


Starfire Tor is the discoverer and chief researcher of Time Shifts, The Core Matrix, and Co-Existing Time Lines.  These are terms she coined to describe astounding interconnected phenomenon in which our reality and dominant current time line is constantly being edited and restructured.

The ancient origin of the Core Matrix, Time Shifts, and Co-Existing time lines involves a black hole, matter, anti-matter, and other exotic elements.  Despite the immense, and symbiotic cosmic powers that brought the Time Shift mechanism into being, the continuation of this mechanism's function requires a source of power capable of triggering the Core Matrix's prime directive.  The sun is one of those power sources.
This is why some Time Shifts are triggered by certain types of solar activity impacting and interacting with the Earth's magnetosphere.   Whether from the Earth's magnetic field being hit with solar winds, solar flares, or CMEs the effect sets into motion the Time Shift mechanism which involves the altering of  frequencies which are the foundation of all  Core Matrix Co-Existing time line programs. The above graphic illustrates the flow of energy between the Sun and the Earth. 

To learn more about this ground breaking work please listen to Starfire Tor's many interviews, including the ones with Whitley Strieber on Dreamland and her many appearances on Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell, George Noory and Whitley Strieber.


The Time Shift Alerts presented by Starfire Tor do not represent all Time Shifts or Time Shift Alerts.  Nor does this Time Shift information present all Time Shift science or scientific results.  The purpose of sharing this sampling is to educate people about the science of Time Shifts.  Part of this Time Shift Alert education involves historical events including the September 11, 2001 attacks in the U.S., the December 26, 2004 earthquake and tsunami in the Sumatra-Indonesia region, and the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan.


January 1, 2014 Solar Activity and Time Shift Alert Update
Geomagnetic Storm In Progress
Time Shift and Time Line Edit Activity In Progress

Happy New Year one and all. As expected, the 2014 New Year rings in with a geomagnetic storm that measures between a powerful G7 to a moderate G5. This NOAA K-index chart documents this geomagnetic storm. This geomagnetic storm was triggered by a combination of a solar wind hit and a coronal mass ejection [CME] hit. Read my earlier reports to find out more about these solar events. Be sure to click on the chart to see the full chart. 

As a reminder, a CME and/or solar wind hit - and subsequent geomagnetic storm - is one of the events that can trigger Time Shift and time line edit activity. That is what is happening now. This mechanism is due, in part, to the way this solar energy interacts with Earth's magnetosphere and the Core Matrix's time line program. The mechanism involves something called "frame dragging", which distorts the space-time continuum. FYI: The idea of frame dragging is not mine. An early theory about frame dragging can be found in Albert Einstein's 1918 theory of general relativity. I simply understood that my Time Shift discoveries involved the mechanism of frame dragging, and so for me the existence of frame dragging went from theory to actuality. Then, in 2004, an international team of NASA and university researchers discovered direct evidence that the Earth is dragging space and time around itself as it rotates. Isn't that interesting? Of course, way before 2004, those who followed my Time Shift research already knew that frame dragging was a very real event because it is part of the Time Shift mechanism. I'm always pleased when other scientists make discoveries that lend support my own research. 

Stay sharp, stay tuned, and be as aware as you can of Time Shift markers. These markers are the best evidence that a Time Shift is in progress.  

January 1, 2014 Solar Activity and Time Shift Alert Update 2
Near X Flare [M9.9] plus M1.7 Flare
R2 Radio Blackout
Geomagnetic Storm
Time Shift and Time Line Edit Activity In Progress

Today, shortly after I posted my earlier Time Shift report, super active Earth facing sunspot 1936 fired off a near X class flare. In the past few days I had written that 1936 harbored the energy for an X flare, which I thought might fire off by New Year's day. So I guess my prediction was very, very close. Check out this flare firing off on this SDO photo. Just be sure to click on the photo to see the whole photo. This powerful M9.9 flare caused an R2 radio blackout on Earth. At first I thought this flare was an X flare, due to the data I was reviewing. But other scientists settled on it being an M9.9 instead of an X flare, which is a fraction of the energy below an X flare. Then later in the day, sunspot 1944 fired off an M1.7 solar flare. 1944 is just rotating onto to Earth facing side of the Sun, so little to none of that solar energy is expected to be geo-effective here. But due to the high level of activity on the Sun, as of recent, there is plenty of geo-effective solar energy here and still coming out way. 

As usual: Stay sharp, stay tuned, and be as aware as you can of Time Shift markers. These markers are the best evidence that a Time Shift is in progress.  

The First Auroras Of 2014

On January 1, 2014 Branislav Beliancin took this breathtaking photo of a panoramic green and red aurora stretching across the Norwegian landscape.  

January 4, 2014 Solar Activity and Time Shift Alert Update
Giant Earth Facing Sunspot 1944 - 6 M Flares
Geomagnetic Conditions and Solar Stream
Radio Blackouts
Time Shift and Time Line Edit Activity
Earth At Perihelion

There is so much going on, between the Sun and the Earth, that I wanted to present the situation as comprehensively as possible. I've decided that the best way to do this is to introduce you to the source of most of the current solar activity. So take a look at this current photo of our Sun, and make sure to click on the image to see the whole image. The most obvious thing that you are looking at Earth facing super giant sunspot 1944. It is so big that it can be seen from Earth without a telescope, although please do not look directly at the Sun because it will harm your eyes. 1944 is so large and powerful, that in the past 3 days it has fired off 6 M class solar flares and a large squadron of C class flares. 

So it should be as no surprise that 1944 harbors the energy to fire of X class flares. And here are some other things that enter the mix. Not only is 1944 Earth facing, in just days it will be directly and squarely facing Earth. Anything that it fires off, in the next week, is all but guaranteed to reach Earth. The other element involved is that today the Earth is at perihelion. This means that Earth is now at its closest to the Sun in its orbit around the Sun. So instead of the Sun being an average of 93 million miles from the Sun, today the Sun is about 91 million miles from the Sun. Among other relationship impacts, this means that it will take a slightly shorter time for solar activity to reach Earth. At the same time, as all of this is happening, Earth is still withing a solar stream from a coronal hole. This solar stream, along with some coronal mass ejection [CME] energy, has kept Earth at various levels of geomagnetic storming and unsettled conditions. R1 to R2 radio blackouts, plus a radiation storm, were generated with the M class solar flares. 

Time Shift and time line edit activity has been extended, due to the interaction between the solar activity and Earth. More of the same is on the way. Stay sharp, stay tuned, and be as aware as you can of Time Shift markers.  

January 5, 2014 Solar Activity and Time Shift Alert Update
Multiple M and C Class Flares Create Solar Halo

M class flares are still firing off, with some coming from giant sunspot 1944 and the other coming from sunspot 1936. As a reminder, 1936 is the powerful sunspot that fired off that near X flare [M9.9] only days ago. 1936 has since rotated onto the non-Earth facing side of the Sun, and from that position behind the Sun's west limb is continuing to erupt with both M and C class solar flares. 

Take a look at this SOHO solar image. Be sure to click on it so that you can see it properly. What you are looking at is what is called a solar halo. They do not happen very often, because they can only happen when many CME - positioned at points around the Sun, fire off within less than 24 hours from each other. It is the expanding solar particle, from the many CME, that create the halo effect. In the case of this halo, due to the many M flares that caused most of the halo, the CME energy is going out in many different directions. One of those directions is Earth, where I expect the hit to become geo-effective. This will further extend Time Shift and time line edit activity.  

Stay sharp, stay tuned, and be as aware as you can of Time Shift markers.  

January 6, 2014 Solar Activity and Time Shift Alert Update
Solar Radiation Storm In Progress

Check out this current SDO image of the Sun from today January 6, 2014. As you can see, the uber giant sunspot 1944 is almost center disc, meaning it is almost directly facing Earth. Regardless of 1944 not yet being perfectly centered, any coronal mass ejection [CME] that happens now will certainly be heading for Earth. Also, 1944 is magnetically connected to regional magnetic filaments that have also been firing off right along with the M and C class solar flares coming from 1944. 

But there is another sunspot to be aware of, and once again that is sunspot 1936. As I already reported, 1936 is the once Earth facing sunpot that fired off a near X flare a couple of weeks ago. Even though 1936 rotated to the non-Earth facing side of the Sun, it is still firing off powerful solar flares and charged solar particles. In fact, due to a recent 1935 eruption, Earth is now experiencing an S1 solar radiation storm. An S1 radiation storm is the lowest ranking radiation storm. Basically, there is no biological danger from from an S1 storm, nor does it impact our satellites. It does, however, mess with HF radio signals in the northern latitudes. This is another reminder that eruptions, that are not Earth facing, can still impact this planet. However, solar radiation storms do not trigger Time Shifts nor time line edits. 

Meanwhile, Time Shift triggering CME and solar winds are heading to Earth again. Check out my last report showing the CME halo and you'll be filled in on what is going on in that department. So as usual, stay sharp, stay tuned, and be as aware as you can of Time Shift markers. These markers are the best evidence that a Time Shift is in progress.  

January 6, 2014 Solar Activity and Time Shift Alert Update 2
S1 Solar Radiation Storm, Proton Storm, R1 Radio Blackout In Progress
Earth Directed M and C Class Solar Flares

This SOHO solar image [click on it to see the whole photo] shows you the power of this combined M and C class solar flare and coronal mass ejection [CME] from today January 6, 2014. It sources from a combination of giant sunspot 1944, its magnetically connected sunspot 1946, and a looping of interconnected magnetic filaments. As I reported earlier [I suggest you read these earlier reports] any CME coming from 1944 will hit Earth. The solar energy, that it fired off into space from the 1944 region - which as you can see - will be here in about 3 days. Also, solar activity has triggered an S1 solar radiation storm, a proton storm, and an R1 radio blackout. Should this very active region fire off an X flare, while Earth facing, the solar energy streaming to Earth will be much more powerful. As it is, all you need to trigger a Time Shift is a mild CME. The more powerful the CME [and any geomagnetic storms produced], the longer the triggered Time Shift is active - and therefore the more complex the time line edits will be. Also remember that a Time Shift, which can be triggered by a CME hit and geomagnetic storm, does not necessarily end its activity when the solar activity and geomagnetic storming calms down. Time Shift markers are often needed to gain some sense of Time Shift and time line edit activity. And as i reported earlier, the next round of solar hits will happen within the next 24 hours or so.  

January 7, 2014 Solar Activity and Time Shift Alert Update
Giant Sunspot 1944 Earth Directed M7.2 and M1 Solar Flares
S1 Solar Radiation Storm, R2 Radio Blackout In Progress

A short while ago, directly Earth facing giant sunspot 1944 fired off a powerful M7.2 class solar flare. That is a couple of clicks below an X class flare. Check out this GOES photo to see just how powerful this M7.2 flare was. As I said in previous reports, regarding giant sunspot 1944: any solar flare and coronal mass ejection [CME], that it fires off, will hit Earth. Therefore, this M7.2 CME will hit Earth in about 3 days. It has already triggered an R2 radio blackout on Earth - which is up one level from yesterday's R1 radio blackout, as well as helping to extend the S1 solar radiation storm already in progress from a previous eruption from magnetically connected sunspots 1944 and 1946. An R2 radio blackout can interfere with HF radio communications on, which can cause radio blackouts for tens of minutes at a time. It can also cause problems and blackouts with navigation signals, also for tens of minutes at a time. When this CME hits Earth I expect it to trigger more Time Shift and time line edits, as well as extend Time Shifts and time line edits from the squadron of CME already in progress and already on the way and due soon. One or two CME are due sometime today.  

X 1.2 SOLAR FLARE! Directly Earth Facing Giant Sunspot 1944
January 7, 2014 Solar Activity and Time Shift Alert Update 2
R3 Radio Blackout In Progress
S1 Solar Radiation Storm In Progress

An X1.2 solar flare, sourcing from directly Earth facing giant sunspot 1944, has just erupted and is currently still in progress. The energy produced is enormous, has already produced R3 radio blackout conditions, sustained the earlier S1 solar radiation conditions, and a coronal mass ejection [CME] which will hit Earth in about 3 days. Just prior to today's X 1.2 flare, a CME from a previous solar flare hit Earth's magnetosphere. This event, which is expected to raise geomagnetic levels, is still in progress. 

Please read my previous reports about sunspot 1944 and you'll understand why this particular sunspot is so important to Time Shift and time line edit activity. With earlier powerful sunspot 1936 - which rotated onto the non-Earth facing side of the Sun, and current behemoth directly Earth facing sunspot 1944, the mechanism that can trigger Time Shift activity has been almost non-stop.Through Time Shift markers we can only fathom a fraction of the time line edits we are undergoing from co-existing time line to co-existing time line to co-existing time line. What events, people, animals, terrain, structures, and items have been altered, added, or removed? For the most part, we will never know save for the Time Shift markers.   

January 8, 2014 Solar Activity and Time Shift Alert Update
Proton Storm In Progress
R3 Radio Blackout In Progress
S2 Solar Radiation Storm In Progress
Unsettled Geomagnetic Conditions

Here is an SDO image of the Sun, as it was when yesterday's January 7, 2014 X1.2 solar flare and coronal mass ejection [CME] fired off from directly Earth facing giant sunspot 1944. I put the titles on for sunspot clarity.  

Yesterday there were 12 solar flares, with the X1.2 flare from 1944 being the most powerful. There were also 2 M solar flares. One was from 1944 and the other one from 1946. Everything else was a C flare, including 1 from departing sunspot 1947. Except for the flare from 1947, the energy from all of the other flares were directed toward Earth.  

Today, as of this report on January 8, 2014, there have been 6 solar flares. All were C flares, except for an M flare from 1947 - which is not Earth facing. The 5 C flares were from Earth facing sunspot 1944 - which is still directly Earth facing. Therefore, the energy from today's 1944 C flares are also headed for Earth.  

January 9 or 10, 2014 is expected to be a very active Earth day, as a swarm of solar energy from the Sun hits us. The geomagnetic index will probably rise to at least a G3 level - although I suspect that some parts of the world will experience higher levels. Right now Earth is already experiencing quite a proton storm, as well as an S2 level solar radiation storm and R3 level radio blackout. An R3 level radio blackout affects HF radio signals as well as low frequency navigation signals. An R2 level solar radiation storm effects people and animals in craft flying flying at high altitudes, some satellites operations can have a brief interference, and navigation signals in polar regions can experience interference. The proton event is part of the powerful CME event from the X 1.2 flare from yesterday. When a proton storm is sufficiently powerful, it can penetrate Earth's magnetic field and become part of a geomagnetic event that can interfere with Earth's electrical grid.   

It is certainly possible because it still harbors the power to fire off powerful solar flares - including M and X flares.  


January 9, 2014 Solar Activity and Time Shift Alert Update
Proton Storm In Progress
S2 Solar Radiation Storm In Progress
CME Hit and Geomagnetic Storm Expected Today

Please read my earlier reports on the recent solar activity and the triggering of Time Shifts and time line edit activity. The information in these earlier reports gives data and continuity regarding what is happening right now. Also, be sure to click on the two SOHO solar images that go with this report.

Right now Earth is waiting for a powerful coronal mass ejection [CME], with super charged protons, to hit Earth's magnetosphere today January 9, 2014. The proton storm, which was triggered by the X1.2 flare, is traveling with the X flare's CME - which originated with the January 7, 2014 X1.2 solar flare from sunspot 1944. Earth has already experienced an R3 radio blackout, and an S2 solar radiation storm, from the X flare. Radio blackout conditions have decayed, but the solar radiation storm is still active.

I have chosen to share, the two solar images, as a teaching tool to explain more about this proton storm and how its presence is part of the Time Shift mechanism. The first photo shows the X1.2 solar flare, in the earlier stages of the CME that the eruption produced. Notice, that besides the obvious large CME, the background area is relatively free of of celestial objects or protons. This is what things look like when a solar flare erupts but does not produce a proton storm. Now look at the second photo. Besides the fact, that the CME had moved beyond the camera's framing of the Sun, what was clear has now been filled with what looks like white dots and dashes. Those white dots and dashes is the proton storm, created by the X flare's CME. The proton storm takes on that snowy look because of the way the energized proton particles are hitting the lens of the SOHO space camera. This effect is a lens artifact.

Proton storms and Time Shifts: Protons cannot usually penetrate the Earth's magnetosphere. But a proton storm, like this one, can and will penetrate the Earth's magnetic field as well as cause ionization in the ionosphere. This can cause quite a light show, rivaling the usual electron caused auroras triggered by geomagnetic storms. With a proton storm it is the protons that cause the light show. Proton storms can also cause serious radiation dangers for space craft and astronauts. Because this proton storm, is traveling with a very powerful CME, it enters Earth's magnetic power grid and becomes entangled with the CME triggered geomagnetic storm. Protons alone cannot trigger a geomagnetic storm, nor can they trigger a Time Shift. They are more of a support system that can amplify what the CME is doing. It is the CME, with which the proton storm travels, that can trigger both a geomagnetic storm and Time Shift activity. This is also why a geomagnetic storm is a Time Shift marker, as is a proton storm. If a proton storm is headed to Earth with a CME, then this becomes a Time Shift advance marker that a Time Shift may soon be triggered. If a geomagnetic storm is active, then there is a very high chance that Time Shifts are also active. A geomagnetic storm alone does not cause Time Shifts. The act, of the CME hitting Earth's magnetosphere, is what can trigger Time Shifts Activity. This is because the event, of the CME becoming entangled with the magnetosphere, creates an activity called frame dragging. I've taught about this many times. It is frame dragging, along with other associated solar and Earth energy entanglements, that alters Earth's space-time continuum. This is why it is part of the mechanism of Time Shifts.

Stay extra sharp, stay tuned, and be as aware as you can of Time Shift markers.  

January 10, 2014 Solar Activity and Time Shift Alert Update

Right now, activity on the Sun is very mild. In fact, it is so mild that one wonders weather this is the calm before more M and X class flare events. Powerful flares can fire off when there is either low solar activity or high solar activity. There is no particular pattern.

To show you what I mean, check out these two solar flare charts. The first one shows you the January 7, 2014 X, M, and C flares. The X flare fired off when the day before had only C flare activity. 

Now check out the solar flare chart from today January 10, 2014 and yesterday January 9, 2014. For the days following the X1.2 flare, the Sun has been flat lined with only C and B flares. Only one of those C flares fired off from giant sunspot 1944, which is continuing its rotation across the Sun. 1944 is still Earth facing, but is now right of center. It still is a giant and harbors the energy for more M and X flare events. The lesson is to never let a solar flare flat line situation fool you into thinking that the Sun cannot suddenly fire off powerful flares any minute.

Stay tuned.

January 13, 2014 Solar Activity and Time Shift Update

This swirling dancing green and red aurora was photographed by Marianne Bergli in Tromso, Norway on January 11, 2014. Tromso is an aurora hot spot - or should I say cold spot, due to how cold the place is. Most of the aurora activity, associated with the current geomagnetic conditions on Earth - which were caused by a solar wind hit - are limited to the higher latitudes. Click on the photo to see the whole aurora. Solar wind hits, which raise geomagnetic levels on Earth, are know Time Shift triggers. Auroras do not trigger Time Shifts, but Time Shifts and auroras often appear at the same time because auroras and Time Shifts can be triggered by the same geomagnetic activity. This high speed solar wind hit Earth shortly after the proton storm, the solar radiation storm, and the radio blackout conditions ended.  

Meanwhile, giant sunspot 1944 - the one that recently fired off the X flare while directly facing Earth, has rotated to Earth's rim. It will shortly rotate into the non-Earth side of the Sun. Regardless, 1944 has only slightly diminished in size and is still firing off solar flares - although they remain at the C flare level with minor or no coronal mass ejections [CME]. Other sunspots now occupy the surface of the Sun, on the Earth facing side, although at the moment things are rather quiet all around. They are sunspots 1952, 1949, 1953, 1951, 1948, 1946, and of course 1944. Anything can happen at any moment, so stay tuned for this solar soap opera that I call "As The Sun Turns"   :-)      

January 13, 2014 Solar Activity and Time Shift Update 2
M1.3 Class Solar Flare From Giant Sunspot 1944
R1 Radio Blackout

I've been reporting about giant sunspot 1944 ever since it showed itself on the Earth facing side of the Sun. I explained the dynamics of 1944, as well at the impact on Earth when it fired off a series of M and C class flares - and eventually an X1.2 class flare when it was directly facing Earth. Earlier today I reported that 1944 had rotated to the Sun's rim, would soon be on the Sun's non-Earth facing side, but had only slightly diminished and was still firing off flares after a couple of days of C flare activity only.  

A short while ago, 1944 fired off an M1.3 solar flare which produced an R1 radio blackout on Earth. You can see that M1.3 flare firing off in this SDO EVE photo. It has not yet been determined whether this M flare developed into a coronal mass ejection [CME], or whether the M flare's energy fell back to the Sun's surface instead. Even if there is a CME, because 1944 is now on the Sun's limb it is not yet known whether any of the CME will make it to Earth. Stay tuned for more on this story.  

Meanwhile, please read my many earlier Time Shift Alerts for more information about sunspot 1944, as well as other solar activity and potential and actual Time Shift triggers.   

Once again it is time for another "Adventure In Truth". The topic? The 'mystery' bright white orb in some recent SOHO solar images. I am here to solve the mystery for one and all.

The bright white orb is the planet Venus.
It is not a UFO.
It is not a spaceship orbiting the Sun.
It is not a portal through space and time.
It is a SOHO camera artifact.

Learn the truth. Live the truth.
Starfire Tor

January 14, 2014 Solar Activity and Time Shift Update

Yesterday I reported about giant sunspot 1944's M1.3 class flare, as well as other flares. But at the time I did not know whether or not any of these power flares had developed a coronal mass ejection [CME], or whether the energy from the flares had fallen back to the surface of the Sun. Now I know the answer. They did become energetic CME, and some of that solar energy is expected to hit Earth in a couple of days. You can see these CME, moving away from the Sun, in this SOHO photo. 

Right now Earth is still in a solar wind stream, which has triggered geomagnetic and unsettled magnetic field conditions in the higher Earth latitudes. This particular solar wind sourced from a large coronal hole that opened many days ago. This activity did trigger Time Shift and time line edit activity. If the expected CME do arrive, even as a glancing blow, they will arrive as the geomagnetic conditions have died down. The arriving CME have the ability to extend the Time Shift activity. The auroras should continue to be fabulous.   

January 17, 2014 Solar Activity and Time Shift Update

This SOHO photo, from today, shows multiple solar flares with overlapping eruptions. This sort of solar activity has been happening for the last two days, and oddly most of 14 solar flares have not been assigned to any particular sunspot or region. Only 2 of these flares was assigned to sunspot 1953, which is sitting near the Sun's rim as it nears rotating off of the Earth facing side of the Sun. It is possible - in fact probable - that these unassigned massive flares are generating from behind the rim on the non-Earth facing side of the Sun. They have produced no radio blackouts and no solar radiation storms on Earth. If any part of these flares makes it to Earth, the portion will be small. None the less these eruptions sure are dramatic, as they expand out into our solar system. The next solar wind, which sources from a coronal hole, is expected to hit Earth around January 22, 2014. We may also experience a slow to arrive coronal mass ejection [CME] glancing blow prior to that date. Time Shift markers are showing themselves, and from this it is known that we are still experiencing Time Shift activity from the previous geomagnetic storm activity.   

January 20, 2014 Solar Activity and Time Shift Update

As you can see, in this SDO photo from today, there are 10 sunspots on the Earth facing side of the Sun. While that would seem to create the potential for many solar flares to be firing off from a number of different sunspots, in fact most came from only one sunspot - 1959. Of the 20 solar flares, that have fired off since January 17, 2014, 17 of them came from sunspot 1959. It's odd that a single sunspot, in a field of sunspots, is being so dominant. That's all that can be said about it, except that it is on my watch list for what it may do next. BTW, all 20 solar flares were C class flares and rather unremarkable as flares go.

In the next day or so, another solar wind is expected to hit Earth. It has the potential to trigger geomagnetic storming. It's a wait and see situation, as the last solar wind seemed to vanish from the cosmic scene. Regardless, Time Shifts still continue.  

January 22, 2014 Solar Activity and Time Shift Update

Earth is currently inside of an expected solar wind stream, which sources from a medium sized coronal hole on the Sun. As of this report, the solar wind hit has caused unsettled geomagnetic conditions but has not yet reached the level of a full blown geomagnetic storm. Earth's magnetic field conditions may or it may not rise, in association with this solar wind. Meanwhile, the Sun - including super active sunspot 1959 - has quieted with only a few C class flares in the past couple of days including up to the writing of this report. I expect this lull to be temporary. Time Shift, and time line edit conditions, are still in effect according to reported Time Shift markers. Currently, the most reported Time Shift marker have been an increase in paranormal phenomenon including synchronicity and psychic dreaming. 

This magnificent aurora was photographed near Tromso, Norway by Lars Espen Langhaug. Tromso is an aurora hot spot, and can be counted on as a place where great aurora photos can be taken - or should I say cold spot, due to how cold the place is. Most of the aurora activity, associated with the current geomagnetic conditions on Earth - which were caused by a solar wind hit - are limited to the higher latitudes. Click on the photo to see the whole aurora. Solar wind hits, which raise geomagnetic levels on Earth, are know Time Shift triggers. Auroras do not trigger Time Shifts, but Time Shifts and auroras often appear at the same time because auroras and Time Shifts can be triggered by the same geomagnetic activity. This high speed solar wind hit Earth shortly after the proton storm, the solar radiation storm, and the radio blackout conditions ended. 

Stay tuned, and be as aware as you can of Time Shift markers. These markers are the best evidence that a Time Shift is in progress.  

January 22, 2014 Solar Activity and Time Shift Update 2

This is an update to today's earlier Time Shift Alert. When I posted my earlier alert, I reported that Earth was in a solar wind stream and was experiencing unsettled geomagnetic conditions. This has changed. There are now geomagnetic storm conditions in progress. Here is the NOAA K-Index chart with this geomagnetic storm data, which is indicated by the red columns. The unsettled magnetic field conditions are indicated by the yellow columns. Even though Time Shift activity was already reported as being in progress, the onset of geomagnetic storm conditions solidifies this assessment in concert with the Time Shift markers I reported about. I wrote "Currently, the most reported Time Shift marker have been an increase in paranormal phenomenon including synchronicity and psychic dreaming." 

So continue to stay tuned. The largest sunpots are nearing center solar disc, which means that any C, M, or X solar flares from them will be squarely directed toward Earth.  

January 24, 2014 Solar Activity and Time Shift Alert

All is quiet on he solar front. Check out this solar flare chart for the past couple of days, and you'll see that there have been no Earth facing flares of note - despite there being 9 Earth facing sunspots.

All is not completely quiet on the solar back, as there have been some mild solar flare activity on the non-Earth facing side of the Sun. None of this solar activity will impact the Earth.

Meanwhile, Earth did experience a glancing hit by a coronal mass ejection [CME] that fired off several days ago. This produced some aurora activity, in the higher latitudes, but did not trigger Time Shift activity - at least none that produced the quantity of reportable Time Shift markers needed to constitute confirmed Time Shift activity.  

Learn more about Time Shifts:



All contents copyright ©2012 by Starfire Tor