

Starfire Tor is the discoverer and chief researcher of Time Shifts, The Core Matrix, and Co-Existing Time Lines.  These are terms she coined to describe astounding interconnected phenomenon in which our reality and dominant current time line is constantly being edited and restructured.

The ancient origin of the Core Matrix, Time Shifts, and Co-Existing time lines involves a black hole, matter, anti-matter, and other exotic elements.  Despite the immense, and symbiotic cosmic powers that brought the Time Shift mechanism into being, the continuation of this mechanism's function requires a source of power capable of triggering the Core Matrix's prime directive.  The sun is one of those power sources.
This is why some Time Shifts are triggered by certain types of solar activity impacting and interacting with the Earth's magnetosphere.   Whether from the Earth's magnetic field being hit with solar winds, solar flares, or CMEs the effect sets into motion the Time Shift mechanism which involves the altering of  frequencies which are the foundation of all  Core Matrix Co-Existing time line programs. The above graphic illustrates the flow of energy between the Sun and the Earth. 

To learn more about this ground breaking work please listen to Starfire Tor's many interviews, including the ones with Whitley Strieber on Dreamland and her many appearances on Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell, George Noory and Whitley Strieber.


The Time Shift Alerts presented by Starfire Tor do not represent all Time Shifts or Time Shift Alerts.  Nor does this Time Shift information present all Time Shift science or scientific results.  The purpose of sharing this sampling is to educate people about the science of Time Shifts.  Part of this Time Shift Alert education involves historical events including the September 11, 2001 attacks in the U.S., the December 26, 2004 earthquake and tsunami in the Sumatra-Indonesia region, and the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan.


October 1, 2013 Solar Activity and Time Shift Alert Update:

Earth is still experiencing an S2 radiation storm, due to the solar activity starting on September 29, 2013. However, as I previously reported, the energy from the expected CME [coronal mass ejection] will not be here until October 2-3, 2013. Even though there is still a proton storm swirling around the Sun, because of the powerful magnetic filament eruption, the radiation storm here has not become stronger. If that has not happened by now it is unlikely to happen, based on the recent eruptions.

Note that I have uploaded the current NOAA k-index chart. You have seen me upload them when geomagnetic storms are in progress, where you can see the red and yellow chart lines appear as geomagnetic indicators. But as you can see, in this current chart, Earth's magnetic field is at background levels. There are even areas where there isn't even a green line. The point is, even though Earth is experiencing an S2 radiation storm, a radiation storm does not cause geomagnetic storming. Geomagnetic storms are caused by impacts from a solar wind or a coronal mass ejection [CME]. When the next geomagnetic storm happens, this chart will have red and yellow lines mixed in with the green lines.

In the past hours, the Sun has had a few small eruptions that in no way compare to the recent massive energy outputs. There were 2 small B class solar flares and a small magnetic filament eruption. There are not even an coronal holes open on the Sun, which is where a solar wind would source from. Stay tuned.  

October 1, 2013 Solar Activity and Time Shift Alert Update 2:
The CME has reached Earth early. Geomagnetic storm in progress

Take a look at the current NOAA K-index chart, which shows the state of Earth's magnetic field. Now take a look at the one I posted earlier for educational purposes. See the difference? Of course you do because those new red lines are what I told you would appear when this powerful CME hit. I am not surprised that this CME got here a little early. The power behind it would have propelled it at a slightly faster speed than lesser CME. The geomagnetic storm, triggered by this CME is currently fluctuating between a G1 and G2 level. This powerful CME has also kicked up the solar wind to a fast 600 mph and auroras have already been spotted in higher latitudes. If this geomagnetic storm gets stronger, auroras might be seen in slightly lower latitudes.

BTW, this CME traveled the roughly 93 million miles between the Sun and the Earth at over 2 million mph. Try to imagine solar plasma and particles traveling to Earth at 2 million mph, and then colliding with Earth's magnetosphere as that magnetosphere acts as a buffer that re-directs the CME around the magnetosphere's protective shell. This is the mechanism which becomes quantumly entangled with "frame dragging" around the Earth. This frame dragging is what helps to trigger Time Shifts and time line editing activity ... which is in progress right now. Frame dragging aka space-time distortion - as scientists once referred to it, involves the altering of time lines and the creation of new co-existing time lines. That is a simplistic version of part of the Time Shift mechanism.  

October 2, 2013 Solar Activity and Time Shift Alert Update: CME triggered geomagnetic storm reaches G2 to G4 levels, Time Shift and time line edit activity still in progress

As you can see, in this latest October 2, 2013 NOAA K-index chart, the expected geomagnetic storm reached levels between G2 and G4. G stands for geomagnetic storm level. The G4 is shown as the purple line. When it comes to geomagnetic storm levels, G1 means a minor geomagnetic storm, G2 means a moderate geomagnetic storm, G3 means means a strong geomagnetic storm, G4 means a severe storm, and G5 means an extreme storm.

The K-index is just another way to measure the level of geomagnetic storming on the planet. When the line is green that means that Earth's magnetic field is calm, when the line is yellow that means that Earth's magnetic field is unsettled, when the line is red that means that Earth's magnetic field is at moderate to strong geomagnetic storm levels, and when the line is purple that means that Earth's magnetic field is at extreme geomagnetic storm levels. Both the 'G' and 'K' magnetic field chart systems are used interchangeably.

In my previous Time Shift report I said that a stronger geomagnetic storm could mean that auroras appear in lower latitudes than usual, and this has happened. Some of the current auroras have both strong green and strong red colors. When there is a strong red coloring that means that a strong to extreme geomagnetic storm was the trigger. The color has to do with which atmospheric molecules are agitated and at what altitude they become agitated.

Time Shift and time line edit activity is still in progress. How long this will last is unknown at this time. Sometimes Time Shift activity stops when the Earth's magnetic field calms down ... but sometimes Time Shift activity continues even after Earth's magnetic field has calmed down after geomagnetic storming. This is why Time Shift markers are so important to watch out for. Time Shift markers can only exist when Time Shift activity is happening.  

October 2, 2013 Solar Activity and Time Shift Alert Update 2:

As I mentioned in my last update, the current geomagnetic storming is strong enough to trigger auroras in lower latitudes as well as trigger auroras that have vivid red and green colors. This October 1, 2013 red and green aurora from Whitewater, Wisconsin - taken by Scott Weberpal, is the perfect example of what I am talking about.

Since my last update, and the powerful CME hit Earth triggering geomagnetic storming, another solar flare and magnetic filament eruption has taken place. Neither of them - at the moment - are as powerful as the one before. But this may change depending on what else happens on the Sun while this solar activity is developing. BTW, the geomagnetic storm has picked up again. This fluctuation of geomagnetic storming is normal as the Earth's magnetic field interacts with the solar energy. Stay tuned.  

October 3, 2013 Solar Activity and Time Shift Alert Update:

Earth's geomagnetic storms have calmed down as the energy from the CME has moved beyond the planet. This also means that the high speed solar wind is also calming for the same reason. This calm may not last long due to the solar activity that fired off yesterday October 2, 2013. There were 2 coronal mass ejections [CME] and another magnetic filament eruption CME. This SOHO photo shows the most powerful of these multiple eruptions, which is also the CME that may impact Earth soon. If it does then more geomagnetic storming - and Time Shift activity - is in the offing.

At this time there are no new coronal holes, meaning that there are no new solar winds other than the stream that generally makes it to Earth on a regular basis. Regular solar winds do not trigger geomagnetic storms unless the Earth's magnetic field becomes tipped - which is what allows the solar wind in to Earth's upper atmospheric levels creating aurora action. Solar winds, that source from large coronal holes, are much more powerful than the regular every day solar wind flowing from the Sun.  

October 4, 2013 Solar Activity And Time Shift Alert Update: coronal holes open on the Sun releasing Earth directed solar winds

Solar coronal holes can be seen opening in this SDO October 4, 2013 photo of the Sun. Because this coronal activity is Earth facing, the solar wind blowing away from these coronal holes are expected to reach Earth in around 4 to 5 days earliest. This is the average amount of time that it takes a solar wind to make it from the Sun to the Earth. The larger and more powerful the solar wind release, the sooner the solar wind arrives. Depending on many factors, a solar wind can trigger auroras and can even trigger geomagnetic storms. Should this solar wind become geo-effective, it can even trigger Time Shift activity. If a coronal hole should grow larger than when it first released a solar wind, the enlarged coronal hole can release more solar wind.  

A quick note to let you all know that the bizarre shutdown of US government business has impacted some of the resources that I use to gather data on my research. While I do have alternative resources, not all of them can be publicly shared. I expect the situation - or should I say 'bad and obvious political game' - to be over during the next round of Time Shift activity, the behavior has been very harmful at many levels to millions of people. Since there is no up side to this bad and obvious game of manipulation, I am most interested to see what happens when the next Time Shift appears on scene. Times they are a'changing ... but I am OPEN for business. You can count on me. 

Photo courtesy of CNN.  

October 7, 2013 Solar Activity And Time Shift Alert Update: multiple solar flares and magnetic filament eruptions with some Earth facing

Today I am using the GOES X-ray camera images to show you the many solar flares and magnetic filament eruptions that have become active in the past couple of days. The GOES imager can detect solar x-rays just before the eruption of solar flares, coronal mass ejections [CME], and related solar activity that impacts the geospace environment around and on the Sun and determine the level of radiation that solar activity is throwing out. 

Take a look at the very center of the GOES image. That bright area represents the multiple October 7, 2013 C class solar flares that have erupted from Earth facing sunspot 1856. This same sunspot has been erupting with C and B class flares, some of which evolved into CME and some which did not. Today's solar flares have put out raised X-rays that went hand in hand with a mild proton storm. Also, going on with the Sun, are multiple magnetic filament eruptions including those which can be seen on both left and right rims of the Sun. None of these are Earth facing. 

Some of the sunspot 1856 CME will make it to Earth in a few days, where it will join up with the solar wind that is already in route to Earth and is expected to hit possibly as early as October 9-10, 2013.  More may follow, depending on what happens on the Sun from this moment on.  If any of this solar energy hits Earth and triggers geomagnetic storming, then this would be an event that triggers Time Shift and time line edit activity. 

Time Shift markers:  Due to frequency and time line edit changes associated with Time Shifts there may be Time Shift triggered earthquake, volcano, tornado, weather, and geophysical events. Tech communications may be disrupted, cetaceans may strand or swim wrong way.   Auroras will form. Time Shifts create an amplification of paranormal activity, ghost activity, haunting activity, poltergeist activity, apports, synchronicity, psi abilities, time/word/object prompts, deja vu, psychic dreaming, precognition events, awareness of Time Shift Living Dead persons, altered time line events, time line looping, altered terrain, altered structures, altered world events and more.  

October 8, 2013 Solar Activity And Time Shift Alert Update:

This SOHO photo shows an October 8, 2013 coronal mass ejection [CME] that came from an erupting prominence. Whether this solar activity is headed to Earth is not as yet known. I'll let you all know if it is determined to be Earth directed, even as a glancing blow. Meanwhile, the expected CME and solar wind are still on the way, with the first arrival possibly being as early as tomorrow. Stay tuned. Check out my October 7, 2013 update for more info about the impending solar hits. Be sure to click on the photo to see the whole photo.

October 8, 2013 Solar Activity And Time Shift Alert Update 2: Geomagnetic Storm In Progress; Triggered Time Shift In Progress

Arriving a bit early, an interplanetary shock wave has hit Earth's magnetic field on October 8, 2013 about 3 hours ago. As you can see by this NOAA k-index chart, the hit has triggered G1 geomagnetic storm conditions. This may be the expected coronal mass ejection [CME] that I reported was on the way, and not the solar wind which is likewise on the way. Sometimes it is difficult to tell which solar energy has hit until more data comes in. This chart also shows some of the last geomagnetic storming starting from October 2, 2013. That shows you how some geomagnetic storms can fluctuate in intensity, even going back down into the green zone before going back up into the geomagnetic storm red zone again.

As I also reported would happen, this geomagnetic storming has triggered Time Shift and time line edit activity. So make sure to watch for Time Shift markers, and do click on the chart in order to see the whole chart.  

October 8, 2013 Solar Activity And Time Shift Alert Update 3: Two Solar Flares Erupt At The Same Time Including An M.2 Class Solar Flare

The surprises just keep on coming. A little over an hour ago, 2 solar flares erupted on the Sun at about the same time. One of them was an M.2 Class solar flare and the other one cannot be assessed at this time. It may be a C class flare. The photo I've uploaded is a raw image from SDO and shows the huge M.2 eruption on the lower left solar position. Both flares appear to have evolved into coronal mass ejections [CME], and I assure you that something of it will make its way to Earth. We are already experiencing an R1 radiation event. So, I wanted to show what was going on and didn't want to wait for the more processed photos. I'll do that later when more data is available.

Meanwhile, re-read my earlier Time Shift Alerts just to come up to speed on what is going on. I expect this latest solar flaring to follow the current CME hit, geomagnetic storming, and the coming solar wind. Put this all together and what you have is an extended Time Shift and time line edit trigger event. There is a lot going on and I hope you will continue to pay attention to as many Time Shift markers as you can.

I've mentioned TSLD's several times recently.  For those of you who don't know about it yet, you can find out about The Time Shift Living Dead enigma by reading the article on my website

Actually, everyone experiences Time Shift markers. But not everyone recognizes Time Shift markers. Keep on reading my FB wall and I'm sure you will have a Time Shift marker experience that you are aware of. Once a brain knows that they exist, the brain tries to filter for them.

For all those who follow my work, thank you. 
Piecing together the discovery and science of Time Shifts, and related elements, took many years. Once I got that job done I had to find a way to share the information with others, which I have done. Why the huge focus on geomagnetic storms? I've put out a lot of info about this, including on this wall. So have a read down the wall. In brief, the same solar energy that can trigger geomagnetic storms can also trigger Time Shifts and time line edits. It has to do with the interaction of solar charged particles when they hit Earth's magnetosphere, which in turn engages with something called frame dragging. It is this frame dragging which causes a warping in the space time continuum around Earth, which in turn is a part of the mechanism that causes Time Shift activity. Therefore, the onset of a geomagnetic storm event can be a scientific marker that Time Shift activity is also being triggered. Also, yes of course I know more than I share. It is that way with all scientific brains. I share in direct relationship to the level of information that people can absorb and understand. My goal is to educate and not just to throw info at people. So far I think that the people - in this case millions of people - have done very well with my info. 

October 9, 2013 Solar Activity And Time Shift Alert Update

The somewhat early coronal mass ejection [CME] hit, which i reported about yesterday, grew from a G1 geomagnetic storm event to fluctuating between a G1 and a G3 geomagnetic storm event. Take a look at the current K-index chart from NOAA, which clearly illustrates geomagnetic conditions on Earth. The solar wind is also buffeting Earth's magnetic field, which not only helped to push geomagnetic conditions up but to trigger some beautiful and colorful auroras.

Yesterday's multiple solar flares and filament eruption produced some hot action on the Sun, with x-rays from sunspot 1865 M2 class flare having created an R1 radiation storm on Earth shortly after the eruption. Sunspot 1865 erupted hours later with a C class flare, which obviously did not have the power of the earlier M class flare. Sunspot 1865 is new to the Earth facing side of the Sun, and when it erupted it was near - but not on - the Sun's rim. While not squarely facing Earth, a CME the size of a M class flare has the ability to spread out and give Earth a glancing blow as it races away from the Sun. What is going on with the solar wind, which is active, also plays a role in determining which direction and at what speed a CME travels. When you add those elements to the position of the Sun and the Earth, forecasting where and when solar activity impacts the Earth can be a guessing game at times. It is not always possible to count on solar energy passing an Earth satellite or space craft to get a reading on whether solar energy this way comes.

Time Shift and time line edit activity is still in progress. Be sure to click on the chart to see the whole chart. Watch for those all important Time Shift markers.

October 9, 2013 Solar Activity And Time Shift Alert Update 2
Aurora Activity Magnificent

This particular geomagnetic activity has brought a wealth of colorful and vividly beautiful auroras. Take a look at this ethereal beauty, photographed by Lana Rupp in Iceland. I chose to share this aurora because to me it looks like an energized angel beaming down to Earth. Can you see that image or do you see something else in this aurora photo?

October 10, 2013 Solar Activity And Time Shift Alert Update
Sun Diving Kreutz Comet and Lots Of Solar Activity

Today, October 10, 2013, the activity on the Sun has been fast and furious. Yesterday's M2.8 solar flare, from Earth facing sunspot 1865, has been followed by 9 C class solar flares and a number of erupting solar filaments. Most of those erupted today, and the activity has sent some CME - and an uptick in solar noise - our way. Earth's magnetic field is still fluctuating with solar energy, with a geomagnetic pulse happening a few hours ago. While things in Earth's magnetic field seem to be calming, this is only a temporary condition.

Meanwhile, SOHO imagery caught another Kreutz family comet diving into the Sun. Check out the image I uploaded, and how I marked the comet so that you would be sure to spot it. Be sure to click on the photo to see the whole photo. The Kreutz comet was a large comet that broke up hundreds of years ago, and many times a year pieces from the break up get pulled into the Sun. Kreutz is the comet drama that keeps on giving. On the other hand, Comet ISON is expected to survive its encounter with the sun on November 28, 2013. Why? Mainly because it is much larger than a smaller Kreutz family comet remnant.  

October 11, 2013 Solar Activity And Time Shift Alert Update: The Sun Has Definitely Awakened With A 2nd M Class Solar Flare, 13 C Class Solar Flares, and 2 Magnetic Filament Eruptions

The Sun is now behaving more like it is in a solar maximum year instead of - well - not a solar maximum year. Just today, October 11, 2013, the Sun erupted with an M1.5 class solar flare and 4 C class solar flares from sunspot 1861. Yesterday's 9 C class solar flares were split between sunspots 1865 and 1861. The other M class flare erupted on October 9, 2013. BTW, this morning's M class flare was Earth facing and I expect that the energy from this flare, as well as some of the others, are already on their way to Earth. Stay tuned for more info and more Sun-Earth action.

Take a look at the photo of the M class solar flare from this morning. You'll note that I am showing you this coronal mass ejection [CME] on a different camera than I usually do. What you are looking at is called STEREO Ahead COR 2, and it is often the first images of the Sun that are released. The reason that they are usually released first is that are more crudely processed, unlike the smoothe versions that I usually use. Lately those smoothe SOHO images have been delayed to the point that they often do not appear in a timely manner. Also, the camera taking this photo of the Sun is positioned differently than other solar aimed cameras - which are on spacecraft orbiting around the Sun. So the energy from this M flare is seen almost opposite to where it would be in other solar images from other cameras.

Time Shift and time line edit activity is still in progress. Be sure to click on the photo to see the whole photo. Watch for those all important Time Shift markers.

Due to frequency and time line edit changes associated with Time Shifts there may be Time Shift triggered earthquake, volcano, tornado, weather, and geophysical events. Tech communications may be disrupted, cetaceans may strand or swim wrong way. Auroras will form. Time Shifts create an amplification of paranormal activity, ghost activity, haunting activity, poltergeist activity, apports, synchronicity, psi abilities, time/word/object prompts, deja vu, psychic dreaming, precognition events, awareness of Time Shift Living Dead persons, altered time line events, time line looping, altered terrain, altered structures, altered world events and more.  

Lights Over Lapland

Enjoy this beautiful video of dancing auroras over Norway.  Although I share many still images of auroras, in fact auroras are quite active and alive with energy.  I wish that every one of you could experience a live auroras at least once in your lifetime.  It is the greatest show on Earth.  

October 13, 2013 Solar Activity And Time Shift Alert Update:
Earth directed M1.7 solar flare erupts amidst squadron of C class flares

This morning October 13, 2013 - amidst a squadron of Earth facing C class solar flares - Earth facing sunspot 1865 erupted with an M1.7 solar flare and coronal mass ejection [CME]. This particular CME is forecast to hit Earth around October 15, 2013. That is the same time that a solar wind is expected to hit Earth as well. If their arrivals are staggered, meaning there is a day or so separating their respective hits, then all this will mean is that the triggered Time Shift activity is extended. But if more than one solar energies hits Earth at the same time, the resulting geomagnetic storms may be more intense. Time will tell.

Meanwhile, the continuous eruptions of Earth facing sunspots and magnetic filaments continues. Most of these many eruptions source from Earth facing sunspots 1865 and 1861, with a few going to magnetic filaments. The M1.5 solar flare, that erupted on October 11, 2013, came from some sort of magnetic filament that erupted with both Earth facing and non Earth facing energy. Since October 9, 2013 there have been about 50 solar eruptions, including sunspots and magnetic filaments. 3 of those eruptions were M class eruptions, with today's M class eruptions being the one that is most Earth directions of the 3 M class flares. All of the M class flares created R1 radiation storms on Earth. This SDO photo shows the bright eruption of this morning's M1.7 class flare.

But here is another thing to think about. Of these 50 eruptions, most of them were on the Earth facing side of the Sun while many of them were squarely directed at Earth. This means that multiple CME should have been impacting Earth's magnetosphere for days, with subsequent geomagnetic activity. The vivid green and red auroras are markers, even though much of the multiple CME energy is not as yet recorded as having impacted Earth's magnetic field. Certain earthquakes and a huge hurricane that hit India, during this time, are Time Shift markers. This means that Time Shift and time line edit activity has been in progress for days, regardless of the vanishing act of some Earth directed solar eruptions. I've provided evidence of this Time Shift enigma before, where the Time Shift itself creates physical conflicts as to the cause and effect og known Time Shift markers.

Therefore, Time Shift and time line edit activity is still in progress. Be sure to click on the photo to see the whole photo. Watch for those all important Time Shift markers.  

October 14, 2013 Solar Activity And Time Shift Alert Update: Geomagnetic Storm In Progress, Magnetic Field Unsettled And Rising, Time Shift And Time Line Edit Activity Continues

As you can see in the current October 14, 2013 K-Index chart from NOAA, part of Earth is already experiencing geomagnetic storm conditions ranging from a k-5 to a K-6 aka a G1 to a G2 reading. Other parts of the Earth are beginning to register an uptick in solar forces, with the expectation that the incoming solar wind and CME will at some point involve a larger portion of the planet. All of this is right in line with what I previously reported would occur. In addition, sunspot 1865 just erupted with a C8 class solar flare. This was the sunspot that erupted with yesterday's M class flare. Sunspot 1861 has continued to fire off 2 more C class flares, while new sunspot 1869 has fired off 2 C class flares. Stay tuned for more solar activity reports.

Meanwhile, Time Shift and time line edit activity continues. This new geomagnetic condition acts as a Time Shift extender. Therefore, Time Shift and time line edit activity is still in progress. Be sure to click on the chart to see the whole chart.  

October 14, 2013 Time Shift Alert Update 2:
Time Shift Triggered 7.1 Earthquake In The Philippines

In my Time Shift Alert report I wrote, in part: "This geomagnetic activity has also triggered Time Shift and time line edit activity, which is in progress. ... Due to frequency and time line edit changes associated with Time Shifts there may be Time Shift triggered earthquake, volcano, tornado, weather, and geophysical events."

Only hours after the October 14, 2013 geomagnetic activity began, and I reported that Time Shift activity was amplified and extended, there was a 7.1 Time Shift earthquake in the Philippines. It was first listed as a 7.2, and then downgraded to a 7.1 by the USGS. Some data bases will list this earthquake as happening on October 15, 2013 and not October 14, 2013 only because of differences in time zones. The area is a known earthquake prone zone, which makes it vulnerable to the time line element restructuring that takes place as part of the Time Shift mechanism.

Please remember what I have taught about Time Shifts and earthquakes ... no earthquake is intentionally caused by Time Shift and time line edit activity. The quakes happen randomly as a result of the change in frequency that occurs, as well as the fact that the time line elements are restructured. This makes earthquake fault lines extremely vulnerable during Time Shift activity. While not all earthquakes are triggered by Time Shift activity - some are. In this case, this one is a Time Shift triggered quake.  

M7.1 - 2km NE of Catigbian, Philippines 2013-10-15 00:12:32 UTC


Location and Magnitude contributed by: USGS National Earthquake Information Center


10 km
5 mi
Powered by Leaflet
9.866°N, 124.012°E
Depth: 20.0km (12.4mi)

Event Time

  1. 2013-10-15 00:12:32 UTC
  2. 2013-10-15 08:12:32 UTC+08:00 at epicenter
  3. 2013-10-14 17:12:32 UTC-07:00 system time


9.866°N 124.011°E depth=20.0km (12.4mi)

Nearby Cities

  1. 2km (1mi) NE of Catigbian, Philippines
  2. 10km (6mi) SSE of Tibigan, Philippines
  3. 29km (18mi) NE of Tagbilaran, Philippines
  4. 42km (26mi) NE of Danao, Philippines
  5. 619km (385mi) SSE of Manila, Philippines

Tectonic Summary

The October 15, 2013 M 7.1 earthquake near the city of Catigbian on Bohol Island, Philippines, occurred as the result of shallow reverse faulting on a moderately inclined fault dipping either to the northwest, or to the southeast. The depth of the event indicates it ruptured a fault within the crust of the Sunda plate, rather than on the deeper subduction zone plate boundary interface. At the latitude of this earthquake, the Philippine Sea plate moves towards the west-northwest with respect to the Sunda plate at a rate of approximately 10 cm/yr, subducting beneath the Philippine Islands several hundred kilometers to the east of the October 15 earthquake at the Philippine Trench.

The Philippine Islands straddle a region of complex tectonics at the intersection of three major tectonic plates (the Philippine Sea, Sunda and Eurasia plates). As such, the islands are familiar with large and damaging earthquakes, and the region within 500 km of the October 15 earthquake has hosted 19 events of M6 or greater, a dozen of which have been shallow (0-70 km). One of these, a M 6.8 earthquake 70 km to the east of the October 15, 2013 event in 1990, caused several casualties.

Seismotectonics of the Philippine Sea and Vicinity

The Philippine Sea plate is bordered by the larger Pacific and Eurasia plates and the smaller Sunda plate. The Philippine Sea plate is unusual in that its borders are nearly all zones of plate convergence. The Pacific plate is subducted into the mantle, south of Japan, beneath the Izu-Bonin and Mariana island arcs, which extend more than 3,000 km along the eastern margin of the Philippine Sea plate. This subduction zone is characterized by rapid plate convergence and high-level seismicity extending to depths of over 600 km. In spite of this extensive zone of plate convergence, the plate interface has been associated with few great (M>8.0) ‘megathrust’ earthquakes. This low seismic energy release is thought to result from weak coupling along the plate interface (Scholz and Campos, 1995). These convergent plate margins are also associated with unusual zones of back-arc extension (along with resulting seismic activity) that decouple the volcanic island arcs from the remainder of the Philippine Sea Plate (Karig et al., 1978; Klaus et al., 1992).

South of the Mariana arc, the Pacific plate is subducted beneath the Yap Islands along the Yap trench. The long zone of Pacific plate subduction at the eastern margin of the Philippine Sea Plate is responsible for the generation of the deep Izu-Bonin, Mariana, and Yap trenches as well as parallel chains of islands and volcanoes, typical of circum-pacific island arcs. Similarly, the northwestern margin of the Philippine Sea plate is subducting beneath the Eurasia plate along a convergent zone, extending from southern Honshu to the northeastern coast of Taiwan, manifested by the Ryukyu Islands and the Nansei-Shoto (Ryukyu) trench. The Ryukyu Subduction Zone is associated with a similar zone of back-arc extension, the Okinawa Trough. At Taiwan, the plate boundary is characterized by a zone of arc-continent collision, whereby the northern end of the Luzon island arc is colliding with the buoyant crust of the Eurasia continental margin offshore China.

Along its western margin, the Philippine Sea plate is associated with a zone of oblique convergence with the Sunda Plate. This highly active convergent plate boundary extends along both sides the Philippine Islands, from Luzon in the north to the Celebes Islands in the south. The tectonic setting of the Philippines is unusual in several respects: it is characterized by opposite-facing subduction systems on its east and west sides; the archipelago is cut by a major transform fault, the Philippine Fault; and the arc complex itself is marked by active volcanism, faulting, and high seismic activity. Subduction of the Philippine Sea Plate occurs at the eastern margin of the archipelago along the Philippine Trench and its northern extension, the East Luzon Trough. The East Luzon Trough is thought to be an unusual example of a subduction zone in the process of formation, as the Philippine Trench system gradually extends northward (Hamburger et al., 1983). On the west side of Luzon, the Sunda Plate subducts eastward along a series of trenches, including the Manila Trench in the north, the smaller less well-developed Negros Trench in the central Philippines, and the Sulu and Cotabato trenches in the south (Cardwell et al., 1980). At its northern and southern terminations, subduction at the Manila Trench is interrupted by arc-continent collision, between the northern Philippine arc and the Eurasian continental margin at Taiwan and between the Sulu-Borneo Block and Luzon at the island of Mindoro. The Philippine fault, which extends over 1,200 km within the Philippine arc, is seismically active. The fault has been associated with major historical earthquakes, including the destructive M7.6 Luzon earthquake of 1990 (Yoshida and Abe, 1992). A number of other active intra-arc fault systems are associated with high seismic activity, including the Cotabato Fault and the Verde Passage-Sibuyan Sea Fault (Galgana et al., 2007).

Relative plate motion vectors near the Philippines (about 80 mm/yr) is oblique to the plate boundary along the two plate margins of central Luzon, where it is partitioned into orthogonal plate convergence along the trenches and nearly pure translational motion along the Philippine Fault (Barrier et al., 1991). Profiles B and C reveal evidence of opposing inclined seismic zones at intermediate depths (roughly 70-300 km) and complex tectonics at the surface along the Philippine Fault.

Several relevant tectonic elements, plate boundaries and active volcanoes, provide a context for the seismicity presented on the main map. The plate boundaries are most accurate along the axis of the trenches and more diffuse or speculative in the South China Sea and Lesser Sunda Islands. The active volcanic arcs (Siebert and Simkin, 2002) follow the Izu, Volcano, Mariana, and Ryukyu island chains and the main Philippine islands parallel to the Manila, Negros, Cotabato, and Philippine trenches.

Seismic activity along the boundaries of the Philippine Sea Plate (Allen et al., 2009) has produced 7 great (M>8.0) earthquakes and 250 large (M>7) events. Among the most destructive events were the 1923 Kanto, the 1948 Fukui and the 1995 Kobe (Japan) earthquakes (99,000, 5,100, and 6,400 casualties, respectively), the 1935 and the 1999 Chi-Chi (Taiwan) earthquakes (3,300 and 2,500 casualties, respectively), and the 1976 M7.6 Moro Gulf and 1990 M7.6 Luzon (Philippines) earthquakes (7,100 and 2,400 casualties, respectively). There have also been a number of tsunami-generating events in the region, including the Moro Gulf earthquake, whose tsunami resulted in more than 5000 deaths.

October 15, 2013 Time Shift Alert Update:
More Earth Directed Coronal Mass Ejections

Between yesterday and today, October 14-15, 2013, there have been 20 solar flares. Some became Earth directed coronal mass ejections [CME] that are on their way to Earth. Of the 13 solar flares from today, they were split between sunspots Earth facing 1861 and 1861. This SOHO photo shows you an C1.8 class eruption from sunspot 1861. Later, yesterday, this same sunspot erupted with a C8 class solar flare. Today, among the many C flares is an M1.8 class from sunspot 1865. See my previous reports on the other M class flares that erupted in the past several days.

With so many CME on the way, including the one hitting Earth now, Time Shift and time line edit activity is extended and in progress. Be sure to click on the photo to see the whole photo.

Aurora_2013-10-15 by OskarPettersson
Imagine being outside looking up and seeing this dazzling and vibrant red, green, and purple aurora dancing over your head. Thanks to photographer Oskar Pettersson in Sweden, who took this aurora photo on October 15, 2013, we have an idea of what that experience would be. Due to the onset of geomagnetic and solar wind activity, auroras have been spectacular. Be sure to click on the photo to see the whole aurora.

October 16, 2013 Time Shift Alert Update:
More Earth Directed M Class Solar Flares

The hits just keep on coming. Yesterday, October 15, 2013 there were 14 solar flares - all of them split between Earth facing sunspots 1865 and 1861. Of that 14, 2 of the Earth directed solar flares were M Class flares erupting from prolific and powerful sunspot 1865. Sunspot 1865 is capable of blasting out an X class flare, which it may do if it doesn't spend all of its energy on the numerous C class and M class flares it's been producing. These latest M class eruptions caused an R1 radio blackout. Today, as I write this report, the Sun has already erupted with 3 C class solar flares. This GOES photo shows you the latest M class flare, which you can see is Earth facing.

With so many CME on the way, including those M class flares, Time Shift and time line edit activity is extended and in progress. Be sure to click on the photo to see the whole photo.

October 22, 2013 Time Shift Alert: Multiple Earth Facing M and C Class Solar Flares and Erupting Magnetic Filaments Forecast New Round Of Time Shifts

The newest round of Time Shift and time line edit activity is on the way, heralded by a squadron of M class and C class Earth facing solar eruptions that also include magnetic filaments. Right now, the most active and powerful of the solar flares has come from Earth facing sunspot 1875. The arrival time, of the Time Shift triggering solar activity, is anywhere from later today to 3 days from now. Just today AR 1875 erupted with 2 M class flares along with 11 C class flares. While AR 1975 has dominated today's eruptions, in prior days this active region was joined by regions 1877, 1875, 1873, 1868, and 1861 which erupted with C class solar flares. This is what is expected of the Sun during solar maximum and the impending expected solar magnetic pole flip due to happen between now and a few months time. 

Be sure to click on the SDO photo of one of sunspot 1875 M class solar flares from today, to see the whole photo. Watch for those all important Time Shift markers. 

October 23, 2013 Time Shift Alert Update: Earth facing sunspot 1875 fires off 3 M class flares yesterday

Yesterday I reported that, along with many C class solar flares, Earth facing sunspot 1875 fired off 2 M class solar flares. Since that report, 1875 finished off the day with an even bigger M class flare than the 1st 2 earlier in the day. This SDO image shows you the powerful Earth facing M4.2 solar flare that erupted late yesterday. Today, as of this report, 1875 continues to erupt with C class flares and has been joined with by sunspot 1877. Many of the CME sourcing from Earth facing eruptions have very wide displays, which means that they are heading away from the Sun at a wider dispersal. This generally means that not all of the CME Earth directed energy will actually impact the Earth. But it also means that there will be a lot of intermingled CME energy, with some of it dominating direction. Whatever happens, do expect that Earth is due for a number of CME hits very soon. So stay tuned.

Please read yesterday's report for a fuller understanding of what Earth and Time Shift triggering activity can expect. Be sure to click on the image to see the whole image. Watch for those all important Time Shift markers.  

October 24, 2013 Time Shift Alert Update: Earth Facing Sunspot 1877 Fires Off A Near X Flare While Earth Facing Sunspot 1875 Fires Off 2 More M Class and Multiple C Class Solar Flares 

Early on October 24, 2013 Earth facing sunspot 1877 erupted with an M 9.3 solar flare and coronal mass ejection [CME] that is headed for Earth. An M 9.3 flare is just half a click below being and X class flare. Yesterday, October 23, 2013, 1877 fired off 2 C class flares while sunspot 1875 fired off 10 solar flares. 3 of them were M class flares and the other 7 were C class flares. Today, October 24, 2013, there have already been 3 M class flares and 7 C class flares. All of these flares, including those I reported about in days past, are from Earth facing sunspots and magnetic filaments. A great deal of this solar energy is headed Earth's way, and in this case it means that multiple Time Shift triggers are likewise headed out way. 

As I reported yesterday, the nature of so many Earth facing CME - all clustered in a matter of days - has the tendency to become intermingled with each other, and therefore can influence the direction, force, and speed of a CME. In viewing various data, it appears that multiple CME have indeed become intermingled. The more powerful solar flares have already caused R1 and R2 radio blackouts, and the first CME impact is now expected to arrive around October 25, 2013. The intensity of the hit will only be known when the impact actually happens. But whatever the intensity, this multiple CME event will trigger Time Shift and time line edit activity. Also, sunspots 1875 and 1877 are still powerful enough to fire off more solar flares including Earth directed C, M, and X class flares.  

You can see the M 9.3 solar flare in this SDO photo. Be sure to click on the image to see the whole image.    

October 25, 2013 Time Shift Alert Update:
X1.7 SOLAR FLARE and R3 Radio Blackout

Yesterday, as well as for the past several days, I have reported about the large number of C class, M class, and magnetic filaments that have erupted on the Sun. Many of these coronal mass ejections [CME] were Earth directed and partially Earth directed. I advised that the Sun was capable of firing off an X1.7 class solar flare ... and that is exactly what has happened this morning October 25, 2013 from the 1882 region of the Sun. 1882 is an area that has just rotated onto the Earth facing side of the Sun, although it is still nearer to the Sun's rim than to the Sun's Earth facing center. But when it comes to an X flare of this magnitude, which is firing off amongst many other active Earth facing M and C class solar flares, the CME energy from this X flare will - at least in part - reach Earth. It will become entangled with other Earth directed CME, at least in part. Already, this X flare has caused an R 3 radio blackout on Earth. 

With an R3 radio blackout, there is a wide area blackout of HF radio communications, and a loss of radio contact - for about an hour - on the sunlit side of the Earth. As for navigation, it can degrade low frequency signals for about an hour. While an R3 radio blackout sounds dramatic, it is not powerful enough to fry Earth's man-made grid system. This latest round of CME, including this morning's X class solar flare, adds to and extends the many Time Shift triggers that are heading to Earth. 

This SOHO photo shows the powerful multiple activity firing off on the Sun. Be sure to click on the image to see the whole image.  

October 25, 2013 Time Shift Alert Update 2:
Second X Flare Of The Day!
X2.1 SOLAR FLARE and R3 Radio Blackout

Yes, you are reading that correctly. Sunspot 1882 has fired off with the 2nd X flare of the day! The earlier 1882 flare was an X1.7 and this latest one is even stronger at an X2.1 flare. Today, October 25, 2013 Earthside sunspots 1882, 1885, and a magnetic filament have been producing a squadron of X class, M class, and C class coronal mass ejections [CME]. The 1882 earlier X flare fired off when 1882 had rotated onto the Earth facing side of the Sun. This 2nd AR 1882 X flare has now rotated farther along on its journey to the solar center facing position. Si while neither of these X flares are squarely Earth directed, the CME energy cloud is so powerful and wide that some of these CME will impact Earth. As it is, the R3 radio blackout condition, which was triggered by the 1st X flare has been followed by an R3 radio blackout from the 2nd X flare.

This SOHO photo shows the powerful multiple activity firing off on the Sun, including the latest X2.1 flare from AR 1882. Be sure to click on the image to see the whole image. Watch for those all important Time Shift markers. One is already front and center, which is a 7.3 magnitude earthquake which just struck Japan. I'll be writing about this earthquake Time Shift marker in a separate post.  

October 25, 2013 Time Shift Alert Update 3:
Time Shift Triggered 7.3 Japan Earthquake

In my Time Shift Alert update 2 report from today I wrote, in part: " Due to frequency and time line edit changes associated with Time Shifts there may be Time Shift triggered earthquake, volcano, tornado, weather, and geophysical events. ... Watch for those all important Time Shift markers. One is already front and center, which is a 7.3 magnitude earthquake which just struck Japan."

Today, October 25, 2013, just as I was reporting on the current mass of solar Time Shift triggers underway, a 7.3 Time Shift triggered earthquake struck in the waters off Japan's east coast. This was a prime example of what I refer to as a Time Shift marker. I've demonstrated this type of quake enigma many times. The earthquake erupted in an area that is a known earthquake prone zone, which makes the area vulnerable to the time line element restructuring that takes place as part of the Time Shift mechanism. The earthquake triggered a series of small tsunamis. Little damage was reported, mostly because the epicenter of the quake was 6.2 miles deep and off shore. However, it is best to wait until more data comes in to fully know what this earthquake did or did not due in and around Japan. Remember, after the March 2011 Time Shift triggered Japan quake and tsunami, which killed thousands, the true damage to the Fukushima nuclear site was kept a secret while the contaminated waters began to poison the land, people, and marine life in the area and beyond. Because of this behavior, it is wise to wait for conclusive info on damage. As a general rule, depending of the nature of the terrain, shallow earthquakes can do more damage than deeper earthquakes of the same magnitude. 

Please remember what I have taught about Time Shifts and earthquakes. Solar activity alone, even X flare activity, cannot and do not trigger earthquakes. It is the solar activity that triggers Time Shifts that can trigger the quake. If a person did not know that Time Shifts existed, as well as the science/psience that causes them, people might try to make a connection between today's X flares and today's 7.3 magnitude quake. I have seen this type of fractured logic used by people. But logic is only as good as the data used to form logical thoughts, and not knowing about the science of Time Shifts creates a missing ingredient element to understanding the cause of this type of earthquake. Through my research you get a true understanding of the forces acting upon our world.  

Also, no earthquake is intentionally caused by Time Shift and time line edit activity. The quakes happen randomly as a result of the change in frequency that occurs, as well as the fact that the time line elements are restructured. This makes earthquake fault lines extremely vulnerable during Time Shift activity. While not all earthquakes are triggered by Time Shift activity - some earthquakes are. In this case, this one is a Time Shift triggered quake.   


7.3 magnitude earthquake hits Japan near Fukushima

A 7.3-magnitude earthquake shook Japan early Saturday, the U.S. Geological Survey reported.

The quake was off the Fukushima region of Japan, 231 miles east off the island of Honshu.

It was 6.2 miles deep, officials said, hit at 3:10 a.m. Saturday local time and was felt 300 miles away in Tokyo.

The Japan Meteorological Agency reported a one-foot tsunami was observed after it issued a yellow-colored warning Saturday morning, meaning a small tsunami could reach the coast at Fukushima, site of Japan's 2011 nuclear power plant disaster.

There were no immediate reports of damage from the temblor, which Japanese authorities classified as ranging from magnitude 6.8 to 7.1. No irregularities were reported at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant. A spokesman at Tokyo Electric Power Co (TEPCO), which operates the plant, told Reuters some workers had been told to evacuate to higher ground.

A yellow warning is issued when a tsunami is not expected to exceed three feet, significantly smaller than the tsunami that hit the energy plant in March 2011. 

Yellow tsunami advisories are the lowest of three categories of alert issued by the Japan Meteorological Agency, below red-colored tsunami warnings and purple-colored major tsunami warnings.

No warning for the rest of the Pacific was posted by the U.S. Tsunami Warning Center after the quake.

Japan's nuclear reactors are still suffering from the 9.0-magnitude quake that struck in 2011: Only two of 50 across the country are back online since the quake and its resulting tsunami. The Dai-ichi nuclear power plant was rocked by huge radiation leaks.

About 19,000 people were killed in the 2011 disaster. 

NBC's Arata Yamamoto contributed to this report. 

This story was originally published on

October 26, 2013 Time Shift Alert Update:
The Sun Is Still Extremely Active 

Yesterday's October 25, 2013 double X class flares - from sunspot 1882 - were incredible. Please read my previous reports on them. They contain important information concerning Time Shift activity. Yesterday's solar flare total was 14 with 2 X class flares, 5 M class flares, and 7 C class flares. Today's October 26, 2013 solar flare count is up to 19 - and still counting. So far there have been 5 M class flares and 14 C class flares. Today's solar flares were split between sunspots 1882, 1875, 1877, 1873, and 1884. Of the 5 M class flares, 4 of them erupted from 1882 and the other from 1884. A magnetic filament also erupted.

This SOHO photo shows one of the M class flares. It is still possible that more X class flares erupt. So stay tuned. Be sure to click on the image to see the whole image.  

October 30, 2013 Solar Activity And Time Shift Alert Update
Geomagnetic Storm In Progress
Time Shift And Time Line Edit Activity In Progress
The Mystery Of The Missing CME

As you can see in this current NOAA K-Index chart, which indicates the status of Earth's magnetic field, this planet is being hit with a G5 to G6 magnetic storm. This chart is very important, not just for what it shows but for what it does not show. Look to the data on the left of the red columns. What do you see? Green. No red, which would indicate geomagnetic storm conditions. You won't even see a yellow column, which would indicate unsettled magnetic field conditions. In fact, the last red or yellow column on the chart happened on October 17, 2013.

As you read on, be sure to also read my earlier post on my Time Shift event prediction/precognition that recently came true. The date that this precog was realized and proven was October 16, 2013.

Back to the CME mystery: Like other scientists, I was watching the CME situation closely because the physical data appeared to contradict the immense physical activity firing off on the Earth facing side of the Sun. Between October 17, 2013 and today October 30, 2013 there were no fewer than 50 coronal mass ejections [CME] on the Earth facing side of the Sun. This includes 5 X class solar flares, many M class solar flares, and many C class solar flares. While not all of the CME were totally Earth directed, most of them were Earth directed either fully or partially. There does not need to be a full on CME impact to generate geomagnetic storms. A glancing hit can get the job done, which in turn can trigger Time Shift activity as the solar energy both triggers and becomes entangled with frame dragging around the planet. And yet something happened between the Sun and the Earth, as the CME traveled the 93 million miles between the two because until today all of that energy appears to have missed the Earth. Or did it?

No, the CME energy did not miss the Earth - at least in other co-existing time lines. I've talked about this Time Shift enigma before, and this is a good time to share this Time Shift science/psience with you again. It is possible for a Time Shift to trigger, and in its time line editing process edit out, the solar energy that triggered the initial Time Shift activity. When this time line editing happens, and the CME hit is edited out, what we are left with is Time Shift activity that appears to have no physical trigger - at least the solar physical trigger that was observed erupting on the Sun. So how do I know, that this CME time line edit happened? Because of the wealth of Time Shift markers that were reported from all over the world. Time Shift markers can only manifest as the result of Time Shift activity, such as the Time Shift Living Dead enigma, precognition, and the appearance and/or disappearance of established objects like buildings and land masses. Thousands of these big ticket Time Shift markers were reported during the time periods that the missing CME were expected to hit Earth, but for which there is no charted evidence that they ever hit Earth. There you go ... mystery solved.

So stay sharp and be as aware as you can of Time Shift markers. These markers are the best evidence that a Time Shift is in progress.  

October 31, 2013
Geomagnetic Storm Triggered Auroras Abound

With the return of geomagnetic storm conditions, due to the CME hits yesterday October 30, 2013, auroras have returned to planet Earth. This beautiful green and purple aurora was taken by Marketa S. Murray in Fairbanks, Alaska on October 30, 2013. Remember to click on the image to see the whole aurora. Enjoy.   

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