the planet wide destruction problem until people get smart enough and informed enough to intervene on their own behalf. This is why my Astral Tagging Truth Reveal energy working has a real chance of saving our lives, by helping voters put Trump in office. Check out my many reports, documenting how success the Astral Tagging Truth Reveal has been.


Nuclear Catastrophe Reboot Marker: N. Korea Missile Failure
Trump Wins 3rd Debate/Bias News Media Changes This Truth
Secret Trump Supporters And Winning The Election
Breaking The Dark Force Spell To Save The Planet

October 20, 2016 Report

To fully understand, the information contained in this report, you must read all of my previous reports and related material. This includes my series “Changing Catastrophic Events In Time”, “Astral Tagging Truth Reveal”, and other. The reports begin on August 18, 2016. My information is unique, complex, and involves The Core Matrix Prime Directive time line edit reboots concerning a time looping nuclear catastrophe, and is tied into who becomes the next President of the US. Go here to read those reports

As usual: Please stick to the topic at hand, which is how and why the time looping nuclear disaster is tied into the 2016 US Presidential elections. Do not use any of my reports to express your political leanings or opinions. You can include political information, if it directly relates to the topic. Make sure that you deal in fact, and not in disinformation or propaganda. Check your sources. Irrelevant and rude posts will be deleted.

Because 80% of the news media are in league with Hillary Clinton, most election news is biased for Clinton and against Trump. This truth is based, not just on observations or opinions, but because the evidence has been documented and released to the public. But with the bias news media controlling most of what the public sees and hears, as to election news, reporting election truth is reduced to 20% of the media. The bias news media doesn’t just withhold truthful news, they literally create fake news. They are dedicated to killing off Trump’s presidential run. In doing so, these unethical dark force propagandists are really aiding and abetting the manifestation of the time looping nuclear catastrophe.

It has been proven, that the Clinton campaign and their propaganda minions, engage in dishonest and unethical reporting. Some paid minions engage in illegal activities, such as organizing country-wide Trump rally riots, and orchestrating voter fraud in support of Clinton. They engage, in these activities, because they know that Clinton would lose in a fair election. Dark force energy, human or otherwise, does not like to lose a set up that has been feeding it for a very long time. The battle, to save the planet and ourselves, involves pushing through the propaganda noise – and dark force schemes - to break the spell that the propaganda has cast on the innocent. This is the only thing that will allow the election to be determined by truth and free will.

Here is the truth, about the third presidential election. Trump won. The bias new media was never going to allow that truth to get to their followers. To counter this truth they did two things. 1. They created fake news, which claimed that Clinton won the debate. They backed up their fake headlines with a biased and twisted take on the debate and 2. They focused on something that Trump said in the last minute of the debate, and then created fake reaction that Trumps words were the worst thing in the world. This is pure nonsense. Yet, this is what the bias news media has been getting away with. This is how they poison the minds and emotions of innocent people, who do not know that they are being controlled. Right now, it is the power of truth that can and must break the spell.

The truth, about Trump’s honest words, is that there was nothing out of line with what Trump said. The moderator – who did a good job for the most part - asked Trump if he would accept the election results, whatever they might be. Trump said that he couldn’t give an answer, at that time, because he had no idea what might be involved. This was the right answer, although politically incorrect. Trump’s job isn’t to be politically correct. He won the Republican nomination because he loves America, and has been honest about what he can do for America. Only days before, Project Veritas [see my truth reveal report] had provided undercover video evidence documenting that Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic Party was engaged in voter fraud. More truth: Other recent presidential elections had involved possible voter fraud. The election, between Al Gore and George Bush, was contested. It took a court of law to decide who won the election. Even Hillary Clinton accused Obama of voter fraud, when she lost to him. History is on Trump’s side. Yet, the dishonest news media wants the people to think that Trump’s refusal, to make a promise today on how he will act regarding election results, shows that Trump is not fit to be President.

Go back and read my report on misdirection. That is what this is – a misdirection away from the fact that Trump won the debate. If these propaganda minions, had not picked on his last debate words, they would have found something else to misdirect with. Don’t be fooled. Let truth break the spell.

Despite this full on attack, to stop Trump from getting elected – and despite the polls – I have psi picked up something of interest. Trump’s presidential co-existing time lines still exist. So do Clinton’s. This situation has not changed. If Trump had lost to Clinton, as a Core Matrix absolute, then the Core Matrix would have retired all of the Trump presidential co-existing time lines. I wanted to know how Trump would become President, when the polls show him behind Clinton, and when there is such a terrible attack force against him. Here is what I psi saw, in the co-existing time lines in which Trump is President. Trump won because of secret voters. These are the voters, who claim that they would vote for someone else, but in reality they secretly wanted Trump. They kept their voting preference a secret, because they believed they would be ridiculed.

Yesterday, October 19, 2016, I posted six reports related to this series. The reports covered the successful Astral Tagging Truth Reveal results, more Core Matrix Prime Directive time line reboots, the third presidential debate, and a call to repeat the Astral Tagging Truth Reveal mission. Since then, there have been many more pieces of information. Election propaganda, and how it is endangering us all, is only one of them. More Core Matrix Prime Directive reboot markers have also cropped up.

September 8, 2016, after one of my reports, evidence of a Core Matrix Prime Directive time line reboot manifested in our dominant co-existing time line. There was not just one piece of Time Shift marker evidence - there were multiple pieces of Time Shift marker evidence. The most obvious Time Shift reboot marker was North Korea’s latest nuclear test, which exploded 30 minutes into September 9, 2016 UTC. The blast caused a 5.3 earthquake, which the USGS identified as an explosion. Today, only hours after my latest Time Shift reboot marker report, N. Korea conducted a failed missile test. This missile is meant to be a nuclear delivery system. If you have been paying attention, to my reports about the time looping nuclear disaster, then you know that the nuclear catastrophe happens in different ways in different co-existing time lines. This is why it is so hard to target and stop the disaster. Because of the recent reboots, today’s N. Korean missile launch failure would be one of the ways that the Core Matrix restructured the dominant time line. Instead of that missile having an armed nuclear device, it was a test missile that failed.

Because of what happened today, and because it is connected to the latest reboots, I’ve decided to reveal that most nuclear catastrophe co-existing time lines involve N. Korea as the aggressor. Not all, but most. The most repeated time line scenario has N. Korea attempting to fire off multiple nuclear missiles at the same time. Some launch from the land. Some launch from the sea. Some are aerial. Things go awry. Most of the land based launches explode on the pad. This obliterates most life and land around. Worse, the nuclear explosions cause powerful earthquakes that begin a cascade of extremely destructive global earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions. This is what tears apart the planet. Although the other nuclear firings did not explode, where they launched, the ones that did explode caused the others to either explode prematurely or go off course. Russia gets the worst of that. It doesn’t matter where on the planet you are. If the nuclear explosion and fallout doesn’t get you, the breakup of the planet will.

I also psi saw co-existing time lines, showing that a pre-emptive strike takes out N. Korea’s nuclear capabilities. I will not reveal who is involved. Different co-existing time lines show different involvements. This creates a whole other set of challenges, as it regards the time looping nuclear disaster because it only removes N. Korea as one of the nuclear disaster sources. It does not stop the time looping itself – unless the strike is carried out under certain circumstances involving certain nations. However, the strike does give the planet more time to prevent the manifestation of the nuclear disaster. Still, that will not happen if Clinton is President – for reasons that I have already outlined many, many times. There are fixed events in play.  


Large Earth Facing Coronal Hole On Sun
Solar Wind Hit Expected October 25-26, 2016
Time Shifts, Time Line Edits, and Possible Reboot Expected
October 22, 2016 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

As of late, most of the Sun-Earth action - and therefore Time Shift triggers - is coming from coronal holes that open up on the Sun. This is because Earth facing sunspot production, and magnetic filament lift offs, have not been very robust as of late. This is just the Sun being the Sun, meaning, it is natural.

Have a look at this current SDO photo, and you will see that a large nearly center solar disk Earth facing coronal hole has formed. It has been releasing solar winds for a few days now, with some of that solar wind expected to hit Earth from about October 25-26, 2016. The hit is expected to trigger geomagnetic storms and subsequent auroras.

Solar wind hits can also trigger Time Shift activity, just as coronal mass ejections [CME] can. Just remember that geomagnetic storms do not and cannot trigger Time Shifts. The reason, that Time Shifts and geomagnetic storms are often observed together, is because they are both triggered by the same solar energy. This is why geomagnetic storms are often markers that a Time Shift is in progress. However - as I have also showed you - Time Shift activity can happen in the absence of a solar trigger. This is often due to the peculiarities of time line editing, where the source of the Time Shift - and companion geomagnetic storm - has been edited out of our dominant time line. 

Something else to look for are more Core Matrix Prime Directive time line reboots, due to the active time looping nuclear disaster being dealt with..

 There is something very odd going on, that is a Time Shift marker involving the Sun-Earth connection. It is impacting us right now. Watch for my post on this. 

CME_2016-10-20_135907UT_RedSun_SDO-AIA-304 CME_2016-10-20_142807UT_RedSun_SDO-AIA-304 K-index_2016-10-Oct-25_0025

Geomagnetic Storm Day 2
Time Line Edit Evidence Reveals CME With No Source
Two Co-Existing Timelines Co-Mingle Into One Time Line
Possibly Related To The Time Looping Nuclear Disaster
October 24, 2016 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

Yesterday I wrote “There is something very odd going on, that is a Time Shift marker involving the Sun-Earth connection. It is impacting us right now.” What this evidence shows, is that the events from two different co-existing time lines have co-mingled some of those events into a single dominant timeline. Because of this, there are obvious physical events that happen, but that then disappear from the time line without a trace or a mention. Then there are obvious physical events that happen, that should not exist because there is no trigger source for the event to even happen. While this type of action happens all the time, where Time Shifts are concerned, it is very rare to capture physical evidence of that action. Here is that evidence.

On October 20, 2016 SDO released images showing a magnetic filament lifting off of the Sun. The filament appeared to be Earth directed. I’ve included two of those images, to show you what that large solar event looked like. I checked for reports from NASA, NOAA, and Space Weather but there was no mention of the filament lift off on either October 20, 21, or 22, 2016. There was no mention of a coronal mass ejection [CME] either, on any of those days. This was especially odd, since the event appeared to be Earth directed. Any solar event, that has the potential to impact the Earth, is a big deal and not something that should be ignored. This is why space weather science exists.

Now take a look at this NOAA k-index chart. You will see that Earth experiences a geomagnetic storm on October 23, 2016 and October 24, 2016. The one on October 24, 2016 – today – was expected, due to a large coronal hole that I reported about on October 22, 2016. The oddity is the October 23, 2016 geomagnetic storm. This one had no source. All geomagnetic storms must have sources, but this one simply appeared from out of nowhere. There was no geomagnetic storm watch for this one, and no explanation for its existence until October 23, 2016 – after the geomagnetic storm hit.

On October 23, 2016 Space Weather posted this, after the geomagnetic storm hit: “POSSIBLE CME IMPACT: A minor coronal mass ejection (CME) that left the sun on Oct. 20th could reach Earth later today, Oct. 23rd, delivering a glancing blow to our planet's magnetic field. A high-speed solar wind stream (described below) is following close behind the CME.”

If you did not know, about the previous information that I provided above, this Space Weather report sounds normal. Right? You can see the results in that in the k-index chart. Right? Wrong!. There was a three day wait, to announce that there was an inbound CME that may cause a geomagnetic storm. Why the delay? Where had this CME been all along, that all of these space weather institutions failed to note that the CME happened at the time that it happened?

It’s not their fault. They were the victims of a multiple co-existing time line edit snafu. After the fact – and behind the scenes - some of them are quite baffled as to why no one put out a timely posting of the October 20, 2016 magnetic filament lift off and its CME. What they did not understand – except for those who privately contacted me with questions – was that the CME event was not always present in the various edited co-existing time lines of which they retain memories. No one made a mistake. It is only, that on October 20, 2016 when a CME warning would have been posted, that the CME did not exist for them – at least in their conscious memories. But, as of October 23, 2016, the cause and effect Sun-Earth events seemingly matched up. What they cannot be sure of, is if the October 20, 2016 filament lift off is the actual CME that hit Earth and triggered the mystery October 23, 2016 geomagnetic storm. This is why that geomagnetic storm is a mystery geomagnetic storm. The evidence, that no CME warning was given prior to October 23, 2016, still exists in this dominant time line. Whether such a geomagnetic storm warning, ever made it into any of the other co-existing time lines, is an unknown.

BTW: All of this happened after the reports that I made on time line edits, and time line reboots, involving the time looping nuclear catastrophe – as well as the presidential election that it was tied to as a fixed event in various co-existing time lines. I have no doubt that there is a connection. Meanwhile, Time Shifts and time lines edits are in progress. Watch for Time Shift markers, as well as time line reboot marker. We are two weeks away from the November 8, 2016 presidential election.

Here is a brief summary of what to watch for in Time Shift markers. Due to frequency and time line edit changes associated with Time Shifts there may be Time Shift triggered earthquake, volcano, tornado, weather, and geophysical events. Tech communications may be disrupted, cetaceans may strand or swim wrong way. Auroras will form. Time Shifts create an amplification of paranormal activity, ghost activity, haunting activity, poltergeist activity, apports, synchronicity, psi abilities, time/word/object prompts, deja vu, psychic dreaming, precognition events, awareness of Time Shift Living Dead persons, altered time line events, time line looping, altered terrain, altered structures, altered world events and more. 


Intense Worldwide Geomagnetic Storm Day 3
Time Shift and Time Line Edits Continue
Many Feel Health Effects/May Last Thru President's Election
Time Shift Markers: Synchronicity, Psychic, Paranormal
October 25, 2016 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

Yesterday, I shared how the events from two different co-existing time lines have co-mingled some of those events into a single dominant timeline. Among other things, this co-mingling triggered this intense worldwide G3 geomagnetic storming and the continuation of Time Shifts and time line edits.

Based on the reports that I have received, which include the ones reported here, there is an associated health and other side effects involved. Time Shift markers that involve synchronicity, psychic, and paranormal experiences went up significantly. The top health problems reported were dizziness, disorientation, blood pressure problems, and headaches. Regardless of the current intense geomagnetic storming, these health experiences may continue through the US presidential election on November 8, 2016.  

K-index_2016-10-Oct-26_2130 Earthquake_10-26_5,5+6,1Mag_CMRebootTimeLoopingEventVolcano_RussianEruption_10-26 

Intense Worldwide Geomagnetic Storm Day 4
Changing Catastrophic Events In Time
Core Matrix Prime Directive Time Line Reboot
Time Looping Nuclear Catastrophe Returns
Repeat Italy Quake & Russian Volcano Eruption
US Presidential Election
October 26, 2016 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

This is day 4, of a geomagnetic storm wave, that began with a mystery geomagnetic storm trigger that merged into an intense worldwide geomagnetic event. While this 4 day geomagnetic storm wave began as a time line edit, that left Time Shift markers showing the co-mingling of two different co-existing time lines, the situation has evolved into a Core Matrix Prime Directive time line reboot.

To fully understand, the information contained in this report, you must read all of my previous reports and related material. This includes my series “Changing Catastrophic Events In Time”, “Astral Tagging Truth Reveal”, Time Shift activity reports, and others. The reports begin on August 18, 2016, although there are related reports that begin much earlier. My information is unique, complex, and involves The Core Matrix Prime Directive time line edit reboots concerning a time looping nuclear catastrophe, and is tied into who becomes the next President of the US. Go here to read those reports

As usual: Please stick to the topic at hand, which is how and why the time looping nuclear disaster is tied into the 2016 US Presidential elections. Do not use any of my reports to express your political leanings or opinions. You can include political information, if it directly relates to the topic. Make sure that you deal in fact, and not in disinformation or propaganda. Check your sources. Irrelevant, rude, or sheer opinion posts will be deleted.

As I have explained in detail, in a number of previous reports, the Core Matrix has been using its time line editing program to temporarily deal with a nuclear disaster extinction event on planet Earth. This nuclear disaster continues to reinstate itself, using a time looping maneuver, because the event itself is a fixed element that cannot simply be edited away. Instead, the Core Matrix must transform and transfer the extinction event energy in ways that it does not cause an extinction event in the co-existing time lines in which it reinstates itself. To do this, The Core Matrix uses various forms of natural and unnatural energy with which to disperse the deadly energy. In many cases, the energy is dispersed through things like earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, tornados, tsunamis, and such. Recognizing time looping patterns is the key to recognizing when reboots happen. A reboot is not just an editing of a co-existing time line. A reboot is the total restructuring of the planet itself. Whether Earth is around or not, the rest of the cosmic dominant time line will carry on.

Today, October 26, 2016, at least one time line reboot too place. This is known, because of the energy dispersing and time looping pattern that emerged and was retained in the dominant time line. Besides the intense worldwide geomagnetic storm, that is in day 4, there have also been returns of natural energy events in the form of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. In one of my earlier reboot reports, I included an August 24, 2016 killer earthquake in Italy. Today, October 26, 2016 there were two earthquakes in Italy only hours apart. The first was a 5.5 and the second was a 6.1. The quake epicenters were only 45 miles from the August 24, 2016 quake. When other elements are included, it is clear to see that today’s two Italy quakes are an example of a time looping event. Another time looping event example are the eruptions of a number of volcanoes, across the globe. The Stromboli volcano, in Italy, is erupting and has been for a few days. Two in particular are the Klyuchevskoy and Shiveluch volcanic eruptions in Russia today and earlier. In a previous report, I revealed that one of the nuclear strikes hits Russia. In that scenario, the aggressor was N. Korea. Many other volcanoes are also erupting at this time. Other weather, around the world, is also involved.

As I have also previously explained, in detail, this extinction event can be stopped from happening in our dominant time line. It can be stopped from time looping. The Core Matrix, and its Prime Directive recovery program, has identified the key element to stopping this nuclear disaster extinction event. The save is tied into who becomes the next US President on November 8, 2016. Multiple co-existing time lines reveal that the key element is Donald Trump, but only if he becomes the President. As President, his security policies prevent the nuclear disaster from ever happening in our dominant time line. But if Hillary Clinton becomes President, her weak or non-existent security policies allow the nuclear disaster to happen in our dominant time line. At the time that I first released this information, evidence of Clinton’s career long corruption, serial lying to America, pay for play activities with her Clinton Foundation, causing the conditions that led to the rise of ISIS terrorists, paying for violence at Trump rallies, engaging in voter fraud, and so much more had little evidence to support it. 

Now that evidence against Clinton, and her campaign people, has been outed to the public - from many sources – Clinton’s dangerous untrustworthiness cannot be doubted – at least by honest people. The biased media will not present the truth to their audience. Included in this evidence is Clinton’s claim that she wants to have completely open US borders. At the same time, she is planning to import half a million people into the US from world areas populated by a terrorist group, that has already killed hundreds of thousands of people and is waging war against the US and other countries. This proves that her weak or non-existent security policies are a very real danger, and that the Core Matrix Prime Directive got that right. In comparison, Trump was outed for some raunchy language in 2005, which he said was true and for which he apologized. This raunchy audio tape was followed by Clinton planned accusations of unsubstantiated claims from women who said Trump did things like kissing them or groping them without permission. Many of these claims have already been debunked. Trump has denied every one of them. Based on what we now know, about Clinton and her campaign paying and motivating people to do underhanded and illegal things against Trump, the whole Trump accusation thing must be dismissed as a dishonest political scheme to trick Americans into electing Clinton as President. But now the truth has been revealed, about Clinton’s true self and activities, and the whole Trump scandal in no way can compare to the real danger that Clinton presents if elected. 

I’ve already explained what some of the reboot markers are.


BREAKING NEWS: Astral Tagging Truth Reveal Results
Core Matrix Prime Directive Time Line Reboot Update
FBI Reopens Investigation Into Hillary Clinton
New E-Mails Found - Not Wikileaks
11 Days Before Presidential Election
Changing Catastrophic Events In Time
October 28, 2016 Report

The Astral Tagging Truth Reveal mission has finally broken through the media bias. What has just happened is being reported by all of the media outlets - and it is not good news for Hillary Clinton 11 days before the presidential election. This happened just after the latest Core Matrix Prime Directive time line reboot. 

As usual: Please stick to the topic at hand, which is how and why the time looping nuclear disaster is tied into the 2016 US Presidential elections. Do not use any of my reports to express your political leanings or opinions. You can include political information, if it directly relates to the topic. Make sure that you deal in fact, and not in disinformation or propaganda. Check your sources. Irrelevant, rude, or sheer opinion posts will be deleted. 

On October 26, 2016 I reported about another Core Matrix Time Directive time line reboot that we went through. Like the other reboots, which I described in detail, it was directly related to a time looping nuclear disaster. And as i previously explained in detail, the nuclear disaster can be prevented - but only if Trump becomes President. If Clinton becomes President then the disaster will manifest in our dominant time line. The basic reason is simple. The Core Matrix has determined that Trump's strong security policies prevent the nuclear disaster, while Clinton's weak or non-existent security policies paves the way for the nuclear disaster. The US is not the aggressor. 

I also explained, in past posts and quite recently, that both the Trump and Clinton presidential time lines are still viable. None of them, as far as I could psi-see, have been retired by the Core Matrix. I also explained that people should not pay attention to the bias media, that was reporting that Trump was so behind in the polls that he could not possibly win. Of course, because of what I psi-saw, I knew that this was not true. I knew it was propaganda. True to form, right after the reboot Trump's poll numbers began to close in on Clinton. In some states he is even ahead. 

And then something remarkable happened today. It is an example of the truth reveal at work, because what happened is being reported on all of the major news outlets - included the bias ones that have been supporting Clinton and reviling Trump. A short while ago, the FBI announced that it was reopening the investigation against Hillary Clinton as it regards her illegal server, the mishandling of classified information, and breaching national security. Previously, the FBI said that she had indeed done these things - but then refused to recommend an indictment - and gave a very flimsy reason. But now, through a separate investigation involving Anthony Weiner and his lewd e-mails - his wife is Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton's enabler and assistant. Although the FBI has not as yet confirmed what was found, it was obviously enough to reopen the case against Clinton 11 days before the election. 

Let us keep the Astral Tagging Truth Reveal going


Worldwide Geomagnetic Storm Day 7
Time Shifts, Time Line Edits, & Time Line Reboots
Changing Catastrophic Events In Time
October 29, 2016 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

This very interesting geomagnetic wave is in day 7. Per my earlier reports, this wave began as a Time Shift marker event and merged into a solar wind hit from a large Earth facing coronal hole. It is this same coronal hole that has sustained the geomagnetic storm. It is this geomagnetic storm wave that, most especially the Time Shift marker part of it, that was part of the Core Matrix Prime Directive time line reboot marker. Remember, geomagnetic storms do not trigger Time Shifts, time line edits, or time line reboots. They are markers, of that activity, because they are caused by the same solar energy that triggers Time Shifts. 

This is the same geomagnetic storm wave, during which the latest Core Matrix Prime Directive time line reboot took place - just before the FBI re-opened the investigation into Clinton, because new illegal e-mails were discovered. See my original report on that, as well as my updated report, to be posted soon....  


Astral Tagging Truth Reveal Operation Media Truth
Join The Psi Mission So Truth Continues To Win
More Truth Reveals And Psi Insights
Changing Catastrophic Events In Time

October 29, 2016 Report

As usual: Please stick to the topic at hand, which is how and why the time looping nuclear disaster is tied into the 2016 US Presidential elections. Do not use any of my reports to express your political leanings or opinions. You can include political information, if it directly relates to the topic. Make sure that you deal in fact, and not in disinformation or propaganda. Check your sources. Irrelevant and rude posts will be deleted.

In August 2016 I launched a personal and private long time psi protocol that I call the Astral Tagging Truth Reveal. When I saw the results that it yielded, as well as seeing how truth would be the key to saving our planet, I asked the public if they would like to join my Astral Tagging Truth Reveal mission. The answer was yes, and so I worked out a way that I could teach my Astral Tagging protocols to people all over the world. On September 23, 2016 I was able to make this happen. Thousands of people joined in, and the results were magnificent.

But using Astral Tagging Truth Reveal protocols, to find and expose the needed truth, was one thing. Getting that truth to the masses was another challenge altogether. The biased media, which is composed of 80% of the mainstream media, were running interference by heavily supporting Hillary Clinton, while trying to knock Donald Trump out of the race for the US presidency. Their scheme was to keep the truth, about Clinton’s corruption and crimes, from the public. At the same time, they never to rarely report anything good or true about Trump – including when he won the last two debates. Not only did the bias media block the truth, but they made up deceptive headlines while promoting the nefarious Clinton campaign agenda. In effect, the bias media – which is controlled by democratic ownership - was doing everything in their power to influence the election to favor Hillary Clinton. This is not ethical behavior.

I knew what had to be done, because I knew that our world is controlled by people and groups who use lies and corruption to maintain their power. Part of the way, that they maintain their power, is to reward corruption and lies and punish those who are ethical and truthful. Most people do not even know how deeply this impacts them in their everyday lives. But it does. Therefore, I needed to refine the Astral Tagging Truth Reveal, so as to find a way to get the revealed truth to the masses. This is why I created a protocol extension I call Operation Media Truth, which I launched on October 10, 2016. This made a dent. I called for another round on October 19, 2016 and this made a bigger dent. I called for the Astral Tagging Truth Reveal, and the Operation Media Truth extension, to continue. More dents. While there were short term Astral Tagging goals, such as the 2nd and 3rd debates, the overarching Astral Tagging goal was to find and expose a truth about Hillary Clinton’s illegal behavior – so powerful and compelling – that all media would have to cover it. That includes the bias media.

Success came on October 28, 2016, when the FBI Director Comey announced that the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s illegal private server was still open. He personally had closed the case in July 2016, under a storm of disbelief. Although Comey listed all of the national security breaches, that Clinton had engaged in, he recommended that no charges be filed. This was a terrible blow to the law and justice – except to Chief Justice Loretta Lynch, who has been protecting Clinton from day one. But on October 28, 2016 – as I reported in a previous post – Comey surprised everyone by sending a letter to Congress, telling certain congressional members that the Clinton private server case was open again due to the finding of new e-mail evidence. Read my previous report for more details.

When I first began this journey, to save the world from a time looping nuclear catastrophe, I let you in on the unique and complex information that I was privy to. This included my knowledge of The Core Matrix, as well as my own psi abilities. Again and again I have proved my knowledge. Here is more, of what I have gleaned. I expect this information to be revealed.

1. Comey did what he did, this time around, despite being threatened by Loretta Lynch and the Department of Justice [DOJ] to keep his mouth shut. He was told not to tell anyone, about the new evidence, because Lynch did not want anything to get in the way of Clinton becoming President. Comey decided to ignore the threats, having decided that he needed to restore the perception of integrity to the FBI. He also wanted to throw a wrench into the dirty dealings, of how the Clinton machine was running their election. He knew, that if he was the one to come forward, that even the bias media would have to report on it. He was right. In the end, history will show that he sacrificed himself for the greater good.

2. Prior to this reveal – as I mentioned before – the Clinton campaign was prepared to launch more dirt in Donald Trump’s direction just before the election. The intent was to get the spotlight off of Clinton and onto Trump, because of all the revealing information coming from wikileaks, Project Veritas, Congress, Judicial Watch, FOX News, and others. What I psi saw now is a desperate scramble to deflect away from what Comey has done. But they have a big problem. The eyes, of the FBI and all of the media, are upon Clinton. What might have worked before won’t necessarily work now. So the first thing, that they are doing, is to go after Comey in every way that they can. Right now, as I write this, they are searching for some dirt about him that they can use to discredit him. They are planning on the bias media to go with the dirt, and once again get in line supporting her. Comey already knew this was coming, and so he has a further surprise of his own. He has the goods on Clinton. He will use them. Then the Clinton machine will go after Trump. It will not work as they planned.

3. As I already reported, the latest Core Matrix Prime Directive reboot edited in yet another evolution of Donald Trump. This is the Trump that you see today, as he handles the FBI reveal in a mature and truthful manner. He is sticking to the facts, and reminding America what a dangerous and corrupt character she is. This is the persona of the President Trump, that I originally psi saw and reported about. You will know, that this is true, by listening to him speak at his rallies since the reboot and FBI reveal. I fully expect, that when the dirt is lobbed at him by the Clinton machine, that he will swat it aside and pivot back to what really matters. He will not go off message. This is what will clinch the election for him, and by doing stop the time looping nuclear disaster. Failure to do this, and he could lose the election to Clinton. Both of their presidential co-existing time lines are still viable – although Clinton’s has begun to dim, as I told you it would if the truth got to the masses. 

4. The election drama is far from over. More truth reveals are on the way. They will amaze and stun. The battle, to save the planet and ourselves from the time looping nuclear catastrophe, is not over. Never give up on what is right, and never give in to dark force propaganda and lies that want you to believe that Clinton has the election all sewed up. There was not one day, when that was the truth – and I told you so. Keep the Astral Tagging Truth Reveal mission going until the election is over, and that includes any challenges that may arise. The Astral Tagging Truth Reveals are needed now more than ever.

Please join the Astral Tagging Truth Reveal mission. The more, who participate, the stronger the truth becomes and gets into the hands of the people.

To understand the big picture, as well as the details, read all related material here or go to my website to read the related reports and posts which explains everything:

Starfire Tor

K-index_2016-10-Oct-30_1530 VolcanicEruptionsInRussia+Italy+Elsewhere_Oct-2016_TS-TimeLoopingCMReboots EarthquakeCentralItaly_Oct30 

Worldwide Geomagnetic Storm Day 8
Another Core Matrix Prime Directive Time Line Reboot
Time Looping Nuclear Catastrophe Returns
Repeat Italy Quake & Volcano Eruptions
Russia’s New Missile Can Carry 10 Tons Of Nuclear Weapons
US Presidential Election Truth Reveals
Changing Catastrophic Events In Time
October 30, 2016 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

This is day 8 of the geomagnetic storm wave. It began with a mystery geomagnetic storm, which was a Time Shift marker, and later merged with an expected solar wind that sourced from a large solar coronal hole. While this 8 day geomagnetic storm wave began as a time line edit, it has now evolved with Time Shift markers indicating time line edits, time looping, and Core Matrix Prime Directive time line reboots. The previous reboot, which I reported on, happened on October 26, 2016. The latest reboot happened today October 30, 2016. Both reboots involved the time looping nuclear disaster, which I have been reporting about for months. To get fully informed, you can read all of the reports here, or you can read them on my website.

As usual: Please stick to the topic at hand, which is how and why the time looping nuclear disaster is tied into the 2016 US Presidential elections. Do not use any of my reports to express your political leanings or opinions. You can include political information, if it directly relates to the topic. Make sure that you deal in fact, and not in disinformation or propaganda. Check your sources. Irrelevant, rude, or sheer opinion posts will be deleted. 

As I have previously explained in detail, the Core Matrix has been using its time line editing program to temporarily deal with a nuclear disaster extinction event on planet Earth. This nuclear disaster continues to reinstate itself, using a time looping maneuver, because the event itself is a fixed element that cannot simply be edited away. Instead, the Core Matrix must transform and transfer the extinction event energy in ways that allow the energy to reinstate itself by blowing off its in less catastrophic ways. In this way, the nuclear disaster – and the extinction event – are transformed and dispersed through the energy of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis, and such. Recognizing time looping patterns is the key to recognizing when reboots happen.

A reboot is not just an editing of a co-existing time line. A reboot is the total restructuring of the planet itself, after an extinction event – regardless of what causes that extinction event. Whether Earth is around or not, the rest of the cosmic dominant time line will carry on. But since the Prime Directive exists to keep Earth as a living planetary system, and since I have figured out reboot warning markers and what is going on, we should do all we can to help The Core Matrix Prime Directive succeed with its mission of rescuing us from ourselves. That is what I have been doing. This includes sharing the way that The Core Matrix has determined what element can stop the nuclear disaster from manifesting into our dominant time line. The key is tied to the next US President. It is very simple. The winning key element is Donald Trump, which is why and how he prevents the nuclear catastrophe. It is based on his strong security policies as President. Clinton’s security policies, as President, are weak or non-existent. Her security policies allow the nuclear disaster to happen in our dominant time line.

Along with these many reboots, The Core Matrix has endeavored to edit in more evolved versions of Donald Trump, due to the fact that the version that began the campaign could never be the President. These more evolved versions, of Trump, come from co-existing time lines in which he won the election and literally saved the day. There are no Clinton, co-existing time lines, where her presidency stops the nuclear disaster. There are no evolved versions of Hillary Clinton. Her corruption, habitual lying, breaches in national security, dangerous security policies, dirty politics, general disdain for the American people and America, and more are constants in every co-existing time line in which she lived long enough to run for President.

October 26, 2016, at least one time line reboot took place. This is known, because of the energy dispersing and time looping pattern that emerged and was retained in the dominant time line. Besides the intense worldwide geomagnetic storm wave present, there were natural energy dispersal events in the form of two destructive earthquakes in Italy, volcanic eruptions in Russia and Italy and elsewhere, and a meteor strike in Russia. In one of my earlier reboot reports, I included an August 24, 2016 killer earthquake in Italy. Today, October 30, 2016 a powerful 6.6 earthquake struck Italy again in almost the same place as the other reboot earthquakes. This is a time looping pattern. This one is the strongest earthquake to hit Italy in 36 years. Read more about it here:

In addition to the time looping Italian earthquake, many volcanoes are also erupting in Russian, Italy, Mexico and elsewhere. Where Russia is concerned, there is yet another reboot marker. They just announced having a new intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), the RS-28 Sarmat. Sarmat can carry a payload of up to ten tons of nukes. The missile system is set to enter service in 2018.

I’ve already explained what some of the reboot markers are. Here is a brief summary of what to watch for in Time Shift markers. Due to frequency and time line edit changes associated with Time Shifts there may be Time Shift triggered earthquake, volcano, tornado, weather, and geophysical events. Tech communications may be disrupted, cetaceans may strand or swim wrong way. Auroras will form. Time Shifts create an amplification of paranormal activity, ghost activity, haunting activity, poltergeist activity, apports, synchronicity, psi abilities, time/word/object prompts, deja vu, psychic dreaming, precognition events, awareness of Time Shift Living Dead persons, altered time line events, time line looping, altered terrain, altered structures, altered world events and more.


Astral Tagging Truth Reveal Results
President Donald Trump Is In Our Dominant Time Line
Donald Trump Pulls Ahead In The Polls
FBI: No Donald Trump Connection To Russia
FBI: Re-Opens Hillary Clinton Security Breach E-Mail Case
FBI: Investigating Clinton Foundation For Corruption
1 Week Before Presidential Election
Changing Catastrophic Events In Time
November 1, 2016 Report

To fully understand, what this results report is about, you can read all of the reports here, or you can read them on my website.

As usual: Please stick to the topic at hand, which is how and why the time looping nuclear disaster is tied into the 2016 US Presidential elections. Do not use any of my reports to express your political leanings or opinions. You can include political information, if it directly relates to the topic. Make sure that you deal in fact, and not in disinformation or propaganda. Check your sources. Irrelevant, rude, or sheer opinion posts will be deleted.

First and foremost: I can report, that due to a series of Core Matrix Prime Directive time line reboots – which I have reported on for months - President Donald trump has now been manifested into our dominant time line. This is the evolved version, of Trump, that I psi saw in the co-existing time lines where he is the US President. Trump has now pulled ahead in the polls. If you would like to experience, this presidential evolution of Trump, you can watch today’s November 1, 2016 Trump rally speech from historic Valley Forge, PA.

I can also report, that I now know why so many of you – including myself - had a brief problem with the Clinton presidential co-existing time line and The Astral Tagging Truth Reveal attachments. Some speculated, that it was because her health would remove her from office. Perhaps that is a consideration. However, I now know that the main reason would be the extremely serious legal problems that she is entangled in. This would either cause her removal from office, or would create what is called a Constitutional Crisis during her term. Neither of these scenarios bodes well for America or the world. Even if Tim Kaine takes her place, after the election, this would not stop the time looping nuclear disaster from unfolding in our dominant time line. Only Trump can do that, as I have previously explained in detail. All of Clinton’s problems source back to her, even though she is currently play-acting the victim.

With one week to go, before the election, Both Trump and Clinton still have viable presidential co-existing time lines. But while Trump’s are becoming stronger and stronger, Clinton’s are beginning to weaken. However, do not think for a moment that Trump will win and Clinton will lose, and that the time looping nuclear catastrophe will be stopped. Now, more than ever, The Astral Tagging Truth Reveal mission was be continued and fortified. The truth is what has given Trump this near miracle surge, and it is the truth which has exposed Clinton’s corruption, lies, and breaches in national security. If you are one of the thousands, who have already joined this psi mission, then please continue and repeat the working. If you are new to this mission, you can still join and be a part of this truth reveal. Everything you need to know and do is here:

There are so many successful results, connected to the Astral Tagging Truth Reveal mission, that it is only possible to talk about some but not all. See my many previous results reports. As I have explained before, The Astral Tagging Truth Reveal has no bias. The energy, thanks to the Angels, is attached to both Trump and Clinton without prejudice or pre-conceived notions one way or the other. Clinton’s illegal and dangerous actions have been outed – and are still being outed. Trump did not escape the truth reveal, such as his 2005 raunchy talk about women, but none of what Trump was outed on in any way compares to the dangerous truths revealed about Clinton, her campaign, and the Clinton Foundation. An Astral Tagging Truth Reveal not only reveals truths, it also reveals lies. Clinton, and the Clinton campaign, have been caught in lie after lie and lie – many of which involved illegal activities involving attacks on Trump. Clinton is the one who paid for violent protests at Trump rallies –and then blamed Trump for. Clinton is the one who orchestrated women to give false statements about Trump’s behavior. It is Clinton who is involved in voter fraud. It is Clinton who was slipped debate questions in advance. It is Clinton who created an illegal private server, so that she could hide her illegal activities from the American public. It is Clinton who engaged in untold numbers of national security breaches. It is Clinton who was the co-architect of the Mid East disaster that saw the rise of the worst terrorist group in modern times. It is Clinton who used her Secretary of State position, in illegal pay for play schemes involving millions of dollars. It is Clinton who caused the deaths in Benghazi, and so much more. 

I have chosen to highlight the FBI investigation, which looked into whether or not Trump has or had a connection to Russia. This was important for a number of reasons. But in terms of the underhanded dirty politics that Clinton engages in, this truthful outcome was important. Why? Because Clinton and her campaign started rumors that Trump had an association with Russia and Putin. This false narrative was then picked up by Trump haters, as were other false things that Clinton floated – and still floats. But now the truth is revealed. The FBI has reported that there is no connection between Trump and Russia. I chose this particular article because it appeared in the NY Times – one of the most bias anti-Trump news outlets.

Investigating Donald Trump, FBI Sees No Clear Link To Russia
October 31, 2016 NY Times

As I wrote before, the Clinton campaign had other fake attacks lined up against Trump – but most of them have been sidelined because the eyes of the FBI and the public are upon them. This does not mean that they won’t try to launch something at him, in an attempt to shift the heat from Clinton to Trump. It won’t work. The evolved President Donald Trump is in the house, and he is not going to allow anything that Clinton does to get him off message. But like I said, let us keep The Astral Tagging truth reveal mission going. This will insure that truth will continue to have a positive impact in this election. This is what will give us all a chance to have that time looping nuclear disaster stopped once and for all. 

Have a Happy & Safe Halloween/Samhain

Ghost Asylum aka Tennessee Wraith Chasers

From time to time I will be sharing some of my reviews of 'reality' and documentary TV shows that feature paranormal, supernatural, time anomaly, time travel, cryptozoology, ET, and UFO subjects. As the discoverer of The Unified Field Theory Of Psi - as well as the Core Matrix, Time Shifts, and Co-Existing time lines - I hope that you find my expertise, and point of view, enlightening and useful.
~ Starfire Tor

In 2014, a new ghost hunting reality series debuted on the Destination America channel. It's still airing. It's called "Ghost Asylum", and features the ghost hunting antics of the Tennessee Wraith Chasers. The way things are, in this competitive paranormal TV market, you have to have a gimmick to get a show. Well, this group certainly has a gimmick - and it's not one that I have much faith in, as serious ghost investigations go. In fact, some of what I saw could be down right dangerous to them, and to those who have no idea how they disturbed various locations with potentially dangerous energy and entities.

I take the time to watch every paranormal related TV series - at least 2 episodes per series to be fair - that airs. The ones that I like I watch more of. Some TV series are intelligent but mundane limited investigations ["Ghost Hunters" aka TAPS would be an example of that], some tell about hauntings and possessions through re-enactments ["Ghostly Encounters", "Celebrity Ghost Stories", "The Haunted"], some investigators search out and take on demonics ["The Dead Files"], and some involve self proclaimed psychics whose abilities are in serious question ["Ghosts In My House"].

And then there is Ghost Asylum, which bills itself as a ghost hunting reality series with a twist. The twist? They claim that they can trap nasty spirits, contain them, and even dispose of them through these means. The group is energetic, likable, gung-ho, and definitely out of the box. Unfortunately, this does not translate to a meaningful or safe paranormal investigation or entity trapping and disposing mission. They build these contraptions, that they promote can trap ghosts and evil entities - thereby ridding a haunted location of the haunting entity. They've invested their beliefs in information that is nothing more than folklore, here say, and theory. Not only is none of it proven, but the scientific basics that they go on are not scientific basics at all. Therefore, regardless of what they promote on their show, their system is not workable. Their methods are not safe, and in many cases their beliefs may put them and others in serious jeopardy of spirit or demonic attack, attachment, or even possession.

Whatever is or isn't good paranormal science and info, one thing is for sure. They have a tendency to do what is called 'provoking'. No paranormal investigation should involve provoking, unless you are experienced and in it to the end. Why? because if there really is an entity, provoking it will make things worse. Too many paranormal investigators provoke - and then leave the investigation - thereby leaving the original experiencers to deal with an angry entity. Since I doubt, that the Tennessee Wraith Chasers actually trap and remove entities from a location, their habit of provoking mean trouble for them and for those left behind at the haunted location.

It gets worse. In one show, they built a ghost trapping box - and then claimed that they had trapped the entity in the box. No evidence to that claim was given. But let's, for a moment, pretend that they had trapped an entity in their box. What they did next proved - beyond a shadow of a doubt - that their knowledge is very limited, and that what they don't know is dangerous. In order to get rid, of the so-called entity in the box, they took that box into the woods and blew it up. Yep, they believed that blowing up the box would destroy or disperse the entity. But it wouldn't. If an entity, had been trapped in that box, blowing up the box would have released the entity. The entity itself would not be destroyed. Not only that, but this entity would now be released into the woods where innocent people and animals could be attacked. What they did was incredibly irresponsible.

Other episodes fared no better. This includes a recent one, where they are involved in an exorcism that included the psychic Chip Coffey. Based on what I saw in this episode, including the whole fantasy bent of the show, I have grave doubts that an actual and/or successful exorcism took place. Failed exorcisms make for very angry spirits, ghosts, and/or demons.

Go ahead and watch the show, to see what I'm talking about. But please do not take, what you are watching, seriously. Do not emulate them, and please do not promote their 'entity in a box' beliefs. That would just be spreading the potential for harm, should others try to emulate what they see the Tennessee Wraith Chasers doing on TV.

Starfire Tor

The Demon Files

From time to time I will be sharing some of my reviews of 'reality' and documentary TV shows that feature paranormal, supernatural, time anomaly, time travel, cryptozoology, ET, and UFO subjects. As the discoverer of The Unified Field Theory Of Psi - as well as the Core Matrix, Time Shifts, and Co-Existing time lines - I hope that you find my expertise, and point of view, enlightening and useful.
~ Starfire Tor

Ralph Sarchie is a self professed religious demonologist - and he takes his work very, very seriously. He was also an NYPD police officer for 18 years, where he reached the rank of sergeant. Like any police officer, in a city laced with crime and the darker side of human nature, he saw his share of the worst side of mankind. It was during this time, that he realized, that not all of the evil that he saw could be attributed to human conditions alone. He subsequently discovered demonic possession. Armed with an education, from famed demonologists Ed and Larraine Warren, Sarchie began investigating demonic possession and infestation while still on the force. He eventually left the NYPD to become a full time religious demonologist.

In 2001, Ralph Sarchie co-wrote a book titled "Beware The Night", which was later titled "Deliver Us From Evil". It chronicled his work as a religious demonologist, and was recently made into a movie of the same name. The film created a bit of a media buzz around Sarchie, and his partner Mark Stabinski. In 2015, Destination America began to run his reality TV show "The Demon Files". In the show, Sarchie and his team go on location to a home whose occupants claim disturbing paranormal experiences. At this point, his show is no different than many other paranormal ghost investigation shows. But that is all that this show has in common, with other paranormal investigation shows. Why? Because Sarchie is not there to investigate ghosts. He is there to locate and exorcise demon infestations - and he comes with an arsenal to get the job done.

I do recommend this show, simply because Sarchie is 100% sincere about his demon beliefs and demon fighting abilities,. There is nothing phony about him, or the members of his team. They know how to work together, and it's a smooth operation. However, there are things about the show - and Sarchie's paranormal knowledge - that I do not agree with.

Even though I recommend the show, it must be watched with the understanding that Sarchie approaches demonology from a Catholic religion point of view. Therefore, what you will see is demon banishing based on the beliefs of that one religion. In actuality, demons are not hung up on any one religion – or even any religion at all. They are a dark force non-human energy, that adapts to the beliefs of the humans that they are haunting and assaulting. Because of this, there are many ways to banish a demonic entity - and it's not an easy thing to do. Sarchie's way is only one of those ways. Regardless of what religion or lore is involved, one thing is the same across all methods. In order to banish a demonic force, it's important to reveal the identity of that demonic force. Demons gain power through stealth, fear, and anonymity.

Being an ex police officer, Sarchie conducts his investigation by searching the location like it was a crime scene. He searches for clues, that he believes are signs of the demonic, as well as searching for clues that someone at the residence has ties to the occult. He looks into people's backgrounds, and asks them questions of importance to his investigation. If he catches anyone in a lie - which he did in one particular show - he and his team terminate the investigation and leave.

Although I view "The Demon Files" as being educational and interesting, there are some things that he believes that I know are not true. Because of this, I sometimes wonder if the haunting is actually caused by a demon, or possibly something else. This is serious, because if Sarchie mistakes what is causing the haunting, and identifies it as a demon when it is not a demon, then his methods of eliminating the haunting are less sure. Sarchie believes that only a demonic force can move objects. This is not true. Different types, of non-demonic energy and entities, can in fact move objects. They can even throw objects at people, or cause objects to strike people. Yet, Sarchie believes a demon is present, because an object in the home was moved by an unseen force. Sarchie makes another investigative mistake, with his belief that all involvement with the occult brings forth demonic entities. This is not true. Some occult dabbling can open the door, for demons to enter a location - but not all occult, paranormal, and psychic involvement does that. It takes knowledge and experience to know which is which. He has not learned to differentiate, and that probably has to do with the way he was taught to recognize and battle demons. This inability, to differentiate, leads him to sometimes give his clients the wrong advice about protection.

Despite these glaring information errors, Sarchie does show a command in banishing demons via Catholic religious methods. For many situations, Sarchie's methods can and will work to banish the demonic force present in the home he's there to protect. I only wish that the show would include a revisit to the location, months later. That's the only way to know if his work really got rid of a demon - or even a non-demon haunting - situation. Even with the best methods and intentions used, such demon banishings can require a repeat purge. Why? Because, sometimes the entity or demon pretends to be gone when it is not, and then later returns to continue the haunting. In other cases, one troublesome energy or entity can be banished - only to have another one or more take its place. Unfortunately, most reality shows like this never do follow-ups. While a follow-up is important, for a paranormal investigation to be thorough, it is not necessary to garner viewers or ratings. "The Demon Files" can be seen on Destination America.

Starfire Tor

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All contents copyright ©2016   by Starfire Tor