Beginning  May 9, 2012

Starfire Tor is the discoverer and chief researcher of Time Shifts, The Core Matrix, and Co-Existing Time Lines.  These are terms she coined to describe astounding interconnected phenomenon in which our reality and dominant current time line is constantly being edited and restructured.

The ancient origin of the Core Matrix, Time Shifts, and Co-Existing time lines involves a black hole, matter, anti-matter, and other exotic elements.  Despite the immense, and symbiotic cosmic powers that brought the Time Shift mechanism into being, the continuation of this mechanism's function requires a source of power capable of triggering the Core Matrix's prime directive.  The sun is one of those power sources.
This is why some Time Shifts are triggered by certain types of solar activity impacting and interacting with the Earth's magnetosphere.   Whether from the Earth's magnetic field being hit with solar winds, solar flares, or CMEs the effect sets into motion the Time Shift mechanism which involves the altering of  frequencies which are the foundation of all  Core Matrix Co-Existing time line programs. The above graphic illustrates the flow of energy between the Sun and the Earth. 

To learn more about this ground breaking work please listen to Starfire Tor's many interviews, including the ones with Whitley Strieber on Dreamland and her many appearances on Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell, George Noory and Whitley Strieber.

The Time Shift Alerts presented by Starfire Tor do not represent all Time Shifts or Time Shift Alerts.  Nor does this Time Shift information present all Time Shift science or scientific results.  The purpose of sharing this sampling is to educate people about the science of Time Shifts.  Part of this Time Shift Alert education involves historical events including the September 11, 2001 attacks in the U.S., the December 26, 2004 earthquake and tsunami in the Sumatra-Indonesia region, and the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan.


11-2-2012 Time Shift update: This 10-31-2012 Norway Aurora [11-1-2012 depending on your time zone] was triggered by the recent coronal mass ejection [CME] triggered geomagnetic storm that hit Earth on 10-30-2012. This is the CME that I suspected was Earthbound when the experts said it was not going to hit Earth. How did I know? Because I was incorporating data from a science that they don't utilize ... Time Shift science. This particular CME hit triggered more Time Shift activity that includes time line edits and the creation of co-existing time lines. Disruption to Earth's magnetosphere, from the recent CME, is starting to wane. But that won't last long because a solar wind from a recently formed solar coronal hole is expected to hit Earth around 11-3-2012. The Time Shifts will continue. 

This aurora photo is memorable, not just because it's a geomagnetic storm marker - and in this case also a Time Shift marker - but because of the other celestial objects framed in the photo. The bright star-like object to the right of the aurora is the moon, and the smaller bright object to the left of the moon is the planet Jupiter. This ethereal Halloween aurora photo was taken by Frank Olsen. 

11-5-2012 Time Shift Update Special Edition - The 11-6-2012 US Presidential Election: On 10-27-2012 I wrote, in part "I'm extremely interested in Time Shift activity that I expect at the time of the US presidential election in the first week of November. I believe the effects will be very obvious." I was right, as once again I've been able to use my specialized Time Shift science knowledge to "predict" future events. 

There are many images I could have chosen to enhance this report. I have chosen the most current HAARP magnetometer reading because it has provided a real time record of the magnetic field disturbance happening right now on Earth. This disturbance in Earth's magnetosphere is caused by a solar wind stream hitting the planet. Another solar wind will be joining it on 11-6-2012, which originates from a second Earth facing coronal hole that recently opened. In addition, there have been many coronal mass ejections coming from the Sun since 11-2-2012. 11-4-2012 produced 4 spectacular ones only hours apart. At least 1 of them will also be affecting Earth. Whether solar winds, CME, or geomagnetic storms, any of these can trigger Time Shift activity. Massed together or in a row, time line editing from Time Shift activity is amplified.

I have observed, that when Time Shift activity is amplified due to continuous and/or massed time line edits, the incidence of time line edit glitches is magnified. It is as if the number of time line edits, happening in the same series of time line compartments and time line events, creates a condition that the Core Matrix program can't keep up with. The result is that our brain consciously retains different co-existing time line memories, when the Core Matrix program's intent is to assimilate our brains so as to retain the memory of only a single time line as the only time line.

An example of this type of "hot mess" time line editing can be seen with the debacle known as the 2000 US presidential election. In fact, that election was famous for its historical weirdness which included news outlets announcing the wrong "winner" of the election and the US Supreme Court getting involved in deciding who won the election. Despite the hue and cry from political parties and voters, neither candidate nor their overt or covert supporters was responsible for the source weirdness that ensued. They were all just trying to deal with bizarre circumstances that would decide the fate of the US and the world.

I pre-warned about Time Shift sourced oddities with the current US presidential election because I have the ability to do so. I wrote that certain recent earthquakes, as well as Hurricane Sandy, were the unintentional results of Time Shift activity due to frequencies changes and time line edits associated with Time Shift activity. I was particularly concerned that Hurricane Sandy was headed for US soil only days before the election. It had the potential of impacting and altering the outcome of the election. When certain other weather conditions directed the hurricane to New Jersey and New York, and more Time Shift activity was triggered by geomagnetic activity, I knew that another bizarre election was looming.

And just today, a 2.0 magnitude earthquake hit New Jersey and was also felt in New York. The size of the quake is not what is important. That there was a quake at all is what's important. This was a time Shift triggered quake related to the previous recent Time Shift activity that ended up devastating New Jersey and New York. Some sort of time line editing went on but what it was is a mystery. Hurricane Sandy effectively has altered the election because people who would have voted won't vote either because their lives and homes have been destroyed, making voting a low priority, or because their voting locations were destroyed and substitute voting methods won't fix the problem. In fact, it will lead to all manner of legal problems.

Pay attention to the US election. More Time Shift related oddities and time line edits will crop up. As I have said, no candidate or political party or group can either trigger or control Time Shifts and Time Shift time line edits. When I point out these huge Time Shift related events, I'm showing you what always goes on when your brain isn't aware it's going on. Because I can point these oddities out to you, because your brain is retaining memories from multiple co-existing time lines, I can also tell you that who wins as president will alter our future time lines one way or another. That's the way it always is.

But in this case the stakes are higher than ever before. Two men want to be president. Neither of them is perfect. One is a disaster. I do not belong to any political party and remain an independent. But one of these men is less of a realistically good leader then the other, and if the less realistically good candidate is chosen then the outcome will lead to major life threatening nuclear problems. This trumps any other political leanings by either of the candidates or the voters. If the better leader is elected, then the chances of this nuclear problem actualizing is dramatically diminished. This has to do with leadership style and abilities nationally and internationally. I do know which candidate is which, but must allow US citizens to decide which candidate they believe is the better leader as I've outlined. It’s going to be a wild ride.

So choose wisely. The entire planet depends on who and what you vote for, which in turn greatly determines the course of time line events in association with Time Shifts. People can't trigger or control Time Shifts, but people can most certainly work within Core Matrix program boundaries to do the best that they can do. Time Shifts often alter the playing field, but what that playing field ends up being can very well be influenced by how many people break through the illusion of politics and see the larger threat that can only be defeated by a united planet. Time Shift awareness is power.

If you want to reply to this, please do so as it relates to my Time Shift material. Do not reply back with political opinions, blatant political propaganda, or useless conspiracy material. The knowledge I've shared is quite beyond that type of illusory material. 

November-7-2012 Time Shift Update: As I reported would happen - Time Shift time line edit activity continues as the Earth's magnetosphere continues to be hit with solar energy, as can be seen in this current HAARP chart.

Here are some of the Time Shift markers to be aware of: Due to frequency and time line edit changes associated with Time Shifts there may be Time Shift triggered earthquake, volcano, t
ornado, weather, and geophysical events. Tech communications may be disrupted, cetaceans may strand or swim wrong way. Auroras will form. Time Shifts create an amplification of paranormal activity, ghost activity, haunting activity, poltergeist activity, apports, synchronicity, psi abilities, time/word/object prompts, deja vu, psychic dreaming, precognition events, awareness of Time Shift Living Dead persons, altered time line events, time line looping, altered terrain, altered structures, altered world events and more. 

Robot-like airborne figure photographed by scientific team in 2004 at Samudra Tapu.

Recent photo of an unidentified object taken by ITBP team.

November 7, 2012: TIME LINE EDIT MYSTERY: This is an interesting UFO story for many reasons on many levels. Do you notice anything odd about the date of the news article? It reads November 12, 2012 - although this is November 7, 2012. That's 5 days into the future from today. It's also the day after the US presidential election and the Time Shift time line edits associated with that. Some might think that the newspaper who posted the UFO article simply made a typo, because there are other indicators on the news page that point to a November 2, 2012 article update. No, this is no typo. What you are looking at is a time line edit glitch. In a co-existing time line the UFO article was published November 12, 2012. In yet another co-existing time line it was updated on November 2, 2012. In this current dominant co-existing time line we have a mix-up of elements from the other 2 co-existing time lines. I call this a multiple co-existing time line data conflict. 

I'm keeping an eye on this story, as well as waiting to see what happens on "our" November 12, 2012. There is always a reason why this type of date related time line edit data conflict happens. What time line edit these 2 dates link to is challenging to uncover. Is it UFO related or something else entirely?

The content of the article is also important to understand, now that it's entangled with a time line edit. According to the article, and some search engine research I did prior to posting, these particular UFO incidents originate back at least 6 years. Among other things, UFO research is also something I've done for years. Yet this is the first I've ever heard about mystery UFOs on the India-China border. This isn't a small one-time story either. Apparently, as the time line back-fills in, this multiple UFO mystery has spawned UFO and ET conspiracy claims that have been fueled through the internet.

According to the conspiracy claims, the multiple UFOs are associated with ET Earth bases near the India-China border. There is a military and nuclear tension between the 2 countries, and conspirators have both India and China having contact with the ETs. In some versions, the ETs have given either or both China and India scientifically advanced knowledge. Read the article to learn more about what various parties have said about these UFOs. They are supposedly not drones, not balloons with lit candles beneath, and not imaginary. There are loads of photos of them.

Sandeep Unnithan  New Delhi, November 2, 2012 | UPDATED 11:11 IST

UFO Sightings in Ladakh Spook Soldiers
Mystery Sighting Spooks Soldiers : NATION - India Today 

Units of the Indian Army and the Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force (ITBP) have reported Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOS) in the Ladakh region of Jammu and Kashmir. An ITBP unit based in Thakung, close to the Pangong Tso Lake, reported over 100 sightings of luminous objects between August 1 and October 15 this year. In reports sent to their Delhi headquarters in September, and to the Prime Minister's Office (PMO), they described sighting "Unidentified Luminous Objects" at day and by night. The yellowish spheres appear to lift off from the horizon on the Chinese side and slowly traverse the sky for three to five hours before disappearing. These were not unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVS), drones or even low earth-orbiting satellites, say Army officials who have studied the hazy photographs taken by ITBP.

Drone sightings are verified and logged separately. The Army has reported 99 sightings of Chinese drones between January and August this year: 62 sightings were reported in the western sector, the Ladakh region, and 37 in the eastern sector in Arunachal Pradesh. Three of these drones intruded into territory claimed by India along the 365-km-long border with China in Ladakh, manned by ITBP. Such mysterious lights have been sighted before in Ladakh, a barren, 86,000 sq km heavily militarised zone wedged between Pakistan-occupied-Kashmir and Chinese-occupied Aksai Chin. The persistent sightings by the ITBP this year, however, worried the Army's Leh-based 14 Corps. The ITBP, did not respond to a detailed India Today questionnaire.

In September, the Army moved a mobile ground-based radar unit and a spectrum analyser-that picks up frequencies emitted from any object-to a mountaintop near the 160-km-long, ribbon-shaped Pangong Lake that lies between India and China. The radar could not detect the object that was being tracked visually, in dicating it was non-metallic. The spectrum analyser could not detect any signals being emitted from them. The Army also flew a reconnaissance drone in the direction of the floating object, but it proved a futile exercise. The drone reached its maximum altitude but lost sight of the floating object.

In late September this year, a team of astronomers from the Indian Astronomical Observatory at Hanle, 150 km south of the lake, studied the airborne phenomena for three days. The team spotted the flying objects, Army officials say, but could not conclusively establish what they were. They did, however, say that the objects were "non celestial" and ruled out meteors and planets.

Scientists however say, the harsh geography and sparse demography of the great Himalayan range that separates Kashmir Valley from Ladakh, lends itself to unusual sightings. "The region is snowbound in winter, has few roads and is one of the most isolated places in India," says Sunil Dhar, a geologist at the government Post Graduate College in Dharamshala, who has studied glaciers in the region for 15 years.

Yet, none of the experts from the National Technical Research Organisation (NTRO)-in charge of technical intelligence-and Defence Research Development Organisation (DRDO), has been able to identify the objects. This has caused embarrassment rather than fear in the establishment. "Something is clearly wrong, if our combined scientific resources can't explain the phenomena," says a senior Army official in Delhi. Intelligence officials say these objects could be a crude psychological operation by China, or sophisticated probes attempting to ascertain India's defences in Ladakh.

"We can't ignore these sightings. We need to probe what new technology might have been deployed there, says former Indian Air Force (IAF) chief Air Chief Marshal (retired) P.V. Naik. In 2010, the IAF probed and dismissed Army sightings of such luminous objects as Chinese lanterns. UFO sightings have been endemic to Ladakh over the past decade. In late 2003, 14 Corps sent a detailed report on sightings of luminous objects to Army headquarters. Army troops on posts along Siachen had seen floating lights on the Chinese side. But reporting such phenomena risks inviting ridicule. When told about them at a northern command presentation in Leh, the then army chief, General N.C. Vij, had angrily dismissed the reports as hallucinations.

Scientists say the mysterious objects are not necessarily from outer space.  There is no evidence of UFOS being of extra-terrestrial origin, says reputed Pune-based astrophysicist Jayant Narlikar. The implication of them being alien objects is fancy, not fact, he says.

There is still no explanation, however, for what is believed to be the clearest UFO sighting yet, in the Lahaul-Spiti region of Himachal Pradesh less than 100 km south of Ladakh in 2004. A five-member group of geologists and glaciologists led by Dr Anil Kulkarni of the ISRO's Space Applications Centre in Ahmedabad were on a research trip through the barren Samudra Tapu Valley. They filmed a fourfoot tall robot-like figure, that walked along the valley, 50 m away from them. The humanoid object then rapidly became airborne and disappeared. The encounter lasted 40 minutes.

It was seen by 14 persons including the six scientists. Kulkarni then interviewed each expedition member separately to verify what the team had seen. Copies of his detailed report were circulated to the PMO, ISRO, the Army and several intelligence agencies. Kulkarni established his team hadn't seen natural phenomenon. The matter, however, was buried soon after.

Sunil Dhar, who was part of the 2004 expedition, terms the sighting of the unidentified object an unforgettable experience. Locals, he says, have reported sighting mysterious objects for many years.  These are unsolved mysteries that need more intensive study, he says. Left unexplained, the Ladakh sightings risk slipping into the crack between fact and science fiction. 

11-7-12 Time Shift Update: Right on cue, a powerful Time Shift triggered magnitude 7.4 earthquake has struck offshore of Guatemala.

As I reported only hours ago, in part: "Time Shift time line edit activity continues as the Earth's magneto
sphere continues to be hit with solar energy, as can be seen in this current HAARP chart." 

As well as this standard Time Shift marker information: "Due to frequency and time line edit changes associated with Time Shifts there may be Time Shift triggered earthquake, volcano, tornado, weather, and geophysical events."

On the US upper East Coast a nor'easter storm is bringing cold rain and snow to the same areas hit a week ago by Time Shift triggered Hurricane Sandy.

All of these Time Shift markers, as well as others, are connected to my post: "11-5-2012 Time Shift Update Special Edition - The 11-6-2012 US Presidential Election"

There will be more.

2012 November 07 16:35:50 UTC

Location14.083°N, 91.916°W
Depth41.6 km (25.9 miles)
Distances24 km (14 miles) S of Champerico, Guatemala
56 km (34 miles) SSW of Retalhuleu, Guatemala
61 km (37 miles) SSW of San Sebastian, Guatemala
61 km (37 miles) SSE of Suchiate, Mexico
Location Uncertaintyhorizontal +/- 15 km (9.3 miles); depth +/- 9 km (5.6 miles)
ParametersNST=635, Nph=635, Dmin=244.9 km, Rmss=1.17 sec, Gp= 58°,
M-type=(unknown type), Version=7
  • Magnitude: USGS NEIC (WDCS-D)
    Location: USGS NEIC (WDCS-D)
Event IDusb000dlwm

11-8-2012 Time Shift Update: On 11-8-2012 UTC a Time Shift triggered 6.3 earthquake struck in the Vancouver Island Canada Region. Less than 24 hours before this, a Time Shift triggered 7.4 earthquake struck Guatemala on 11-7-2012 UTC. On 10-28-2012 a Time Shift triggered 7.7 magnitude earthquake struck Queen Charlotte Islands Region in British Columbia Canada. And on 10-24-2012 a 6.4 Time Shift triggered earthquake struck Coast Rica. 

Not all earthquakes are triggered by Time Shift activity, but these earthquakes were triggered by Time Shift activity and as such become Time Shift markers. The connection between some earthquakes and Time Shifts has to do with the science of Time Shift activity, which involves the changing of time line frequencies and the molecular and quantum disruption caused by time line edits. All earthquakes both generate and respond to certain frequencies. Add to this the time line editing process, and what can result with the creation of a new dominant co-existing time line are unstable tectonic plates. The same Time Shift forces can also cause volcanoes to erupt, other geophysical events to happen, tornadoes, hurricanes, and other odd or intense weather conditions.

This morning an M1.7 solar flare erupted. I'll be talking about this in a different Time Shift update post.

2012 November 08 02:01:51 UTC

Location49.185°N, 128.528°W
Depth16.6 km (10.3 miles)
Distances186 km (115 miles) SSW of Port Hardy, Canada
255 km (158 miles) WSW of Campbell River, Canada
262 km (162 miles) W of Courtenay, Canada
271 km (168 miles) W of Port Alberni, Canada
Location Uncertaintyhorizontal +/- 18 km (11.2 miles); depth +/- 8.2 km (5.1 miles)
ParametersNST=329, Nph=332, Dmin=128 km, Rmss=0.6 sec, Gp=144°,
M-type=regional moment magnitude (Mw), Version=7
  • Magnitude: USGS NEIC (WDCS-D)
    Location: USGS NEIC (WDCS-D)
Event IDusc000dnxu

Solar storm forecasters have been expecting 2013 to be a solar maximum year. The Sun usually has an 11 year cycle where at one point in those 11 years there is a solar minimum - less solar activity, and a solar maximum - the greatest solar activity in that 11 year cycle. Some solar maximums can be very active with a large number of solar storms erupting and impacting Earth, which can also mean more powerful solar storms than in the other 10 years of the solar cycle. 

But for the upcoming 2013 solar maximum, solar forecasters have predicted that the coming 2013 solar maximum will be weaker than usual. This means fewer solar sunspots and solar eruptions than past solar maximums. They even predicted that the march up to 2013 would also be weaker than a march up to solar maximum should be. They've released this solar sunspot progression chart, which covers all solar cycles from the year 2000 through to 10-31-2012. What they've realized is that the march up to the 2013 solar maximum is weaker than they had predicted. Because of this they believe this is an indicator that the 2013 solar maximum will be weaker than predicted.

According to these solar forecasters. the Sun is underperforming. If this turns out to be an accurate prediction, it means that there will be less chances for the Sun to erupt with an Earth facing X flare. It's those X flares that can do the most harm to our modern technology. So when it comes to Earth's safety, a weaker than usual solar maximum is a good thing. Of course, an Earth facing X flare can erupt regardless of whether the Sun is in maximum or minimum mode.

As for Time Shifts, a solar maximum means that there are more chances for solar activity to trigger Time Shift activity. Time Shifts don't depend exclusively on X flares to trigger them. There are other factors involved including disturbances of the magnetosphere and radio waves. Even the weakest of solar winds can trigger a Time Shift if conditions are just right. The solar hit does not have to be geoeffective, as in causing geomagnetic storms.

11-11-2012 Update: This gorgeous and dynamic deep green aurora came to life on 11-7-2012 in the skies over Lapland Finland. The aurora, which was triggered by the geomagnetic storm that I posted about on 11-7-2012, lasted for 3 hours. Photo by Antti Pietikäinen.

The geoeffective solar energy that triggered this aurora also triggered Time Shift activity that I reported about on 11-7-2012. Because
the same energy that triggered the geomagnetic storm also triggered Time Shift activity, the aurora also acted as a marker of that Time Shift activity.  

As a reminder, this 11-7-2012 Time Shift activity led me to discover a co-existing time line connection between the dates 11-7-2012 and 11-12-2012. So re-read my 11-7-2012 posts including "TIME LINE EDIT MYSTERY", and stay tuned for my next post about this mystery. 

11-11-2012 Update on the Co-Existing Time Line Mystery of the futuristic 11-12-2012 date:

On 11-7-2012 I posted, in part, "TIME LINE EDIT MYSTERY: This is an interesting UFO story for many reasons on many levels. Do you notice anything odd about the date of the news article? It reads November 12, 2012 - although this is November 7, 2012. That's 5 days into the future from today."

On 11-7-2012, when I posted about the futuristic 11-12-2012 date in my 11-7-2012 post about mystery UFOs at the China-India border, there was nothing solid about when the next round of Time Shift activity would be triggered. Based on my Time Shift research and knowledge, it was logical to assume that there would be Time Shift activity on 11-12-2012. That was the only way that the 11-7-2012 and 11-12-2012 dates could be linked through co-existing time lines. It was only through a Time Shift time line edit glitch that the 2 dates could exist at the same time in the same co-existing time line. 

2 days after I posted the alert to watch for 11-12-2-12 time line edit events, the Sun erupted with Earth facing coronal mass ejections [CME] on 11-9-2012 and 11-10-2012. Forecasters at first believed that these CMEs would miss Earth. But yesterday they realized that they were heading to Earth, would probably join up en route, and would likely hit Earth on 11-12-2012. This photo shows the 11-9-2012 CME. On top of this, a solar coronal hole has opened and sent a solar wind heading for Earth. This solar wind is expected to hit Earth sometime between 11-14-2012 and 11-15-2012. Since the Sun has come to life with lots of solar activity on both Earth facing and non-Earth facing sides - including both C and M class flares - I expect this round of Time Shift time line edits to provide some very obvious Time Shift markers.

Waiting to see what may happen on 11-12-2012 is an exciting part of Time Shift research. I can already tell you that 1 Time Shift marker has revealed itself, a 6.8 magnitude earthquake in Myanmar.

Here are some of the Time Shift markers to be aware of: Due to frequency and time line edit changes associated with Time Shifts there may be Time Shift triggered earthquake, volcano, tornado, weather, and geophysical events. Tech communications may be disrupted, cetaceans may strand or swim wrong way. Auroras will form. Time Shifts create an amplification of paranormal activity, ghost activity, haunting activity, poltergeist activity, apports, synchronicity, psi abilities, time/word/object prompts, deja vu, psychic dreaming, precognition events, awareness of Time Shift Living Dead persons, altered time line events, time line looping, altered terrain, altered structures, altered world events and more. 

This green and red aurora lit up the skies over the Yukon Canada on 11-12-2012, which is when the latest round of CMEs hit Earth's magnetosphere. This CME hit will be directly followed by a solar wind hit. More CME hits are expected in the days to come, due to a swarm of Earth facing M class and C class solar flares that erupted on 11-12-2012 and 11-13-2012. One of the M class flares was only a few clicks below an X class flare. Due to this active Sun-Earth connection of energy, including today's total solar eclipse, Time Shifts and time line edits are active. Photo by Joseph Bradley.  

This total eclipse of the sun is happening on 11-13-2012 or 11-14-2012 depending on where you are in the world. The main show can best be seen from Australia, where solar scientists and watchers have gathered for the last total solar eclipse until the next one years from now.

This link will take you to streaming link-ups so that you can watch the eclipse on the net.

Also of interest, this total solar eclipse is happening while Earth is experiencing active geomagnetic activity - already reported, as well as Time Shift activity. Eclipses do effect the planet in a number of ways. When an eclipse happens during solar triggered Time Shift activity, there can be an interference with the Sun-Earth connection that triggers a Time Shift. This may produce markers that can be observed, or no observable markers at all due to the time line assimilation associated with the Core Matrix time line program directive. That directive is supposed to trick the brain into thinking that there is only a single time line that moves from past to present to future and nothing more.

One of the most noticeable markers, of both Time Shift activity and any eclipse effects on Time Shift activity, would be geological such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. The eclipse itself would not be the cause of these geological markers, although some may erroneously come to that conclusion due to faulty logic. I've discussed this faulty logic in a number of posts.

Total Solar Eclipse Occurs Tuesday: How to Watch Online
by Mike Wall, Senior Writer
Date: 12 November 2012 Time: 06:54 AM ET

Editor's Note: You can see the Nov. 13 total solar eclipse live (weather permitting) on several webcasts via here: Watch Tuesday's Solar Eclipse Here

The total solar eclipse on Tuesday (Nov. 13) may only be visible from slivers of northern Australia and a swathe of open ocean, but you don't have to make an epic journey to see the dramatic celestial event.

Several different organizations will provide live webcasts of the total solar eclipse, which begins at 3:35 p.m. EST (2035 GMT) on Tuesday (Nov. 13; however, it will actually be Nov. 14 local time in Australia).

The online Slooh Space Camera is one such outfit. It will broadcast a live feed of the 2012 total solar eclipse from a site near the city of Cairns, in the Australian state of Queensland, starting at 2:30 p.m. EST (1930 GMT) Tuesday. The eclipse will commence around sunrise local time, making for a particularly memorable spectacle, Slooh officials said.

You can access Slooh's broadcast at

"We are ecstatic to have a world-class team on-site in Cairns bringing the power and beauty of this spectacular event live to our worldwide audience," Slooh president Patrick Paolucci said in a statement. "We are ramped up and ready to go to handle millions of viewers." [Video: Watch Path of Nov. 13-14 Total Solar Eclipse]

Another webcast event will be streamed by Tourism Tropical North Queensland, which will also provide live views from Cairns here:

The path of totality for tomorrow's solar eclipse will be 108 miles (174 kilometers) wide and will traverse about 9,000 miles (14,500 km) over a three-hour period, Slooh officials said. Most of the path will be over the South Pacific Ocean, making the eclipse tough for most folks to view.

Solar eclipses occur when the moon lines up with the sun in the sky, blotting out the solar disk from a viewer's perspective on Earth. There are three main types: total, partial and annular (in which the outer edges of the sun shine like a ring around the moon in the sky).

Parts of Asia, the Pacific and western North America experienced an annular or "ring of fire" eclipse in May. The next total solar eclipse darkens the North Atlantic region in March 2015, though a "hybrid" eclipse — which shifts between total and annular at different points on the globe — will come to parts of the Atlantic and central Africa in November 2013.

Warning: If you are planning to watch the total solar eclipse in person, be extremely careful. Never look directly at the sun, either with the naked eye or through telescopes or binoculars without the proper filters. To safely view solar eclipses, you can purchase special solar filters or No. 14 welder's glass to wear over your eyes. Standard sunglasses will NOT provide sufficient protection.

11-13-2012 Time Shift Update: As expected - right now the combined double CME [coronal mass ejections] that joined forces and hit Earth 11-12-2012 has intensified to a more powerful G2 geomagnetic storm at K-6 on the K-Index chart. The planet is also experiencing an R2 radio blackout right now, up a level from yesterday's R1 radio blackout. Still to come is the expected solar wind, which will keep Earth's magnetosphere in a state of disturbance. As I've taught, any one of these is the type of Sun-Earth connection that can and does trigger Time Shift activity and time line edits. The geomagnetic uptick, as a synchronicity with today's total solar eclipse, adds a level of Time Shift study that i find fascinating. Earth will not experience another total solar eclipse until the year 2015.  

I expect many Time Shift markers to manifest. As a reminder: Due to frequency and time line edit changes associated with Time Shifts there may be Time Shift triggered earthquake, volcano, tornado, weather, and geophysical events. Tech communications may be disrupted, cetaceans may strand or swim wrong way. Auroras will form. Time Shifts create an amplification of paranormal activity, ghost activity, haunting activity, poltergeist activity, apports, synchronicity, psi abilities, time/word/object prompts, deja vu, psychic dreaming, precognition events, awareness of Time Shift Living Dead persons, altered time line events, time line looping, altered terrain, altered structures, altered world events and more. 

11-14-2012 Time Shift Update: I thought you would all like to see how this geomagnetic storm event is progressing. Take a look at this NOAA k-index chart, then the one I posted yesterday. Look at the purple hitting the K-7 mark. At that moment the geomagnetic storm reached G3 in intensity. When I posted yesterday it was at a G2 intensity. This added intensity has surprised a lot of scientists and forecasters. The next question is - will this round of geomagnetic storms diminish significantly before the solar wind hits? Or will the solar wind, coming our way, hit when the geomagnetic storms haven't dropped below a G1? 

Of course, the Time Shift activity and time line edits are in motion. Just because Earth's magnetosphere may settle down after a solar hit does not mean that Time Shift activity also settles down. There's no hard and fast rule about that.

Meanwhile, I'm observing numerous Time Shift markers, including the absolutely bizarre goings on with the soap opera lives of US leadership since the presidential election. It's "Alice Through The Looking Glass" into a world dictated by the Mad Hatter and other nonsensical characters. Other countries have not fared any better.

The main directive for the Core Matrix co-existing time line programming is to preserve the original time line and when needed to be self corrective. This means that time line edits are meant to correct any time line errors which might corrupt the original time line program. However, this is a conundrum because it isn't possible to recreate whatever the original time line was. It’s glitchy, to put it mildly. Therefore, any attempts at time line corrections only creates an opening for more glitches and mismatched time line elements. This is why Time Shifts and time line edits are so active.

Don’t forget those Time Shift markers: Due to frequency and time line edit changes associated with Time Shifts there may be Time Shift triggered earthquake, volcano, tornado, weather, and geophysical events. Tech communications may be disrupted, cetaceans may strand or swim wrong way. Auroras will form. Time Shifts create an amplification of paranormal activity, ghost activity, haunting activity, poltergeist activity, apports, synchronicity, psi abilities, time/word/object prompts, deja vu, psychic dreaming, precognition events, awareness of Time Shift Living Dead persons, altered time line events, time line looping, altered terrain, altered structures, altered world events and more. 

This extraordinary green and purple multi-rayed aurora lit up the skies over Norway on 11-14-2012. This dynamic and breathtaking light show was caused by the G3 geomagnetic storm triggered when a double CME [coronal mass ejection] hit Earth's magnetic field. The photographer is Ole C. Salomonsen who named his photo "My Beloved". Click on the image to make sure you are viewing the whole photo. 

re CME hits are expected in the days to come, due to a swarm of Earth facing M class and C class solar flares that erupted on 11-12-2012, 11-13-2012, 11-14-2012, and 11-15-2012. One of the M class flares was only a few clicks below an X class flare. Due to this active Sun-Earth connection of energy, including the just passed total solar eclipse, Time Shifts and time line edits are very active. 

11-15-2012 Time Shift Update: On 11-14-2012 a powerful Earth facing M class solar flare erupted, as can be seen in this NASA video capture. It is only 1 of several Earth facing M and C class solar flares that have erupted in the past week. How many of these solar flares caused coronal mass ejections, like this M class solar flare did, is not exactly known as yet. This is because the forecasters have been mainly silent. Stay tuned for more info on CME Earth strikes in the days to come.  

11-17-2012 Time Shift and Solar Activity Update: Yesterday, 11-16-2012, a super huge double eruption happened on the Sun. Click on this SDO photo of the blasts to see the entire photo. This double blast was so huge that it's blast distance goes beyond the frame of the photo. They dwarf all of the other solar activity visible in the photo. These double blasts erupted from connected magnetic filaments that were at least 700,000 km wide. 

Right now the forecasters don't think that the coronal mass ejections [CME] will hit Earth. I'm not so sure about that. Magnetic filament CME have a way of linking into Earth's magnetic field, regardless if the initial blast wasn't directly aimed at the Earth. I've seen this happen so many times. Also, there are many other Earth facing M class and C class sunspot generated solar flares that happened before and after this twin blast from 11-16-2012. Any one of these other CME can be joined by the twin blasts and make their way to Earth. So we'll have to see. 

Right now Earth's magnetic field is being hit by that solar wind I told you was coming on the heels of the previous CMEs that caused the recent G2 and G3 geomagnetic storms - as well as Time Shifts and those beautiful auroras I shared. Time Shifts and time line edits continue. 

I experienced a Time Shift synchronicity this morning. I've added the word 'Time Shift' to the word 'synchronicity' because the science that explains synchronicity involves Time Shift activity and Co-Existing Time Line elements. The brain is the interface to The Core Matrix and its streaming Co-Existing time lines.

When a synchronicity happens, such as hearing a word on the car radio and immediat
ely seeing that same word in a bumper sticker on the car in front of you, that is a marker that the Core Matrix is running a Co-Existing Time Line program calibration to synchronize Co-Existing Time Lines. Sometimes a synchronicity expands beyond the synchronous event, and in doing so reveals information or guidance that can seem fated and supernatural. Other times the synchronous event leads to nothing more beyond the calibration itself. 

I'm always experiencing synchronicity. Here's my amazing synchronicity from this morning. I was at my computer working on my book on Time Shifts. I had just typed the word 'earthquake' when there really was an earthquake in Southern California. It was only a 2.6 lasting only about 3 seconds, but it was of the variety that I call "a whack from Thor's hammer". It was a very strong whack and then a brief rattle. You never know with earthquakes. One can start just that way and amplify and keep going. That's when things get threatening. But when it's only the powerful whack and it stops, that's not threatening - unless it's a pre-shock for a larger earthquake.

Now I'm wondering if the earthquake synchronicity was just a brain calibration for Co-Existing Time Lines, or that a larger and more dangerous earthquake is on the way here or elsewhere in the world.  Usually, synchronicity involves things that you can see or hear. I don't remember the last time that I experienced a synchronicity that could be felt. Think about it. 


11-21-2012 Time Shift Update: On 11-20-2012 Earth was hit by a solar wind that triggered a moderate geomagnetic storm. The event triggered a Time Shift and time line edits. Time Shift markers appeared on Earth and in space including the eruption of a New Zealand volcano, amplified paranormal activity, auroras, solar activity photo distortions and image corruption, and so much more.  

Yesterday 11-
20-2012 Earth facing giant sunspot 1618 erupted with 8 solar flares. This sunspot is currently more than 10 times larger than the size of planet Earth. The eruptions includes an M1.7 class solar flare and an M1.6 solar flare. The others were C class flares. This SDO photo shows the ultraviolet flash from the M1.7 solar flare. Part of the energy from these coronal mass ejections [CME] are expected to reach Earth around 11-23-2012, which means that the Time Shift activity will continue. 

Today 11-21-2012 giant Earth facing sunspot 1618 continued to erupt. As of this writing there have been 4 solar flares. The others were C class solar flares. This includes an M1.4 class solar flare and an M3.5 solar flare. It is unknown at this time whether the various M class and C class CME will hit Earth full on or partially, as separate waves of energy or if some of them will join up in space and hit Earth simultaneously. Whatever the case, any form of solar hit can and will trigger more Time Shift activity and time line edits. 

Here are some of the main Time Shift markers to watch for: Due to frequency and time line edit changes associated with Time Shifts there may be Time Shift triggered earthquake, volcano, tornado, weather, and geophysical events. Tech communications may be disrupted, cetaceans may strand or swim wrong way. Auroras will form. Time Shifts create an amplification of paranormal activity, ghost activity, haunting activity, poltergeist activity, apports, synchronicity, psi abilities, time/word/object prompts, deja vu, psychic dreaming, precognition events, awareness of Time Shift Living Dead persons, altered time line events, time line looping, altered terrain, altered structures, altered world events and more. 

11-23-2012 Time Shift update:  The first CME [coronal mass ejection] is now hitting Earth's magnetosphere, as I reported it would.   More on this Time Shift trigger as things progress.

11-24-2012 Time Shift update: As can be seen in this NOAA chart, the first CME [coronal mass ejection] that hit Earth's magnetosphere produced effects ranging from K-4 index magnetic field disturbances to a k-6 index G2 magnetic storm. Auroras were seen at higher latitudes. The next CME wave is expected to hit Earth today 11-24-2012. It has the potential of amplifying disturbances to the Earth's magnetic field. 

Whether mild, moderate, or strong, a CME magnetic field disturbance or storm can trigger Time Shift activity. It is often through Time Shift markers that Time Shift time line edits can be realized. In this case, a very obvious Time Shift marker was the disappearance of the mid ocean island known as Sandy Island.

These multiple CME hits sourced from sunspot 1618, which in its Earth facing position had grown to over 10 times Earth's size. Sunspot 1618 has begun to decay, but even in its lesser form it was able to erupt with 8 C class Earth facing solar flares on 11-23-2012. These 8 new solar flares erupted after 2 days of eruption silence from sunspot 1618. - much to the surprise of forecasters. Whether any of these flares produced a CME that will reach Earth is not yet known. 

11-25-2012 Time Shift update: The CME [coronal mass ejection] that forecasters expected to hit Earth on 11-24-2012 has disappeared. This CME was the 2nd in a consecutive wave of CME forecast to hit Earth. One of the ways that scientists know that a CME hit is imminent come from the ACE spacecraft readings that spoke as the CME passes it on its way to Earth. ACE did record a sharp rise in energy particles. But after that the CME that caused the spike vanished somewhere between the ACE spacecraft and Earth. 

So what happened to that CME? Where did it go? Based on past incidents like this, the CME more than likely hit Earth as expected. But the time line edits it triggered literally edited out the CME hit itself. So while it still exists and hit Earth as expected, in co-existing time lines, in this co-existing time line it's been edited so that it never arrived on 11-24-2012. Sometimes such Time Shift affected CME reappear and hit Earth at a later date. I'm keeping a watch on the situation, as yet a completely different CME is expected to hit Earth on 11-27-2012.

This brings me to this photo, which is a NASA image taken at the time that sunspot 1618 erupted with an Earth facing M class 1.4 solar flare. As you can see there is a great deal of image corruption and drop out. The corrupted image obliterates the powerful solar flare which should be seen. I've said nothing about this until now, but for the past 2 weeks many of the images of the most powerful solar flares have been with held by NASA and the other institutes. It left the rest of us scientists in the dark about why the solar eruption images were unavailable. This corrupt photo was initially with held at the time of the eruption, and then released 2 days later. Although no explanation came with the release, it seems that we are expected to believe that hours and hours of missing data look like this corrupted photo. I don't buy it. After studying dozens of these types of corrupted photos of the Sun, I believe that the data dropout and image corruption is due to the camera having caught the energy and mechanism of a Time Shift and time line edits.

Another thing about this image is that it looks like an eye. Such corrupted solar images take on different looks, but this one caught my 'eye'. Stay tuned for more in this multiple CME wave saga and mystery - and the Time Shift time line edits involved. 

11-26-2012 Time Shift update: On 11-25-2012 I reported the following, in part:

"The CME [coronal mass ejection] that forecasters expected to hit Earth on 11-24-2012 has disappeared. This CME was the 2nd in a consecutive wave of CME forecast to hit Earth. ... So what happened to that CME? Where did it go? Based on past incidents like this, the CME more than likely hit Earth as expected. But the ti
me line edits it triggered literally edited out the CME hit itself. So while it still exists and hit Earth as expected, in co-existing time lines, in this co-existing time line it's been edited so that it never arrived on 11-24-2012. Sometimes such Time Shift affected CME reappear and hit Earth at a later date."

Based on the disappearance of the CME, which has scientists extremely puzzled, NOAA canceled the geomagnetic storm alert associated with the missing CME. And then something fantastic happened. The CME reappeared.

That's right. I can now report that the CME in question has indeed reappeared - as I suspected it would - and is now hitting Earth's magnetic field. Right now it's only a K-4 geomagnetic disturbance instead of a geomagnetic storm, but that hardly matters considering that the event is tied in with a Time Shift time line edit. The chart that I've included with this update is the ACE RTSW chart, which is heavily used by scientists and which shows the data that indicates the sudden impulse and rise of CME energy as it hits Earth.

So, how was I able to understand and predict this CME behavior when it had left all other scientists baffled? I was able to do it because of my knowledge of Time Shift activity and time line edits, which is a science that I discovered and which these other scientists do not incorporate because it is not part of their conscious thinking and education. I predict that one day this will change.  

Solar Flare Update: As of this writing there are 4 sunspots on the Earth facing side of the Sun 1618, 1620, 1621, and 1622. As I mentioned in an earlier post, sunspot 1618 - which had grown to 10 time the size of Earth and had erupted with many Earth facing C and M class solar flares - is in decay and on the verge of rotating to the other side of the Sun. But today, 11-27-2012, sunspot 1618 erupted with an M class 1.6 solar flare. Hours earlier it had erupted with a C 1.5 solar flare. Sunspot 1620, which grew substantially yesterday, erupted today with at least 6 Earth facing C class solar flares. 

I would have liked to show you the erupting power of that M class flare, but once again NASA has with held all of the images of that flare. Instead, as documentation, I've uploaded the chart of today's solar flares. In the chart you can see the red line spike above the "M" line, which means an M flare event. 

Also, today Earth experienced an R1 radio blackout, which is from the CME that I reported was expected today 11-27-2012. We'll have to wait and see if that CME becomes geoeffective or not. Whatever the case, there have been enough Earth facing CME created in the past 2 days to have some of them hit the planet. I do not know yet whether today's M class flare will be one of them, due to it being so close to the outer solar edge. 

11-28-2012 Solar Flare Update: On 11-27-2012 The Sun erupted with 14 solar flares. 12 of them were C class and 2 of them were M class. Yesterday 11-27-2012 I wrote, in part:

"I would have liked to show you the erupting power of that M class flare, but once again NASA has with held all of the images of that flare."

NASA has now released more images from yesterday, which I appreciate. However, the
best images of the M class flares were not included. Instead I've grabbed this ultraviolet image of sunspot 1618 M class 1.6 flare from SDO. It has been reported that this solar flare, although an M class, did not become a coronal mass ejection [CME]. So while it did cause the Earth to experience extreme UV radiation and some ionization to move through Earth's atmosphere - including that R1 radio blackout - the lack of a CME means that it will not be geoeffective beyond this.  

Not all solar flares produce CME. This happens when the solar flare eruption does not escape the Sun's gravity and magnetic pull, and collapses back onto the Sun. The CME happens when the plasma from a solar flare escapes the Sun's gravity and magnetics and travels away from the Sun and into space. If the Earth is in the path of a CME then the CME will hit Earth. The CME most likely to hit Earth are the ones that erupted while facing the Earth. Some CME have hit Earth even when the eruption was not directly Earth facing. This can happen depending on many factors including whether an offset CME joins up with an Earth directed CME or solar wind. Magnetics can be a very powerful thing when the Sun and its energy is concerned. 

Whether or not this particular M class 1.6 solar flare does or doesn't further impact Earth is neither here nor there, as far as Time Shift triggers are concerned. There are plenty of other Earth facing eruptions launched and on the way. 

11-28-2012 Time Shift Update: Today 11-28-2012 an Earth facing coronal hole opened and a solar wind is now heading toward Earth. It can be seen in this SDO solar image. Forecasters report that this solar wind will reach Earth on 12-1-2012 or 2012-12-2. Like a coronal mass ejection [CME] can do, when it hits Earth's magnetic field, a solar wind can also trigger Time Shift activity when it impacts the Earth. Whether this solar wind arrives as a solo act, or is joined by one or more CME is not known at this time. Forecasters have not mentioned this possibility as yet.  

11-29-2012 Time Shift Update: On 11-30-2012 forecasters expect at least 1 CME to hit Earth's magnetic field, although they aren't sure that it will be strong enough to trigger a geomagnetic storm. They believe it may only cause a geomagnetic disturbance. There may possibly be more than 1 CME, given how many Earth facing coronal mass ejections that have blasted off of the Sun recently. 

As you can
see on this current HAARP chart, the expected 1st CME has just hit Earth's magnetic field. Judging from the HAARP chart, it looks like this CME hit may be stronger than the forecasters reported it would be. Please keep in mind that the HAARP chart records in UT time, so although it's 11-29-2012 where I am in my time zone, in UT time it's 11-30-2012. 

As I reported on 11-28-2012, a solar wind is forecast to hit Earth on either 12-1-2012 or 12-2-2012. This means that Earth will be experiencing a consecutive wave of solar energy that includes at least 1 CME and a solar wind. 

Whatever the strength of a solar hit on Earth's magnetic field, a geomagnetic storm is not required to trigger Time Shift time line edit activity. A magnetic field disturbance is all it takes. So whether mild, moderate, or strong, a CME or solar wind magnetic field disturbance or storm can trigger Time Shift activity. However, the more powerful and prolonged a solar Earth hit is the more likely it is that time line edits will create changes that include observable geological events. Large earthquakes are one of the markers of this type of time line edit.

Remember what I've taught: Neither solar activity nor geomagnetic storms cause earthquakes. But because solar activity and geomagnetic storms can trigger Time Shifts, and Time Shift activity can cause some earthquakes due to the mechanism of Time Shift activity, those who do not know about Time Shifts and Time Shift science may wrongly believe that it's the solar activity and geomagnetic storms that cause the large earthquakes.  

Here are some of the main Time Shift markers to watch for: Due to frequency and time line edit changes associated with Time Shifts there may be Time Shift triggered earthquake, volcano, tornado, weather, and geophysical events. Tech communications may be disrupted, cetaceans may strand or swim wrong way. Auroras will form. Time Shifts create an amplification of paranormal activity, ghost activity, haunting activity, poltergeist activity, apports, synchronicity, psi abilities, time/word/object prompts, deja vu, psychic dreaming, precognition events, awareness of Time Shift Living Dead persons, altered time line events, time line looping, altered terrain, altered structures, altered world events and more. 

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