May 9, 2012

Starfire Tor is the discoverer and chief researcher of Time Shifts, The Core Matrix, and Co-Existing Time Lines.  These are terms she coined to describe astounding interconnected phenomenon in which our reality and dominant current time line is constantly being edited and restructured.

The ancient origin of the Core Matrix, Time Shifts, and Co-Existing time lines involves a black hole, matter, anti-matter, and other exotic elements.  Despite the immense, and symbiotic cosmic powers that brought the Time Shift mechanism into being, the continuation of this mechanism's function requires a source of power capable of triggering the Core Matrix's prime directive.  The sun is one of those power sources.
This is why some Time Shifts are triggered by certain types of solar activity impacting and interacting with the Earth's magnetosphere.   Whether from the Earth's magnetic field being hit with solar winds, solar flares, or CMEs the effect sets into motion the Time Shift mechanism which involves the altering of  frequencies which are the foundation of all  Core Matrix Co-Existing time line programs. The above graphic illustrates the flow of energy between the Sun and the Earth. 

To learn more about this ground breaking work please listen to Starfire Tor's many interviews, including the ones with Whitley Strieber on Dreamland and her many appearances on Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell, George Noory and Whitley Strieber.

The Time Shift Alerts presented by Starfire Tor do not represent all Time Shifts or Time Shift Alerts.  Nor does this Time Shift information present all Time Shift science or scientific results.  The purpose of sharing this sampling is to educate people about the science of Time Shifts.  Part of this Time Shift Alert education involves historical events including the September 11, 2001 attacks in the U.S., the December 26, 2004 earthquake and tsunami in the Sumatra-Indonesia region, and the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan.


Time Shift line editing evidence:  October 1, 2012  Update on September 30, 2012 Time Shift Alert: Time Shift altered co-existing time lines cause altering of solar activity data.

This NASA photo shows the 2 CME, which struck Earth yesterday
September 30, 2012, as they erupted on the Sun September 27, 2012. They were both class C flares, with sunspot 1579 erupting with a C4.4 and sunspot 1577 erupting with a C3.7.  The combined effect of these CME hitting Earth's magnetosphere triggered a strong G-3 geomagnetic storm that registered as high as K-7 on the k-index scale.  At the time of these double September 27, 2012 solar eruptions, Earth was being buffeted by a solar wind.  This Sun-Earth interaction triggered Time Shift activity, which in this case has kept the ongoing Time Shift swarm active.  The Time Shift swarm started May 9, 2012. Read my previous posts for more info. 

What becomes very interesting about the
September 27, 2012 solar eruptions, which hit Earth September 30, 2012 triggering the strong G-3 geomagnetic storm that triggered Time Shift activity, is that the experts reported that there was only 1 significant solar eruption on September 27, 2012 and that it happened on the non-Earth facing side of the sun and would not hit Earth. Then on September 28, 2012 the same experts said that solar magnetic fields erupted and the subsequent CME would hit Earth September 30, 2012.

September 30, 2012  I reported, in part: "A G3 geomagnetic storm is in progress ... Today's double CME hits originated on the Sun September 27, 2012."

September 28, 2012 NOAA reported:   "A filament eruption near end-of-day September 27th resulted in a brief S1 (Minor) radiation storm. The Earth-directed coronal mass ejection (CME) associated with this event is en route and is expected to affect Earth mid to late day on September 30th (Eastern time), with storming continuing into the 1st.  Geomagnetic storm levels reaching the G2 (Moderate)"

September 29, 2012 NOAA reported:  "INCOMING SOLAR STORM CLOUD:  Magnetic fields around sunspot 1577 erupted on September 28th, hurling a coronal mass ejection (CME) almost directly toward Earth.  "NOAA forecasters estimate a 50% chance of strong geomagnetic storms around the poles on September 30th when the cloud reaches Earth."

September 30, 2012 NOAA reported:  "G3 (Strong) Geomagnetic Storming
Earth remains under the influence of the coronal mass ejection (CME) associated with double eruptions September 27th.  The second CME was stronger than the first CME.  The combined double CME caused geomagnetic storming reaching the G3 (Strong) level. Continued storming is possible through October 1st.  Although this storm got off to a slow start, the second stronger CME and magnetic structure ultimately came, leading to storm levels slightly higher than initially predicted.

September 30, 2012 NOAA also reported:  "The Earth-directed coronal mass ejection (CME) associated with the filament eruption near end-of-day September 27th has arrived.  Geomagnetic storm levels reaching the G2 (Moderate) level are possible through October 1st as Earth remains under the influence of this CME."

The NOAA reports are evidence of a co-existing time line event and data conflict. The original report, from which some of my own Time Shift Alert info sourced from, is now different.  Did NOAA intentionally alter or delete their original
September 30, 2012 report, which contained info about a double CME Earth hit originating with double solar eruptions on September 27, 2012?  If yes, then did they change their report because Time Shift activity altered CME data, and their original report no longer was in sync with CME activity?  Or is the current changed report, in which there is no mention of a double CME hit, a time line data conflict which NOAA had no control over?

Whatever the answer, with how and why the CME report altered, the fact remains that I was able to capture documentation of time line editing regarding solar activity and Time Shift activity triggers.

This is only the tip of the iceberg on the time line editing evidence that I have regarding this Time Shift activity and the editing of co-existing time lines. 

More Time Shift line editing evidence:  October 3, 2012 update on the September 30, 2012 Time Shift Alert, strong G-3 geomagnetic storm, and Time Shift altered co-existing time lines causing the altering of solar activity data.

September 30, 2012  I posted a Time Shift Alert involving a double CME hit on Earth's magnetosphere. The double CME caused a strong G-3 geomagnetic storm. This Sun-Earth interaction is what triggered the Time Shift Alert.  As part of this alert I included a NOAA chart showing the onset of the G-3 geomagnetic storm. The 1st CME hit at 10:25 UT and the second hit only hours later. 

Prior to the
September 30, 2012 Time Shift Alert and geomagnetic storm, I had posted quite a bit about a series of Time Shift generated time loops and time line edits involving the Space Shuttle Endeavor aka Endeavour.

October 1, 2012 I posted Time Shift evidence regarding a number of obvious time line edits regarding solar activity and the number of CME hitting Earth on September 30, 2012.  One of the CME hits had vanished from the official records, even tho I retained physical evidence that there were 2 CME and 2 CME hits.  As part of this evidence I included a NASA photo of the 2 CME that erupted on the Sun September 27, 2012, which in turn are the 2 CME that hit Earth September 30, 2012.

Now I have more evidence to show you, and it involves HAARP. In the past I've posted a number of times as I educated that the conspiracy claims that HAARP caused this disaster or that disaster were not true. HAARP being able to cause something, and HAARP actually being the cause of something are 2 different things.  In fact, every disaster attributed by conspiracy promoters to HAARP had actually been due to Time Shift activity which I had alerted to prior to the disaster. This includes, among others, killer earthquakes and killer tsunamis.

Take a look at the HAARP magnetometer chart I've included with this post. It's dated
September 30, 2012, which is the date that the strong G-3 geomagnetic storm hit. Regardless of how many CME caused the G-3 geomagnetic storm, which also registered as a k-7 on the NOAA k-index scale, the current time line still retains that the geomagnetic storm hit on September 30-12 at 10:25 UT. So why doesn't the HAARP chart - also in UT time - reflect the strong G-3 geomagnetic storm?  I've posted many HAARP charts, during magnetic field disturbances and geomagnetic storms, and those charts clearly show the bright colors splashed on the chart. But this September 30, 2012  HAARP chart reads like nothing of very much is happening with Earth's geomagnetic field - no less G-3 geomagnetic storm that continued at strength through October 1, 2012 until it began to weaken days later.

How could HAARP show such a false reading on
September 30, 2012, where it looks like nothing much was going on with Earth's magnetic field?  One way is a malfunction, which is not what you're looking at.  HAARP malfunctions, which do happen, show up as all black charts with no color at all.  Given what's been going on, with Time Shift time line edits that include the September 30, 2012  G-3 geomagnetic storm, what this HAARP chart displays is Earth's magnetic field energy from a co-existing time line where the G-3 geomagnetic storm did not exist on September 30, 2012. This is mind-blowing physical evidence of Time Shift time line editing activity. 

October 05-2012 TIME SHIFT ALERT:  Today October 05, 2012 an Earth facing CME [coronal mass ejection] blew away from the Sun.  It originated from magnetic filaments around the sunspot 1582 region and released a modest proton storm. It was one of at least 2 CME hours apart, as of the time that I'm writing this Time Shift Alert. More solar activity may develop as the day progresses. The earlier CME is expected to hit Earth's magnetic field on October 08, 2012.  Also in the works are 2 Earth facing coronal holes, which have solar winds in motion.  Whether this all hits Earth at the same time, or the solar energy is staggered, is still to be seen.  Whatever may be, all that's needed is for one of these solar elements to interact with Earth's magnetosphere in order to trigger Time Shift activity. 

Also in the works is the Draconid meteor shower, which is expected to be visible on October 7, 2012 to October 8, 2012.  Dust from meteor showers add to a beautiful atmospheric phenomena called noctilucent clouds, which can give clouds an aurora color look to them. Add this to the actual aurora that will display, because of the expected solar energy impact, and the skies should be extra beautiful and exciting to watch. 

Here are some of the Time Shift markers to be aware of:  Due to frequency and time line edit changes associated with Time Shifts there may be Time Shift triggered earthquake, volcano, tornado, weather, and geophysical events. Tech communications may be disrupted, cetaceans may strand or swim wrong way. Auroras will form. Time Shifts create an amplification of paranormal activity, ghost activity, haunting activity, poltergeist activity, apports, synchronicity, psi abilities, time/word/object prompts, deja vu, psychic dreaming, precognition events, awareness of Time Shift Living Dead persons, altered time line events, time line looping, altered terrain, altered structures, altered world events and more. 

October 6, 2012   Update on October 05, 2012  TIME SHIFT ALERT:  This NASA solar image shows the October 5, 2012  coronal mass ejection [CME] as it blasts away from the sun in an expanding arc of solar energy. This view is possible because this particular space craft's camera is set to obtain a wider more expansive view, while the image I shared yesterday shows a closer view of the Sun. In the more expansive view, not only can the CME be seen expanding away from the Sun, but the proton storm the solar activity caused can also be seen in better context. It usually takes about 3 days for an Earth facing CME to reach our planet which is calculated by the force and speed of the CME plus the orbit position of Earth in relation to the Sun and the trajectory of the CME. In order for the CME to reach Earth, it has to travel 93 million miles. BTW, that long dark patch on the left of the Sun is the camera's stick that holds the opaque circle in front of the Sun's orb. The stick and circle technique may be low tech but it's the gadget that allows this type of solar activity to be seen and photographed.

For more on the Time Shift Alert associated with this image, please read the alert I posted yesterday
October 5, 2012. 

 October 6, 2012 update on October 5-2012 TIME SHIFT ALERT:  On October 5, 2012 I wrote in part: "... The earlier CME is expected to hit Earth's magnetic field on October 8, 2012.  Also in the works are 2 Earth facing coronal holes, which have solar winds in motion.  Whether this all hits Earth at the same time, or the solar energy is staggered, is still to be seen. Whatever may be, all that's needed is for one of these solar elements to interact with Earth's magnetosphere in order to trigger Time Shift activity..." 

As you can see by this NOAA k-index chart, the answer is "staggered".  Today
October 6, 2012 a solar wind hit Earth's magnetosphere, causing part of the planet to register a K-5 magnetic field disturbance.  The CME has not arrived yet, but as I said it only takes one of the solar elements hitting Earth's magnetosphere to trigger Time Shift activity. 

Read this entire entry and you'll find out what this dream, and the TV series "Adam-12", has to do with Time Shifts.

Today October 6, 2012 I had a remarkable dream - or possibly something more than a dream - about the long ago TV series "Adam-12".  It was a 1/2 hour cop drama that ran from September 1968 to May 1975.   Although I never saw all of the first run episodes, I did see enough of them to know I liked the Jack Webb and R.A. Cinader series that starred Martin Milner as Pete Malloy and Kent McCord as Jim Reed - partners who rode in a patrol car designated 'Adam-12'. In more recent times I have seen some of the episodes in syndication, and except for the glaring lack of modern day technology the old TV series still holds up.  Although I have been in the entertainment industry for a long time, I have never met any of the key players associated with "Adam-12" nor visited any of their studio or on location sets while they were in production. I have, unintentionally, visited some of their street locations - years after production ended - simply because they did a lot of filming in real neighborhoods that I've occasionally visited.  

The dream I had was very detailed, unfolded in complex and consecutive scenes that made sense, and swung back and forth between interacting as myself with the actors who played the lead cops, and my being another cop who interacted with the characters as if "Adam-12" was the real deal. When the dream played out as if "Adam-12" was real life, my Starfire Tor personal identity was lost and I was a cop who patrolled with a partner and was very friendly with the character Malloy and Reed.  Just like in the TV series, what we did crossed back and forth between serious police business and personal friendly banter. When the dream shifted from real to interacting with the TV series as a TV series, the conversation changed to talking about the entertainment industry. What stood out the most is that both Martin Milner and Kent McCord - who are both still alive today - wanted to know which career path I was going to choose. Was I going to promote my Time Shift discoveries and research in only a real world scientific format, or was i going to promote it through Science Fiction projects written by me, Starfire Tor.  They also wanted to know if I was going to promote my music, and if they could get them a copy if it.  We discussed the pros and cons of what steps in my life path i would take.

You may wonder why I'm bothering to share this particular dream experience with you.  I wasn't planning on sharing it because at first blush it's personal and who but me would care about what my brain was interfacing with from the Core Matrix - the source of all dreaming.  In between putting together the Time Shift Alert info I researched and posted today, I also took a moment to look up "Adam-12" to see if I could figure out why I would dream about it. That's when i made the big Time Shift triggered co-existing time line edit evidence.   Click on this Wikipedia link and right under the words "Adam-12" you'll read this "For the 1990 TV series, see Adam-12 (1990 series).  "Huh? In my memory there was never a 1990 new "Adam-12" series.  I would have known about it and I would have at least watched the pilot. The new "Adam-12" series, according to further research that i did today, did not include any of the original players either in front of or behind the camera.

What I discovered, because of this dream - or whatever it was - is a nice piece of Time Shift co-existing time line edit evidence. It means that there will be some co-existing time lines in which this 1990 "Adam-12" series existed, but it never existed in any co-existing time lines that I consciously remember.  Some of you, who are reading this and were a fan of the original "Adam-12", may have a memory of this new "Adam-12".  But like me, there will be original fans of the show who have no memory of a new "Adam-12". 


10-7-2012 update on 10-05-2012 TIME SHIFT ALERT: As you look at this 10-7-2012 photo of an undeniable complex and powerful solar eruption, you might be surprised to learn that the astrophysics and astronomy community has thus far been silent about the occurrence. I spotted the dramatic eruption much earlier today, but didn't post anything about it then because I was waiting for the experts to identify what exactly this is. I can tell you that what you are seeing is comprised of more than one eruption that joined together to become more powerful. It may be composed of multiple erupting magnetic filaments, or there might even be a sunspot's solar flare in among it. If so, then this eruption is somewhere between an M class and an X class eruption. Bottom line: big and powerful.

There was a smaller eruption that took place in a different spot on the sun 10-7-2012, as well as something similar on 10-6-2012 in another solar area. I could have chosen either of those to show you, as part of this continuing Time Shift Alert. But when this latest power house blew there was no contest. All of these weekend eruptions will add to the continuation of the Time Shift swarm which began 5-9-2012.

And there's something else. The U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, the Space Weather Prediction Center, and the U.S. Air Force jointly prepare solar forecasts. These forecasts are meant to be short and long term predictions of whether the Sun is quiet, erupting, and whether Earth is in the line of fire from solar eruptions and related solar energy. They use the same scientifically available information as I do - minus inputting Time Shift scientific data. Only yesterday 10-6-2012 this is part of the report issued:

"Joint USAF/NOAA Report of Solar and Geophysical Activity
SDF Number 280 Issued at 2200Z on 06 Oct 2012
Solar Activity Forecast: Solar activity is expected to be at
very low to low levels for the next three days (07-09 October)"

The report goes on to acknowledge the 10-5-2012 CME and it's expected arrival to Earth on 10-8-2012, which is something I also reported - with the extra Time Shift activity included in my report. But the experts were unable to utilize scientific data that I have access to: Time Shift data. While they determined that the Sun would remain quiet through the weekend, based on the science that they use, because of Time Shift related co-existing time line edits and evidence on 10-6-2012, I was sure that the Sun would become very active this weekend. It had to, because of the "New Adam-12" co-existing time line conflict that manifested yesterday 10-6-2012. Multiple co-existing time lines were in conflict, with different people having different memories of whether there was ever a "New Adam-12" TV series at all. There is no memory conflict that the original "Adam-12" TV series did exist and still exists as a dominant time line element.

Since this "New Adam-12" TV series got mistakenly edited into the dominant time line, where there is little to no recognition of its ever having existed in a dominant time line, something had to be done to either smooth or remove the edit. Either way, the job required further Time Shift activity, which means the solar energy needed to trigger Time Shift activity had to come online. Coming online means creating solar eruption, which is exactly what happened. This is Time Shift logic.

To fully understand the Time Shift elements I've brought up, please read my 10-6-2012 "Adam-12" post.

10-8-2012 update on 10-05-2012 TIME SHIFT ALERT: On 10-5-2012 I wrote in part: "... The earlier CME is expected to hit Earth's magnetic field on 10-08-2012..." As you can see by this 10-8-2012 NOAA chart, the CME hit as expected and a geomagnetic storm ensued. Time Shift tine line editing, as well as other events related to Time Shifts, is underway.

However, just as I pointed out in my 10-7-2012
as well as other recent Time Shift related posts, there is a disturbing conflict between what the experts are reporting and the physical data clearly seen in their own solar images and Earth magnetic field charts. This chart is no different. Officially this geomagnetic storm has been designated a moderate G-2 storm with a K-index of k-6. Really? The NOAA chart shows that the geomagnetic storm was between a k-5 and a k-8, depending on different planetary locations. With this sort of error being made, was the geomagnetic storm really on a G-2 or could it have been higher? There's more. 

Yesterday I shared a 10-7-2012 photo of a powerful complex solar eruption. I explained that there were no reports about this solar activity except for what I posted. It was not caused by a 10-7-2012 prominence nor did it collapse back into the Sun. It was, by visual estimation on my part, a complex eruption made up of multiple solar events that appeared to merge. The energy itself would be between an M class and an X class eruption. I also explained that there was an earlier smaller eruption that took place, and now I can tell you that after my post there was what looked like a C class eruption.

I gave it a day to see if the experts would finally mention and grade the 10-7-12 powerful eruption, which can be seen in the image from yesterday. Nothing. I re-checked the film footage, from which the still frame sources from, and what I posted yesterday is still visible in the original film footage. Also, the the experts have moved the expected solar wind as arriving 10-9-2012 to 10-10-2012, instead of the original double solar winds arriving 10-8-2012 to 10-9-2012. It is possible for wind streams to have a slight delay, except that's not what's really going on here. It's that the double Earth facing solar winds, that I reported about on 10-5-2012, are no longer being referred to as if they never existed. The solar wind stream they are now promoting comes from a single coronal hole.

Read my other related posts to fully understand the information in this post.

10-9-2012 update on 10-05-2012 TIME SHIFT ALERT: The G-2 to G-3 geomagnetic storm that hit Earth 10-8-2012 has been joined by a 2nd G-1 to G-2 geomagnetic storm 10-9-2012. This is what I reported would happen. These double solar CME and solar wind triggered geomagnetic storms have triggered more Time Shift activity.

In my 10-5-2012 Time Shift Alert I wrote, in part: "... Due to frequency and time line edit changes associated with Time Shifts there may be Time Shift triggered earthquake, volcano, tornado, weather, and geophysical events..."

True to form, as I have demonstrated many times, there are many Time Shift triggered earthquakes, weather strangeness, and geological anomalies. On 10-9-2012 UTC there was a 6.4 earthquake in the Ballerny Islands region of New Zealand. Before this Time Shift triggered earthquake erupted, New Zealand residents had been experiencing and reporting a strange hum. This appears to be the same as, or similar to, the hum heard in other places around the globe. The New Zealand hum is connected to Time Shift time line edit frequencies, as well as being connected to the Time Shift earthquake that followed the hum's manifestation.

Time Shift triggered earthquakes erupted elsewhere in the world. On 10-8-2012, which is the day this current round of geomagnetic storms hit Earth, there was a 6.3 earthquake in the Banda Sea Indonesia and a 6.0 earthquake in the Gulf Of California Mexico. These aren't the only Time Shift triggered earthquakes that erupted during this Time Shift activity, but they are the strongest ones that erupted during this Time Shift activity - so far. In the days preceding this round of Time Shift activity, earthquakes were considerably smaller. Not all earthquakes are triggered by Time Shifts. But when earthquakes like these erupt during known Time Shift activity, it's logical that they are Time Shift triggered.

As a reminder: You may encounter people who continue to promote that geomagnetic storms trigger earthquakes. They do not. While such promoters have noticed that some earthquakes and geomagnetic storms happen during the same time frame, like the 3 large earthquakes I've mentioned in this post, the assumption that the geomagnetic storms have triggered the earthquakes is a failure in logic. Logic is based on the factual information that is available. If there is a missing factual element to the logic equation, then the logic will be faulty. In this case the missing factual element, for such promoters of faulty earthquake/geomagnetic storm logic, is the existence of Time Shifts. Without Time Shift activity, geomagnetic storms and earthquakes would be a non-issue.

October 9, 2012 UTC Earthquake - Magnitude 6.4 - BALLENY ISLANDS REGION New Zealand
USGS Earthquake Hazards Program, responsible for monitoring, reporting, and researching earthquakes and earthquake hazards


10-9-2012 update on 10-05-2012 TIME SHIFT ALERT: This particular set of geomagnetic storms, besides triggering some fascinating Time Shift activity, generated some of the most beautiful panoramic auroras ever seen. While auroras mainly appear around the poles, this geomagnetic event causes auroras to appear in much lower latitudes. The UK was especially treated to breathtaking aurora displays, with some lasting for hours. This 10-8-2012 panoramic aurora appeared over Scotland and was photographed by Caters.

As I've explained before, but is worth repeating, auroras are markers that Time Shift activity is probably in progress. Why? Because the same solar energy that triggers auroras is the same solar energy that can trigger Time Shifts. So even though auroras are not a primary cause of Time Shift time line edits, their appearance is an indicator that Time Shift time line edits have happened, are happening, and will happen. In this exact case, this aurora is a marker that Time Shifts are active.

10-10-2012 update on 10-05-2012 TIME SHIFT ALERT: Earth is now being hit with a third round of geomagnetic storms, as can be seen in this NOAA k-index chart. NOAA released the following information, in part:

"... Geomagnetic Storm levels have been observed as the effects of a coronal hole high speed stream continue. R1(Minor) Radio Blackouts were also observed ..."

Yes, the solar wind is and has
been buffeting the Earth, as I reported it would. As I also reported that the original solar wind heads up involved 2 Earth facing coronal holes with 2 separate solar wind streams. They were supposed to hit Earth between 10-8-20012 and 10-9-2012. Then all mention of these double solar winds were dropped and replaced with a different single coronal hole and solar wind stream expected to hit Earth sometime between 10-9-2012 and 10-10-2012. So it would seem that this third round of geomagnetic storms is strictly caused by this particular solar wind stream hitting Earth's magnetic field. 

Not so fast. While it's certainly possible for a solar wind hit to trigger a geomagnetic storm with radio blackout features, I have not forgotten the 10-7-2012 complex solar eruption that I posted here but that no one else ever acknowledged as existing. It generally takes a CME 3 days to reach Earth, which means the "mystery" solar eruption would reach Earth today 10-10-2012. And so I wonder what the cause of this third geomagnetic storm really is. I don't deny that there is solar wind activity today. I simply question what became of the earlier double solar wind streams, and of course what is going on with the complex and powerful solar eruption that has been publicly ignored by everyone except me.

And of course I want to know why - during that time - I had a multiple time line dream about the old TV series "Adam-12", which lead me to the discovery of a surprise 1990 new "Adam-12" series which appears to have been sloppily edited into the dominant time line.

10-11-2012 update on the 10-05-2012 TIME SHIFT ALERT: This SDO solar photo, taken on 10-11-2012, shows a group of erupting sun spots and magnetic filaments as they rotate from the far side of the Sun onto the Earth facing part of the sun. The most lively one has been sunspot 1589, which has consistently been erupting with C class and M class solar flares. Now that it is rotated into into an Earth facing position, whatever erupts will be Earth directed. This would trigger more Time Shift activity. Sunspot 1589 has the ability the erupt with an Earth facing X class flare. The eruptions on the right side of the sun shows previously Earth facing erupting sunspots and solar filaments rotating onto the far side of the Sun. 

10-12-2012 update on the 10-05-2012 TIME SHIFT ALERT: n my 10-5-2012 Time Shift Alert I wrote, in part: "... Due to frequency and time line edit changes associated with Time Shifts there may be Time Shift triggered earthquake, volcano, tornado, weather, and geophysical events..." 

In my 10-9-2012 update of my 10-5-2012 Time Shift Alert I reported about 3 large Time Shift triggered earthquakes striking on 10-8-2012 and 10-9-2012. They were a 6.4 magnitude in the waters of the Ballerny Islands region of New Zealand, a 6.3 magnitude in the waters off of Banda Sea Indonesia, and a 6.0 magnitude in the waters off the Gulf of California Mexico.

Now on 10-12-2012 UTC time [10-11-2012 in other parts of the world] a 6.7 magnitude earthquake struck in the waters near the South Coast of Papua, Indonesia. Like the above 3 earthquakes, and others not mentioned, this was a Time Shift triggered earthquake. It is a marker of what i already knew and reported, that Time Shift activity is still in progress. This means that time line edits, and the creation of more co-existing time lines, is on-going. In fact, this is a continuation of a Time Shift swarm that began on 5-9-2012.

As a reminder: You may encounter people who continue to promote that geomagnetic storms trigger earthquakes. They do not. While such promoters have noticed that some earthquakes and geomagnetic storms happen during the same time frame, the assumption that the geomagnetic storms have triggered the earthquakes is a failure in logic. Logic is based on the factual information that is available. If there is a missing factual element to the logic equation, then the logic will be faulty. In this case the missing factual element, for such promoters of faulty earthquake-geomagnetic storm logic, is the existence of solar triggered Time Shifts and how these Time Shifts can trigger some earthquakes. Without Time Shift activity, geomagnetic storms and earthquakes would be a non-issue.

2012 October 12 00:31:30 UTC
Earthquake Details

Location 4.842°S, 134.085°E
Depth24.7 km (15.3 miles)
Distances103 km (64 miles) N of Dobo, Indonesia
173 km (107 miles) ENE of Tual, Indonesia
225 km (139 miles) SW of Nabire, Indonesia
439 km (272 miles) S of Manokwari, Indonesia
Location Uncertaintyhorizontal +/- 12.8 km (8.0 miles); depth +/- 7.3 km (4.5 miles)
ParametersNST=142, Nph=145, Dmin=295 km, Rmss=1.08 sec, Gp= 29°,
M-type=regional moment magnitude (Mw), Version=7
  • Magnitude: USGS NEIC (WDCS-D)
    Location: USGS NEIC (WDCS-D)
Event IDusb000d4u2

Organizers had to steer the massive white craft through a series of turns before hitting Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard (AFP, Jeff Gritchen)


Thousands of Angelenos lined the streets as the space shuttle Endeavour inched to its LA retirement home (AFP, Robyn Beck)

What would my Time Shift research be without adding the next chapter in the Space Shuttle Endeavor aka Endeavor Time Shift time looping tine line editing saga? So here's that next chapter.

Today 10-12-2012 The Space Shuttle Endeavor began
its final journey, on a specially designed flat bed truck, through the tree-less streets of Los Angeles on its way to landing at a California museum. Endeavor has flown in space numerous times where it hit speeds that were very, very fast. In this final road trip, which will take 2 days, it's moving at a speed of 2 mph. Oh how the mighty have been reduced. 

I wonder why the US chose to take this destructive road trip, with the shuttle, which included giving 400 tress the chop, as well as cutting power to homes and businesses and modifying the streets with steel plates to protect the under-street infrastructure. Why do that when they have perfectly good secret triangle staging and lift platform aircraft. Wouldn't that have been a fun time if the US chose this moment to reveal these craft really did exist? I guess not. That would probably cause too much of a hue and cry this close to a US presidential election. Besides, the reveal would inevitably lead to the disclosure of a secret space program - which might put the entire shuttle program in a whole other light.

Oh, you aren't quite sure what I'm talking about? First, click on "posts by page", scroll down and find the many posts on the connection between the Space Shuttle Endeavor and the many Time Loops and time line edits it's been involved in. You'll even discover that among the evidence I provided are the two spellings of the space shuttle Endeavor-Endeavour name and how that came to be. As for the secret space program - is that really such a secret? I've been reporting about it for years.


Space shuttle inches in late to LA retirement home

LOS ANGELES — Thousands of Angelenos lined the streets as the space shuttle Endeavour inched to its LA retirement home -- hours late after squeezing through a particularly narrow home stretch.

Crowds applauded as the massive white spacecraft crawled along the final straight Saturday, at the stately speed of 2 miles per hour, on the second day of its last 12-mile (19 kilometer) journey across Los Angeles.

The orbiter -- which zoomed at 17,500 miles per hour when in Earth's orbit -- had hoped to reach its final berth in the California Science Center by nightfall after its two-day slow-motion road trip.

But as the sun set it still had several miles to go, leaving a welcoming party -- including dignitaries and thousands of shuttle fans gathered for the final homecoming ceremony -- on hold into the evening.

"I feel like it's coming back from China. It's taking so long," a 9-year-old spectator told the LA Times. Estimates suggested the shuttle would arrive from 3-5 hours late at the Science Center.

The day started with a public party for the shuttle, which left LA International (LAX) Airport on Friday morning for the relatively short -- but logistically a nightmare -- trip across town.

"What a great view, huh?" California Science Center head Jeffrey Rudolph asked the crowds in Inglewood, where the shuttle stopped for 30 minutes of speeches and celebrations, music from "Men in Black" blaring in the background.

The final leg of the trip was not without challenges: the enormous 78-ton vehicle, mounted on a huge, computerized, multi-part transporter, had to negotiate some of the narrowest stretches of its route during the day.

Organizers had to steer the massive white craft through a series of turns -- including at least one that squeezed it to within inches of nearby buildings -- before hitting the real home straight down Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard.

Some 400 trees have had to be cut down -- initially provoking protests from locals -- and power lines turned off to make way for the vehicle.

On the final straight it was brought to a halt several times, as the spacecraft's wing-tips brushed inches away from apartment buildings, electricity poles and other obstructions.

One spectator identified as Bill, waiting at the Science Center, said he didn't care that he would have to wait several more hours to see the shuttle.

"I'm getting chills just thinking about it right now," he told the local NBC television affiliate. "It's awesome. It signified America, the United States, what we can do."

The shuttle, which flew more than 115 million miles in its two-decade career, landed in Los Angeles three weeks ago, piggy-backed on a specially-fitted 747.

Former shuttle commander Mark Kelly, who captained Endeavour's final flight, said he hoped the craft would become an inspiration for future generations of astronauts.

"Maybe someday one of these kids that see Endeavour, look up at it at the California Science Center, will be that person that walks on the planet Mars," he told CNN, adding: "That would be a great thing to see."

After NASA brought an end to the 30-year shuttle program last year, major US cities battled for the right to house the four retired vehicles.

Enterprise, the prototype that never flew into space, is now on permanent display on the runway of the Intrepid aircraft carrier in New York.

The Kennedy Space Center will keep Atlantis, and Discovery is on display at a museum outside Washington.

Two other shuttles were destroyed in flight. Challenger disintegrated shortly after liftoff in 1986, and Columbia broke apart upon re-entry to Earth in 2003. Both disasters killed everyone on board.

This stunning aurora photo was taken during the height of the latest geomagnetic storm. It literally looks like a downpour of green and red aurora colors. Part of the panoramic effect is caused by the aurora emerging through the clouds and being reflected in the water below. While the still image is amazing, the aurora itself was an even more amazing moving array of color.

The geomagnetic storm t
hat triggered this aurora, besides also triggering reported Time Shift activity, generated some of the most beautiful panoramic auroras ever seen. While auroras mainly appear around the poles, this triple geomagnetic event caused auroras to appear in much lower latitudes. This aurora photo was taken in Norway on 10-10-2012 by Hugo Lohre.

As I've explained before, but is worth repeating, auroras are markers that Time Shift activity is probably in progress. Why? Because the same solar energy that triggers auroras is the same solar energy that can trigger Time Shifts. So even though auroras are not a primary cause of Time Shift time line edits, their appearance is an indicator that Time Shift time line edits have happened, are happening, and will happen. In this exact case, this aurora is a marker that Time Shifts are active.

Be sure to click on the image to see the entire panoramic view.

10-13-2012 TIME SHIFT ALERT update: For the 4th time since 10-8-2012 Earth is experiencing a geomagnetic storm, as you can see in this NOAA k-index chart. This 4th one comes courtesy of a solar wind boosted by solar magnetic interplay. Besides another round of awesome auroras, expect this geomagnetic storm to trigger more Time Shift time line edits and all that it entails. Also expect this geomagnetic storm to be followed, or even joined, by other Time Shift triggering solar activity. 

The ever time looping Space Shuttle Endeavor's current LA road trip was a tip off that something Time Shift this way comes. Don't know what I'm talking about? Click on 'posts by page', scroll down the wall and read.

Here are some of the Time Shift markers to be aware of: Due to frequency and time line edit changes associated with Time Shifts there may be Time Shift triggered earthquake, volcano, tornado, weather, and geophysical events. Tech communications may be disrupted, cetaceans may strand or swim wrong way. Auroras will form. Time Shifts create an amplification of paranormal activity, ghost activity, haunting activity, poltergeist activity, apports, synchronicity, psi abilities, time/word/object prompts, deja vu, psychic dreaming, precognition events, awareness of Time Shift Living Dead persons, altered time line events, time line looping, altered terrain, altered structures, altered world events and more.


October 15, 2012:  This aurora photo adds a bit of whimsy to the visual experience. The neon green aurora above is reflected in a Norwegian fjord below, and the effect creates the glowing outline of a fairy wing. Be sure to click on the image to see the entire panoramic view and fairy wing. The photo was taken by June Gronseth.

The geomagnetic storm that triggered this aurora was the 4th geomagnetic storm since 10-
8-2012. That's a lot of geomagnetic storms in such a short period of time. Besides triggering more Time Shift activity, the combination of solar wind and CME hits generated some of the most beautiful, vivacious, and panoramic auroras ever seen. While auroras mainly appear around the poles, this quadruple geomagnetic event caused auroras to appear at much lower latitudes. 

As I've explained before, but is worth repeating, auroras are markers that Time Shift activity is probably in progress. Why? Because the same solar energy that triggers auroras is some of the same solar energy that can trigger Time Shifts. So even though auroras are not a primary cause of Time Shift time line edits, their appearance can be an indicator that Time Shift time line edits have happened, are happening, and/or will happen. In this case, this aurora is a marker that Time Shifts are active.

On 10-14-2012 I was doing my usual Time Shift research when I came upon some data about a C class eruption on the Sun. The eruption sourced from sunspot 1593, which at the time was rotating from the far side of the Sun to the Earth facing side of the Sun. Because of its location and trajectory, most eruptions on the far side of the sun do not hit Earth or trigger Time Shifts. Every now and then a farside eruption does trigger a Time Shift. Not all coronal mass ejections are the same.  

I went to review the film of the eruption and was surprised to discover that all of the footage of the eruption had been withheld. Generally, when eruption images are withheld it's for 1 of 3 reasons: 1. The footage became corrupted and is not viewable; 2. There's something on the footage that is classified and has been pulled because of that; 3. something on the footage has created a mystery and they won't release it until the can explain it.

I went to great lengths to track down which of the 3 reasons was in play. It turned out to be #3. I found other visual images from other sources, and they revealed that something strange was going on with the eruption. Near the end of the day snippets of the missing footage was released, and what it showed was quite dramatic and extremely unusual. The C class eruption from sunspot 1593, which was just rotating from the far side of the Sun to the Earth facing side of the Sun, took on the light bulb shape of an expanding coronal mass ejection [CME]. Such eruptions usually continue to expand away from the Sun until the light bulb shape has lost all structure.

But take a look at the stage of the eruption in this image. This long reaching and bright tendril is what the light bulb shaped eruption transformed into. It kept this shape for hours as it expanded farther and farther away from the Sun while still connected to the Sun. Tendrils like this usually begin as a magnetic filament that arcs up from the Sun and usually crashes back to the Sun without releasing a CME. Sometimes these filaments are connected to other filaments far from their location on the Sun. But I can't recall ever seeing a light bulb shaped CME transform into a super long filament, not have I seen a filament that was ever this long and powerful. The light bulb turned filament CME eventually detached from the Sun as it sped into space.

Because sunspot 1593 had not fully rotated to the Earth facing side of the sun when this eruption happened, the trajectory of such a CME usually misses hitting Earth, which means it does not trigger a Time Shift. But the behavior of this tendril CME is different. Something about it may impact Earth. We'll see what happens, as well as what sunspot 1993 does on the Earth facing side of the Sun. It's not the only sunspot facing the planet. 


October 18, 2012:  I am repeating the text from my 10-16-2012 post because the solar photo that is part of the post is no longer the right photo. The right photo is the one I've uploaded with this redo post. The wrong photo is dated 2011/10/14 which is the right day but the wrong year. The correct photo for this post, which I've uploaded with this updated version of the post, has the correct date 2012/10/14. When I posted this originally the correct 2012 photo was there. Take a look at the original post, which I'm leaving on the wall for evidence. Not one person replied that the photo had the wrong date. I've looked at the post many times, since posting it, and until now the correct 2012 photo was there. Today I noticed the photo glitch. FYI: the 2011/10/14 photo shows a CME that obviously has none of the unique characteristics that I described in the original post. PS: The first few times I tried to upload this correction it didn't work. A message came up saying that FaceBook was having trouble storing the photo. BTW, today Earth entered another solar wind stream meaning more Time Shift activity. This changing photo is a marker of Time Shift activity.

As you all can see, just looking at the 2 different photos makes it obvious that the 2012 photo is so unique that it could never be mistaken for any other solar photo. Besides, I described it in detail. That was the point of the post. Even if one didn't pay attention to the change in year dates, the change in the image is the big tip that something odd is going on.

Original Post

On 10-14-2012 I was doing my usual Time Shift research when I came upon some data about a C class eruption on the Sun. The eruption sourced from sunspot 1593, which at the time was rotating from the far side of the Sun to the Earth facing s
ide of the Sun. Because of its location and trajectory, most eruptions on the far side of the sun do not hit Earth or trigger Time Shifts. Every now and then a farside eruption does trigger a Time Shift. Not all coronal mass ejections are the same.

I went to review the film of the eruption and was surprised to discover that all of the footage of the eruption had been withheld. Generally, when eruption images are withheld it's for 1 of 3 reasons: 1. The footage became corrupted and is not viewable; 2. There's something on the footage that is classified and has been pulled because of that; 3. something on the footage has created a mystery and they won't release it until the can explain it.

I went to great lengths to track down which of the 3 reasons was in play. It turned out to be #3. I found other visual images from other sources, and they revealed that something strange was going on with the eruption. Near the end of the day snippets of the missing footage was released, and what it showed was quite dramatic and extremely unusual. The C lass eruption from sunspot 1593, which was just rotating from the far side of the Sun to the Earth facing side of the Sun, took on the light bulb shape of an expanding coronal mass ejection [CME]. Such eruptions usually continue to expand away from the Sun until the light bulb shape has lost all structure.

But take a look at the stage of the eruption in this image. This long reaching and bright tendril is what the light bulb shaped eruption transformed into. It kept this shape for hours as it expanded farther and farther away from the Sun while still connected to the Sun. Tendrils like this usually begin as a magnetic filament that arcs up from the Sun and usually crashes back to the Sun without releasing a CME. Sometimes these filaments are connected to other filaments far from their location on the Sun. But I can't recall ever seeing a light bulb shaped CME transform into a super long filament, not have I seen a filament that was ever this long and powerful. The light bulb turned filament CME eventually detached from the Sun as it sped into space.

Because sunspot 1593 had not fully rotated to the Earth facing side of the sun when this eruption happened, the trajectory of such a CME usually misses hitting Earth, which means it does not trigger a Time Shift. But the behavior of this tendril CME is different. Something about it may impact Earth. We'll see what happens, as well as what sunspot 1993 does on the Earth facing side of the Sun. It's not the only sunspot facing the planet. 

10-21-2012 Time Shift swarm update: Between 10-20-2012 and 10-21-2012 sunspot 1598 rotated from the dark side of the Sun to the Earth facing side of the Sun. As it did it erupted with many m class and C class solar flares. One was an M9 class solar flare which is just a notch down from being an X class solar flare. This almost X class solar flare was detected by Earth-orbiting satellites. Even though CMEs from these solar flares has not yet reached Earth, waves of ionization rippled through Earth's upper atmosphere causing R2 radio blackout conditions.

Although the experts haven't yet said whether the Earth will hit with one or more CMEs associated with this multiple eruption, I already have collected Time Shift marker data which lets me know that Time Shifts and time line edits are again in progress. One of those Time Shift markers involved a number of Time Shift Living Dead [TSLD] events, which can only happen as a by-product of Time Shift activity and the creation of co-existing time lines. One of the TSLD events was the death - again - of ex-Senator George McGovern today 10-21-2012 at age 90. He ran for the US presidency in 1972.

Expect the Time Shift swarm to continue through and beyond the 11-6-2012 US presidential elections.

Here are some of the Time Shift markers to be aware of: Due to frequency and time line edit changes associated with Time Shifts there may be Time Shift triggered earthquake, volcano, tornado, weather, and geophysical events. Tech communications may be disrupted, cetaceans may strand or swim wrong way. Auroras will form. Time Shifts create an amplification of paranormal activity, ghost activity, haunting activity, poltergeist activity, apports, synchronicity, psi abilities, time/word/object prompts, deja vu, psychic dreaming, precognition events, awareness of Time Shift Living Dead persons, altered time line events, time line looping, altered terrain, altered structures, altered world events and more.

10-22-2012 Time Shift swarm update: Earth facing sunspot 1598 has erupted with an X1.8 class solar flare. This SDO photo shows the extreme ultraviolet flash. Because the SDO photo records solar events in UT time, the image reads 10/23/2012 instead of the 10/22/2012 date from which I am writing and posting from the PDT time zone. I'm pointing this time zone variance out in case someone should see this and think the time variance was caused by a Time Shift glitch. It was not. It's a time zone difference.

Radiation from the X1.8 class solar flare has created waves of ionization in the upper atmosphere over Asia and Australia, which is the Earth terrain that was on the daylight side of Earth when the X1.8 class solar flare erupted. HF radio blackouts at high latitudes are initially expected, with further Earth reactions expected as the solar energy and CME hits Earth's magnetosphere. This could happen anytime between now and 3 days depending on the speed of the CME, solar radiation, any proton storms and Earth's position in relation to the eruption.

This X1.8 class solar flare from sunspot 1598 has come soon after the same sunspot's M.9 class solar flare from a day ago as the sunspot rotated onto the Earth facing side of the Sun. Read my 10-21-2012 Time Shift swarm update from yesterday.

Here are some of the Time Shift markers to be aware of: Due to frequency and time line edit changes associated with Time Shifts there may be Time Shift triggered earthquake, volcano, tornado, weather, and geophysical events. Tech communications may be disrupted, cetaceans may strand or swim wrong way. Auroras will form. Time Shifts create an amplification of paranormal activity, ghost activity, haunting activity, poltergeist activity, apports, synchronicity, psi abilities, time/word/object prompts, deja vu, psychic dreaming, precognition events, awareness of Time Shift Living Dead persons, altered time line events, time line looping, altered terrain, altered structures, altered world events and more. 

10-25-12 Time Shift swarm update: Right in line with the 10-21-2012 UT X9 class solar flare and the 10-23-2012 UT X1.8 solar flare, as well as a number of lesser solar flares, there have been a number of Time Shift triggered earthquakes. As part of my Time Shift Alerts I write, in part "Due to frequency and time line edit changes associated with Time Shifts there may be Time Shift triggered earthquake, volcano, tornado, weather, and geophysical events."

Here are 2 of the largest earthquakes in this Time Shift cluster. Just keep in mind that even tho I point out the more dramatic and powerful Time Shift triggered earthquakes, small earthquakes can also be triggered by Time Shifts. On 10-24-2012 there was a 6.6 magnitude earthquake in the waters off of Costa Rica, and on 10-23-2012 there was a 6.0 magnitude earthquake in the waters off of Loyalty islands New Caledonia in the Pacific archipelago. There is also a category 2 hurricane named Sandy that has just blown through Cuba and Jamaica. The hurricane is expected to get stronger and it has weather experts very concerned.

These clustered weather and geological grand slams act as markers that Time Shift activity is in progress. This means that time line edits, and the creation of more co-existing time lines, is on-going. Besides earthquakes and weather events, here are other Time Shift markers: tech communications may be disrupted, cetaceans may strand or swim wrong way. Auroras will form. Time Shifts create an amplification of paranormal activity, ghost activity, haunting activity, poltergeist activity, apports, synchronicity, psi abilities, time/word/object prompts, deja vu, psychic dreaming, precognition events, awareness of Time Shift Living Dead persons, altered time line events, time line looping, altered terrain, altered structures, altered world events and more. 

Magnitude 6.5 - COSTA RICA
2012 October 24 00:45:34 UTC
Earthquake Details

Location10.121°N, 85.314°W
Depth20.1 km (12.5 miles)
Distances10 km (6 miles) NE of Hojancha, Costa Rica
11 km (6 miles) ESE of Nicoya, Costa Rica
30 km (18 miles) ESE of Santa Cruz, Costa Rica
44 km (27 miles) SW of Canas, Costa Rica
Location Uncertaintyhorizontal +/- 13.2 km (8.2 miles); depth +/- 2.6 km (1.6 miles)
ParametersNST=621, Nph=628, Dmin=43.4 km, Rmss=1.39 sec, Gp= 40°,
M-type=(unknown type), Version=8
  • Magnitude: USGS NEIC (WDCS-D)
    Location: USGS NEIC (WDCS-D)
Event IDusb000dc6x

Saturday, October 27, 2012 Time Shift Alert Update:  On 10-26-2012 something interesting happened on the Sun. An eruption happened on the dark side of the Sun around the southeastern limb. Then things amped up as the eruption became part of a magnetic filament cluster and became a 'canyon of fire'. This channeled part of the eruption onto the Earth facing side of the Sun and out into space as a coronal mass ejection [CME]. The CME can be seen in this NASA photo. I just wanted you all to know that just because an eruption happens on the far side of the Sun doesn't mean that all of its energy remains there or blows into space only from there.

The official report on the event reads, in part " The CME does not appear to be heading for Earth or any other planet."

Maybe yes. Maybe no. It depends on whether this event triggered Time Shift activity. As I reported in a previous update, Hurricane Sandy - currently active - is a Time Shift triggered weather event. So, as for this latest CME I'll be watching for Time Shift markers, as well as further information about the journey of this CME, to see if it triggered Time Shift activity.

Whatever happens to this CME, I can tell you that there is more Earth affecting solar activity to come. I'm extremely interested in Time Shift activity that I expect at the time of the US presidential election in the first week of November. I believe the effects will be very obvious.

10-27-2012 Time Shift update: Only hours ago I reported about something interesting happening on the Sun. It was a coronal mass ejection [CME] that began on the far side of the Sun, and through a field of magnetic filaments also erupted on the Earth facing side of the Sun. I explained that forecasters said it did not appear that the CME was heading to Earth. Because I didn't have enough data, at the time, to determine whether this would effect Earth by triggering Time Shift activity, I said I would be watching Time Shift markers as a determiner. 

On 10-28-2012 03:04 am UTC time, which is 10-27-2012 8:04 pm PDT which is the time zone I posted from, a 7.7 magnitude earthquake struck Queen Charlotte Islands Region in British Columbia Canada. This was one of the more obvious Time Shift markers because this earthquake was triggered by Time Shift activity. Therefore, we are entangled in Time Shift activity right now.

At the time of this 7.7 Canada Earthquake, both HAARP and every magnetometer and k-index chart around the globe were almost totally flat-lined. This is because the solar energy that triggered this earthquake has itself been caught in the very time line editing that it triggered. The Time Shift triggering solar energy may or may not be noted as causing a geomagnetic storm or even radio blackouts.

I told you before the earthquake struck that this round of solar activity was interesting and unusual and now you are seeing more of why this is so. At least one of the time line edits has now revealed itself to have happened when the 10-26-2012 double sided eruption happened. That's what I call an editing glitch. Also, because this 7.7 earthquake struck when there was no geomagnetic storm, this pulls the rug out from under people who have the unfortunate habit of incorrectly claiming that either HAARP or geomagnetic storms cause these large earthquakes. These people don't understand the existence of Time Shifts and how they impact our planet.

Here are some of the Time Shift markers to be aware of: Due to frequency and time line edit changes associated with Time Shifts there may be Time Shift triggered earthquake, volcano, tornado, weather, and geophysical events. Tech communications may be disrupted, cetaceans may strand or swim wrong way. Auroras will form. Time Shifts create an amplification of paranormal activity, ghost activity, haunting activity, poltergeist activity, apports, synchronicity, psi abilities, time/word/object prompts, deja vu, psychic dreaming, precognition events, awareness of Time Shift Living Dead persons, altered time line events, time line looping, altered terrain, altered structures, altered world events and more.

Update:  Monday, October 29, 2012 at 1:23 AM, Pacific Time:  WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! Hawaii is bracing for a tsunami within 30 minutes. If you are in Hawaii keep yourself safe by getting you and your family and friends to safety. Read my Time Shift update about the 7.7 Canada Time Shift earthquake to learn more.  PLEASE! Do Not leave your animals behind!

2012 October 28 03:04:10 UTC
Earthquake Details

Location52.769°N, 131.927°W
Depth17.5 km (10.9 miles)
Distances139 km (86 miles) S of Masset, Canada
202 km (125 miles) SSW of Prince Rupert, Canada
293 km (182 miles) SW of Terrace, Canada
556 km (345 miles) NW of Campbell River, Canada
Location Uncertaintyhorizontal +/- 14 km (8.7 miles); depth +/- 4 km (2.5 miles)
ParametersNST=716, Nph=716, Dmin=267.2 km, Rmss=0.95 sec, Gp= 58°,
M-type=regional moment magnitude (Mw), Version=A
  • Magnitude: USGS NEIC (WDCS-D)
    Location: USGS NEIC (WDCS-D)
Event IDusb000df7n

10-28-2012 Time Shift update:  With all of the Time Shift action and research happening recently - unusual solar activity, major earthquakes, frankenstorm hurricane Sandy, a unique tsunami, and my cetacean stranding alerts for my "The Whale And Dolphin People Project" - I'm one exhausted camper. I finally got to get some sleep sometime after 6 am PDT this morning.

But about 2 hrs later I was jarred awake by a 3.9 magnitude earthquake. As I lay in bed waiting for the brief shaking to end I thought to myself "Really?! Are you kidding me?! I need sleep!!!".  Since I've been through truly powerful killer earthquakes, this 3.9 quake was more a sleep destroyer than anything else. I lay in bed awake for about 10 minutes, and then decided it was a good idea to turn on the TV to see what was going on. Because of my experience, and because i really didn't know where the quake was centered, i knew that what seems like a modest quake in LA might have originated from a powerful killer quake hundreds of miles away.

So I turned on the TV and got the confirmation that it was a modest 3.9 quake. Then I went on line to check it against the earlier 7.7 quake that had happened in British Columbia Canada. That quake had aimed a tsunami directly at Hawaii and triggered my cetacean stranding alert. That's when I saw that the 3.9 LA quake happened only 20 minutes apart from a 4.0 aftershock from the Canada quake. Studying the pattern of Canada aftershocks I realized that it was connected to the LA 3.9 quake. And of course the original 7.7 Canada quake was Time Shift triggered. I'm sure that all of the earthquake seismologists will say that the LA quake and the quakes going on in Canada are not connected. But I stand by my opinion.

2012 October 28 15:24:23 UTC
Earthquake Details

Location34.351°N, 118.458°W
Depth3.6 km (2.2 miles)
  • 7 km (4 miles) ESE (116°) from Newhall, CA
  • 7 km (4 miles) NNW (346°) from San Fernando, CA
  • 8 km (5 miles) NNW (346°) from Pacoima, CA
  • 9 km (5 miles) SSE (149°) from Santa Clarita, CA
  • 38 km (24 miles) NNW (329°) from Los Angeles Civic Center, CA
Location Uncertaintyhorizontal +/- 0.2 km (0.1 miles); depth +/- 0.4 km (0.2 miles)
ParametersNph=141, Dmin=6 km, Rmss=0.23 sec, Gp= 18°,
M-type=local magnitude (ML), Version=7
Event IDci15237281


10-30-2012 Time Shift related evidence Part I: Take a good look at this current NOAA k-index chart. I've used NOAA's k-index chart on many occasions to document solar triggered geomagnetic storms and geomagnetic disturbances. But as you can see in this current k-index chart, which begins on 10-24-2012 and goes through 10-31-2012, there is no magnetic disturbance of any kind. Every other k-index chart in the world shows a similar graphic - activity in Earth's magnetic field is very low and at times has literally flat lined. 

Since killer Hurricane Sandy grew, traveled, and hit land during the window of this K-index chart, it is clear that a geomagnetic storm cannot be linked as the cause of this hurricane. The 7.7. British Columbia Canada earthquake and tsunami erupted on 10-27-2012 [10-28-2012 in UTC time], which also struck within the window of time represented in this NOAA k-index chart. It is clear that a geomagnetic storm cannot be linked as the cause of this earthquake and tsunami. I've explained many times how and why these particular extreme weather and geological conditions were caused by solar triggered Time Shift activity. In earlier posts I discussed more about this. Therefore, should you come across anyone promoting geomagnetic storms as the cause of this hurricane, earthquake, and tsunami I have given you the scientific tools to educate and correct their misinformation - which at times can rise to the level of disinformation.

What I wrote above is only Part I of the Time Shift evidence I'm sharing with you. In Part II I will ask you to compare the information in both charts. Do this and you will not only be immersed in Time Shift evidence, you have a front row seat to the amazing wonders of Time Shift activity. See Part II. 

10-30-2012 Time Shift related evidence Part II: Read Part I first for continuity and clarity.

Take a good look at this current 10-30-2012 HAARP magnetometer chart. Many times I've used HAARP's magnetometer chart to document geomagnetic storms and magnetic field disturbances. This HAARP chart shows the onset of a powerful and sustained geomagnetic storm beginning on 10-30-2012 around 11:00 hrs UTC
. Look again at the NOAA k-index chart during the same time period. It's also in UTC time. 

Do you see the problem between the two charts? The NOAA k-index chart clearly shows that Earth's magnetic field is very quiet, while HAARP's magnetometer clearly shows the onset today of a powerful and sustained geomagnetic storm. This conflict of data should be an impossibility, and yet clearly there it is. When I first saw the HAARP chart, which had been almost completely flat lined for days, show a slim powerful burst

BTW, even if HAARP had an involvement with creating the geomagnetic storm it's recorded, other instruments around the world would still pick up and record. the magnetic field disturbances. The mystery deepens.

In the very early hours of the morning 10-30-2012 PDT I ran another round of checking sources to see if any of the solar eruptions and subsequent coronal mass ejections [CME] that the experts ignored - but that I shared and discussed - would hit Earth as I believed it would. The moment I saw the beginning tip of the geomagnetic storm I suspected my evidence had arrived. Checking back hours later, and seeing the sustained and powerful geomagnetic storm recorded by HAARP, I knew that Earth was again experiencing Time Shift activity and time line edits.

As a further confirmation, today the experts at SIDC changed their opinion about there being an Earth traveling CME and released the following updated report on 10-30-2012 22:00 UTC. In part it reads:

"The geomagnetic field is expected to be quiet today ... increasing to a chance for active levels with the arrival of the 27 and 28 October CMEs late in the day ... chance for minor storm levels are expected on day 2 (1 November) from CME effects. On day 3 (2 November) conditions are expected to decline to quiet to unsettled with a chance for active as CME effects subside."

Even though the experts have finally come around to what I talked about days ago, there is still a big mystery to figure out. It's confirmed that the CME was Earth directed and here it comes. Then why was HAARP able to record the geomagnetic storm and no one else in the world did? How is that possible? Even if HAARP was the source of a geomagnetic storm, which it is not in this case, any geomagnetic storm that HAARP manifests would be recordable around the world. HAARP cannot shield that type of activity from other sensitive scientific instruments. I have some ideas that I'm working on.

BTW, this geomagnetic activity, the auroras it will create, and Time Shift activity will be going strong on and through Halloween. I find that appropriate since the origins of Halloween date back to Time Shift activity. Read Part I.  

Learn more about Time Shifts:



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