

November, 2015  TIME SHIFT  ALERT

Starfire Tor is the discoverer and chief researcher of Time Shifts, The Core Matrix, and Co-Existing Time Lines.  These are terms she coined to describe astounding interconnected phenomenon in which our reality and dominant current time line is constantly being edited and restructured. 

The ancient origin of the Core Matrix, Time Shifts, and Co-Existing time lines involves a black hole, matter, anti-matter, and other exotic elements.  Despite the immense, and symbiotic cosmic powers that brought the Time Shift mechanism into being, the continuation of this mechanism's function requires a source of power capable of triggering the Core Matrix's prime directive.  The sun is one of those power sources.
This is why some Time Shifts are triggered by certain types of solar activity impacting and interacting with the Earth's magnetosphere.   Whether from the Earth's magnetic field being hit with solar winds, solar flares, or CMEs the effect sets into motion the Time Shift mechanism which involves the altering of  frequencies which are the foundation of all  Core Matrix Co-Existing time line programs. The above graphic illustrates the flow of energy between the Sun and the Earth. 

To learn more about this ground breaking work please listen to Starfire Tor's many interviews, including the ones with Whitley Strieber on Dreamland and her many appearances on Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell, George Noory and Whitley Strieber.


The Time Shift Alerts presented by Starfire Tor do not represent all Time Shifts or Time Shift Alerts.  Nor does this Time Shift information present all Time Shift science or scientific results.  The purpose of sharing this sampling is to educate people about the science of Time Shifts.  Part of this Time Shift Alert education involves historical events including the September 11, 2001 attacks in the U.S., the December 26, 2004 earthquake and tsunami in the Sumatra-Indonesia region, and the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan.


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Triple CMEs Erupt On The Sun
Geomagnetic Storm Ends 8 Days Of Zero Activity
Solar Wind Hit Provides Time Shift Marker
November 30, 2015 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

After 6 days of zero geomagnetic activity, as well as near flat lined activity on the Sun, the dry spell is over - at least for now. A number of things have recently happened, with some things happening right now.

Earth is currently experiencing G1 geomagnetic storm conditions, which was triggered by a solar wind that arrived a day early. Solar winds take about 4 days, to travel from the Sun to the Earth, unlike most coronal mass ejections [CME] which take about 3 days to make the same trip. The reason is simple - the solar wind leaves the Sun with a lot less force than a CME. Less force makes for slower travel time. Also, a solar wind tends escape the Sun, from a coronal hole, over a much longer period of time than a CME does as it blasts into space. Blasting makes for a faster travel time. The point of this education is to explain why a solar wind arriving a day early, when there is nothing out there to speed up its travel time. Well ... there actually is something out there affecting this solar wind ... it's Time Shift activity. Therefore, the day early arrival, of this expected solar wind, becomes a Time Shift marker heralding a time line edit and the creation of a new co-existing time line.

But wait. There's more. Yesterday and today, the Sun produced 3 CMEs. 2 of them sourced from erupting magnetic filaments, while the 3rd sourced from smallish sized Earth facing sunspot 2459. Even though the 2 magnetic filament CMEs were much stronger and flashier than the CME from 2459, it is probably only the energy from 2459 that is going to hit Earth. If any energy, from the other 2 CMEs hit Earth, it will only be a glancing blow. Then again, more Time Shift activity can change the whole Sun-Earth playing field.

You can see how the current geomagnetic storm is recorded on this NOAA k-index chart. Check out these SOHO photos, which show the 2 magnetic filament and 1 solar flare CMEs.

Here is a brief summary of what to watch for in Time Shift markers. Due to frequency and time line edit changes associated with Time Shifts there may be Time Shift triggered earthquake, volcano, tornado, weather, and geophysical events. Tech communications may be disrupted, cetaceans may strand or swim wrong way. Auroras will form. Time Shifts create an amplification of paranormal activity, ghost activity, haunting activity, poltergeist activity, apports, synchronicity, psi abilities, time/word/object prompts, deja vu, psychic dreaming, precognition events, awareness of Time Shift Living Dead persons, altered time line events, time line looping, altered terrain, altered structures, altered world events and more.

Day 7 Of Zero Geomagnetic Storms
No New Time Shift Activity Reported
November 26, 2015 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

As can be seen, in this NOAA k-index chart, Earth is in day 7 of zero geomagnetic storming. In fact, some of the readings have been at 0. There has been no solar flare activity above the B level, and mostly not even that.

There are no new Time Shift waves to report, at least based on the Time Shift marker reports that I receive. As I've said before, even though a Time Shift can be triggered by solar energy hitting the planet and causing geomagnetic storms, Time Shift activity does not always end when geomagnetic storm activity calms down. However, in this case the Time Shift quiet, and the geomagnetic storm quiet, are happening at the same time.

Day 6 Of Zero Geomagnetic Storms
No New Time Shift Activity Reported
M Flare Activity Possible
November 25, 2015 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

As can be seen, in this NOAA k-index chart, Earth is in day 6 of zero geomagnetic storming - or even unsettled magnetic conditions. In fact, some of the readings have been at 0. This is in contrast to the 16 straight days, of geomagnetic storming, that Earth experienced only a couple of weeks ago.

One of the solar things, that I'm keeping a watch on, is directly Earth facing sunspot 2457. It has become a complex enough to fire off an M flare, while neighboring sunspot 2458 isn't far behind. Right now there are 4 Earth facing sunspots, with 2459 and 2460 being the smaller than the other 2 sunspots. 

Day 5 Of Zero Geomagnetic Storms
No New Time Shift Activity Reported
November 24, 2015 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

As can be seen, in this NOAA k-index chart, Earth is in day five of zero geomagnetic storming - or even unsettled magnetic conditions. This is in contrast to the 16 straight days, of geomagnetic storming, that Earth experienced only a couple of weeks ago.

Near M Flare From Sunspot 2454
November 23, 2015 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

Here is a look at an SDO photo, showing sunspot 2454 firing off its near M flare from today. It peaked at being a C8.7, but did not produce a coronal mass ejection [CME]. See my earlier report to learn more about this event, as well as other recent solar events of import.

Sun Lights Up With Solar Flares, CME, and Filament Lift Off
Near M Flare From Sunspot 2454
Time Shift Activity Continues
November 23, 2015 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

Welcome to another episode of "As The Sun Turns", the longest running reality show in our solar system. In this episode, we see the Sun lighting up with a combination of multiple solar flares from sunspots 2457 and 2454, plus a coronal mass ejection [CME] that was triggered by a magnetic filament lift off.

This photo, from SOHO, captures the moment when all of these solar elements where in motion at the same time. The magnetic filament's CME is that energy expanding out from solar left. But it's the bright activity, happening solar right, that probably has your attention. That solar brightness is actually a whole lot of solar plasma created by multiple solar flares that have fired off from sunspot 2454. Even tho one of those flares was a near M flare, which erupted only hours ago, none of those flares developed into a CME. Instead, all of that solar plasma is floating above the Sun's surface because it is anchored to the Sun by magnetism. This is the source of what I call solar torches. They can last for days or longer. Sometimes torches fall back to the Sun completely. But at other times, a powerful flare erupts that breaks the hold that the magnetic energy has on the torches. This, in turn, can cause a huge CME to blast off from the Sun. It's anyone's guess what will happen with this group of active plasma.

Meanwhile, the Earth's geomagnetic situation has been calm for days. Even so, Time Shift activity is still active. Here is a brief summary of what to watch for in Time Shift markers. Due to frequency and time line edit changes associated with Time Shifts there may be Time Shift triggered earthquake, volcano, tornado, weather, and geophysical events. Tech communications may be disrupted, cetaceans may strand or swim wrong way. Auroras will form. Time Shifts create an amplification of paranormal activity, ghost activity, haunting activity, poltergeist activity, apports, synchronicity, psi abilities, time/word/object prompts, deja vu, psychic dreaming, precognition events, awareness of Time Shift Living Dead persons, altered time line events, time line looping, altered terrain, altered structures, altered world events and more.

Geomagnetic Storms Are Back As CME Hits Earth
Time Shift Activity Continues
November 19, 2015 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

Here is the NOAA k-index chart, which shows you what the current geomagnetic storm looks like on the graph. It also shows you the end of the 16 consecutive days of geomagnetic storming, the day and a half of calm, and the onset of the new geomagnetic storm. See my previous report for more.

Geomagnetic Storms Are Back As CME Hits Earth
Time Shift Activity Continues
November 19, 2015 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

After 16 days of consecutive geomagnetic storms, with only a day and a half of calm in between, Earth is once again experiencing geomagnetic storming worldwide. This latest geomagnetic storm - which began yesterday - was triggered by the coronal mass ejection [CME] hit that I reported was coming, due to a filament lift off on November 16, 2015, Not all CME source from solar flare triggered CME, and this is a good example of that.

The auroras, that were triggered by this geomagnetic storm, have been colorful and beautiful - as exampled by this sprawling aurora photographed in Alaska by Marketa Murray.

Time Shift activity continues, and in fact Time Shift marker reports did not stop when the geomagnetic storm conditions calmed. This happens because, although a geomagnetic storm might trigger a Time Shift, the calming of a geomagnetic storm has no impact on when that wave of Time Shift activity ends. In other words, the geomagnetic storm only triggers a Time Shift. It does not control a Time Shift.

There are currently only 2 Earth facing sunspot areas, and they are on the quiet side right now. A new sunspot is getting ready to rotate onto the Earth facing side of the Sun, and it appears to be mildly active. But it's the Sun, so the quiet - as it regards CME and solar winds that impact Earth - will not last forever.

Consecutive Geomagnetic Storms End On Day 17
Time Shift Activity Continues
November 17, 2015 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

After 16 days of consecutive geomagnetic storms, the run has ended on day 17. Check out this NOAA kindex chart to see how the end was recorded. This is an amazing number of days for the Earth to be experiencing geomagnetic activity, and by association an amazing number of days for Time Shift and time line edit activity to be triggered. But even though the geomagnetic storms have ended - at least for now - Time Shift activity is still continuing. This happens because, although a geomagnetic storm might trigger a Time Shift, the calming of a geomagnetic storm has no impact on when that wave of Time Shift activity ends. In other words, the geomagnetic storm only triggers a Time Shift. It does not control a Time Shift.

As it happens, another geomagnetic storm is expected to hit Earth possibly as early as tomorrow November 18, 2015. The reason is the filament lift off, and coronal mass ejection [CME], that I reported about yesterday. Other than this CME, there is no active solar activity aimed at Earth as I write this. Of the for sunspots, on the surface, none are generating activity any bigger than B flares with no CMEs to speak of. This is called flat lining. Of course this will change, at some point in the near future. But for now, this is the way things are with the Sun-Earth connection.

Magnetic Filament Erupts With Earth Facing CME
Day 16 Of Consecutive Geomagnetic Storms
Time Shift Activity Continues
November 16, 2015 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

Yesterday, November 15, 2015, a long Earth facing magnetic filament lifted off on the Sun. This activity did develop into a wide coronal mass ejection [CME]. Hours after it erupted the CME was still forming and growing wider. That is why this SOHO image, of the CME, is dated November 16, 2016. I expect that part of this solar energy will reach Earth in a few days. However, because it is so wide spread - and doesn't have the eruptive force of a more focused solar flare, this energy will do a bit of meandering in space. This may or may not affect the CMEs trajectory.

There is also something called a co-rotating interaction [CIR] region, that has developed between the Sun and the Earth. This is basically an area of space where different solar winds, of different speeds, encounter each other. This in in turn produces a transformed wave of solar wind that has the potential of hitting Earth with a greater force than any of the individual solar winds that make up the wave. Even tho this CIT isn't expected for a couple of days, none-the-less Earth is still experiencing geomagnetic storming for the 16th day in a row. Right now, geomagnetic storm conditions are being recorded in northern latitudes, with unsettled magnetic regions being recorded worldwide.

These 15 straight days, of geomagnetic storming, has kept Time Shift and time line edit activity in an ongoing state of activity. Here is a brief summary of what to watch for in Time Shift markers. Due to frequency and time line edit changes associated with Time Shifts there may be Time Shift triggered earthquake, volcano, tornado, weather, and geophysical events. Tech communications may be disrupted, cetaceans may strand or swim wrong way. Auroras will form. Time Shifts create an amplification of paranormal activity, ghost activity, haunting activity, poltergeist activity, apports, synchronicity, psi abilities, time/word/object prompts, deja vu, psychic dreaming, precognition events, awareness of Time Shift Living Dead persons, altered time line events, time line looping, altered terrain, altered structures, altered world events and more.

13th Day Of Geomagnetic Storms
Time Shift and Time Line Edit Activity Continues
Time Shift Markers Galore
November 13, 2015 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

Today marks the 13th straight day of geomagnetic storms. You can see this remarkable occurrence in the succession of NOAA k-index charts that I've posted, including this current one. Some of these geomagnetic storms were triggered by the solar winds coming from the Sun's coronal holes. But like today's activity, the geomagnetic storm was triggered by the hit from a coronal mass ejection [CME] - or was it? It was earlier reported, by the experts in such matters, that the expected CME had missed Earth. So either this 13th day of geomagnetic storms is from that no-hit CME, or Earth has mysteriously entered some sort of solar wind stream. IMO it's the CME.

In case you're paying close attention, yes the 13th straight day of geomagnetic storms has been marked on the 13th day of November. And if this means anything to any of you, it happens to be Friday the 13th. IMO, pay no attention to the Friday the 13th thing. It's a made up myth between good luck and bad luck. In the true world of Time Shifts, and time line edit activity, there is no such thing as a day dedicated to either bad luck or good luck. But the number 13 does contain a time prompt synchronicity, relevative to Time Shift marker time prompts. These 13 straight days, of geomagnetic storming, has kept Time Shift and time line edit activity in an ongoing state of activity.

Time Shift Living Dead Person Update
Christopher Lee Dead Again June 7, 2015

This is a confirmation that the well known actor Christopher Lee meets the criteria of being a Time Shift Living Dead [TSLD] person. He died, again, on June 7, 2015 at the age of 93. He was born May 27, 1922. Based on the TSLD reports that I have received, regarding him, he is remembered as having died before within the past 5-8 years accordingly. Like many TSLD people, Lee has died at an advanced age. With little exception, most TSLD people continue to advance in age even when they have died in some of the co-existing time lines in which they exist. The Time Shift Living Dead enigma is perhaps the most profound Time Shift marker of all, mainly because it becomes a personal experience that people cannot deny that they experienced.

For more on the Time Shift event, to which this June 7, 2015 TSLD event is connected, read my June 8, 2015 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report.

This composite photo, from the BBC, shows Lee in some of his most famous roles including "Lord Of The Rings", "Star Wars", and "Dracula".

11th Day Of Geomagnetic Storms
Time Shift and Time Line Edit Activity Continues
Time Shift Markers Galore
November 11, 2015 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

Today marks the 11th straight day of geomagnetic storms. You can see this remarkable occurrence in the succession of NOAA k-index charts that I've posted, including this one. Some of these geomagnetic storms were triggered by the solar winds coming from the Sun's coronal holes. But like today's activity, the geomagnetic storm was triggered by the hit from a coronal mass ejection [CME]. Today's hit was the result of a surprise M3.9 solar flare eruption from sunspot 2449, and the subsequent CME that blasted away from the Sun on November 9, 2015. Check out my earlier report when this event original happened. I explain why this M flare was a surprise.

These 11 straight days, of geomagnetic storming, has kept Time Shift and time line edit activity in an ongoing state of activity. Of the thousands of Time Shift marker reports, that I have gotten so far regarding this 11 day period, at the top of the reports is synchronicity, time and word prompts [today is an 11-11 date], psychic experiences, psychic dreaming, and precognition.

G3-G2 Geomagnetic Storm In Progress Worldwide
Time Shift and Time Line Edit Activity Continues
November 10, 2015 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

As I reported it would, a new wave of solar energy has caused a continuation of the already in progress geomagnetic storming. As you can see, from this current NOAA k-index chart, this geomagnetic storm has reached from G3 to G2 intensity levels Time Shift and time line edit activity continues to be triggered by all of this Sun-Earth entanglement. So stay aware of Time Shift markers, because they are the clues that let you know that a Time Shifty - and time line edits - are in progress.

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Surprise M3.9 Earth Facing Flare From Sunspot 2449
R1 Radio Blackout
Geomagnetic Storm Activity Continues With More Expected
Time Shift and Time Line Edit Activity Continues
November 9, 2015 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

Earth facing sunspot 2449 has just fired off an M3.9 solar flare, which triggered an R1 radio blackout as well as a coronal mass ejection [CME]. This SOHO photo shows the CME blasting away from the Sun. I expect some of this energy to hit Earth in about 3 days. Interestingly, although 2449 is an island chain of sunspots, it is not particularly large compared to other sunspots capable of firing off an M flare. It just goes to show that it's not a sunspot's size, that determines the power of its flares. It's really about the type of energy fueling the flare. In fact, only hours before this powerful M flare fired off, the Sun had been declared quiet with no chance of any activity from any of the visible sunspots. Surprise, surprise, surprise.

Meanwhile, geomagnetic storm activity keeps on going and going and going. Check out this NOAA k-index chart and you'll see what I mean. Not only this, but more solar energy is expected to arrive today, courtesy of yet another coronal hole that opened days ago. Now add this to the CME hot, that will be here in about 3 days, and what we have here is a bit of Sun-Earth-Time Shift excitement. Yep, Time Shift activity continues to be triggered by all of this Sun-Earth entanglement. So stay aware of Time Shift markers, because they are the clues that let you know that a Time Shifty - and time line edits - are in progress

UFO's - ET Crafted Flying Ships - Are Real
But Saturday Night's Streaking Light Was Not A UFO
Good Way To Test 'UFO Expert's' Grip On Truth And Reality

On Saturday night, November 7, 2015, a well seen and well reported streaking light made its way across California. The site was spectacular, and the show lasted about 30 minutes. Thousands of people saw the event and took photos and vids. This photo, by Simon Diaz, is a good example of what people saw. The event was so big that it made broadcast news locally and nationally. The question on everyone's minds was, were they witnessing a real deal UFO? To many it seemed that way. The streaking object caused fear in some, awe in others, and a chance for some self proclaimed UFO experts to claim that this object proved that ET UFOs were real. Remember this one as you read on.

But to the trained eye [yes, I'm one of those with trained eyes], the streaking light was no UFO. It was an IFO - an identified flying object. It looked like, and acted like, a man-made missile that had just launched from somewhere. It didn't take the Navy long to step up and claim ownership of the drama. They identified the streaking object as part of a Navy Strategic Systems Programs which conducted a scheduled Trident II (D5) missile test flight at sea. The missile had been launched from the Kentucky, an Ohio-class ballistic missile submarine positioned in the Pacific Test Range off the coast of Southern California. And so it was.

First, let me say, that ETs and their associated flying craft are real. But that doesn't mean that every mysterious flying object is an ET related flying craft. It's important to be able to rule out the ordinary explanations, because only then can you really identify when something is out of the ordinary - and possibly an authentic ET associated UFO.

There was an important lesson to learn from this streaking missile, and it was in the way that people and 'UFO experts' reacted. I can understand if ordinary people, unfamiliar with what a streaking missile looks like, might mistake it for an ET related UFO. The fear level, that some witnesses reached, was also expected due to the ET hype that's out there. But the most interesting reveal came from certain 'UFO experts' who jumped on the UFO bandwagon and proclaimed that the streaking light was proof that ET related UFOs were real. What really happened is that these so-called experts proved that they are not the informed experts that they claim to be.

An informed UFO expert would have recognized the signature look of a missile launch, even if the identity of the missile was unknown at the time. Anyone promoting themselves as a UFO expert, who proclaimed this streaking light to be of ET origin, has really only proved that they are not a good source for realistic UFO information. That's the lesson for you all. Make note of which self proclaimed experts said the streaking light was a real ET related UFO - then take them off your list of reliable UFO information sources. This means that whatever UFO material they've been promoting should be viewed as problematic as to authenticity. This will certainly clear the field of some of these characters, helping those interested in ETs and UFOs to better choose whose opinions they will take seriously. Oddly enough, you can thank the US Navy for unintentionally cleaning house on this one.

Photo: Simon Diaz

Starfire Tor's Contact With The Spirit Of Anne Strieber
As Shared By Whitley Strieber

On November 4, 2015, Whitley Strieber posted a new journal entry titled "In the Weave of the Journey, a Meeting". You can read the entire entry here:

In this entry, Whitley shares the authentic communications that he has been receiving from his beloved late wife Anne. She died August 11, 2015. Along with other information, Whitley shared some of the afterlife contact that I recently had with Anne. She came to me in a lucid dream. It was totally amazing. Not only did Anne give me a lot of information, most of which was for Whitley, she also asked me questions as it referred to her current state of being. I was fascinated to learn, from what Whitley shared in his journal entry, that my contact was part of a larger communication that Whitley was receiving from Anne. This confirmed much of my contact experience.

In one instance, Anne had given me the answer to a question that Whitley had asked her. I knew nothing about this question, and yet Anne obviously had heard Whitley's question and wanted him to have the answer in a very clear non-nonsense manner. In my lucid dream contact, Anne appeared in my office. Through Whitley's journal, I now know that some of what Anne told me was information that she had either told or showed to others as well. This included how Anne's appearance, which was a bit different from how she looked when I knew her in life. I wrote down what Anne told me, and got the information to Whitley. I did this because I was positive that I had experienced a genuine visitation from Anne. Most of what Anne told me was intended for Whitley. Anne did make some interesting comments meant for me, with one of them being that she knew my new book - which I'm still writing - would be published and sitting on a shelf in my library. Whitley privately confirmed, that the way Anne told me this book information was typical of how she would encourage him when she was alive.

It's so important to get validation of the type of spirit contact that i experienced. I thank Anne for entrusting me with her many messages for Whitley. Here is some of what I wrote to Whitley, and what he revealed in his journal. Whitley Strieber wrote, in part:

"On that night, I had asked Anne a number of specific questions, among them, "Do you have the ability to live inside me?" I had hoped that she could somehow share my body. Maybe if that was possible, we could gain a more objective relationship, one that was not so accessible to invasion by my imagination.

Starfire's second letter contained these exact lines: "While Anne has the ability to move through you, Anne knows that she will never knowingly literally reside within you. This is what I mean by keeping your soul separate from hers, because it will be tempting for you to want to hold her as close as possible. Don't worry about that. From what I experienced of her, Anne isn't going anywhere. Anne has the ability to make herself known to you, not only in a dream state, but in your waking world as well. She has the ability to wash over and through you, so that you can literally feel what she is feeling and know what she is thinking."

Now, you want to be floored--try asking a dead person a question one night and getting the precise answer from a friend the next morning, a friend who can have had no idea what had been asked."

Double CMEs
Earlier M Flare CME Expected To Hit Earth Tomorrow
Geomagnetic Storm Ends But Time Shift Activity Continues
November 6, 2015 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

On November 4, 2015 I reported about 3 M flares that erupted from the Sun. One of them, an M3.7 - which fired off a coronal mass ejection [CME] from directly Earth facing sunspot 2443, is expected to reach Earth tomorrow November 7, 2015. Despite the fact that this CME developed from an M flare, and despite the fact that the M flares was Earth facing, this particular CME just isn't as powerful a blast as it might have been. Because of this, it's unknown whether all or part of the CME will hit Earth, or even if it might arrive a day later than expected. Stay tuned as needed.

Yesterday - November 5, 2015 - a pair of C flare triggered coronal mass ejections erupted on the Sun only minutes apart from each other. Besides that event , being interesting, the CMEs originated from opposite ends of the Sun. You can see the action SOHO photo. However, neither CME will make it to Earth. They headed in other directions.

Meanwhile, the recent solar wind whipped geomagnetic storm has ended. However, the Time Shift activity, that it triggered, is still ongoing. It is not unusual for this to happen, Just because a geomagnetic event may trigger Time Shift activity does not mean that the TS activity stops when the geomagnetic storm calms down. So, stay aware of Time Shift markers.

This dynamic multi-colored aurora, triggered by the current geomagnetic storm event, was photographed in Russia by Pavel Kantsurov.

Geomagnetic Storm Gives One Last Hurrah
Time Shift Activity Still In Progress
November 5, 2015 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

The solar wind stream, that triggered the current geomagnetic storm event, is moving past the Earth now. This is causing the geomagnetic storm event to begin calming down. But like so many geomagnetic storm, like this one, just when you think it's done it revs up again with one last hurrah. Take a look at this NOAA k-index chart and you'll see what I mean by revving up again. Soon, this will calms down as well and we can bid a fond farewell to a geomagnetic storm that now into day 4. That's a good run, as these thigns go.

Meanwhile, there hasn't been too much solar flare or coronal mass ejection activity since yesterday's 3 M flares. I guess those 2 dueling sunspots, 2445 and 2443, are taking a breather. Actually, 2445 is now on the Sun's right rim, and will soon be rotating onto the far side of the Sun. Of course that won't stop it from firing off more M flares. 2443 is still directly Earth facing. And there's a new player on the block, who just rotated onto the Earth facing side of the Sun by firing off a C1 flare. It's number is 2448.This one may grow to a large size as well.

Time Shift activity is still in progress. Here is a brief summary of what to watch for in Time Shift markers. Due to frequency and time line edit changes associated with Time Shifts there may be Time Shift triggered earthquake, volcano, tornado, weather, and geophysical events. Tech communications may be disrupted, cetaceans may strand or swim wrong way. Auroras will form. Time Shifts create an amplification of paranormal activity, ghost activity, haunting activity, poltergeist activity, apports, synchronicity, psi abilities, time/word/object prompts, deja vu, psychic dreaming, precognition events, awareness of Time Shift Living Dead persons, altered time line events, time line looping, altered terrain, altered structures, altered world events and more.

3 M Flares
3 R1 Radio Blackouts
G3-G1 Geomagnetic Storm Continues Worldwide
November 4, 2015 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

The Sun has exploded into an M flare blasting factory, because today there have been 3 M flares. The most powerful was an M3.7 from super giant directly Earth facing sunspot 2443. The other 2 were an M1.9 and an M2.5 from giant Earth facing sunspot 2445. It was definitely a game of M flare ping pong between these 2 sunspots - and there may still be more to come. Each M flare produced an R1 radio blackout on Earth. Both of the 2445 M flares were of very short duration, and based on the data available there foes not appear to be a coronal mass ejection [CME] associated eith either of them. But that larger M flare, from directly Earth facing 2443, was of longer duration and may have produced a CME. If it did, this M3.7 is heading straight for Earth. I'll let you all know if a CME was produced, if needed. This SDO photo shows the M3.7 firing off at center solar disk. 2445 is very near the right solar rim, and the tail end of one of its M flares can also be seen in the photo.

Meanwhile, the geomagnetic storm is continuing worldwide. Most of the planet is experiencing G1 geomagnetic forces, while the northern latitudes are experiencing more intense G3 geomagnetic storming. The storm is expected to continue into tomorrow. The Time Shift activity, that this geomagnetic storm triggered, is still in progress according to the Time Shift marker reports that I've received so far. Stay aware of your Time Shift marker experiences.

As the worldwide geomagnetic storm continues, auroras are dancing in the skies. This brilliant beauty was photographed in the Yukon Canada by Wayne Roberts.

Geomagnetic Storm Hits Worldwide
Time Shift Activity Still In Progress
November 3, 2015 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

The expected geomagnetic storm, which began yesterday, has ramped up as the main solar wind force has arrived. Yesterday, geomagnetic storming was only in the northern latitudes. Now the geomagnetic storming is worldwide. The intensity varies between a G1 and a G2. depending on where in the world the storms are. It's not unusual for this type of event to have a stop and start action element. This NOAA k-index chart shows what I'm talking about.

This geomagnetic storm triggered new Time Shift activity, starting yesterday, and is continuing into today according to the new Time Shift marker reports that I've received so far. Stay aware of your Time Shift marker experiences. Psychic and precognitive dreams and episodes were reported quite a bit, as was synchronicity and benevolent spirit contact.

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Many CMEs Light Up The Sun
Geomagnetic Storm Hits Northern Latitudes
Time Shift Activity In Progress
November 2, 2015 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

The Sun has lit up with a co-mingled bevy of coronal mass ejections [CMEs] that have lit up space around the Sun. This SOHO photo shows you what I'm talking about, as sunspots 2443 and 2445 fire off C flare after C flare triggered CMEs. Some of this solar energy will make it to Earth in about 3 days. It's amazing that so many solar flares should fire off one after the other, from 2 different sunspot regions. It's also amazing that these are only C flares, when both of these sunspots have the energy to fire off M flares. And, as I wrote earlier, 2443 has the energy to fire of X flares.

Meanwhile, the expected geomagnetic storm has so far only hit the northern latitudes, as can be seen in this NOAA K-index chart of geomagnetic events on Earth. At one point it kicked up to a G2 intensity level. It's a wait and watch scenario, to see if there will be any further geomagnetic storm activity associated with this solar wind event. It's not unusual for this type of event to have a stop and start action element.

BTW, if you come across any sites - including respected science sites - saying that the expected geomagnetic event has yet to arrive, you can see for yourself that this is not true. I believe that this error occurred, due to the limited data that the source sites were using called "estimated planetary" data. True geomagnetic activity can only be gleaned by a review of all of the planetary data and not just the estimated planetary data.

This geomagnetic storm - even though it is currently only hitting the northern latitudes - has triggered new Time Shift activity, according to the new Time Shift marker reports that I've received so far.

Super Giant Earth Facing Sunspot 2443 Poses Serious X Flare Risk
G3 Geomagnetic Storm Watch Issued For November 2, 2015
Wave Of New Time Shift Activity Expected
November 1, 2015 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

It's November 1, 2015, and I have a lot of things I need to tell you all about - most especially about an immediate clear and present danger posed by super giant sunspot 2443. Take a look at this current SDO photo of the Sun. 2443 is that long and large chain of islands at solar disk left. 2442 is that smaller chain of sunspot islands at solar disk right. So you see that size difference between those 2 sunspot regions? Now take a look at the solar photo that I posted on October 30, 2015. Do you see how fast and large 2443 has grown? It was large when I first reported about 2443. Now it is incredibly super large and extremely active. So far, it has fired off more than 30 C flares and 1 M flare. Yet none of these flares, coming from this mega super giant sunspot region, has produced a significant coronal mass ejection [CME]. The flare's energy has consistently fallen back to the Sun's surface. This is why 2443 continues to grow bigger and more powerful. It keeps getting recharged with an infusion of solar plasma.

Most importantly, 2443 harbors the type of energy that can produce both powerful M flares and X flares. Should it fire off an M or X flare, during the next 7 days or so - and that flare develops into a CME - there is no doubt that the energy will hit the Earth. Because of it's size and girth, 2443 may be capable of firing off an X flare above an X1 rating. 2442 has been quiet, over the past 2 days, but still needs to be watched too - although it is not as dangerous as 2443.

Meanwhile, a G3 geomagnetic storm watch has been issued for tomorrow November 2, 2015. The solar wind, that is expected to hit Earth and generate this G3 geomagnetic storm, sources from an Earth facing coronal hole that opened up many days ago. It generally takes a solar wind 4 days to make the trip between the Sun and the Earth, while a CME usually takes about 3 says to make the same trip. It's a velocity thing. A solar wind is solar energy that is released into the solar system from a coronal hole, while a CME is blasted away from the Sun via a solar flare or magnetic field eruption.

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