


Starfire Tor is the discoverer and chief researcher of Time Shifts, The Core Matrix, and Co-Existing Time Lines.  These are terms she coined to describe astounding interconnected phenomenon in which our reality and dominant current time line is constantly being edited and restructured. 

The ancient origin of the Core Matrix, Time Shifts, and Co-Existing time lines involves a black hole, matter, anti-matter, and other exotic elements.  Despite the immense, and symbiotic cosmic powers that brought the Time Shift mechanism into being, the continuation of this mechanism's function requires a source of power capable of triggering the Core Matrix's prime directive.  The sun is one of those power sources.
This is why some Time Shifts are triggered by certain types of solar activity impacting and interacting with the Earth's magnetosphere.   Whether from the Earth's magnetic field being hit with solar winds, solar flares, or CMEs the effect sets into motion the Time Shift mechanism which involves the altering of  frequencies which are the foundation of all  Core Matrix Co-Existing time line programs. The above graphic illustrates the flow of energy between the Sun and the Earth. 

To learn more about this ground breaking work please listen to Starfire Tor's many interviews, including the ones with Whitley Strieber on Dreamland and her many appearances on Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell, George Noory and Whitley Strieber.


The Time Shift Alerts presented by Starfire Tor do not represent all Time Shifts or Time Shift Alerts.  Nor does this Time Shift information present all Time Shift science or scientific results.  The purpose of sharing this sampling is to educate people about the science of Time Shifts.  Part of this Time Shift Alert education involves historical events including the September 11, 2001 attacks in the U.S., the December 26, 2004 earthquake and tsunami in the Sumatra-Indonesia region, and the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan.


Core Matrix, Time Shift, and Co-Existing Time Line Info

In answer to the question: Can anyone, as an individual or a group, shift to a better and more peaceful time line? Here is what can and cannot be done. The knowledge, that I am sharing, is based on my unique discoveries, research, and ability to understand the science - psience of it all.

1. No person or being, nor group of people or beings, can trigger or control a Time Shift and the formation of new co-existing time lines. This is strictly the domain of The Core Matrix and its time line edit mechanism.

2. No person or being, nor group of people or beings, can shift themselves or others to a different co-existing time line. Which co-existing time line, that we exist in, is actually determined by a Core Matrix program that regulates which co-existing time line our conscious brains recognize as the dominant co-existing time line.

3. The Core Matrix cannot shift us to a better more peaceful co-existing time line because one does not exist - yet.

4. As a sentient collective, whose brains interface with - but do not control - The Core Matrix, we have the ability to influence the manifestation of a better and more peaceful dominant co-existing time line. This can be done through a very specific type of Reality Shift Manifestation mission. I do know how to make this happen. There are methods and rules which must be followed, and cannot be broken.

5. A Reality Shift is not the same as a Time Shift. A Time Shift is a Core Matrix mechanism that creates new co-existing time lines through the action of time line editing. When a new dominant co-existing time line is created, the replaced dominant co-existing time line is retired. A Reality Shift can manifest changes to the already existing time line - but without creating a new co-existing time line. There are methods, and very strict rules, which must be followed and cannot be broken. I know these rules and methods, and I know how to do do Reality Shift manifestations on command.

6. Because our brains are the interface to The Core Matrix, it is through our brains that we can naturally psi-see - and sometimes communicate with - other retired co-existing time lines. This is where precognition and future-past sight comes from. This is where psychic and synchronicity experiences come from. This interfacing is what the dreaming brain is doing. Think of this as visiting, because no one can actually alter their brain programming so as to physically live in a retired co-existing time line. The Core Matrix's prime directive shielding prevents this from happening.

7. The Core Matrix never reinstates a past dominant time line to be a current dominant time line. Such an action is incompatible with life in general, due to the thousands of time line edits that have happened since the retired co-existing time lines were dominant. Yet all co-existing time lines continue to stream, as saved time lines. This happens because all co-existing time lines are connected. They all exist in the same space, and are only separated by their individual frequencies.

8. One day, I hope to teach you all how to Reality Shift manifest a better and more peaceful time line. I do have the answer. Just keep in mind that there are rules and ethics which must be obeyed. Also, 'peace' does not mean weak. 'Peace' is a very specific type of strength involving will, character, and a true understanding of planetary conditions and human nature. Also, the definition of 'better' is based on what elements actually work - and not necessarily what any individual or group wants the world to be like. There is a Reality Shift Manifestation formula that can work for everyone of good and selfless intent - and I know what it is.

Starfire Tor


More Sun Activity You'll Only Learn About Here
Powerful CME Blasts Away From The Sun
July 29, 2016 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

Have a look at this SDO solar image from today July 29, 2016. What you are seeing is a powerful coronal mass ejection [CME], firing off from just behind Earth's left rim. As obvious as this CME is, the only place you will learn about it is right here. The solar event is not being mentioned on scientific solar based sites. Therefore, the source of the CME goes unidentified. Yet this is a solar region that I've been watching for days, because it had been producing something that I call a 'torch' effect. The torch effect is caused when solar plasma builds up and away from the Sun's surface, but can't escape the Sun because it is magnetically tied to the Sun. But today something happened, and the torch turned into that powerful CME. Is there an unseen sunspot, just behind the solar rim that can't yet be seen? Did a magnetic solar rope develop and then lift off? Or is something else involved, such as a time line edit? Whether any of this energy will hit Earth is an unknown.

BTW, this is not the only solar event that happened in the past 24 hours, that no one but me is talking about. In the other one, an solar center disk Earth facing magnetic rope broke away as a CME. Right now it is traveling in the direction of Earth.

Then, of course, I was the only one who presented the July 26, 2016 mystery CME.

I just wanted you all to know about these solar events. 

K-index_2016-07-July-28_2130 SunSpot-None_20160728_223000

Geomagnetic Storm In Progress As Time Shift Marker
Confused Experts Can't Pinpoint Exact Source
Time Shift and Time Line Edits Active - What Has Changed?
July 28, 2016 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

As you can see, by this NOAA k-index chart, Earth is experiencing a geomagnetic storm. For days, the experts have put out an advisory that Earth may experience a geomagnetic storm. The only problem is, none of these experts could agree on just exactly what solar event and energy would be the source of the geomagnetic storm, and which day that geomagnetic storm would develop. As they looked at the data, their geomagnetic storm warnings were sometimes based on the solar wind from a coronal hole, sometimes based on a shock wave from some M flare coronal mass ejections [CMEs] that had flown wide of Earth, and sometimes a combination of both. Depending on which day, and the time of day, the expected solar event and energy just wasn't behaving as it should have - at least for them. Expert expectations soon gave way to confusion, as both the expected CME and solar winds vanished - for all intents and purposes. And yet, today Earth is experiencing a geomagnetic storm - without a clear source.

If you've followed my Time Shift reports - and learned from them, then you already know that this sort of situation is actually a Time Shift marker. There actually was a source, for this geomagnetic storm. But because of time line edits, the source was inadvertently edited out of the current dominant co-existing time line. Hence, the expert's confusion. What was left in, as to this latest co-existing time line, was the end result - the geomagnetic storm. As I've explained before, geomagnetic storms do not cause Time Shifts or time line edits. However, the same energy, that can trigger a Time Shift, is the same energy that can trigger a geomagnetic storm. This is why geomagnetic storms are Time Shift markers. This is why, geomagnetic storms without a clear source, are Time Shift markers.

As usual, this leads to the question: What in the world has changed, because of the current Time Shift and time line edit. Remember, it's the Core Matrix that controls the mechanism and function of Time Shifts and time line edits. No single human, group of humans, or beings of any sort can trigger or control Time Shift and time line edit activity. The Core Matrix program is only concerned about following its Prime Directive, which is to re-create the original Cosmos from which we all originated. Unfortunately, our original Cosmos was nearly destroyed by a black hole event. The Core Matrix, which exists in an ergosphere on the outskirts of that black hole, can only re-create our Cosmos from the fragments of life which was saved in that ergosphere before the black hole could pull it in. Time Shifts, and time line edits, is the mechanism by which the Core Matrix is forever trying to re-create a Cosmos - even though most of the parts are long gone. Read my earlier reports to learn more about this.

Meanwhile, the Sun continues to show a blank Earth facing side. There is activity, as I have shown recently, but that activity does not include Earth facing sunspots. This SDO photo shows the blan Sun.

Here is a brief summary of what to watch for in Time Shift markers. Due to frequency and time line edit changes associated with Time Shifts there may be Time Shift triggered earthquake, volcano, tornado, weather, and geophysical events. Tech communications may be disrupted, cetaceans may strand or swim wrong way. Auroras will form. Time Shifts create an amplification of paranormal activity, ghost activity, haunting activity, poltergeist activity, apports, synchronicity, psi abilities, time/word/object prompts, deja vu, psychic dreaming, precognition events, awareness of Time Shift Living Dead persons, altered time line events, time line looping, altered terrain, altered structures, altered world events and more. 

Christine Green  --  When you ask what in the world has changed, like altered world events, could not an unexpected shift in consciousness occur? Just wondering.
 · July 29 at 5:43pm

Starfire Tor  --  Christine - In my explanation of The Core Matrix, time line edits, and related topics consciousness plays a key role - but not in the way you have asked your question. Our brains interface with the Core Matrix, and it is through this interface that the Core Matrix determines which co-existing time line we will all have a conscious awareness of that time line. Therefore, shifting our collective consciousness happens all the time - meaning every time that there is the creation of a new co-existing time line. There is nothing unexpected about it, once you understand the mechanism and our relationship to The Core Matrix.
 · July 29 at 10:17pm

CME_2016-07-26_061431UT_Red-SUN_SDO-AIA-304 CME_2016-07-26_061431UT_Red-SUN_SDO-AIA-304_SolarFlareCloseUp

Mystery Flare and CME Erupts
Time Shift Marker
What In The World Changed?
July 26, 2016 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

Have a look at these solar images, from today July 26, 2016. The entire solar photo comes from SDO, while the other image is a crop that I made of a portion of the SDO photo. I'm showing this to you because of the large flare that you see erupting on the Sun's lower right rim. This explosive flare is what I've featured in the cropped photo.

Okay, you may think, so it's a solar flare. Not so fast, on what you think you are seeing. That impressive eruption, which by the way also produced an energetic flurry of multiple coronal mass ejections [CME], has no known source. There was no sunspot, from which it erupted, nor was there a magnetic rope field from which it erupted. It just erupted. This flare is significantly lower, geographically, then recently departed sunspots 2565 and 2567.

Almost without exception, this type of activity is a Time Shift marker. It is a signal that there has been a time line edit, and when the new co-existing time line came about, the source of the flare was inadvertently edited out of our new co-existing time line. We were left with what I'm showing you - a solar flare and CME flurry with no discernible source.

I must always ask the same question: What in the world changed?


Geomagnetic Storms Got Powerful
Time Shift and Time Line Edits Still Tweaking Reboot
July 25, 2016 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

Yesterday's geomagnetic storming intensified, as you can see by this L-Index chart. While it appears to be going into a calmer stage, more geomagnetic storms are expected shortly.

The same solar energy, that triggered the geomagnetic storm, has also triggered Time Shift and time line edits. While we recently experienced a time line reboot, this geomagnetic storm seems to indicate that the reboot was in need of tweaking. This geomagnetic storm did not trigger an entire Cosmic reboot, such as I altered about in previous reports.


Geomagnetic Storms In Progress
Manifested After the Double M Flares and Reboot Post
Time Shift and Time Line Edits Tweak Reboot
July 24, 2016 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

How about this? Hours after today's Time Shift marker double M flares, and my alert about The Core Matrix rebooting our dominant co-existing time line yet again, the Earth has been hit by a solar wind triggering geomagnetic storm. The same solar energy, that triggered the geomagnetic storm, has also triggered Time Shift and time line edits. This may seem, retro and out of sync with a Time Shift cause and effect scenario, but this situation is not the same as the time line reboot. That reboot Core Matrix action usually obliterates any physical evidence of a Sun-Earth interaction, such as one that would trigger a geomagnetic storm. As I see it, this latest Time Shift activity is a tweaking of the reboot and not another reboot in itself. But it sure is interesting. 

CME_07-24_182125_SDO-AIA-335_Blue2 CME_07-24_001925_SDO-AIA-335_Blue2 CMX-Chart_07-23,24

3rd Set Of Double M Flares From Sunspots 2565-2567
Core Matrix Prime Directive ReBoots Planet Yet Again
R1 Radio Blackout
July 23, 2016 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

To fully understand the importance of the information in this post, please read my multiple April 2016 posts on the Sun's near X flare and its connection to the Core Matrix Prime Directive. Then read my 'Double M Flares' posts beginning on July 20, 2016. Do this, and the information in this current post will be pulled together for you. Just scroll down, and make sure that you are looking at all of my posts and not just highlight posts. Otherwise, you won't see everything that you need to see about The Core Matrix, the Prime Directive, and the how and why system of co-existing time line edits.

Keep in mind" All time line edits source from The Core Matrix's, through the mechanism of Time Shifts. The Core Matrix, which acts as a hard drive for all elements in all co-existing time lines, utilizes a self initialized Prime Directive to determine the need for time line edits and the creation of new co-existing time lines. The Core Matrix Prime Directive licks in when a previous co-existing time line has experienced something catastrophic in the Cosmos or to our planet.

Once again, sunspot regions 2565 and 2567 have fired off double M flares. This is the 3rd set since July 20, 2016. Today is July 24, 2016. From today, the 1st was an M2 solar flare and the 2ns was an M1.9 solar flare. The flares produced an R1 radio blackout event. These SDO solar images show both M flares, while the solar flare chart shows you the double M flares from today and yesterday. As you can seem by the SDO images, sunspots 2565 and 2567 are at the far right solar rim and have essentially rotated off of the Earth facing side of the Sun. A small spec, of a rotation more, and these double M flares would not have been catalogued on the solar flare list. Small favors. I saw no coronal mass ejections [CME] produced. Even if there had been CME, the energy would not have reached Earth do to the position of the flares - unless a Time Shift triggered time line edit is involved..

As I explained, in yesterday's double M flare post, this solar event activity is also a Time Shift marker of a Core Matrix reboot of the dominant co-existing time line due to a catastrophic Prime Directive event - again. I know this, because of the repeat pattern that has presented. I have shared parts of this pattern with you all, so that you can better understand the situation.

In my July 23, 2016 post I explained how reboot Time Shift time line edit patterns are factored to reveal reboot patterns and events. In this case, which includes today's solar events, it all connects to the reboot noted on April 18, 2016. In all of these events, complex sunspots were originally positioned directly Earth facing. But not one of them fired off, their M and/or near X flares, until they were all on the right rim of the Sun. By then, any CME action would not have been able to hit Earth. Also, all of these events involved either the appearance of disappearance of solar energy directed at Earth, such as missing or mysteriously appearing solar winds and CMEs.

The big question remains - what triggered the Core Matrix to enact the Prime Directive, thereby creating time line edits that alter when and where the Sun fires off dangerous solar flares. It's not just about solar flare energy, and how it interacts with the Earth. There are other event factors which may also have caused a reboot. The fact, that this has happened again today, tells me that another dominant co-existing time line reboot was necessary - as determined by the Core Matrix Prime Directive time line edit program.

A dominant co-existing time line reboot is not the same as a dominant co-existing time line edit. The time line edit consists of time line changes, which the Core Matrix deems is necessary for the Cosmos to reform into its original authentic self. It's always a work in progress. These types of dominant time line edits are a bit like a tweaking of this and that, here and there. The original authentic Cosmos is the way the Cosmos was, before being almost totally absorbed by a massive black hole event. The Core Matrix, which exists in the ergosphere zone that surrounds that same black hole area, formed because of the still viable remnants of our original Cosmos. The Core Matrix formed, because the captured remnants from our original Cosmos still retained its original 'spark of life'. While a reboot does involve a time line edit, that edit actually involves having to put the entire Cosmos - or possible only our part of the Cosmos - back together after some sort of massive life ending devastation.

Whatever it was had to be so Earth shattering that a reboot was again needed to preserve life and the planet. Just keep in mind, that no single human or human group - nor any single being or group of beings - regardless of how advanced or sophisticated they may be - has the power or ability to trigger and/or control either a Time Shift or time line edits. The Prime Directive does not kick in, so that political power plays go one way or the other. The Prime Directive only kicks in with a threat like human created nuclear devastation, geophysical devastation, solar energy devastation, or asteroid and comet strike devastation. Which one - or combination - is it?

CME_07-23_053025UT_SDO-AIA-94_Green CME_2016-04-18_0125_Red CMX-Chart_07-22,23

Near X Flare Double Blasts From Sunspot 2565-2567
Core Matrix Prime Directive Saves Planet Again
CME Produced Deja Vu Of April 18, 2016 Event
R2 Radio Blackout
July 23, 2016 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

To fully understand the importance of the information in this post, please read my multiple April 2016 posts on the Sun's near X flare and its connection to the Core Matrix Prime Directive. Just scroll down, and make sure that you are looking at all of my posts and not just highlight posts. Otherwise, you won't see everything that you need to see about The Core Matrix, the Prime Directive, and the how and why system of co-existing time line edits.

All time line edits source from The Core Matrix's, through the mechanism of Time Shifts. The Core Matrix, which acts as a hard drive for all elements in all co-existing time lines, utilizes a self initialized Prime Directive to determine the need for time line edits and the creation of new co-existing time lines. The Core Matrix Prime Directive licks in when a previous co-existing time line has experienced something catastrophic in the Cosmos or to our planet.

Only hours ago, on July 23, 2016, active sunspot region 2567 and 2565 - the sunspots I've been writing about for days - fired off 2 more powerful M flares. In fact, these latest M flares were significantly more powerful than the 2 M flares fired off on July 21, 2016. Today's flares were an M7.6 followed minutes later by an M5.5. The M7.6 flare was a near X flare. The flares produced a coronal mass ejection [CME]. Because these sunspots were rotating off of the Sun's Earth facing side, it's doubtful that this powerful energy will reach Earth - at least in the current dominant co-existing time line. These latest M flares triggered an R1 and an R2 radio blackout.

There is a lot more going on than today's near X flare. Why? Because today's near X flare event is a deja vu of the April 18, 2016 near X flare event. Check out the SDO and SOHO photos from both events, as well as the current solar flare chart. In both events, complex sunspots were positioned directly Earth facing. Had either situation fired off a a powerful flare when there, if that flare produced a CME, then the full on energy would have hit Earth. While observing both my research indicated that Time Shift markers were indicating that Time line edits were happening. One of the hallmarks, of some of these Time Shift markers, involved either the appearance of disappearance of solar energy directed at Earth. Then, when these respective sunspots are just at the point of rotating off the Sun, they both fire off near X flares. Because of there position, the energy from these near X flares are mainly directly away from Earth.

The big question is - what triggered the Core Matrix to enact the Prime Directive, thereby creating time line edits that alter when and where the Sun fires off dangerous solar flares. Whatever it was had to be so Earth shattering that something of a reboot was needed to preserve life and the planet. Just keep in mind, while you're thinking about this, that no single human or human group - nor any single being or group - has the power or ability to trigger and/or control either a Time Shift or time line edits. The Prime Directive does not kick in, so that political power plays go one way or the other. The Prime Directive only kicks in with a threat like human created nuclear devastation, geophysical devastation, solar energy devastation, or asteroid and comet strike devastation. Which one is it?  Do any of the Time Shift markers, that I've collected, point to the answer? The mystery continues.


Double Earth Facing M Flares From Sunspot 2567
July 20, 2016 to July 21, 2016
July 21, 2016 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

In an earlier post, I reported on the double M flares - and swarm of C flares - firing off from Earth facing sunspot 2567. At the time of my report, there was no data to determine whether any of those flares produced a coronal mass ejection [CME]. More data has now come in - such as it is. There is definitely a CME powering away from the Sun. It's not as large as others have been, in the past, but it is a CME. The problem is, it's impossible to determine whether this CME originated only with the C flare that preceded the double M flares, or whether this CME is a combination of the C and M flares. I still have to wait to see what part of this CME will hit Earth in 2-3 days - if at all. So stay tuned for updates, if needed.

This SDO image shows the CME activity mentioned.

CME_2016-07-21_022437_SDO-AIA-335_Blue2  CMX-Chart_07-20,21

Double Earth Facing M Flares From Sunspot 2567
R1 Radio Blackout Conditions
July 20, 2016 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

Just as I warned might happen, sunspot 2567 fired off 2 M flares today. One was an M1.2 and the other was an M1.0. About 22 minute before these M flares, 2567 fired off a C3.7 flare. You can see this firing of flares reflected in this solar flare chart. You can see the power expended in this SDO image.

I cannot as yet tell you, whether any of these flares produced a coronal mass ejection [CME]. Why? Because most of the cameras and scientific solar detectors were off line during most of the activity. I had not received a notice of equipment being off line, and I'm waiting for an official explanation - or for the images to be released.

From the information that is available, it looks like 1 or more of these solar flares has produced a CME. Here is the bottom line: At the time of these powerful M flares fired off, sunspot 2567 was no longer at solar center disk. You can see that from the SDO image that I have provided. This means, that if a CME was produced, it is unlikely to make a direct full on hit of Earth. However, even a glancing blow, from an M flare, is enough to trigger Time Shifts, time line edits, geomagnetic storms, and auroras. If there are 2 CMEs, all coming at the same time, then the energy hit is much greater. If all 2 are CME's, then the hit could be something not seen in decades - if ever historically speaking.

Stay tuned for more, because this could turn out to be something significant. At the very least, I called it.


Worldwide Geomagnetic Storms In Progress
Sources From CME That Never Was Is Time Shift Marker
Time Shift and Time Line Edits On Progress
July 19, 2016 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

Here we go again. After a weeks long wave of geomagnetic storming, followed by 3 days of calm, there is now a worldwide geomagnetic storm now in progress. This NOAA k-index geomagnetic storm chart shows what is going on, as do my previous posts on the topic. That previous wave, of geomagnetic storms, sourced from a series of solar winds that spewed from a very large coronal hole on the Sun. The length of the geomagnetic storm wave was unusually long, but the source was understand from the start. There is nothing usual about the source of the current geomagnetic storm. Read on, and let it sink in.

The current geomagnetic storm - which is worldwide, arrived without warning. That can and does happen. Sometimes the reasons are understood, and sometimes the reasons fall into being a Time Shift marker. This one falls under the category of being a Time Shift marker. Why? Because the experts have reported that the source of this geomagnetic storm is a coronal mass ejection [CME]. But if you read my reports, over the past 4 days, you will see that there were no CMEs produced. I made a point of this, more than once. It takes a CME about 3 days to travel from the Sun to the Earth. The only CME was on July 11, 2016 - and that one was modest and not heading to Earth. Even if it was headed for Earth, which it was not, the CME would not take 7 days to get here.

Here's what happened. In another co-existing time line there was an Earth directed CME, which fired off about 3 days ago. Time shifts and time line edits happened, and as part of the time line edit, that CME firing off failed to make it into the current co-existing time line. The CME hit remained, as is evidenced by the geomagnetic storm, but the original CME event does not exist. This is why this phantom origin CME is a Time Shift marker. Regardless of its existence, in the current time line, I've provided documentation that the source CME was edited out of the time line.

Needles to say, Time Shift and time line edit activity is in progress.

As I have discussed before, geomagnetic storms do not trigger Time Shifts. However, the same solar energy, that can trigger Time Shift activity, is the same energy that produces geomagnetic storms on Earth. This is why geomagnetic storms are Time Shift markers. This 6 days, of geomagnetic storming, also represents 6 days of Time Shift activity triggers. I say 'triggers' because Time Shift activity - and the time line edits that they bring - can last far longer than a geomagnetic storm lasts. While a geomagnetic storm, can herald the start of a new Time Shift, the end of a geomagnetic storm has no impact on the longevity of Time Shift activity. It's important to understand this relationship.

- That is an instrument capture of the CME, which I reported on, passing the ACE spacecraft just before the CME hit Earth. That's the start point, of awareness, that a CME hit was just about to happen.

Core Matrix, Time Shift, and Co-Existing Time Line Info

In answer to the question: Can anyone, as an individual or a group, shift to a better and more peaceful time line? Here is what can and cannot be done. The knowledge, that I am sharing, is based on my unique discoveries, research, and ability to understand the science - psience of it all.

1. No person or being, nor group of people or beings, can trigger or control a Time Shift and the formation of new co-existing time lines. This is strictly the domain of The Core Matrix and its time line edit mechanism.

2. No person or being, nor group of people or beings, can shift themselves or others to a different co-existing time line. Which co-existing time line, that we exist in, is actually determined by a Core Matrix program that regulates which co-existing time line our conscious brains recognize as the dominant co-existing time line.

3. The Core Matrix cannot shift us to a better more peaceful co-existing time line because one does not exist - yet.

4. As a sentient collective, whose brains interface with - but do not control - The Core Matrix, we have the ability to influence the manifestation of a better and more peaceful dominant co-existing time line. This can be done through a very specific type of Reality Shift Manifestation mission. I do know how to make this happen. There are methods and rules which must be followed, and cannot be broken.

5. A Reality Shift is not the same as a Time Shift. A Time Shift is a Core Matrix mechanism that creates new co-existing time lines through the action of time line editing. When a new dominant co-existing time line is created, the replaced dominant co-existing time line is retired. A Reality Shift can manifest changes to the already existing time line - but without creating a new co-existing time line. There are methods, and very strict rules, which must be followed and cannot be broken. I know these rules and methods, and I know how to do do Reality Shift manifestations on command.

6. Because our brains are the interface to The Core Matrix, it is through our brains that we can naturally psi-see - and sometimes communicate with - other retired co-existing time lines. This is where precognition and future-past sight comes from. This is where psychic and synchronicity experiences come from. This interfacing is what the dreaming brain is doing. Think of this as visiting, because no one can actually alter their brain programming so as to physically live in a retired co-existing time line. The Core Matrix's prime directive shielding prevents this from happening.

7. The Core Matrix never reinstates a past dominant time line to be a current dominant time line. Such an action is incompatible with life in general, due to the thousands of time line edits that have happened since the retired co-existing time lines were dominant. Yet all co-existing time lines continue to stream, as saved time lines. This happens because all co-existing time lines are connected. They all exist in the same space, and are only separated by their individual frequencies.

8. One day, I hope to teach you all how to Reality Shift manifest a better and more peaceful time line. I do have the answer. Just keep in mind that there are rules and ethics which must be obeyed. Also, 'peace' does not mean weak. 'Peace' is a very specific type of strength involving will, character, and a true understanding of planetary conditions and human nature. Also, the definition of 'better' is based on what elements actually work - and not necessarily what any individual or group wants the world to be like. There is a Reality Shift Manifestation formula that can work for everyone of good and selfless intent - and I know what it is.

Starfire Tor

Update - Solar Watch
July 18, 2016

The solar flare, that I reported about earlier, peaked at being a C6.6 magnitude solar flare. This was just short of being an M flare, as you can see in this solar flare chart. This was sunspot 2565, whidch then fired off a C4.4 solar flare some hours later. Neither of these flares produced a coronal mass ejection [CME]. The blasted solar energy stayed tethered to the Sun for hours and hours, as it formed a canopy of floating plasma. After the second blast, all of that plasma fell back to the Sun instead of traveling away and toward Earth. Both sunspot 2565 and 2567 are complex and powerful enough to fire off M flares. But even an M flare, as powerful as it is, doesn't always develop into a CME. Since these sunspots are still directly Earth facing, they are worth keeping an eye on. 

Update: Solar Flare Watch

A solar flare is happening right now. I'm watching to see how powerful it becomes. Right now, it's at the high end of being a C flare. Will it keep going, and become an M flare or higher? Stay tuned. Read my previous post on the solar flare watch.  

Large Sunspots 2565 and 2567 Are Directly Earth Facing
2567 Is Very Active and Capable Of M Flare Activity
July 17, 2016 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

As I reported earlier, the Sun has once again developed sunspots on the Earth facing side of the Sun. Prior to this, in June and July 2016, the Earth facing side of the Sun had been blank for more than a week. As you can see, in this current SDO, there are 2 large sunspot areas that are at the exact point of solar center disk. The sunspot area on the left is 2567 and the one on the right is 2565. For the past 2 days, 2567 has been firing off a flurry of C flares. 2565 has only fired off 1 as of this report. None of these solar flares has produced a actionable coronal mass ejection [CME]. This has caused the solar material to fall back to the Sun. This, in turn, has caused these sunspots to grow in size and complexity.


WOW! More Geomagnetic Storms Over A 10 Day Stretch
Time Shift and Time Line Edits Continue
What In The World Has Been Edited?
The Core Matrix At Work
July 16, 2016 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

The amazing continues. On July 12, 2016 I reported that the Earth was experiencing 6 straight days of geomagnetic storming. That stretch was from July 7-12, 2016. Today July 16, 2016 Earth is experiencing yet another geomagnetic storm. This NOAA k-index geomagnetic storm chart tells the story.

Due to the solar energy, hitting the planet, we are still experiencing an on-going wave of Time Shift and time line edit activity. It's the solar energy hit, that triggers the Time Shift mechanism and not the geomagnetic storm itself. This Sun-Earth Time Shift mechanism is due - in part - to something called "frame dragging". You'll learn more about this in my upcoming book.

With this expanded wave, of Time Shift and time line edit activity, I'm doing my best to try and figure out what time line elements have been edited in and edited out of the previous co-existing time line. At the very least, based on patterns which I've observed and reports that I have received, the "missing candidate scenario" is still in play. If you want to know what that is - and why it is vital to all life on the planet, please read my series of posts on the topic earlier in the year.

Please keep in mind that I will not discuss politics here. I already know the outcome, as well as quite a bit beyond the election for US prez. My concern is to see the greater Core Matrix powers at work, and what time line edits have impacted the planet one way or another. Remember what I have already taught: no one and no group can trigger Time Shifts nor control time line edits. Neither is the Core Matrix a being or sentient. Time Shifts, and time line edits, are directly connected to the way the Core Matrix attempts to restore our Cosmos to the way it was before it was pulled in and destroyed by a black hole complex. The Core Matrix, which originates in the ergosphere surrounding that black hole complex, was able to retain some of the elements of our original cosmos. It is from that, that the Core Matrix is trying to restore the cosmos. That is impossible, but the Core Matrix never stops trying. This is the cause of the never ending time line edits, which in turn create new co-existing time lines.

Here is a brief summary of what to watch for in Time Shift markers. Due to frequency and time line edit changes associated with Time Shifts there may be Time Shift triggered earthquake, volcano, tornado, weather, and geophysical events. Tech communications may be disrupted, cetaceans may strand or swim wrong way. Auroras will form. Time Shifts create an amplification of paranormal activity, ghost activity, haunting activity, poltergeist activity, apports, synchronicity, psi abilities, time/word/object prompts, deja vu, psychic dreaming, precognition events, awareness of Time Shift Living Dead persons, altered time line events, time line looping, altered terrain, altered structures, altered world events and more. 

- The Core Matrix is not a machine. Nor is it a sentient being or life form. It is a cosmic device, which I have likened to a hard drive and its software etc. I say "likened" so that people can grasp the basics of how it works. But it is not a computer. It's total existence is beyond description, due to human limitations. The Core Matrix is the time line editor, for the reasons that I wrote - and have written about in greater detail in previous posts.


More Geomagnetic Storms Over An 8 Day Stretch
Time Shift and Time Line Edits Continue
What In The World Has Been Edited?
July 14, 2016 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

On July 12, 2016 I reported that the Earth was experiencing 6 straight days of geomagnetic storming. That stretch was from July 7-12, 2016. On July 13, 2016 - yesterday - Earth's magnetic field's calmed down. There were no geomagnetic storms, or even raised levels of energy. Today is a different day, because today the geomagnetic storms are back. This NOAA k-index geomagnetic storm chart tells the story.

As I have discussed before, geomagnetic storms do not trigger Time Shifts. However, the same solar energy, that can trigger Time Shift activity, is the same energy that produces geomagnetic storms on Earth. This is why geomagnetic storms are Time Shift markers. This wave of geomagnetic storms, now stretching over an 8 day period, is a Time Shift marker that heralds that we've had as many days of Time Shift triggers. While a geomagnetic storm, can herald the start of a new Time Shift - and the creation of a new co-existing time line, the end of a geomagnetic storm has no impact on the longevity of Time Shift activity. It's important to understand this relationship.

With so many consecutive Time Shift triggers, the question becomes: What in the world has been edited? I'm looking for clues. Remember what I have taught ... no person or group has the ability to either trigger or control Time Shifts and time line edits. So don't look to that as a possible answer. Time line edits are controlled by the Core Matrix, in its pursuit to re-create the original universe and time line that once existed - but was mainly destroyed by a mega black hole system. The Core Matrix arose from the remnants of who we were, that were captured in the ergosphere that exists around that same black hole system. Where these many time line edits minor or major? Wither type can trigger the creation of a new co-existing time line. This mystery will continue - and probably never be answered. More time line edits will take its place.


6 Straight Days Of Geomagnetic Storms
Time Shift and Time Line Edits Continue
What In The World Has Been Edited?
July 12, 2016 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

Take a look at this NOAA k-index geomagnetic storm chart. You are looking at 6 straight days of geomagnetic storms on planet Earth. This is both amazing and historical. This geomagnetic storm wave has been triggered by a succession of solar wind streams, which in turn have originated with the giant coronal hole I previously reported about.

As I have discussed before, geomagnetic storms do not trigger Time Shifts. However, the same solar energy, that can trigger Time Shift activity, is the same energy that produces geomagnetic storms on Earth. This is why geomagnetic storms are Time Shift markers. This 6 days, of geomagnetic storming, also represents 6 days of Time Shift activity triggers. I say 'triggers' because Time Shift activity - and the time line edits that they bring - can last far longer than a geomagnetic storm lasts. While a geomagnetic storm, can herald the start of a new Time Shift, the end of a geomagnetic storm has no impact on the longevity of Time Shift activity. It's important to understand this relationship.

With so many consecutive Time Shift triggers, the question becomes: What in the world has been edited? Remember what I have taught ... no person or group has the ability to either trigger or control Time Shifts and time line edits. So don't look to that as a possible answer. Time line edits are controlled by the Core Matrix, in its pursuit to re-create the original universe and time line that once existed - but was mainly destroyed by a mega black hole system. The Core Matrix arose from the remnants of who we were, that were captured in the ergosphere that exists around that same black hole system. Where these many time line edits minor or major? Wither type can trigger the creation of a new co-existing time line. This mystery will continue - and probably never be answered. More time line edits will take its place.

Here is a brief summary of what to watch for in Time Shift markers. Due to frequency and time line edit changes associated with Time Shifts there may be Time Shift triggered earthquake, volcano, tornado, weather, and geophysical events. Tech communications may be disrupted, cetaceans may strand or swim wrong way. Auroras will form. Time Shifts create an amplification of paranormal activity, ghost activity, haunting activity, poltergeist activity, apports, synchronicity, psi abilities, time/word/object prompts, deja vu, psychic dreaming, precognition events, awareness of Time Shift Living Dead persons, altered time line events, time line looping, altered terrain, altered structures, altered world events and more. 

The k-index chart - which measures geomagnetic energy on Earth - is collected from station in Sitka, Alaska; Meanook, Canada; Ottawa, Canada; Fredericksburg, Virginia; Hartland, UK; Wingst, Germany; Niemegk, Germany; and Canberra, Australia. However, this does not mean that any of the stations that you mentioned specifically or only relate to what's going on in Australia. The est planetary chart is actually based on an average reading of the other chart parts. It can show zero geomagnetic storms, even when one is raging in Northern or other latitudes. This makes the est planetary reading the least reliable. As for the college chart - nope. What is specific to Australia is not in that chart. FYI here is the k-index map for Australia


Continued July 11, 2016
Time Travel Claims
Truths and Lies

Please read my original report from July 8, 2016. There are some other things, that I want you all to know, when it comes to hoaxes involving Time Travel. Some Time Travel hoaxes, like The Philadelphia Experiment, become woven into the fabric of people's beliefs about Time Travel. This is why so many Time Travel hoaxers align themselves with The Philadelphia Experiment hoax in one way or another. Hoaxers claim this connection, as a way of giving them the appearance of deep secret knowledge and special access to the coveted and hidden mysteries of Time Travel. In doing so, the scammer has hijacked an important subject matter - along with the people who believe the hoax. Hoaxes - in any field - are not harmless.

Keep in mind, that these time travel hoaxers had no idea - until I published my report years ago - that The Philadelphia Experiment was a hoax. The hoaxers fell for the original hoax, which is why it is so easy to weed out Time Travel hoaxers today. Ironically, they are unable to travel back in time to erase their original claims involving The Philadelphia Experiment - whether these claims were direct tie-ins to it, or comments endorsing it as being real. My report, exposing that The Philadelphia Experiment was a hoax, is a very big "gotcha" for Time Travel hoaxers.

There are a number of people who have publicly claimed to have been part of a black ops style Time Travel Program. Let me give you all a bit more insight into why such claims should be discarded. Include the information that I have already supplied here, and in my previous report. Please understand that physical Time Travel is a viable science - at some point. It should be assumed, that somewhere in time someone did actually master the science of physical Time Travel. Therefore, Time Travelers - and a Time Travel program of sorts - do exist. As I've already pointed out, in my previous report, anyone actually involved in a Time Travel program would not be allowed - or even want to - talk about it publicly. Those that might try would not get very far - if at all. Only Time Travel hoaxers are free to go on and on about their Time Travel claims.

Then why are these hoaxers allowed to carry on with such a hoax? First of all there is a matter of free speech. Unless they entangle their hoax claims, in the commission of a crime, they have the right to make whatever claims that they want to. But mostly, these hoaxers unwittingly supply a narrative that acts as a Time Travel program protection shield. As long as the public believes wrong Time Travel information, the people guarding real Time Travel information have very little to do to thwart prying eyes and inquiring minds. Generally, people do not look for something that they believe they have already found. Therefore, Time Travel hoaxers are unwittingly aiding in the cover-up of a potentially real physical Time Travel program. No one - and no group - made someone become a Time Travel hoaxer. They do it to serve their own personal agendas - and no one else's agenda. But that doesn't mean, that those who really keep Time Travel secrets can't use a hoaxer's agenda to hide Time Travel truths.

Time Travel is not always a physical endeavor. Most Time Travel involves the brain / co-existing time line connection. More on that in a future report.

Starfire Tor

CME_2016-07-10_0200_Red  CMX-Chart_07-09,10

Near M Flare Triggers CME
More Sunspots Develop
Geomagnetic Storm Continues
Time Shift and Time Line Edits Continue
July 11, 2016 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

Here is the near M flare that I said I would show you. It was an C8.6 flare and coronal mass ejection [CME] that was fired off from small newly formed sunspot 2564. There are now 4 sunspots on the Sun, with 3 of them small and a 4th new one a bit larger. That last one is rotating onto the Earth facing side of the Sun as I write this. What's interesting, about this CME, is that 2564 is such a small sunspot - in comparison to other much larger sunspots that have developed in the past. But as you can see, sunspot size does not always equal how powerful a blast it can fire off. Seriously, to get a near M flare from this tiny guy was remarkable. As for the CME, due to it's position and weak output, it's doubtful that any of this solar energy will reach Earth in a meaningful way. If things change I'll let you all know. The SOHO red photo shows the CME erupting, from the left solar rim. The chart shows the intensity of the flare.

Meanwhile, the geomagnetic storm wave continues as I write this. This is a continuation of the solar wind event spewing from that very large coronal hole that I talked about in an earlier post.

Time Shifts, and time line edits, continue. Watch for Time Shift markers. Here is a brief summary of what to watch for in Time Shift markers. Due to frequency and time line edit changes associated with Time Shifts there may be Time Shift triggered earthquake, volcano, tornado, weather, and geophysical events. Tech communications may be disrupted, cetaceans may strand or swim wrong way. Auroras will form. Time Shifts create an amplification of paranormal activity, ghost activity, haunting activity, poltergeist activity, apports, synchronicity, psi abilities, time/word/object prompts, deja vu, psychic dreaming, precognition events, awareness of Time Shift Living Dead persons, altered time line events, time line looping, altered terrain, altered structures, altered world events and more.


Geomagnetic Storm Continues
Huge Coronal Hole On The Sun Creates Solar Wind
Time Shifts and Time Line Edits Continue
New Sunspot Fires Off Near M Flare
July 10, 2016 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

Earlier, I reported that Earth was experiencing a geomagnetic storm, as well as Time Shift and time line edit activity. Geomagnetic storms bean on July 7, 2016 and have continued through today July 10, 2016. This wave, of geomagnetic storming, began when a huge coronal hole opened on the surface of the Sun. You can see the size of the coronal hole in this SDO photo. The solar wind, spewing from this gigantic solar area, began spewing solar wind about 4 days before that same solar wind made the journey to Earth. In fact, that coronal hole is so large, that it kept on spewing solar wind over many days. In turn, the spewed solar wind is hitting Earth in waves instead of at one time. This is why the triggered geomagnetic storms have continued for so long. As powerful as this solar wind event is, the state of these geomagnetic storms has not risen above a G2 level. This is because - as I mentioned before in an earlier report - Earth's BZ [magnetic shield] was pointing north a lot of the time during this event. This action repelled and diminished the solar wind's ability to trigger more powerful geomagnetic activity on Earth. Has the BZ been pointing south, for the duration, this geomagnetic storm wave would have been much more intense.

Regardless of the strength of the geomagnetic storm wave, the solar energy behind it continues to trigger Time Shift and time line edit activity. Read my earlier reports on the many types of Time Shift markers being experienced. Remember what I've explained before: Geomagnetic storms do not trigger Time Shifts nor time line edits. The solar energy, that caused the geomagnetic storms, was the trigger. This is why a geomagnetic storm can be the definitive Time Shift marker.

Meanwhile, new sunspots have developed on the Earth facing side of the Sun. One of them fired off a near M flare aka C8.6 flare from sunspot 2564. I'll cover this in a separate report.

- No one - including myself - is able to trigger a Time Shift or cause the formation of a new co-existing time line. It is possible, as I have demonstrated, to cause alterations in the current dominant co-existing time line. Doing so takes, not only an ability, but the smarts to know what can and can't be done. There are rules of engagement, and other forces at work all pushing for their agendas. So, while it is possible to influence something like an election in a country, putting energy into that is actually not something that would work. There are just too many crossing agendas - and consequences - for an ethical person to mess with. However, ethically I can cause hidden and unclear things to come into the light of truth. What the world does, with that truth, is not up to me. Often as not, truth is not something that people in power want to deal with. This is because the truth messes up the illusion that they have been promoting for years, and behind them is yet more power that pushes the illusion as well..


Time Travel Claims
Truths and Lies

I am a time anomaly and time travel expert. The reason is very simple. When I discovered Time Shifts, and all that it entails, I also discovered the rules that govern actual time travel. Yes, time travel is a viable reality, but that does mean that all time travel claims should be believed. How, you may ask, can an inquiring person discern between time travel claim truths and time travel claim lies? Good news. Discerning is easier than you think - if you follow the criteria that I outline.

In this report, I am only going to address the public claims of people who say that they are or have been part of a time travel program. I will not be naming names. I am only giving you the knowledge that you need to discern between truths and lies – no matter who is making the claim. This report does not address the public claims of people who report having encountered spontaneous time travel related experiences. These two different types, of time travel claims, fall into different categories – and therefore require different investigative techniques.

I have found, as a result of my unique research – and research abilities, that some spontaneous time travel experiences are genuine. That doesn’t mean that the experiencer actually knows what their time travel like experience entailed. It just means, that the experience they report is well within the realm of the possible. On the other hand: public time travel claims, that involve a secret organized time travel program, are not believable. This doesn’t mean that there isn’t a secret time travel program. It just means that the public claimants are not – and never have been – part of that program. Why? Because not one single one, of the field of time travel program claimants, have included the actual way that time travel works. Instead, such people have created a fantasy world that seems to be based in the way that science fiction and myth has promoted the topic of time travel.


Geomagnetic Storm Continues
Time Shift and Time Line Edits Continue
Confusion With Dates Pervasive Worldwide
July 8, 2016 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

Earlier, I reported that Earth was experiencing a geomagnetic storm, as well as Time Shift and time line edit activity. As can be seen, by this NOAA k-index chart, the geomagnetic storm has held on. This is particularly interesting, because the Earth's Bz has been facing north and not south. Generally, when the Bz faces north, Earth is able to repel excessive solar energy like a solar wind or a coronal mass ejection [CME]. When the earth's CZ is facing south, that same solar energy can make its way past the natural barrier. When this happens, the Earth can experience various levels of geomagnetic storming and auroras. A Time Shift can be triggered, regardless of which way the BZ is pointing and regardless of whether a geomagnetic storm has been triggered. Geomagnetic storms do not trigger Time Shifts. The solar energy, that can trigger a geomagnetic storm, is the actual Time Shift trigger.

Since my earlier report, where I shared the type of Time Shift marker reports I had received, I have additional information on that. I have now received a vast number of reports of date confusion. People have had a hard time recalling whether the date is July 6 or July 7 or July 8 2016. That confusion is still happening right now. When date confusion is pervasive, worldwide, this generally means that the Earth has transitioned through a number of what I call rapid fire time line edits and time line corrections. In other words, something very powerful has happened - and it regards time line editing of a very serious nature.


Worldwide Geomagnetic Storm In Progress
Time Shift and Time Line Edits In Progress
Synchronicity, Paranormal,and Psychic Time Shift Markers
Sun Gets Sunspots After 12 Zero Sunspot Days
July 8, 2016 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

Beginning July 7, 2016 Earth was hit with a solar wind triggered worldwide geomagnetic storm. It's been quite a while since we've had one of these. The solar wind energy, that has triggered this geomagnetic storm. has also triggered Time Shift and time line edit activity. At the same time, the Sun's zero sunspot run - of 12 days with no Earth facing sunspots - has come to an end. Earlier today there were 3 sunspots, with 2 very tiny ones and one that is modest in size. These sunspots are unrelated to the earlier coronal mass ejection [CME], which was triggered by an exploding Earth facing filament.

I have gotten a high number of Time Shift marker reports. so far a pattern has emerged, and this pattern shoes that the most e3xperienced Time Shift markers were/are synchronicity, paranormal experiences, and psychic experiences. Of those psychic experiences, one in particular involves future event and precognition awareness.

CME_2016-07-03_230537_SDO-AIA-335_Blue2  CME_2016-07-05_2312_Red

Powerful CME From Earth Facing Filament Eruption
July 5, 2016 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

Today, July 5, 2016, an Earth facing magnetic filament erupted on the Sun. The eruption triggered a rather robust coronal mass ejection [CME], which can be seen in these SDO and SOHO images. Although a powerful blast, it is not yet known whether any of this solar energy will reach Earth. The reason is the origin position of the blast. It is midway between the Sun's right limb and center solar disk, and this means that the solar energy has a 50/50 chance of hitting Earth - even if it's a glancing blow.

This is a good example of what I've been talking about, that even when there are no Earth facing sunspots to cause Time Shift triggering CME - there are other ways in which Time Shifts can be triggered. One is a solar wind hit, which sources from a coronal hole. The other is an erupting magnetic filament that triggers an Earth bound CME.

There's more happening on the Sun, right now, and I'll be sharing that info a bit later.

Meanwhile, Earth's magnetic field has been calm.


Auroras are natures natural fireworks show. This stunning undated aurora photo was taken by Tommy Eliassen in Norway.


Day 7 - The Sun Has No Sunspots
Solar Activity Low - But Not Gone Completely
Mystery Auroras Appear - Possible Time Shift Markers
July 1, 2016 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

On June 8, 2016 I reported that the Sun had gone blank, at least on the Earth facing side as far as sunspots were concerned. Then sunspots returned. On June 23, 2016, I again reported that the Earth facing side of the Sun was blank - meaning that there were no sunspots to be seen. It is now day 7, without any sunspots appearing on the Earth facing side of the Sun. A few days ago, there was some solar activity sourcing from the far side of the Sun, but that area has yet to rotate onto the Earth facing side of the Sun. The Sun has obviously developed into a "now you see them now you don't" sunspot phase.

As I have said before: Other experts will, no doubt, blame the zero sunspots on the ups and downs of solar minimums and maximums - upon which an 11 year cycle is attached. Perhaps, but in my line of work, I recognize that there are often other elements involved in the Sun's behavior - such as Time Shift activity. This is why I am less inclined to jump on that standard theory - at least for now. Interestingly, only days ago the Antarctic lit up with aurora activity. This was particularly interesting because there was no visible trigger for the auroras. There was no advantageous solar wind hit, no coronal mass ejection [CME] hit, and no other obvious Sun-Earth dynamic that would have caused the auroras to appear - and yet there they were. This aurora appearance may very well be a Time Shift marker.

Learn more about Time Shifts:



All contents copyright ©2012 by Starfire Tor