April 3, 2012

Starfire Tor is the discoverer and chief researcher of Time Shifts, The Core Matrix, and Co-Existing Time Lines.  These are terms she coined to describe astounding interconnected phenomenon in which our reality and dominant current time line is constantly being edited and restructured.

The ancient origin of the Core Matrix, Time Shifts, and Co-Existing time lines involves a black hole, matter, anti-matter, and other exotic elements.  Despite the immense, and symbiotic cosmic powers that brought the Time Shift mechanism into being, the continuation of this mechanism's function requires a source of power capable of triggering the Core Matrix's prime directive.  The sun is one of those power sources.
This is why some Time Shifts are triggered by certain types of solar activity impacting and interacting with the Earth's magnetosphere.   Whether from the Earth's magnetic field being hit with solar winds, solar flares, or CMEs the effect sets into motion the Time Shift mechanism which involves the altering of  frequencies which are the foundation of all  Core Matrix Co-Existing time line programs. The above graphic illustrates the flow of energy between the Sun and the Earth. 

To learn more about this ground breaking work please listen to Starfire Tor's many interviews, including the ones with Whitley Strieber on Dreamland and her many appearances on Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell, George Noory and Whitley Strieber.

The Time Shift Alerts presented by Starfire Tor do not represent all Time Shifts or Time Shift Alerts.  Nor does this Time Shift information present all Time Shift science or scientific results.  The purpose of sharing this sampling is to educate people about the science of Time Shifts.  Part of this Time Shift Alert education involves historical events including the September 11, 2001 attacks in the U.S., the December 26, 2004 earthquake and tsunami in the Sumatra-Indonesia region, and the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan.



TIME SHIFT ALERT Begins April 3, 2012:  This chart shows how HAARP unwittingly recorded the Time Shift as it was triggered by the solar energy hit on Earth's magnetosphere.  The magnetic field disturbance also coincides with the dozen Texas tornadoes and the historical typhoon and tornadoes that hit Japan thousands of miles apart. Remember what I've taught: HAARP isn't the source of the energy or the Time Shift triggered events that go with it such as quakes and weather.  HAARP only records the magnetic field.  Neither does solar energy cause these events.  The solar energy triggers Time Shifts and it's Time Shift activity that causes the quakes and other TS phenomena.  See my original TS Alert for more. 

Texas isn't the only place experiencing dangerous Time Shift triggered weather. Japan was just hit with a massive typhoon aka hurricane.  In fact it's the strongest one Japan has experienced since 1959.  Tornadoes were also spawned.  There is much more Time Shift triggered phenomena happening than the Texas and Japan weather.  I try to present examples that everyone can access, and by that understand the value of my Time Shift information. 

Airlines canceled hundreds of flights, some train services were halted and thousands of workers went home early as Japan’s weather agency forecast the strongest winds in more than 50 years will hit Tokyo today.

Extended TIME SHIFT ALERT Begins April 4, 2012:  This Time Shift Alert is extended to April 9, 2012 because two new CMEs that erupted today April 5, 2012 in sunspot 1450 region. One CME erupted on the Sun's farside and one CME erupted on the Earthside. Also, a solar wind from from a coronal hole that opened April 4, 2012 is expected to hit Earth's magnetosphere April 7, 2012.

Some or all of the events can trigger Time Shift time line edits, and create new Co-Existing Time Lines. Due to frequency changes associated with Time Shifts, there may be Time Shift triggered earthquake, volcano, tornado, weather, and geophysical events. Tech communications may be disrupted, cetaceans may strand, and auroras will dazzle. The Time Shift Living Dead [TSLD], precognition, synchronicity, deja vu, and paranormal events will increase.  

Downloaded Friday, April 6, 2012, 9:45pm

Downloaded Friday, April 6, 2012, 9:45pm

Downloaded Tuesday, April 10, 2012, 12:45am

This beautiful red and green aurora appeared in the skies over Canada on April 7, 2012 during the current expanded Time Shift Alert.  Auroras are triggered by the same solar energy that triggers some Time Shifts.  This is why some auroras can be markers of Time Shift time line edit activity.  Photo by Giles Boutin.

Downloaded Monday, April 9, 2012, 11:34am

Following is stills from LASCO/C2 GIF movie

Update TIME SHIFT ALERT Begins April 3, 2012:  In my last post I wrote that something remarkable involving Time Shifts was going on and that I would explain it soon.  This April 11, 2012  8.6 mega quake in Indonesia is a Time Shift triggered quake and something I was expecting.  I'll still have to expand on this Time Shift info in another post.  For now I wanted you all to be aware of the quake occurring in a Time Shift Alert window.  Only some quakes are triggered by Time Shifts.  It happens as part of the Time Shift mechanism that includes frequency changes as part of time line editing and the creation of new Co-Existing Time Lines.
A massive 8.6 earthquake struck off the coast of the Indonesian island of Sumatra on Wednesday, triggering a tsunami watch for the Indian Ocean.


The same scientific condition that creates auroras is connected to the same conditions that prompt my Whale, Dolphin, and Porpoise Stranding Alerts - still in effect.  It's because the same solar activity that causes auroras, i.e. charged solar particles hitting Earth's magnetosphere, also causes the disruption in cetacean navigation that can cause stranding & wrong way travel.  Cetaceans can hear and see auroras over their head, including aurora lights reflected on the water like in this beautiful display over the waters of Norway.  Auroras have a static-like electrical sound.  Photo by Frank Olsen.

April 10, 2012:  There is something remarkable going on & it has to do with Time Shifts. I'll be posting info about it as soon as I'm satisfied with the data. Until then let me say that since this past Friday we've been experiencing Time Shift triggered time looping involving Co-existing Time lines. The most common type of report I've received so far involves people having to re-do a task they know they've already done. For some it was discovering that the laundry they had washed and folded was back in the hamper dirty. Some discovered that bills they paid were suddenly not paid. People experienced multiple synchronicity events in a short period of time. Poltergeist activity also amped up as did having personal items vanish or change right in front of a person's eyes.

PART I:  more on the April 10, 2012 'remarkable Time Shifts' post:  Not all Time Shift triggers source from the type of solar activity I publicly share.  I promote those because the physical evidence is a good teaching tool.  Some Time Shifts can be detected, not by the usual solar activity associated with Time Shift but by the odd behavior of that solar activity when known Time Shift activity presents itself.  Since a modest April 2, 2012 Earth directed CME launched and vanished, other CME, solar wind and magnetic filament eruptions have also gone missing, astray, or are moving in a repeat loop toward Earth.  Yet Time Shift evidence and events mounted as if Earth's magnetosphere had been hit by the expected charged solar particles.  It's part of the time looping enigma I spoke of in my original post. In some Co-Existing Time Lines the solar energy arrived as expected so the Time Shift events have a visible source.  In other Co-Existing Time Lines the energy was never expected.  Edit the many time lines and actions together and events intermingle with Twilight Zone results.  See PART II.

PART II:  more on April 10, 2012 'remarkable Time Shifts' post [read PART I]: By April 5, 2012 the energy from the April 2, 2012 blast was noticeably overdue and never arrived.  Also on April 5, 2012  3 CMEs erupted as seen in this image.  At 1st scientists thought none were Earth directed.  The next day the forecast changed and at least 1 CME was expected to hit April 8 or 9, 2012.  Nothing hit and by April 10, 2012 experts didn't know what happened so announced that nothing would happened.  They had no idea where the energy went.  Yet Time Shift activity was happening and being reported, including auroras triggered by the solar energy that appeared not to have hit Earth's magnetosphere.  It's why I wrote "In some Co-Existing Time Lines the solar energy arrived as expected so the Time Shift events have a visible source.  In other Co-Existing Time Lines the energy was never expected.   Edit the many time lines and actions together and events intermingle with Twilight Zone results."  See PART III.    

PART III:  more on April 10, 2012 'remarkable Time Shifts' post [read PART I and II]:  I could write 100 PARTs and not reach the end of the Time Shift solar enigma evidence which is why I'm preparing a web page that'll soon have more info.  This April 5, 2012 solar image is a video still that's rife with info dropout.  That's what those black squares are.  It means the camera couldn't identify and process whatever image input they were receiving in space.  Also notice that parts of the image aren't even in the right place which is also a syndrome when the camera gets confused.  This isn't the only place in the video where this happened.  I've studied this enigma for years and when this kind of dramatic dropout happens there's also Time Shift activity.  Remember April 5, 2012 saw 3 CMEs, at least 1 of which was expected to hit Earth but vanished instead.  Yet Time Shift activity manifested as if Earth's magnetic field was hit.  I wrote "In some Co-Existing Time Lines the solar energy arrived as expected so the Time Shift events have a visible source.  In other Co-Existing Time Lines the energy was never expected.  Edit the many time lines and actions together and events intermingle with Twilight Zone results."

Not a UFO or stargate: Extended TIME SHIFT ALERT Begins April 3, 2012:  See my recent posts "Part I, II, III".  This NASA image shows a solar filament flare directed at Mercury.  Note the bright light with a horizontal line near the tip of the flare.  The lens and image processing creates that mysterious looking artifact which is really the planet Mercury.  This type of artifact has often been misidentified as a spacecraft or stargate style wormhole, which is then followed by a lot of wrong info on whatever conspiracy appeals to the mouthpiece.  I don't want you all to fall for false info.  It misdirects away from true info. In the history of Earth there are authentic spaceships, both ET and man-made.  Wormholes are probably used for galactic and dimensional travel.  To be able to recognize what is fact and what is fake is a main key to achieving actual knowledge, wisdom, illumination, and evolution.  The illusion of truth is not a substitute for actual truth and keeps people prisoner within the illusion program.  So anytime you come across someone claiming that a solar image artifact, like this one, is a spaceship or stargate you inform them that it's an artifact.   

Extended TIME SHIFT ALERT Begins April 3, 2012:  See my recent posts "Part I, II, III".  Between April 16, 2012 and April 18, 2012 the sun erupted with at least 4 CME.  This image shows multiple CME on April 17, 2012.  Experts weren't sure if any of the energy would hit Earth, having been mystified by solar "now you see it now you don't" activity earlier in the month.  Now the experts have decided that at least 3 of the CME energies are Earth bound and will be hear around April 22, 2012.  Most certainly this activity will trigger a series of Time Shifts, whether or not the solar energy appears to hit Earth's magnetosphere.  See the previous "PART I, II, III" posts for why.  As usual with any Time Shift expect time line edits and an uptick in paranormal, poltergeist, and precognition activity.   

Update:  Extended TIME SHIFT ALERT Begins April 3, 2012:  See my recent posts "Part I, II, III":  This forecast chart from the Goddard Space Weather Lab shows how they determine when and if a CME plasma cloud will hit Earth or any other planet or spacecraft.  Earth is the yellow dot on the chart.  The experts expect this solar energy to also hit Earth, Mercury, Earth, Mars and rover Curiosity which is en route to Mars around April 22, 2012.  If this is true, and nothing Time Shift related is going on beyond the obvious expected hit, then Earth's magnetic field should remain quiet until April 22, 2012.  But if Earth's magnetic field shows a hit then something Time Shift this way is already here and time line editing.   

Update:   Extended TIME SHIFT ALERT Begins April 3, 2012:  The expected CME has hit Earth and triggered a geomagnetic storm.  This HAARP chart shows the impact's disturbance to earth's magnetic field.  The solar impact also triggered Time Shift time line edits which are still in progress.  As with all Time Shifts expect an increase in changed time line events including TSLD, apport, poltergeist, paranormal, psi, synchronicity, deja vu, psychic dreaming and precognition activity.   Due to frequency changes associated with Time Shifts there may be Time Shift triggered quake, volcano, tornado, weather, and geophysical events.  Tech communications may be disrupted, cetaceans may strand, and auroras will blaze.  Remember what I've taught.  HAARP didn't create this magnetic field disturbance.  It recorded it.

April 22, 2012, during the current geomagnetic storms and multiple Time Shift time line edits, a meteor the size of a large SUV broke thru Earth's outer atmosphere and streaked across the daylight skies of Nevada and California.  The spectacular fireball exploded over California's Sierra Nevada mountains.  It's rare to witness an event like this and much rarer to photograph it, especially in daylight.  What none of the experts mention is the series of California quakes that happened around this event.  Did this meteor cause those quakes?  Yes and No.  The meteor blazed into and thru Earth's magnetosphere, which was already entangled with Time Shifts triggered by a solar CME.  The very loud boom it created may have sent a shock-wave into the Earth setting off quakes.   But because Time Shifts can trigger quakes, due to changes in frequency, those quakes are probably associated with Time Shift activity.  Of course it's possible that the meteor acted as a focusing of the energy behind the quakes.  Photo Lisa Warren.    

Update:  Extended TIME SHIFT ALERT Begins April 3, 2012:  The auroras have been putting on a show in more locations than usual including Canada, United Kingdom, Minnesota, Michigan, Kansas, Nebraska, Wisconsin, North and South Dakota, Iowa, Illinois, Colorado, the Arctic, and Northern Ireland where Paul Martin took this amazing April 23, 2012 photo.   Purple displays made an unusual showing in Ireland too.  These auroras are caused by the CME hit on Earth's magnetosphere.  The same CME and geomagnetic storm that triggered multiple Time Shift time line editing is the same solar energy that triggers auroras.  This is why the appearance of auroras can be a marker if Time Shifts in progress.   Enjoy the beauty.   

Update:  Extended TIME SHIFT ALERT Begins April 3, 2012:  See my recent related posts.  The CME triggered geomagnetic storm continues.  Multiple Time Shift time line edits continue.  This HAARP chart shows the impact's continued disturbance to earth's magnetic field.  As with all Time Shifts expect an increase in changed time line events including TSLD, apport, poltergeist, paranormal, psi, synchronicity, deja vu, psychic dreaming and precognition activity.  Due to frequency changes associated with Time Shifts there may be Time Shift triggered quake, volcano, tornado, weather, and geophysical events.  Tech communications may be disrupted, cetaceans may strand, and auroras will blaze.  Remember what I've taught.  HAARP didn't create this magnetic field disturbance.  It recorded it.  

I had to share this April 25, 2012 aurora photo from Alaska because, as some aurora displays do, this one took on the shape of either an illuminated angel or fairy with magnificent wings.  Auroras are dazzling and dancing cosmic beauties and I love experiencing them.  I can imagine, that not too long ago and possibly today in some places, that people saw auroras and assigned their origins to messages from gods, spirits, angels, fairies, wizards, sorcerers, or other supernatural, divine or magical beings.  They had no idea that auroras are triggered by charged solar particles hitting Earth's magnetosphere.  One person's science is another person's magic.  It's been that way throughout time and in every co-existing time line.  Photo by Ryan Delos Reyes.

Another Update:  Extended TIME SHIFT ALERT Begins April 3, 2012:  See my recent related posts.  The CME triggered geomagnetic storm continues.  It's baffled the experts because the CME was supposedly very weak.  Perhaps the disappearing CMEs from weeks ago have re-manifested.  When Time Shifts are involved things like this can happen.  Multiple Time Shift time line edits continue.  This HAARP chart shows the impact's continued disturbance to earth's magnetic field.  As with all Time Shifts expect an increase in changed time line events including TSLD, apport, poltergeist, paranormal, psi, synchronicity, deja vu, psychic dreaming and precognition activity.  Due to frequency changes associated with Time Shifts there may be Time Shift triggered quake, volcano, tornado, weather, and geophysical events.  Tech communications may be disrupted, cetaceans may strand, and auroras will blaze.  Remember what I've taught.  HAARP didn't create this magnetic field disturbance.  It recorded it.

PART I of IV:  I've talked about people who look at photos of the sun and mistake camera artifacts or natural cosmic events for spaceships.  Now mainstream news is running an article about something seen in a April 24, 2012 solar photo and questioning if it's a spaceship.  While it's interesting looking I recognize it as cosmic rays/charged particles zipping by the camera lens.  I've seen thousands of them as well as oddities related to Time Shift activity, some of which I've shared.  I saw the item in question while looking through batches of solar photos.  Click on the photo and you can see it better. Why the image is rendered in black and white is a head scratcher.  It's much more pronounced in color.  Next come PARTS II, III, and IV.  Get ready for a big laugh in PART IV.  Yes the pursuit of truth can have some very funny moments.  On to PART II.

UFO Spaceship Orbiting The Sun, Or A Camera Glitch?
Published April 26, 2012  ||  LiveScience 

UFO hunters have spotted a curious object near the sun in a new NASA image. It is, in the words of a blogger for the website Gather, "what looks like a metallic, jointed spaceship with a gigantic extension, perhaps a boom arm, anchored off its lower end." 

The YouTube video drawing attention to the object has quickly made its way to discussion forums and the tabloid press, and many seasoned UFO believers are calling it a definite "spot."

But does this image, which was taken by a camera on board NASA's Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) on Tuesday (April 24), really show a spaceship dropping by the sun to harvest some solar energy, as one YouTube commenter suggested? Or is this object something much more mundane? We asked scientists in the solar physics branch at the United States Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) — the group that analyzes data from Lasco 2, the telescopic camera that snapped the picture.

According to Nathan Rich, lead ground systems engineer in the NRL's solar physics branch, the "spaceship" is merely a collection of streaks left by cosmic rays, charged particles from space, which whizzed through the camera's sensor, or CCD, as the image was taken. [See footage]


PART II of IV:  Read PART I first.  This photo shows the original April 24, 2012 color photo with the same misidentified object seen in the lower left hand corner.  Note also that a coronal mass ejection [CME] has begun to erupt on the left side of the Sun.  As I said, much more spectacular in the original photo color.  CME blasts push a lot of charged particles away from the sun at high speed.  As I wrote in PART I, the object is an artifact created by cosmic rays/charged particles zipping by the camera lens.  It's not a spaceship.  On to PART III.

PART III of IV:  Read PART I, and II first.  I cropped and enlarged the object so you can see it better.  As interesting as it looks it's not a spaceship.  It's cosmic rays/charged particles zipping in front of the camera lens.  On to PART IV and the big laugh.  

PART IV of IV:  Read PART I, II, and III first.  Here's the big laugh.  At least it's very funny to me.  I've showed you various versions of an April 24, 2012 solar photo and a small group of charged particles that some mistook for a spaceship.  Then how the heck did the people who found the "Is this a spaceship?" photo miss this doozy of a photo from the same batch?  It's like someone telling you to look at a mouse while right behind you is a live T-Rex.  Not only is this photo filled with different strange artifacts, the top right of the image shows an artifact of interesting design.  As I said, this photo group interested me because we're in a Time Shift swarm, which the Sun has a hand in.  When I see corrupted solar photos like this I look for tie-ins to Time Shift activity.  Whatever, the camera was overwhelmed by something odd and powerful taking place which lead to a corruption of the image.

CME and Earth Shown for Size Comparison
As you've noticed by the info I share, the relationship between Earth and the Sun plays a big role in the triggering of Time Shifts.  It's not always about how big or Earth directed solar energy is.  Often it's more about how Earth's magnetosphere interacts with solar energy rather than that the solar energy erupts or hits Earth.  Earth's magnetic field behaves like a magnet.  If Earth's magnetic field is in repel mode when dangerous solar energy hits, that solar energy will have a minimal impact on Earth.  If Earth's magnetic field is in a receptive mode when dangerous solar energy hits, then the magnetic field can't repel charged solar particles.  This is when Earth and Earth tech is in danger. This is also when Time Shifts are more likely to be triggered.  Time shifts can be triggered when Earth's magnetic field is in repel mode, just as long as the magnetic field is agitated and disrupted.  Auroras can be a visual physical marker that the conditions for a solar triggered Time Shift are in progress.  It's also why auroras can appear when no trigger source is detected.  The trigger source exists, but it's not in the dominant co-existing time line.  The trigger source exists in other co-existing time lines.  This NASA image shows the size of Earth compared to the Sun and a solar flare.   

Learn more about Time Shifts: 



All contents copyright ©2012 by Starfire Tor