


Starfire Tor is the discoverer and chief researcher of Time Shifts, The Core Matrix, and Co-Existing Time Lines.  These are terms she coined to describe astounding interconnected phenomenon in which our reality and dominant current time line is constantly being edited and restructured.

The ancient origin of the Core Matrix, Time Shifts, and Co-Existing time lines involves a black hole, matter, anti-matter, and other exotic elements.  Despite the immense, and symbiotic cosmic powers that brought the Time Shift mechanism into being, the continuation of this mechanism's function requires a source of power capable of triggering the Core Matrix's prime directive.  The sun is one of those power sources.
This is why some Time Shifts are triggered by certain types of solar activity impacting and interacting with the Earth's magnetosphere.   Whether from the Earth's magnetic field being hit with solar winds, solar flares, or CMEs the effect sets into motion the Time Shift mechanism which involves the altering of  frequencies which are the foundation of all  Core Matrix Co-Existing time line programs. The above graphic illustrates the flow of energy between the Sun and the Earth. 

To learn more about this ground breaking work please listen to Starfire Tor's many interviews, including the ones with Whitley Strieber on Dreamland and her many appearances on Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell, George Noory and Whitley Strieber.


The Time Shift Alerts presented by Starfire Tor do not represent all Time Shifts or Time Shift Alerts.  Nor does this Time Shift information present all Time Shift science or scientific results.  The purpose of sharing this sampling is to educate people about the science of Time Shifts.  Part of this Time Shift Alert education involves historical events including the September 11, 2001 attacks in the U.S., the December 26, 2004 earthquake and tsunami in the Sumatra-Indonesia region, and the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan.


August 2, 2013 Time Shift Alert:

This August 1, 2013 SDO photo shows two distinct Earth facing coronal holes. The one in the northern solar hemisphere is the coronal hole that is spewing a solar wind that is expected to reach Earth about August 3-4, 2013. The smaller coronal hole, which can be seen in the southern solar region, has not as yet spewed out a solar wind. Just like all solar flares do not lead to a coronal mass ejection, not all coronal holes lead to a solar wind that reaches Earth. There is a good chance that if this expected solar wind hit triggers geomagnetic conditions, that in turn will trigger Time Shift and time line edit activity. Click on the photo to see the whole photo.

At this time, and over the past week, solar activity has all but flat lined. So although this past week has shown this solar flat lining - for the most part, this does not always mean that Time Shift activity has also flat lined. Sun/Earth interaction is only one way in which Time Shifts are triggered. Also, a Sun/Earth event can occur in one co-existing time line - triggering Time Shift activity - yet not show up physically in other similar co-existing time lines. Yet, such solar triggered Time Shifts - showing up in just a single co-existing time line, can cause Time Shift activity in other co-existing time lines where known Sun/Earth triggers are not physically present. This is a big reason why Time Shift markers are so important. A Time Shift marker may be the only conscious clue to the presence of Time Shifts and time line edits.

August 4, 2013 Time Shift Alert Update:

On August 2, 2013 I reported that an Earth facing coronal hole had opened on the Sun, and that the solar wind spewing from that CH was expected to reach Earth sometime between August 3-4, 2013. Today, August 4, 2013 that solar wind has indeed hit Earth's magnetosphere and has triggered a geomagnetic storm. As you can see on this current NOAA Geomagnetic K-Indices chart, the geomagnetic storm is registering between a K-5 and K-6 Index - depending on where you are in the world. Geomagnetic, and unsettled conditions, will last from roughly one to three days depending on factors related to the Sun-Earth interaction. Auroras should manifest in higher latitudes. Back on the Sun, activity is still rather flat lined. That will change, because change is a characteristic of our Sun. Click on the chart to see the entire chart.

I can also report, as expected, that this solar wind triggered geomagnetic storm has also triggered Time Shift and time line edit activity. Time Shift markers have already shown themselves which include incidents of The Time Shift Living Dead, precognition, synchronicities, deja-vu, and brief episodes multiple co-existing time line conscious awareness.

August 5, 2013 Geomagnetic Storm Update: 

Auroras appearing, during this current geomagnetic storm, have showed a decidedly green coloring.  With little exception, a mostly green aurora means that the geomagnetic storm was a G1 strength that stayed in the upper latitudes.  When a red color appears in an aurora, this usually happens during more powerful geomagnetic conditions that have affected lower than usual latitudes.  Greens and reds are often seen in auroras that have mixed geomagnetic traits.  Also, the color an aurora is also depends on how the charged particles, associated with the geomagnetic storm, interact with the oxygen and nitrogen in the atmosphere.  This sweeping green aurora was photographed in Lapland Sweden by Maria Sundqvist.   

August 6, 2013 Solar Maximum Report
The Sun's Magnetic Field Is Expected To Flip In 3 to 4 Months

NASA has just reported that the Sun's magnetic field is about to flip, and that according to the collected data, this flip will happen in 3 to 4 months. Do not panic. This complete solar magnetic field reversal is normal and natural and is supposed to happen every 11 years, which is when the Sun goes into solar maximum - which it is in right now. This solar maximum is called solar cycle 24.

Solar magnetic flips are a big deal in our solar system, because at that time the Sun is realigning how its magnetic fields and core will function over the next 11 years. During the flip process, the magnetic field reversal causes a wavy sort of energy that spins out from the Sun in something called a heliospheric current sheet. This can and will cause some very unsettling to stormy space weather on planet Earth. Just prior to, and during the flip, the two solar poles are out of synch. Being out of synch is what alerted scientists that the magnetic flip was imminent. When the flip is done, the two poles will be back in synch.

The current heliospheric sheet protects Earth from harmful cosmic rays, as well as other harmful cosmic particles. But when that wavy effect happens, the Earth no longer has a steady protection. Instead, Earth will be moving in and out of the wave - which makes things on Earth somewhat unpredictable. While this wavy effect does shake things up on the Sun, and on the Earth, the solar magnetic flip in no way causes the end of the Earth. Like I said, do not panic. This happens every 11 years, and that means you have been through it before - for some of you many times.

This solar flip will have a big effect on Time Shift triggering and Time Shift time line edits. I will only know what that impact will be as things develop. What I can tell you, based on past solar magnetic reversals that I studied in regard to Time Shift activity, is that Time Shift activity does continue. But the type of Time Shifts we experience is not as yet predictable from my research position. You can count on me to keep you informed. Weird things will happen, particularly with Time Shift activity and time line edits. Time line looping, and deja-vu, may be more pronounced.

Time line looping happens when a person has a conscious memory of 2 or more similar co-existing time lines with events that are slightly out of synch. It makes it seem as if you are repeating part of the same time line, which in fact you are not. You are retaining a memory of the same event in different co-existing time lines. Big difference. Deja-vu gives you the impression that you yourself are repeating an action or having a memory from a past time - that you just can't quite remember. Just like time looping, deja vu is you remembering something from another co-existing time line that you are now repeating in a different co-existing time line. Aren't you glad that I explained things? Just do me and you a favor by not getting pulled into conspiracy nonsense about this solar flip event.  

August 9, 2013 Time Shift Alert: 

On August 6, 2013 the Sun let loose with a number of magnetic filament triggered coronal mass ejections [CME]. At the time of this multiple CME event, there was no reported indication that any of these CME were Earth directed. They are now. This is why two of those CME are expected to hit Earth's magnetosphere on August 10, 2013. On top of that, a solar wind is expected to precede the CME hits. Put this all together and what you get is a good probability that this conglamoration of Earth directed solar energy will trigger a geomagnetic storm.  In turn, such a geomagnetic storm can and will trigger Time Shift and time line edit activity. 

Take a look at the SDO solar image I've uploaded, by clicking on the photo so that you can see the entire event. This photo has captured two of the August 6, 2013 as they are ejected out into space. Not all solar flares or magnetic filament eruptions become CME. Many of them have their energy just fall back into the Sun. Then there are those eruptions that do more than just dance above the Sun with dramatic arcs, spirals, and ballooning. Some of them disconnect from their Sun tethers and become coronal mass ejections. When these CME are Earth directed is when Earth is more likely to be in the path of their space traveling energy. That is the scenario we are experiencing now.

I've reported many times about this type of 'surprise' Earth hitting CME and/or solar wind. In fact, these surprises have been happening quite a bit as of late. Many of these surprise CME and solar wind Earth hits are directly related to Time Shift activity and time line edits. 

Sun/Earth interaction is only one way in which Time Shifts are triggered. Also, a Sun/Earth event can occur in one co-existing time line - triggering Time Shift activity - yet not show up physically in other similar co-existing time lines. Yet, such solar triggered Time Shifts - showing up in just a single co-existing time line, can cause Time Shift activity in other co-existing time lines where known Sun/Earth triggers are not physically present. This is a big reason why Time Shift markers are so important. A Time Shift marker may be the only conscious clue to the presence of Time Shifts and time line edits.  

August 13, 2013 Time Shift Alert Update: 
Now You See It Now You Don't

On August 9, 2013 I put out a Time Shift Alert due to multiple incoming solar energy. The energy consisted of a solar wind and a couple of CME that had erupted on August 6, 2013. At the time of these solar eruptions, none of the space weather agencies put out an Earth hit or geomagnetic storm warning. It usually takes about 3 d
ays for a CME to reach Earth. Then on August 8, 2013 a G1 geomagnetic storm alert was put out by a number of top notch space weather agencies, which was one of the main sources for my Time Shift alert. In my report I explained that this incoming solar activity was a surprise to these space weather professionals. I also explained why the surprise was connected to Time Shift and time line edit behavior, and how this behavior can cause the unexpected appearance and disappearance of solar energy.

Therefore, you should not be too surprised to learn that the surprise expected solar wind and multiple CME have vanished in space and time. While solar and geophysical scientists are left wondering what happened, the readers of my reports know what happened. Time Shift activity happened.

Take a look at the August 12, 2013 SOHO solar image I uploaded. Click on it to see the whole image. What you are looking at is an M 1.5 coronal mass ejection [CME] from Earth facing sunspot 1817. The sunspot has grown in energy capability since yesterday's eruption, and is now listed as being capable of erupting with an X class Earth facing solar flare. At this time, scientists believe that yesterday's M 1.5 class CME may not hit Earth because it has a south leaning attitude. However, I have noticed that a rather large coronal hole has opened in the northern part of the Sun. This is prime solar wind region. As I've reported in the past, there are times when the energy from a solar wind, and the energy from a CME, can join up in space and redirect the direction of the solar energy en mass. Therefore, the south leaning M 1.5 class CME may find itself directed elsewhere. We'll see.

Take a look at the solar image of that coronal hole I mentioned, and you'll see why the solar wind from that has the ability to redirect CME travel in space. The larger the coronal hole, the wider the path of the solar wind. The wider the path of the solar wind, the more chance it has to become entangled with a CME.

Just in case this M 1.5 class CME does turn out to hit Earth, it will most certainly trigger a geomagnetic storm as well as Time Shift and time line edit activity. That is why you should watch out for Time Shift markers. Also, yesterday's M class 1.5 CME has already created an ionization wave over Europe that triggered an R1 radio blackout alert. That R1 alert is no longer active. In powerful enough CME, energy from the CME can reach Earth days before the main body of the CME hits Earth.

Here are important Time Shift markers to watch out for:

Due to frequency and time line edit changes associated with Time Shifts there may be Time Shift triggered earthquake, volcano, tornado, weather, and geophysical events. Tech communications may be disrupted, cetaceans may strand or swim wrong way. Auroras will form. Time Shifts create an amplification of paranormal activity, ghost activity, haunting activity, poltergeist activity, apports, synchronicity, psi abilities, time/word/object prompts, deja vu, psychic dreaming, precognition events, awareness of Time Shift Living Dead persons, altered time line events, time line looping, altered terrain, altered structures, altered world events and more. 

Here is the SDO photo of the Sun's large coronal hole, which I wrote about in the above report. 

August 15, 2013 Time Shift Alert Update:
Now You See It Now You Don't ... And Now You Do

As you can see by this August 15, 2013 NOAA K-Indice chart, Earth is currently experiencing both geomagnetic and unsettled magnetic field conditions. This appears to be the up and down continuance of the August 13, 2013 solar wind hit. That particular solar wind is of an unknown source, as it does not belong to either the current or any past coronal hole. I explain more about this in my August 13, 2013 report.

With another solar wind due to hit Earth as early as tomorrow August 16, 2013 - or possibly a day or so later depending on factors - I expect geomagnetic conditions to grow even stronger. Of course, considering what has been going on recently with appearing and disappearing Earth directed solar activity - stay tuned for what may come. There has also been C class activity sourcing from some Earth facing sunspots as well as sunspots and filaments that are not Earth facing.

Here are important Time Shift markers to watch out for:

Due to frequency and time line edit changes associated with Time Shifts there may be Time Shift triggered earthquake, volcano, tornado, weather, and geophysical events. Tech communications may be disrupted, cetaceans may strand or swim wrong way. Auroras will form. Time Shifts create an amplification of paranormal activity, ghost activity, haunting activity, poltergeist activity, apports, synchronicity, psi abilities, time/word/object prompts, deja vu, psychic dreaming, precognition events, awareness of Time Shift Living Dead persons, altered time line events, time line looping, altered terrain, altered structures, altered world events and more.  

August 16, 2013 Time Shift Alert Update:
G2 geomagnetic storm now in progress
Time Shift and time Line edit activity continues

Right on time, as predicted for August 16, 2013, the expected solar wind has hit Earth's magnetic field triggering G1 and G2 geomagnetic storm conditions. As can be seen, in this current NOAA K-indice chart, the geomagnetic storm run - which began on August 13, 2013 with a mild start, stop, and start again hit from an unknown solar wind - has been taken over and amplified by the expected and known solar wind as reported. Geomagnetic storm levels will probably be sustained for at least a day, due to the speed of this solar wind. If any of the Earth facing C class CME, that erupted recently follow closely after this solar wind, I expect geomagnetic conditions to be maintained - and possibly to rise in intensity. Scientific authorities have only put out a warning for G1 geomagnetic conditions, but as you can see G1 has been exceeded. Expect some beautiful auroras too.

Time Shift and time line edit activity has also been triggered and extended. Therefore, expect some very strong and obvious Time Shift markers both personally, globally, and cosmically. Keep your eye on the financial markets including the stock market. I've been noting time line edit changes there, and I've decided to let you know so that you can learn something new. Yesterday, the stock market had a considerable drop, which at one time was a 350 point drop that eventually closed down 225 points. Watch what happens today in the financial community, as time line edits abound. The stock market can be a good Time Shift marker, because it often is an indicator of what and who is manipulating power plays in the world. Power plays, whether by countries or businesses, are like everything else that is profoundly altered by time line edits. Just keep in mind that no one involved with these power plays has any control or power over Time Shifts and what time line edits happen.  

August 17, 2013 Time Shift Alert:
Two Earth facing M Class Solar Flares, sourcing from sunspot 1818, erupt today only an hour apart from each other.

I have been waiting for Earth facing sunspot 1818 to do something more than just erupt with C class flares, as it has been for the past few days. 1818 was certainly building up enough energy to produce an M Class solar flare and coronal mass ejections [CME]. But to experience 2 M class CME, from the same sunspot and only an hour apart - that is phenomenal. The first flare recorded an an M 3.3 and the second one was an M 1.4. Look at the SOHO photo, that I uploaded from this event today. Not only will you see how powerful this CME double event was - you will note that these 2 M Class solar flares have merged to create a combined CME with more solar particles than a single M Class solar flare can eject. Both of these M Class CME were fast moving, and being that sunspot 1818 is Earth facing I expect that at least some of this CME energy will reach Earth in about 3 days. During the past 24 hours, Earth has already experienced an R1 radio blackout due to solar activity that preceded these double M Class solar flares. 

There is a high probability that at least part of this double M Class CME will reach Earth, and in doing so will have the ability to trigger geomagnetic conditions as well as triggering Time Shifts and time line edits. Other solar energy, including solar winds and other Earth facing CME, may join or follow today's double solar eruption. As usual, watch for those Time Shift markers. Sometimes they are the only evidence that speaks to Time Shift activity.

Be sure to click on the image to see the entire photo. Here are important Time Shift markers to watch out for: 

Due to frequency and time line edit changes associated with Time Shifts there may be Time Shift triggered earthquake, volcano, tornado, weather, and geophysical events. Tech communications may be disrupted, cetaceans may strand or swim wrong way. Auroras will form. Time Shifts create an amplification of paranormal activity, ghost activity, haunting activity, poltergeist activity, apports, synchronicity, psi abilities, time/word/object prompts, deja vu, psychic dreaming, precognition events, awareness of Time Shift Living Dead persons, altered time line events, time line looping, altered terrain, altered structures, altered world events and more.  

August 19, 2013
Imagine that you are in Finland and this arching panoramic aurora suddenly manifests all around you, dancing and shimmering and crackling with energy. Magic is in the air. Photo by Sven Trivoson. Be sure to click on the photo to see the whole photo.   

August 20, 2013 Solar Activity and Time Shift Alert:

Something amazing is going on with the Sun right now. The activity began yesterday August 19, 2013 and is continuing today August 20, 2013 even as I write this. On August 17, 2013 I reported about a double M Class flare, from sunspot 1818, erupted from the same sunspot only an hour apart. That was unusual. Now there is something even more unusual, and I'm able to show you the activity from SOHO imaging.

Take a look at the first SOHO photo of the Sun from August 19, 2013. What you are seeing is a trio of C Class coronal mass ejections from sunspots 1817, 1818, and 1825. Look at how these 3 CME have enveloped the Sun in an energy halo. It is that energy halo that is amazing. That is a rarely seen event. It is speeding around and away from the Sun as they create this solar particle dance.

Now take a look at the second SOHO photo uploaded from today August 20, 2013, which is the only blue photo. That large object in this photo is the planet Mercury. This photo shows a wider shot of the same energy as it continues expanding around the Sun and into to space.

Now look at the SOHO image from a short while ago. There you see a huge lift off of a solar magnetic filament from the Sun's southern hemisphere. All the while there is also a solar wind blowing from a coronal hole that is still visible in the southern hemisphere.

Because this solar energy is expanding outward in halo form, Earth can not help but get hit by part of it. Considering the ongoing solar activity as well, consider this a Time Shift Alert for the duration. And of course, keep aware of Time Shift markers.

August 21, 2013 Time Shift Alert:
Geomagnetic conditions, and unsettled magnetic field conditions, are now in progress.

Take a look at this current NOAA K-Indice chart showing that the geomagnetic conditions, which I reported were on the way, have indeed arrived. There is more to come, as part of yesterday's CME halo - and the newest solar wind heading toward Earth, impact Earth's magnetosphere. It does not take a full on hit to trigger geomagnetic storms and unsettled conditions around the world. However, a full on hit would create a more powerful and sustained geomagnetic experience. You can also see, in this NOAA chart, when the last geomagnetic storm conditions were active and then settled down prior to this new round of geomagnetic activity. Check out my previous Time Shift Alerts to learn more about the solar activity behind what is now in progress. 

Along with the rare halo CME solar activity, and the geomagnetic conditions now in progress on Earth, is the triggering of Time Shifts and time line edit activity. Be sure to click on the chart image to see the entire chart image. Here are important Time Shift markers to watch out for: 

Due to frequency and time line edit changes associated with Time Shifts there may be Time Shift triggered earthquake, volcano, tornado, weather, and geophysical events. Tech communications may be disrupted, cetaceans may strand or swim wrong way. Auroras will form. Time Shifts create an amplification of paranormal activity, ghost activity, haunting activity, poltergeist activity, apports, synchronicity, psi abilities, time/word/object prompts, deja vu, psychic dreaming, precognition events, awareness of Time Shift Living Dead persons, altered time line events, time line looping, altered terrain, altered structures, altered world events and more.  

August 22, 2013 Time Shift Alert Update:
What images do you see in the aurora?

Unsettled geomagnetic conditions continue, as I reported it would, with more geomagnetic storming to follow. One of the perks to geomagnetic activity are the auroras that can be triggered, like this one photographed by Christopher Martin near Calgary. I chose to share this photo because the aurora has taken on an unusual form. The photographer thinks it looks like an astral duck. What images do you see in this aurora?

August 23, 2013 Time Shift Alert Update:
Geomagnetic conditions, and unsettled magnetic field conditions, are now in progress.

And so it begins - again. The energy from the expected multiple CME, and the companion solar wind, have begun to make themselves felt on planet Earth. Take a look at this current NOAA K-Indice chart. It shows that some parts of the globe are already experiencing geomagnetic storm conditions, while other parts of the globe are experiencing unsettled magnetic fields conditions. Since the Sun continues to fire off solar flares, magnetic strings, and CME - more solar energy will follow. That is a natural part of the Sun-Earth relationship, as well as the behavior of the Sun during this solar maximum cycle. Be sure to click on the chart to see the entire chart. 

Expect this round of solar hits to trigger Time Shift and time line edit activity. Solar Maximum has a tendency to trigger an uptick in Time Shifts, which is logical. Stay alert for Time Shift markers, both global and personal.  

August 26, 2013 Time Shift Alert Update: 
Geomagnetic conditions and unsettled magnetic field conditions have settled down. 

From August 21-25, 2013 Earth's magnetosphere experienced fluctuating unsettled magnetic fields and geomagnetic storms in various parts of the world. Geomagnetic spikes were mainly seen in the higher latitudes. Even tho 2 CME and the solar wind were expected to hit at the same time, right now it can only be reported that it was the solar wind that was responsible for these magnetic field fluctuations - and the beautiful auroras that blazed and danced in the upper latitudes. This aurora was seen in Alaska on August 24, 2013 and was photographed by Ron Lafleur.

So where in the cosmos did those 2 CME go? And haven't I been reporting about this sort of 'CME missing in action' activity as of late - quite a bit? Yes I have. Based on the Time Shift markers, that presented during the time of these magnetic fluctuations and geomagnetic activity, Time Shift activity was triggered. Time line elements were edited. This includes reported Time Shift Living Dead events and precognition events, to name some of those Time Shift markers.

Since August 24, 2013 the Sun has been in rather a flatlined state, which means that there were no C class or higher solar flares or significant types of other solar eruptions. Like it always does, the Sun will go from flatlined to erupting in a moments notice. Meanwhile, small coronal holes have been opening and sending Earth waves of solar winds. The next one was projected to hot Earth today or tomorrow, with the next wave hitting August 30-31, 2013. Sometimes solar winds can affect the direction of a CME, depending on when each of them erupt and the size and power that they maintain. Of course a big factor in that is where on the Sun an eruption is located, and where in its solar orbit the Earth happens to be. Stay tuned.  

August 26, 2013 Time Shift Alert Update 2:
Geomagnetic conditions and unsettled magnetic field conditions have settled down. 

In my earlier report, today, I mentioned that between August 21 and 25, 2013 Earth's magnetosphere experienced fluctuating unsettled magnetic fields and geomagnetic storms. Take a look at today's August 26, 2013 NOAA k-index chart and you can see just what this magnetic field fluctuation looked like before it settled down.  

August 27, 2013 Solar Update and Time Shift Alert Update: 

The Sun is waking up again, ending days of being somewhat flatlined as far as eruptions are concerned. Only hours ago, the Sun erupted with a coronal mass ejection [CME]. Because this CME lifted off from a solar rim - instead of being Earth facing - it is unlikely to make it to Earth. I'll still keep an eye on it just in case another CME erupts and is Earth directed. 

In this GOES image, the CME can be seen erupting from the upper left rim. You can also see the Earth facing coronal hole, from which a solar wind is blowing and is expected to hit Earth's magnetic field on or about August 30, 2013. Depending on what impact this solar wind has, on the magnetic field, will depend on whether this solar wind triggers a geomagnetic storm and its subsequent Time Shift and time line activity.  

August 27, 2013 Time Shift Alert Update: 
Geomagnetic conditions and unsettled magnetic field conditions

The expected solar wind has combined with the natural tilting of Earth's magnetic field, and the result is that Earth is now experiencing a combination of geomagnetic storm conditions and an unsettled magnetosphere. As you can see in this current K-Index chart from NOAA, the geomagnetic fluctuations - which had settled down yesterday - are now continuing.  Activity on the Sun is low key, other than the open coronal hole that I talked about earlier today and whose solar wind is expected to reach Earth in a couple of days.   The solar wind, that we are now experiencing, came from an earlier solar wind event.

Click on the chart to see the whole chart. 

Based on this geomagnetic activity, as well reported Time Shift markers, Time Shift and time line edit activity is in progress.  Stay alert for Time Shift markers, both global and personal.

August 28, 2013 Time Shift Alert Update: 
Spectacular Aurora - What Do You All See? 

You are treated to a spectacular sight.  This aurora was seen and photographed by Jónína Óskarsdóttir in Iceland on August 27, 2013. 

When I look at this aurora I see an ethereal astral emerald and amethyst fairy in flight. What do you all see?  

August 29, 2013 Solar Activity Update: 

There is some interesting activity happening on the Sun at the moment.   It really began yesterday, when after a couple of days of low key nearly flatline activity, the Sun began to get a little friskier.  But since the solar play was not Earth facing, even though some of it released broad curtains of energy, I decided to just keep an eye on things.  Then today, August 29, 2013 the activity on the Earth side of the Sun picked up. 

This SOHO photo shows you the double eruptions that are 1 eruption shy of a solar halo effect.  Who knows, 1 more eruption may still show up to complete the halo set. Be sure to click on the photo in order to see the whole photo. 

BTW, at least one of these eruptions has a chance of giving Earth a glancing blow in a few days, but that certainty cannot be determined as yet.  In the mean time, Earth is still expecting a new solar wind hit in a couple of days.  If it is anything like the latest solar wind hit, we can expect some beautiful auroras - and maybe some geomagnetic storms.  If those geomag storms come, there is every chance that it will trigger a new round of Time Shifts and time line edit activity.  

August 30, 2013 Time Shift Alert Update:
7 magnitude Time Shift triggered earthquake near Adak Alaska

As I have taught many times, including as part of my Time Shift Alerts, some earthquakes are triggered by Time Shift activity. I write in part: 

"Due to frequency and time line edit changes associated with Time Shifts there may be Time Shift triggered earthquake, volcano, tornado, weather, and geophysical events." 

Many of Alaska's large earthquakes have been triggered by Time Shift activity. This has more to do with that areas geophysical properties than anything else. The area is earthquake prone. Todays Alaska earthquake appears not to have set off a tsunami, which is fortunate. An earlier Time Shift triggered Alaska earthquake triggered an historical tsunami. On July 9, 1958 the highest tsunami ever recorded - at 1,720 ft - was set off by an 8.3 earthquake near Lituya Bay. The earthquake loosened over 40 million cubic yards of rock above the bay shore, and when that rock fell into the bay it caused the historic tsunami. How is this related to Time Shifts? On July 7, 1958 there were powerful solar flares on the Sun. The energy of those flares resulted in, among other things, geomagnetic storming beginning just 31 hours after the flares. There were also radio blackouts caused by the conditions. In fact, 1958 was a banner year for powerful Time Shift and time line edit activity. 

Along with the Time Shift markers mentioned above, here are more Time Shift markers to watch out for in this current Time Shift activity event: 

Tech communications may be disrupted, cetaceans may strand or swim wrong way. Auroras will form. Time Shifts create an amplification of paranormal activity, ghost activity, haunting activity, poltergeist activity, apports, synchronicity, psi abilities, time/word/object prompts, deja vu, psychic dreaming, precognition events, awareness of Time Shift Living Dead persons, altered time line events, time line looping, altered terrain, altered structures, altered world events and more.   

M7.0 - 94km ESE of Adak, Alaska
2013-08-30 16:25:02 UTC


Location and Magnitude contributed by: USGS, NEIC, Golden, Colorado (and predecessors)

Event Time

  1. 2013-08-30 16:25:02 UTC
  2. 2013-08-30 04:25:02 UTC-12:00 at epicenter
  3. 2013-08-30 09:25:02 UTC-07:00 system time


51.610°N 175.361°W depth=33.5km (20.8mi)

Nearby Cities

  1. 94km (58mi) ESE of Adak, Alaska
  2. 1520km (944mi) SSE of Anadyr', Russia
  3. 1769km (1099mi) E of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy, Russia
  4. 1785km (1109mi) E of Yelizovo, Russia
  5. 2649km (1646mi) W of Whitehorse, Canada

Tectonic Summary

The August 30, 2013 M 7.0 earthquake southeast of Adak, Alaska, occurred as the result of thrust faulting on or near the subduction zone interface between the Pacific and North America plates. At the location of this event, the Pacific plate moves towards the northwest with respect to North America at a rate of approximately 73 mm/yr, beginning its descent into the mantle at the Aleutian trench approximately 130 km south of the August 30 earthquake. The depth and mechanism of this earthquake are consistent with it occurring along the megathrust interface between these two plates.

The Aleutians Arc is familiar with large earthquakes –two-dozen events of M 6.5 or larger have occurred over the last century within 250 km of the August 30 earthquake. The largest of these was an Mw 8.6 earthquake in March of 1957, whose hypocenter was located just 15 km south of the August 30 earthquake. Aftershocks associated with the 1957 event extended for more than 1000 km along the arc, roughly from the International Dateline in the west to Unimak Island in the east. The 1957 earthquake also resulted in a large tsunami that was observed throughout the Pacific Basin, and caused damage locally along the Aleutian Arc and in Hawaii. Other large nearby events include the May 1986 Mw 8.0 earthquake 40 km to the southeast, and the June 1996 Mw 7.9 earthquake 150 km to the west. Neither of these more recent events are known to have caused fatalities or significant damage.

Seismotectonics of Alaska


The Aleutian arc extends approximately 3,000 km from the Gulf of Alaska in the east to the Kamchatka Peninsula in the west. It marks the region where the Pacific plate subducts into the mantle beneath the North America plate. This subduction is responsible for the generation of the Aleutian Islands and the deep offshore Aleutian Trench.

The curvature of the arc results in a westward transition of relative plate motion from trench-normal (i.e., compressional) in the east to trench-parallel (i.e., translational) in the west, accompanied by westward variations in seismic activity, volcanism, and overriding plate composition. The Aleutian arc is generally divided into three regions: the western, central, and eastern Aleutians. Relative to a fixed North America plate, the Pacific plate is moving northwest at a rate that increases from roughly 60 mm/yr at the arc's eastern edge to 76 mm/yr near its western terminus. The eastern Aleutian arc extends from the Alaskan Peninsula in the east to the Fox Islands in the west. Motion along this section of the arc is characterized by arc-perpendicular convergence and Pacific plate subduction beneath thick continental lithosphere. This region exhibits intense volcanic activity and has a history of megathrust earthquakes.

The central Aleutian arc extends from the Andreanof Islands in the east to the Rat Islands in the west. Here, motion is characterized by westward-increasing oblique convergence and Pacific plate subduction beneath thin oceanic lithosphere. Along this portion of the arc, the Wadati-Benioff zone is well defined to depths of approximately 200 km. Despite the obliquity of convergence, active volcanism and megathrust earthquakes are also present along this margin.

The western Aleutians, stretching from the western end of the Rat Islands in the east to the Commander Islands, Russia, in the west, is tectonically different from the central and eastern portions of the arc. The increasing component of transform motion between the Pacific and North America plates is evidenced by diminishing active volcanism; the last active volcano is located on Buldir Island, in the far western portion of the Rat Island chain. Additionally, this portion of the subduction zone has not hosted large earthquakes or megathrust events in recorded history. Instead, the largest earthquakes in this region are generally shallow, predominantly strike-slip events with magnitudes between M5-6. Deeper earthquakes do occur, albeit rather scarcely and with small magnitudes (M<4), down to approximately 50 km.

Most of the seismicity along the Aleutian arc results from thrust faulting that occurs along the interface between the Pacific and North America plates, extending from near the base of the trench to depths of 40 to 60 km. Slip along this interface is responsible for generating devastating earthquakes. Deformation also occurs within the subducting slab in the form of intermediate-depth earthquakes that can reach depths of 250 km. Normal faulting events occur in the outer rise region of the Aleutian arc resulting from the bending of the oceanic Pacific plate as it enters the Aleutian trench. Additionally, deformation of the overriding North America plate generates shallow crustal earthquakes.

The Aleutian arc is a seismically active region, evidenced by the many moderate to large earthquakes occurring each year. Since 1900, this region has hosted twelve large earthquakes (M>7.5) including the May 7, 1986 M8.0 Andreanof Islands, the June 10, 1996 M7.9 Andreanof Islands, and the November 17, 2003 M7.8 Rat Islands earthquakes. Six of these great earthquakes (M8.3 or larger) have occurred along the Aleutian arc that together have ruptured almost the entire shallow megathrust contact. The first of these major earthquakes occurred on August 17, 1906 near the island of Amchitka (M8.3) in the western Aleutian arc. However, unlike the other megathrust earthquakes along the arc, this event is thought to have been an intraplate event occurring in the shallow slab beneath the subduction zone interface.

The first megathrust event along the arc during the 20th century was the November 10, 1938 M8.6 Shumagin Island earthquake. This event ruptured an approximately 300 km long stretch of the arc from the southern end of Kodiak Island to the northern end of the Shumagin Islands and generated a small tsunami that was recorded as far south as Hawaii.

The April 1, 1946 M8.6 Unimak Island earthquake, located in the central Aleutian arc, was characterized by slow rupture followed by a devastating Pacific-wide tsunami that was observed as far south as the shores of Antarctica. Although damage from earthquake shaking was not severe locally, tsunami run-up heights were recorded as high as 42 m on Unimak Island and tsunami waves in Hilo, Hawaii also resulted in casualties. The slow rupture of this event has made it difficult to constrain the focal mechanism and depth of the earthquake, though it is thought to have been an interplate thrust earthquake.

The next megathrust earthquake occurred along the central portion of the Aleutian arc near the Andreanof Islands on March 9, 1957, with a magnitude of M8.6. The rupture length of this event was approximately 1200 km, making it the longest observed aftershock zone of all the historic Aleutian arc events. Although only limited seismic data from this event are still available, significant damage and tsunamis were observed on the islands of Adak and Unimak with tsunami heights of approximately 13 m.

The easternmost megathrust earthquake was the March 28, 1964 M9.2 Prince William Sound earthquake, currently the second largest recorded earthquake in the world. The event had a rupture length of roughly 700 km extending from Prince William Sound in the northeast to the southern end of Kodiak Island in the southwest. Extensive damage was recorded in Kenai, Moose Pass, and Kodiak but significant shaking was felt over a large region of Alaska, parts of western Yukon Territory, and British Columbia, Canada. Property damage was the largest in Anchorage, as a result of both the main shock shaking and the ensuing landslides. This megathrust earthquake also triggered a devastating tsunami that caused damage along the Gulf of Alaska, the West Coast of the United States, and in Hawaii.

The westernmost Aleutians megathrust earthquake followed a year later on February 4, 1965. This M8.7 Rat Islands earthquake was characterized by roughly 600 km of rupture. Although this event is quite large, damage was low owing to the region's remote and sparsely inhabited location. A relatively small tsunami was recorded throughout the Pacific Ocean with run-up heights up to 10.7 m on Shemya Island and flooding on Amchitka Island.

Although the Aleutian arc is highly active, seismicity is rather discontinuous, with two regions that have not experienced a large (M>8.0) earthquake in the past century: the Commander Islands in the western Aleutians and the Shumagin Islands in the east. Due to the dominantly transform motion along the western arc, there is potential that the Commander Islands will rupture in a moderate to large strike-slip earthquake in the future. The Shumagin Islands region may also have high potential for hosting a large rupture in the future, though it has been suggested that little strain is being accumulated along this section of the subduction zone, and thus associated hazards may be reduced.

East of the Aleutian arc along the Gulf of Alaska, crustal earthquakes occur as a result transmitted deformation and stress associated with the northwestward convergence of the Pacific plate that collides a block of oceanic and continental material into the North America plate. In 2002, the Denali Fault ruptured in a sequence of earthquakes that commenced with the October 23 M6.7 Nenana Mountain right-lateral strike-slip earthquake and culminated with the November 3, M7.9 Denali earthquake which started as a thrust earthquake along a then unrecognized fault and continued with a larger right-lateral strike-slip event along the Denali and Totschunda Faults. 

August 31, 2013
The UFO went that-a-way ---> 
When I was reviewing today's solar activity, I saw something kind of cool. It's just a fluke, but for just an instant some solar particles lined up in the shape of a chevron. So I've uploaded the photo for you all to see, along with a note from me for your amusement. Well, I was amused. 

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