


Starfire Tor is the discoverer and chief researcher of Time Shifts, The Core Matrix, and Co-Existing Time Lines.  These are terms she coined to describe astounding interconnected phenomenon in which our reality and dominant current time line is constantly being edited and restructured.

The ancient origin of the Core Matrix, Time Shifts, and Co-Existing time lines involves a black hole, matter, anti-matter, and other exotic elements.  Despite the immense, and symbiotic cosmic powers that brought the Time Shift mechanism into being, the continuation of this mechanism's function requires a source of power capable of triggering the Core Matrix's prime directive.  The sun is one of those power sources.
This is why some Time Shifts are triggered by certain types of solar activity impacting and interacting with the Earth's magnetosphere.   Whether from the Earth's magnetic field being hit with solar winds, solar flares, or CMEs the effect sets into motion the Time Shift mechanism which involves the altering of  frequencies which are the foundation of all  Core Matrix Co-Existing time line programs. The above graphic illustrates the flow of energy between the Sun and the Earth. 

To learn more about this ground breaking work please listen to Starfire Tor's many interviews, including the ones with Whitley Strieber on Dreamland and her many appearances on Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell, George Noory and Whitley Strieber.


The Time Shift Alerts presented by Starfire Tor do not represent all Time Shifts or Time Shift Alerts.  Nor does this Time Shift information present all Time Shift science or scientific results.  The purpose of sharing this sampling is to educate people about the science of Time Shifts.  Part of this Time Shift Alert education involves historical events including the September 11, 2001 attacks in the U.S., the December 26, 2004 earthquake and tsunami in the Sumatra-Indonesia region, and the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan.



November 3, 2013 Solar Activity And Time Shift Alert
Multiple Earth Facing M Class CME and Solar Wind On The Way

Since November 1, 2013 Earth facing sunspot 1884 has dominated the Sun with multiple solar flares ranging from M class flares to C class flares. Because 1884 unleashed these many flares, while directly facing Earth, a good deal of the coronal mass ejection energy has been heading for Earth and will soon be arriving. In this SDO solar photo from this morning November 3, 2013 you can see an M5 class solar flare erupting from 1884. On top of this activity, for the first time since the earlier X class flares, a coronal hole opened on the Sun and has released a solar wind in our direction. As coronal holes go, this one was on the small size, but small is relative when discussing activity on the Sun. Small is always larger than the Earth itself. This solar wind, which is traveling in the slow lane, is expected to reach Earth between November 5, 2013 and November 7, 2013. This latest M5 flare should reach Earth around November 6, 2013. There is a very good chance that some of the earlier Earth facing flares, as well as this latest solar wind, will become co-mingled on their journey here. Sunspot 1884 is expected to erupt with more solar flares, and does have the ability to fire off an X class flares while still facing Earth. 

As with other solar activity Earth hits, I expect that this next round will trigger Time Shift and time line edit activity. As I have explained before, part of this Time Shift mechanism is due to the Earth frame dragging that the solar energy becomes entangled with. It is this frame dragging that triggers changes and distortions in the space time continuum that impacts the Earth, which in turn triggers time line editing and the creation of new co-existing time lines. There is more than this at work, such as black hole involvement, but I'm sure you all realize that something as astounding as Time Shifts must involve highly complex scientific topics and entanglements. 

So stay sharp and be as aware as you can of Time Shift markers. These markers are the best evidence that a Time Shift is in progress.

Sun sends 28 solar flares erupting through space in a week... and there may be more on the way

U.S. NOAA has issued four radio blackout warnings in two days
There have been 24 M-class and four X-class flares since October 23
The Sun is currently reaching the peak of its 11-year solar cycle

By Daily Mail Reporter

PUBLISHED: 13:22 EST, 2 November 2013 | UPDATED: 17:12 EST, 2 November 2013

More than two dozen solar flares have erupted from the Sun in the past seven days, catapulting radiation towards the Earth that could potentially play havoc with global communications.

The U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration issued four radio blackout warnings in the past two days after solar weather suddenly turned turbulent.

Radiation from flares cannot penetrate Earth's atmosphere to harm life on the ground, but when intense enough it can disturb the atmosphere in the ionosphere, where GPS and radio signals travel.

Violent: The fourth of the Sun's massive X-class flares in a fortnight, which peaked on October 29 is pictured. The image by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory shows light in wavelengths of both 304 and 193 Angstroms

Since October 23 the Sun has let loose with 24 medium-strength M-class solar flares, and four X-class flares - the most powerful kind.

In fact, with our local star heading towards the peak of its 11-year cycle, a period known as the solar maximum, this shouldn't be unusual. But lead up to the solar max has been unusually subdued this year.

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Humans have tracked the solar cycle continuously since it was discovered in 1843, and it is normal for there to be many flares a day during the sun's peak activity.

Holly Gilbert, a solar physicist at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, told the Los Angeles Times: 'It hadn't been active in months, so it's like it finally woke up.

'For those of us who study the dynamics of the sun, it is exciting because it gives us more events to study.'

Solar flares happen when energy stored in magnetic fields twisted across the surface of the Sun is suddenly released.

'You get a tangled bunch of magnetic fields, and they get too tangled and too stressed, they end up erupting,' added Dr Gilbert.

Eruptions on sun's surface captured by NASA's observatory

Turbulent: Another X-class flare exploding off the right side of the sun, peaking on October 27. This image is in the 131 Angstrom wavelength, which is particularly good for showing solar flares and is often coloured in teal

The recent solar flare activity has also been accompanied by several coronal mass ejections (CMEs), say Nasa officials.

There are another kind of solar phenomenon that send billions of tons of particles into space that can reach Earth one to three days later.

Like the radiation from solar flares, these particles cannot travel through the atmosphere to harm humans on Earth; but they can affect electronic systems in satellites and on the ground.

CMEs can cause a space weather phenomenon called a geomagnetic storm, which occurs when they funnel energy into Earth's magnetic envelope, the magnetosphere, for an extended period of time.

The CME's magnetic fields peel back the outermost layers of Earth's fields changing their very shape, distortions which can can degrade communication signals and cause unexpected surges in power grids.

They also can cause aurora. Storms are rare during solar minimum, but as the sun nears solar maximum, large storms occur several times per year.  

November 5, 2013 Solar Activity And Time Shift Alert 2
Giant Sunspot 1890, M2.5 Solar Flare, R1 Radio Blackout

This SDO photo, which I cropped, shows giant sunspot 1890 - which I think is worth taking a look at. Just be sure to click on the photo to see the while photo. Here is what I wrote, in part, in my earlier report: 

"Today November 5, 2013 giant sunspot 1890 fired off a distinctive M2.5 class solar flare, which in turn triggered an R1 radio blackout on Earth. 1890 is one of the largest sunspots to develop in this current solar cycle, and as it rotates away from the Sun's eastern limb it is positioning itself to be directly Earth facing. AR 1890 has an unstable beta-gamma-delta magnetic field that contains the type of energy that can erupt with M class and X class flares. Because of its huge size, and because it will soon be directly Earth facing, I'm watching this one for a potentially Earth impacting X flare." 

Read my earlier report for more info about the current status of Time Shifts and solar activity.   

November 5, 2013 Solar Activity And Time Shift Alert 3
Giant Sunspot 1890, R3 Radio Blackout

Earlier today, in 2 posts, I informed you all about giant sunspot 1890. I wrote, in part: "1890 is one of the largest sunspots to develop in this current solar cycle, and as it rotates away from the Sun's eastern limb it is positioning itself to be directly Earth facing. AR 1890 has an unstable beta-gamma-delta magnetic field that contains the type of energy that can erupt with M class and X class flares. Because of its huge size, and because it will soon be directly Earth facing, I'm watching this one for a potentially Earth impacting X flare."

Only hours after I posted those reports, sunspot 1890 erupted with an X3.3 solar flare that triggered an R3 radio blackout on Earth. This particular X flare was short in duration, with the most energy being fired off in about 8 minutes. Usually, the shorter the duration the less time Earth is exposed to radio blackout conditions. AR 1890's X3.3 flare was on the Earth facing side of the Sun, but not exactly center directed. This means that only part of the X flare's CME will impact Earth - at least that is how it looks at the moment. However, because 1890 remains active for further X, M, and C class flares it is possible that more directly Earth facing following CME can become entangled with the CME from this X flare. Sometimes, when that happens, the co-mingling of solar energy alters the course a CME takes. In fact, shortly after this X3.3 CME erupted, the Sun took on the look of a halo or starbusrt flaring - quite dramatic.

This SDO photo shows the 1890 X3.3 solar flare as it erupted. Click on the image to see the whole image. Also, read my earlier reports for more info about the current status and science/psience of Time Shifts and solar activity. Expect Time Shift and time line edit activity. So stay sharp and be as aware as you can of Time Shift markers. These markers are the best evidence that a Time Shift is in progress.  

November 7, 2013 Solar Activity And Time Shift Alert
Geomagnetic Storm In Progress
Time Shift And Time Line Edits In Progress
Powerful Sunspot 1890 Now Directly Earth Facing

Earth is currently experiencing a geomagnetic storm, plus unsettled magnetic field conditions. This NOAA K-index chart shows you that the geomagnetic storm is moving between a G5 and G6 intensity. This current geomagnetic storm is probably due to the arrival of the solar wind combined with some CME energy or other. Why don't I know exactly which energy has caused this geomagnetic storm? Because there have been so many CME [X, M, and C flares], as well as an expected solar wind, that which solar energy is involved is not yet pinned down. This may even be a combination of solar energies, as I earlier reported about the possible co-mingling of the solar wind with some of the CME. I expect more CME to closely follow, which in turn will extend Time Shift activity.

Speaking of more CME, giant sunspot 1890 - the one that I've featured in recent past reports, and the one that recently fired off an X class solar flare on November 5, 2013, is now directly Earth facing. Since the X flare, 1890 has remained large and active as it fired off numerous M and C class flares. This includes 2 M class flares today November 7, 2013. The CME, fired by 1890 while Earth facing, will hit Earth full on. If 1890 fires off another X flare, while directly facing Earth, we will be directly in the line of fire. Meanwhile, there are still R1 radio blackout conditions, as well as a new solar wind that is on the way and expected to hit on November 10, 2013 at the earliest.

This geomagnetic storm has triggered Time Shift and time line edit activity. As I have explained before, part of the Time Shift mechanism is due to the Earth frame dragging that the solar energy becomes entangled with. It is this frame dragging that triggers changes and distortions in the space time continuum that impacts the Earth, which in turn triggers time line editing and the creation of new co-existing time lines. There is more than this at work, such as black hole involvement, but I'm sure you all realize that something as astounding as Time Shifts must involve highly complex scientific topics and entanglements.

So stay sharp and be as aware as you can of Time Shift markers. Click on the image to see the whole image. These markers are the best evidence that a Time Shift is in progress.

November 7, 2013 Solar Activity And Time Shift Alert 2
X1.1 SOLAR FLARE! Erupts From Giant Sunspot 1890

Earlier Today I reported, in part: "... giant sunspot 1890 - the one that I've featured in recent past reports, and the one that recently fired off an X class solar flare on November 5, 2013, is now directly Earth facing. ... If 1890 fires off another X flare, while directly facing Earth, we will be directly in the line of fire..."

A short while ago directly Earth facing giant sunspot 1890 fired off an X1.1 solar flare. The X flare, which erupted on November 7, 2013 Pacific Time and November 8, 2013 Universal Time, triggered an R3 radio blackout. I cannot as yet report on the coronal mass ejection, associated with this Earth facing X flare, because the availability of that data has not been forthcoming as yet. This X flare was of short duration, but not so short that there would be no coronal mass ejection [CME] at all. It is possible for a solar flare to erupt and not become a CME, simply because such a solar flare falls back to the Sun's surface. However, when considering the power of an X flare, it is a bit difficult to conceive of one that puts out no CME. Considering that 1890 is directly Earth facing, at this time I think there is a high probability that a CME was produced. Stay tuned for updates on this X flare.

Meanwhile, read my previous Time Shift Alert reports. They will bring you up to date, if you are just tuning in. This SDO photo shows the X1.1 flare as it erupted. Note that it is directly Earth facing.

November 8, 2013 Solar Activity And Time Shift Alert Update
X1.1 SOLAR FLARE! Erupts From Giant Sunspot 1890

This is an update from my earlier November 7, 2013 Time Shift Alerts. In that earlier report I wrote, in part: "directly Earth facing giant sunspot 1890 fired off an X1.1 solar flare. The X flare, which erupted on November 7, 2013 Pacific Time and November 8, 2013 Universal Time, triggered an R3 radio blackout. I cannot as yet report on the coronal mass ejection, associated with this Earth facing X flare, because the availability of that data has not been forthcoming as yet ... Considering that 1890 is directly Earth facing, at this time I think there is a high probability that a CME was produced."

The data is in, and I can now report that this X1.1 solar flare did indeed produce not one but two coronal mass ejections [CME]. Take a look at this SOHO image of the event, which was taken over an hour after the initial eruption. You can clearly see, in the photo, that two separate eruptions and CME were produced from giant sunspot 1890. The first eruption produced a powerful 'light bulb' looking event that continued to travel out into space and toward Earth. The second eruption happened minutes later, and instead of forming into a light bulb look it took on the form of a 'torch'. Both close eruptions, although having distinctive sections, are actually co-mingled as far as the X flare's energy is concerned. It is this double eruption that is headed directly for Earth, and is expected to arrive sometime between November 19, 2013 and November 11, 2013. Meanwhile, there is still a solar wind on the way as well as other Earth facing solar eruptions from other sunspots including 1891. Sunspot 1891 is a little to the right of being absolutely centered on Earth, but its CME will in some part hit Earth. Expect even more Earth facing eruptions to come from the centered sunspot region including giant 1890.

Time Shift and time line edit activity is still in progress. Due to this new solar eruption activity, Time Shift related activity will be extended. So stay sharp and be as aware as you can of Time Shift markers. These markers are the best evidence that a Time Shift is in progress.

November 9, 2013 Solar Activity And Time Shift Alert
Geomagnetic Storm In Progress
Time Shift And Time Line Edits In Progress

Earth is currently experiencing a geomagnetic storm, plus unsettled magnetic field conditions, due to the arrival of the expected solar wind hit. This NOAA K-index chart shows you that the geomagnetic storm is moving between a G5 and G6 intensity. This geomagnetic storm has already produced auroras. I expect coronal mass ejections [CME] hits to follow, including the one from yesterday's X flare, which will extend Time Shift and time line edit activity. Sunspot 1890, which fired off the X1.1 flare at Earth, is still directly Earth centered and is still powerful enough to fire off another X flare. Since the X flare, extremely large and active 1890 has only erupted with C flares. Prior to this X flare, 1890 had been firing off C and M class solar flares. So do not let the C flares lull you into a false sense that the Earth directed X flare danger is over. It is not over until 1890 either rotates off the Earth facing Sun side, or until it loses its beta-gamma-delta structure.

So stay sharp and be as aware as you can of Time Shift markers.

November 9, 2013 Solar Activity And Time Shift Alert 2

Earlier today I reported, in part: "... So do not let the C flares lull you into a false sense that the Earth directed X flare danger is over...".

A short while ago, sunspot 1890 went from firing off more than a day of C solar flares and then erupting with an X1.1 solar flare. That is exactly what i advised could happen and it has. Take a look at this solar flare chart, which shows you what I'm talking about. Sunspot 1890 is still a giant sunspot, and most importantly is still Earth facing. This X flare is so new that the data I need to tell you more, about this powerful blast, has not as yet been determined or released. I also want to point out that this type of data is recorded in UT time. So while this X flare erupted on November 9, 2013 my time - PST - it is listed as having erupted on November 10, 2013 and peaking at 0:514 UT. Like the other X flares, erupting from sunspot 1980, this one was also a brief eruption instead of a long eruption. While it still was strong enough to trigger an R3 radio blackout again, the status of its coronal mass ejection [CME] has not as yet been properly determined as of this report.

Stay tuned for more info on this X flare, and stay sharp and be as aware as you can of Time Shift markers. Click on the chart to see the whole chart. These markers are the best evidence that a Time Shift is in progress.  

November 9, 2013 Solar Activity And Time Shift Alert
Geomagnetic Storm In Progress
Time Shift And Time Line Edits In Progress

Earth is currently experiencing a geomagnetic storm, plus unsettled magnetic field conditions, due to the arrival of the expected solar wind hit. This NOAA K-index chart shows you that the geomagnetic storm is moving between a G5 and G6 intensity. This geomagnetic storm has already produced auroras. I expect coronal mass ejections [CME] hits to follow, including the one from yesterday's X flare, which will extend Time Shift and time line edit activity. Sunspot 1890, which fired off the X1.1 flare at Earth, is still directly Earth centered and is still powerful enough to fire off another X flare. Since the X flare, extremely large and active 1890 has only erupted with C flares. Prior to this X flare, 1890 had been firing off C and M class solar flares. So do not let the C flares lull you into a false sense that the Earth directed X flare danger is over. It is not over until 1890 either rotates off the Earth facing Sun side, or until it loses its beta-gamma-delta structure.

So stay sharp and be as aware as you can of Time Shift markers. 

November 11, 2013 Solar Activity And Time Shift Alert
Geomagnetic Storm In Progress
Time Shift And Time Line Edits In Progress

There is a lot going on with the Sun-Earth connection. But first here is an update for sunspot 1890's X1.1 solar flare from just over a day ago. When I first reported on Earth facing sunspot 1890's newest X flare, I did so before any coronal mass ejection [CME] data was available. While I thought that it was more than likely that a CME would emerge, I also pointed out that it is possible for even a powerful X flare to fall back to the Sun without releasing a CME. Because this particular X flare was directly Earth facing, any triggered CME would likely hit Earth's magnetosphere. I can now tell you that this X flare did indeed trigger what is called a "fan CME". While the CME was produced, it was released in a wide spray so that the CME left the Sun at the 4 o'clock and 10 o'clock positions. There was an odd time gap between the X flare and the fan CME that it produced. This means that probably only part of that CME will reach Earth, leaving the rest to miss Earth.

Meanwhile, as you can see in this K-index chart from NOAA, Earth is currently experiencing another geomagnetic storm. Time Shift and time line edit activity are in progress. This current geomagnetic was triggered by the CME from the previous 1890 X flare. Since its most recent X flare, sunspot 1890 has been firing off only C flare, as it continues its rotation across the Sun. New sunspot 1897 has just rotated onto the Earth facing side of the Sun, although it is still positioned at the solar rim. This morning it fired off an M2.4 solar flare. 1897 may be a large sunspot with energy similar to 1890's X flare capabilities.

So stay sharp and be as aware as you can of Time Shift markers.

November 12, 2013   Geomagnetic storms usually bring on beautiful aurora activity.  This huge whirlwind looking bright green swirl of aurora lights photo was taken by Ben Hattenbach in Alaska.  Be sure to click on the photo to see the whole photo.

November 12, 2013 Solar Activity And Time Shift Alert Update

Powerful and giant sunspot 1890 is now approaching the Sun's western limb, where in the next day or so it will rotate onto the non-Earth facing side of the Sun. 1890 is the solar region that produced a squadron of solar flares including 3 X flares. 1890 has finally begun to decrease in size and complexity, but it still has enough energy left to fire off another X flare. This SOHO solar image shows an 1890 flare from today, this time a C class solar flare. Even though this did launch a coronal mass ejection [CME], most or all of the CME energy will probably either miss Earth completely or just brush past. However, should a more powerful flare fire off within 2 days it is possible - depending on that CME trajectory - for multiple CME and solar winds to merge and redirect the CME mass. A co-mingled and redirected CME and/or solar wind mass can and do create solar weather surprises that can be experienced on Earth. So stay tuned for further adventures brought to you by our Sun.

November 13, 2013 Solar Activity And Time Shift Alert Update
Time Shift Markers Abound

Today November 13, 2013 large sunspot 1897 fired off an M1.4 solar flare. Take a look at this SDO/EVE photo and the blast of solar energy coming from the left of center solar region. The flare produced an R1 radio blackout on the sunlight side of the planet. That is where 1897 is currently located at the moment. Like those sunspots, that first appear over the Sun's east limb and are able to retain their sunspot status, 1897 is on its 2 week journey rotating across the Earth facing side of the Sun. In fact, 1897 is looking and behaving similarly to giant sunspot 1890 - which recently produced 3 X flares, is still active and powerful, and is near the west limb where it will soon rotate off of the Earth facing side of the Sun. Will 1897 fire off an X flare while on the Earth facing side of the Sun? It is possible. So stay tuned.

Time Shift and time line edit activity is still in progress, according to the many reports that I received pertaining to Time Shift markers with the most dramatic noted between 1 PM and 5 PM PST yesterday November 12, 2013. Some of those reports, which come in from all over the world from people who do not know each other, involve the usual Time Shift markers including changes in the architecture of buildings, changes in automobile design, the alteration of familiar streets, inaccurate GPS coordinates, missing time, accelerated time, precognition, poltergeist-like activity, and other Time Shift markers.

So stay sharp and be as aware as you can of Time Shift markers. These markers are the best evidence that a Time Shift is in progress.

November 16, 2013 Solar Activity And Time Shift Alert Update
Multiple M Class Flares and Unsettled Magnetic Field

Multiple X flare firing sunspot 1890 has now rotated onto the non-Earth side of the Sun, all the while firing off multiple C class solar flares. Whether 1890 remains a sunspot is unknown, except that it is possible for a sunspot to retain its integrity and return through solar rotation to the Earth facing side of the Sun. A bevy of very active Earth facing sunspots have stepped in to fill the void that 1890 leaves behind. In just a little over 24 hours, the Earth facing side of the Sun has fired off 3 M class flares and a squadron of C class flares. Yesterday there was an M1 solar flare from sunspot 1899, and today sunspot 1900 has already fired off an M1.2 and an M1.6 class solar flares. This SDO/EVE photo shows the position of 1900 as it erupted with the M1.2 class solar flare. I am still waiting for further data, so that I can determine what portion of these multiple M and C class flares - and their coronal mass ejections [CME] - will or will not impact Earth. 

For the past day, Earth's magnetic field has been in an unsettled condition. It is not as yet known whether this situation was triggered by a solar wind or a CME involvement. Both types of energy were en route to Earth prior to this unsettled condition. Whether this condition rises to the level of a full blown geomagnetic storm is not as yet known. It's a waiting game. Whether unsettled or a fill blown geomagnetic storm, both conditions are capable of triggering Time Shift and time line edit activity. 

Time Shift markers continue to be an important research tool. So stay sharp and be as aware as you can of Time Shift markers. These markers are the best evidence that a Time Shift is in progress.  

November 17, 2013,  Comet ISON Update

Comet ISON aka C/2012 S1, who many think has a date with our SUN around November 28, 2013, has been putting on quite a show in space. As of November 15, 2013 - when this gorgeous photo was taken by the excellent astrophotographer Damian Peach - ISON had brightened considerably and sprouted multiple tails. No one can really know what ISON will do. Will it disintegrate before reaching the Sun? Will it make it to the Sun and dive in? Or will it somehow escape the Sun and continue on its journey through our solar system?   

Comet ISON was discovered September 21, 2012 by Vitali Nevski and Artyom Novichonok. Because so much media attention has been given to this particular potential sun diving comet - which poses no direct danger to Earth - interested people have an opportunity to track and watch ISON's journey through our solar system.    

BIG NEWS UPDATE On Solar Magnetic Field Flip
November 18, 2013
The Sun Has Partially Flipped Magnetic Poles

On August 6, 2013 I reported about the upcoming solar magnetic field flip, which would cause the Sun's north and south magnetic poles to reverse and change places. At the time that I wrote my report, the solar magnetic flip - which is natural for the Sun and happens about every 11 years during solar maximum - was expected to happen in 3 to 4 Months. I can now report that the flipping process is underway, and that as I write this the Sun has 2 south poles while it waits for the north pole to reappear where the south magnetic pole used to be. This current solar maximum cycle is called solar cycle 24. The NASA graphic shows the Sun's north and south poles and flow of magnetic fields. Click on the image to see the whole image.

Solar magnetic field flips have only been studied since 1975, so not much about the mechanism is understood. What is known is that solar magnetic flips are a big deal in our solar system, because during the flip the Sun is realigning how its magnetic fields and core will function over the next 11 years. During the flip process, the magnetic field reversal causes a wavy sort of energy that spins out from the Sun in something called a heliospheric current sheet. This can and will cause some very unsettling to stormy space weather on planet Earth. Just prior to, and during the flip - which is underway now, the two solar poles are out of synch. When the flip is done, the two poles will be back in synch.

The current heliospheric sheet protects Earth from harmful cosmic rays, as well as other harmful cosmic particles. But when that wavy effect happens, the Earth no longer has a steady protection. Instead, Earth will be moving in and out of the wave - which makes things on Earth somewhat unpredictable. While this wavy effect does shake things up on the Sun, and on the Earth, the solar magnetic flip in no way causes the end of the Earth so do not panic. This solar magnetic pole flip happens every 11 years, and that means that those born before the 2001 flip have been through it before. At the very least, the solar magnetic pole flip will cause some intense auroras on Earth. At a more dramatic level, Earth's power grid and satellite functions will be affected. How effected depends on what solar particles hit Earth's magnetic field during the solar magnetic flip process. So far Earth has been protected. The last solar magnetic flip was in 2001, and I'm sure that almost none of you think back on 2001 and reflect on that solar cycle's magnetic pole flip. I'm sure that most of you did not even know that the solar flipping drama had even happened.

This solar flip will have a big effect on Time Shift triggering and Time Shift time line edits. I will only know what that impact will be as things develop. What I can tell you, based on past solar magnetic reversals that I studied in regard to Time Shift activity, is that Time Shift activity does continue. But the type of Time Shifts we experience is not as yet predictable from my research position. You can count on me to keep you informed. Weird things will happen, particularly with Time Shift activity, markers, and time line edits. Time line looping, and deja-vu, may be more pronounced. 

Expect time line looping, which happens when a person has a conscious memory of 2 or more similar co-existing time lines with events that are slightly out of synch. It makes it seem as if you are repeating part of the same time line, which in fact you are not. You are reliving it in a different co-existing time line. You are retaining a memory of the same event in different co-existing time lines. Big difference. Deja-vu gives you the impression that you yourself are repeating an action or having a memory from a past time - that you just can't quite remember. Just like time looping, deja vu is you remembering something from another co-existing time line that you are now repeating in a different co-existing time line. Time Shift markers should also increase. Check my Time Shift Alerts for what these Time Shift markers are.  

One more thing. Please do not get pulled into conspiracy gloom and doom about this solar magnetic field flip event. This solar magnetic pole flip is not doomsday, just as December 2012 was not doomsday [I told you it was not]. It is good to know what conspiracy claims are out there, whatever the topic, because now and then a very few of them have merit. But mostly conspiracy theories are filled with either fantasy or corrupted material, where a drop of truth is packaged in with an ocean of fiction. I realize that it can be hard to weed out the fiction, and I will do my best to help you weed should the occasion arise.

November 19, 2013 Solar Activity And Time Shift Alert Update
Earthside Sunspot 1983 Fires Off An X1 Solar Flare
R3 Radio Blackout Triggered

Earth facing sunspot 1893 has just fired off an X1 class solar flare, which has already triggered an R3 radio blackout on Earth. Because 1893 is off center and near the Sun's west wing, it is not as yet known whether a produced coronal mass ejection [CME] would impact the Earth - even if just a glancing blow. An R3 radio blackout is considered to be a strong event that affects a wide area blackout of HF radio communication, loss of radio contact, while low frequency navigation signals degrade for a short period. Most X flares, as of late, have all triggered R3 radio blackouts. This SDO/A1A photo shows the X flare as it erupted. Click on the photo to view the whole photo.

So stay tuned for any necessary updates on this X flare, and stay sharp and be as aware as you can of Time Shift markers.  

November 20, 2013 
Rocky Raybell took this stunning photo of an aurora column in Washington State.  It's really an amazing shot, not just because of the unusual and perfectly positioned column of light but because of the intensity and merging of the red and green aurora colors.  So enjoy the wonders and beauty of Earth when touched by the wonders and beauty of our Sun.  

November 23, 2013 Solar Activity And Time Shift Alert Update
Earthside Sunspot 1904 Fires Off 2 M Class Solar Flares
R1 Radio Blackout Triggered

Earthside sunspot 1904 fired off 2 M class flares today November 23, 2013. They produced an R1 radio blackout condition, which has since resolved. As you can see in this SDO/EVE image of one of the M flares, sunspot 1904 is located above giant sunspot 1899 where both are near the Sun's west limb. Also today sunspots 1899, 1897, and 1905 fired off a series of mid level C class solar flares. New Earthside sunspots are already forming, and at least one older sunspot is rotating back onto the earth facing side of the Sun. Meanwhile, there was a brief G5 geomagnetic storm in the northern latitudes of the planet which sparked aurora activity.

So stay tuned for any necessary updates, stay sharp, and be as aware as you can of Time Shift markers. These markers are the best evidence that a Time Shift is in progress.  

Comet ISON Update
November 25, 2013

Comet ISON is expected to make its dive into the Sun on November 28, 2013. NASA has made this Sun event an Earth event ... literally. To keep Earth people as informed as possible, about the travels of ISON, NASA has produced ways for people to keep visual and informational track of the flying ice rock. I've written about ISON, and now NASA has created this nift
y graphic that support the info I shared. So enjoy and share because comet day is this Thursday ... if all goes as believed. 

Here is another look at ISON information. In the past I wrote, in part: "Comet ISON aka C/2012 S1, who many think has a date with our SUN around November 28, 2013, has been putting on quite a show in space. ... Will it disintegrate before reaching the Sun? Will it make it to the Sun and dive in? Or will it somehow escape the Sun and continue on its journey through our solar system? 

Comet ISON was discovered September 21, 2012 by Vitali Nevski and Artyom Novichonok. Because so much media attention has been given to this particular potential sun diving comet - which poses no direct danger to Earth - interested people have an opportunity to track and watch ISON's journey through our solar system. ..."  

Comet ISON Update
November 28, 2013

Today, November 28, 2013, is sun diving day for uber watched Comet ISON. Here is another unique SOHO photo of ISON - see yesterday's unique photo as it nears what may be its final hours. This latest photo is unique because, like yesterday's unique SOHO photo, this one also shows Comet ISON in frame with yet another coronal mass ejection [CME]. Hey, wait a minute. Can there really be two unique photos? Doesn't the word 'unique' mean that something is one of a kind? Yep, but in this case the word 'unique' has been expanded to mean two unique photos in a row. Therefore, two in a row becomes unique. Everybody got that? Click on the photo to see the whole photo.

As I did with yesterday's SOHO photo, I've added text and arrows to help you sort out the players in this possibly final ISON episode of "Showdown In Space: Dancing With The Sun". Like all good serials, this real reality series has a ratings draw cliffhanger as ISON flies through the Sun's atmosphere. Will ISON be destroyed by the Sun, will ISON survive it's Sun dive, or will something completely unexpected happen?

So stay tuned for updates of the unscripted reality show "Showdown In Space". Brought to you by 'Our Solar System" with presentation and commentary by Starfire Tor.  

Comet ISON Update 2
November 28, 2013

Here is the latest SOHO image of Comet ISON, as it grows ever nearer to its date with solar destiny. Click on the photo to see the whole photo. Soon, this icy traveler of our solar system will fly into the Sun, which is the last resting place of so many comets before it. But wait. Do any of you remember Comet Lovejoy from 2011? I do. I also remember that Lovejoy took its well publicized sun dive ... and survived. Lovejoy. Gotta love it. So take heart, ISON, and let Comet Lovejoy be your inspiration - or not.   

Comet ISON Lives!
November 29, 2013

Comet ISON Lives! Defying the predictions and proclamations of other scientists, who totally believed and wrote that ISON had been destroyed when during its solar encounter on November 28, 2013. Here is what really happened, which these other scientists have now figured out as they find themselves correcting their earlier funeral comments for ISON. Comet ISON entered the blast furnace of the Sun's atmosphere on November 28, 2013, did a sling shot course change around the Sun, and emerged bright eyed and bushy tailed as it continued on its way back out into the solar system. Check out this November 29, 2013 SOHO image accompanied by my "what's that?" labels.

In previous ISON reports I told you that there were 3 possibilities on ISON's fate. They were: 1. Will ISON be destroyed by the Sun? 2. Will ISON survive it's Sun dive? or 3. Will something completely unexpected happen? The correct answer turns out to be numbers 2 and 3. Not only did ISON survive its close encounter with the Sun, but it did so because something unexpected happened. Other scientists are scratching their heads, as they try to make sense of why ISON survived when they observed ISON in dramatic phases of disintegration. This disintegration was quite obvious to anyone studying the right data. At a less complex level, anyone using SDO images as a database did not see what others using SOHO images were able to observe. SDO, despite adjusting their space cameras to capture ISON, were unable to see the comet at all. But SOHO captured the comet beautifully, including the comet emerging from the Sun. At first review, with only a wisp of ISON visible after solar slinging, it was hard to tell whether the image was showing that the comet had survived, or that only comet dust particles remained. Later images showed that ISON had brightened and was under way. Be sure to click on the photo to see the whole photo. 

Here is my unique theory on how Comet ISON survived what should have been a sun diving death event. Take a look at my previous ISON reports. Pay particular attention to the November 28, 2013 coronal mass ejections [CME] that fired off from sunspot regions 1909 and 1908 - as well as from other non-sunspot solar eruptions - as ISON approached the Sun. I suspected that a CME particle entanglement might happen, which is why I included CME information in my reports. I theorized, that if ISON did encounter CME particles, that the encounter would either hasten the comet's demise or help the comet to survive. Because ISON lives, I suggest that while the Sun was breaking ISON apart, the CME particles were building ISON back up. I theorize that the CME particles became entangled with ISON, and in doing so created a fresh set of comet building blocks - which is what is seen as ISON exits the Sun's atmosphere. Basically, the emerging object is a reformed comet ISON and not the exact same comet ISON that entered the Sun's atmosphere. I suggest that what we have witnessed is a comet solar pollination event. Therefore, as ISON continues its space travels it will be traveling with particles from our Sun. These hitchhiker solar particles would then have the opportunity to shed elsewhere in the Universe.  

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All contents copyright ©2012 by Starfire Tor